Tag: Monica Niculescu

  • January 18, 2016

    January 18, 2016

    DIPLOMACY – Romanias president, Klaus Iohannis, is today receiving in Bucharest, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland. Also today, the American official is due to meet representatives of the new cabinet in Bucharest. Victoria Nuland will approach, together with defence minister, Mihnea Motoc, issues referring to bilateral military cooperation within the framework of the Romanian-US Strategic Partnership and the security situation in the region. On Sunday, the US official had an informal meeting with prime minister, Dacian Ciolos, who briefed her on the priorities of the technocratic government in Bucharest. The agenda of the talks also covers such issues as ways to improve the investment climate in Romania, the situation in the region, particularly that in the Republic of Moldova (with a predominantly Romanian speaking population), as well as Bucharests relations with Ukraine and Russia.

    FOREIGN AFFAIRS COUNCIL– Romanian foreign minister, Lazar Comanescu, is today attending, alongside counterparts from the EU member states, the Foreign Affairs Council, hosted by Brussels. The agenda of the talks covers such issues as the Syrian file, the situation in Iraq, the stage of reforms enforced in Ukraine. Also in Brussels, the Romanian minister of agriculture and rural development, Achim Irimescu, is today meeting with the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Development, Phil Hogan, and with the EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis. The National Rural Development Program and the African swine fever are among the topics to be approached during the talks.

    VISIT– Romanian prime minister, Dacian Ciolos, is paying a two-day official visit to Paris, as of Wednesday. He will be accompanied by economy minister and deputy prime minister Costin Borc, and by foreign minister, Lazar Comanescu. On the first day of the visit, Ciolos is due to meet French president, François Hollande, prime minister, Manuel Valls, and the speakers of the two Chambers of the National Assembly, Gérard Larcher and Claude Bartolone. Talks will focus mainly on economic issues. Ciolos will also meet with representatives of the Romanian community living in France. On the second day of the visit, the Romanian prime minister is due to meet CEOs and managers of big French companies. We recall that France is the fifth largest foreign investor in Romania.

    MOLDOVA– Negotiations for the formation of a new government are started today in Chishinau, after on Friday, the president of the Republic of Moldova, a former Soviet state with a predominantly Romanian speaking population, Nicolae Timofti, designated a new candidate for the position of prime minister, Pavel Filip. The Liberal Democratic Party announced it goes into opposition and does not back Filips candidacy, whereas the Democratic Party, the Liberal Party and the 14 MPs who left the Communist Party, will participate in the formation of the new government. If a new government does not get endorsement by Parliament until January 29, the president will have to dissolve Parliament and call for snap elections. Protest movements against the corruption and inefficiency of the political class and also in favour of early elections were held in Chishinau on Saturday.

    CAR INDUSTRY– The largest car manufacturer in Romania, Dacia, a brand owned by the French group Renault, registered record high sales in 2015. Some 551,000 units were sold worldwide last year, registering a 7.7% increase, as compared to 2014. Ranking first in the classification of best selling makes of the Dacia brand, at global level, is Sandero, followed by Duster and Logan. Most sold units were cars, being followed by light commercial vehicles. We recall that in 1999, Renault bought 73% of the shares in Dacia. Re-launched in 2004, with the Logan make, Dacia became a prominent player on the European car market.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Monica Niculescu has today qualified for the second round of the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam tournament of the year. In the debut match, Niculescu defeated Brazilian Teliana Pereira, 6-2, 6-1. Romanias four other representatives, Simona Halep, WTAs no.2, Irina Begu, Alexandra Dulgheru and Andreea Mitu on Tuesday will play matches to qualify for the second round of the tournament. In the mens double, the pair made up of Romanian Horia Tecau and Dutch Jean-Julien Rojer is first seeded in the competition, and the Romanian –Indian pair Florin Mergea / Rohan Bopanna is fourth seeded.

    WATER POLO– Romanias national water polo team has today defeated Malta 12-7, in a qualification match for the 9-16 positions, at the European Championships hosted by Serbia. On Sunday, Romania failed to qualify for the quarterfinals, after sustaining a defeat from Greece, 15-9. With two wins, to Georgia and Germany, and one defeat, to Italy, Romania had completed the Group C on the second position.

    COLD SNAP– It is snowing on limited areas in Romania, with only 12 counties in the south-east being still placed under code yellow alert. Meteorologists have issued a warning against extremely cold weather and gusty wind in most regions, valid from Sunday evening until Thursday morning. The lowest temperatures will drop to minus 20 degrees Celsius, in places, in the south and the centre. The highs of the day range from minus 8 degrees Centigrade to plus one degree. The south and east of the country, including the capital city, have been affected by heavy snow falls and blizzard. Tens of localities have been left without electricity and many roads have been closed. Air and sea traffic have also been disrupted.

    (Translated and edited by Diana Vijeu)

  • January 9, 2015 UPDATE

    January 9, 2015 UPDATE

    DIPLOMACY – Romanias relationship with Germany is strategic, and the visit made to Berlin on Thursday by the Romanian delegation headed by PM Dacian Cioloş proves the importance and attention that Bucharest pays to this country, said the Foreign Minister Lazăr Comănescu in an interview to Radio Romania News and Current Affairs. The Romanian official added that next week he would once again travel to Berlin, for a bilateral visit. Lazar Comanescu highlighted the importance of Germany as the economic engine of Europe, and as a partner of Romania. According to the Foreign Minister, over 20% of Romanias foreign trade involves Germany. He also explained that more than 20,000 companies running on German capital operate in Romania and have created more than 300,000 jobs here.

    PROTESTS – In several cities in Romania, protests took place on Saturday to express support for the Bodnariu family, whose children were taken in November 2015 by child protection authorities in Norway. Solidarity marches were also organised in Italy, Netherlands, and Belgium. On Friday, Romanian and Norwegian officials discussed this topic in Bucharest, and agreed to work together to settle the issue. The Ambassador of Romania to Oslo will have a meeting on January 13 with representatives of Norways Ministry for Children, Equality and Social Inclusion. A parliamentary delegation made up of members of the Committee on Romanian communities abroad will make a visit to Norway between January 18 and 22, to discuss the case. The Norwegian social services took the 5 Bodnariu children from their parents, after the principal of the school attended by the older daughters reported that the children were subjected to physical punishment by their parents.

    BERLIN – German Chancellor Angela Merkel voiced support, at the end of a political meeting on Saturday, for tougher legislation on deporting asylum seekers who commit crimes and receive sentences in German courts, France Presse reports. The move comes after the attacks on New Years Eve in the city of Cologne, which involved immigrants having applied for asylum in Germany. At present, under German law, asylum seekers can only be sent back if they are sentenced to at least three years in prison, but on condition that their life and health are not threatened in their country of origin. As many as 1.1 million asylum seekers reached Germany in 2015. The attacks on the New Year night sparked outrage in Germany and fuelled criticism against Chancellor Merkels open-door policy towards migrants, AFP also says. Several hundreds of supporters of the far-right Pegida movement Saturday staged a protest against the immigrants in Cologne, concurrently with a left-wing counter-demonstration.

    WEATHER – The Romanian Meteorology Agency issued a notice warning of substantial rainfalls in the west, north and centre of the country, valid until Tuesday morning. In the mountains, rains will turn into sleet and snow. In the northern part of the country, rainfalls will amount to 25-30 litres per square metre.

    SPORTS – The Romanian player Monica Niculescu Saturday won the first title for Romanian tennis in 2016. Jointly with the American Vania King, she won the doubles final of the tournament in Shenzhen (China), which has 430,000 US dollars in prize money. In the final, Niculescu/King won 6-1, 6-4, the match against the Chinese Yi-Fan Xu / Saisai Zheng, seeded no. 1. Monica Niculescu also won the doubles tournament in Shenzhen, in 2014, together with Klara Koukalova (the Czech Republic).

  • Nachrichten 09.01.2016

    Nachrichten 09.01.2016

    BUKAREST: Rumänien pflegt eine strategische Beziehung zu Deutschland, erklärte Außenminister Lazăr Comănescu in einem Interview mit Radio Romania Actualitati. Die Reise von Ministerpräsident Dacian Ciolos und seiner Delegation nach Berlin am Donnerstag zeige die Bedeutung und Aufmerksameit, mit der Bukarest Deutschland begegne, so Comănescu. Der Außenminister kündigte ferner eine weitere Reise in die deutsche Haupstadt für bilaterale Gespräche kommende Woche an. Im Interview hob der Chefdiplomat die Bedeutung Deutschlands als Hauptmotor der europäischen Wirtschaft und als Partner Rumäniens hervor. Mehr als 20% des Außenhandels würden mit Deutschland abgewickelt, so Comănescu. Gut 20.000 Unternehmen mit deutschem Grundkapital seien in Rumänien tätig und würden so für 300.000 Arbeitsplätze sorgen, sagte der Außenminister abschließend.

    BUKAREST: Am Wochenende sollen landesweit mehrere Solidaritätsmärsche für die Familie Bodnariu stattfinden. Das Jugendamt in Norwegen hatte der Familie im November das Sorgerecht für ihre fünf Kinder entzogen. Auch in Italien, den Niederlanden und Belgien lebende Rumänen wollen sich der Protestaktion anschließen. Rumänische und norwegische Behörden hatten am Freitag in Bukarest über den Fall diskutiert. Sie wollen gemeinsam eine Lösung finden. Der rumänische Botschafter in Oslo will kommende Woche zu Gesprächen mit Vertretern des norwegischen Ministeriums für Kinder, Chancengleichheit und soziale Inklusion zusammenkommen. Auch eine für die Auslandsrumänen zuständige Kommission will demnächst mit den Behörden in Oslo über den Fall diskutieren. Die Leiterin der norwegischen Schule, die von den älteren Bodnariu-Töchtern besucht wird, hatte das Jugendamt eingeschaltet. Es bestünde in ihrem Fall der Verdacht physischen Missbrauchs durch die Eltern.

    SPORT: Tennisprofi Monica Niculescu hat den ersten rumänischen Titel im neuen Jahr erobert. An der Seite ihrer US-amerikanischen Partnerin Vania King gewann sie das Doppelturnier im chinesischen Shenzhen. Insgesamt war das Turnier mit 430.000 US-Dollar Preisgeld dotiert. Im Endspiel bezwangen Niculescu und King die Hauptfavoritinnen aus China Yi-Fan Xu/Saisai Zheng in zwei Sätzen mit 6:1 6:4. Niculescu hatte bereits 2014 das Doppelturnier in Shenzhen gewonnen, damals gemeinsam mit der Tschechin Klara Koukalova.

  • January 9, 2015

    January 9, 2015

    DIPLOMACY – Romanias relationship with Germany is strategic, and the visit made to Berlin on Thursday by the Romanian delegation headed by PM Dacian Cioloş proves the importance and attention that Bucharest pays to this country, said the Foreign Minister Lazăr Comănescu in an interview to Radio Romania News and Current Affairs. The Romanian official added that next week he would once again travel to Berlin, for a bilateral visit. Lazar Comanescu highlighted the importance of Germany as the economic engine of Europe, and as a partner of Romania. According to the Foreign Minister, over 20% of Romanias foreign trade involves Germany. He also explained that more than 20,000 companies running on German capital operate in Romania and have created more than 300,000 jobs here.

    PROTESTS – In several cities in Romania, protests are taking place today to express support for the Bodnariu family, whose children were taken in November 2015 by child protection authorities in Norway. Solidarity marches will also take place in Italy, Netherlands, and Belgium. Yesterday, Romanian and Norwegian officials discussed this topic in Bucharest, and agreed to work together to settle the issue. The Ambassador of Romania to Oslo will have a meeting on January 13 with representatives of Norways Ministry for Children, Equality and Social Inclusion. A parliamentary delegation made up of members of the Committee on Romanian communities abroad will make a visit to Norway between January 18 and 22, to discuss the case. The Norwegian social services took the 5 Bodnariu children from their parents, after the principal of the school attended by the older daughters reported that the children were subjected to physical punishment by their parents.

    EXPULSION – The Jordan national Jamal Khalil will be expelled from Romania today, for national security reasons. The High Court of Cassation and Justice yesterday dismissed the defences appeal against a Bucharest Court of Appeals ruling issued last year. Jamal Khalil was declared undesirable in Romania for 15 years, after authorities found solid indications that the individual in question conducted actions likely to threaten national security. According to the Romanian Intelligence Service, Jamal A. Abdel Jabbar Khalil Shalash, who has been in Romania since 1991, was monitored by the Service since 2014. The Intelligence agency said the Jordanian citizen was an unconditional supporter of the IS terrorist group, for which he was conducting online propaganda campaigns, and was willing to get involved in operations targeting Romanias security.

    COUNTER-TERRORISM TASK FORCE – The White House announced on Friday the set-up of a new task force, combining members of several federal agencies, to counter the IS group propaganda both on US territory and abroad. The task force will focus particularly on the internet and social media, which have been extensively used by extremists to disseminate their message. The announcement comes after several White House officials met in Silicon Valley (California) with leaders of internet giants like Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, to analyse means to prevent the use of social media for IS terrorist purposes.

    S. KOREAN PROPAGANDANorth Korea responded to the South-Korean propaganda broadcasts, which was resumed on Friday, Reuters reports. Seoul resumed broadcasting propaganda via loudspeakers on its North Korean border, in response to Pyongyangs latest nuclear test. Loudspeakers placed on the heavily militarised buffer zone between the two countries broadcast pop music, weather reports, information or criticism of the North Korean regime. The resumption of this psychological warfare method, which in August triggered threats of military retaliation from North Korea, comes as the international community is trying to identify an effective response to Pyongyangs announcement on Wednesday that it had successfully conducted an H-bomb test.

    SPORTS – The Romanian player Monica Niculescu Saturday won the first title for Romanian tennis in 2016. Jointly with the American Vania King, she won the doubles final of the tournament in Shenzhen (China), which has 430,000 US dollars in prize money. In the final, Niculescu/King won 6-1, 6-4, the match against the Chinese Yi-Fan Xu / Saisai Zheng, seeded no. 1. Monica Niculescu also won the doubles tournament in Shenzhen, in 2014, together with Klara Koukalova (the Czech Republic).

  • January 9, 2015 UPDATE

    January 9, 2015 UPDATE

    DIPLOMACY – Romanias relationship with Germany is strategic, and the visit made to Berlin on Thursday by the Romanian delegation headed by PM Dacian Cioloş proves the importance and attention that Bucharest pays to this country, said the Foreign Minister Lazăr Comănescu in an interview to Radio Romania News and Current Affairs. The Romanian official added that next week he would once again travel to Berlin, for a bilateral visit. Lazar Comanescu highlighted the importance of Germany as the economic engine of Europe, and as a partner of Romania. According to the Foreign Minister, over 20% of Romanias foreign trade involves Germany. He also explained that more than 20,000 companies running on German capital operate in Romania and have created more than 300,000 jobs here.

    PROTESTS – In several cities in Romania, protests took place on Saturday to express support for the Bodnariu family, whose children were taken in November 2015 by child protection authorities in Norway. Solidarity marches were also organised in Italy, Netherlands, and Belgium. On Friday, Romanian and Norwegian officials discussed this topic in Bucharest, and agreed to work together to settle the issue. The Ambassador of Romania to Oslo will have a meeting on January 13 with representatives of Norways Ministry for Children, Equality and Social Inclusion. A parliamentary delegation made up of members of the Committee on Romanian communities abroad will make a visit to Norway between January 18 and 22, to discuss the case. The Norwegian social services took the 5 Bodnariu children from their parents, after the principal of the school attended by the older daughters reported that the children were subjected to physical punishment by their parents.

    BERLIN – German Chancellor Angela Merkel voiced support, at the end of a political meeting on Saturday, for tougher legislation on deporting asylum seekers who commit crimes and receive sentences in German courts, France Presse reports. The move comes after the attacks on New Years Eve in the city of Cologne, which involved immigrants having applied for asylum in Germany. At present, under German law, asylum seekers can only be sent back if they are sentenced to at least three years in prison, but on condition that their life and health are not threatened in their country of origin. As many as 1.1 million asylum seekers reached Germany in 2015. The attacks on the New Year night sparked outrage in Germany and fuelled criticism against Chancellor Merkels open-door policy towards migrants, AFP also says. Several hundreds of supporters of the far-right Pegida movement Saturday staged a protest against the immigrants in Cologne, concurrently with a left-wing counter-demonstration.

    WEATHER – The Romanian Meteorology Agency issued a notice warning of substantial rainfalls in the west, north and centre of the country, valid until Tuesday morning. In the mountains, rains will turn into sleet and snow. In the northern part of the country, rainfalls will amount to 25-30 litres per square metre.

    SPORTS – The Romanian player Monica Niculescu Saturday won the first title for Romanian tennis in 2016. Jointly with the American Vania King, she won the doubles final of the tournament in Shenzhen (China), which has 430,000 US dollars in prize money. In the final, Niculescu/King won 6-1, 6-4, the match against the Chinese Yi-Fan Xu / Saisai Zheng, seeded no. 1. Monica Niculescu also won the doubles tournament in Shenzhen, in 2014, together with Klara Koukalova (the Czech Republic).

  • January 9, 2015

    January 9, 2015

    DIPLOMACY – Romanias relationship with Germany is strategic, and the visit made to Berlin on Thursday by the Romanian delegation headed by PM Dacian Cioloş proves the importance and attention that Bucharest pays to this country, said the Foreign Minister Lazăr Comănescu in an interview to Radio Romania News and Current Affairs. The Romanian official added that next week he would once again travel to Berlin, for a bilateral visit. Lazar Comanescu highlighted the importance of Germany as the economic engine of Europe, and as a partner of Romania. According to the Foreign Minister, over 20% of Romanias foreign trade involves Germany. He also explained that more than 20,000 companies running on German capital operate in Romania and have created more than 300,000 jobs here.

    PROTESTS – In several cities in Romania, protests are taking place today to express support for the Bodnariu family, whose children were taken in November 2015 by child protection authorities in Norway. Solidarity marches will also take place in Italy, Netherlands, and Belgium. Yesterday, Romanian and Norwegian officials discussed this topic in Bucharest, and agreed to work together to settle the issue. The Ambassador of Romania to Oslo will have a meeting on January 13 with representatives of Norways Ministry for Children, Equality and Social Inclusion. A parliamentary delegation made up of members of the Committee on Romanian communities abroad will make a visit to Norway between January 18 and 22, to discuss the case. The Norwegian social services took the 5 Bodnariu children from their parents, after the principal of the school attended by the older daughters reported that the children were subjected to physical punishment by their parents.

    EXPULSION – The Jordan national Jamal Khalil will be expelled from Romania today, for national security reasons. The High Court of Cassation and Justice yesterday dismissed the defences appeal against a Bucharest Court of Appeals ruling issued last year. Jamal Khalil was declared undesirable in Romania for 15 years, after authorities found solid indications that the individual in question conducted actions likely to threaten national security. According to the Romanian Intelligence Service, Jamal A. Abdel Jabbar Khalil Shalash, who has been in Romania since 1991, was monitored by the Service since 2014. The Intelligence agency said the Jordanian citizen was an unconditional supporter of the IS terrorist group, for which he was conducting online propaganda campaigns, and was willing to get involved in operations targeting Romanias security.

    COUNTER-TERRORISM TASK FORCE – The White House announced on Friday the set-up of a new task force, combining members of several federal agencies, to counter the IS group propaganda both on US territory and abroad. The task force will focus particularly on the internet and social media, which have been extensively used by extremists to disseminate their message. The announcement comes after several White House officials met in Silicon Valley (California) with leaders of internet giants like Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, to analyse means to prevent the use of social media for IS terrorist purposes.

    S. KOREAN PROPAGANDANorth Korea responded to the South-Korean propaganda broadcasts, which was resumed on Friday, Reuters reports. Seoul resumed broadcasting propaganda via loudspeakers on its North Korean border, in response to Pyongyangs latest nuclear test. Loudspeakers placed on the heavily militarised buffer zone between the two countries broadcast pop music, weather reports, information or criticism of the North Korean regime. The resumption of this psychological warfare method, which in August triggered threats of military retaliation from North Korea, comes as the international community is trying to identify an effective response to Pyongyangs announcement on Wednesday that it had successfully conducted an H-bomb test.

    SPORTS – The Romanian player Monica Niculescu Saturday won the first title for Romanian tennis in 2016. Jointly with the American Vania King, she won the doubles final of the tournament in Shenzhen (China), which has 430,000 US dollars in prize money. In the final, Niculescu/King won 6-1, 6-4, the match against the Chinese Yi-Fan Xu / Saisai Zheng, seeded no. 1. Monica Niculescu also won the doubles tournament in Shenzhen, in 2014, together with Klara Koukalova (the Czech Republic).

  • January 8, 2016

    January 8, 2016

    German chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday in Berlin that Romanian-German economic relations would intensify if Romania continued to improve its legal system and fight against corruption. She made this statement during a visit by Romanias technocratic prime minister Dacian Ciolos to Germany. In Ciolos opinion, Germany is a strategically important partner for Romania and the latters biggest trade partner, accounting for 20% of Romanias trade exchanges, at more than 20 billion euros a year. Dacian Ciolos also said he planned to visit other German lands in the future to stimulate bilateral economic cooperation.

    The Constanta Tribunal, in the south-east of Romania, today sentenced Mircea Basescu, the brother of Romanias former president, to four years in prison for influence peddling. Another man was sentenced to three years in prison in the case for complicity to influence peddling. The ruling can be appealed. According to the National Anticorruption Directorate, between 2011 and 2012, during his brothers term, Mircea Basescu received a 250,000 euro bribe to use his influence with the judiciary and obtain a reduced sentence or the release of a convict.

    Romanians spend more than one third of their income on food and 8% on alcohol and cigarettes, according to a survey conducted by the National Institute for Statistics published today. The average income of a Romanian family in the third quarter of 2015 stood at around 600 euros a month, with expenses accounting for 67% of peoples income. At 230 euros, Romania has the lowest monthly minimum gross wage in the European Union with the exception of Bulgaria. Right before the start of the new year, the government approved an increase in the minimum wage to 276 euros starting in May this year.

    Romanian experts on stock market transactions have advised investors not to panic in these volatile times internationally and to wait instead for markets to settle down. Global markets were severely affected by strong fluctuations on the Chinese stock market as the countrys economic growth rate slowed down and the depreciation of its national currency continued.

    Cristian Popa is Romanias candidate for the position of vice-president of the European Investment Bank, the finance ministry has announced today. For the last 16 Cristian Popa has been working for the National Bank years, where he has served as vice-governor for three consecutive terms. He was also a member of the banks expert teams in the negotiation and dialogue with the European Commission, the World Bank, the EBRD, the European Investment Bank and the Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation. Mihai Tanasescu, Romanias former representative at the European Investment Bank, has been forced to step down, following his involvement in a corruption inquiry in Bucharest.

    The Romanian-American pair Monica Niculescu and Vania King reached the final of the Shenzhen tennis tournament in China worth 430,000 dollars in prize money. In the semifinals, Niculescu and King defeated the all-Romanian pair Andreea Mitu and Patricia Tig before meeting the all-Chinese pair Yi-Fan Xu and Saisai Zheng in the final. Monica Niculescu won the Schenzhen doubles title in 2014, when she paired with the Czech player Klara Koukalova.

    Romanian player Cristina Neagu has been designated the best female handball player in the world in 2015, based on the cumulative votes of 19 members of an international jury and visitors to the handball-planet.com website. The Norwegian players Nora Mork and Heidi Loke came second and third, respectively. Aged 27, Cristina Neagu was part of the Romanian team that won the bronze medal at the 2015 World Championship, where she won the best player title. She was also a key player for Budućnost Podgorica, the winner of the Champions League trophy in 2015.

    (Translated by: C. Mateescu)

  • Nachrichten 05.01.2016

    Nachrichten 05.01.2016

    CHISINAU: Der moldauische Präsident Nicolae Timofti hat am Dienstag die Beratungen mit den Parlamentsparteien für die Ernennung eines neuen Premierministers wieder aufgenommen. Der ursprünglich designierte Premier Ion Sturza war am Montag bei der Abstimmung im Parlament am Quorum gescheitert. Mehr als die Hälfte der Abgeordneten waren der Sitzung ferngeblieben. Der Parlamentsvorsitzende Andrian Candu sagte im Anschluss, dass der Versuch laut dem Verfassungsgerichtshof als gescheitert gelte und der Staatschef Timofti infolgedessen einen neuen Kandidaten für das Premierminister-Amt vorschlagen müsse. Sollte auch der zweite Versuch einer Regierungsbildung scheitern, muss Timofti das Parlament auflösen und Neuwahlen ankündigen. Das ehemalige Kabinett des Liberaldemokraten Valeriu Streleţ war Ende Oktober durch Misstrauensantrag gestürzt worden. Gegen das Streleţ-Kabinett stimmten auch Abgeordnete der Regierungsparteien.

    BUKAREST: Die Unabhängigkeit der Medien und die damit zusammenhängenden Garantien sind von wesentlicher Bedeutung für eine Demokratie, insbesondere in einem EU-Land. Das erklärte der Leiter der rumänischen Delegation bei der parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates, der Liberale Ionut Stroe, in einem Interview mit dem öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk Radio România. Das äußerst umstrittene Mediengesetz der neuen rechtskonservativen Regierung in Warschau, das vom polnischen Parlament ohne öffentliche Debatte verabschiedet wurde, bezeichnete Stroe als besorgniserregend. Laut dem Gesetz sollen unter anderem die Mandate der bisherigen Aufsichtsräte und Vorstandsmitglieder des öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehens und Rundfunks verfallen. Über die Spitzenposten in den öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien soll der Finanzminister entscheiden. Am Montag hatten vier internationale Journalistenverbände im Europarat eine Beschwerde gegen das neue polnische Mediengesetz eingereicht. Die Unterzeichner der Beschwerde kritisieren die Neuregelungen als Bedrogung für die Pressefreiheit und fordern die rechtskonservative polnische Regierungspartei dazu auf, auf das Gesetz zu verzichten, das von Präsident Andrzej Duda, ebenfalls Mitglied der Partei, noch nicht promulgiert wurde.

    SPORT: Die Tennisprofis Irina Begu und Monica Niculescu spielen am Mittwoch im Achtelfinale des WTA-Turniers im chinesischen Shenzhen. Die dritte Favoritin des Turniers, Irina Begu, trifft auf die Deutsche Anna Lena Friedsam, während Niculescu es mit der Ungarin Timea Babos zu tun bekommt. Insgesamt ist das Turnier mit einer halben Million US-Dollar Preisgeld dotiert. Rumäniens bekannteste Spielerin, die Weltranglistenzweite Simona Halep, hat indes ihre Teilnahme am Turnier im australischen Brisbane wegen einer Beinverletzung kurzzeitig abgesagt. Sie sollte dort in Runde zwei gegen die Weißrussin Wiktorija Asaranka antreten. Das australische Turnier ist mit Preisen im Wert von 900.000 Dollar dotiert. Halep erklärte, sie wolle kommende Woche am Turnier in Sydney teilnehmen.

  • 22.10.2015 (mise à jour)

    22.10.2015 (mise à jour)

    Justice – Le Parquet général de Bucarest a continué jeudi les auditions dans le dossier de la descente des mineurs sur la capitale, en juin 1990, qui a mis fin à une grande manifestation contre le pouvoir de gauche installé après la chute de la dictature communiste. Mercredi, les procureurs ont mis en examen, pour crimes contre l’humanité, l’ancien président roumain Ion Iliescu et deux de ses collaborateurs de l’époque – le directeur du Service Roumain de renseignement, Virgil Magureanu, et le ministre de la défense, Victor Stanculescu. Par ailleurs, les procureurs ont demandé au chef de l’Etat son accord pour l’ouverture de la procédure de poursuite pénale contre l’ex premier ministre, Petre Roman et son adjoint, Gelu Voican. Les 13-15 juin 1990, sur la toile de fond d’incidents violents dans la capitale, que l’armée avait déjà réussi à stopper, le président de l’époque, Ion Iliescu, a demandé à la population de défendre les institutions démocratiques sous prétexte d’une tentative de putsch de la part de l’extrême droite. Suite à son appel, les mineurs de la Vallée de la rivière Jiu (au centre) se sont rendus à Bucarest où ils ont attaqué l’Université, les sièges des partis de l’opposition et les rédactions de plusieurs journaux indépendants. Leurs actions ont fait 4 victimes officielles, des centaines de blessés et plus d’un millier d’arrestations abusives.

    Motion – Les députés du Parti socialiste et de celui des Communistes de la République de Moldova ont déposé jeudi une motion de censure contre le gouvernement de Valeriu Strelet. Pour être adoptée, la motion a besoin du vote favorable de 51 des 101 députés moldaves. La République de Moldova traverse une période trouble après que l’alliance pro européenne au pouvoir semble se déchirer suite à l’arrestation de son leader, Vlad Filat, accusé dans un dossier de corruption.

    Tennis- La paire roumaine de tennis Irina Begu/ Monica Niculescu s’est qualifiée pour la finale de double du tournoi de tennis de Moscou après avoir disposé jeudi par 6 à 4 et 6 à 0 de la paire slovéno- tchèque Andreja Klepac/Katerina Siniakova. La roumaine Irina Begu a dans son palmarès quatre titres au double et quatre finales dont deux disputées en 2015, tandis que Monica Niculescu détient elle aussi quatre titres et 11 finales disputées dont deux cette année.

    Météo- Vendredi, les températures s’annoncent proche de la normale saisonnière. Le ciel sera variable, plutôt couvert surtout sur le sud et le nord et des pluies éparses feront leur apparition. Les maximales iront de 10 à 17 degrés.

  • September 30, 2015 UPDATE

    September 30, 2015 UPDATE

    REFUGEE CRISIS – Romania will grant emergency humanitarian aid to Jordan, because of the size of the refugee crisis in that country. In its Wednesdays meeting, the Romanian government passed a decision by which it earmarks some more 250,000 Euros from the Budget Reserve Fund for the Romanian Foreign Ministrys budget. Thus, Romania joins the countries which answer the calls launched by Jordan to the international community for increased financial assistance for the Syrian refugees. Over 4 million people in Syria fled the country to take refuge mainly in the neighbouring states of Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Jordan provides shelter to some 1.5 million Syrian nationals, in the context in which it is a country with an estimated number of 8.1 million inhabitants.

    SYRIAN FILE – The Russian forces stationed in Syria on Wednesday carried out the first air strikes in that country. According to the Russian Defence Ministry, military equipment as well as arms and ammunition caches of the Islamic State terrorist group were destroyed during the raids. Earlier, FP quoted a US official as saying the US had been briefed on the start of the air strikes. Washington and Moscow take different stands on the Syrian file. Whereas the US insists that president Bashar al-Assad should leave power, Russia, which is Syrias ally, alongside Iran, says cooperation with president al-Assad is the only viable solution to resolve the Syrian conflict. US President Barack Obama and Russian leader Vladimir Putin have however accepted the idea of cooperation to defeat the Islamic State and to find a diplomatic solution to the civil war which is ravaging the country. The US is leading a coalition which has launched air strikes against positions of the Islamic State terrorist group in Syria and Iraq, for a year.

    MEETING – Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, and Moldovan Prime Minister, Valeriu Streletz, have had a meeting in New York, on the sidelines of the 70th UN General Assembly. According to a communiqué issued in Chishinau on Wednesday, the two officials have approached, among others, key domains of bilateral cooperation. Klaus Iohannis and Valeriu Streletz have also discussed ways to better capitalise on the reimbursable financial assistance granted by Romania to the Republic of Moldova. President Iohannis reiterated Romanias support for the European path the Republic of Moldova has embarked on, and for implementing the pro-European reforms adopted by the Moldovan government. Romanias president, who attended the UN anniversary summit in New York, devoted to the sustainable development of the world in the following 15 years, delivered three speeches on the fight against terrorism, the refugee crisis, gender equality and eradicating poverty. He also attended, at the invitation of the US President Barack Obama, the summit countering extreme violence and the Islamic State terrorist organisation. He also had a bilateral meeting at the White House with US Vice-president Joe Biden.

    FINANCIAL – Liviu Dragnea, the interim president of the Social Democratic Party, the main party of the ruling coalition in Bucharest, said that the government must spell out a serious analysis on the need for another agreement with the IMF to be concluded. In turn, Vasile Blaga, the co-president of the National Liberal Party, the main party in opposition, believes that such a document is not absolutely necessary. The statements were made after Finance Minister, Eugen Orlando Teodorovici, had announced that Romania would ask for another agreement with the IMF to be concluded this year. Prime Minister Victor Ponta said it would be good for Romania to sign another agreement with the IMF and a decision in this respect must be made after consultations with the political parties.

    CONFIDENCE CHART – Romanias president, Klaus Iohannis, continues to top the Romanians confidence chart, according to a sociological survey of the INSCOP Barometer commissioned by the paper Adevarul. So, 58,6% of the respondents say they have great and very great confidence in president Klaus Iohannis, as against 61.6% in July. President Iohannis is followed in the chart by the governor of the National Bank of Romania with 41.6%, Romanias ambassador to the USA, George Maior, with 29.7% and Prime Minister Victor Ponta, with 22.8%. Vasile Blaga, the co-president of the National Liberal Party, Crin Antonescu, the former leader of the National Liberal Party and Romanias former president after December 1989, Ion Iliescu, rank last in the confidence chart. The barometer survey commissioned by Adevarul was conducted by INSCOP Research over September 10-15th 2015. The survey included 1,085 people, the maximum data error being plus/minus 3% for a 95% confidence degree.

    COMPETITIVENESS REPORT – According to a report of the World Economic Forum, Romania ranks 53rd in the chart of the most competitive 140 states of the world. On a 1-7 scale, Romania got 4.32 points, as compared to 4.30 points last year. Switzerland comes first with 5.8 points, being followed by Singapore, the USA, Germany, Holland, Japan, Hong Kong, Finland, Sweden and Great Britain. Mauritania, Chad and Guinea come last in the chart. According to the report, Romania has low pointers for business sophistication, institutions and infrastructure. In exchange, Romania has a good position in terms of macroeconomic environment and the market size. The Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016 published by the World Economic Forum on Wednesday assessed the competitiveness of 140 countries of the world on the basis of such criteria as government institutions and policies, the effectiveness of the labour market and financial markets.

    LIVESTOCK SUMMIT – Romania will be the honorary guest of the 24th edition of the European “Sommet de lElevage (Livestock Summit) dedicated to the professional sector, to be held in Clermont-Ferrand, France, between October the 7th and 9th. Attending will be some 50 Romanian cattle and sheep growers and breeders. Their main aim is to get more information on the French breeds and to get into contact with French exporters and producers of specific equipment. The fair brings together 1,300 exhibitors (of which 270 international participants and representatives of 28 countries) as well as 85,000 visitors from the professional sector. At the end of 2014, Romania ranked 10th in the EU in terms of the number of cattle, with over 2 million heads. As regards the sheep and goat flock, Romania ranks fourth in the EU, with some 11 million heads.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, ranked second in the world, sustained an incredible defeat from British Johanna Konta, 6-3, 3-6, 7-5, on Wednesday, in the eighth finals of the WTA tennis tournament in Wuhan, China, with over 2.2 million dollars in prize money up for grabs. Also in Wuhan, the pair made up of Romanians Irina Begu and Monica Niculescu qualified for the doubles quarter finals of the tournament, after defeating third seeded Caroline Garcia (France)/Katarina Srebotnik (Slovenia), 6-2, 6-2. Begu and Niculescu will face, in the quarterfinals, the seventh seeded Spanish pair Garbine Muguruza/Carla Suarez Navarro.

  • WTA-Guangzhou: Halep und Niculescu gesetzt

    WTA-Guangzhou: Halep und Niculescu gesetzt

    Rumäniens Tennisprofis Simona Halep und Monica Niculescu sind beim WTA-Turnier in Guangzhou in China als Favoritinnen gesetzt. Bei der mit 227.000 US-Dollar dotierten Veranstaltung, die am Montag beginnt, ist die Weltranglistenzweite Halep die Hauptfavoritin. In der ersten Runde trifft sie auf eine Qualifikantin. Die Titelverteidigerin in Guangzhou, Monica Niculescu, ist die sechste der Setzliste und trifft zum Auftakt auf die Kasachin Iulia Putintewa, die Nummer 75. der Welt.

  • Nachrichten 20.09.2015

    Nachrichten 20.09.2015

    BUDAPEST: Ungarns Auswärtiges Amt hat den rumänischen Botschafter in Budapest für Montag einberufen. Die Entscheidung erfolgte nach der Kritik des rumänischen Außenministers Bogdan Aurescu an den von Ungarn an seinen Landesgrenzen errichteten Zäunen. Am Samstag hatte Aurescu bei einem Gespräch mit seinem niederländischen Gegenüber Bert Koenders in Bukarest die Errichtung von Zäunen, die das zivilisierte“ Europa von dem restlichen Kontinent trennen soll, als autistische und inakzeptable Geste“ bezeichnet. Man müsse zur Bewältigung der Flüchtlingskrise Ursachenforschung betreiben und die Ursachen der Migration bekämpfen, so Aurescu noch. Ungarns Außenminister Peter Szijjarto wies die Äußerungen seines rumänischen Kollegen scharf zurück: Wir sind ein mehr als tausend Jahre alter Staat, der in seiner Geschichte oft nicht nur sich selbst, sondern auch Europa verteidigen musste.“ Ungarn hatte diese Woche seinen Stacheldrahtzaun an der Grenze zu Serbien fertiggestellt. Flüchtlinge versuchen deshalb, über Rumänien und Kroatien nach Ungarn zu kommen. Daher sollen nun auch dort Zäune die Grenzen sichern.

    BUKAREST: Die größte Oppositionspartei, die PNL, will im Parlament einen Misstrauensantrag gegen die Regierung stellen. Die Exekutive habe aufgrund der rechtlichen Probleme des Ministerpräsidenten Victor Ponta an Glaubwürdigkeit eingebüßt, so die Begründung. Der Interimschef der regierenden PSD, Liviu Dragnea, räumte dem Misstrauensantrag wenig Erfolgschancen ein. Die Sozialdemokraten Victor Ponta und der derzeitige Senator Dan Sova waren in einem orruptionsfall von der Antikorruptionsbehörde DNA angeklagt worden. Das Strafermittlungsverfahren war bereits Anfang Juni angelaufen. Ponta wurde mitgeteilt, gegen ihn werde wegen vermuteter Urkundenfälschung, Beihilfe zur Steuerhinterziehung und Geldwäsche ermittelt. Der Fall bezieht sich auf den Abschluss fragwürdiger Verträge über Rechtsberatungsdienste für die Energieriesen Turceni und Rovinari in Südrumänien. Im Falle von Ponta soll laut Staatsanwälten auch die Strafverfolgung aufgrund von Interessenkonflikten fortgesetzt werden. Der Ministerpräsident wies alle Vorwürfe zurück, ebenso die Forderungen von Präsident Klaus Iohannis und der liberalen Opposition nach seinem Rücktritt.

    BUKAREST: Drei rumänische Militärs sind am Sonntag in Afghanistan leicht verletzt worden. Laut Angaben aus dem Außenmisterium führten die drei eine Streifemission durch, als acht Kilometer von dem Stützpunkt in Kandahar entfernt eine Autobombe explodierte. Die rumänischen Soldaten wurden ins Krankenhaus des Stützpunktes eingeliefert, ihre Lage ist stabil. Die drei beteiligten sich gerade an der Mission Resolute Support“. Insgesamt sind noch 617 rumänische Soldaten in Afghanistan stationiert.

    SPORT: Rumäniens Tennisprofis Simona Halep und Monica Niculescu sind beim WTA-Turnier in Guangzhou in China als Favoritinnen gesetzt. Bei der mit 227.000 US-Dollar dotierten Veranstaltung, die am Montag beginnt, ist die Weltranglistenzweite Halep die Hauptfavoritin. In der ersten Runde trifft sie auf eine Qualifikantin. Die Titelverteidigerin in Guangzhou, Monica Niculescu, ist die sechste der Setzliste und trifft zum Auftakt auf die Kasachin Iulia Putintewa, die Nummer 75. der Welt.

  • Deportes 5 de agosto de 2015

    Deportes 5 de agosto de 2015

    En la edición de hoy, tenis, atletismo y ciclismo.


    Las tenistas rumanas Irina Begu y Monica Niculescu se clasificaron este lunes para la segunda ronda del torneo WTA de Washington (hard), que reparte 226.750 dólares en premios..

    Begu, de 24 años, sexta favorita del torneo, se impuso en 2 mangas por 6-4 y 6-0, ante la estadounidense Madison Brengle (25 años).

    Cada una de ambas jugadoras había ganado uno de los dos previos enfrentamientos directos, el año pasado Begu en la primera ronda del Abierto australiano 6-3, 5-7,y 6-1, y Brengle en Linz, en la primera ronda por 7-5 y 3-1 (abandono de Begu).

    A su vez, Monica Niculescu (27 años), ganó, tambien en dos mangas, 7-5 y 6-4, a la jugadora española Lara Arruabarrena, de 23 años. La ibérica había ganado el unico previo partido directo, en 2011, en Marbella, por 7-5 y 6-4, en la primera ronda .

    En Bakú (Azerbaiyán) la también rumana Patricia Maria Țig , la Nº 154 WTA, fue derrotada por la rusa Margarita Gasparian, por 6-3, 5-7 y 6-0, este domingo en la final del torneo que reparte 226.750 dólares en premios.

    La rumana de 21años, consigue así el mejor resultado de toda su carrera, en un partido que duró dos horay y medio.

    Gasparian tiene 20 años y es la Nº 112 mundial.

    Si hubiera ganado en Bakú, Țig se habría convertido en la jugadora con la menor clasificación en el ránking (154) que haya ganado un título WTA este año. El récord pertenece a la brasileña Teliana Pereira, que en 2015 se alzó con el título en Bogotá al situarse en el puesto 130 mundial. La rumana fue recompensada con un premio de 21.400 dólares y 198 p. WTA .

    El mes pasado Patricia participo en el cuadro principal de individual femenino de l torneo de categoria mundial el BRD Bucharest Open, donde alcanzo los octavos de final. Ademas en Bucarest perdio su primera de circuito mundial disputada junto a Andreea Mitu, en dobles . .

    La rumana Simona Halep sigue en el tercer puesto del ránking mundial del circuito femenino de tenis (WTA), hecho público este lunes.

    Halep se sitúa por detrás de la estadounidense Serena Williams con 7.000 puntos. Más de 1.300 la separan de la rusa Maria Șharapova, pero la rumana conserva su ventaja de 151 puntos frente al cuarto puesto de la checa Petra Kvitova.

    Irina Begu se mantiene como la Nº 29, con 1.557 p., Monica Niculescu es la Nº 39, con 1.295 p, Alexandra Dulgheru asciende dos posiciones al Nº 47, con 1036 p, mientras que Andreea Mitu desciende un puesto al 75, con 780 pct. Patricia Țig, finalista en Bakú (Azerbaiyán), hace un salto de 39 escalones al llegar al puesto 115, con 509 puntos.


    En la edición 74 de los Campeonatos Balcánicos de atletismo adultos, celebrados este sábado y domingo en la ciudad rumana de Pitești (sur), Rumanía se quedó con 5 medallas de oro, 10 de plata y 11 de bronce, situándose en la primera posición del tradicional ránking general por naciones con 267 puntos, seguida por Turquía, con 205 puntos y Grecia – 163,5 puntos.

    Las pruebas tuvieron lugar en el Complejo deportivo “Nicolae Dobrin” y contaron con la participación de 378 atletas (171 femenino y 207 en masculino).


    El campeón paralímpico Eduard Novak de Rumania subió al segundo escalón del podio en la carrera de fondo de la Copa Mundial de Paraciclismo disputada en Nottwill, Suiza . Este resultado le da grandes expectaciones al ciclista rumano para el próximo año en los JO de Rio de Janeiro.

    En la carrera de fondo, primero se impuso Patrik Kuril, de Eslovaquia y en la tercera posición llegó el ruso Serghei Pudov.

    En la contra reloj individual del mundial de paraciclismo, nuestro corredor Eduard Novak terminó octavo. Hasta aquí los deportes.

  • Sport Club RRI – Competiţii de top la Bucureşti

    Sport Club RRI – Competiţii de top la Bucureşti

    Capitala României este, în ultimele zile, scena unor
    importante competiţii sportive internaţionale de top.

    Duminică s-au încheiat, la Bucureşti, Campionatele
    Internaţionale de înot ale României. Palmaresul general al sportivilor români a
    inclus 222 de medalii, din care 69 de aur, 76 de argint şi 77 de bronz.
    Înotătorii români au doborât şi 16 recorduri naţionale, din care unul la
    seniori, unul la ştafetă seniori şi restul la juniori de 15 şi 16 ani.

    Printre sportivii de peste hotare care au onorat competiţia
    s-au aflat şi două înotătoare de înalt nivel, şi anume olandeza Sharon van
    Rouwendaal şi sportiva maghiară Katinka Hosszu. Sharon van Rouwendaal a reuşit,
    la Europenele din 2014, să cucerească medalii atât la înot în ape libere, cât
    şi la înot în bazin. Totodată, deţine una din cele mai bune performanţe
    mondiale ale anului 2015, în proba de 400 metri liber.

    Katinka Hosszu este deţinătoarea recordurilor mondiale în
    bazin scurt, de 25 de metri, în probele
    de 100 de metri mixt, 200 de metri mixt, 100 de metri spate şi 200 de metri
    spate. La Bucureşti, duminică, înotătoarea din Ungaria a reuşit a doua
    performanţă mondială a anului la 200 metri mixt, timpul ei fiind de 2 minute,
    opt secunde şi 77 de sutimi.

    Am rugat-o pe Camelia Potec, preşedinta Federaţiei Române
    de Nataţie şi Pentatlon Modern, să ne vorbească despre importanţa competiţiei
    la care am asistat. Eu cred că
    este foarte importantă, în primul rând pentru publicul din România şi, în
    aceeaşi măsură, pentru sportivii noştri, care au ocazia să-si indeplinească
    baremurile pentru Mondiale şi Olimpiadă aici, la ei acasă, în faţa rudelor şi a
    celor care îi iubesc şi care iubesc acest sport. După care cred că este
    important că am adus în România un campionat internaţional şi este important şi
    faptul că sportivi de renume mondial şi european au avut posibilitatea să
    ajungă în România, să vadă România şi să îşi schimbe puţin părerea despre cum
    sunt bazele sportive aici, la noi acasă, să vadă că şi noi avem condiţii de
    nivel mondial şi suntem capabili să organizăm o competiţie internaţională.

    De luni au început la Bucureşti jocurile
    de pe tabloul principal ale turneulul feminin de tenis BRD
    Bucharest Open, concurs WTA dotat cu premii totale de 226.750 de dolari.
    Printre sportivele române care au promovat în turul secund s-a aflat şi Monica
    Niculescu, ajunsă, în ediţia turneului de la Wimbledon, de anul acesta, până în
    optimile de finală. Ea a trecut în primul tur de la Bucureşti de o altă
    româncă, Ana Bogdan, cu 6-2, 5-7, 6-2. Monica Niculescu s-a arătat încântată că
    are din nou ocazia să joace în faţa spectatorilor bucureşteni: Mie îmi place foarte mult să joc aici.
    Publicul a fost întotdeauna bun cu mine şi m-a susţinut şi sper să vină în
    continuare cât mai mulţi oameni şi să mă susţină, bineînţeles….

    BRD Bucharest Open se încheie duminică.

  • 13.07.2015 (mise à jour)

    13.07.2015 (mise à jour)

    Visite — En visite officielle en Espagne, le président de la Roumanie, Klaus Iohannis, a été reçu par le roi Felipe VI et sest entretenu avec le premier ministre Mariano Rajoy. Il a également discuté avec des représentants du milieu des affaires et de la diaspora roumaine. Les thèmes abordés ont visé les relations roumano-espagnoles, la collaboration au sein de lUE et de lOTAN, ainsi que des sujets dactualité de la politique étrangère. Le président Iohannis a réitéré les remerciements pour l’ouverture avec laquelle les ressortissants roumains sont accueillis et intégrés dans la société espagnole. Il a souligné les évolutions remarquables des dernières années dans les rapports politiques et économiques roumano-espagnols. Selon les données statistiques, plus de 900.000 Roumains vivent en Espagne, soit la plus grande communauté étrangère de ce pays. Mardi, le chef de l’Etat roumain discutera avec le président du Sénat espagnol, Pio Garcia-Escudero.

    Politique — Le premier ministre roumain, Victor Ponta, a été auditionné ce lundi par les procureurs anti-corruption qui ont également placé sous séquestre une partie de ses biens. M Ponta est poursuivi dans un dossier pour faux en écritures sous seing privé, complicité d’évasion fiscale et blanchiment d’argent, des faits qu’il aurait commis lorsqu’il était avocat et qui sont liés au dossier visant le sénateur social-démocrate Dan Sova. Dimanche, Victor Ponta a posté sur les réseaux sociaux un message annonçant sa décision de renoncer à toute fonction au sein du Parti Social Démocrate jusqu’au moment où il serait en mesure de prouver son innocence face aux accusations dont il fait l’objet. La direction du Parti social-démocrate, principal parti de la coalition gouvernementale, se réunira cette semaine pour analyser la situation créée par l’annonce du premier ministre. L’opposition de droite a demandé à Victor Ponta de démissionner aussi de sa fonction de chef de l’exécutif, pour qu’il n’entache pas l’image de la Roumanie.

    Réaction — A l’occasion de l’inauguration à Bucarest de la présidence luxembourgeoise du Conseil de l’UE, le chef de la diplomatie roumaine, Bogdan Aurescu, a salué ce lundi l’accord historique relatif au nouveau programme d’assistance financière à la Grèce. Le ministre roumain des Affaires étrangères a expliqué que cette solution prouvait que l’Union possède la capacité de trouver, dans des situations de crise, des solutions aux problèmes les plus compliqués. M Aurescu a rappelé que durant la crise de Grèce, les autorités de Bucarest avaient espéré qu’une solution favorable à l’avenir européen d’Athènes soit trouvée.

    Tennis — La joueuse roumaine de tennis Simona Halep se maintient en troisième position du classement des meilleures joueuses du circuit professionnel de tennis, WTA, rendu public ce lundi après la fin du tournoi de Grand Chelem de Wimbledon, qu’elle a quitté dès le premier tour. La Roumaine Alexandra Dulgheru, qui a remporté le tournoi ITF de Contrexéville, en France, a fait un bond de 14 places et se situe actuellement en 46e position, alors que Monica Niculescu, qui est allée jusqu’aux huitièmes de finale de Wimbledon, a progressé de 7 places, pour se situer en 41e position. La quatrième joueuse roumaine du top 100 WTA, Andreea Mitu, occupe la 78e position mondiale. Le Roumain Horia Tecau, qui vient de remporter l’épreuve de double messieurs à Wimbledon, a progressé de deux places au classement de meilleurs joueurs de double au monde, pour occuper la 5e position. Florin Mergea, qui a joué la demi-finale de double messieurs à Wimbledon, aux côtés de l’Indien Rohan Bopanna, a également grimpé de sept places pour se situer actuellement en 7e position.

    Foot — Le club de foot champion de Roumanie, Steaua Bucarest, rencontrera mardi l’AS Trencin de Slovaquie, dans le deuxième tour préliminaire de la Ligue des champions. Fondé en 1992, le club AS Trencin a remporté pur la première fois le championnat et la Coupe de Slovaquie, dépassant des clubs plus titrés tels Slovan Bratislava et MSK Zilina. D’autres équipes roumaines sont également présentes dans l’autre compétition européenne, la Ligue Europa. Jeudi, Astra Giurgiu (sud) rencontre les Ecossais d’Iverness CT et le FC Botosani, dans le nord-est, rencontrera les Polonais de Legia Varsovie. Le troisième club roumain de foot de la Ligue Europa, ASA Tg Mures, dans le centre du pays, est automatiquement qualifié au troisième tour de la compétition.