Tag: Moldova

  • December 8, 2023 UPDATE

    December 8, 2023 UPDATE

    Memorandum — On Friday, the Romanian Government approved a memorandum regarding the increase in the transport capacity of natural gas and electricity to the neighboring Republic of Moldova (with a majority Romanian-speaking population). Thus, the Iaşi-Ungheni-Chişinău gas pipeline could be expanded, with the possibility of increasing the natural gas transport capacity. At the same time, they envisage to identify natural gas storage spaces in Romania, for the creation of emergency stocks for the Republic of Moldova. As regards electric power, the document provides for the construction of a new interconnection line. According to economic experts, in 2023, the volume of trade between the two states will be 2.8 billion dollars, similar to last year. Moldovas trade exchanges with Romania have doubled, especially against the background of the war started by the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Romania holds the highest share in the export of Moldovan products in all history, 32.9%, and the Russian Federation has reached a historic minimum of 3.5%.

    Corruption — In Romania, the former health ministers, Vlad Voiculescu and Ioana Mihăilă, on Friday went to the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) headquarters, where they were officially informed of the charges of abuse of office in the case of COVID-19 vaccine purchase during the pandemic period. While Voiculescu explained that he did not sign any contract regarding the purchase of doses, the decisions belonging to the prime minister at the time, Florin Cîţu, Mihăilă pointed out that the decision was made at government level, and the respective contracts were the result of negotiations between the European Commission and the vaccine manufacturers. Vlad Voiculescu believes that the accusations are a distortion of reality by a public institution, a unique investigation in Europe that investigates a decision of political opportunity. According to DNA, although the more than 37 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine contracted before January 1, 2021 would have been sufficient to immunize the Romanian population, the government led by Florin Cîțu approved the additional purchase of another 52 million doses, and the damage to the state was estimated at over one billion euros. The former PM Cîțu was previously also indicted in this case.

    Timişoara — In Timişoara (western Romania), the closing festivities of the European Capital of Culture program are in full swing. Until Sunday, concerts, shows, exhibitions, as well as the Gala – “Timişoara la nesfărşit”- ‘Timişoara forever’ are organized at the Big Hall of the National Theatre. This year, over 2,000 cultural events took place in Timişoara, with around 1.3 million artists and visitors, and 3,000 volunteers involved, and the city was visited by 850,000 tourists.

    Statistics – Almost 86% of Romania’s households have an Internet connection – according to the data published on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics. 93% of users are between 16 and 74 years old. Statistical data also indicate that the shares of people who use the Internet decrease with age. Thus, this year, almost all young people between the ages of 16 and 34 use or have ever used the Internet, while for those aged between 55 and 74, the percentage is 81. Last year, the share of people aged 16 -74 years who used the Internet was 89%, 2 % below the European Union average.

    IMF – The International Monetary Fund recommends Romania new measures through which to bring additional revenues to the budget, worth 2% of the Gross Domestic Product. Experts argue that the tax reform should target the value added tax and the income taxes paid by individuals, by eliminating tax exemptions and privileges. The IMF recommends, after the implementation of these measures, considering the reintroduction of the progressive taxation. Also, the new turnover tax should be reconsidered, because it is not in line with the good practices, show the conclusions of the Romanian economy assessment. (LS)

  • El a visat Marea Unire

    El a visat Marea Unire

    Reportaj despre ciobanul-autodidact Gheorghe Cârțan, precursor al Unirii de la 1 decembrie 1918. El a redeșteptat conștiința națională a românilor din Transilvania, aducându-le în condiții de clandestinitate cărți în limba română care au contribuit la înțelegerea unității etnice și lingvistice cu cei din Muntenia și Moldova.

  • Steps towards EU-29 enlargement     

    Steps towards EU-29 enlargement     

    since the summer of last year, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova obtained in
    early November the recommendation from the European Commission regarding the
    start of EU accession negotiations. The news was received with joy by the
    pro-Western leaders of the two former Soviet countries, but there are still
    steps to be taken before integration. The first of these is related to the
    decision the European Council made in mid November. In order to adopt the
    recommendation made by the Commission, all states must agree, and some, such as
    Hungary, have already questioned the appropriateness of this approach.

    if they manage to successfully get through December, in March 2024 the European
    Commission will present a new report, analyzing the progress made by Ukraine
    and the Republic of Moldova towards the targets they assumed. Now, in the case
    of Ukraine, the Commission is recommending that negotiations begin once Kyiv
    meets the remaining conditions on fighting corruption and strengthening
    minority protection standards. In the case of the Republic of Moldova, these
    conditions refer to the fight against corruption and the improvement of
    financial regulations. Ukraine will be in the European Union. And we will
    achieve this, in particular, by transforming our country – an internal
    transformation that is certainly in the interest of our people. For Ukraine, the
    EU means economic security and social stability, and for the EU Ukraine means a
    strengthening of the entire community, said Ukrainian President Volodymyr

    The decision made by
    the European Commission encourages us and empowers us to continue the things we
    started: to make Moldova stronger, a state that ensures peace at home and
    contributes to regional security and takes care of the well-being of its
    citizens. It’s a lot of work. The path we have chosen to walk is full of
    challenges. We are not afraid of our work, and our goal is for Moldova to be
    ready to join the EU by 2030, said the President of Moldova, Maia Sandu.

    How feasible 2030 is as
    deadline for accession depends on each individual country, says university professor and former foreign
    minister Adrian Cioroianu:

    The calendar is
    set as a guideline, obviously there is no obligation on the part of anyone for
    2030 to be the end point, but we are talking about an encouragement. On the
    other hand, it is the EU’s way of keeping these countries close, of giving them
    a purpose. Look at the real political difficulties the Republic of Moldova is
    facing, at every voting session we get nervous given the political landscape of
    the country. Look at what is happening in Serbia, look at the difficulty of
    settling this dispute and this trauma that Serbs still feel in their
    relationship with Kosovo, etc. These countries must be given a purpose. The
    beginning of the journey speaks rather of an intention and of a promise in a
    mutual way. The EU recognizes that it needs these states, but these states must
    also realize that they can model themselves according to European principles
    and values. And of course we want in the end to be more alike than different,
    even if even within the EU the differences persist, but let’s hope that similarities
    outnumber differences.

    Complying with the
    recommendations of the Venice Commission is on Ukraine’s to-do list. Are the
    authorities in Kyiv determined to follow these recommendations? Here is journalist
    Marin Gherman, director of the Institute of Political Studies and Social
    Capital in Chernivtsi, attempting an answer:

    From my point of
    view, there will be a series of attempts by Kyiv, especially concerning the
    recommendations regarding the legislation in the field of national minorities,
    not to respect them. We also have high-level statements regarding these
    recommendations. Why? Because there is opposition in the Ukrainian
    parliamentary environment to the idea of ​​changing the legislation in the
    field of national minorities, seeing this issue strictly through the war
    glasses in Ukraine, and regarding the Russian minority. It is a painful
    subject, it is the war with Russia, the full-scale invasion by Russia, and when
    the question of the Ukrainian minorities is raised, most of them think of the
    Russians, of Russification, of everything that means war. And it is very
    difficult for the Ukrainian political elite to escape this vision.

    Ukraine also needs a
    service reform, says Marin Gherman, and there are also problems in the fight
    against corruption. On the other hand, what will happen in Transnistria, as
    Chisinau has no control over this separatist region? Does Chisinau undertake to
    implement a community acquis throughout the territory of the Republic of
    Moldova? Iulian Groza, executive director of the Institute
    for European Policies and Reforms in Chisinau says yes:

    Yes. And we have
    a precedent – ​​the Association Agreement with the EU. When it was concluded it
    was agreed that it would be applied throughout the country. The most important
    part of the agreement, dealing with trade, entered into force two years later
    after the provisional entry. Today, thanks to access to the EU market, the
    Transnistrian region is much more strongly anchored in the European space. And
    today, in the context of the war and the upheavals in the region, precisely
    this is an important counterbalancing element of Russia’s influence in the
    Transnistrian region.

    2023 enlargement package presented by the European Commission provides a
    detailed assessment of the current state and the progress made not only by
    Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, but also by the other aspirants to
    accession: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia
    , Serbia, Turkey and Georgia , the
    latter obtaining, moreover, the status of a candidate country. (MI)

  • Negotiations for EU enlargement

    Negotiations for EU enlargement

    On Wednesday the European Commission recommended the launch of EU accession negotiations with Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the granting of candidate status to Georgia, once the latter meets certain conditions.

    The president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said this enlargement of the bloc was “the call of history.” “Completing our Union also has a strong economic and geopolitical logic. Past enlargements have shown the enormous benefits both for the accession countries and the EU. We all win,” Ursula von der Leyen pointed out.

    In turn, the president of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola voiced her satisfaction with these countries being on the right path towards opening accession negotiations. The Commissions recommendation must next be approved by the 27 members at the EU Summit of December 14-15.

    In the meantime, the countries will have to implement some key measures in this respect. As far as Chișinău is concerned, these conditions concern fighting corruption and improving financial regulations. Moldova has made the best progress of the countries that wish to join the European Union, the Commission says, but out of the 9 steps towards launching accession negotiations, the justice reform, fight against corruption and de-oligarchisation still remain unfulfilled. The Commission mentions the length of judicial proceedings, low clearance rates and the large backlog of cases. Also, there has been no significant progress in the prosecution of high-profile corruption cases.

    This is why the Commission urged Chișinău to ensure a transparent and merit-based process for appointments to the main judicial and prosecutorial governance bodies, including for the appointment of a Prosecutor General, and ensure that anti-corruption institutions are functioning within a clear organisational structure and with adequate resources.

    The president of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, hailed the Commissions decision to open accession negotiations. “Moldova is firmly on the path for EU membership and we will continue working relentlessly towards this goal,ˮ Maia Sandu said.

    As for Ukraine, the Commission recommends that negotiations be opened once Kyiv meets the remaining conditions concerning the fight against corruption, the regulation of lobby activities and strengthening minority protection standards. The recommendation is a major milestone on Kyivs path towards European integration, and a strategic move for the European bloc, given that Ukraine has been struggling with Russias military invasion since February 2022. The European Commission finds that the country has proved to be capable of progress in harmonising its laws with the EU legislation, even in times of war. (AMP)

  • The Republic of Moldova after the local elections

    The Republic of Moldova after the local elections

    Over three decades, the Republic of Moldova, Romania’s neighbor to the east, has made a giant leap from being a vassal of Moscow in the Soviet era to being a candidate for EU accession. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, against which the pro-European administration in Chişinău, led by President Maia Sandu, adopted a correct stand by denouncing it in harsh terms, gave a boost to the process of heading towards the West, where they can find a chance of democratic stability and prosperity. The resistance of the pro-Russian left is, however, obvious. Sunday’s local elections are proof thereof. Maia Sandu’s Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) won more than 40% of the votes cast for mayors, councilors and district councils, and village councils.

    The presidential party won mayoral seats in the first round of voting in more than a quarter of around 900 villages and towns. The victories were mostly in rural areas, and the candidates of the Action and Solidarity Party failed to win mayoral positions in the big cities. In Chişinău, the incumbent mayor, Ion Ceban, a former prominent member of the Socialist Party, was re-elected in the first round. However, his party did not obtain the same success in the Municipal Council. Analyst Ion Tăbârţă notices that the governing party has accumulated fewer votes than expected.

    Ion Tăbârţă: We understand that the positions of the socialists as a whole with those of the communists are quite solid. I somehow came up with certain optimistic forecasts according to which two-thirds of the society is pro-European, and one-third looks to the East. We see that it is not the case. The left-wing parties have more votes than the right-wing parties.

    Seen as a test for the pro-European policy of President Maia Sandu, the local elections took place against the background of accusations of Russian interference, denied, however, by Moscow. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said in a preliminary report that the entire campaign was distorted by an inflow of illicit, foreign funds and monetary incentives used to influence the will of voters.

    Reuters writes that before the vote, the Moldovan authorities accused Russia of buying votes by channeling 5 million dollars to what it called criminal groups led by fugitive businessman Ilan Şor, who was convicted in absentia for involvement in bank fraud in Moldova. Just two days before the vote, the authorities banned the Şor-linked Chance Party on security grounds, a decision that the OSCE believes limited voters’ options. This was the last national vote in the Republic of Moldova ahead of the presidential election that will take place in November 2024. A year later, in 2025, parliamentary elections are scheduled. (LS)

  • November 5, 2023

    November 5, 2023

    Cash payment — Romania’s social-democratic prime minister, Marcel Ciolacu, announced a meeting at the government headquarters, in the following days, with the representatives of the main banks and with small entrepreneurs to debate the subject of cash payments. The topic has gained momentum in recent days, after some banks allegedly notified customers that they want to increase the commissions for depositing and withdrawing money at the counters. In this context, Nicolae Ciucă, the leader of the governing partners from the PNL, says that the measure of limiting cash payments should be re-discussed. According to the fiscal-budgetary measures that apply at the end of this year, cash payments are limited between a legal entity and a natural person to 5,000 lei (about 1,000 Euros) per day, except for salary payments, and between two individuals at 10,000 lei (2000 Euros) per day. Between legal entities, cash payments cannot exceed 1,000 lei (200 Euros) per day. From January 1, 2025, these ceilings would be halved. The purpose of the measure is to combat tax evasion. The most affected by the banks decisions and the limitation of cash payments are the small traders, especially those from the rural area, where many customers buy with cash, and the traders make their supplies from the big cash-and-carry stores paying cash too.

    Moldova — The citizens of the Republic of Moldova (ex-Soviet state with a majority Romanian-speaking population are called to the polls on Sunday to elect their mayors and local councilors. The election results are also important in the run up to next years presidential elections and of the parliamentary elections in 2025, which will decide whether the neighboring country will continue its European course. The main stake is the city of Chisinau, with the highest concentration of population and resources. A record number of 28 candidates were registered for the position of mayor. The vote is taking place against the backdrop of unprecedented interference by Russia in the electoral process in the Republic of Moldova, through illegal financing of parties, corruption of voters and candidates. On Friday evening, the ‘Chance’ Party, affiliated with the fugitive oligarch Ilan Şor, was eliminated from the electoral race, after the Intelligence and Security Service reported that the party bought voters with money received from Russia.

    Mini-football — The Romanian team won the Minifootball World Cup for the first time, on Saturday evening, in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates), after a dramatic victory in the final against Kazakhstan, score 12-11, in the penalty shootout. Romania, which played its third consecutive world semifinal, had two World Cup bronze medals from three participations, in the USA (2015) and Australia (2019). The world champion trophy was the only major title missing from the national team’s showcase. The national team was, in the past, six times European champion (2010-2015) and runner-up in the last two editions of the EMF EURO (2018 and 2022).

    Gaudeamus — The Gaudeamus book fair, organized by Radio Romania, in Timişoara (west), European Capital of Culture 2023, comes to an end on Sunday. The event brings together 40 of the most important publishing houses and book distribution agencies in the country, which offer readers the latest releases and bestsellers. There are promotional packages and substantial discounts for the thousands of volumes on display. Between November 22-26, a new edition of the Gaudeamus Radio Romania Fair, the longest-running and most popular project of its kind in the country, will be organized at the Romexpo Compound in Bucharest.

    Gaza – The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, discussed, on Sunday, in Ramallah, with the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, at a time when the international community fears an expansion of the war between Israel and Hamas in the West Bank, AFP and Reuters report. It is the first visit of the US secretary of state to the West Bank since the beginning of the war on October 7, after the bloody attack on the Israeli territory by the Palestinian Islamist movement that controls the Gaza Strip, followed by the harsh response of the Jewish state. Antony Blinkens unannounced visit to Ramallah comes in the context of his Middle East tour, which also included Israel and Jordan. The BBC reports that the Israeli Defense Ministry announced that its forces had entered populated areas of Gaza City, and eyewitnesses reported heavy gunfire and fierce ground fighting on the outskirts. At the same time, the Israeli army announced that it is reopening, on Sunday, a corridor for civilians in the north of Gaza, for their movement to the south. The United Nations warns that 1.5 million people have been displaced in the area since the beginning of the conflict, and half of them take shelter in its camps. (LS)

  • The Romanian Prime Minister in Ukraine

    The Romanian Prime Minister in Ukraine

    The one-day visit by the Romanian delegation headed by Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu to the neighboring Ukraine, invaded by the Russian troops, has occasioned the signing of a memorandum on strengthening cooperation and ensuring the safe transit of the Ukrainian products towards the world markets. This also includes an appendix for the strategy of developing the road infrastructure and the border checkpoints between the two countries. The European Commission has promptly hailed the agreement in Kyiv, which confirms the consistent support Romania gives to Ukraine in order for the latter to export its farm and industry products, a major source for war expenses.

    “Romania has a pivotal role in the functioning of the Solidarity Lanes and is engaging constructively with all the parties concerned, including through the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes Joint Coordination Platform. The Commission encourages such close cooperation between the EU Member States and Ukraine”, a communiqué of the EU Executive says.

    During the meeting between Marcel Ciolacu and Denis Shmyhal an agreement has been signed for the construction of a road bridge over the Tisa River as well as a series of documents on cooperation in the fields of defence and pharmaceutics industry. In Kyiv, the Romanian Prime Minister has been received by the head of state Volodymyr Zelensky and held talks with Parliament chairman Ruslan Stefanchuk

    Ciolacu has reminded the hosts that in order to join the EU, Ukraine must comply with clear principles including the rights of minorities. Over 400 thousand ethnic Romanians are living in the neighboring country mostly in northern Bukovina, the north and south of Bessarabia and the Hertza Land, all Romanian territories annexed through an ultimatum by the Stalinist Soviet Union back in 1941 and inherited by Ukraine as a successor state in 1991.

    After the invasion, numerous ethnic Romanians have gone to fight for Ukraine in the war against Russia.

    The good news with which Ciolacu came back was that the authorities there no longer recognize the so-called Moldovan language, under which Romanians used to be discriminated against. Rejected by all the linguists, the concept of the Moldovan language was coined in the first years of the Bolshevik regime out of a purely ideological reason: the creation of a false ethnic identity, which should legitimize Moscows imperialist tendencies. Even the last head of the political police KGB in the Republic, General Tudor Botnaru, admitted more than three decades ago, that “everything had been made to diminish the love for a literary Romanian language in order to promote primitive Moldovan principles.”


  • A new meeting for the Republic of Moldova

    A new meeting for the Republic of Moldova

    Western diplomats and geopolitical experts agree that the Republic of Moldova is the most vulnerable among the neighbors of Ukraine which was invaded by Russian troops. It is considered, in the specialized rankings, as one of the poorest states on the continent. It does not belong to any military alliance, because an outdated Constitution, adopted three decades ago, stipulates complete neutrality. The pro-Russian break-away region of Transnistria or Trans-Dniester (east) has been, de facto, out of the control of the central authorities since 1992. The capital, Chişinău, is teeming with Moscow’s agents who have reached as far as the Parliament. All in all, the state could not survive without the assistance of Western partners. On Tuesday, the fourth edition of the Support Platform for the Republic of Moldova took place in Chişinău. It was created last year at the initiative of neighboring Romania, France and Germany, to help overcome the crises and effects generated by the Russian aggression in Ukraine.

    About 50 delegates, foreign ministers from the European Union countries and representatives of international financial institutions and organizations participated. The host, the pro-Western president Maia Sandu, recalled that the Republic of Moldova managed to overcome a difficult winter, to help the numerous Ukrainian refugees and its own population, vulnerable to energy bills, and to strengthen its institutions, against the background of hybrid aggressions from Russia. She compared the support that external partners have offered and will continue to offer to Chişinău with a ‘collective enterprise or community, an old custom in the Romanian tradition in which neighbors gather to help each other. With the help of friends, the Republic of Moldova is better prepared for this winter, and Russia’s energy blackmail has failed Moldovas president pointed out, as quoted by Radio Romania correspondents in Chişinău. She admits that, although the Republic of Moldova has become stronger in the fight against disinformation and in the fight with Russia’s hybrid war, the threats have not yet been overcome, and Moscow will try to influence next month’s local elections by using dirty money.

    Attending the meeting, the French foreign minister, Catherine Colonna, underlined the importance of European support for the Republic of Moldova, which benefits both the population and the economy in the long term. Infrastructure, connectivity and structural reforms are the key to getting closer to the European Union, Catherine Colonna pointed out. And her German counterpart, Annalena Baerbock, said that the support platform for the Republic of Moldova is a successful initiative, which managed to mobilize external funds in just a few weeks and to help citizens overcome both the energy crisis and the crisis caused by the waves of Ukrainian refugees. (LS)

  • Romania-Bulgaria-Greece trilateral

    Romania-Bulgaria-Greece trilateral

    Energy interconnection is the secret of better services and prices for our citizens, but it will also lead to the reconstruction of Ukraine – the Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Tuesday in Varna, on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. He represented Romania at a meeting with counterparts from Bulgaria and Greece, which was also attended by representatives of the European Commission. The Romanian PM also wanted to emphasize that Romania was not currently importing gas, being energy independent, which is desirable, as soon as possible, for the whole of Europe.

    Marcel Ciolacu reviewed what was discussed at the trilateral meeting in Varna, in a press conference: “I would like to emphasize the need to build a new bridge on the Danube, between Giurgiu and Ruse, and also the need to increase the navigation capacity on the Danube, the Fast Danube project. In the case of both projects, together with Commissioner Vălean, we are trying, through the funds available to the European Council, to speed them up and meet the necessary deadlines. Also in the context of interconnectivity, we have also shown the challenges we face on the energy market, with a particular focus on supply security.

    Besides the importance of the start of negotiations for EU accession with Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, the three Romanian, Bulgarian and Greek prime ministers also tackled the objective of solving the case of Romanias and Bulgarias accession to the Schengen Area. Romania complies with the accession criteria and wants that, in the next period, applied talks should take place with the two states – Austria and the Netherlands – which are still opposed to this approach – said Marcel Ciolacu.

    The Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, welcomed the European initiative of the railway corridor from the Baltic and Black Seas to the Aegean Sea. And the Bulgarian Prime Minister, Nikolai Denkov, stated that Romania, Bulgaria and Greece want to join efforts to reach the level of development of rich European countries and be an example for the neighboring countries. The three officials also signed an agreement to increase trilateral cooperation in South-Eastern Europe.

    The document is meant to improve energy, digital and transport connectivity between Romania, Bulgaria and Greece, with a possible extension to the Republic of Moldova. The trilateral in Varna was the second in this format, after a previous first meeting in Athens, and the Prime Minister Ciolacu expressed hope that the next meeting will take place in Romania. (LS)

  • A quand un nouvel élargissement de l’UE?

    A quand un nouvel élargissement de l’UE?

    L’Union européenne est le résultat d’un processus
    d’intégration et d’élargissement en constante évolution. Après la création, en
    1951, par six pays – soit la Belgique, l’Allemagne, la France, l’Italie, le
    Luxembourg et les Pays-Bas – de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de
    l’acier, qui a précédé l’Union européenne actuelle, plusieurs vagues
    d’expansion ont eu lieu. Celles de 1973, 1981, 1986, 1995 et 2004 ont été
    suivies, en 2007, par l’adhésion de la Roumanie et de la Bulgarie. Enfin, la
    dernière vague d’adhésion a eu lieu en 2013. Un calcul élémentaire montre donc
    que, depuis une décennie, l’Union européenne n’a reçu aucun pays parmi ses
    membres. Bien au contraire, en 2020, elle a perdu un membre important, soit la Grande-Bretagne,
    suite au fameux « Brexit », ce qui signifie que l’Union est
    aujourd’hui composée de 27 Etats. Les pays qui ont passé sous les fourches
    caudines des préparatifs pour l’adhésion savent très bien que, selon la
    politique d’élargissement, les candidats doivent démontrer qu’ils sont capables
    d’assumer pleinement le rôle de membre de l’Union, c’est-à-dire de remplir
    rigoureusement toutes les exigences qui leur sont imposées. La politique
    d’élargissement implique un processus souvent difficile, mais dont, finalement,
    les deux parties devraient bénéficier – tant les candidats, que l’Union
    européenne elle-même.

    Réunis à Grenade, en Espagne, les dirigeants de l’UE ont
    discuté, en cette fin de semaine, notamment des perspectives d’élargissement de
    l’espace communautaire. La Roumanie, représentée par le président Klaus
    Iohannis, soutient les processus d’adhésion non seulement de la République de
    Moldova et de l’Ukraine voisines, mais aussi des pays des Balkans. Pourtant,
    elle qualifie d’« irréaliste » l’avancement de certains délais
    d’élargissement. Klaus Iohannis :

    « Une décision ferme concernant l’Ukraine ou
    la République Moldova ne sera pas pour demain. Les discussions qui sont en
    cours mèneront à un agenda stratégique pour les années à venir. Pour moi personnellement,
    et pour nous tous en Roumanie, il est évidemment très important que l’Ukraine
    et la Moldova prennent des mesures rapides en vue de leur intégration
    européenne. C’est pourquoi j’ai fait un lobby très fort en ce sens. »

    a déclaré Klaus Iohannis.

    Actuellement, 5 Etats des Balkans occidentaux ont le
    statut de candidats. Certains ont déjà lancé les négociations. Il s’agit notamment
    de l’Albanie, de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, de la Macédoine du Nord, du Monténégro
    et de la Serbie. Pour rappel, la Turquie veut aussi faire partie de l’Union. A
    son tour, le Kosovo, dont l’indépendance n’est reconnue que par certains Etats
    membres de l’UE a fait une demande d’adhésion en 2022. En Europe de l’Est, la
    République de Moldova et l’Ukraine ont obtenu le statut de pays candidats en
    2022, et la Géorgie espère également l’obtenir. Chisinau et Kiev souhaitent,
    eux, que les négociations d’adhésion commencent dans les plus brefs délais,
    alors que de son côté, le Parlement européen vient d’adopter une résolution
    demandant à la Commission d’entamer le plus rapidement que possible ces
    procédures avec la République de Moldova.

  • Muzee de la sat din zona Moldovei

    Muzee de la sat din zona Moldovei

    Profităm că vremea bună ţine cu noi şi pornim astăzi să descoperim câteva muzee de la sat, muzee plasate în locuri, poate mai puţin cunoscute. Pentru a ne hotărî încotro să pornim, putem consulta platforma online muzeedelasat.ro, singura platformă din România dedicată muzeelor rurale.

    Am vorbit cu Ionuț Teoderașcu, fotograf documentarist și explorator al satului românesc, unul dintre tinerii realizatori ai acestei platforme, despre Muzee de la sat, (muzeedelasat.ro) şi l-am întrebat ce muzeu sau muzee ne-ar recomanda: “Cred că cel mai mult mi-a plăcut la Casa Memorială George Enescu, din județul Botoșani, probabil şi pentru că vremea a fost deosebit de frumoasă. Este o zonă mai retrasă, natura era foarte vie, am trăit nişte sentimente aparte: a fost ca o călătorie, mai mult decât o simplă vizită la un muzeu. Şi trebuie să menţionez secţia Alice şi Dumitru Rossetti Tescanu, din judeţul Bacău. E un muzeu care se implică în domeniul cultural, acolo au loc diverse evenimente în fiecare an şi gazda este foarte primitoare.”

    Şi dacă tot suntem la Ţeşcani nu putem rata Muzeul George Enescu de aici. Revine cu detalii Ionuţ Teoderaşcu: “Acolo sunt obiectele care au aparţinut lui George Enescu şi ştiind cine este George Enescu şi aflându-te în camerele respective, cu vioara pe care a atins-o George Enescu, e un sentiment pe care doar acolo poţi să-l trăieşti. De asta şi noi, prin ceea ce facem în tururile virtuale sperăm să stârnim dorinţa de vizitare şi obiectivul nostru este ca persoana care explorează mediul virtual să meargă mai apoi şi fizic.”

    Pe urmele lui George Enescu se poate ajunge şi la Casa Memorială “George Enescu” din Liveni, la 15 km de Dorohoi. Aici pot fi văzute obiecte ce țin de copilăria artistului – pianul, o vioară jucărie, trusa de culori pentru desen, un Moș Crăciun – jucărie și mai multe desene făcute de copilul George Enescu. Li se adaugă fotografii originale ale părinților, ale casei de la Cracalia, acte de proprietate aparținând lui Costache Enescu, precum și partituri muzicale din anii tinereții artistului și, nu în ultimul rând, fotografii care-l prezintă pe artist în compania unor mari muzicieni ai timpului, în țară și în diverse capitale ale Europei. Casa mică cu pridvor de lemn vopsit, refăcută, spune din 1968, de când a devenit muzeu, povestea creaţiei lui George Enescu, influenţată de atmosfera copilăriei sale.

    Recomandăm, odată ajunşi în zona Moldovei, și muzeele din județul Iași, precum muzeul Sitului arheologic Cucuteni, dar şi “Gospodăria tradițională Vatra cu dor”, pentru o călătorie în satul de altă dată. Interlocutorul nostru ne-a povestit că la sat atuul e satul însuşi, cu oamenii lui care stau la poveşti şi cu ulițele care merg către muzeu şi unde şi muzeografii au o căldură aparte, pentru că de obicei nu au foarte mulţi vizitatori şi le pot acorda un altfel de timp.

  • September 15, 2023 UPDATE

    September 15, 2023 UPDATE

    CVM. The European Commission has officially lifted the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) for Bulgaria and Romania. CVM was introduced upon the two countries EU accession in 2007, as a measure to help them reform their justice systems and combat corruption and organized crime. President Ursula von der Leyen congratulated Romania and Bulgaria for the significant progress reported since their accession, and pointed out that the rule of law is one of the fundamental EU values, a field in which both Romania and Bulgaria have implemented major reforms. In turn, Romanias president Klaus Iohannis said the lifting of CVM is a great achievement for Romania. “We can conclude Romania has changed, it is a rules-based democracy with a functional judiciary”, the president added.

    Schengen. In an interview to the Austrian publication Der Standard, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said Romania will refer Austrias opposition to Romanias Schengen accession to the European Union Court of Justice. The Romanian official said losses due to the repeated postponements stand at 2% of the GDP, something which Transport Minister Sorin Grindeanu had said earlier this week. Romania says it will seek justice in court should Austria again oppose Romanias Schengen accession at the upcoming informal meetings in October and December. We recall that in December 2022, Austria again vetoed the Schengen accession of Romania and Bulgaria at the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting, invoking the high flows of illegal immigrants passing through the two countries.

    Plan. The Romanian Government has updated its emergency plan on securing natural gas supplies. The document falls in line with European regulations and was drafted following consultations with the main market players. Measures to cap and subsidize natural gas bills will remain in effect until spring next year. The current legislation stipulates that state aid will remain in place until 2025. On the other hand, according to the Energy Ministry, the government is also considering the growing influence of prosumers in covering nationwide consumption.

    Ukraine. Romania intends to double its transit capacity for grain from Ukraine, through the Black Sea port of Constanta, to four million tons, said the Minister of Transport, Sorin Grindeanu. He stated that the goal was achievable, at a meeting in Constanta with officials from Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, the European Commission and the United States. On the other hand, Romanian farmers request the extension of the ban on the import of Ukrainian grains. They claim, in a letter addressed to the authorities, that the measure is necessary to limit the losses of agricultural producers and to avoid reducing Romanias competitiveness as an exporter on the grain market. Farmers also want the allocation from the European budget of at least 30 euros per ton to compensate for the increase in transport tariffs.

    Moldova. Moldova belongs in Europe, in the family of Western democracies, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană said on the sidelines of a meeting he had in Chișinău with Moldovas Prime Minister, Dorin Recean. Mircea Geoană hailed the Moldovan authorities plea for “extended interoperability with NATO”, underlining that the military alliance is the strongest structure of its kind in the world. The NATO official denied the existence of Russian military risks facing the Republic of Moldova, but pointed out this country is fighting a hybrid war triggered by the Russian Federation.

    Tennis. The Romanian team is led by the Taiwan team with a score of 2-0, in the first round of World Group I of the Davis Cup. Tennis player Nicholas David Ionel was defeated by Chun-Hsin Tseng, 6-3, 6-0, and Marius Copil lost to Yu Hsiou Hsu 7-6, 7-5. The matches are hosted by the Black Sea resort of Mamaia, in the south-east. The doubles match and the last singles matches are scheduled for Saturday. The day will be opened by the pairs Marius Copil / Victor Cornea and Yu Hsiou Hsu / Tsung-Hao Huang. The singles matches will oppose Ionel and Hsu, respectively Copil and Tseng. Romania and Taiwan have never met before in the Davis Cup. In February, in the World Group I play-off, Romania beat Thailand 3-2 away from home, and Taiwan beat Mexico 3-1, also away.

  • The visit of the NATO Deputy Secretary General to Chisinau

    The visit of the NATO Deputy Secretary General to Chisinau

    On a visit to Chisinau, the NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană referred to the recent incidents on Romanias territory, near the border with Ukraine, where pieces of a drone similar to those used by the Russian army were discovered, emphasizing that these belong to the category of incidents, not deliberate attacks. He admitted that such situations might occur again but underlined that there is no information according to which Russia would deliberately attack allied territory, and NATO continues to take measures to strengthen the protection of allied territory, including that of Romania. We are in permanent contact with our Romanian ally – said Mircea Geoană – recalling that the Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, recently had a telephone conversation with President Klaus Iohannis on this subject. As regards the Republic of Moldova, the NATO official said that its place is in Europe next to the family of Western democracies.

    He added that, although there is no military risk threatening this state, it is still subject to a hybrid war, caused by Russia, from the use of the energy weapon to cyber-attacks, to disinformation, influencing democratic mechanisms, inciting to social rebellion. Mircea Geoană said that the neighboring Ukraine, which is resisting Russia, is currently also defending the Republic of Moldova from direct military attacks.

    Mircea Geoana: I want to reconfirm here, in Chisinau, the fact that we do not see a military risk from the Russian Federation towards the Republic of Moldova, for the simple fact that Ukraine is doing such a good job with our support too, so this military risk at the moment and for the foreseeable future is not here. This does not mean that the Russian Federation has not launched and continues using, as we speak, everything that means the arsenal of the hybrid war against the Republic of Moldova, from the use of the energy weapon to cyber-attacks, disinformation, influencing democratic mechanisms, instigating to social rebellion. And for us it is very important to strengthen the resilience of the Republic of Moldova, while respecting the neutrality of this country.

    In his turn, the Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean emphasized that Russia’s war in Ukraine has greatly changed the perception of security in Europe and the world. He mentioned that many states understood that they need a developed defense sector and Chisinau’s priority now is to have an army in line with the NATO standards.

    It is necessary to strengthen the defense capacity, especially through investments in the army, insisted Dorin Recean: Moldova’s neutrality does not mean indifference, does not mean that were doing nothing. That’s why we have to strengthen our defense capacity, that’s why we have to make these investments in the national army, in such a way that we have the national army in line with the NATO standards and, obviously, we will have the support of our partners in this sense.

    Dorin Recean added that the Republic of Moldova will participate in the NATO programs on new technologies and innovations. (LS)

  • 06.09.2023 (mise à jour)

    06.09.2023 (mise à jour)

    Drone – Le chef de l’Etat roumain,
    Klaus Iohannis, a déclaré avoir été informé en temps réel par le Ministère de
    la Défense nationale de l’existence sur le territoire roumain des débris de ce
    qui pourrait être un drone. En ouverture du sommet de l’Initiative des Trois
    mers qui a lieu à Bucarest, Iohannis a précisé avoir solliciter en toute
    urgence une enquête censée établir la provenance des débris et les circonstances
    dans lesquelles ils sont arrivés sur le territoire roumain. Si l’enquête
    confirme que les débris appartiennent à un drone russe, alors la situation
    devient inadmissible puisqu’il s’agit d’une violation grave de la
    souveraineté et l’intégrité territoriale d’un pays membre de l’OTAN. Le
    président roumain a ajouté que les autorités roumaines restent en contact
    permanent avec les responsables alliés. La Roumanie bénéficie des garanties de
    sécurité extrémement puissantes, les plus importantes qu’elle a jamais eues, a
    encore précisé Klaus Iohannis. Antérieurement, le ministre roumain de la
    Défense, Angel Tîlvar, a déclaré que des débris d’un dispositif ressemblant à
    un drone ont été retrouvés dans le département de Tulcea, dans le village de
    Plauru, à 70 mètres du Danube, dans une zone difficilement accessible e raison
    de la végétation abondantante.

    Sommet – Ce mercredi a débuté le sommet et le forum de
    l’Initiative des Trois Mers, une plateforme politique réunissant 12 Etats-membres
    de l’UE riverains des mers Adriatique, Baltique et Noire. A cette occasion, la Grèce deviendra le 13ème pays
    participant, tandis que l’Ukraine et la République de Moldova, voisines de la
    Roumanie, recevront le statut d’États associés. En ouverture
    des débats auxquels le leader ukrainien, Volodymir Zelenski s’est exprimé par
    visioconférence, le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis, a déclaré que le
    statut de pays associé permettra à l’Ukraine de s’impliquer dans tous les
    instruments de l’organisation et d’avoir accès à des investissements pour des
    projets d’interconnexion énergétique. « De cette manière, Kiev sera encore
    plus proche de l’UE et se préparera mieux pour sa reconstruction et son
    redressement » a ajouté M. Iohannis. L’organisation bénéficie aussi
    du soutien des États-Unis dont la délégation à Bucarest a à sa tête le
    représentant spécial pour les questions climatiques, John Kerry, ancien
    secrétaire d’Etat.

    Numérique – Les Roumains attendent
    depuis longtemps des services modernes et efficaces et la réforme du numérique
    s’avère l’aspect le plus important de la réforme administrative que le
    Gouvernement de Bucarest prépare. C’est ce qu’a déclaré mercredi le premier
    ministre roumain, Marcel Ciolacu, lors de la rencontre avec les représentants
    des compagnies Apple, Amazon et IBM. Les trois géants américains du domaine des
    Technologies de l’Information participeront au Forum des Affaires organisé
    jeudi, à Bucarest, en marge du Sommet de l’Initiative des Trois mers. A part la
    numérisation du système administratif, les discussions ont porté aussi sur le
    développement des projets de recherche et d’innovation dans des domaines tels
    l’intelligence artificielle ou la cybersécurité. Présent aux débats, le
    ministre roumain de la Recherche, Bogdan Ivan, a affirmé que les futures
    collaborations avec les trois compagnies déboucheront sur le développement du
    secteur informatique en Roumanie et permettront aux Roumains d’avoir accès au
    système administratif en deux clicks.

    – À
    l’occasion de la rentrée scolaire en Roumanie, le 11 septembre, les autorités veulent
    prévenir et combattre le trafic et la consommation de substances psychoactives chez
    les élèves. Dans le même temps, l’objectif est de réduire les cas de harcèlement
    et le risque d’exposer les élèves à la violence. Ce sont les éléments les plus
    importants du Plan sur la sécurité nationale, signé mardi par plusieurs
    ministres. Selon la ministre de l’Éducation, Ligia Deca, à propos de la
    question controversée du dépistage des drogues chez les étudiants, un système
    sera conçu pour qu’en cas de soupçons raisonnables, d’éventuels tests puissent
    être effectués et réglés uniquement avec le consentement des parents, en
    évitant la stigmatisation.

    Tennis – La joueuse de tennis roumaine Sorana
    Cîrstea n’est pas parvenue à se qualifier pour les demi-finales de l’US Open,
    le dernier tournoi du Grand Chelem de l’année. Elle s’est en effet inclinée
    mercredi face à la Tchèque Karolina Muchova. C’est la première fois que Cîrstea
    arrive cette année jusqu’en quarts de finale de la compétition new-yorkaise. La
    Roumaine n’avait disputé qu’un seul quart de finale d’un tournoi du Grand
    Chelem, en 2009, à Roland-Garros. Dès lundi, elle occupera la 26ème place du
    classement WTA et elle reste actuellement la joueuse roumaine la mieux classée.

  • September 6, 2023

    September 6, 2023

    The Three Seas Initiative Summit is getting under way in Bucharest today,
    bringing together EU member states from Central and Eastern Europe. This year,
    Greece will become the 13th country to participate in the Initiative, while Romania’s
    neighbours Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova will be awarded the status of
    associate countries. A declaration will be adopted at the end of the summit,
    which will become an important guideline for the Initiative’s future activities
    aimed at boosting cross-border interconnection in the field of transport
    infrastructure, energy and digitalisation. The United States has reiterated its
    support for the Three Seas Initiative objectives and its availability to work
    closely with its partner states to advance this format. The US delegation at
    the summit in Bucharest is led by the US special presidential envoy for
    climate, John Kerry, who is also scheduled to meet prime minister Marcel

    Moldova. Romania supports the request of the Republic of Moldova to
    become an associate country of the cooperation format within the Three Seas
    Initiative, said prime minister Marcel Ciolacu today during talks with the president
    of neighbouring Moldova, Maia Sandu. Talks also looked at the stage of
    bilateral relations, with the prime minister saying Romania recently
    transferred the first tranche worth 10 million euros aimed at funding priority
    projects, such as the purchase of school minibuses and infrastructure and local
    development projects. Prime minister Ciolacu reiterated Romania’s support for
    the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union and said the
    priority right now is securing a decision on opening accession talks at the
    European Council in December.

    Schools. With school starting in Romania on 11th
    September, the authorities are planning tougher measures to prevent trafficking
    in and consumption of psychoactive substances among pupils. They also aim to
    crack down on bullying and reduce the risk of pupils’ exposure to crime,
    especially violence. These are some of the most important elements of a
    national safety plan signed on Tuesday by a number of cabinet ministers. Referring
    to the controversial issue of pupils’ drug testing, education minister Ligia
    Deca said a system would be devised to provide and finance such tests in the
    event of reasonable suspicion, but only with parental approval and avoiding the
    stigmatisation of children.

    Economy. The Romanian minister for the economy,
    entrepreneurship and tourism Ştefan Radu Oprea called, during a meeting with
    the vice-president of the European Commission and EU commissioner for trade Valdis
    Dombrovskis, for flexibility from the Commission during talks on the budget
    deficit, given that Romania’s budget was affected by the direct and indirect
    costs of the war in Ukraine. The Romanian official was in Brussels on 4th
    and 5th September. His talks with the EU official focused on trade
    relations with Ukraine, with emphasis on measures related to grain exports, as
    well as on the need to find ways to support Romanian farmers.

    Tennis. The Romanian tennis player Sorana Cîrstea
    missed qualifying for the US Open semifinals, as she lost on Wednesday in
    straight sets to the Czech player Karolina Muchova. Seeded 30, Cîrstea, aged
    33, reached the US Open quarterfinals for the first time in her career. The
    last time she reached this round was at the French Open in 2009, aged 19. From
    Monday, she will go up to number 26 in the WTA ranking, being the
    highest-ranked Romanian player. (CM)