Tag: Media 2020

  • Media 2020 Conference – A Bridge between Continents

    Media 2020 Conference – A Bridge between Continents

    The main topic approached on the second day of the conference was the impact of social media networks in the contemporary media landscape.

    Abdulrahman Alhazzaa, President of Saudi Broadcasting Corporation, emphasised the importance of the social media, as well as its dangers. He called for caution in the use of social media and for checking and double-checking every piece of information coming via the social media.

    Vijayalaxmi Chhabra, Director General of Doordarshan India, the world’s biggest public radio and television broadcasting service, said she was deeply convinced that despite all obstacles, radio would survive the Internet.

    Radio is still a very strong medium in the current media landscape, but in order to remain competitive, it must constantly improve its products – is the conclusion of Toshiyuki Sato, Secretary General for PBI, Japan, following today’s talks.

    Dr. Javad Mottaghi, Secretary General of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, reiterated at the end of the conference that content is what matters most. In his opinion, the principal responsibility of broadcasters is to provide quality content, which, he argues, is the only way they can maintain their audience and win over new public.

    Graham Ellis, Deputy Director of BBC Radio, gave a special thanks to Radio Romania and its President and Director General Ovidiu Miculescu, saying that the meeting in Bucharest has helped build a bridge between Europe and Asia.

    Ovidiu Miculescu, President and Director General of Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation, thanked panellists and all participants for the quality and the content of the talks and contributions, which, he said, opened up new perspectives. He emphasised that Radio Romania would remain a trusted partner. Mr Miculescu spoke about the intention to invite the Google and Netflix giants to the 2017 edition of the Media 2020 Conference, which is again to be hosted by Bucharest, to find out if radio and television are indeed their rivals or their partners.

  • Conferinţa Media 2020 – punte între continente

    Conferinţa Media 2020 – punte între continente

    Principala temă abordată în cea de a doua zi a Conferinţei a fost impactul reţelelor de socializare în peisajul media mondial.

    Abdulrahman Alhazzaa, Preşedinte Saudi Broadcasting Corporation, a subliniat importanţa social media dar şi pericolul folosirii ei: Iubim social media dar haideţi să o tratăm cu prudenţă. Să verificăm şi reverificăm informaţiile provenite din reţelele de socializare.

    La rândul său, Vijayalaxmi Chhabra, Director General al Doordarshan India, cel mai mare serviciu public de radio-televiziune din lume, şi-a exprimat convingerea că în pofida tuturor piedicilor, radioul va supravieţui internetului.

    Radioul este încă puternic în peisajul media actual, dar pentru a rămâne în competiţie trebuie să-şi îmbunătăţească în permanenţă produsele – este concluzia Secretarului General al PBI Japonia,Toshiyuki Sato, desprinsă din dezbaterile de astăzi.

    Dr. Javad Mottaghi, Secretarul General al Uniunii Audiovizualului Asia-Pacific, a reiterat în finalul conferinţei: Conţinutul este rege! Principala responsabilitate a oricărui broadcaster este să ofere conţinut de calitate. Doar în felul acesta putem să ne menţinem şi să câştigăm audienţa.

    Graham Ellis, Director Adjunct BBC Radio, a adresat mulţumiri speciale Radio România şi Preşedintelui Director General Ovidiu Miculescu pentru că, prin această întâlnire de la Bucureşti, s-a creat o premieră, s-a construit, de fapt, o punte între Europa şi Asia.

    Ovidiu Miculescu a mulţumit vorbitorilor şi tuturor celor prezenţi pentru calitatea şi conţinutul discursurilor şi intervenţiilor, pentru faptul că acestea au deschis noi perspective. Radio România este şi va rămâne un partener de încredere. Intenţionăm ca la ediţia din 2017 a Conferinţei Media 2020, propusă a avea loc tot la Bucureşti, să invităm giganţii Google şi Netflix şi vom vedea, atunci, dacă radiourile şi televiziunile vor fi adversari sau parteneri ai acestora.

  • Radio Romania and the ABU organize the „Media 2020 conference in Bucharest”

    Radio Romania and the ABU organize the „Media 2020 conference in Bucharest”

    Radio Romania
    hosts in Bucharest the Media 2020 Conference, organized jointly with the
    largest broadcaster union in Asia, ABU. Participating are some of the most
    important actors in the media, experts, presidents of public media
    institutions, digital platform creators, and media personalities from European
    Broadcasting Union – EBU and the Asia-Pacific area.

    The ABU is the biggest broadcasting union
    in the world. We have 276 members in 68 countries, we can reach 4.2 billion
    audiences in the world. We believe in diversity, we feel diversity, diversity
    in population and culture, in size, in religion, in economy, in politics, in
    all aspects of life, but we do not see diversity as a threat, we see that as an
    opportunity. Radio Romania has played a very important role in bridging the two
    ideas, the East and the West together, and with the kind of culture that I feel
    here, with the kind of hospitality and social culture that I see in Romania,
    and I am familiar with Romanian culture, I think it’s a very good platform,
    it’s a very good opportunity to bridge the difference between West and East,
    and this is what Radio Romania has done, said ABU general secretary, Dr.
    Javad Mottaghi.

    Ovidiu Miculescu, Radio Romania
    President and Director General, talked about the role that Radio Romania has in
    relation to ABU, especially as host of the conference: First of all, ABU is
    the largest and strongest media organization in the world. Our presence there
    represents more than Radio Romania, it represents Romania, which is a very
    important thing. […]Asia means a world where money from
    all over the globe gathers, because I believe that right now finances are
    concentrated in that part of the world, and we can all see that even large
    European and American corporations invest there. Therefore I believe that right
    now and over the following years, Asia will be an extremely important terrain
    for Romanian presence, and Radio Romania stepped in with head held high. We are
    an extremely serious partner, a high performance partner, an active member, and
    even if we have been in ABU for only a couple of years, we are a highly respected