Tag: Media 2020

  • September 12, 2017

    September 12, 2017

    DEFENCE PORTFOLIO – The incumbent economy minister, Mihai Fifor, has been nominated by the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party – the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats to take over the defence portfolio. He is to be replaced at the economy ministry by the Social Democrat MP Gheorghe Şimon. The former defence minister, Adrian Ţuţuianu, resigned a week ago, after PM Mihai Tudose reproached him for improper communication relative to the payment of salaries and allowances of troops and civilians working in the Army. The Defence Ministry had announced that the employees would receive this month only their allowances and salaries, and not their meals allowances, and without paying to the state budget the social security contributions and the income taxes. The announcement made by the defence ministry was later denied by both the prime minister and the finance minister, who said there were no problems with the payment of salaries. The president of the National Liberal Party, in opposition, Ludovic Orban, has accused the Government of being unwilling to comply with the commitment it has made to allot 2% of the GDP for the army endowment program. The care-taking defence minister is deputy prime minister Marcel Ciolacu.

    MOTION – The Chamber of Deputies is today debating the simple motion tabled by the National Liberal Party and the Save Romania Union (both in opposition), against justice minister Tudorel Toader. The signatories say the amendments to the justice laws, initiated by Toader, are an attempt to cancel the progress made in the field. The vote on the motion is due on Wednesday, in a plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies. Vehemently criticised by civil society and the media, Toaders draft stipulated, among others, that the countrys president will no longer nominate the chief prosecutors of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate and of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organised Crime and Terrorism, provides for subordinating the judicial inspection unit to the justice ministry and for increasing the number of years necessary to get promoted as a magistrate. At the start of the year, after the governments attempt to change the criminal codes by an emergency ordinance, hundreds of thousands of Romanians took to the streets in Bucharest, across the country and abroad. They accused the power of trying to exonerate influential people in politics and administration from criminal liability for acts of corruption.

    US-ROMANIAN STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP – The Romanian Senate is today adopting a political declaration to mark 20 years since Romania signed the Strategic Partnership with the US. Launched on July 11, 1997, on the occasion of the visit paid to Bucharest by the then US president Bill Clinton, at the invitation of his Romanian counterpart Emil Constantinescu, the Partnership made possible the establishment of privileged relations between the two countries and deepened cooperation once Romania joined NATO in 2004. Romania is hosting military bases and elements of the US anti-missile shield, and its troops have fought, alongside the Americans, in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Romanian foreign ministry has recently issued a communiqué, expressing its confidence that the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the USA will continue to develop and expand, capitalising on all opportunities and the potential of an outstanding bilateral relation.

    INTL CONFERENCE OF PUBLIC RADIO SERVICES – The mountain resort of Sinaia, in southern Romania is currently hosting the annual meeting of public radio services, which continues the Media 2020 meeting, organised by the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation and the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. For two days, radio and tv experts from numerous countries are sharing their experiences and ideas on the best way in which they can face challenges specific to media institutions. The participants will also talk about the values that should be promoted by public media services, against the backdrop of a fast paced development of social media services.

    ENESCU FESTIVAL – The prestigious “George Enescu International Music Festival continues in Bucharest. Today, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London will give a concert for the second evening in a row. The program includes Enescus Romanian Rhapsody and pieces by Maurice Ravel and Claude Debussy. The soloist of the evening is the world-famous pianist Martha Argerich, and the orchestra will perform under the baton of the outstanding conductor Charles Dutoit. Over 3,000 of the best musicians in the world will perform in Bucharest and seven other cities across the country until September 24. Inaugurated in 1958, interrupted by the communist regime in 1971 and resumed after the fall of communism, the Enescu Festival is held every other year.

  • Представники радіостанцій зі всього світу зібралися в Сінаї

    Представники радіостанцій зі всього світу зібралися в Сінаї

    Радіо Румунія і Азійсько-тихоокеанський мовний союз провели
    на румунському гірському курорті Сіная конференцію «Media 2020» на тему «Як може співпраця між Європою
    й Азією допомогти подолати нові виклики в сфері ЗМІ». У заході взяли участь
    експерти з усього світу, які обговорили, зокрема, те, як мовники з усіх континентів
    ставляться до перетворень в галузі засобів масової інформації.

    «Для будь-якого
    ЗМІ важливо, щоб суспільство вважало його надійним джерелом», – сказав Девід Джордан,
    керівник з питань редакційної політики Бі-Бі-Сі. Він зазначив, що в умовах
    стрімкого розвитку цієї сфери, яка часто
    є упередженою, збереження цінностей та стандартів є складним завданням. На його
    думку, забезпечення точності та неупередженості є дуже складним завданням і не
    завжди може бути зроблено досконало. Громадськість повинна довіряти нам і це
    абсолютно необхідно для репутації BBC, – сказав він.

    Можливим рішенням в цьому сенсі може стати інформаційна
    платформа, яка б об’єднала азійських та європейських мовників, з тим щоб вони
    могли обмінюватися досвідом, прийшли до
    висновку учасники конференції. Вони також обговорили й підвищену увагу, яку молодь приділяє соціальним
    мережам та зосередились на пошуку рішень щодо залучення покоління Інтернету до
    традиційних постачальників інформації.

    В умовах справжнього технологічного «вибуху»
    радіо залишається надзвичайно важливим елементом у медіа-середовищі, – вважає
    Оля Буйяр, директор Азійсько-тихоокеанського мовного союзу. «Вже багато поколінь
    людей пророкують смерть радіо, але радіо ніяк не вмирає, воно активне, але працює
    на різних платформах. У Азійсько-Тихоокеанському регіоні, у всіх 69 країнах,
    радіо є надзвичайно важливим і надзвичайно живим і навіть приваблює нових
    слухачів», – сказала Оля Бойяр.

    У свою чергу, Генеральний секретар Азійсько-тихоокеанського мовного союзу Джавад Моттагі наголосив на важливості суспільного радіо в Румунії. Він розповів про зміцнення та
    розширення партнерства між Азійсько-тихоокеанським мовним союзом та суспільною
    радіостанцією Румунії.

    Після Конференції «Media 2020» теж у Сінаї відбувається
    щорічне засідання керівників громадських радіо та телевізійних установ багатьох
    країн світу. Експерти з радіо та телебачення з більш ніж 40 країн діляться
    своїм досвідом та ідеями щодо того, як краще вирішувати проблеми, з якими
    стикаються ЗМІ. Це перша подібна подія проведена в Південно-Східній Європі.

  • MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017 (update)

    MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017 (update)

    Today, Hotel Palas in Sinaia hosted the Media 2020 Conference, entitled How can Asia-Europe cooperation help meet new media challenges, organized by Radio Romania and ABU (Asia-Pacific — Europe Broadcasting Union), attended by Minister of Culture and National Identity Lucian Romașcanu.

    Present in Sinaia, Minister of Culture and National Identity Lucian Romașcanu spoke upon the opening of the conference about the mission of public media outlets and their role in informing and educating:

    “What you do here is important, because bringing together entities from Asia and Europe is more than a technical discussion on what we are doing or will be doing as media outlets.”

    Javad Mottaghi, General Secretary ABU, PhD, said that broadcasters in the Asia-Pacific region face similar challenges with European broadcasters. He said that the importance of such an international platform is to establish ways to deal with challenges and opportunities in any part of the world, providing an opportunity for partners to learn from one another.

    Experts from across the world spoke about the way in which broadcasters from all continents deal with changes in the media industry. Debates in the first half of the day focused on the major trends in developing media in Europe, Asia, and America. Media experts debated the way in which the progress of technology influences content without affecting the accuracy of information, also discussing the way the refugee issue has been treated in the media.

    Proceedings continued with presentations of youth oriented media projects, with discussions on the positive or negative role of social media platforms.

    At the end of the 3rd edition of the Media 2020 conference, the second held in Romania, Interim Director General of the Romanian Broadcasting Corporation Georgică Severin concluded:

    “As director general of public radio, I was pleased to hear about so many best practices implemented by broadcasters all over the world. It is equally pleasing to see how an information Silk Road links once again Asia to Europe.”

    On Tuesday and Wednesday, also in Sinaia, the conference continues, bringing together heads of public radio and television outlets from several member countries (Public Broadcasters International members), as part of the PBI 2017 Conference.

    For more details, go to www.media2020.srr.ro, as well as www.pbi2017.srr.ro.

  • Radio România – punct nodal pe un Drum al Mătăsii informaționale

    Radio România – punct nodal pe un Drum al Mătăsii informaționale

    Astăzi, la hotel Palace – Sinaia, în prezenţa Ministrului Culturii și Identității Naționale, Lucian Romaşcanu, a avut loc Conferinţa Media 2020 cu tema Cooperarea dintre Europa şi Asia în faţa noilor provocări în domeniul media, organizată de Radio România şi de Uniunea Audiovizualului Asia-Pacific (ABU).

    Prezent la Sinaia, Ministrului Culturii și Identității Naționale, Lucian Romaşcanu, a vorbit în deschiderea conferinței despre misiunea posturilor publice şi rolul acestora în informare şi educaţie: E important ce faceţi aici, pentru că aducerea împreună a celor din Asia şi Europa este mai mult decât o discuţie tehnică despre ce facem sau vom face, ca media”.

    Cred că noi, radiodifuzorii din regiunea Asia-Pacific, ne confruntăm cu aceleaşi provocări care există şi la nivelul celor din Europa. Importanţa unei asemenea platforme internaţionale este să vedem cum putem transforma provocările în oportunităţi în orice parte a lumii şi să învăţăm unii de la alţii”, a afirmat dr. Javad Mottaghi, Secretarul general al Uniunii Audiovizualului Asia-Pacific (ABU), vorbind despre importanţa unei platforme în care radiodifuzorii să poată beneficia fiecare de experienţa celuilalt.

    Experţi din întreaga lume au vorbit despre modul în care radiodifuzorii de de toate continentele se raportează la transformările din industria media. Dezbaterile din prima parte a zilei s-au concentrat pe tendinţele majore în dezvoltarea mass media din Europa, Asia şi America. Specialişti ai mass media au dezbătut modul în care progresele tehnologice influenţează conţinutul mesajului fără a fi afectată acurateţea informaţiilor, discutându-se de asemenea despre modul în care a fost tratată în media problema refugiaţilor.

    Lucrările au continuă prin prezentarea unor proiecte media orientate către tineri, a rolului pe care îl au reţelele sociale – constructiv sau nu?

    La încheierea lucrărilor celei de-a treia ediții a conferinţei Media 2020, a doua organizată în România, Directorul General Interimar al Radio România, Georgică Severin, a concluzionat: Ca director general al radioului public institution, mi-a făcut plăcere să aud atâtea exemple de bună practică implementate de radiodifuzori din întreaga lume. Îmi este cu atât mai plăcut să văd cum Drumul Mătăsii, unul informațional de această dată, leagă din nou Asia cu Europa”.

    În continuare, marţi şi miercuri, tot la Sinaia, se vor reuni şefii instituţiilor publice de radio şi televiziune din mai multe ţări ale lumii (membri ai Public Broadcasters International) pentru Conferinţa PBI 2017,

    Detalii, pe www.media2020.srr.ro, respectiv www.pbi2017.srr.ro.

  • Reuniunea Media 2020 de la Sinaia, la final

    Reuniunea Media 2020 de la Sinaia, la final

    A treia reuniune Media 2020, co-organizată de Radio România şi Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) a avut loc, luni, la Sinaia. Reprezentanți a posturilor de radio și televiziune din Asia și Europa au dialogat pe tema Cum poate ajuta cooperarea Asia-Europa în faţa noilor provocări în domeniul media”. Jurnaliștii sosiți la Sinaia au avut ocazia să își împărtășească experiențele și să discute despre cum media digitale și rețele sociale pot aduce mai aproape ascultătorii de radio.

    Prezent la reuniunea de la Sinaia, David Jordan, director editorial Policy & Standards BBC (Marea Britanie) a declarat pentru Radio România: “Cred că lumea în care lucrăm se modifică atât de rapid încât trebuie să fim în permanenţă în alertă privind păstrarea valorilor şi a standardelor organizaţiilor noastre. Ele au o importanţă critică pentru succesul nostru. O importanţă critică pentru încrederea pe care publicul o are în noi şi este absolut esenţial ca, de exemplu, la BBC, să rămânem văzuţi ca o sursă-autoritate, de încredere, de ştiri şi informaţie şi o sursă de ştiri şi informaţie independentă şi imparţială.”

    Olya Booyar, directorul Departamentului Radio din cadrul ABU, consideră că radioul va supraviețui avansului tehnologic și schimbărilor aduse de lumea digitală: Oamenii prevăd moartea radioului de generaţii întregi, însă radioul nu este deloc mort, el este activ, doar că funcţionează pe diferite platforme. În regiunea Asia-Pacific, în toate cele 69 de ţări, radioul este în continuare extrem de important şi este extrem de viu — şi chiar atrage noi ascultători.”

    “Există oportunităţi, oportunităţile pot fi diferite de la continent la continent. Dar cel mai important lucru ca să avem aceste platforme internaţionale este să cunoaştem ce veţi face dumneavoastră pentru a schimba provocarea în oportunitate în Europa, ce facem noi ca să schimbăm provocarea în oportunitate în Asia şi să învăţăm din experienţele noastre şi să privim la modalităţile viitoare”, consideră Javad Mottaghi, secretarul general al Uniunii Audiovizualului Asia-Pacific.

    Întâlnirea de la Sinaia continuă, pe 12 şi 13 septembrie, cu conferința anuală a Public Broadcasting International, la care participă reprezentanți ai radiourilor publice din toată lumea.

    Următoarea conferință Media 2020 va fi găzduită, anul viitor, de Coreea de Sud.

  • MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017

    MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017

    The central Romanian resort of Sinaia is host to the 3rd Asia-Pacific — Europe Media Dialogue conference. The event is organized jointly by Radio Romania and ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union), and brings together experts from all over the world in an effort to respond to current challenges in a rapidly changing media landscape.

    According to the organizers, Media2020 is a meeting place for radio, TV and other media broadcasters on the 21st Century information highway between Europe and the Asia-Pacific. It will be a place to learn and share, to network and benefit from each other’s experience. The 2017 edition of the conference will be held in conjunction with Public Broadcasting International in Bucharest.

    The first day of the event began with the keynote speech, delivered by the interim director general of the Romanian Broadcasting Corporation, Georgică Severin. He underlined the fact that the general topic of the conference is the growing power of the media in a fast changing world, and that accuracy of information is paramount. In his opening speech, Minister of Culture Lucian Romașcanu spoke about the role of public broadcasters in providing information and education, pointing out that such events build bridges between Asian and European cultures.

  • Debut al Reuniunii Media 2020 la Sinaia

    Debut al Reuniunii Media 2020 la Sinaia

    A treia reuniune Media 2020, co-organizată de Radio România şi Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) a debutat, luni dimineață, la Sinaia. Jurnaliști de pe cele două continente vor dialoga pe tema Cum poate ajuta cooperarea Asia-Europa în faţa noilor provocări în domeniul media”. Întâlnirea a fost deschisă cu urări de bun-venit din partea Secretarului Genaral ABU, Dr Javad Mottanchi, a Directorului General Interimar al Radio România, Georgică Severin și a Ministrului Culturii și Identității Naționale, Lucian Romașcanu.

    Media 2020 este un loc de întâlnire pentru reprezentanţii radioului şi televiziunii dar şi ai altor difuzori de media din Europa şi zona Asia — Pacific, care vor învăţa unii de la alţi şi vor împărtăşi din experienţa lor. Ediţia din acest an este organizată în strânsă legătură cu conferinţa 2017 a Public Broadcasting International, ce va avea loc în zilele de 12 şi 13 septembrie, de asemenea în co-organizarea Radio România şi tot la Cazinoul din Sinaia.

  • Debut al Reuniunii Media 2020 la Sinaia

    Debut al Reuniunii Media 2020 la Sinaia

    A treia reuniune Media 2020, co-organizată de Radio România şi Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) a debutat, luni dimineață, la Sinaia. Jurnaliști de pe cele două continente vor dialoga pe tema Cum poate ajuta cooperarea Asia-Europa în faţa noilor provocări în domeniul media”.

    În deschiderea dezbaterilor, directorul general interimar al Radioului Public, Georgică Severin, a subliniat că tema aleasă este o recunoaştere a puterii mass-media într-o lume în care această industrie avansează rapid, iar acurateţea informaţiilor este foarte importantă. Ministrul culturii, Lucian Romaşcanu, a vorbit despre misiunea posturilor publice şi rolul acestora în informare şi educaţie, subliniind că o astfel de reuniune realizează adevărate poduri între culturile din Asia şi Europa. Despre identificarea de strategii prin care informaţia să ajungă la public în mod corect şi să combată astfel ştirile false a vorbit şi secretarul general al Uniunii Audiovizualului Asia-Pacific, Javad Mottaghi, a relatat Radio România Actualități.

    Media 2020 este un loc de întâlnire pentru reprezentanţii radioului şi televiziunii dar şi ai altor difuzori de media din Europa şi zona Asia — Pacific, care vor învăţa unii de la alţi şi vor împărtăşi din experienţa lor. Ediţia din acest an este organizată în strânsă legătură cu conferinţa 2017 a Public Broadcasting International, ce va avea loc în zilele de 12 şi 13 septembrie, de asemenea în co-organizarea Radio România şi tot la Cazinoul din Sinaia.

  • 30.04.2016 (mise à jour)

    30.04.2016 (mise à jour)

    Douanes — Le nouveau Code des douanes de l’Union européenne, qui entre en vigueur au 1er mai y compris en Roumanie, introduit, en plus d’un nombre diminué de contrôles, des facilités importantes pour les opérateurs économiques autorisés. Selon le chef de la Direction générales des douanes de Roumanie, Claudiu Ardelean, certaines compagnies pourront bénéficier de la réduction ou de l’élimination des garanties ainsi que du report du paiement de la TVA. Un système électronique de gestion des échanges entre les autorités douanières et les opérateurs commencera à fonctionner également au 1er mai. La Commission européenne espère aussi faire diminuer l’évasion dans le commerce frontalier, chiffrée actuellement à 50 milliards d’euros par.

    Concert — Radio Roumanie a offert un cadeau musical aux participants à la deuxième édition de la Conférence « Media 2020 », accueillie par la capitale chinoise Pékin. La Conférence a été clôturée par un concert des réputés artistes roumains Gabriel Croitoru, violoniste, et Horia Mihail, pianiste. Au programme, des pièces musicales de compositeurs européens, dont le plus connu musicien roumain, George Enescu. D’ailleurs, le concert a été intitulé « Le violon d’Enescu », puisque Gabriel Croitoru a joué de l’instrument ayant appartenu au grand maître.

    Cannes — Le réalisateur roumain Radu Munteanu fera partie du jury, présidé par la réalisatrice et scénariste japonaise Naomi Kawase, de la section Cinéfondation du Festival du film de Cannes, qui aura lieu de 11 au 22 mai. Les prix de cette section récompenseront des créations d’étudiants, auxquels s’ajoutera la Palme d’Or du court-métrage. Cette année, le cinéma roumain est présent dans la sélection officielle de Cannes avec deux longs-métrages, Baccalauréat de Cristian Mungiu et Sierra Nevada de Cristi Puiu, et avec deux courts-métrages, « 4 :15 p.m. La fin du monde » de Catalin Rotaru et « Tous les fleuves vont à la mer » d’Alexandru Badea.

    Météo — Dimanche, les températures seront en légère hausse sur l’ensemble de la Roumanie ; en milieu de journée, elles se situeront entre 17 et 24°. Le ciel sera variable dans le sud-est et nuageux partout ailleurs. Des pluies éparses pourraient tomber dans la seconde partie de la journée.

  • April 30, 2016 UPDATE

    April 30, 2016 UPDATE

    POLL – 68 % of the Romanians believe Easter should be celebrated simultaneously by the Orthodox and Catholic believers, a poll conducted by IRES shows. This option is endorsed mostly by respondents over 65, living in urban areas, as well as by Romanian nationals living in the central region of Transylvania and Banat, in the south east, regions which are home to many mixed Orthodox and Catholic families. 87% of the respondents say they will attend the Easter Mass. The poll was conducted in April, on a nation-wide representative sample of 1,240 people aged over 18, with an error margin of plus/minus 2.8%.

    LUMEN INFINITUM– Orthodox and Greek Catholic believers worldwide, including Romania, a country with a majority Orthodox population, on Saturday to Sunday night celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Jerusalem, the Holy Fire Mass was celebrated on Saturday. In an annual unique orthodox ritual, the Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem came out of the Holy Sepulchre with candles lit and shared the light, called “lumen infinitum”. On Good Friday, the Passion of Christ was remembered by the Orthodox believers. Hundreds of people in Targu Jiu, southern Romania, symbolically retraced “Via Dolorosa” or the Way of Suffering, marching in the longest such procession in Europe.

    ROYAL CELEBRATION- Romania’s Crown Princess Margareta and Prince Radu, alongside officials and members of other European Royal Houses, attended a series of events held in Stockholm to mark the 70th anniversary of King Carl Gustaf XVI of Sweden. Princess Margareta and Prince Radu who started an official visit to Sweden on Friday, will also attend a special mass on the second Easter day, at the Romanian Orthodox Bishopric and will meet with members of the Romanian community. This is the third official visit abroad by Romania’s royal family this year, after those to Turkey and the Republic of Moldova. The Royal House recalls that King Carl Gustaf XVI of Sweden and Queen Silvia paid a state visit to Romania back in 2003.

    NEW UCC — The new Union Customs Code, which comes into force on May 1, across the EU, including Romania, will make life simpler for businesses that trade in Europe, such as a reduced number of customs checks. According to the head of Romania’s General Customs Directorate, Claudiu Ardeleanu, some companies will benefit from a reduction and even the elimination of warrantees, or the postponement of paying the VAT at the customs points. Also on May 1, an electronic system will be implemented to facilitate exchanges of information between the customs authorities, as well as between entrepreneurs and customs officers. Thus, the European Commission hopes to reduce tax evasion in the field of cross-border trade, which currently stands at 50 billion Euros a year.

    ROAMING CHARGES CUT– Mobile phone roaming charges were cut within the European Union on Saturday, in a last stage preceding their complete elimination in mid 2017. The maximum overcharge will be of five cents per minute for calls, two cents for texting, and five cents per MB for people downloading data – such as emails, pictures or social media.

    FLYOVER CLARIFICATIONS — The Romanian Foreign Ministry has announced that it is in permanent and direct contact with the Government in Chishinau, on the presence of a Romanian aircraft over Transdniester, a pro-Russian separatist region in the Republic of Moldova. The Romanian Foreign Ministry’s announcement comes shortly after the authorities in the separatist region claimed their airspace has been violated and activated their anti-aircraft warfare. The ministry makes clear the aircraft belongs to a private company based in Romania, which won a tender to conduct mapping and do a digital model of the relief of the Republic of Moldova. Complete information on this mission has been sent in due time to the authorities in Chishinau.

    CAR BOMBING– Over 21 Shia pilgrims were killed in a car bombing on Saturday, on the outskirts of the Iraqi capital city, Baghdad. The so-called Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack. The Shia pilgrims, considered to be heretics by the Islamic State, were on their way to a shrine near Baghdad, the BBC reports.

    MEDIA 2020 CONFERENCE AND CONCERT-The second Media 2020 Conference hosted by Beijing, China, has come to a close. Organised by Radio Romania and the Asia Broadcasting Union, the event was aimed at delivering rich content across a range of platforms. The conference ended with a special gift offered by radio Romania to the participants of the conference: a concert by the outstanding Romanian musical duo- violinist Gabriel Croitoru and pianist Horia Mihail. The performance included pieces by famous European composers such as F. Kreisler, E.Elgar and Pablo de Sarasate as well as by the prominent Romanian composer and violinist, George Enescu. The programme was named after the great composer, The Violin of George Enescu, since Gabriel Croitoru played Enescu’s violin. Gabriel Croitoru and Horia Mihail won over the audience with their high professionalism and style.

    HANDBALL — Romania’s national women’s handball team will play Angola, Brazil, Montenegro, Spain and Norway in the Olympic Games Group A due this summer, following the drawing of lots in Rio de Janeiro, on Friday evening. Group B is made up of: Holland, Russia, Sweden, France, Argentina and South Korea. The Olympic handball tour will start on August 6, and the opening match will be played by Romania and Angola. To go past the group stage, the Romanian handball players will have to rank on one of the fourth positions. The women’s final is scheduled for August 20.

    (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • MEDIA 2020 – Meeting of Minds

    MEDIA 2020 – Meeting of Minds

    The Media 2020 Conference in Beijing, China, which brought together 300 professionals from 35 countries, was devoted to the future of media, which should adapt to the new environment, against the backdrop of new technologies and platforms developing at a fast pace.

    “No media can do well under the new condition on its own and that is why it is vital to expand the exchange of ideas and values between countries and regions, said
    Dr. Yan Cheng Sheng, Deputy Director General of the International Department of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the Peoples Republic of China.

    In turn, the President and Director General of Radio Romania, Mr. Ovidiu Miculescu, expressed his readiness to learn, teach, inspire and get inspired, emphasizing that the East and the West face similar problems and challenges and they have to act together as a team in the interest of the broadcasting industry.

    The Secretary – General of ABU, Dr. Javad Mottaghi, said the ultimate goal of media remains unchanged, namely to serve the audience. What is changing are the new platforms offered by the constantly evolving technologies.

    The first session of the conference was devoted to technical innovations, whereas the second one focused on content, laying special emphasis on the importance of story-telling.

    The complex relationship between journalism and social media was also discussed by a panel of experts, with all panelists being unanimous in saying that, while presenting new opportunities, social media sources of information should be treated with the necessary skepticism and should carefully be checked and verified through more traditional sources.

    Digital radio was another theme of discussion with information about the spread of the new technology in Europe and beyond.

    The participants also looked into possibilities of organizing song festivals in Asia and Europe for promoting culture. On this occasion, Radio Romanias Oltea Serban made public details about the forthcoming RadiRo Festival, a unique platform for radio orchestras worldwide.

    The conference ended with a high level panel discussion on ways to boost cooperation between Asia and the rest of the world. Representatives of ABU and EBU committed themselves to continuing to work togehter along the line of co-productions, training, exchange of programmes and launching joined projects.

    On the sidelines of the meeting, the participants enjoyed a Gala Concert of the 4th ABU Radio Song Festival. The conference ended with a concert by the outstanding Romanian musical duo- violinist Gabriel Croitoru and pianist Horia Mihail. The performance included pieces by famous European composers such as F. Kreisler, E.Elgar and Pablo de Sarasate as well as by the prominent Romanian composer and violinist, George Enescu. The programme was named after the great composer, The Violin of George Enescu, since Gabriel Croitoru played Enescus violin. Gabriel Croitoru and Horia Mihail won over the audience with their high professionalism and style.

    The 3rd Media2020 Conference will be held in Bucharest in September 2017.

  • April 27, 2016 UPDATE

    April 27, 2016 UPDATE

    Until May 1st, candidacies for the local elections of June 5th in Romania can be contested. The deadline for political parties, election alliances, ethnic minority organisations and independents to submit their candidacies was Tuesday. The election campaign begins on May 6th and is due to end on June 4th. This is the third time since the fall of the communist regime when a technocratic government has organized elections, after those organised by the Theodor Stolojan Cabinet in 1991 – 1992 and the Mugur Isarescu Government in 1999-2000.

    Freedom House Romania released a report on the recovery of losses and seizure of the proceeds of crimes. The NGO says that only one-third of the losses are subject to seizure or lien orders. The report also quotes a provisional assessment by the National Fiscal Administration Agency (ANAF) according to which all the 20,000 enforceable titles registered in Romania account for more than 1.5 billion euros. According to the report, in November last year, a special department was set up as part of the tax authority to enforce final rulings in criminal cases.

    The Romanian Culture Minister, Vlad Alexandrescu, announced his resignation on Wednesday via social media. The decision comes against the background of a scandal at the National Opera House in Bucharest, which has seen open conflicts these past few days between the new management, the conductors Vlad Conta and Tiberiu Soare, and the dancer Johan Kobborg, who was in charge with the institutions ballet company. Vlad Alexandrescu is the third member who left Dacian Ciolos technocratic Cabinet in the past two weeks, after the labour minister Ana Costea and the minister for European funds Aura Raducu. A professor at the University of Bucharest and former ambassador of Romania to Luxembourg, Vlad Alexandrescu was appointed Culture Minister in November 2015.

    In Romania, natural gas prices for household consumers will be cut by an average 1.5% as of May 1, according to the National Energy Regulatory Authority. The decision comes after natural gas distribution tariffs went down. According to the regulator, the price of imported gas will continue to drop and in the third and fourth quarters of this year it will get lower than the price of domestically produced gas, by an average 10%. The national demand at the moment is around 15-16 million cubic metres per day, and imports reach 1.5 million cubic metres.

    The executive committee of the Social Democratic Party, the largest left-wing party in Romania, Wednesday decided to expel Valeriu Zgonea, its executive president and also the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies. The Social Democrats will also withdraw their support for Zgonea in Parliament. The decision came after Zgonea demanded the resignation of the Social Democratic leader Liviu Dragnea, who received a suspended sentence on Friday in an election fraud case. The Court ruled that in 2012, Dragnea, as secretary general of the Social Democratic Party, used a variety of methods to illegally get people to vote in a referendum on the impeachment of the former right-wing president, Traian Băsescu. The referendum eventually failed for lack of quorum.

    The Chinese capital city Beijing Wednesday hosted the second edition of a conference entitled Media 2020 staged jointly by Radio Romania and the Chinese national radio station. The conference was a unique debate platform for the 300 representatives of major audio-visual companies from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, America and Australia attending. High on the agenda were talks on implementing the UHDTV systems and the way in which new technologies can help radio stations, which cannot rely on images, to improve the coverage of events around the world. The way in which the digitization of radio stations, journalism and social networking are seen in Asia and Europe, and promoting culture through festivals also represented issues of topical interest for the participants in the Media 2020 conference. The conference ended with a recital entitled “Enescus Violin given by violinist Gabriel Croitoru accompanied by pianist Horia Mihail, at the Concert Hall of the Chinese public radio.

  • ABU to strengthen Cooperation between Asian and European Broadcasters

    ABU to strengthen Cooperation between Asian and European Broadcasters

    Media 2020, a joint project by ABU and Radio Romania will be held for the first time in Asia. This one-day conference will be organised in conjunction with ABU RadioAsia Conference and ABU Radio Song Festival 2016. The three events hosted by China National Radio-CNR will take place from 25-27 April in Beijing.

    Media 2020 Conference will be an opportunity for participants to know how can and should European and Asian broadcasters do more to help each other through greater collaboration. The conference on the 27 April will be a platform for broadcasters of both continents to network and benefit from each other’s experience. Topics to be discussed include: UHDTV and Surround Sound, Radio in the Digital Age, Social Media, and Asian and European Media Cooperation. Details at http://abumedia2020.radioromania.ro/programme-2016/ .

    Different topics will be discussed during the RadioAsia Conference on 25 and 26 April. Ben Williams, Director of Beyond Broadcasting will involve participants in an interactive workshop which will focus on the importance of Interviews in radio programming. Another workshop will look into the latest tools broadcasters can use to link their radio programmes and social media to achieve maximum audience engagement. The conference will cover other topics such as Storytelling, Radio on Different Platforms, Interactivity and Public Service Radio Broadcasting.

    The 4th ABU Song Festival is scheduled on 26 April at a Gala night where a line-up of talented artists from the Asia-Pacific region will perform. CNR, being the host organisation will present two acts. The guest artist will be Analia Selis from Radio Romania. The event will also be enriched by a concert titled “The Violin of George Enescu” organised by Radio Romania on 27 April.

  • Protocol de colaborare între Radio România şi Casa Regală

    Protocol de colaborare între Radio România şi Casa Regală

    Miercuri, 1 iulie 2015, la Palatul Elisabeta a avut loc, în prezenţa Alteţelor Lor Regale Principesa Moştenitoare Margareta şi Principele Radu, o seară dedicată Conferinţei Internaţionale Media 2020 – Bringing Media to the Future, organizată la Bucureşti de Radio România şi de Uniunea Audiovizualului Asia-Pacific.

    Cu acest prilej a fost încheiat un protocol de colaborare între Casa Majestăţii Sale Regelui Mihai şi Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune ce prevede recunoaşterea reciprocă a legitimităţii, utilităţii şi notorietăţii, precum şi cooperarea între cele două instituţii.

    Documentul a fost semnat, în Sala Regilor, în prezenţa Alteţelor Lor Regale, de către domnul Ovidiu Miculescu, Preşedinte Director General al Societăţii Române de Radiodifuziune şi domnul Ion Tucă, director al Casei Majestăţii Sale Regelui Mihai.

    Cele două părţi vor colabora în continuare pentru desfăşurarea unor evenimente găzduite de cele două instituţii, pentru promovarea acestora şi pentru dezvoltarea unor proiecte comune.

    La dineul oferit de Alteţele Lor Regale Principesa Moştenitoare Margareta şi Principele Radu au participat profesionişti mass-media din Statele Unite ale Americii, Australia, Japonia, India, Thailanda, Malaezia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Arabia Saudită, Pakistan, Iran, Marea Britanie, Germania, Olanda, Italia, Vatican, Irlanda, Austria, Ungaria, Turcia şi România, prezenţi la Bucureşti cu prilejul Conferinţei Internaţionale Media 2020 – Bringing Media to the Future.

    Conferinţa Internaţională Media 2020 – Bringing Media to the Future a avut loc în zilele de 30 iunie – 1 iulie, fiind primul eveniment de acest gen organizat de Uniunea Audiovizualului Asia-Pacific în Europa. Conferinţa a abordat modul în care mass-media va evolua în următorii cinci ani. La eveniment au luat parte manageri din industria media, jurnalişti, producători, specialişti în platforme radio digitale şi reprezentanţi ai organizaţiilor internaţionale media de pe patru continente: Europa, Asia, America şi Australia.


  • Jurnal românesc – 2.07.2015

    Jurnal românesc – 2.07.2015

    Secretarul general al Alianţei Nord
    Atlantice, Jens Stoltenberg, a inaugurat, la Bucureşti, sediul primului dintre
    cele două centre NATO de comandă şi control care vor opera în România. Până la
    sfârşitul anului vor fi operaţionale toate centrele de acest gen care se
    înfiinţează în România, Bulgaria, Polonia, Estonia, Letonia şi Lituania. În
    fiecare comandament vor lucra permanent aproximativ 40 de reprezentanţi ai
    conducerii NATO, care vor avea ca atribuţii planificarea, coordonarea
    exerciţiilor militare, precum şi redislocarea forţelor în situaţii de criză.

    Klaus Johannis a promulgat legea de modificare a Codului Fiscal, adoptată
    recent de Parlament. Noua legislaţie fiscală prevede, între altele, scăderea
    TVA-ului de la 24% la 19%, începând cu 1 ianuarie 2016, precum şi eliminarea
    supraaccizei la carburanţi şi a taxei pe construcţii speciale. Totodată,
    clădirile vor fi impozitate în funcţie de destinaţie – rezidenţiale, nerezidenţiale
    sau mixte, şi nu în funcţie de proprietar – persoană juridică sau fizică. De
    asemenea, pentru terenurile situate în intravilan au fost introduse limite
    minime şi maxime, precum şi posibilitatea de scutire sau reducere a impozitului
    pe mijloacele de transport agricole.

    exercită, de la 1 iulie, pe o perioadă de şase luni, preşedinţia în exerciţiu a
    Organizaţiei Cooperării Economice a Mării Negre. Potrivit unui comunicat al
    Ministerului român de Externe, Bucureştiul acordă o importanţă deosebită
    cooperării regionale, de aceea va promova implementarea Agendei Economice
    pentru un Parteneriat Întărit în OCEMN, capitalizarea potenţialului
    organizaţiei de stimulare a dezvoltării economice a statelor membre, cu accent
    asupra domeniilor transport, mediu, energie şi consolidarea cooperării în
    domeniul afacerilor interne, în special combaterea crimei organizate. România
    exercită pentru a cincea oară preşedinţia în exerciţiu a acestei organizaţii.

    Până la începutul lunii septembrie, la Vama
    Sculeni, din judeţul Iaşi, va fi folosită tehnologia de ultimă generaţie pentru
    controlul de frontieră. Aceasta este testată de o agenţie europeană şi îşi
    propune să preleveze amprentele digitale şi să captureze live imaginea facială.
    Participarea călătorilor la aceste teste se face pe bază de voluntariat, iar
    datele călătorilor nu vor fi stocate. Testele au loc în 17 puncte de trecere a
    frontierei – terestre, aeriene şi maritime – din 12 ţări europene. România
    participă la faza de testare cu două puncte de trecere a frontierei, respectiv
    Iaşi – Feroviar şi Sculeni – rutier.

    BNR a hotărât menţinerea dobânzii de
    politică monetară la 1,75% pe an, aşa cum anticipaseră majoritatea
    participanţilor la un sondaj intern în cadrul Asociaţiei Analiştilor Financiar
    – Bancari din România. Totodată, BNR a decis menţinerea ratelor rezervelor
    minime obligatorii la 8% la pasivele în lei şi la 14 procente pentru cele în

    La Bucureşti s-a
    desfăşurat timp de doua zile conferinţa Media 2020 Să ducem media în
    viitor, organizată de Radio România împreună cu cea mai mare uniune a
    radiodifuzorilor din Asia, Uniunea Asiatică a Audiovizualului. A fost prima
    întâlnire majoră a audiovizualului din Asia-Pacific cu reprezentanţii
    audiovizualului european în afara zonei proprii de activitate. Participanţii -
    mari jucători din industria media, experţi, preşedinţi de medii publice,
    prezentatori de platforme digitale, personalităţi mass media din Uniunea
    Audiovizualului din Europa şi din zona Asia-Pacific – s-au concentrat pe modul în care media, în
    special industria de radio, va evolua în următorii cinci ani.