Tag: mihai fifor

  • Mihai Fifor, videoconferinţă cu militarii români

    Mihai Fifor, videoconferinţă cu militarii români

    Ministrul Apărării Naţionale, Mihai Fifor, a participat miercuri, la o videoconferinţă cu militarii români aflaţi în teatrele de operaţii şi în Polonia. Alături de minitrsul Apărării s-a aflat şeful Statului Major al Apărării, generalul Nicolae Ciucă. Fifor le-a mulţumit militarilor români pentru felul exemplar de acţiune în misiunile internaţionale: România nu are ambasadori mai buni decât dumneavoastră, cei care şi de sărbători apăraţi interesele României în teatrele de operaţii, alături de aliaţii şi partenerii noştri. Reprezentaţi tot ce are mai bun poporul român şi mă înclin în faţa sacrificiului dumneavoastră de a petrece aceste momente festive şi importante departe de familie, într-un mediu ostil şi periculos.”

    Generalul Nicolae Ciucă a transmis, cu această ocazie, urările le şi ale conducerii Statului Major al Apărării: ”Doar noi, militarii, cunoaştem trăirile şi emoţiile pe care le simţim în preajma Sărbătorilor, atunci când suntem în misiuni, departe de casă, de familie şi de cei dragi. Este al 16-lea Crăciun, începând cu anul 2002, pe care Armata României îl petrece în operaţiuni şi misiuni NATO şi nu este uşor. Acum, în pragul Crăciunului, vă transmit cele mai frumoase gânduri, să aveţi Sărbători Fericite, un An Nou plin de bucurie şi să vă întoarceţi, cu toţii, sănătoşi acasă.”

    Sursa: Agerpres

  • December 4, 2017

    December 4, 2017

    JUSTICE – The changes that Romania’s ruling coalition intends to operate in the judiciary will be discussed in Parliament starting this week. A first draft regulation, concerning the status of judges and prosecutors, is currently on the agenda of the Chamber of Deputies, after having been approved by a special parliamentary committee. The bill stipulates that the head of state may no longer challenge judge and prosecutor appointments, makes prosecutors part of a hierarchy topped by the justice minister, and prohibits magistrates from working as covert intelligent service agents, by having them submit annual statements in this respect. The changes promoted by the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, have again been contested in the street in Romania’s biggest cities.

    TOUR – US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson embarks this week on a diplomatic mission to shore up alliances in Europe. His trip is structured around ministerial conferences of the NATO allies in Brussels and the 57-member Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, in Vienna. Tillerson will also meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, on the sidelines of the OSCE talks late in the week. The American official assured his European allies that the US remains firmly committed to defending Europe’s security.

    ORTHODOXY– Russian President Vladimir Putin is today meeting with the delegation of the Romanian Orthodox Church headed by Patriarch Daniel. They travelled to Moscow to attend festivities marking 100 years since the re-establishment of the Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church. Patriarch Daniel met with head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kiril, and held the Devine Liturgy in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe. It is first time when a Romanian Patriarch held a religious service here.

    BREXIT — British Prime Minister Theresa May is today holding decisive talks in Brussels on Brexit negotiations. She will try to convince the Europeans that her promises are enough for them to agree to open negotiations on commercial topics that London has insistently asked for. Theresa May will meet with the European Commission President, Jean-Claude Junker and with the European Council President, Donald Tusk. Brexit has been scheduled for end-March 2019.

    MILITARY DRILL – The air forces of the United States and South Korea are holding a joint drill as of today, deploying over 230 fighter jets among which six F-22 Raptor stealth fighters in the exercise. The drill called “Vigilant Ace” is held between december 4th and 8th. The Vigilant Ace drill is a biannual, bilateral training event held by the United States and South Korea to simulate wartime defenses. The exercise comes as North Korea continues to move forward with the development of its nuclear and missile program in defiance of international sanctions.

    VISIT – Romanian Defence Minister Mihai Fifor continues his official visit to Belgrade. Today he will meet with his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vulin. Talks will focus on regional security and on boosting bilateral cooperation in the field of defense. Chief of the Romanian Army’s General Staff, General Nicolae Ciuca, accompanies Minister Fifor in Belgrade.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian women’s handball team will be up against Spain on Tuesday. On Sunday, the Romanians scored their second victory in Group A of the World Women’s Handball Championship hosted by Germany, by defeating Slovenia, 31 to 28. On Saturday, the Romanians defeated 29-17 the team of Paraguay in their debut match. Also on Tuesday, in Group A, Slovenia will be up against Angola and France against Paraguay. In the previous World Championship of 2015 Romania won the bronze medal, being the only team to have participated in all the 22 editions of the championship held so far.

    (Translated by E. Enache)

  • December 3, 2017 UPDATE

    December 3, 2017 UPDATE

    VISIT – Romanian Defence Minister Mihai Fifor is paying a two-day official visit to Belgrade, starting Sunday, to meet with his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vulin, the Romanian Defense Ministry announced. Talks will focus on regional security and on boosting bilateral cooperation in the field of defense. Chief of the Romanian Army’s General Staff, General Nicolae Ciuca, accompanies Minister Fifor in Belgrade.

    LAW — The law on the 2018 state budget will be debated by Romania’s Parliament this week. Prime Minister Mihai Tudose said that health, education and infrastructure are the centre of the 2018 state budget. He also mentioned that the 2% earmarked for defence would be maintained. Romania’s state budget for next year is built on a 5.5% economic growth rate, a budget deficit of 2.97% of the GDP and an average inflation rate of 3.1%.

    ORTHODOXY– Russian President Vladimir Putin is meeting on Monday with the heads of the delegations of the Orthodox Churches who travelled to Moscow to attend festivities marking 100 years since the re-establishment of the Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church. Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church, who is heading the Romanian delegation, talked about reprisals against the Orthodox Church after the communists came to power. Patriarch Daniel mentioned three priorities of the Orthodox Church in today’s world, namely, preserving the Orthodox unity of faith, solidarity with the people who suffer and missionary cooperation.

    HOLIDAY — Romanians ended on Sunday their 4-day holiday occasioned by Saint Andrew’s Day and Romania’s National Day. For this extended weekend most Romanians chose local destinations, their favourites being the resorts on the Prahova Valley, the Southern Carpathians, Bukovina in the north as well as the spa resorts. Those who remained in Bucharest enjoyed, on Friday evening, the start of the winter celebrations. Over 3 million Christmas lights adorn the capital, the festive lighting system covering 33 kms. A Christmas Fair was also inaugurated in downtown Bucharest, to last until December 27. The Fair displays Romanian traditional food products in more than 100 stalls and also a skating rink. Many Romanian artists will perform as part of the Christmas Fair celebrations in Bucharest.

    WEIGHTLIFTING— The Romanian athlete Dumitru Captari has won silver in the snatch event, the 77 kg category, in the World Weightlifting Championships in Anaheim, California. Egyptian Mohamed Ihab Youssef Ahmed Mahmoud won gold in the same category. Romanias tally now stands at four medals, after the three won by Loredana Toma, in the 63 kg category.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian women’s handball team on Sunday scored its second victory in Group A of the World Women’s Handball Championship hosted by Germany, by defeating Slovenia, 31 to 28. On Saturday, the Romanians defeated 29-17 the team of Paraguay in their debut match. On Tuesday, in Group A, Romania will be up against Spain, Slovenia against Angola and France against Paraguay. In the previous World Championship of 2015 Romania won the bronze medal, being the only team to have participated in all the 22 editions of the championship held so far.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • December 3, 2017

    December 3, 2017

    LAW — The law on the 2018 state budget will be debated by Romania’s Parliament this week. Prime Minister Mihai Tudose said that health, education and infrastructure are the centre of the 2018 state budget. He also mentioned that the 2% earmarked for defence would be maintained. Romania’s state budget for next year is built on a 5.5% economic growth rate, a budget deficit of 2.97% of the GDP and an average inflation rate of 3.1%.

    VISIT – Romanian Defence Minister Mihai Fifor has announced he is paying a two-day official visit to Belgrade, starting today. Fifor will meet with his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vulin. Talks will focus on bilateral cooperation in the field of defense and the legal framework for the Romanian-Serbian cooperation.

    PROTESTS – Tens of thousands of people protested on Saturday in Tel Aviv against government corruption and new legislation believed to shield Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from police investigations. Protesters are angry about a draft law which would bar the police from publishing the findings of investigations into unscrupulous politicians. They believe the bill is designed to shield Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is being investigated on allegations of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust. Campaigners want to see him indicted and removed from office. The bill will come up for its second reading on Monday.

    ORTHODOXY– Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church, who is in Moscow between December 2nd and 5th, on the occasion of festivities marking 100 years since the re-establishment of the Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church, called for the preservation of unity in the Orthodox faith. The head of the Romanian Orthodox Church also said that the substitution, for more than two centuries, of the Russian Patriarchate with a state institution came against the tradition of the Orthodox Church. He went on to say that the period after the Patriarchate was restored was one of the most difficult in the history of the Russian Church, with thousands of believers being killed, and thousands of churches destroyed or shut down. Patriarch Daniel also mentioned the repression against the Orthodox Church in Central and Eastern Europe after the communists came to power.

    HOLIDAY — Romanians are today ended their 4-day holiday occasioned by Saint Andrew’s Day and Romania’s National Day. For this extended weekend most Romanians chose local destinations, their favourites being the resorts on the Prahova Valley, the Southern Carpathians, Bukovina in the north as well as the spa resorts. Those who remained in Bucharest enjoyed, on Friday evening, the start of the winter celebrations. Over 3 million Christmas lights adorn the capital, the festive lighting system covering 33 kms. A Christmas Fair was also inaugurated in downtown Bucharest, to last until December 27. The Fair displays Romanian traditional food products in more than 100 stalls and also a skating rink. Many Romanian artists will perform as part of the Christmas Fair celebrations in Bucharest.

    WEIGHTLIFTING— The Romanian athlete Dumitru Captari has won silver in the snatch event, the 77 kg category, in the World Weightlifting Championships in Anaheim, California. Egyptian Mohamed Ihab Youssef Ahmed Mahmoud won gold in the same category. Romanias tally now stands at four medals, after the three won by Loredana Toma, in the 63 kg category.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian women’s handball team is today playing against Slovenia, at the World Women’s Handball Championship hosted by Germany until December 17th. On Saturday, the Romanians defeated 29-17 the team of Paraguay in their debut match. Romania plays in Group A alongside France, Spain, Slovenia, Angola and Paraguay. Of the 4 groups, the first 4 teams of each group will go to the eighth finals. In the previous World Championship of 2015 Romania won the bronze medal, being the only team to have participated in all the 22 editions of the championship held so far.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Nachrichten 30.11.2017

    Nachrichten 30.11.2017

    Bukarest: Ab Donnerstag, den 30. November bis einschließlich 3. Dezember genießen die Rumänen ein verlängertes Wochenende. Am 30. November feiert man in Rumänien und in vielen anderen christlichen Ländern Skt. Andreas-Tag. Skt. Andreas ist in Rumänien ein offizieller Feiertag. Am 1. Dezember ist der Nationalfeiertag Rumäniens. Am 1. Dezember 1918 war in Alba Iulia die Vereinigung aller rumänischen Gebiete besiegelt worden, deshalb wurde der 1. Dezember nach der Wende zum Nationalfeiertag erklärt. In Bukarest wird am Freitag die größte Militärparade unter dem Triumphbogen organisiert, an der etwa 3.500 Militärs, Dutzende Militärflugzeuge und Hunderte Kampffahrzeuge teilnehmen.

    Bukarest: In Rumänien und vielen anderen christlichen Ländern ist heute Skt. Andreas-Tag. Für Rumänien gilt er als Schutztpatron des Landes. Als Jünger von Jesus Christus soll er in der Dobrudscha an der Westküste des Schwarzen Meers Menschen getauft haben. Er starb als Märtyrer an einem X-förmigen Kreuz in der griechischen Stadt Patras. Etwa 700 Tausend Männer und Frauen in Rumänien tragen den Namen dieses Heiligen.

    rumänische Verteidigunungsminister Mihai Fifor ist am Donnerstag mit seinem
    moldawischen Gegenüber Eugen Sturza zusammengekommen. Dieser hält sich
    anlässlich des Nationalfeiertages Rumäniens in Bukarest auf und wird am Freitag
    an der Militärparade teilnehmen. Angegangen wurden die Lage der bilaterlen
    Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Verteidigung und die Entwicklungsperspektiven.
    Weitere Themen waren die Zusammenarbeit in den internationalen Organisationen,
    sowie die Intensivierung der Kooperierung mit der Nordatlantischen Allianz.

    Bukarest: Der Staatshaushalt für 2018 fußt auf einer Wirtschaftsankurbelung von 5,5%. also kleiner als 6,1%, wie vorausgesagt wurde, so ein Bericht über die makrowirtschaftliche Lage und ihre Prognose für 2019 – 2021, der vom Finazministerium veröffentlicht wurde. Die innere Nachfrage wird der Motor der Wirtschaftsankurbelung sein, während die Ausgaben für den Finalkonsum der Bevölkerung um 6,5% höher sein wird. Das Dokument schätzt eine Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit in allen Bereichen, besonders für die Industriezweige, die exportieren. Vorgesehen ist ein Haushatsdefizit von 2,97% vom BIP, eine Inflation von 3,1% und ein Währungskurs von 4,55 Lei für einen Euro. Die Arbeitslosigkeit soll Ende des Jahres 2018 von 3,9% sein. Die Zahl der Arbeitnehmer soll um 4,2% wachsen. Der Durchschnittslohn wird bei 2.614 Lei ( rund 560 Euro) geschätzt.

    Washington: Die USA haben einen Appell an alle Länder der Welt gerichtet, jedwelche diplomatische oder Handelsbeziehung mit Nordkorea zu unterbrechen. Die amerikanische UN-Botschafterin Nikki Haley hat am Donnerstag im UN- Sicherheitsrat mit der totalen Zerstörung des nordkoreanischen Regimes im Falle eines möglichen Krieges gewarnt. Die Reaktion folgt dem nordkoreanischen Raketentest von Mittwoch. Das rumänische Außenministerium hatte am Mittwoch den neuen Raketentest Nordkoreas mit voller Entschlossenheit verurteilt und diese Aktion als schwere Bedrohung gegen den Frieden und die regionale Sicherheit bezeichnet. Die wiederholten, gefährlichen Provokationen aus Pjongjang verletzen schwer die Resolutionen des UN-Sicherheitsrates; Nordkorea wird aufgefordert, mit der Eskalation der Spannungen aufzuhören und sich für einen Dialog mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft offen zu zeigen, hieß es in einer Mitteilung des Bukarester Außenministeriums. Nordkorea sieht sich nach seinem neuerlichen Raketentest zu Angriffen auf sämtliche Ziele in den USA in der Lage. Die gesamten Kontinental-USA lägen nun in Reichweite nordkoreanischer Raketen, hieß es in einer am Mittwoch im Staatsfernsehen verlesenen Erklärung.

  • November 24, 2017

    November 24, 2017

    SUMMIT — Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis is today attending the fifth Eastern Partnership summit held in Brussels under the Estonian Presidency of the European Council. President Klaus Iohannis will encourage a robust policy in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood, an area that must become a predictable, stable and prosperous space, devoted to European values and principles by means of irreversible reforms. On this occasion, EU leaders will agree on a set of 20 objectives to be included on a roadmap for 2020. Launched in 2009, the Eastern Partnership is a joint initiative involving the EU, its member states and 6 partners, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, representing the eastern region of the European Neighbourhood Policy. The Partnerships is based on a commitment to the principles of international law and the values of democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and fundamental freedoms.

    CEREMONY — Romanian Defense Minister Mihai Fifor is today taking part in the graduation ceremony for the 18th NATO Regional Cooperation Course (NRCC — 18) organised by the NATO Defense College in Rome. The mission of the Defense College is to contribute to the effectiveness and cohesion of the Alliance by developing its role as a major centre of education and research on transatlantic security issues. In 2017, a record number of Romanian students attended the 10-week programme. On Thursday, Mihai Fifor discussed with his Italian counterpart, Roberta Pinotti, about concrete ways of cooperation to consolidate the European project in the field of defense, with an emphasis on the Permanent Structured Cooperation. Fifor also said it is important for Romanian and Italian military to further participate in multinational exercises in order to improve interoperability.

    STELA POPESCU — Stela Popescu, one of Romania’s most love actresses, died on Thursday, November 23. She would have turned 82 on December 21st. The actress was found dead at her home in Bucharest. She was one of the country’s most famous and popular film and theatre actresses, with a career of 60 years. Stela Popescu went on a great number of tours in Romania and abroad and throughout her career she received many awards and decorations. In 2015 Stela Popescu received the The Star of Romania Order in the rank of knight from President Klaus Iohannis. She also has a star on the Walk of Fame in Bucharest.

    GAUDEAMUS BOOK FAIR — The Gaudeamus Book Fair, organised by Radio Romania, continues in Bucharest. Over 150 events are today taking place at the fair that fair brings together, until Sunday, 300 exhibitors and over 800 editorial and professional events. Exhibiting are Romanian publishing houses boasting a long tradition in the field, universities, book distributors and sellers, publications, professional associations and NGOs. The honorary president of the Gaudeamus Book Fair is the famous Romanian playwright and journalist established in France, Matei Visniec, and the honorary guest of the fair this year is the European Commission.

    FOOTBALL – The Romanian football team FCSB have sustained their first defeat in this year’s edition of Europa League. Away from home, Romania’s vice-champions were outclassed by Czech contenders Viktoria Plzen 2-nil, in the last-but-one fixture of Europa League’s group stage.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • România achiziţionează sistemul Patriot

    România achiziţionează sistemul Patriot

    Primul dintre acestea, pentru care a fost primit acordul din partea administraţiei americane, este în valoare de aproximativ 765 de milioane de dolari şi va fi contractat până la sfârşitul anului. Ministrul Apărării, Mihai Fifor, a subliniat că achiziţia va asigura întărirea securităţii naţionale şi regionale şi va contribui la consolidarea Parteneriatului strategic bilateral: “Parteneriatul strategic România-SUA, lansat la 11 iulie 1997, a reprezentat şi reprezintă un reper esenţial al politicii externe a României, precum şi un instrument eficient de sprijin a eforturilor interne în domeniul apărării. Totodată, această achiziţie va genera intensificarea cooperării militare dintre România şi SUA, transferul de tehnologii şi informaţii sensibile, creşterea nivelului încrederii între cei doi aliaţi.”

    Senatorul PNL, de opoziţie, Iancu Caracotă afirmă, şi el, că prezenţa acestui tip de rachete pe teritoriul României aduce un plus de securitate. Mai mult, această achiziţie demonstrează faptul că ţara este percepută ca un aliat serios în cadrul Alianţei Nord-Atlantice. Iancu Caracotă: “Îmi pare bine că, pentru prima oară în ultimii ani, în acest context, industria românească de apărare devine un partener important pentru producătorul sistemelor Patriot. Am aflat că Raytheon va semna un memorandum de înţelegere cu Aerostar Bacău, pentru a permite industriei româneşti de apărare să contribuie la producerea şi mentenanţa fiecărui sistem Patriot livrat în România.”

    Din partea Puterii politice de la Bucureşti, senatorul PSD Adrian Ţuţuianu subliniază, la rândul său, că este nevoie de un sistem de rachete antiaeriene modern, în condiţiile în care armata României dispune, în prezent, de rachete sol-aer cu rază mică şi medie de acţiune, depăşite din punct de vedere operaţional şi tehnologic: “Soluţia pe care au adoptat-o militarii corespunde cel mai bine intereselor de securitate ale României, asigură interoperabilitatea cu structurile NATO, asigură un grad sporit de protecţie pentru cetăţenii României, în contextul în care situaţia de securitate din regiune s-a schimbat, începând cu anul 2014, în mod fundamental”.

    Şi senatorul Uniunii Salvaţi România, de opoziţie, Nicu Fălcoi, precizează că formaţiunea sa a susţinut şi va susţine în continuare alocarea a două procente din Produsul Intern Brut pentru Apărare. Nicu Fălcoi: “Numai că aceşti bani nu trebuie cheltuiţi în orice condiţii, ci cu un câştig cât mai mare pentru România. Ştiu că prin această achiziţie România intră într-un club select de ţări, în care nu este deloc uşor să pătrunzi şi că posibilităţile noastre de apărare antiaeriană vor creşte exponenţial.”

    Sistemul Patriot este considerat cel mai avansat din lume, fiind dotat cu rachete de ultimă generaţie şi cu un radar complex care poate detecta şi reacţiona la ameninţare în doar câteva secunde.

  • Proiecte de reabilitare ale unor instituții de recuperare medicală pentru militari

    Proiecte de reabilitare ale unor instituții de recuperare medicală pentru militari

    Ministrul apărării naționale, Mihai Fifor, a vizitat vineri, 17 noiembrie, imobilul deținut de M.Ap.N. în Centrul istoric al orașului Băile Herculane, județul Caraș Severin, în vederea evaluării și identificării soluțiilor tehnice care să permită reabilitarea clădirii și reintroducerea ei în sistemul medical militar.

    În prezent, pentru acest proiect este realizată documentația tehnică, iar pentru anul 2018 au fost planificate fonduri atât pentru consolidare, cât și pentru reabilitare, urmând ca imobilul să fie destinat refacerii capacității de muncă a personalului care a participat la acțiuni militare în teatrele de operații, a personalului în activitate și a cadrelor militare în rezervă și în retragere.

    Cândva, hotelul de la Herculane, denumit și Sanatoriul Militar Regele Ferdinand I, era unul care oferea programe de recuperare avansată pentru militarii români. Țin mult la acest proiect și, de aceea, îmi doresc să fie demarat la începutul anului viitor. Astfel, în doi ani vom avea o nouă bază pentru recuperarea militarilor răniți în teatrele de operații, dar și o bijuterie arhitectonică recuperată și repusă în circuit, a spus ministrul Mihai Fifor.

    Cu acest prilej, a fost prezentat și stadiul proiectului de modernizare a Sanatoriului de Balneofizioterapie și Recuperare Medicală Dr. Dimitrie Cantemir din Bălțătești, județul Neamț, aflat în administrarea MApN și destinat recuperării medicale a personalului militar și civil și a cadrelor militare în rezervă și în retragere.

    La această dată, la Bălțătești se derulează un proiect de investiție – consolidare și reparație capitală pentru trei pavilioane, care are termen de finalizare anul 2019, iar până la sfârșitul acestui an vor fi terminate și recepționate lucrări de reparații curente la alte două pavilioane ale sanatoriului.

  • Tehnică modernă pentru dotarea armatei

    Tehnică modernă pentru dotarea armatei

    Armata României se află într-un amplu proces de modernizare. Astfel, proiectul de lege privind cumpărarea, de la Statele Unite ale Americii, de rachete sol-aer Patriot a intrat, luni, în dezbaterea Parlamentului de la Bucureşti – mai întâi în Senat, apoi va merge în Camera Deputaţilor. Documentul prevede achiziţionarea a şapte sisteme de apărare antirachetă, din care patru vor fi destinate înzestrării Statului Major al Forţelor Aeriene şi trei înzestrării Statului Major al Forţelor Terestre. Contractul este de aproximativ 3,9 miliarde de dolari, fără TVA.

    Primul sistem, în valoare de 764 de milioane de dolari, va fi contractat până la sfârşitul acestui an şi, aşa cum speră ministrul Apărării, Mihai Fifor, va deveni operaţional în 2019: ‘Suntem deja în linie dreaptă, proiectul intră în şedinţa Biroului Permanent al Senatului şi intră în procedură de urgenţă în Senat. Noi sperăm ca, cel mai târziu peste două săptămâni, să avem aprobarea Senatului, să mergem în Camera Deputaţilor, suntem pregătiţi ca de îndată ce proiectul de lege a fost aprobat de Parlamentul României, să putem să facem plata primului sistem Patriot, sistem care va deveni operaţional cel mai probabil în 2019.’

    Dezbătut anterior şi de Guvern, proiectul de lege stipulează că, pentru România, realizarea capacităţii de apărare aeriană cu baza la sol este de interes esenţial, întrucât asigură întărirea securităţii naţionale şi regionale şi contribuie semnificativ la consolidarea parteneriatului strategic cu Statele Unite. Pentru apărare antiaeriană, armata română se bazează, la ora actuală, pe rachetele americane şi sovietice care datează din perioada războiului din Vietnam. Or, configuraţia 3+ a rachetelor Patriot care vor fi achiziţionate este cea mai modernă existentă, în prezent, pe piaţă din punct de vedere al configuraţiei hardware şi software, al echipamentelor de sol şi rachetelor.

    În producţie de 40 de ani, sistemul Patriot este în continuă evoluţie. Este dotat cu rachete de ultimă generaţie construite, în special, împotriva celor balistice. Fiecare are o greutate de 350 de kilograme, poate să se deplaseze cu o viteză de 5000 de kilometri pe oră, are o rază de acţiune de 20 de kilometri şi poate să atingă o altitudine de 24 de mii de metri. Patriot este dotat şi cu un radar complex care poate să detecteze în timp record o rachetă trasă de inamic şi să reacţioneze la ameninţare în doar câteva secunde. România se va alătura clubului restrâns de ţări care au sistemul Patriot. Printre ele se numără SUA, Germania, Grecia, Olanda, Spania, Israel, Emiratele Arabe Unite sau Japonia. Împreună, toate statele partenere investesc continuu în îmbunătăţiri şi teste, ca să fie cu un pas înaintea ameninţărilor.

  • Nachrichten 10.11.2017

    Nachrichten 10.11.2017

    Verteidigungsminister Mihai Fifor hat beim Nato-Verteidigungsministertreffen in Brüssel die Entwicklungen der fortgeschrittenen Militärpräsenz im Schwarzmeerraum vorgetragen. Das Verteidigungsministerium präzisiert in einer Mitteilung, dass es sich dabei um die Umwandlung des multinationalen Kommandopostens aus dem südlichen Craiova in eine Nato-Struktur, um eine erweiterte Präsenz der Schiffskräfte im Schwarzen Meer, die kontinuierlichen Aktivitäten der Luftpolizei über Rumänien sowie die Beteiligung der Alliierten auf dem Landesgebiet handelt. Mihai Fifor kündigte außerdem an, dass Rumänien gemeinsam mit Bulgarien und der Türkei bald das Konzept der Gemeinsamen Ausbildungsinitiative erarbeitet haben wird. Dieses bezieht sich auf die gemeinsame Unterweisung der Soldaten der Nato-Mitgliedsstaaten, die Anreiner des Schwarzen Meeres sind. Das erste Koordinationstreffen ist für Anfang Dezember geplant.

    Rumänien zählt zu den wenigen demokratischen Allierten, die sich nicht im US-Visa Waiver Programm (zur Aufhebung der Visumspflicht) befinden und dieses sollte sich ändern. Dies erklärte der amerikanische Kongressabgeordnete Dan Lipinski, der in einer Mitteilung auf der Webseite der Vertreterkammer der USA zitiert wurde. Er fügte hinzu, dass die Aufnahme Rumäniens in das Visa Waiver Programm die Zusammenarbeit im Sicherheitsbereich steigern, die bilateralen Handels- und Wirtschaftsbeziehungen sowie den gegenseitigen Tourismus verstärken würde. Lipinski hob hervor, dass Rumänien nach der rumänischen Revolution von 1989, als das autoritäre kommunistische Regime beseitigt wurde, zum starken Alliierten der Vereinigten Staaten geworden ist“. Der amerikanische Kongress-Abgeordnete sagte ferner, dass Rumänien ein echter Sicherheitspartner sei und einen der größten Beiträge zum Einsatz in Afghanistan leiste. Außerdem begrüßte Rumänien die Stationierung der US-Truppen am Schwarzen Meer. Das Land beherbergt die neue multinationale Nato-Einsatzbrigade.

    Der rumänische Außenminister Teodor Meleşcanu hat am Donnerstag einen Staatsbesuch in Weißrussland unternommen. Er diskutierte mit seinem Minsker Kollegen Vladimir Makei über die Perspektiven der bilateralen Beziehungen, über Handelsaustausche über die Perspektiven der Beziehungen zwischen der EU und Weißrussland. Melescanu sagte, dass Rumänien die Annäherung im Dialog zwischen Weißrussland und der Europäischen Union begrüsst, eine Annäherung, die er schon immer befürwortet habe. Der rumänische Chefdiplomat kam auch mit Premierminister Andrei Kobiakov zusammen, der sagte, dass Weißrussland zur Startrampe für Rumänien auf dem Weg zur Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion werden könnte. Außenminister Melescanu war bei einer öffentlichen Veranstaltung zur Erinnerung an den Beginn diplomatischer Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Ländern vor 25 Jahren zugegen. Das Jubiläum wurde von der Herausgabe einer besonderen Briefmarkenserie begleitet, mit Bildern der Maler Corneliu Baba und Mikhail Sawitzki, sowie eines ins Weißrussische übersetzten Gedichtbandes von Mihai Eminescu.

  • November 8, 2017 UPDATE

    November 8, 2017 UPDATE

    FISCAL AMENDMENTS -The Romanian Government on Wednesday
    adopted a series of amendments to the Fiscal Code. Finance minister Ionut Misa
    claims the amendments bring significant benefits to both citizens and
    companies, such as a cut from 16 to 10% in the tax on income, that is salaries,
    pensions, rents, interest rates, copyrights and others. There will also be a 2%
    cut in social contributions, which will be transferred from employers to employees.
    According to Misa, all these measures will have as main effect an increase in
    the employee’s net income, without the employer’s paying more to the state
    budget. In exchange, the right wing opposition has vehemently criticised the
    amendments promoted by the government. The leader of the National Liberal
    Party, Ludovic Orban, deemed them a calamity and announced his party will
    initiate and table a censure motion against the Tudose cabinet. He also added
    the National Liberal Party will make use of all legal and constitutional forms
    of protest to prevent the implementation of those fiscal aberrations, which run
    the risk of ruining the Romanian economy. The big trade confederations have
    repeatedly said that the amendments will actually reduce the employees’ incomes
    and announced that protests will continue at national level, and might
    culminate with an all-out strike.

    The national currency, the leu, on Wednesday continued to lose ground against
    the Euro, plummeting to the lowest level in the past five years. The leu also depreciated significantly on
    the inter-banking market against the USD and other currencies in the region,
    amid growing uncertainty caused by the government’s adoption of amendments to
    the fiscal code, harshly criticised by trade unions, employers’ associations
    and economic analysts.

    EBRD – Romania’s economy could report a 5.3% economic growth,
    which is estimated to go down to 4.2% in 2018, reads the latest forecast issued
    by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Previous
    estimates pointed to a 4% growth for 2017 and 3.5% for 2018. The National
    Forecast Committee last week also revised its economic growth forecast to 6.1%
    in 2017 as compared to the previous estimate of 5.6%. In October the IMF upgraded
    its economic growth forecast for Romania from 4.2% to 5.5%.

    DEFENCE – Security in the Black Sea area and
    Romanian-American military cooperation in Afghanistan were the focal points of
    the talks held in Brussels on Wednesday by Romanian defence minister Mihai
    Fifor and his American counterpart, James Mattis. Relative to the bilateral
    Strategic Partnership, Fifor said he talked with the US defence secretary about
    consolidating NATO’s advanced presence on the eastern flank, laying emphasis on
    the United States’ participation in the Black Sea region initiatives. The two officials held talks on the sidelines of the meeting of the NATO defence ministers.

    THE KING – King Mihai I of Romania is in grave
    condition at his house in Switzerland, which is why no event will be held to
    mark his name day on the feast day of Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel. On
    Tuesday Mihai was administered the Holy Eucharist, after on Monday the Royal
    House announced his condition had taken a turn for the worse. Aged 96, the King
    is suffering from two forms of cancer. Ascending the throne in 1940, Mihai I
    was forced to abdicate and go into exile in 1947 by the new communist
    authorities. Mihai I returned to Romania only after the anti-communist
    revolution of 1989, when he regained Romanian citizenship and part of the
    estates seized by communist authorities.

    ENERGY – Romania has stepped up its negotiations with China with a
    view to building reactors 3 and 4 at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant and a
    new black coal unit at the Rovinari thermal power plant, Energy Minister Toma
    Petcu said on the sidelines of a ministerial conference held in Bucharest,
    attended by a Chinese delegation. In turn, Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu
    expressed Romania’s interest to taking part in projects fostered as part of the
    new Silk Road project in China. Melescanu highlighted Romania’s strengths in
    this respect, its geographic position and its transport facilities, the port of
    Constanta, the Danube and the Danube-Black Sea canal.

    EUROSTAT – 25.8% of Romania’s population was
    employed in agriculture in 2015, placing the country on the top position at EU
    level, against a community average of 4.4%, reads the latest report made public
    by Eurostat. In 2015 some 10 million EU citizens worked in agriculture, of
    which 7.5 in Romania, Poland, Italy, France, Spain, Bulgaria and Germany.
    According to Eurostat, the rate of completing higher education studies varies
    between 1.6% in Romania and 25% in the UK amongst agriculture workers. Finally,
    Romania has the lowest rate at EU level, 1.5%, in terms of full-time
    agriculture workers, as compared to the EU average of 16.4%.

    THE POPE – Pope Francis has accepted an
    invitation to become honorary member of the Romanian Academy, extended by an
    official delegation of the Academy at the Vatican on Wednesday. The Pope
    accepted the distinction, underlying his friendly relations with Romania. The
    award will be sent to the Holy See by the Apostolic Nunciature in Bucharest.
    Pope Francis is the second pope to be named honorary member of the Romanian
    Academy, after John Paul II, who became a member in 2001.

    CATALONIA – Spain’s Constitutional Court on
    Wednesday officially revoked the unilateral declaration of independence adopted
    on October 27 by Catalonia’s Regional Parliament. According to pundits, the
    decision was an expected step to be taken by the Madrid authorities, after the
    secessionist move had already been suspended in court. Trade unions in the region called an all-out
    strike on Wednesday, to protest against the actions taken by the Spanish
    justice against the former Catalan government. Radio Romania’s correspondent in
    Spain says roads have been blocked, railway traffic has been brought to a halt
    and all activities in schools and institutions have been suspended. One Tuesday
    some 200 Catalan mayors and pro-independence MEPs met in Brussels with the
    former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, which faces harsh accusations levelled
    by Spain, after having favoured the organisation of the so-called
    pro-independence referendum. Although he is being prosecuted, Puigdemont has
    made public his acceptance to be the main candidate of his party in the future
    span ballot called for December 21, by the Spanish government.

    On Thursday Romania’s national football team is playing Turkey at home in Cluj
    Napoca, central Romania, and will next play the Netherlands on November 14.
    Both games are friendly. Coach Cosmin Contra has called up 30 players, of whom
    17 play for clubs abroad. The two games are bound to prepare preparations for
    the 2020 European Cup preliminaries. Romania failed to qualify to the 2018
    World Cup to be hosted by Russia, after a subpar campaign with German Christoph
    Daum at its helm. We recall Romanian Mircea Lucescu is currently Turkey’s

  • November 8, 2017

    November 8, 2017

    AMENDMENTS – The Romanian Government is today expected to adopt a series of amendments to the Fiscal Code, providing, among other things, for the full transfer of social contributions from employers to employees, a cut from 16 to 10% in the tax on income, pensions, farming-related revenues, interest rates and rent. The Governments economic session has been so far postponed twice. The ruling coalition pointed out the new measures are bound to produce positive effects, amidst fears voiced by employers, trade unions and part of civil society. The biggest trade union confederations have announced protests would continue at national level. On Sunday some 20,000 people protested the Governments measures, while yesterday saw a big protest at Dacias manufacturing plant in Mioveni, southern Romania. The new fiscal measures have been harshly criticized by the president and the right-wing opposition.

    NATO – Romanias Defense Minister Mihai Fifor is starting today taking part in a two-day meeting of NATO Defense Ministers. According to Mihai Fifor, the meeting represents a new opportunity for Romania to foster its security interests in the Black Sea region and consolidate the Alliances contribution to securing its eastern flank. The main topics on the agenda for talks are the reform of NATOs command structure, the mobility of NATO troops deployed in Europe, the developments in Afghanistan, as well as North Koreas missile and nuclear programmes. Mihai Fifor will also attend the Anti-DAESH Global Coalition meeting, held on the sidelines of the NATO meeting. He will meet with US Defense Secretary James Mattis and counterparts from Great Britain, France, Portugal, Turkey and Italy, as well as with General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe.

    EBRD – Romanias economy could report a 5.3% economic growth, which is estimated to go down to 4.2% in 2018, reads the latest forecast issued by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Previous estimates pointed to a 4% growth for 2017 and 3.5% for 2018. The National Forecast Committee last week also revised its economic growth forecast to 6.1% in 2017 as compared to the previous estimate of 5.6%. In October the IMF upgraded its economic growth forecast for Romania from 4.2% to 5.5%.

    THE KING – King Mihai I of Romania is in grave condition at his house in Switzerland, which is why no event will be held to mark his name day on the feast day of Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel. On Tuesday Mihai was administered the Holy Eucharist, after on Monday the Royal House announced his condition had taken a turn for the worse. Aged 96, the King is suffering from two forms of cancer. Ascended to the throne in 1940, Mihai I was forced to step down and go into exile in 1947 by the new communist authorities. Mihai I returned to Romania only after the anti-communist revolution of 1989, when he regained Romanian citizenship and part of the estates seized by communist authorities.

    ENERGY – Romania has stepped up its negotiations with China with a view to building reactors 3 and 4 at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant and a new black coal unit at the Rovinari thermal power plant, Energy Minister Toma Petcu said on the sidelines of a ministerial conference held in Bucharest, attended by a Chinese delegation. In turn, Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu expressed Romanias interest to taking part in projects fostered as part of the new “Silk Road project in China. Melescanu highlighted Romanias strengths in this respect, its geographic position and its transport facilities, the port of Constanta, the Danube and the Danube-Black Sea canal.

    THE POPE – Pope Francis today accepted an invitation to become honorary member of the Romanian Academy, extended by an official delegation of the Academy at the Vatican today. The Pope accepted the distinction, underlying his “friendly relations with Romania. The award will be sent to the Holy See by the Apostolic Nunciature in Bucharest. Pope Francis is the second pope to be named honorary member of the Romanian Academy after John Paul II, who became a member in 2001.

    EUROSTAT – 25.8% of Romanias population was employed in agriculture in 2015, placing the country on the top position at EU level, against a community average of 4.4%, reads the latest report made public by Eurostat. In 2015 some 10 million EU citizens worked in agriculture, of which 7.5 in Romania, Poland, Italy, France, Spain, Bulgaria and Germany. According to Eurostat, the rate of completing higher education studies varies between 1.6% in Romania and 25% in the UK amongst agriculture workers. Finally, Romania has the lowest rate at EU level, 1.5%, in terms of full-time agriculture workers, as compared to the EU average of 16.4%.

    MOLDOVA – EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmstrom spoke about the unused potential of Moldovas free trade agreement with the EU, despite offering many benefits to the Republic of Moldova. The EU official is on a visit to Chisinau to mark three years since the agreement was ratified. Cecilia Malmstrom said Moldovan authorities must carry out additional reforms to step up trade relations with the Union. The EU official went on to say that Moldovas implementation of the memorandum signed with the IMF is a prerequisite to the EUs € 100 million financial package to this country. According to statistics, Moldovas exports to the EU exceeded $ 1 billion in the first nine months of the year, up by 16% as compared to the same period last year.

    TOUR – As of today US president Donald Trump is on a three-day visit to China, an important stop part of his tour of Asia. According to international news agencies, the White House leader will meet his counterpart Xi Jinping against the backdrop of US efforts to reconstruct a single frontline against North Koreas nuclear programme. Trump will call on China to break all trade relations with North Korea and get in line with UN sanctions against Pyongyang. During his tour of Asia, President Trump has visited Japan and South Korea, and will next travel to Vietnam and the Philippines.

    FOOTBALL – On Thursday Romanias national football team is playing Turkey at home in Cluj Napoca, central Romania, and will next play the Netherlands on November 14. Both games are friendly. Coach Cosmin Contra has called up 30 players, of whom 17 play for clubs abroad. The two games are bound to prepare preparations for the 2020 European Cup preliminaries. Romania failed to qualify to the 2018 World Cup to be hosted by Russia, after a subpar campaign with German Christoph Daum at its helm. We recall Romanian Mircea Lucescu is currently Turkeys headcoach. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • October 21, 2017

    October 21, 2017

    CATALONIA — The Spanish Government has begun a crisis cabinet meeting to trigger the suspension of Catalonia’s political autonomy after the region missed a deadline to clarify an ambiguous declaration of independence. The central Government confirmed on Thursday it would invoke article 155 of Spain’s 1978 constitution, which allows it to take control of a region if it breaks the law. Madrid said that the Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont had refused to comply with a request to confirm whether the region had declared independence. Puigdemont appeared to declare independence after the October 1st referendum but then he immediately suspended it, calling for dialogue with Spain, a request so far denied. His request for the European Union to mediate in the dispute was denied, with the EU supporting the Rajoy government and saying it would not recognize an independent Catalonia.

    MEETING — Romanian Defense Minister Mihai Fifor said on Friday in Krakow, Poland, that it was high time for Romania and Poland to tighten cooperation in sectors such as defence. Minister Fifor made this statement at a meeting with members of the Romanian community and Polish students studying the Romanian language at the Jagiellonian University. The Romanian official underlined the long-lasting friendship between Romania and Poland and the two country’s good cooperation under the Strategic Partnership. On the occasion of his visit to Poland, Fifor met with Romanian military dispatched in this country as part of the US Army – led NATO Battle Group.

    ECONOMY –Romanian economy might grow more than estimated in 2017 and 2018, according to a World Bank report. The GDP could go up by 5.5% this year, due to fiscal stimulation measures and improved results of the European economy. Increased consumption will trigger, however, an increase in the current account deficit and inflation. The report also shows that Romania’s GDP will go up by 4.1% in 2018 and by 3.6% in 2019. The World Bank has warned, however that increased fiscal pressure and excessive domestic demand make Romanian economy more vulnerable to shocks.

    SUMMIT — Brexit and migration were the main topics discussed at the recent Brussels summit. After two days of talks, the European leaders are united and determined to go forward with optimism, as they want to create ‘a better Union closer to the citizen.’ As for the Brexit negotiations, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, who represented Romania at the summit, said that the progress made is insufficient. The Brussels meeting also included talks on migration, a phenomenon that the EU continues to deal with and which has decreased. Iohannis announced that Romania had decided together with the countries participating in the summit to back the Nuclear Agreement with Iran. The EU’s digital agenda, security and defence, the EU’s relations with Turkey and North Korea’s nuclear programme were also discussed during the summit.

    ELECTION – Voting in the Czech parliamentary election began on Friday and continue today with opinion polls predicting victory for businessman Andrej Babis’s centrist ANO movement and other protest parties. Babis is on course to achieve election success on a wave of popular support, anti-immigrant sentiment and a widespread distrust of traditional politics. This despite the fact that the country’s economy is performing well and immigration into the Czech Republic, a country of 10 million people, is virtually non-existent. Although Andrej Babis is not expected to secure a majority, a win for ANO would be yet another success for Europe’s anti-establishment wave.

    TENNIS — Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, number one in the world, will be up against French player Carolia Garcia, WTA’s 9th seed in the WTA Finals in Singapore, which brings together the eight best players of the year. Halep, aged 26, who has recently become the world’s best player is also the first Romanian player to achieve this historic milestone since the computer rankings were introduced in 1975, being the 25th woman to hold the no. 1 ranking. Her rise to the first sport brings to an end the reign of Spain’s Garbiñe Muguruza, who spent four weeks in the top position. Halep entered the Top 10 for the first time on January 27, 2014, and has been there ever since. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Nachrichten 20.10.2017

    Nachrichten 20.10.2017

    Der Präsident des Europäischen Rates, Donald Tusk, hat am zweiten und letzten Tag des Gipfels in Brüssel die zweite Phase der Brexit-Verhandlungen eingeläutet. Das interne Verfahren dazu sei angelaufen hieß es. Nach dem Europäischen Herbstrat sagte Rumäniens Staatschef Iohannis, dass sein Land stark an den Rechten der EU-Bürger in Großbritanien interessiert sei. Das Thema werde von beiden Seiten offen besprochen, sagte Iohannis weiter. Zuvor hatte die britische Premierministerin Theresa May Pressevertretern gegenüber eingeräumt, dass die Verhandlungen gerade stockten. Darauf angesprochen, erklärte Iohannis, dass niemand die Verhandlungen blockieren wolle. Allerdings könne niemand garantieren, dass bis Ende Dezember ausreichende Fortschritte erreicht würden. Unterdessen habe Iohannis mit dem EU-Ratspräsidenten Donald Tusk vereinbart, zum Europatag am 9. Mai 2019 im rumänischen Sibiu/Hermannstadt ein informelles Treffen der EU-Führungspolitiker zu veranstalten. Bei diesem Treffen soll über die Zukunft der EU nach dem Brexit diskutiert werden. Beim jetzigen Gipfel in Brüssel wurde noch über Migration, Digitalisierung, Sicherheit und Verteidigung, externe Beziehungen, insbesondere zu der Türkei und über Nordkorea debattiert.

    Rumänien hat von Anfang an die Gründung des NATO-Exzellenzzentrums für militärische Spionageabwehr unterstützt. Das erklärte Rumäniens Verteidigungsminister, Mihai Fifor, bei der Eröffnung des Zentrums im polnischen Krakau. Anwesend waren auch seine Amtskollegen aus Polen, der Slowakei und Ungarn. Das Zentrum sei nötig um die Experten der Allianz einheitlich fortzubilden. Fifor hatte seinem polnischen Amtskollegen zuvor vorgeschlagen, im März ein Treffen der Veteidigungsminister der B9-Staaten, der Länder der NATO-Ostflanke, zu organisieren. Der Vorschlag wurde akzeptiert. Die B9-Staaten sind Bulgarien, Tschechien, Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Polen, Rumänien, die Slowakei und Ungarn. Der rumänische Verteidigungsminister ist in Polen auch mit rumänischen Militärs zusammen gekommen. Diese sind in der Zeitspanne September 2017-März 2018 im Rahmen der NATO-Kampfgruppe unter Leitung der USA in Polen tätig.

  • Jurnal românesc – 20.10.2017

    Jurnal românesc – 20.10.2017

    Aflat în vizită în Polonia, ministrul apărării, Mihai Fifor, a avut, la Cracovia, o întâlnire cu membri ai comunităţii românești și cu studenți polonezi care studiază limba română. “Ceea ce ne leagă pe noi, românii, de Polonia este o veche relaţie de prietenie şi o foarte bună cooperare pe care am cultivat-o atent în toţi aceşti ani, în cadrul Parteneriatului Strategic. România şi Polonia sunt două state aliate care pot juca împreună un rol foarte important în asigurarea securităţii şi stabilităţii flancului estic al NATO şi întregului spaţiu euroatlantic”, a precizat ministrul Fifor. În context, ministrul apărării a apreciat că este momentul ca aceste două state să coopereze și mai intens, inclusiv pe dimensiunea apărării. “Atunci când vorbim despre dezvoltarea parteneriatului strategic, comunitatea românească este, pentru mine personal, un adevărat reper. Dumneavoastră contribuiţi, fără doar şi poate, la promovarea ţării noastre şi la consolidarea relaţiilor dintre România şi Polonia”, a apreciat Mihai Fifor. Ministrul a declarat că a ținut în mod special să aibă o întâlnire cu membrii comunității românești cu ocazia vizitei la Cracovia şi că va continua să facă acest lucru ori de cate ori va avea ocazia, în deplasările pe care le va face în afara graniţelor țării.

    În perspectiva celebrării Centenarului Marii Uniri de la 1918, Ministerul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni anunță în premieră inițierea și organizarea Campaniei Naționale Centenar prin înfrățiri”, o campanie de înfrățire a județelor din România şi sectoarelor Municipiului București cu unități administrativ-teritoriale similare din statele unde există comunități de români. Obiectivul acestui proiect îl reprezintă derularea de proiecte și activități centrate pe promovarea identității românești pe linie educațională, culturală, sportivă, dar și pe alte direcții. Ca primă etapă, Campania Centenar prin înfrățiri” propune, până la sfârșitul anului 2017, încheierea unei serii de acorduri de cooperare a autorităților administrației publice locale din Republica Moldova cu zece județe din România, câte un județ din fiecare regiune de dezvoltare. MRP își propune, astfel, susținerea dezvoltării de rețele asociative create pe baza legăturilor de înfrățire între localități, asigurând o cooperare între unități administrativ-teritoriale din România și din diaspora.

    Ministerul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni a lansat oficial noua platformă instituțională www.mprp.gov.ro. Astfel, toate informațiile cu privire la activitățile, evenimentele, acțiunile și inițiativele Ministerului vor putea fi accesate prin noul site, într-o formă mai accesibilă și mai modernă. Potrivit ministerului, site-ul se află în plin proces de actualizare, fiind optimizat pentru a răspunde standardelor privind creșterea transparenței instituționale și standardizării informațiilor de interes public.

    Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie (CCI) a judeţului Suceava a lansat, în baza unui proiect cu finanţare europeană, un birou virtual pentru oamenii de afaceri din Ucraina şi Republica Moldova, a declarat preşedintele executiv al CCI Suceava, Lucian Gheorghiu. Cu sprijinul specialiştilor CCI, oamenii de afaceri ucraineni sau moldoveni pot înfiinţa firme cu sediul social în municipiul Suceava, permiţându-le acestora să acceadă, astfel, pe piaţa românească şi europeană. Prin intermediul acestei facilităţi, şapte oameni de afaceri ucraineni au constituit societăţi comerciale cu sediul la CCI Suceava. Firmele respective activează pe piaţa confecţiilor şi a materialelor de construcţii, vânzând pe piaţa românească şi europeană produse realizate în Ucraina. Totodată, prin intermediul Biroului virtual, oameni de afaceri ucraineni sau moldoveni pot beneficia de consultanţă fiscală şi juridică, dar şi de acces la o bază de date cu oportunităţile de afaceri din România.