Tag: Neptun Deep

  • The Week in Review

    The Week in Review

    Romanias Prime Minister, Marcel Ciolacu, and Foreign Minister, Luminița Odobescu, visited Chișinău

    Romania supports the start of EU accession negotiations for the Republic of Moldova as soon as possible, the Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday in Chişinău, on his first foreign visit since he took office. He emphasized that the future of the Republic of Moldova is in the community bloc. The Romanian side showed availability to provide expertise to the Moldovan partners. In his turn, the Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean thanked Romania for all the support given to the Republic of Moldova in the process of joining the European Union, as well as in the economic and social fields. He emphasized that the relations on the two banks of the Prut River are increasingly being strengthened through the construction of bridges, roads and energy networks. Dorin Recean mentioned the existence of nine projects for the second installment of the aid provided by the Romanian Government. They are worth 28 million Euros and are aimed at investments for the development of localities in the Republic of Moldova, the Moldovan PM said. Early this week, the Romanian FM, Luminița Odobescu, paid a visit to the Republic of Moldova, her first external visit since taking-over her mandate. She was received by the pro-Western president Maia Sandu and had discussions with her counterpart Nicu Popescu. The two emphasized the support which Romania offered to the Republic of Moldova, consisting in humanitarian aid, energy resources and support for increasing resilience. Last but not least, the Romanian FM said that opening the EU accession negotiations for the Republic of Moldova in the shortest possible time is a priority of Romania’s foreign policy.

    Romanian magistrates protested, discontented with the prospect of being left without special pensions

    Magistrates from several courts and prosecutor’s offices across Romania suspended their activity on Wednesday, showing discontent with the Governments intention to change the conditions under which they can obtain special pensions. Judges and prosecutors argue that changing the special pension scheme would violate the independence of the judiciary. The ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party – PSD and the National Liberal Party – PNL wants to gradually increase the retirement age for judges and prosecutors up to 65 years, and for the pension to be calculated based on their income from several years, not just from the last year of activity. The Justice Minister, Alina Gorghiu, said that she respects the magistrates’ right to free expression, but insisted that dialogue, not protest, is the solution to any problem of the judicial system. The reform of the legislative framework regarding the special pensions scheme is a promise made to the European Union by the Romanian authorities under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. On the other hand, on Thursday, the draft law on the abolition of special pensions for senators and deputies received a favorable opinion, gathering a majority of votes, in the specialized Parliament committee. The president of the committee, the Social-Democratic MP Eugen Bejinariu explained that, if unconstitutional elements of the bill are identified, other solutions will be found to reduce or eliminate the special pensions of parliamentarians.

    Measures announced by the Romanian Government

    The prices of some basic food products may decrease in the next period, the Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Thursday. He claims that this decrease will not put pressure on Romanian producers. Marcel Ciolacu stated that he received a response from the large store chains regarding the scheme for reducing markup percentages. It is a list that contains basic foodstuffs such as bread, dairy products, meat, eggs, flour, corn flour, oil, vegetables and fruit. Also on Thursday, the Government discussed, in a first reading, the state aid scheme for Romanian producers of construction materials. In principle, the authorities want more materials produced in the country to appear on the internal market at competitive prices, which will lead to a reduced import of construction materials. Now, over 70% of the materials used are imported, and the Government wants to reduce this percentage. This years budget for the aid scheme could be 150 million Euros, but the Finance Ministry will have the final say. The Executive also approved the granting of emergency aid to support the population affected by floods, landslides and dangerous meteorological phenomena, up to the amount of 1.4 million Euros. Households in the center, south-west and south of the country were affected, this month, by heavy rainfalls. The support and intervention of the military firefighters was needed to remove the negative effects generated by the bad weather.

    Development plan for gas deposits in the Romanian area of ​​the Black Sea

    OMV Petrom and Romgaz have approved the development plan for the Domino and Pelican Sud commercial natural gas fields in the Romanian area of ​​the Black Sea. The National Agency for Mineral Resources is to confirm this plan. The investment amounts to 4 billion Euros for the development phase, and the total production will be 100 billion cubic meters, the equivalent of the annual demand for natural gas for 4.3 million households. According to the management of OMV Petrom, in 2027, the first amounts of gas are to be extracted through the Neptun Deep project, and Romania will become the largest producer of natural gas in the European Union. The project will last approximately two decades, and the revenues brought to the state budget will support Romania’s development. OMV Petrom states that the estimated revenues of the Romanian state would be 20 billion Euros. (LS)

  • Neptun Deep: OMV Petrom und Romgaz starten Erdgasförderungsprojekt im Schwarzen Meer

    Neptun Deep: OMV Petrom und Romgaz starten Erdgasförderungsprojekt im Schwarzen Meer

    Das private Unternehmen OMV Petrom, die Nummer eins unter den Energieunternehmen in Südosteuropa, und das staatliche rumänische Unternehmen Romgaz werden gemeinsam das Projekt Neptun Deep entwickeln, die grö‎ßte Erdgasförderung im rumänischen Schwarzmeergebiet. Die Ankündigung wurde am Donnerstag von Vertretern der beiden Unternehmen gemacht, die sagten, dass die ersten Förderungen in vier Jahren stattfinden könnten. Bis dahin werden die beiden Partner bis zu 4 Mrd. € für die Entwicklungsphase des Projekts investieren. Danach werden sie die auf rund 100 Milliarden Kubikmeter Erdgas geschätzte Produktion zu gleichen Anteilen splitten.

    Für Rumänien werden die Auswirkungen kolossal sein: Das Land wird seine Produktion verdoppeln und somit den derzeitigen Inlandsverbrauch nicht nur decken, sondern auch über einen Erdgasüberschuss verfügen, wodurch Rumänien zu einem der Hauptakteure für die Energiesicherheit in Europa aufrückt. Premierminister Marcel Ciolacu ist optimistisch, dass Rumänien durch die Nutzung von Erdgas aus dem Schwarzen Meer den entscheidenden Schritt in Richtung Energieunabhängigkeit machen kann. Wir haben die Erfahrung und das Knowhow, um der wichtigste Erdgasproduzent der Europäischen Union zu werden“, so der Regierungschef. Ciolacu würdigte dabei die Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Staat und dem Privatsektor, ohne die das Projekt Neptun Deep nicht existieren würde.

    Christina Verchere, Generaldirektorin von OMV Petrom, erklärte, dass das Unternehmen gemeinsam mit Romgaz die Entwicklungsphase des grö‎ßten Tiefseeprojekts in Rumänien einleiten wird, das eine 30-mal höhere Produktion als der Jahresbedarf für rund 4,3 Millionen Haushalte vorsieht. Laut Petrom-Chefin Christina Verchere werden sich die geschätzten Einnahmen für den rumänischen Staat auf rund 20 Mrd. Euro belaufen. Dank der Milliardeninvestition wird Neptun Deep ein Erfolg werden, da es von der besten Infrastruktur und den modernsten Technologien profitieren wird, die sowohl die Umwelt schützen als auch die Betriebssicherheit gewährleisten.

    Die zwei Erdgasfelder, Domino und Pelikan Süd befinden sich in einer Tiefe zwischen 100 und 1 000 Metern, die Förderung erfolgt durch 10 Bohrungen und das geförderte Gas werde anschlie‎ßend zu einer neuen Offshore-Plattform gepumpt. Diese Bohrstellen werden über eine digitale Replikation ferngesteuert, was Sicherheit und Prozessoptimierung ermögliche. Das Gas werde auf der Plattform an Land aufbereitet und dann durch eine Pipeline in das nationale Netz eingespeist.

    Der Vorstandsvorsitzende von Romgaz, Răzvan Popescu, betonte seinerseits den strategischen Charakter des Projekts:

    Neptun Deep ist ein strategisches Projekt sowohl für Rumänien als auch für die gesamte Region; mit dieser neuen Gasquelle kann der Gasbedarf ab 2027 gedeckt werden; au‎ßerdem ist das Potenzial vorhanden, die Kohlenwasserstoffproduktion des Landes erheblich zu steigern.“

    Der von OMV Petrom und Romgaz gemeinsam vorgelegte Entwicklungsplan für die beiden kommerziellen Erdgasfelder muss noch von der Nationalen Agentur für Bodenschätze genehmigt werden.

  • June 23, 2023

    June 23, 2023

    Food. The large chain stores in Romania have agreed, in the framework of the dialogue started with the Government, that they could voluntarily reduce the shelf prices of 10 basic food categories. The announcement was made by Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, but the discussions will continue. In order for the reduction to become a reality, either a voluntary agreement of the sellers or an emergency ordinance is being considered, but in both cases, the prime minister assures that the Executive does not want to put pressure on Romanian producers.

    Pensions. The draft law on the abolition of the special pensions of Romanian deputies and senators received, on Thursday, a favorable report in the Committee on the status of parliamentarians. Parliamentary plenum debates on the bill will most likely start on Monday. Former Social Democratic MP Eugen Nicolicea, currently president of the Association of Former Parliamentarians, believes that the law has zero chance of passing the Constitutional Court, like other similar proposals. The president of the Committee on the status of parliamentarians, the Social Democratic deputy Eugen Bejenariu, says, however, that if elements of unconstitutionality are identified, other solutions will be found to reduce or eliminate special pensions. From the opposition, the Save Romania Union strongly supports the elimination of these pensions, as well as all other special pensions paid from the State budget that some professional categories enjoy.

    Gas. The private company OMV Petrom and the national company Romgaz have announced that they will jointly invest 4 billion euros in the Neptun Deep gas field exploitation project, the largest in the Romanian area of ​​the Black Sea. Thanks to this project, Romania would become the largest producer of natural gas in the European Union and secure its energy independence, said Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu. According to him, the Neptun Deep project is the result of a good collaboration between state institutions and the private sector and will make Romania a long-term, predictable and substantial supplier of energy security.

    Ukraine. Romania and the Republic of Moldova condemned the statements of the governor installed by Russia in the occupied Kherson region in southern Ukraine, who threatened that the Russian army could attack a bridge over the Prut River, in response to an alleged Ukrainian attack on one of the bridges connecting the continent and the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea annexed by Moscow. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bucharest has termed as unacceptable such statements addressed to the Republic of Moldova, but which also refer to a part of the territory of Romania, a member of NATO. Chisinau has summoned the Russian ambassador to the Republic of Moldova for explanations and is discussing the possibility of reducing the embassy staff to a presence that would ensure parity with the Moldovan diplomatic staff in Moscow. According to Chisinau, the measure will be taken because of the Russian authorities interference in the countrys internal affairs.

    Immigrants. 43 foreign citizens were caught, this morning, while trying to leave Romania illegally, through the western border. They were hidden in a TIR truck driven by a Romanian, which was transporting parcels on the Romania-Hungary route. Verifications showed that the people hidden among the goods are from Bangladesh, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka. The foreigners are being investigated for attempted fraudulent crossing of the state border, and the TIR driver for migrant trafficking.

    Theatre. As of today, the city of Sibiu, in central Romania, is hosting the International Theater Festival. The theme chosen for this 30th edition is “Miracle”. The largest annual meeting of the performing arts proposes an agenda with over 800 indoor and outdoor events – theater in any form, dance, circus and music – in which around 5,000 artists and guests from 75 countries will participate. All outdoor performances are free. The festival has also kept the online section. There are 40 shows included in this category, which can be enjoyed by those who cannot make it to Sibiu. The official opening will take place with the show “A cathedral full of organs” from the “Saint Mary” Evangelical Cathedral in Sibiu. The International Theater Festival will end on July 2.

    Football. Romania takes on, on Saturday, in Bucharest, the team of Ukraine, in Group B of the European Under-21 Football Championship, which it hosts together with Georgia. In the same group, Spain will play against Croatia. In the debut matches, the Under-21 national team was beaten 3-0 by Spain, and Ukraine beat Croatia 2-0. The final tournament takes place between June 21 and July 8 and brings together 16 teams, divided into four groups. Two are hosted by Romania, in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca (north-west), and two by Georgia. In Romania, two quarter-finals and a semifinal will take place. The top three finishers qualify for next years Olympic Games in Paris. (MI)

  • Vers l’indépendance énergétique de la Roumanie.

    Vers l’indépendance énergétique de la Roumanie.

    La compagnie
    privée OMV Petrom, numéro un dans le domaine énergétique en Europe du sud-est
    et la société roumaine Romgaz commenceront ensemble les exploitations des
    ressources gazières dans le périmètre Neptun Deep, en mer Noire. C’est ce que
    les représentants des deux sociétés ont annoncé jeudi, tout en précisant que
    les premières extractions sont prévues pour 2027.

    En attendant,
    les deux partenaires investiront quatre milliards d’euros au total pour mettre
    en place la première étape du projet. Ultérieurement, ils se partageront la
    production estimée à 100 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz. Pour la Roumanie,
    l’impacte d’un tel projet sera immense: le pays est censé doubler sa production
    qui, du coup, dépassera largement le nécessaire de gaz pour la consommation
    nationale. Le surplus fera de la Roumanie un des grands contributeurs à la
    sécurité énergétique européenne.

    Le premier
    ministre Marcel Ciolacu se dit optimiste et espère que le projet d’exploration
    gazière en mer Noire permettra à son pays de faire le pas décisif vers l’indépendance
    énergétique. « Nous jouissons aussi bien de l’expérience que de
    l’expertise pour devenir le plus important producteur de gaz naturel en Europe »,
    a affirmé le chef du gouvernement roumain. Et lui de saluer la collaboration
    étroite entre l’Etat roumain et le milieu privé sans le soutien duquel, le
    projet Neptun Deep n’aurait pas existé. Cristina Verchere, directrice exécutive
    de l’OMV Petrom, a rappelé pour sa part qu’avec Romgaz, la société qu’elle
    dirige se prépare à lancer la première étape de ce vaste projet mené dans les
    eaux de grande profondeur de Roumanie. C’est un projet censé déboucher sur une
    production de gaz trente fois plus grande que la demande annuelle de Roumanie
    qui couvre le nécessaire de gaz de 4,3 millions de foyers. Selon Mme. Verchere,
    ce projet permettra à l’Etat roumain de gagner 20 milliards d’euros. Grâce au
    montant des investissements, Neptun Deep sera un succès, puisqu’il bénéficiera
    de la meilleure infrastructure et des technologies les plus modernes, respectueuses
    de l’environnement. Dix sondes seront opérées à distance, à travers une
    plateforme numérique, pour extraire le gaz des deux gisements, Domino et
    Pelican Sud, d’une profondeur comprise entre 100 et 1000 mètres. Par la suite,
    les gaz seront acheminés vers une nouvelle plateforme offshore où ils seront
    transformés et versés dans un tuyau raccordé au réseau national.

    Le directeur
    général de la Romgaz, Răzvan Popescu, a quant à lui, déclaré que: Neptun Deep est
    un projet stratégique aussi bien pour la Roumanie que pour toute la région,
    puisqu’à partir de 2027, il est censé assurer le nécessaire de gaz, tout en
    entraînant une croissance significative de la production interne

    Avancé par l’OMV
    Petrom et la Romgaz, le projet de développement des deux gisements de gaz
    naturel doit être approuvé par l’Agence nationale pour les ressources

  • Nachrichten 22.06.2023

    Nachrichten 22.06.2023

    Die Preise für einige Grundnahrungsmittel in Rumänien könnten in der nächsten Zeit sinken, kündigte Premierminister Marcel Ciolacu nach der heutigen Sitzung der Exekutive an. Er teilte mit, dass er die Antwort der großen Einzelhandelsketten auf die Regelung zur Senkung der Handelszuschläge für Grundnahrungsmittel erhalten habe. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Liste mit Grundnahrungsmitteln wie Brot, Milchprodukte, Fleisch, Eier, Mehl, Maismehl, Öl, Gemüse und Obst. Die rumänische Regierung wird diese Regelung zur Senkung der Handelszuschläge in der kommenden Zeit weiter mit den Lebensmittelherstellern und -händlern erörtern. Gleichzeitig erörterten die Minister in erster Lesung die staatliche Beihilferegelung für rumänische Hersteller von Baumaterialien, die darauf abzielt, mehr im Inland produzierte Materialien zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen auf den heimischen Markt zu bringen und so die Einfuhren zu verringern. Derzeit werden mehr als 70 % der verwendeten Rohstoffe importiert. Bukarest möchte diesen Anteil verringern. In diesem Jahr könnten für das Programm 150 Mio. EUR bereitgestellt werden, die Entscheidung darüber liegt jedoch beim Finanzministerium.

    Das Außenministerium in Bukarest hat die Äußerungen des so genannten Moskauer Vertreters in Herson, einer illegal von Russland besetzten ukrainischen Region, scharf verurteilt, der damit drohte, dass die russische Armee die Giurgiulesti-Brücke an der Grenze zwischen Rumänien und Moldawien angreifen werde. Das rumänische Außenministerium hält derartige Äußerungen gegen die Republik Moldau, die auch einen Teil des Territoriums des NATO-Verbündeten Rumänien betrifft, für inakzeptabel und erklärt, dass Angriffe auf zivile Infrastrukturen ein Kriegsverbrechen darstellen. Der russische Botschafter in der Republik Moldau wurde in das Außenministerium in Chisinau einbestellt, um eine Erklärung zu den Äußerungen des so genannten russischen Gouverneurs von Herson zu verlangen. Seine Drohungen kamen, nachdem ukrainische Truppen heute die Ciongar-Brücke, die die russisch kontrollierten Teile der Region Herson mit der seit 2014 von den Russen besetzten Halbinsel Krim verbindet, mit Raketen angegriffen hatten.

    Die wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und die Bewältigung der durch den russischen Krieg in der Ukraine verursachten Krisen waren die Hauptthemen der Gespräche, die der rumänische Ministerpräsident Marcel Ciolacu und der moldawische Ministerpräsident Dorin Recean am Mittwoch in Chişinău führten. Recean dankte Bukarest für die Unterstützung der Republik Moldau bei ihren EU-Beitrittsbemühungen und erwähnte, dass die bilateralen Beziehungen durch den Bau von Straßen, Brücken und Energienetzen gefestigt werden. Bei seinem Besuch in Chișinău wurde Marcel Ciolacu vom Senatsvorsitzender Nicolae Ciucă begleitet.

    Die Geschäftsführerin von OMV Petrom, Cristina Verchere, sagte am Donnerstag, dass im Jahr 2027 die ersten Erdgasmengen durch das Projekt Neptun Deep gefördert werden und Rumänien damit zum größten Erdgasproduzenten in der EU wird. Die Aussagen wurden am Regierungssitz in Bukarest gemacht, wo OMV Petrom und Romgaz eine Ankündigung zur Entwicklung von Neptun Deep, dem größten Erdgasprojekt im rumänischen Teil des Schwarzen Meeres, machten. Das Projekt, das sich über zwei Jahrzehnte erstreckt, soll eine Gasproduktion erzeugen, die 30 Mal höher ist als der jährliche Bedarf von 4,3 Millionen Haushalten. Die geschätzten Einnahmen für den rumänischen Staat werden sich auf rund 20 Mrd. EUR belaufen. Neptun Deep ist ein wichtiger Schritt für unsere 2030-Strategie, die darauf abzielt, die Energiewende in Rumänien und der Region zu unterstützen, fügte der OMV Petrom-Vorstand hinzu.

    Die Europäische Investitionsbank hat am Donnerstag neue Finanzierungen für Rumänien angekündigt. Die insgesamt 675 Mio. EUR werden in die Bereiche Verkehr, Stadtentwicklung und kleine Unternehmen fließen. Für den Verkehrssektor sind 600 Mio EUR vorgesehen, die zu den EU-Mitteln für den Wiederaufbau und die Widerstandsfähigkeit hinzukommen. Die EIB-Gruppe und Rumänien blicken auf eine 30-jährige Partnerschaft zurück, in deren Rahmen die Bank seit Aufnahme ihrer Tätigkeit in Rumänien mehr als 17 Mrd EUR für über 170 Finanzierungsvorhaben bereitgestellt hat. Angesichts der Fortschritte, die die rumänische Wirtschaft in den letzten 30 Jahren gemacht hat, bin ich stolz darauf, dass die EIB-Gruppe einen Beitrag leisten konnte, indem sie Finanzierungen für bessere Schulen, Krankenhäuser, öffentliche Infrastrukturen, Universitäten und Verkehrsmittel bereitstellte und den Klimaschutz sowie kleine Unternehmen unterstützte, sagte EIB-Vizepräsidentin Lilyana Pavlova auf einer Veranstaltung in Bukarest. Marjut Falkstedt, geschäftsführende Direktorin des Europäischen Investitionsfonds, betonte ihrerseits, dass der EIF bisher mehr als 56 000 rumänische Unternehmen finanziell unterstützt hat.

    Der ehemalige Bürgermeister der Bukarester Bezirke 4 und 5, Cristian Popescu-Piedone, wurde am Mittwoch aus dem Gefängnis entlassen, nachdem der Oberste Gerichtshof seinem Antrag auf Annullierung stattgegeben hatte. Der ehemalige Bürgermeister hat ein Jahr einer vierjährigen Haftstrafe wegen Amtsmissbrauchs im Rahmen der Colectiv-Ermittlungen abgesessen. Er ist nun berechtigt, sein Amt als Bürgermeister des Bezirks 5 wieder aufzunehmen. Der Oberste Kassationsgerichtshof wies jedoch die Berufungen der anderen Personen ab, die in derselben Akte verurteilt wurden. Der Vorsitzende des Colectiv-Verbandes, Eugen Iancu, erklärte, die Freilassung des Ex-Bürgermeisters sei nicht überraschend, da auch die Beamten, die den Betrieb des Colectiv-Nachtclubs genehmigt hatten, freigelassen worden seien. Die Justiz in Rumänien ist eine überbezahlte Peinlichkeit, sagte Iancu. In der Nacht des 30. Oktober 2015 starben 64 Jugendliche bei einem Brand während eines Rockkonzerts im Nachtclub Colectiv. Nach einem mehrjährigen Gerichtsverfahren wurden der Bürgermeister Piedone, die Clubbesitzer, die Feuerwehrleute, die den Club inspizierten, ohne die erforderlichen Brandschutzmaßnahmen zu ergreifen, und die Pyrotechniker, die für das Feuerwerk während der Show verantwortlich waren, zu Haftstrafen verurteilt.

    Die USA werden zusätzliche Hilfe im Wert von 1,3 Mio. USD für die ukrainische Wirtschaft und insbesondere für die wichtige Infrastruktur bereitstellen, kündigte der US-Außenminister Antony Blinken auf der Internationalen Konferenz zum Wiederaufbau der Ukraine in London an. Im Gegenzug versprach die Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der Leyen, dass die EU in den nächsten vier Jahren einen Fonds von 50 Mrd. EUR für Kiew einrichten werde. An der Konferenz nehmen zahlreiche hochrangige Politiker und Geschäftsleute aus der ganzen Welt teil. Rumänien wird durch seinen neuen Außenminister, Luminiţa Odobescu, vertreten.

  • Le gazoduc Tuzla-Podişor

    Le gazoduc Tuzla-Podişor

    La Société nationale pour le Transport du gaz
    naturel Transgaz et l’entreprise turque Kalyon Insaat ont signé un contrat de
    500 millions d’euros pour démarrer des travaux de construction du gazoduc
    Tuzla-Podişor. D’une longueur de 308,3 kilomètres, le pipeline est censé
    acheminer les ressources exploitées dans le périmètre Neptun Deep, en mer Noire,
    vers le corridor BRUA qui relie la Bulgarie, la Roumanie, la Hongrie et

    Le Directeur Général de la Transgaz, Ion
    Sterian, a déclaré qu’après les gazoducs BRUA et Ungheni-Chişinău, entre la
    Roumanie et la République de Moldavie, Tuzla-Podişor est le projet d’infrastructure
    gazière le plus important que son entreprise construit. Selon lui, il s’agit
    d’un projet stratégique, vital pour la sécurité énergétique et qui se trouve,
    d’ailleurs, sur la liste des projets d’intérêt communs de l’Union européenne.

    Le nouveau gazoduc traversera les départements
    de Constanţa, Călăraşi, Giurgiu, dans le sud du pays et contribuera à alimenter
    en gaz naturel aussi bien les agents économiques, que la population. Il
    stimulera aussi les investissements privés dans la région et desservira presque
    185 milles consommateurs privés et plus de 500 institutions publiques (écoles,
    mairies, cliniques, institutions culturelles, cabinets médicaux etc).

    Selon le nouveau vice-premier ministre du
    Gouvernement de Bucarest, Marian Neacşu, le nouveau gazoduc permettra le
    transport depuis la Mer Caspienne, via les terminaux placés en Turquie et en
    Grèce, de 15 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz vers la Roumanie.

    Le Directeur Général de la Transgaz, Ion
    Sterian, a expliqué aussi que toutes ces connexions permettront à la Roumanie de
    devenir un important centre régional en 2027.

    Selon le nouveau ministre de l’Energie, Sebastian
    Burduja, la Roumanie dispose de ressources significatives de gaz naturel, qui
    la transforme en un centre de transition stratégique et en un acteur important
    dans la région. L’infrastructure opérationnelle de transport permettra à la Roumanie
    de consolider aussi sa sécurité régionale.

    Les données statistiques confirment les
    déclarations des politiciens. Selon l’Institut National de la Statistique, durant
    les quatre premiers mois de l’année en cours, les importations de gaz ont baissé
    de 45,6 %, par rapport à la même période de 2022. Parallèlement, la production
    interne a connu une augmentation de presque 7 % par rapport à la même période
    de l’année dernière.

    La Commission nationale pour la stratégie et les
    prévissions table sur une hausse de la production de 2 % et sur une baisse des
    importations de 6,2 % d’une année à l’autre.

  • Another step towards exploiting the Black Sea gas

    Another step towards exploiting the Black Sea gas

    A new important step for Romanias exploitation of the natural gas in the Neptun Deep perimeter, in the Black Sea, was taken on Thursday, with the signing of a declaration by Transgaz, OMV-Petrom and Romgaz regarding the conclusion of the natural gas conveyance contracts, announced the Energy Minister, Virgil Popescu.

    The contract represents the firm commitment for the development of a gas pipeline between Tuzla and Podişor, the Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă also showed: “The document that has just been initialed envisages the construction of a natural gas transport pipeline on the Tuzla- Podişor route, which has a length of over 300 km. Estimated at 500 million Euros, this investment will make it possible for the gas from the Black Sea to enter the national transport system in the technological hub of Podişor and thus reach economic operators and households in the localities connected to the system.”

    The Prime Minister also said that another benefit of this project is the connection between the new sources of natural gas in the Trans-Balkan corridor and the vertical corridor which the BRUA pipeline is a part of, which connects the entire region of Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria. According to a Transgaz press release, the creation of a transport infrastructure to connect the natural gas available on the Black Sea shores and the BRUA corridor is a project of particular importance for Romania in terms of energy security, and the signing of these contracts is the main condition for the development of this infrastructure.

    “We are experiencing a historic moment for the region’s and Romania’s energy security. After the successful completion of the BRUA-phase 1 gas pipeline, after the successful completion of the Ungheni- Chişinău gas pipeline, after the completion of the works that allow the international transport of natural gas in the reverse-flow technology at all interconnection points and after the start of gas exploitation from the Black Sea shallow water perimeters, now we are at the start of the construction of the Tuzla-Podişor gas pipeline that will allow the natural gas exploited by OMV Petrom and Romgaz from the Black Sea to reach the National Transport System and, implicitly, each locality from Romania that has access to the natural gas network”, said the general director of Transgaz, Ion Sterian.

    Romgaz emphasized that “signing the contract is one of the necessary conditions for the implementation of offshore investments and of those aimed at the development of the transport infrastructure necessary for taking over the gas from the Neptun Deep perimeter”. “We believe that the Black Sea has a significant potential for natural gas production, and Neptun Deep is a strategic project for OMV Petrom and for Romania. It is at the center of our 2030 Strategy and will have an essential role for Romanias energy security. We are planning the final investment decision for the middle of 2023, with production to start in 2027”, the OMV Petrom officials stated. (LS)

  • La Roumanie avance dans l’exploitation du gaz naturel en mer Noire

    La Roumanie avance dans l’exploitation du gaz naturel en mer Noire

    Roumanie se rapproche de l’extraction du gaz de la mer Noire. Acteur clé du
    système énergétique roumain, la compagnie Transgaz a signé jeudi avec les
    sociétés OMV-Petrom et Romgaz une déclaration portant sur la signature des
    contrats d’acheminement du gaz naturel. L’annonce a été faite par le ministre
    de l’Energie, Virgil Popescu. Le contrat témoigne de l’engagement ferme de
    Bucarest quant à la mise en place d’un gazoduc reliant les localités de Tuzla
    et de Podişor, a expliqué le premier ministre, Nicolae Ciuca.

    document que nous venons de signer prévoit la construction d’un nouveau gazoduc
    d’une longueur de 300 km, entre les localités de Tuzla et Podisor. D’un montant
    estimé à 500 millions d’euros, le nouvel investissement permettra aux gaz
    extraits de la Mer Noire d’entrer dans le réseau de transport existant, pour
    alimenter par la suite les opérateurs économiques et les foyers des localités
    raccordées au système.

    dires de Nicolae Ciuca, le nouveau gazoduc aura également l’avantage de
    raccorder les gisements roumains de gaz naturel situés au large du littoral de
    la mer Noire au réseau de transport de gaz national et au corridor de transport
    Bulgarie-Roumanie-Hongrie-Autriche (BRUA), reliant ainsi les réseaux de
    transport de gaz d’Europe du Sud-Est et d’Europe centrale et occidentale. La mise
    en place d’une telle infrastructure de transport reliant les gaz naturels
    extraits de la Mer Noire au corridor de transport BRUA s’avère extremement
    importante pour la sécurité énergétique de la Roumanie, a fait savoir la
    Transgaz dans un communiqué. Et elle d’ajouter que la signature du contrat
    représentait le premier pas à faire dans la mise en place d’une telle

    voilà arrivés face à un moment historique pour la sécurité énergétique
    régionale et pour celle de la Roumanie. Après la finalisation à succès de la
    première étape du gazoduc BRUA, après la finalisation à succès du gazoduc
    Ungheni- Chisinau, après la finalisation des travaux censés permettre le
    transport international des gaz naturels en régime intermittent vers tous les
    points d’interconnexion et après le début des travaux d’exploitation du gaz en
    Mer Noire à faible profondeur, nous voilà arrivés au point de départ d’un
    nouveau gazoduc Tuzla-Podişor, censé permettre au gaz extrait en mer Noire par
    OMV Petrom et Romgaz d’entrer dans le Réseau national de Transport et par la
    suite dans les foyers des localités raccordées au système
    a fait savoir le PDG
    de la Transgaz, Ion Sterian.

    sa part, la société Romgaz a souligné que la signature du contrat représente l’une
    des conditions nécessaires pour la mise en place aussi bine des investissements
    offshore que des ceux visant le développement d’une infrastructure censée
    assurer le transport du gaz extrait dans le périmètre Neptun Deep
    . La Mer
    Noire a un riche potentiel pour la production des gaz naturels et le projet mis
    en place dans le périmètre Neptun Deep s’avère stratégique pour nous et pour la
    , a déclaré le représentant de l’OMV Petrom. Et lui d’ajouter Ce
    projet est au coeur de notre stratégie 2030 et il jouera un rôle essentiel pour
    la sécurité énergétique du pays. La décision finale d’investissement est prévue
    vers la moitié de l’année en cours et la production devrait être lancée en 2027.

  • Încă un pas spre exploatarea gazelor din Marea Neagră

    Încă un pas spre exploatarea gazelor din Marea Neagră

    Un nou
    pas important pentru exploatarea de către România a gazelor naturale din
    perimetrul Neptun Deep, din Marea Neagră, a fost făcut joi, odată cu semnarea
    declaraţiei ceremoniale de către Transgaz, OMV-Petrom şi Romgaz privind
    încheierea contractelor de transport al gazelor naturale, a anunţat ministrul
    Energiei, Virgil Popescu. Contractul este angajamentul ferm pentru dezvoltarea
    unui gazoduct între localităţile Tuzla şi Podişor, a arătat și premierul
    Nicolae Ciucă Documentul
    ce tocmai a fost parafat are în vedere construirea unei conducte de transport
    gaze naturale pe direcţia Tuzla-Podişor, cu o lungime de peste 300 de km.
    Estimată la 500 de milioane de euro, această investiţie va face posibil ca în
    nodul tehnologic de la Podişor gazele din Marea Neagră să intre în sistemul
    naţional de transport şi să ajungă, astfel, la operatorii economici şi la
    gospodăriile din localităţile racordate la sistem.

    Premierul a mai spus că un alt beneficiu al acestui proiect este legătura pe
    care o va face între sursele noi de gaze naturale din coridorul transbalcanic
    şi coridorul vertical din care face parte şi conducta BRUA, care leagă toată
    regiunea Bulgaria, România, Ungaria şi Austria. Conform unui comunicat al
    Transgaz, crearea unei infrastructuri de transport care să facă legătura între
    gazele naturale disponibile la ţărmul Mării Negre şi coridorul BRUA reprezintă
    un proiect de importanţă deosebită pentru România în ceea ce priveşte
    securitatea energetică, iar semnarea acestor contracte reprezintă condiţia
    principală pentru dezvoltarea acestei infrastructuri.

    Ne aflăm în faţa unui moment istoric pentru
    securitatea energetică regională şi pentru cea a României. După finalizarea cu
    succes a gazoductului BRUA-faza 1, după finalizarea cu succes a gazoductului
    Ungheni-Chişinău, după finalizarea lucrărilor care permit transportul
    internaţional al gazelor naturale în regim de reverse-flow la toate punctele de
    interconectare şi după începerea exploatării gazelor de la Marea Neagră din
    perimetrele de mică adâncime, acum suntem la linia de start a gazoductului
    Tuzla-Podişor, gazoduct care va permite ca gazele naturale exploatate de către
    OMV Petrom şi Romgaz din Marea Neagră să ajungă în Sistemul Naţional de
    Transport şi, implicit, în fiecare localitate din România care are acces la
    reţeaua de gaze naturale,
    declarat directorul general al Transgaz, Ion Sterian.

    Romgaz a subliniat că semnarea contractului constituie una dintre
    condiţiile necesare implementării investiţiilor offshore şi a celor care
    vizează dezvoltarea infrastructurii de transport necesare pentru preluarea
    gazelor din perimetrul Neptun Deep. Credem că Marea Neagră are un potenţial
    semnificativ pentru producţia de gaze naturale, iar Neptun Deep este un proiect
    strategic pentru OMV Petrom şi pentru România. Este în centrul Strategiei
    noastre 2030 şi va avea un rol esenţial pentru securitatea energetică a
    României. Plănuim decizia finală de investiţie pentru jumătatea anului 2023,
    producţia urmând să înceapă în anul 2027
    , a precizat și OMV Petrom.

  • August 2, 2022 UPDATE

    August 2, 2022 UPDATE

    NATURAL GAS The Romanian state owned company
    Romgaz has announced it completed the acquisition of shares from the American
    company ExxonMobil as part of the Neptun Deep natural gas extraction project in
    the Black Sea. The energy minister Virgil Popescu said on a social network that
    the completion of the USD 1 billion transaction is an important step ahead for
    Romania in its effort to achieve energy independence, at a difficult time for
    the entire Europe. Romania, which is currently the European country the least
    dependent on Russian gas, owns large reserves in the Black Sea – around 200
    billion cubic meters. Most of it is in the Neptun Deep perimeter, which Romgaz
    will develop alongside OMV Petrom. Meanwhile, in the Midia perimeter, nearly
    120 km off Romania’s Black Sea coast, Black Sea Oil&Gas has already began

    ROMA Improving the quality of life of Romania’s
    Roma minority, based on active citizenship, social and economic inclusion and
    the Roma cultural heritage is a priority for the government of Romania. This
    message was conveyed by PM Nicolae Ciucă on the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day.
    The foreign ministry mentioned that the suffering inflicted on the Roma in concentration
    and extermination camps run by the Nazi and their allies during WW2 were
    unfortunately ignored for too long by the general public. This is why the
    foreign ministry supports national and international initiatives to promote
    research and commemoration of the Roma genocide. The institution also condemns
    hate speech against this community. The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis
    also pointed out in a message that stigmatizing and discriminating against minorities
    must be penalised harshly.On August
    2, 1944, nearly 3,000 Roma at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp were killed by the
    Nazi regime. Overall, some 500,000 Roma people were killed in Europe during the

    DROUGHT In Romania, the total area affected by drought has reached
    over 190,000 hectares in 24 counties, 30,000 hectares more than the previous
    day, the Agriculture Ministry announced. According to weather experts, temperatures
    will gradually rise until August 8, in most parts of the country. Moreover, the
    Danube river flow is half the multi-annual average for the month of August. The
    National Waters Administration announced that the strategic water reserve in
    the main 40 lakes in the country is 3.19 billion cubic metres, down from 3.45
    billion in early July.

    COVID-19 The health minister Alexandru Rafila does not rule out a 7th pandemic wave in
    Romania this autumn, when schools and universities resume classes. In
    his opinion, wearing face masks in public transportation means and closed areas
    is critical to keeping the pandemic under control. On Tuesday over 11,600 new
    COVID-19 cases were reported, most of them in Bucharest and in Cluj and Timiş
    counties. More than 4,000 COVID patients are hospitalized, of whom nearly 600
    are children. 277 patients are in intensive care, and 38 COVID-related deaths
    have also been reported, including a child.

    TAIWAN U.S. House of Representatives Speaker
    Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday with a clear message for China. She said the
    US commitment to supporting Taiwan’s democracy is more important than ever.
    Nancy Pelosi’s visit, which was immediately condemned by the Chinese
    authorities, is the first by a US House of Representatives speaker in 25 years.
    On Wednesday she will have meetings with Taiwan officials. Beijing responded immediately,
    denouncing what it called a very dangerous attitude on the part of the US.
    Taiwan has had its own government since the communist victory on continental
    China in 1949, but Beijing views it as one of its own provinces and threatens
    to resort to force should the island proclaim its independence.

    TENNIS -
    Romanian tennis player Simona Halep (WTA 16) qualified to the round of 16 of
    the Washington tournament after defeating the Moldovan Cristina Bucsa (WTA
    123), 6-3, 7-5. Halep will be up next against the winner of the match between
    American Madison Brengle and Russian Ana Kalinskaya. Also, the Romanian-Czech
    pair Monica Niculescu/Lucie Hradecka (WTA 250) qualified to the quarterfinals
    after a victory against Emma Răducanu (UK) /Clara Tauson (Denmark), 6-4, 6-1.
    Niculescu and Hradecka will be up next against Americans Makenna Jones/Sloane
    Stephens. (AMP)

  • June 28, 2022 UPDATE

    June 28, 2022 UPDATE

    NATO. Romania’s President,
    Klaus Iohannis, is attending the NATO summit in Madrid until Thursday. The war
    in Ukraine and the security crisis in the Black Sea region are the main topics
    on the agenda of the summit. According to the Romanian Presidential
    Administration, during the summit, the Romanian president will welcome the fact
    that the current security situation was reflected in the Alliance’s new
    strategic concept, starting from the recognition of Russia as the main threat
    to NATO, and the fact that the strategic importance of the Black Sea region for
    Euro-Atlantic security was mentioned for the first time. Klaus Iohannis will
    emphasize Romania’s significant contribution to supporting Ukraine at
    humanitarian level, as well as the most vulnerable partners, especially those
    in the eastern neighborhood, mainly the Republic of Moldova (an ex-Soviet
    country with a predominantly Romanian-speaking population) and Georgia. Klaus
    Iohannis will reiterate Romania’s firm support for NATO’s open doors policy,
    including the accession of Finland and Sweden to the North Atlantic Alliance.

    Partnership. The two Chambers of
    Romania’s Parliament adopted on Tuesday, in a joint session, a Declaration on
    the 25th anniversary of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the US.
    The two countries, the document states, share common values ​​and interests, a
    deep commitment to democracy and a lasting strategic relationship. We
    particularly welcome the important progress made in the cooperation between the
    two countries in the field of security, in order to strengthen NATO’s eastern
    flank, including in the Black Sea region, reads the document adopted with a
    majority of votes by the Romanian senators and deputies. They welcome the
    intensification of the dialogue to meet the conditions for Romania’s inclusion
    in the Visa Waiver program, a program that would allow Romanian citizens to
    travel to the US for tourism or business purposes for up to 90 days, without needing
    a travel visa. During the speeches, both the ruling coalition and the
    opposition representatives underlined the importance of the Strategic
    Partnership between the two countries.

    Gas. The Romanian Prime Minister, Nicolae Ciuca, stated on Tuesday that the country’s gas storage facilities are currently at a fill rate of 41%, and the capacity is expected to reach 80% by November 1st. A decision has been made at EU level and each member country has to start winter at 80% of its storage capacity, he explained. Romania can become energy independent and an energy security provider in the region, as well as a transport corridor for gas and green energy in the Caspian Sea – said, in turn, the Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu. The two officials participated in the ceremony organized in Vadu, Constanţa County (southeast), to mark the starting of the exploitation of natural gas in the Black Sea, part of the Midia project, operated by the Black Sea Oil & Gas Company. Popescu voiced hope that the investment in the Neptun Deep perimeter of Romgaz and OMV Petrom will be completed, which will lead to Romania’s total energy independence from resources in other countries.

    Moldova. The Republic of
    Moldova on Tuesday marked 82 years since the occupation of Bessarabia by the
    Soviet Union on June 28, 1940. Back then, the Soviet troops annexed Bessarabia,
    northern Bukovina and Hertsa land, regions with a predominantly
    Romanian-speaking population, following an ultimatum to Bucharest. Radio Chisinau
    recalls that the annexation led to the establishment of a totalitarian
    communist regime, which meant forced collectivization, the replacement of the
    Latin alphabet with the Cyrillic one and Russification, political oppression
    and deportations. Tens of thousands of people were deported to Kazakhstan and
    Siberia, many of them dying on the way to or in the USSR camps. Historian Ion
    Varta said that under the Soviet regime forcefully established on the left bank
    of the Prut River, ‘about 400,000 people were victims of organized famine’,
    ‘626,000 people were subject to forced labor’, and between 120,000 and 130,000
    people were deported. It was a true genocide, the historian
    concluded. The territories annexed in 1940 now belong to the former Soviet
    republics of Moldova and Ukraine, which gained their independence from Moscow
    in August 1991, after the failure of the neo-Bolshevik coup against the last Soviet
    leader, the reformer Mikhail Gorbachev.

    Immunity. The Romanian
    Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday lifted the parliamentary immunity of the former
    Social-Democratic minister of agriculture, Adrian Chesnoiu, accused by the
    anti-corruption prosecutors of abuse of office. There were 251 votes ‘for’ and
    25 ‘against’, and 2 were annulled. On Monday, the Chamber’s Legal Commission
    gave a favorable reply to DNA’s request in this regard. The interim office
    of agriculture minister was taken over
    by the Minister of Transport, Sorin Grindeanu.

    Tennis. Six Romanian tennis player have qualified for the second round of the Grand Slam tournament at Wimbledon. Mihaela Buzarnescu defeated Nastasja Schunk of Germany on Tuesday, Ana Bogdan won the match against the Ukrainian Daiana Iastremska, Simona Halep defeated the Czech Karolina Muchova and Irina Bara (the French Chloé Paquet. Irina Begu and Sorana Cirstea had qualified on Monday. (MI)

  • Offshore law comes into effect

    Offshore law comes into effect

    Romania can start exploiting gas from the Black Sea after the offshore law, which regulates such operations, has been promulgated by the president Iohannis. Under the law, Romania will have priority in extracting the gas deposit, and the profit will be divided between the Romanian state, which will receive 60% and the investors that will get 40%. The first gas is to be extracted in June, under the project carried out in Midia by the company Black Sea Oil & Gas. Estimates show that one billion cubic meters will be delivered annually through this exploitation, thus covering 10% of Romanias needs. Since its adoption in the Chamber of Deputies, the Liberal energy minister Virgil Popescu said that the new regulation ensured stability, predictability and a friendly fiscal environment for investors, as well as a lower gas price for household consumers.

    The law provides for a set of measures on the stability of the tax and oil royalties regime, as well as for the elimination of additional taxation of incomes for sale prices at which investors do not make excess profits. Throughout the duration of the oil agreements regarding the deep offshore and onshore oil perimeters, the holders of the agreements shall have the right to freely market the hydrocarbons produced from the respective oil perimeters, at the prices and quantities established by them, under the national and European legislation in force.

    By way of exception, the Government, upon the proposal of the Energy Ministry, can introduce temporary price and sale restrictions for the amounts necessary for household consumption and for the producers of thermal energy destined for the population. One of the managers of Romgaz, a company with majority state-owned capital, told Bloomberg that Romania could accelerate its first deep-sea drilling project in the Black Sea, in the context of the natural gas crisis in Europe. Romgaz is a partner involved in the Neptun Deep project. The company, which has recently taken over from ExxonMobil its 50% stake in the Neptun Deep project, claims that it is possible that the project operator, the oil group OMV Petrom, may reassess the development of the project, with the increase in energy prices and construction costs.

    Even if Petrom has the last word, as an operator for the Neptun Deep project, the partners are considering the possibility of relying more on the existing infrastructure in the Black Sea and of dividing the project into two and even three phases, in order to bring the gas to the market earlier, said the Romgaz manager. “Production as part of the Neptun Deep project should not start later than 2026. That is the initial estimate in Exxons plans, but maybe we find a way to speed things up because we are aware of the need for European gas, he added. After the adoption of the Offshore Law, Romgaz and Petrom are to make a final investment decision regarding the Neptun Deep project by the end of 2022. (LS)

  • Agreement on  Black Sea natural gas

    Agreement on Black Sea natural gas

    In full chaos on the world electricity and gas market, the announcement made on Tuesday, in Bucharest, came as a ray of hope: the natural gas producer Romgaz, the largest state-owned company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, controlled through the Ministry of Energy, and ExxonMobil have finalized the negotiations for the full takeover, by the Romanian company, of the 50% stake of the American oil giant in the Neptun Deep Project for the exploitation of natural gas in the Black Sea.

    The transaction, the value of which has not been made public, is expected to be completed in the first quarter of next year. Currently, ExxonMobil and OMV Petrom are equal partners in the offshore gas project. The Black Sea is said to host some 84 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Romanias annual consumption stands at 11 billion.

    Upon completion of the transaction between ExxonMobil and Romgaz, OMV Petrom – the largest energy company in the south-east of Europe – would become the operator of the Neptun Deep perimeter. Its development would mean the first production of hydrocarbons in deep waters in Romania. The costs of such a deep-water project can reach several billion dollars. The Neptun perimeter is 200 kilometers off land, and all infrastructure, including the pipelines, must be built.

    Recently, the specialized publication Petroleum Economist, quoted by profit.ro, has estimated that a transaction between Romgaz and ExxonMobil could unlock Romanias offshore potential and could turn it into the largest gas producer in the European Union by the end of this decade, with the exploitation of the reserve starting in 2026. Romania could become independent of Russian gas and even export 20-25% of the domestic production.

    Moreover, regional competition will grow. “I am confident that, in the near future, Romgaz and OMV Petrom will be equal partners in the Neptun Deep project. Important steps have been taken for the Black Sea gas to reach the Romanians homes”, the interim Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu, wrote on Facebook. In Bucharests vision, a future partnership between Romgaz and OMV Petrom in the Neptun Deep offshore project would be essential for both the countrys energy security and for achieving the goals on energy transition, one of the focal points for discussion these days. (MI)

  • Accord sur le gaz de la mer Noire

    Accord sur le gaz de la mer Noire

    Alors que les prix de l’électricité et du gaz s’envolent sur le marché mondial, l’annonce faite mardi, à Bucarest, est une immense bouffée d’oxygène. Ainsi, le producteur de gaz Romgaz, la plus grande compagnie d’Etat cotée à la Bourse des valeurs de Bucarest, contrôlée par le ministère de l’Energie, et ExxonMobil ont finalisé les négociations de rachat intégral, par la compagnie roumaine, de la participation de 50 % du géant pétrolier américain au projet Neptun Deep d’exploitation du gaz en mer Noire. La transaction, dont la valeur n’a pas été rendue publique, devrait être finalisée au premier trimestre de 2022. A présent, ExxonMobil et OMV Petrom sont partenaires égaux dans le projet d’exploitation de grande profondeur en mer Noire, avec un gisement estimé à 84 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz. Notons que la Roumanie consomme annuellement 11 milliards de mètres cubes.

    Au moment de la finalisation de la transaction entre ExxonMobil et Romgaz, OMV Petrom — la plus grande compagnie d’énergie d’Europe du sud-est — deviendrait opérateur du périmètre Neptun Deep. Son développement équivaudrait avec la production d’hydrocarbures dans des eaux de grande profondeur de Roumanie.

    Les coûts d’un tel projet peuvent se chiffrer à plusieurs milliards de dollars. Le périmètre Neptun est à 200 km des côtes, et toute l’infrastructure est à construire, les conduites comprises. Récemment, la publication de spécialité Petroleum Economist, citée par profit.ro, estimait qu’une transaction entre Romgaz et ExxonMobil pourrait débloquer le potentiel offshore de la Roumanie et serait de nature à la transformer en le plus grand producteur de gaz de l’UE jusqu’à la fin de la décennie. L’exploitation gazière pourrait commencer en 2026. La Roumanie pourrait s’affranchir de la dépendance du gaz russe et même exporter 20-25 % de sa production interne. En plus, la concurrence régionale s’intensifiera.

    « Je suis confiant que, dans un proche avenir, Romgaz et OMV Petrom seront des partenaires égaux dans le projet de grande profondeur Neptun Deep. Des pas importants ont été faits pour que le gaz de la mer Noire arrive dans les maisons des Roumains », a écrit le ministre par intérim de l’Energie, Virgil Popescu, sur Facebook. Selon Bucarest, un futur partenariat entre Romgaz et OMV Petrom dans le projet offshore Neptun Deep serait essentiel tant pour la sécurité énergétique du pays que pour atteindre les objectifs relatifs à la transition énergétique si vivement débattue ces derniers temps.

    (Trad. : Ligia)