Tag: munich

  • Athlete of the Week

    Athlete of the Week

    Romania ranked 9th at the multisport European
    Championships hosted several days ago by Munich. Athletes from our country
    walked away with eight gold medals, two silver and five bronze from the aforementioned
    competition. Most of the medals were won by Romania’s rowers in the
    competition’s first week. In the second week, hammer thrower Bianca Ghelber,
    canoeist Catalin Chirila and table tennis player Bernadette Szocs reaped gold
    for Romania.

    Table tennis player Bernadette Szőcs, silver medalist in the
    mixed doubles contest together with Ovidiu Ionescu has been designated Athlete
    of the week by Radio Romania International.

    Bernadette Szőcs was born on March 5th 1995 in Târgu
    Mureş central Romania and took up table tennis at the age of 8. She managed to
    obtain good results in European and world competitions and these results pushed
    her ahead in world rankings. Because she was refused the support she needed
    from the sport authorities in Romania, in 2010 Szocs considered the idea of
    moving to Norway and competing under the Norwegian flag. Eventually she decided
    to give up her emigration plan and in 2016 at the European Championships in
    Budapest the athlete came third in the mixed doubles together with Ovidiu
    Ionescu and a year later at the championships in Luxembourg she obtained her
    first European title with the Romanian team.

    In 2018 in Montreux, Switzerland she compelled recognition
    in the European Top‑16 tournament, a competition, which brings together the
    best athletes on the continent. A year later in Nantes, France, she became
    European champion again with the Romanian team. She is presently ranking 32nd
    in the world ranking, where in 2019 she occupied the 14th position.


  • La semaine en or du sport roumain

    La semaine en or du sport roumain

    La semaine passée a été
    absolument exceptionnelle pour les représentants de la Roumanie aux
    Championnats d’Europe de plusieurs disciplines sportives. Après des dizaines
    d’années d’évolutions très discrètes, les sportifs roumains sont revenus au
    premier plan de la natation, de l’athlétisme, du tennis de table et des sports

    La semaine a débuté avec la victoire sur le 200 mètres nage libre du
    jeune David Popovici aux Championnats d’Europe de natation, accueillis par Rome.
    Tenant du titre mondial de la même épreuve, le nageur roumain a réussi un temps
    exceptionnel – 1 minute 47 seconde 97, nouveau record du monde et de l’Europe
    chez les juniors, ainsi que meilleur résultat de la compétition. Ce fut la
    seconde victoire romaine de David Popovici, après celle enregistrée, deux jours
    plus tôt, sur le 100 mètres nage libre, et couronnée d’un nouveau record du
    monde. La semaine de la natation roumaine s’est conclue au Foro Italico sur une
    médaille d’or et une autre d’argent à l’épreuve de plongeon de haut vol,
    dominée par Constantin Popovici (champion européen) et Cătălin-Petru Preda (
    vice-champion continental).

    En athlétisme, la Roumanie n’avait
    plus rencontré l’or continental depuis vingt ans. C’était en 2002, aux
    Championnats européens de Munich, qu’Ionela Tîrlea remportait l’or du 400
    mètres haies.
    Mercredi dernier, également dans la capitale bavaroise, la Roumaine Bianca Ghelber s’est adjugé l’or européen de
    l’épreuve féminine du lancer du marteau, avec un résultat de 72 mètres et 72
    centimètres, 60 centimètres de plus que le meilleur lancer de la Polonaise Ewa
    Rozanska, médaillée d’argent. Bianca Ghelber n’avait réussi qu’une sixième place
    aux JO de Tokyo de l’année dernière et aux Mondiaux d’athlétisme, déroulés aux États-Unis, en juillet dernier.

    Aux Championnats
    continentaux de tennis de table, la compétition de doubles dames a occasionné
    le plus grand nombre de médailles. À Munich, Bernadette
    Szőcs en a remporté le titre continental, aux côtés de l’Autrichienne née en
    République de Moldova, Sofia Polcanova. En finale, elles ont eu raison des
    Roumaines Elizabeta Samara et Andreea Dragoman, qui ont dû se contenter des
    médailles d’argent. Une autre pongiste roumaine, Adina Diaconu, et sa
    coéquipière espagnole, Maria Xiao, se sont hissées sur la troisième marche du
    podium européen. Notons aussi que Bernadette Szőcs et Ovidiu Ionescu avaient
    gagné l’argent dans le tournoi de doubles mixtes. Bernadette avait d’ailleurs
    dans son palmarès deux titres continentaux, à Luxembourg, en 2017, et à Nantes,
    en 2019, avec l’équipe de la Roumanie.

    Les Championnats multisports d’Europe, de Munich, ont aussi inclus les compétitions continentales de
    canoë-kayak. Cătălin Chirilă, tenant du titre mondial de l’épreuve olympique du
    1000 mètres canoë simple, a confirmé samedi dernier, en remportant aussi l’or
    européen. Dimanche, il y a ajouté le bronze du 500 mètres. Les derniers
    résultats du même niveau en C-1 dataient de 2006, lorsque Florin Mironcic gagnait,
    à Racice, en République Tchèque, le titre européen du 1000 mètres et la
    médaille d’argent du 500 mètres. (Trad.
    Ileana Ţăroi)

  • August 20, 2022 UPDATE

    August 20, 2022 UPDATE

    Inflation — In Romania, the annual inflation rate will have minor fluctuations until the end of September and then it will take a downward path for 3 quarters, according to the National Bank of Romania – BNR. It expects the inflation rate to reach 13.9% in December. On the other hand, the BNR warns that the forecasts regarding the economic activity for next year are significantly revised downwards. According to the Central Bank, next year Romania will experience a significant drop in private consumption, under the influence of the gradual increase in interest rates on the population’s loans and deposits. The government has recently adopted the first budget rectification of 2022, a positive one, which takes into account an economic growth of 3.5%, the budget revenues for the first six months and the budget execution during this period. The Finance Minister, Adrian Caciu, claims that the budget deficit can be kept under control and that the target of 5.84% for the end of the year is achievable. The Fiscal Council, an independent body that analyzes the sustainability of fiscal and budgetary policies, warned that the rectification could lead to a figure exceeding the target deficit of 7% of GDP, because the government allegedly overestimated the receipts and underestimated part of the expenses.

    Film – Romanian films were awarded prizes at the Sarajevo International Film Festival, which ended on Friday evening with the awards ceremony, the Romanian Cultural Institute – ICR reports. The animation film “Amok”, directed by Balazs Turai (Hungary, Romania, 2022), which was screened for the first time in the region, won the Heart of Sarajevo award for best short film. “My Muslim Husband”, directed by Daniel Bărnuţi and Alexandra Lizeta Bărnuţi, received the “Movies that matter” award in the CineLink Industry Days section. “Freedom”, the newest film directed by Tudor Giurgiu, producer Oana Giurgiu, received the Jury Award sponsored by Debee Studio, at the CineLink Work In Progress section. The list of winners from the CineLink section also includes producer and director Oana Giurgiu, who won the EAVE Award (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs) in the CineLink Co-Production Market Awards section. Ten Romanian cinematographic productions were presented at the 28th edition of the Sarajevo festival, organized in partnership with ICR.

    Kayak — The Romanian athlete, Cătălin Chirilă, won the gold medal in the men’s canoe single 1000m final, on Saturday, at the European Kayak-Canoe Championships in Munich. Chirilă (24 years old), a world champion in this event, at the beginning of the month, in Canada, led the entire race, being followed, in the final ranking, by the Czech Martin Fuksa, and the Italian Carlo Tacchini. The latest European medal in the canoe single 1,000 m event had been won in 2011, in Belgrade, by Iosif Chirilă (silver), and the latest European title had been won by Florin Mironcic, in 2006, in Racice. Chirilă (with the CSA Steaua club) will participate, on Sunday, in the canoe single 500m final, in which he is world vice-champion in Halifax (Canada). Also on Saturday, the Romanian athlete Oleg Nuţă ranked eighth in the men’s canoe single 200m final.

    Volleyball – Romanias womens national volleyball team defeated the team of Israel 3-0 on Saturday in Piatra Neamţ, in their debut match in Group A of the 2023 European Championship preliminaries. On Sunday, the other match in the group will take place between Croatia and the Faroe Islands. Romania will play the next match on August 24, in the Faroe Islands. The teams ranked on the first two positions will qualify for the final tournament.

    Covid – More than 3,860 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been registered in the last 24 hours in Romania, after 16,900 tests were made, the Health Ministry announced on Saturday. 21 deaths were also reported. On the other hand, the protective mask will not be mandatory in schools and no special sanitary measures will be taken, says the prefect of Bucharest, Toni Grebla. Upon checking the stage of preparations for the beginning of the school year, the prefect explained that no additional measures have been discussed that would be imposed in educational units, in the context of the increase in the number of Covid cases. Recently, the Health Minister Alexandru Rafila said that he recommended the use of protective masks in schools, but the only additional protection measure would be the ventilation of the classrooms. (LS)

  • August 18, 2022 UPDATE

    August 18, 2022 UPDATE

    Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Thursday paid a visit to Prague at
    the invitation of his Czech counterpart Jan Lipavsky as this country is presently
    holding the EU rotating presidency. Talks focused on prospects of deepening the
    bilateral political-diplomatic dialogue as well as strengthening the sectoral
    cooperation in fields of mutual interest such as energy, transport, logistics,
    tourism and agriculture. The two ministers also referred to the joint
    objectives at European level in the wake of the Summit in Madrid and before the
    upcoming NATO Foreign Ministers meeting Romania is to host in autumn. The two
    sides discussed the multidimensional impact of the Russian aggression against
    Ukraine. The two ministers had an exchange of opinions on the regional
    security, the situation of the Ukrainian refugees and the impact on other key
    issues such as food safety and energy security. Topical issues on the European
    agenda were also discussed and Minister Lipavsky reiterated his country’s
    staunch support for Romania’s Schengen accession.

    COVID-19 On Thursday Romania’s Health
    Ministry announced 55 hundred new cases of Covid-19. 35 hundred people are
    presently being treated in hospitals out of whom 269 in ICUs. 24 related
    fatalities have also been reported in the past 24 hours.

    CHAMPION Romanian swimmer
    David Popovici, gold medalist in the 100m and 200m freestyle events, was named
    the best athlete in the men’s swimming events at the European Aquatics
    Championships in Rome, according to the Romanian Swimming and Modern Pentathlon
    Federation. In a score-based ranking, following the best performances in the
    competition, David Popovici came in first in the men’s category with 1,003
    points, while in the women’s category the Lithuanian Ruta Meilutyte was the
    first with 985 points. David Popovici, 17, became, on Saturday, in Rome, the
    world record holder in the 100 m freestyle race with 46 seconds and 86
    hundredths. Later, on Monday, he also won the gold medal in the 200 m freestyle
    event. With 1 minute 42 seconds and 97 hundredths, he set, also in this event,
    a new world and European record.

    ATHLETICS Romanian
    athlete Bianca Florentina Ghelber won the gold medal in the hammer throw event,
    on Wednesday, at the European Athletics Championships in Munich. Ghelber,32, who
    ranked sixth at the Tokyo Olympics last year, won the final in Munich with
    72.72 meters, ahead of the Polish Ewa Rozanska, 72.12 m, and the Italian Sara
    Fantini, 71.58 m. Thus, Romania won the first continental gold medal in
    athletics after a break of 20 years. Also in Munich, Romania secured new medals
    at the individual European Table Tennis Championships, in the women’s doubles
    event. Four Romanians are in the semifinals, the phase that secures the bronze
    medals, so there will definitely be at least one player in the finals. Romania
    has already got a silver medal at the European Table Tennis Championships in
    the mixed doubles event, won by Bernadette Szocs and Ovidiu Ionescu.


  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The Romanian athlete Bianca Ghelber on Wednesday won the gold medal at the European Championships in Munich, in the hammer throw event. She won with a throw of 72 meters and 72 centimeters, followed by the Polish Ewa Rozanska, with 72 meters and 12 centimeters, and the Italian Sara Fantini, with 71 meters and 59 centimeters. Romania thus obtained the first continental gold medal after a break of 20 years. Also in Munich, in 2002, Ionela Tîrlea won the only title for Romania, in the 400m hurdles.

    The Romanian swimmer David Popovici, gold medalist in the 100m and 200m freestyle events, was named the best swimmer in the mens swimming events at the European Swimming Championships in Rome. We recall that, in the 100m event David Popovici registered a new world record, and in the 200m race he set a new competition record. In a ranking based on the best performances at the European Championships hosted by Italy, David Popovici took first place in the mens category, with 1,003 points. In the womens category, the first was the Lithuanian Ruta Meilutyte, with 985 points. On Wednesday, David Popovici withdrew from the 400m freestyle final of the European Championships, to which he had qualified with the fourth time.

    The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep withdrew from the WTA 1,000 tournament in Cincinnati on Wednesday, ahead of her second round match against Russian Veronika Kudermetova. According to the organizers, Halep withdrew due to an injury to her right thigh. In the first round, the Romanian had passed the Russian Anastasia Potapova, after, last week, she had won another WTA 1000 tournament, in Toronto. (LS)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The Romanian athlete Bianca Ghelber on Wednesday won the gold medal at the European Championships in Munich, in the hammer throw event. She won with a throw of 72 meters and 72 centimeters, followed by the Polish Ewa Rozanska, with 72 meters and 12 centimeters, and the Italian Sara Fantini, with 71 meters and 59 centimeters. Romania thus obtained the first continental gold medal after a break of 20 years. Also in Munich, in 2002, Ionela Tîrlea won the only title for Romania, in the 400m hurdles.

    The Romanian swimmer David Popovici, gold medalist in the 100m and 200m freestyle events, was named the best swimmer in the mens swimming events at the European Swimming Championships in Rome. We recall that, in the 100m event David Popovici registered a new world record, and in the 200m race he set a new competition record. In a ranking based on the best performances at the European Championships hosted by Italy, David Popovici took first place in the mens category, with 1,003 points. In the womens category, the first was the Lithuanian Ruta Meilutyte, with 985 points. On Wednesday, David Popovici withdrew from the 400m freestyle final of the European Championships, to which he had qualified with the fourth time.

    The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep withdrew from the WTA 1,000 tournament in Cincinnati on Wednesday, ahead of her second round match against Russian Veronika Kudermetova. According to the organizers, Halep withdrew due to an injury to her right thigh. In the first round, the Romanian had passed the Russian Anastasia Potapova, after, last week, she had won another WTA 1000 tournament, in Toronto. (LS)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    For a long period of time, the Romanian sport has not seen days as rich in performances as the last weekend. The gold medals won by the swimmer David Popovici and his new world record at the continental championships in Italy somewhat overshadowed the results of the Romanian athletes who won medals in Munich, at the European Multisport Championships.

    Most medals were won by the Romanian rowers, who returned home with five gold and three bronze medals, this being the best result in the history of Romanian rowing in the European competition. Gold medals were won by Ioana Vrînceanu and Denisa Tîlvescu in the womens pair and by Marius Cozmiuc and Sergiu Bejan in the mens pair. In the double scull event, the Olympic champions Ancuța Bodnar and Simona Radiș reconfirmed their supremacy. In the single scull event, the light category, Ionela Cozmiuc won gold. The last gold medals were brought by the women’s coxed eight crew, including Magdalena Rusu, Iuliana Buhuş, Ancuța Bodnar, Denisa Tîlvescu, Mădălina Bereş, Amalia Bereş, Ioana Vrînceanu, Simona Radiş, and coxswain Adrian Munteanu. Bronze medals were obtained in the women’s four, men’s four and men’s quadruple sculls.

    At the European Women’s Gymnastics Championships, the juniors stood out with two gold, two silver and two bronze medals. Sabrina Voinea won the gold in the vault event, and Amalia Puflea in the floor event. Silver medals were won in the all around team and individual competitions, through Amalia Ghigoartă. Amalia Puflea won bronze in the beam final, and Sabrina Voinea also got bronze in the floor event. In the seniors competition, the best result was the 4th place taken by Ana Bărbosu, in the floor event. This week the men gymnasts will enter the competition.

    At the European Table Tennis Championships Ovidiu Ionescu and Bernadette Szőcs won silver medals. The Romanian pair was very close to winning the gold, but lost the mixed doubles final to Emmanuel Lebesson/Jianan Yuan from France.

    Now news from football. From Friday to Monday, matches of the fifth stage of the Romanian football Super League were played. On Friday, FCU Craiova defeated FC Argeş, away from home, 2-0. On Saturday, in Arad, UTA defeated Universitatea Cluj 2-1, and in Ploieşti, Petrolul won the traditional derby with Rapid Bucharest 1-0. On Sunday, Universitatea Craiova won 1-0 at home the match against CS Mioveni, FC Botoşani defeated CFR Cluj 1-0 away from home, and FCSB defeated Chindia Târgovişte 3-2 in Bucharest. The two games played on Monday, namely FC Voluntari with Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe and Farul Constanţa with FC Hermannstadt, ended in a draw: 0 all. FC Botoşani leads the standings, with 11 points, being followed by four teams with 9 points each: Hermannstadt, Farul, CFR and Rapid. (LS)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    For a long period of time, the Romanian sport has not seen days as rich in performances as the last weekend. The gold medals won by the swimmer David Popovici and his new world record at the continental championships in Italy somewhat overshadowed the results of the Romanian athletes who won medals in Munich, at the European Multisport Championships.

    Most medals were won by the Romanian rowers, who returned home with five gold and three bronze medals, this being the best result in the history of Romanian rowing in the European competition. Gold medals were won by Ioana Vrînceanu and Denisa Tîlvescu in the womens pair and by Marius Cozmiuc and Sergiu Bejan in the mens pair. In the double scull event, the Olympic champions Ancuța Bodnar and Simona Radiș reconfirmed their supremacy. In the single scull event, the light category, Ionela Cozmiuc won gold. The last gold medals were brought by the women’s coxed eight crew, including Magdalena Rusu, Iuliana Buhuş, Ancuța Bodnar, Denisa Tîlvescu, Mădălina Bereş, Amalia Bereş, Ioana Vrînceanu, Simona Radiş, and coxswain Adrian Munteanu. Bronze medals were obtained in the women’s four, men’s four and men’s quadruple sculls.

    At the European Women’s Gymnastics Championships, the juniors stood out with two gold, two silver and two bronze medals. Sabrina Voinea won the gold in the vault event, and Amalia Puflea in the floor event. Silver medals were won in the all around team and individual competitions, through Amalia Ghigoartă. Amalia Puflea won bronze in the beam final, and Sabrina Voinea also got bronze in the floor event. In the seniors competition, the best result was the 4th place taken by Ana Bărbosu, in the floor event. This week the men gymnasts will enter the competition.

    At the European Table Tennis Championships Ovidiu Ionescu and Bernadette Szőcs won silver medals. The Romanian pair was very close to winning the gold, but lost the mixed doubles final to Emmanuel Lebesson/Jianan Yuan from France.

    Now news from football. From Friday to Monday, matches of the fifth stage of the Romanian football Super League were played. On Friday, FCU Craiova defeated FC Argeş, away from home, 2-0. On Saturday, in Arad, UTA defeated Universitatea Cluj 2-1, and in Ploieşti, Petrolul won the traditional derby with Rapid Bucharest 1-0. On Sunday, Universitatea Craiova won 1-0 at home the match against CS Mioveni, FC Botoşani defeated CFR Cluj 1-0 away from home, and FCSB defeated Chindia Târgovişte 3-2 in Bucharest. The two games played on Monday, namely FC Voluntari with Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe and Farul Constanţa with FC Hermannstadt, ended in a draw: 0 all. FC Botoşani leads the standings, with 11 points, being followed by four teams with 9 points each: Hermannstadt, Farul, CFR and Rapid. (LS)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    Romanian athletes are attending several championships presently underway in Europe. Italian capital Rome is these days hosting the European Aquatics Championship and Romanian swimmer David Popovici is the odds-on favourite in the 100 and 200 meter free-style races, where he is world champion. Popovici will also be competing in the 400 meter free-style race and in the 4×100 meter relay race.

    Until August 21st, Munich in Germany is hosting the multi-sport European Championships, which is to include competitions in several disciplines such as athletics, beach volleyball, kayak-canoe, cycling, rowing, artistic gymnastics, bouldering, table tennis and triathlon. Romanian athletes stand good chances to win medals in rowing and kayak-canoe competitions. Defending European champions, the Romanian double scull team made up of Ancuta Bodnar and Simona Radis stands good chances to win a medal in the aforementioned the competition and so does the Romanian eight, winner of the latest European Championship hosted by Italy.

    We also recall that the Romanian rowers of the mens four and eight walked away with silver medals from the Italian competition and so did our womens double. In the lightweight womens single scull race, where Gianina Beleagă is the European vice-champion, Romania is being represented by Ionela Cozmiuc, as Beleagă has become part of the Romanian four and eight in the same competition.

    Cătălin Chirilă stands good chances to win a medal for Romania in the 500 and 1000 meter canoe single races as one week ago he reaped a world title in the 1000 meter race and a silver medal in the 500 meter race in Halifax, Canada. His prize closed also includes a gold medal he won together with Victor Mihalachi in 1000 meter race of the European Games in Minsk and a bronze one with the same team mate in the latest edition of the European championships hosted by Poznan in Poland.

    A delegation of 20 athletes is representing Romania at the European Gymnastics Championships. We recall that Romania won silver at the European championships in Mersin Turkey in 2020. Larisa Iordache won gold in the beam and floor events and silver in the vault event. In the same competition Romanias junior team obtained gold in all the events as well as in the team competition.

    Ana Maria Bărbosu won five medals in various events of the aforementioned competition while Maria Ceplinschi won silver in the individual all-round event and the floor event and Andreea Preda walked away with bronze from the beam event. In the mens competition only one medal for Romania in Turkey. Gabriel Burtanete won gold in the vault event of the junior competition.


  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    Romanian athletes are attending several championships presently underway in Europe. Italian capital Rome is these days hosting the European Aquatics Championship and Romanian swimmer David Popovici is the odds-on favourite in the 100 and 200 meter free-style races, where he is world champion. Popovici will also be competing in the 400 meter free-style race and in the 4×100 meter relay race.

    Until August 21st, Munich in Germany is hosting the multi-sport European Championships, which is to include competitions in several disciplines such as athletics, beach volleyball, kayak-canoe, cycling, rowing, artistic gymnastics, bouldering, table tennis and triathlon. Romanian athletes stand good chances to win medals in rowing and kayak-canoe competitions. Defending European champions, the Romanian double scull team made up of Ancuta Bodnar and Simona Radis stands good chances to win a medal in the aforementioned the competition and so does the Romanian eight, winner of the latest European Championship hosted by Italy.

    We also recall that the Romanian rowers of the mens four and eight walked away with silver medals from the Italian competition and so did our womens double. In the lightweight womens single scull race, where Gianina Beleagă is the European vice-champion, Romania is being represented by Ionela Cozmiuc, as Beleagă has become part of the Romanian four and eight in the same competition.

    Cătălin Chirilă stands good chances to win a medal for Romania in the 500 and 1000 meter canoe single races as one week ago he reaped a world title in the 1000 meter race and a silver medal in the 500 meter race in Halifax, Canada. His prize closed also includes a gold medal he won together with Victor Mihalachi in 1000 meter race of the European Games in Minsk and a bronze one with the same team mate in the latest edition of the European championships hosted by Poznan in Poland.

    A delegation of 20 athletes is representing Romania at the European Gymnastics Championships. We recall that Romania won silver at the European championships in Mersin Turkey in 2020. Larisa Iordache won gold in the beam and floor events and silver in the vault event. In the same competition Romanias junior team obtained gold in all the events as well as in the team competition.

    Ana Maria Bărbosu won five medals in various events of the aforementioned competition while Maria Ceplinschi won silver in the individual all-round event and the floor event and Andreea Preda walked away with bronze from the beam event. In the mens competition only one medal for Romania in Turkey. Gabriel Burtanete won gold in the vault event of the junior competition.


  • Romania at the Olympic Games

    Romania at the Olympic Games

    Rower Mădălina Bereş and swimmer Robert Glinţă have been
    designated the flag bearers of Romania’s team at the Olympics in Tokyo, the
    Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee has announced. Mădălina Bereş was a
    bronze medalist at the Olympic Games in Rio 2016, world champion with Romania’s
    eight and six times European champion. Glinta is the first Romanian swimmer to
    win gold at the European Championships and the first athlete qualified for the
    Tokyo Olympics.

    The first Romanian flag bearer at the Olympic Games was
    Iosif Sarbu, in Melbourne 1956. He used to be Olympic champion in the shooting
    contest of the Helsinki Olympics in 1952. An illness in his right eye prompted
    him to modify his gun to be able to use his left eye for shooting and went
    fifth in Melbourne, a remarkable performance under the given circumstances.

    However, the athlete with the largest number of
    participations as Romania’s flag bearer was kayaker Aurel Vernescu. He carried
    the flag for Romania three times, in Tokyo 1964, Mexico, four years later and
    Munich 1972. He was designated flag bearer after he had won two world titles in
    Yugoslavia in 1963.

    He compelled recognition in Tokyo as well with a bronze
    medal in the 500-meter individual race and with the Romanian four in the 1000-meter
    event. In Munich 1972, he stepped onto the podium’s second step with the
    Romanian four in the 1000-meter race.

    Elisabeta Lipa became the first woman athlete to wear the
    flag for Romania at the Olympic Games. She had this honour in Sydney in 2000
    and Athens in 2004.

    Lipa obtained her first Olympic gold in Los Angeles in 1984
    together with Marioara Popescu in the double sculls event.

    Four years later she got bronze with the Romanian four and
    silver in the double sculls. She dominated the individual races for many years
    and eventually reaped the Olympic title in Barcelona in 1992. She later joined
    the famous Romanian eight with which she managed to win another three gold
    medals, in Atlanta in 1996, in Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004.

    Gymnasts from Romania have obtained the largest number of
    notable performances in international competitions. And the first gymnast to
    bear the Romanian flag in the Olympics was Catalina Ponor, triple Olympic
    champion in Athens 2004.

    In the end we remind you that you can revisit this report on
    the internet at rri.ro as well as on Radio Romania International’s Facebook


  • Romania at the Olympic Games

    Romania at the Olympic Games

    Rower Mădălina Bereş and swimmer Robert Glinţă have been
    designated the flag bearers of Romania’s team at the Olympics in Tokyo, the
    Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee has announced. Mădălina Bereş was a
    bronze medalist at the Olympic Games in Rio 2016, world champion with Romania’s
    eight and six times European champion. Glinta is the first Romanian swimmer to
    win gold at the European Championships and the first athlete qualified for the
    Tokyo Olympics.

    The first Romanian flag bearer at the Olympic Games was
    Iosif Sarbu, in Melbourne 1956. He used to be Olympic champion in the shooting
    contest of the Helsinki Olympics in 1952. An illness in his right eye prompted
    him to modify his gun to be able to use his left eye for shooting and went
    fifth in Melbourne, a remarkable performance under the given circumstances.

    However, the athlete with the largest number of
    participations as Romania’s flag bearer was kayaker Aurel Vernescu. He carried
    the flag for Romania three times, in Tokyo 1964, Mexico, four years later and
    Munich 1972. He was designated flag bearer after he had won two world titles in
    Yugoslavia in 1963.

    He compelled recognition in Tokyo as well with a bronze
    medal in the 500-meter individual race and with the Romanian four in the 1000-meter
    event. In Munich 1972, he stepped onto the podium’s second step with the
    Romanian four in the 1000-meter race.

    Elisabeta Lipa became the first woman athlete to wear the
    flag for Romania at the Olympic Games. She had this honour in Sydney in 2000
    and Athens in 2004.

    Lipa obtained her first Olympic gold in Los Angeles in 1984
    together with Marioara Popescu in the double sculls event.

    Four years later she got bronze with the Romanian four and
    silver in the double sculls. She dominated the individual races for many years
    and eventually reaped the Olympic title in Barcelona in 1992. She later joined
    the famous Romanian eight with which she managed to win another three gold
    medals, in Atlanta in 1996, in Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004.

    Gymnasts from Romania have obtained the largest number of
    notable performances in international competitions. And the first gymnast to
    bear the Romanian flag in the Olympics was Catalina Ponor, triple Olympic
    champion in Athens 2004.

    In the end we remind you that you can revisit this report on
    the internet at rri.ro as well as on Radio Romania International’s Facebook


  • Romania at the Olympic Games

    Romania at the Olympic Games

    Athletes from Romania have obtained
    the best performances in individual contests of the 21 editions of the Olympic
    Games they have attended. Teams from Romania have obtained only six medals,
    four in handball competitions, one in volleyball and one in rugby. Most of the
    medals have been claimed by Romania’s male and female gymnasts who stepped onto
    the podium 72 times winning 25 gold medals.

    The first participation of our
    gymnasts in an Olympic contest was in Berlin in 1936 but they started winning
    medals only 20 years later. Elena Leustean became bronze medalist in the floor
    event in Melbourne where the Romanian team also ended in the third position.
    Another bronze was won in Rome in 1960, which was followed by a 16 year pause.

    Then Nadia Comaneci managed a
    perfect ten making the three-digit scoreboard in Montreal obsolete. Nadia has
    won five Olympic gold medals, three of them in Montreal, in the individual
    all-round, balance beam and uneven bars event. Ecaterina Szabo comes next with
    four Olympic titles all of them in Los Angeles in 1984. Three Olympic gold
    medals have been won by Daniela Silivas, Simona Amanar and Catalina Ponor.
    Silivas compelled recognition in Seoul in 1988 when she won the uneven bars,
    beam and floor events.

    Amanar won the vault event in
    Atlanta in 1996 and individual all round and the team contest in Sydney 2000.
    Ponor won the Olympic titles in the beam, floor and teams contests in Athens,
    in 2004. In the men’s competitions, Romania had only one Olympic champion,
    Marius Urzica who won the pommel horse event in Sydney.

    When it comes to the best Olympic
    performances, the Romanian rowers are coming right after the gymnasts with 38
    medals, half of them gold. Romania’s first participation in an Olympic competition
    was in Helsinki, in 1952 and has so far missed only one edition in 1956. The first
    medal was obtained in Munich in 1972 by Petre Ceapura, Ladislau Lovrenschi and
    Stefan Tudor who became bronze medalists in the Men’s Coxed Pairs.

    The women’s contests were
    introduced for the first time in Montreal in 1976 and Romania’s coxed quadruple
    scull stepped onto the podium’s third step. At the next edition held in Moscow
    in 1980, Sanda Toma won gold for Romania in the single scull race. Women rowers
    from Romania dominated the competitions from 1984 to 2004 winning 17 gold
    medals most of them in the Los Angeles Olympics.

    In 1984, Romanian rowers won five
    Olympic titles in the women’s competitions and one in the men’s contests.
    Georgeta Andrunache and Viorica Susanu obtained the last Olympic gold for
    Romania in the women’s pairs of the Beijing Olympics while the Romanian eight
    obtained the bronze medal in the 2016 edition in Rio.

    Next in terms of Olympic medals won
    for Romania are athletes with 35 medals, kayak-canoeists with 34 and wrestlers
    with 33 medals. Iolanda Balas is the only Romanian athlete with two gold medals
    in the Olympic Games, in 1960 in Rome and 1964 in Tokyo. Ivan Patzaichin reaped
    four gold medals and three silver in the kayak-canoe races. He and Serghei
    Covaliov compelled recognition in the 1000 meter race of Mexico Olympics in
    1968, in Moscow 1980 and in Los Angeles four years later together with Toma
    Simionov. Patzaichin also won the 1000 meter single race in Munich in 1972.

    Gheorghe Berceanu and Stefan Rusu
    compelled recognition in Greek-Roman wrestling competitions. Berceanu won gold
    in Munich and silver four years later in Montreal while Rusu became silver
    medalist in Montreal and gold medalist at the Olympics in Moscow.


  • Romania at the Olympic Games

    Romania at the Olympic Games

    Athletes from Romania have obtained
    the best performances in individual contests of the 21 editions of the Olympic
    Games they have attended. Teams from Romania have obtained only six medals,
    four in handball competitions, one in volleyball and one in rugby. Most of the
    medals have been claimed by Romania’s male and female gymnasts who stepped onto
    the podium 72 times winning 25 gold medals.

    The first participation of our
    gymnasts in an Olympic contest was in Berlin in 1936 but they started winning
    medals only 20 years later. Elena Leustean became bronze medalist in the floor
    event in Melbourne where the Romanian team also ended in the third position.
    Another bronze was won in Rome in 1960, which was followed by a 16 year pause.

    Then Nadia Comaneci managed a
    perfect ten making the three-digit scoreboard in Montreal obsolete. Nadia has
    won five Olympic gold medals, three of them in Montreal, in the individual
    all-round, balance beam and uneven bars event. Ecaterina Szabo comes next with
    four Olympic titles all of them in Los Angeles in 1984. Three Olympic gold
    medals have been won by Daniela Silivas, Simona Amanar and Catalina Ponor.
    Silivas compelled recognition in Seoul in 1988 when she won the uneven bars,
    beam and floor events.

    Amanar won the vault event in
    Atlanta in 1996 and individual all round and the team contest in Sydney 2000.
    Ponor won the Olympic titles in the beam, floor and teams contests in Athens,
    in 2004. In the men’s competitions, Romania had only one Olympic champion,
    Marius Urzica who won the pommel horse event in Sydney.

    When it comes to the best Olympic
    performances, the Romanian rowers are coming right after the gymnasts with 38
    medals, half of them gold. Romania’s first participation in an Olympic competition
    was in Helsinki, in 1952 and has so far missed only one edition in 1956. The first
    medal was obtained in Munich in 1972 by Petre Ceapura, Ladislau Lovrenschi and
    Stefan Tudor who became bronze medalists in the Men’s Coxed Pairs.

    The women’s contests were
    introduced for the first time in Montreal in 1976 and Romania’s coxed quadruple
    scull stepped onto the podium’s third step. At the next edition held in Moscow
    in 1980, Sanda Toma won gold for Romania in the single scull race. Women rowers
    from Romania dominated the competitions from 1984 to 2004 winning 17 gold
    medals most of them in the Los Angeles Olympics.

    In 1984, Romanian rowers won five
    Olympic titles in the women’s competitions and one in the men’s contests.
    Georgeta Andrunache and Viorica Susanu obtained the last Olympic gold for
    Romania in the women’s pairs of the Beijing Olympics while the Romanian eight
    obtained the bronze medal in the 2016 edition in Rio.

    Next in terms of Olympic medals won
    for Romania are athletes with 35 medals, kayak-canoeists with 34 and wrestlers
    with 33 medals. Iolanda Balas is the only Romanian athlete with two gold medals
    in the Olympic Games, in 1960 in Rome and 1964 in Tokyo. Ivan Patzaichin reaped
    four gold medals and three silver in the kayak-canoe races. He and Serghei
    Covaliov compelled recognition in the 1000 meter race of Mexico Olympics in
    1968, in Moscow 1980 and in Los Angeles four years later together with Toma
    Simionov. Patzaichin also won the 1000 meter single race in Munich in 1972.

    Gheorghe Berceanu and Stefan Rusu
    compelled recognition in Greek-Roman wrestling competitions. Berceanu won gold
    in Munich and silver four years later in Montreal while Rusu became silver
    medalist in Montreal and gold medalist at the Olympics in Moscow.


  • Discussions sur l’espace Schengen

    Discussions sur l’espace Schengen

    Le premier ministre roumain en exercice, Ludovic Orban, a souligné, à Munich, la pleine légitimité des aspirations de la Roumanie d’adhérer à l’espace de libre circulation, dans le contexte où elle remplit depuis longtemps les critères techniques requis. L’officiel roumain a récemment participé à la Conférence de sécurité de Munich, où il a déclaré que la refonte de l’entière fonctionnalité de l’espace Schengen était essentielle pour assurer la sécurité intérieure de l’UE. Le premier ministre Orban a également affirmé que l’Europe devait défendre ses frontières extérieures et éliminer les frontières intérieures. Il a plaidé en faveur d’une Europe ouverte à l’élargissement. Dans une interview à Radio Roumanie, Ludovic Orban a exprimé sa conviction que l’attitude des Etats membres qui s’opposent à l’adhésion de la Roumanie à l’espace Schengen allait changer : « J’ai présenté les arguments puissants en faveur de l’acceptation de la Roumanie dans l’espace Schengen. Nous remplissons toutes les conditions en ce sens et je suis persuadé que l’attitude de certains pays va changer. »

    Ludovic Orban a contredit l’idée selon laquelle la Roumanie ne serait pas préparée pour entrer dans l’espace de libre circulation à cause de la corruption. Dans ce contexte, il a déclaré que Bucarest s’était proposé d’achever le Mécanisme de coopération et de vérification en diminuant la corruption et en renforçant l’indépendance de la Justice. Et lui d’ajouter que s’il était question de conditionner l’octroi de fonds européens à la situation de l’Etat de droit, il faudrait établir des dispositions très claires valables pour tous les Etats membres, de sorte qu’il n’y ait pas de pénalités injustes. Ludovic Orban: « Puisque ce domaine se prête à des interprétations subjectives, il faut élaborer des réglementations très claires et précises, dresser la liste des éventuelles violations des dispositions de l’article 2 du Traité de l’Union et fixer les sanctions applicables dans chaque situation, pour écarter ainsi toute possibilité d’interprétation subjective ».

    En ce qui concerne l’adhésion à la zone euro, Ludovic Orban a déclaré que: « Il existe cinq conditions obligatoires à remplir. L’objectif du cabinet que je dirige sera de satisfaire à ces conditions et de devenir partie intégrante de la zone euro. La pleine intégration dans l’UE se produira au moment où la Roumanie sera membre de la zone euro ».

    L’adhésion à la zone euro figure depuis longtemps à l’agenda des gouvernements de Bucarest, mais l’horizon de l’intégration n’a cessé de reculer depuis l’entrée du pays dans l’UE en 2007. Si 2012 était la date initiale que s’était fixée Bucarest, à présent l’horizon d’attente pour rejoindre le club de la zone euro est 2024-2026 (Trad. Mariana Tudose)