Tag: media

  • Safeguarding Democracy: the role of the media in the European Elections 2024

    Safeguarding Democracy: the role of the media in the European Elections 2024


    RRI’s Eugen Cojocariu talked to Sabine Verheyen, chair of the Committee on Culture and Education and rapporteur on the European Media Freedom Act, adopted in March by the European Parliament, about what the new legislation means for the public media and the private press sector in Europe.


    Sabine Verheyen also discussed the means for EU institutions to counter disinformation in the coming elections for the European Parliament, so as to prevent prospective interference from third countries.


    Convincing the young generations to vote is also important, Sabine Verheyen says, and in this respect European youth need more information coming from EU institutions.



  • March 14, 2024

    March 14, 2024


    ELECTIONS The ruling coalition in Romania convenes today to discuss a joint candidate in the election for mayor general of Bucharest. So far the Social Democratic Party and the National Liberal Party have failed to reach an agreement on the topic. The 2 parties will however present a joint list of candidates for the elections for the European Parliament, due on 9 June, concurrently with the country’s local elections. The head of the European Commission’s representative office in Bucharest, Ramona Chiriac, the top nominee on this list, announced she would take unpaid leave to prepare her campaign. A career diplomat, Chiriac has nearly 20-year long experience in European affairs. The election campaign starts on 10 May and ends the day before the elections. Also this year, Romania will hold presidential elections in September and parliamentary elections in December.


    TREASURE  In a debate on Thursday, MEPs called on Russia to fully return Romania’s national treasure, and urged the European Commission and other relevant EU institutions to support Romania in its efforts. This was the first discussion in the European Parliament concerning the Romanian national treasure illegally appropriated by Russia during WWI. The EU Commissioner for cohesion and reforms, Elisa Ferreira, said the treasure had been sent for safekeeping to Russia, but was never fully returned, either by the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation. The EU is prepared to support the Romanian authorities in fully recovering the treasure, should they request EU assistance, Elisa Ferreira said, but she warned that Russia’s unjustified war against Ukraine entailed the suspension of cooperation mechanisms with Moscow. The EP debate on the treasure will be followed by a vote on a resolution in this respect. During WWI, Romania sent its national treasure for safekeeping to Russia, its only ally in the vicinity, but the Communist regime seized the assets and refused to return them. The National Bank entrusted Moscow with a total of 91.48 tonnes of pure gold.


    MEDIA The European Parliament passed the European Media Freedom Act, which is designed to protect journalists and media organisations in the EU from political and economic interference. According to the Radio Romania News and Current Affairs’ correspondent, under the new legislation member states will be obliged to protect journalists from governmental, political, economic and private interference, and all forms of interventions in editorial decisions will be banned. In order to ensure transparency with respect to mass media ownership, all channels, regardless of their size, will have to make public their ownership structure and their use of public funding.


    RECOVERY The Romanian PM Marcel Ciolacu Thursday announced that the ministers coordinating reforms would have a meeting next week with Celine Gauer, the European Commission’s director general of the Recovery and Resilience Task Force, to analyse major benchmarks in Romania’s 3rd payment request. He denied that the National Recovery and Resilience Plan has reached a deadlock, and emphasised that Romania’s relation with the European Commission is quite good. Previously, the minister for European investments and projects, Adrian Câciu, also said the 3rd payment request was not frozen. The explanations came after information was leaked regarding the European Commission freezing the 3rd payment request under the NRRP for failure to meet certain benchmarks, which according to Save Romania Union in opposition were related to appointments in the management of state-owned energy corporations and the agency charged with monitoring state-owned companies. Under the NRRP, all these institutions, without exception, must operate in compliance with corporate governance principles. On Thursday the government approved changes to the multi-annual budget for the reforms and investments undertaken in the NRRP.


    AID The National Emergency Committee passed a resolution under which Romania is to grant international assistance to Jordan, consisting in medical equipment and supplies necessary for the operation of a field hospital in Gaza. The donated products and equipment come from the medical emergency inventory managed by the Inspectorate General for Emergencies, and were flown to the site by aircraft made available by the defence ministry.

  • Evaluarea atitudinilor pro și contra ruse ale românilor la începutul războiului împotriva Ucrainei

    Evaluarea atitudinilor pro și contra ruse ale românilor la începutul războiului împotriva Ucrainei

    În cea mai recentă ediție a revistei academice Romanian Journal of European Affairs, publicată în luna decembrie 2023 de Institutul
    European din România, unul dintre articole investighează factorii care au
    influențat atitudinile cetățenilor români față de invazia rusă a Ucrainei.

    este fundamentată pe ideea că războiul are efecte nu doar în plan militar, ci
    și în plan social, prin afectarea vieții cotidiene a cetățenilor români. Acest
    lucru a fost reflectat inclusiv prin modul în care a fost prezentată din punct
    de vedere mediatic agresiunea Federației Ruse, ceea ce a favorizat o raportare
    mai degrabă polarizată față de război. Astfel, au existat atât atitudini pro-ruse,
    cât și atitudini anti-ruse ale cetățenilor. Acestea au fost influențate de
    variabile de la nivel individual, precum cele reliefate de modelele de consum
    mediatic, preocupările personale cu privire la război, atitudinile legate de politică
    și menținerea unei mentalități conspirative.

    Rezultatele cercetării confirmă
    concluziile altor analize, arătând că informarea de pe platformele social
    media duce la atitudini pro-ruse mai accentuate. Acest lucru este explicat
    de proliferarea ridicată a narațiunilor pro-ruse pe rețelele de socializare, ca
    parte a propagandei ruse.

    Textul complet al articolul este disponibil în
    limba engleză, la adresa: http://rjea.ier.gov.ro/.

    Mihaela-Adriana Pădureanu,

    Expertă, Serviciul Studii Europene

  • November 16, 2023

    November 16, 2023

    VISIT President Klaus Iohannis today concludes his 3-day visit to
    Kenya, in an African tour that is taking him next to Tanzania. In Nairobi, the
    Romanian official will visit an all-girls school to inaugurate a donation by
    Romania under its development assistance programme. In fact, consolidating
    Romania’s profile as a provider of education and training to African countries
    is one of the goals of the African tour undertaken by president Iohannis. On
    Wednesday, in Kenya, Mr. Iohannis had talks with his Kenyan counterpart William
    Ruto, on which occasion four agreements were signed in the fields of environmental
    protection and climate change, scientific cooperation, food safety and
    diplomatic training. The tour, which also includes the Republic of Cabo Verde and
    Senegal, is the first political and diplomatic initiative at this level in the
    past 30 years, and aims to re-launch Romania’s relations with the countries on
    the African continent.

    PROTEST Around 2,000 people gathered this morning in
    front of the government’s headquarters in Bucharest, in a national protest
    against the public pension system and the recent law on tax-related measures. The
    rally organised by the Meridian National Trade Union Confederation, brought
    together representatives of various public sector staff, from local police to
    civil servants or forestry and agriculture workers around the country. The main
    source of discontent is the bill on public pensions, passed by the Cabinet on November
    9, which according to trade unionists writes off some retirement rights currently
    enjoyed by several personnel categories. On Wednesday employees of Romanian
    public pensions agencies, healthcare agencies and employment agencies temporarily
    suspended work and took to the streets. Healthcare Ministry staff and
    pharmacists are also disgruntled and demand solutions from the government.

    Romania will conclude the year with a 2.2% economic growth rate, as against 4.6%
    in 2022, the European Commission’s autumn forecast indicates. Growth estimates
    have been lowered for the entire European bloc. In Romania, the causes include an
    inflation rate above the EU average, low foreign demand and limited financing
    options. The GDP growth rate is expected to reach 3.1% in 2024 and 3.4% in 2025,
    which the 2023 public deficit is put at 6.3% of GDP, instead of the 5.7%
    estimated by the Romanian government. Romania is already subject to an
    excessive deficit procedure and it must narrow the gap between public spending
    and revenues, so as not to lose EU funding.

    CONFERENCE European and Asian media professionals are taking part in
    the Media and Culture Days conference, organised by Radio Romania at the Carol
    I Central University Library in Bucharest. The conference focuses on the key
    role played by public mass media in promoting high-quality cultural content and
    in supporting diversity and inclusion, with special emphasis on local and
    regional communities. At the reception held on Wednesday night at Elisabeta
    Palace, H.R.H. Prince Radu emphasised the historical ties between the Royal
    Family and Radio Romania, two institutions in which Romanians still have
    considerable confidence.

    ISRAEL The UN Security Council has adopted a
    resolution calling for humanitarian pauses in Gaza, AFP reports. The
    resolution, drawn up by Malta and endorsed with 12 members voting in favour,
    none against and three abstentions (Russia, United Kingdom, United States) also
    calls for urgent and extended humanitarian corridors in Gaza for a
    sufficient number of days to allow aid for the civilians there, as well as for
    the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas and
    other groups, especially children. Both Israel and the Palestinian side
    criticised the resolution. The observer for Palestine, Riyad Mansour, said the
    UN should have called for ceasefire instead of only pauses, while the Israeli
    Ambassador Gilad Erdan condemned the resolution as meaningless. On site, Israeli
    fighter jets hit the home of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza, the Israeli
    army announced today. Haniyeh’s house was used as terrorist infrastructure and
    often served as a meeting point for Hamas’ senior leaders to direct terror
    attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF (Israel Defence Forces)
    soldiers, the Israeli military said. (AMP)

  • Behind the Social Networks

    Behind the Social Networks

    According to the survey, people are no longer interested in these topics and turn to social media instead. They do this because it’s more comfortable. What they need is to access Facebook, Instagram or TikTok on their phones, tablets or laptops and get the information they need, even if that piece of information is not verified and the sources not mentioned. Raluca Radu professor PhD at the Faculty of Journalism and Sciences of Communication with the Bucharest University – the Romanian partner of Reuters Institute in the world’s biggest survey on information consumption and opinion of digital viewers has given an interview to Radio Romania about the aspects of this year’s report.

    Raluca Radu: There was a watershed moment during the pandemic, when the traditional media ceded its place to the social media in terms of news access. A problem was that some of these social networks aren’t those redirecting people either to certain sites or to the traditional media but keep them there, as is the case of TikTok and Instagram. These are two networks mainly used by the young people at the global level, but also in Romania. And one of the surprises we have been seeing for the past couple of years is that TikTok is on the rise as it is very popular with the young generation and of course, year after year the young population comes with its new habits and replaces the aging population, in our survey. TikTok has a very small market share in some countries; these are the countries in Western Europe, more developed from the economic point of view with more stable democracies. In other countries, in South America or the Middle East, TikTok has a very strong presence, just like in Romania. And if we are to compare Romania with the rest of Europe, the Romanians are getting most of their information from TikTok as compared to the rest of the European countries included in the Digital News Report.

    The surveyalso highlights the issues facing the press – distrust, the lack of interest and misinformation pointing out that the people’s trust in the Romanian press continues to diminish. For the second year in a row, trust has been at the lowest level in the past 7 years: out of 10 interviewees, 7 are avoiding press information. The crises coming one after another after the pandemic, which forced people indoors, the war in Ukraine, the over-information and what could be described as information fatigue have led to a diminished interest in news and the classical information sources, says Raluca Radu.

    The report shows that journalists aren’t the first information source for the people accessing social media platforms. These are actually common people and this all of a sudden is a major problem. So, I get my information from the people in the street, some John Does who have no contact with the press, says Antonia Matei PhD lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences.

    Antonia Matei: Eventually we have to admit that journalists have many problems too. Now, to be sure that you have given a correct piece of news, it takes you much more time to verify it than it did ten years ago, let’s say, when we were not coping with this phenomenon of fake news. Journalists’ entire work has changed a lot and they are faced with lots of pressures. The newsrooms in Romania still do not have fact-checkers, all this work is additional effort by journalists, and it is not easy at all. All the research and documentation work in writing an article, in making a simple news story, which used to take you very little time before, now it takes much longer.

    The X-ray of the media in the world, starting from the results of the Digital News Report, shows that there is tremendous pressure on journalists at global level, and Raluca Radu also confirms it.

    Raluca Radu: Practically, the situation of the media is deteriorating and it’s not just the fact that the public is going to social networks. The pressure of the states on journalists is increasing. This year, for the first time, the colleagues from Oxford thought to add a very important detail to the two pages of the report: where the respective country is in the Reporters Without Borders ranking, which is a ranking of the freedom of information, and which has questions like – Are journalists beaten? Are you afraid to talk about your political views on social media? Do you need state approval when you open a website? There are some countries in which the answer was ‘yes’ to these questions, which are terrible. All over the world it is basically a battle between autocracies that are trying to gain more and more power and democracy, journalists, who are obliged to defend democracy for the whole community.

    And sometimes they do that in spite of the community, which would rather watch cute videos with little animals on TikTok, Raluca Radu added. (bill&LS)

  • Generația Z. Tinerii și media

    Generația Z. Tinerii și media

    Informația circulă, în zilele noastre, cu o viteză amețitoare și tot ceea ce vrem să aflăm, din cele mai diverse domenii, este acum doar la un click distanță. Iar tinerii din Generația Z sunt cei care par să dețină controlul absolut în aflarea informațiilor din cele mai noi canale de comunicare.

    Rețelele sociale, dar și canalele de entertainment, cum sunt Tik Tok sau Youtube, au devenit principalele surse la care apelează tinerii, în detrimentul mediilor clasice (ziarul, radioul, televiziunea), în care, spun ei, nu se mai regăsesc. Poate pentru că nu sunt atât de accesibile, poate pentru că nu sunt la fel de atractive sau poate pentru că vocea Generației Z nu se face suficient auzită în aceste mijloace de comunicare în masă tradiționale.

    Totuși, pericole sunt la tot pasul în mediul online, de la fake news până la manipulare și propagandă. Iar pentru a reuși să cerni informația, este nevoie de educație și cultură, pentru că modele sunt peste tot, trebuie doar să știi și să înțelegi cum să alegi.

    Despre relația Generației Z cu media am stat de vorbă cu Radu Simion, student în anul I la Facultatea de Drept a Universității București, cu europarlamentarul Dacian Cioloș, dar și cu Adrian Sandu, profesor de Științe Sociale la Colegiul Național ”Andrei Șaguna” din Brașov.

  • Reprezentanți de vârf ai posturilor publice de media mediteraneene se întâlnesc la București

    Reprezentanți de vârf ai posturilor publice de media mediteraneene se întâlnesc la București

    Luni, 12 decembrie, Radio România găzduiește reuniunea Comitetului Director al COPEAM – Conferința Permanentă a Audiovizualului Mediteraneean, care aduce la București manageri și profesioniști de media din zona Mediteranei. La invitația Radiodifuziunii Române, conducerea COPEAM a decis să desfășoare în România această întâlnire, la care vor participa reprezentanți ai posturilor publice de radio și televiziune membre ale organizației, din Croația, Italia, Franța, Palestina, Spania și Turcia.

    Radio România este membru în Comitetul Director al COPEAM încă din anul 2009, iar proiectele desfășurate în parteneriat au creat, în peste un deceniu de colaborare, numeroase oportunități de schimburi de programe radiofonice și de experiențe pentru jurnaliști.

    Peste 60 de instituții de media din 26 de țări sunt membre COPEAM, iar scopul organizației este dezvoltarea proiectelor de cooperare în domeniul audiovizualului și a programelor în coproducție, cu o atenție specială acordată formării jurnaliștilor și încurajării inovației și creativității în regiune. COPEAM susține campanii alături de UNESCO, Agenția ONU pentru Refugiați (UNHCR), UNAOC, FAO etc.

  • Două producții ale Teatrului Național Radiofonic în competiția oficială pentru Prix Italia 2022

    Două producții ale Teatrului Național Radiofonic în competiția oficială pentru Prix Italia 2022

    Producțiile de teatru radiofonic Anii ’60 de Ema Stere, în regia lui Mihnea Chelaru, și Solaris, după Stanisław Lem, adaptare liberă și regie de Ilinca Stihi, se află în competiția oficială a secțiunii Radio Drama la prestigiosul concurs internațional Prix Italia, dedicat producțiilor media.

    A 74-a ediție a Prix Italia se va desfășura anul acesta la Bari, în perioada 4-8 octombrie 2022. Organizatorii anunță că s-au înscris în concurs un număr record de 321 producții la cele trei categorii – radio, tv, web -, din care 94 la categoria Radio. Producțiile din competiția oficială provin de la 83 de radiouri publice din 50 de țări din întreaga lume. Se remarcă, față de anul 2021, o creștere a producțiilor înscrise cu 35%, și a producătorilor și țărilor participante cu 50%.

    Cele trei categorii de concurs sunt divizate în trei secțiuni, astfel se vor acorda 9 premii unice pentru fiecare secțiune în parte. Categoria Radio va recompensa cu câte un premiu unic producțiile de radio drama, documentar și muzică. Festivalul acordă și trei premii speciale: un Premiu special al președintelui Italiei, un premiu special al juriului de studenți și premiul special SIGNIS, ales dintre toate documentarele TV înscrise. Premiile sunt decise de jurii specializate pe categorii, compuse din personalități de renume internațional.

    Sustenabilitatea, în toate formele sale, e tema acestei ediții a festivalului, inspirată de urgența problemelor cu care se confruntă omenirea. Această temă a generat anul acesta și un nou premiu special, IFAD – Copeam Special Award, dedicat sustenabilității. Premiul va fi acordat celui mai bun program care reflectă problemele comunităților rurale din țările în curs de dezvoltare, cum sunt securitatea alimentară, statutul femeilor, șomajul în rândul tinerilor, impactul COVID-19, schimbările climatice, amenințarea biodiversității, sărăcia, migrația și conflictele.

    Concursul Prix Italia, înființat de RAI în 1948, s-a dorit o punte multiculturală de legătură între țările Europei fracturate ideologic între capitalism și comunism, după al Doilea Război Mondial. De-a lungul deceniilor, concursul a cultivat spiritul creativității și inovației, invitând artiștii și intelectualii să se dedice creației de radio și televiziune. În ultimii ani, sincron cu înmulțirea canalelor de comunicare, Prix Italia s-a deschis și spre creativitatea în media, stimulând cu premii creația pentru web. Prix Italia este un festival itinerant, fiecare ediție fiind găzduită de o altă localitate, cu scopul de a pune în valoare regiuni și comunități, pentru a le stimula dinamica culturală. Ediția 2022 a Prix Italia se va desfășura în sudul Italiei, la Bari, o regiune cu un bogat patrimoniu cultural și istoric.

    Anii ’60 comentează naufragiul primei generații de tineri decuplați de la lumea liberă, în anii consolidării regimului comunist în România. Iar cu adaptarea liberă a celebrului roman Solaris (coproducție realizată cu Institutul Polonez din București), Ilinca Stihi ridică o serie de întrebări provocate de relectura romanului, la 60 de ani de la apariția lui. Cât din realitatea percepută este doar proiecția minții umane; ce s-ar întâmpla dacă lumea vizibilă ar fi reflexia gândurilor noastre în oglinzi deformate, condamnați să retrăim la nesfârșit aceleași tragedii, ca într-o actualizare a rătăcirii prin Infernul dantesc? Participarea celor două producții Radio România în competiția oficială Prix Italia reconfirmă poziția Radio România printre cei mai valoroși producători de teatru radiofonic pe plan internațional.

    Anii ’60 de Ema Stere, adaptarea radiofonică Mihnea Chelaru. În distribuție: Daniel Badale, Constantin Cojocaru, Gavril Pătru, Ioan Grosu, Coca Bloos, Rodica Mandache, Virginia Rogin, Petru Lupu, Gheorghe Arcudean, Violeta Berbiuc, Julieana Drăghici. Asistent regie: Janina Dicu. Înregistrări de teren: Bogdan Dumitrescu și Marius Țoghină. Inginer de sunet: Mădălin Cristescu. Regia muzicală: Andrei Miricescu. Redactor: Oana Cristea Grigorescu. Regia artistică: Mihnea Chelaru.

    Solaris de Stanisław Lem, scenariu radiofonic de Ilinca Stihi, cu inserții din poeme de Halina Poświatowska. Traducerea: Sabra Daici și Ilinca Stihi. În distribuție: Mădălina Anea, Tudor Aron Istodor, Emilian Oprea, Gabriel Costin, Radu Bânzaru, Marcela Roibu, Costin Toma Dârțu. Regia de studio: Milica Creiniceanu. Asistența tehnică: Marius Țoghină. Sound design: Tom Brânduș. Muzica originală: Cristian Lolea. Redactor: Oana Cristea Grigorescu. Regia artistică: Ilinca Stihi. Spectacol realizat în parteneriat cu Institutul Polonez București.

  • Serviciile mass-media audiovizuale: norme UE adaptate erei digitale (partea a II-a)

    Serviciile mass-media audiovizuale: norme UE adaptate erei digitale (partea a II-a)

    Directiva revizuită a serviciilor mass-media audiovizuale a fost adoptată în 2018 pentru a se ține seama de evoluția peisajului mediatic din Europa. Practic, aceasta contribuie la o reglementare mai echitabilă pentru toți actorii din domeniul serviciilor mass-media audiovizuale din întreaga UE. În plus, asigură o mai bună protecție a publicului atunci când accesează conținutul media audiovizual, inclusiv în mediul online. Directiva extinde anumite norme ale UE la platformele de partajare a materialelor video, inclusiv la anumite platforme de comunicare socială și la alte servicii în cazul cărora furnizarea de conținut audiovizual constituie o funcționalitate esențială. Aceste servicii au obligația de a lua măsuri pentru a-și proteja utilizatorii împotriva conținutului ilegal și dăunător.

    Iulia Popovici a coordonat, în calitate de secretar de stat în Ministerul Culturii, transpunerea actualei Directive UE a serviciilor mass-media audiovizuale în legislația României.

  • September 17, 2021 UPDATE

    September 17, 2021 UPDATE

    CORONAVIRUS The government Friday passed a resolution making
    the green certificate, attesting vaccination, negative testing or recovery from
    COVID-19, compulsory upon entering
    restaurants, gyms, or attending public and private events in areas where the infection rate is over 3 per
    thousand. This is the same digital certificate required this summer for travel
    within the EU. On Friday, authorities announced 4,478 new cases of COVID-19
    infection in 24 hours, from over 46,000 tests.
    In the same interval, 73 related fatalities were also reported and 762
    patients treated in intensive care. Bucharest exceeded, on Friday, the
    threshold of 2 per thousand inhabitants cumulated in 14 days, which brings the
    capital city in the yellow zone. Meanwhile, on Thursday the National Committee
    on Emergency Situations approved a new list of high-risk countries, valid as of
    September 19. Bulgaria and France are now back in the yellow zone, and Spain is
    listed as a green-zone country.

    CONNECTING EUROPE Romania needs to step up investments in the rail
    infrastructure, the European Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean said on
    Friday. Attending the arrival in Bucharest’s main railway station of Connecting
    Europe Express, a special train designed in the European Year of Rail, she
    explained that Romania must plan its investments well, come up to solid
    projects and manage these investments as efficiently as possible. I am aware of
    the situation of railways in Romania and I undertake to do everything in my
    power to help finance and develop it, the interim transport minister Dan Vîlceanu
    said in his turn. Connecting Europe Express will stop in stations in 26
    countries during its five-week, 20,000-km journey, before arriving in Paris on
    October 7. The train departed from Lisbon and, before reaching Paris, it will
    stop in Ljubljana, connecting the Portuguese, Slovenian and French presidencies
    of the Council of the EU.

    VISIT The European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, will be in
    Bucharest on September 27, the EC deputy spokesperson Dana Spinant announced on
    Friday. She added that in the coming days the Commission will complete its
    assessment of Romania’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Under the Plan,
    Bucharest is set to receive over 29 billion euro, half of it in grants and half
    in loans. Romania plans reforms and investments in transports, environment,
    agriculture, healthcare, education, business environment, research, innovation,
    digitisation as well as resilience in crisis situations. According to the
    Commission, 18 states have already seen their national recovery plans approved,
    and 12 of them have already received the first instalments of the funds for
    investment projects.

    COURT Romania’s Constitutional Court will discuss on September 28 the notification filed by the Liberal Prime
    Minister Florin Cîţu’s Cabinet, in connection with an alleged constitutional
    conflict with Parliament concerning the no-confidence motion filed by the
    USR-PLUS alliance, a former junior coalition partner, and AUR, a nationalist
    party, in the opposition. The Government denounced Parliament’s alleged
    unconstitutional, disloyal and abusive behaviour towards the Government, as the
    no-confidence motion tabled by the latter had allegedly been initiated, tabled
    and communicated in terms that are against the Constitution. Pending the Court’s ruling, the debate and
    vote on the motion are in standby, Parliament decided.

    biggest new media art event in Romania will be held on Saturday. iMapp
    Bucharest – Winners league is also among the top three international video
    mapping competitions. The works of teams from the US, Germany, Ukraine, Japan
    and Hungary will be presented on the world’s biggest screening area, namely,
    the façade of the Parliament Palace in Bucharest, of 23,000 sqm. The theme of
    this year’s edition is The Show Must Go On and celebrates through works that
    blend light, technology and music, the way in which people have been returning
    to normal life.

    NATO Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant-General Daniel
    Petrescu is taking part over September 17-19 in the conference of the NATO
    Military Committee, which brings together in Athens, Greece heads of military
    from Allied countries. Talks will tackle NATO operations, missions and
    activities. Additionally, the conference will also address means of
    implementing the Deterrence and Defence of the Euro-Atlantic Area, and NATO’s
    Warfighting Capstone Concept. According to the Romanian Defence Ministry, the
    Military Committee will analyze the NATO 2030 initiative and all its military
    implications and opportunities. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • דוד סרנגה במחנה הקיץ של מדיה חברתית  ביז רומניה

    דוד סרנגה במחנה הקיץ של מדיה חברתית ביז רומניה

    שגריר ישראל דיוויד סרנגה השתתף במחנה הקיץ של רשת מדיה חברתית ב- Biz זו השנה השלישית ברציפות. הדיפלומט הישראלי חזר השנה למחנה ביז בליווי סגן השגריר בבוקרשט, אמיר סגרון, כדי לדבר על דיפלומטיה דיגיטלית, ניהול משברים ועל השימוש ברשתות חברתיות.

    יותר מ -100 מנהלי תחום הדיגיטל, מנהלי שיווק, משפיעים ומומחי מדיה חברתית אחרים השתתפו כדי להחליף דעות על המגמות בתחום האונליין. המסקנה נראית ברורה, אמר דוד סרנגה: נפגש ב- TikTok.

  • 24.06.2021


    UE -
    Les chefs européens d’Etat et de gouvernement se réunissent, aujourd’hui et
    demain, à Bruxelles, pour le Conseil européen d’été. La Roumanie sera représentée
    par le président Klaus Iohannis. A l’ordre du jour de la réunion : la
    gestion de la crise de la Covid-19 au niveau de l’Union, la relance économique,
    les migrations, tout comme les relations entre l’Union européenne et la Turquie
    et, respectivement, la Fédération russe. Le président roumain participera
    également au sommet de la zone euro qui aura lieu demain, 25 juin, où les
    dirigeants européens discuteront des défis économiques pour la zone euro au
    lendemain de la crise sanitaire. Ils feront aussi le point sur l’union bancaire
    et l’union des marchés des capitaux au niveau européen. Selon un communiqué de
    l’administration présidentielle, Klaus Iohannis va décorer aujourd’hui Donald
    Tusk, le président du Parlement européen, au siège de la Représentation
    permanente de la Roumanie auprès de l’Union européenne à Bruxelles.

    – Le
    ministre roumain des Affaires étrangères Bogdan Aurescu démarre aujourd’hui une
    tournée régionale de trois jours au Caucase Sud, accompagné par les chefs des
    diplomaties d’Autriche, Alexander Schallenberg, et de Lituanie, Gabrielius
    Landsbergis. L’action vise à renforcer le profil géopolitique de l’UE dans son
    voisinage et d’accroitre son implication dans la résolution des conflits
    prolongés de la région. Le déplacement comprend des visites en Azerbaïdjan, en
    Arménie et en Géorgie. Les trois ministres auront des rencontres à Bakou,
    Erevan et Tbilissi, avec des réceptions au sommet et des consultations élargies
    avec leurs homologues des pays visités. Cette visite donnera un signal fort en
    matière d’ouverture et d’intérêt de l’Union européenne à soutenir une
    coopération élargie entre les pays du Caucase Sud, y compris par
    l’intermédiaire du Partenariat oriental. Le ministère des Affaires étrangères
    de Bucarest souligne que le Caucase Sud est une zone d’intérêt géopolitique
    prioritaire pour la Roumanie, et que la résolution des conflits prolongés de la
    région de la mer Noire constitue un objectif stratégique pour le pays.

    Coronavirus -
    Une nouvelle tranche de 60 000 doses de vaccin anti-Covid-19
    Johnson&Johnson, qui ne nécessite pas de rappel, est arrivé en Roumanie. Le
    nombre des contaminations est toujours bas et les hôpitaux sont en train de
    préparer leur réouverture pour traiter les malades non-Covid. 68 nouveaux cas
    de contamination ont été rapportés ce jeudi, sur 28 000 tests effectués au
    niveau national. 145 décès ont également été rapportés, mais seulement 7 datent
    des dernières 24 heures, les autres 138 étant des décès survenus l’année
    dernière ou début 2021 et qui n’ont pas été rapportés à temps. Depuis le début
    de la pandémie, 32 771 personnes sont décédées des suites de l’infection avec
    le nouveau coronavirus.

    Média -
    Les bureaux réunis du Sénat et de la Chambre des députés de Bucarest ont nommé
    ce matin Ramona Săseanu et Liviu Popescu en tant que directeurs généraux par
    intérim de la Télévision et de la Radio publiques pour une période de 60 jours.
    Les deux avaient été nommé à ces mêmes fonctions le 11 mai, par le Parlement,
    après que les deux chambres réunies avaient rejeté les rapports d’activité pour
    2017, 2018 et 2019 des deux institutions. Le 17 juin, la Cour constitutionnelle
    de la Roumanie avait déclaré recevable la saisine formulée par le Parti
    social-démocrate (d’opposition) et a jugé inconstitutionnelles les décisions du
    Parlement concernant la désignation des directeurs généraux par intérim des
    deux institutions médias. Le président de la Chambre des députés, Ludovic
    Orban, a précisé que la procédure d’aujourd’hui fait suite à la décision de la Cour
    constitutionnelle et que son but est d’assurer la gestion courante de la Radio
    et de la Télévision publiques.

    Education -
    Les élèves roumains en dernière année de collège ont eu ce matin l’épreuve de
    mathématique de l’Evaluation nationale, l’équivalent du Brevet français en
    Roumanie. Mardi, ils ont eu l’examen de langue et littérature roumaine. Environ
    94% des quelques 130 000 élèves inscrits sur les listes se sont présentés à
    cette première épreuve, un pourcentage plus élevé que celui l’année dernière. Demain,
    les élèves appartenant aux minorités nationales vont plancher sur l’épreuve de
    langue et littérature de leur langue maternelle respective.

    – Chaque année, le 24 juin marque la Journée universelle
    de la blouse roumaine – la « ie » – pièce emblématique du costume traditionnel
    et symbole international de la culture roumaine. Cette année, la ie est fêtée
    dans plus de 50 pays, par les missions diplomatiques roumaines, par les musées
    ou autres institutions culturelles, ou tout simplement par les communautés
    roumaines. C’est une communauté en ligne, « La Blouse Roumaine », qui a lancé
    cette journée de la blouse en 2013. Cette année, ils ont choisi pour thème la
    nature et l’artisanat, pour faire réfléchir à la relation que cette pièce
    d’habillement entretien avec la nature, en termes d’inspiration, de motifs, de
    matière première ou, encore, de rituels.

    – Vigilance
    rouge canicule aujourd’hui et demain dans sept départements de l’ouest et le
    nord-ouest de la Roumanie, où sont attendus des pics de chaleur à 41 °C. Dans
    le reste du pays, les maximales iront de 33 à 37°C et des taux élevés
    d’humidité, ce qui rendra les températures particulièrement difficiles à
    supporter. Des orages et des pluies torrentielles sont attendues sur la moitié
    est du pays, notamment dans l’après-midi et en soirée. A Bucarest, il faisait
    30° à midi, avec une température maximale attendue de 34°.

  • Europa Creativă 2021-2027: un buget cu peste 60% mai mare

    Europa Creativă 2021-2027: un buget cu peste 60% mai mare

    Sectoarele culturale și creative reprezintă 4,2 % din PIB-ul total al UE și 3,7 % din forța de muncă a Uniunii. Iar la nivel european, cultura chiar pare să devină una dintre priorități. Cu 63% a crescut bugetul total al noului program Europa Creativă pentru următorii 7 ani, în comparație cu perioada 2014 – 2020. Așadar, vorbim acum despre 2,4 miliarde de euro care merg către cele trei componente ale programului. CULTURA acoperă toate sectoarele culturale și creative, cu excepția celui audiovizual și cinematografic, și primește 33% din bugetul total.

    Cea mai mare parte din noul buget revine componentei MEDIA, care acoperă sectorul audiovizual și cinematografic – 58%. Iar COMPONENTA TRANSSECTORIALĂ, care facilitează colaborarea între sectoarele creative și acoperă, pentru prima dată, sectorul mass-media de știri, primește 9% din buget.

    În următorii 7 ani, Europa Creativă pune un accent mai mare, printre altele, pe incluziune, pe sprijinirea sectoarelor de muzică contemporană și muzică live, pe promovarea talentelor feminine.

  • November 26, 2020

    November 26, 2020

    Coronavirus Romania. Almost 450,000 people have
    had Covid-19 in Romania since the start of the outbreak, with some 9,000 new
    cases and 171 new deaths reported on Thursday. 1,226 people are receiving
    intensive care treatment. A number of villages around Bucharest are in
    lockdown. People’s health comes first and easing restrictions too early risks
    undoing the progress made, said president Klaus Iohannis. He explained that,
    according to statistical data, new infections have begun to drop slightly
    countywide over the last six days.

    Coronavirus world. Global
    coronavirus cases pass 60 million and the death toll 1.42 million. The US,
    which is the worst hit country in the world, has recorded 13 million cases and
    at least 268,000 deaths. In Europe, the president of the European Commission
    Ursula von der Leyen said the first European citizens may be vaccinated before the end of December. In a speech before
    the European Parliament, she said EU member states should start preparing the
    logistics for the deployment of the vaccine doses. The European Union on
    Wednesday signed a contract with the American biotechnology company Moderna for
    160 million doses of its vaccine, which offers 94.5% protection. Meanwhile, most
    countries are struggling with high infection rates. Despite this, France,
    Ireland and the UK have announced plans to ease restrictions around Christmas,
    to allow people to visit friends and families.

    Recovery. The
    recovery and Resilience Plan for Romania will be presented publicly this
    evening in the presence of president Klaus Iohannis, prime minister Ludovic
    Orban and the government. President Iohannis said last weekend that this is a
    comprehensive plan and the measures envisaged benefit from over 30 billion
    euros of European funding. He also said the plan is about reforms,
    infrastructure and many sectors that need to be modernised and revived. He
    explained that after being made public, the recovery and resilience plan would
    go on to be submitted to public consultation before being presented in Brussels
    so that funding be released next year.

    Media freedom. The European Parliament is deeply
    concerned about the state of media freedom in the European Union, which has
    deteriorated amid the pandemic, and is deploring the violence, harassment and
    pressure on journalists. In a resolution adopted on Wednesday, the European Parliament
    warns of attempts by the governments of some member states to silence critical
    and independent media and undermine freedom and pluralism. MEPs are
    particularly concerned about the state of public service media in some EU
    countries, where they have become an example of pro-government propaganda. The
    European Parliament is also critical of governments for invasive interference
    in public advertising and emphasises that EU funds must not be spent on
    government-controlled media or political propaganda.

    Moldova. The president elect of the Republic of
    Moldova Maia Sandu has unveiled her priorities.
    She said Moldova is facing a crisis in all areas and that things can be solved
    through gradual effort aimed in three main directions: a positive foreign
    policy to take the country out of isolation; a state budget for next year that
    ensures support for the economy; and firm action to combat corruption. Maia
    Sandu also said that a visit to Chisinau by the Romanian president Klaus
    Iohannis would be organised in the first weeks of her mandate and that she is
    also planning to meet Ukraine’s president Volodymyr

    Maradona. The former great Romanian player
    Gheorghe Hagi deplores the death of Diego Maradona, saying he was unique and an
    inspiration to him for his love of the game. Hagi was often compared with the Argentina
    star player and was even called Maradona from the Carpathians at the peak of
    his career. The former Romanian international player Miodrag Belodedici also paid tribute to Maradona, saying he considers
    him to be the best player in history. Maradona died from heart attack aged 60 at
    his home in Buenos Aires on Thursday. He won the World Cup with the national
    side in 1986, but was eliminated from the 1994 world championship after testing positive for doping. After
    struggling with drug use, overeating and alcoholism for many years, Maradona
    reinvented himself and took over the management of the Argentinean national
    side in 2008. Three days of national mourning were declared in Argentina after
    his death.

    FIFA ranking. Romania went up 7 places to the 37th
    position in the FIFA ranking published today, so they will be in pot two for
    the 2022 World Cup qualifying draw. The leap made by Romania in the world
    ranking comes after its results in November: a 5-3 win against Belarus in a
    friendly match, and a 3-nil win against Norway Romania was handed by UEFA and a
    draw against Northern Ireland in the Nations League competition. Romania are
    now in Europe’s top 20. The draw for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar will take
    place on 7th December. (CM)

  • 01.05.2020 (mise à jour)

    01.05.2020 (mise à jour)

    – Cette année la Journée
    internationale des travailleurs, que les Roumains ont l’habitude de fêter en
    plein air, avec les amis ou la famille, tombe en plein confinement. Les autorités roumaines n’ont pas
    cessé de le répéter ces jours-ci : Restez chez vous durant ce long weekend
    et respectez strictement les restrictions de circulation en vigueur. Le
    ministre de l’Intérieur Marcel Vela a fait un appel aux citoyens vendredi, d’avoir
    « un comportement correct » et de ne pas sortir en grand nombre dans
    les rues. Il faut tenir encore un peu pour voir s’ouvrir une perspective
    optimiste, s-t-il rajouté. Environ 36.000 agents de police, militaires,
    gendarmes ou pompiers sont mobilisés durant tout le weekend, notamment dans les
    points de passage vers les stations touristiques ou directement dans les
    endroits réputés pour accueillir pique-niques, barbecues ou autres fêtes. Les
    forces de l’ordre sont présentes également sur le littoral de la mer Noire,
    pris d’assaut traditionnellement le 1er mai, date du début de la
    saison estivale en Roumanie. L’avertissement est clair là aussi : prendre
    des bains de soleil n’est pas une raison valide pour quitter son domicile. Les
    spécialistes redoutent une augmentation du nombre de cas d’infection en cas de
    non respect des règles de distanciation sociale, ce qui pourrait mener à un
    report de la date de déconfinement, prévu le 15 mai.

    en Roumani
    e – La Roumanie a confirmé jusqu’à présent plus
    de 12.500 cas de contamination au nouveau coronavirus, dont plus de 4.300
    personnes ont guéri. Le nombre de décés des suites de l’infection au Sars-Cov-2
    a dépassé les 726. A l’étranger, plus de 2.300 ressortissants roumains ont été testés
    positifs, la plupart d’entre eux en Italie.

    Médias – Le gouvernement roumain a alloué jeudi, par ordonnance d’urgence,
    200 millions de lei (soit environ 42 millions d’euro) à une vaste campagne
    d’information qui se déroulera pendant quatre mois dans les médias.
    L’objectif : informer les citoyens concernant les règles à respecter
    pendant l’état d’urgence sanitaire, mais aussi au-delà du 15 mai, date prévue
    du déconfinement en Roumanie. 47% du budget ira vers les chaînes de télévision
    nationales, et le reste de l’argent sera divisé entre la presse écrite ou en
    ligne locale et régionale et les stations de radio locales et régionales. Selon
    l’exécutif, cette campagne d’information publique constitue en même temps un
    mécanisme de soutien à la presse et aux journalistes roumains qui ont vu
    baisser leurs revenus publicitaires de manière significative en cette période.
    Une partie des potentiels bénéficiaires de cette campagne ont déjà montré leur opposition
    de principe concernant les fonds accordés directement par le gouvernement à la
    presse, qui s’apparentent, selon eux, à une aide d’Etat dissimulée sous la
    forme d’une campagne d’information. L’alternative proposée par la presse serait
    la concession d’éventuels bénéfices de nature fiscale qui aideraient toute
    l’industrie média, sans discrimination.

    Par ailleurs, un site d’information fermé le 23
    avril et rouvert jeudi, a été refermé moins d’une demi-journée plus tard. Ces
    derniers jours, plusieurs sites ont été fermés à la demande du Groupe de
    communication stratégique du gouvernement roumain, accusés de disséminer de
    fausses informations liées à la pandémie de coronavirus. Les autorités ont déclaré
    que leur but était de prévenir les campagnes de désinformation, mais l’Avocat
    du peuple, soit l’équivalent roumain du défenseur des Droits en France, a précisé
    que la liberté d’expression ne figurait pas parmi les droits dont l’exercice
    pouvait se retrouver limité durant l’état d’urgence.

    Presse -Des dizaines de
    journalistes sont décédés ces deux derniers mois dans le monde entier à cause
    du nouveau coronavirus, selon l’ONG suisse PEC (Press Emblem Campaign), qui déplore
    une protection insuffisante des employés des médias couvrant la pandémie. « Les
    journalistes courent des risques importants dans cette crise, car ils doivent
    continuer à informer, en se rendant dans les hôpitaux, en interviewant les
    médecins, infirmiers, les dirigeants politiques, les spécialistes, les
    scientifiques, les patients », explique l’organisation suisse. PEC dit avoir
    recensé depuis le 1er mars « le décès des suites du coronavirus de 55
    journalistes dans 23 pays », L’Equateur étant le pays le plus touché avec neuf
    journalistes décédés, suivi des Etats-Unis (huit), du Brésil (quatre) puis de
    la Grande-Bretagne et de l’Espagne (trois pour chacune).

    Météo – Temps chaud, mais instable en Roumanie, avec
    des journées ensoleillées et chaudes, voire caniculaires, suivies de
    refroidissements et de pluies qui pourront tourner à l’orage – voilà les
    prévisions de l’Administration nationale de météorologie pour le mois de mai. Dans
    les 24 prochaines heures, le temps restera généralement chaud, mais instable,
    avec des averses orageuses et de la grêle localement.