Tag: offshore

  • Parliament discusses draft Offshore Act

    Parliament discusses draft Offshore Act

    week the Parliament of Romania is set to discuss a new draft Offshore Act, the
    endorsement of which would allow for investments for offshore drilling for
    natural gas in the Black Sea and for the development of the country’s petrochemical

    bill has been approved already by the National Liberal Party, the Social
    Democratic Party and the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians (UDMR), which
    make up a majority in Parliament at present and are determined to take
    responsibility for the bill.

    to deputy PM and UDMR president Kelemen Hunor, in 2026-2027 at the soonest
    Romania will be able to extract natural gas from the Black Sea. He also
    explained that an economic crisis also brings along opportunities, forcing
    authorities to attract investors and to see what changes must be made in order for
    the country to switch from thermal power plants burning coal to ones running on

    turn, PM Nicolae Ciucă, recently elected president of the National Liberal
    Party, approves of the bill, arguing that it will help Romania reduce its
    reliance on Russian gas.

    Social Democratic leader and Chamber of Deputies Speaker Marcel Ciolacu also
    backs the bill, and says there is political determination and legislative,
    governmental and executive coherence for it to be endorsed.

    Offshore Act has been stuck in Parliament for over 4 years, with several drafts
    having reached various stages of the regulatory process. The new draft tabled
    to Parliament has been subject to discussions in the ruling coalition for
    several months now.

    scenario is for the Romanian government to receive a minimum of 60% of the
    proceeds from the natural gas, with the balance to be kept by private companies.

    current legislation stipulates a 30% to 70% progressive tax on the additional
    revenues made from the natural gas price rises, and companies are bound to sell
    50% of the output through the Bucharest Commodity Exchange.

    Offshore Act is eagerly awaited by companies
    interested in drilling for gas in the Black Sea. Several gas producers,
    including OMV Petrom, an Austrian company in which the Romanian
    government also holds stock, spent billions of US dollars for a decade on preparations
    to tap into the estimated 200 billion cubic metres of gas on Romania’s
    continental shelf.

    Since Romania’s domestic demand stands at around 11
    billion cubic metres per year, this would turn the country into an exporter of
    natural gas.

    US company ExxonMobil also announced they would invest in the venture, however
    in 2019 they decided to sell their stock to the Romanian state-owned company

    the years, the level of taxes levied on the extraction companies was one of the
    main barriers to developing the natural gas reserves in the Black Sea, making investors
    reluctant and getting projects suspended, to the benefit of natural gas imports
    from Russia. (A.M.P.)

  • Priorităţli a nauăllei sesiuni parlamentară

    Priorităţli a nauăllei sesiuni parlamentară

    Uidisitu cu Constituți ali Românie, Camera a Deputaţlor şi Senatlu s’andămusescu tru două sesiuni ordinare tu an. Prima ahurheaşti şcurtu şi nu poate s’treacă di bitisita-a meslui cirişaru. A doua sesiune debuteadză tru meslu yismăciuni şi nu poate s’treacă di bitisita-a meslui andreu. Ma s’aubă situații urgente, ateali dauă Camere a Parlamentului di București pot s’hibă convocate tru sesiuni extraordinare, la căftarea-a prezidentului ali Românie, a biroului permanent a cathi unăllei Cameră I a naima pţănu unu cirecu ditu numirlu a deputaţlor i a senatorlor. Stămâna aesta, Pălatea-a Parlamentului anyeadză, unăoară cu turnarea a alepţăloru ditu vacanţa di iarnă. Elli va s’aibă tru atenţie proiecte di nom ţi mutreascu domenii cum Justiţia, Sănătatea ică Economia. Prioritară, tru ae kiro, easti compensarea a facturlor ti curent electric și gaze naturale. Ti atea, Legislativlu lipseaşti s’vulusească ună nauă ordonaţă di urgenţă tora ma ninti emisă di Guvern mtrinda ună nauă schemă di plafonare și compensare, tru condițiile tru cari, tru aeşţă ditu soni meşi di iarnă, facturli pi cari li aprukeară născănţă cetățeni agiumsiră lăhtăroasi.

    Senatlu va s’debată documentul ca prima cameră sesizată, a deapoa s’hibă niintatu la Camera a Deputaţlor, tru harea di for decizional. Tut tru domeniul ali Energie, tu agenda a Parlamentului poati s’hibă tu aestă sesiune şi alăxearea-a Nomlui offshore, cari va deblocheadză proiectele di extrădzeari hidrocarburli ditu Amarea Lae. Tru domeniulva s’hibă ali Justiție, tu agenda a Legislativlui se va aflava s’hibă ncllidearea-a Secţiei tră Investigarea Infracțiunilor ditu Justiție (SIIJ). Di născănţă criticat, di alțălli aplaudat, demersul di ncllideari aliştei Secții fu căftatu nica şi di Bruxelles. Actualu ministru di resort, Cătălin Predoiu, mindueaşti că, până tu bitisita a meslui marţu, SIIJ numata va s’hibă tu lucru. O provocari tră PSD şi PNL, parteneri tru coaliția la putere, easti şi pregătirea unei noi legi a salarizării, tru cari să fie rezolvată inclusiv problema sporurilor, astfel trucât să nu se mai ajungă la cazuri tru cari aceastia pot să dubleze venitul di bază.

    Nu dip utu soni, parlamentarii lipseaşti ta s’apufusească şi tru atea ţi mutreaşti mira a certificatlui Covid. Ma ghini spus, un proiect di nom cari armasi tu debatlu di la Camera a Deputaţlor nica ditu sesiunea tricută apufuseaşti obligativitatea ti prezentarea-a aluştui la loclu di lucru. Cara, inițial, aestu pruvidea obligativitatea maş ti personalu medical, uidisitu cu născănti alăxeri pripuse di senatori, certificatlu poati să s’bagă ti tuti categoriili di lucrători, ama cu niscănti excepţii. După multe discuţii tru Senat, documentul nu fu aprukeatu la vot a deapoa deputaţlli lipseaşti s’da votlu final. Că easti la putere i tru opoziție, cathi ună formațiune politică reprezentată tru Parlamentul di București ari proiectili a llei işiş cari va s’li veadă băgati tu arada a dzuuăllei di lucru, dizbătute și votate — anamisa di eali, alăxearea a nomlui ariilor protejate, criştearea a tiñiiloru di cafi mesu ditu nvițământu și a alocațiilor tră cilimeañi, alăxearea-a actului normativ cari mutreaşti tezele di doctorat ică niaprukearea ori interzicerea exportului di lemnu.

    Autor: Roxana Vasile

    Armânipsearia: Taşcu Lala

  • Priorităţile noii sesiuni parlamentare

    Priorităţile noii sesiuni parlamentare

    Constituției României, Camera Deputaţilor şi Senatul se întrunesc în două sesiuni
    ordinare pe an. Prima începe în februarie şi nu poate depăşi sfârşitul lunii
    iunie. A doua sesiune debutează în luna septembrie şi nu poate depăşi finele
    lui decembrie. Dacă situații urgente o impun, cele două Camere ale
    Parlamentului de la București pot fi convocate în sesiuni extraordinare, la
    cererea preşedintelui României, a biroului permanent al fiecărei Camere ori a
    cel puţin o treime din numărul deputaţilor sau al senatorilor. Săptămâna
    aceasta, Palatul Parlamentului se reanimă, odată cu revenirea aleşilor din
    vacanţa de iarnă. Ei vor avea în atenţie proiecte de lege ce vizează domenii
    precum Justiţia, Sănătatea sau Economia. Prioritară, în acest moment, este
    compensarea facturilor pentru curent electric și gaze naturale. De aceea,
    Legislativul urmează să aprobe o nouă ordonaţă de urgenţă recent emisă de
    Guvern privind o nouă schemă de plafonare
    și compensare, în condițiile în care, în ultimele aceste câteva luni de iarnă,
    facturile pe care le-au primit unii cetățeni au ajuns până la a friza absurdul.

    Senatul va dezbate documentul ca prima cameră
    sesizată, urmând ca, apoi, să fie înaintat Camerei Deputaţilor, în calitate de
    for decizional. Tot în domeniul Energiei, pe agenda Parlamentului ar putea
    figura în această sesiune şi modificarea Legii offshore, care
    ar debloca proiectele de extragere de hidrocarburi din Marea Neagră. În
    domeniul Justiției, pe agenda Legislativului se va afla desfiinţarea Secţiei
    pentru Investigarea Infracțiunilor din Justiție (SIIJ). De unii criticat, de
    alții aplaudat, demersul de desființare a acestei Secții a fost cerut inclusiv
    de la Bruxelles. Actualul ministrul de resort, Cătălin Predoiu, crede că, până la finalul lunii martie, SIIJ nu va mai
    exista. O provocare pentru PSD şi PNL, parteneri în coaliția la putere, este şi
    pregătirea unei noi legi a salarizării, în care să fie rezolvată inclusiv
    problema sporurilor, astfel încât să nu se mai ajungă la cazuri în care acestea
    pot să dubleze venitul de bază.

    Nu în ultimul rând, parlamentarii ar urma să ia
    o decizie şi în ceea ce priveşte soarta certificatului Covid. Mai precis, un
    proiect de lege care a rămas în dezbaterea Camerei Deputaţilor încă din
    sesiunea trecută instituie obligativitatea prezentării acestui certificat la
    locul de muncă. Dacă, inițial, acesta prevedea obligativitatea doar pentru
    personalul medical, potrivit unor modificări propuse de senatori, certificatul
    s-ar putea aplica tuturor categoriilor de angajaţi, dar cu anumite excepţii.
    După multe discuţii în Senat, documentul a fost respins la vot şi ar urma ca
    deputaţii să dea votul final. Că este la putere sau în opoziție, fiecare
    formațiune politică reprezentată în Parlamentul de la București are propriile
    proiecte pe care le dorește incluse pe ordinea de zi, dezbătute și votate -
    printre ele, modificarea legii ariilor protejate, majorarea salariilor din
    învățământ și a alocațiilor pentru copii, modificarea actului normativ care
    vizează tezele de doctorat ori interzicerea exportului de lemn.

  • September 23, 2021 UPDATE

    September 23, 2021 UPDATE

    COVID-19 The COVID-19 epidemic stays on an upward
    trend in Romania. Thursday was the second consecutive day with more than 7,000 new
    cases in 24 hours (7,095 new cases out of nearly 54,000 tests). The largest
    number of infections is reported in the capital Bucharest. The number of Covid
    patients in intensive care is now over 1,000, a situation last seen in early
    May in Romania, and the number of coronavirus-related deaths was 113. Over
    300 towns and villages in the country are now on the red list of places where
    the infection rate is over 3 per thousand. Meanwhile, the total number of vaccine doses
    administered to Romanians went over 10 million on Thursday.

    MEASURES The COVID digital certificate remains a requirement for
    access to indoor events in places with infection rates of over 3 per thousand, and
    it will be compulsory for children over 12, instead of over 6 as originally
    stipulated. Another measure allows businesses to stay open after 6pm, in places
    with infection rates between 3 and 6 per thousand. A night curfew will be in
    place over weekends wherever the infection rate is over 6 per thousand, and
    throughout the week in places with infection rates above 7.5 per thousand. PM
    Florin Cîţu also announced today that vaccinated people will be allowed to
    leave their homes without a sworn statement in places under curfew or lockdown.
    Meanwhile, an emergency order on the COVID
    digital certificate has been endorsed by the Senate and is next to be discussed
    in the Chamber of Deputies. The digital certificate was created at EU level to
    facilitate free travel during the pandemic. The document, which includes a QR
    code, certifies that the holder has been vaccinated, recovered from the disease
    or tested negative for COVID.

    Romania has been a candidate for accession to the Visa Waiver programme for
    almost 15 years, said the new Romanian ambassador to Washington, Andrei Muraru,
    who mentioned that there are only three EU member states whose citizens need a
    short-stay visa on US territory. According to Andrei Muraru, the visa rejection
    rate is currently at a fairly high level, around 10%, but he pointed out that
    Romanian and US authorities are working to bring it down to the maximum 3% allowed
    for the Visa Waiver. The Romanian ambassador to the US also said that an
    information campaign will be organized in Bucharest for citizens to find out
    how they can apply for a visa, why their applications are turned down and why
    they should not apply if they do not meet the criteria set by the American

    NAVY The
    Romanian Navy’s Vice-admiral Constantin Bălescu Minelayer will take part in
    the EUNAVFOR MED operation Irini, in the Mediterranean Sea, between
    the 1st of October and the end of this year. Romanian marines will
    ensure compliance with the arms embargo enforced by the UN on Libya. The
    mission also targets illegal trafficking in oil products, drugs and people, by
    monitoring sea traffic and inspections of suspicious vessels in the
    Mediterranean. A combat diver unit is on board, and the 85 crew members have
    been tested, vaccinated against COVID-19 and isolated in Romanian Navy
    facilities prior to the operation.

    INSURANCE The government passed an emergency order enabling drivers who need to
    have their cars repaired under an insurance policy issued by City Insurance to
    receive their claims more quickly under the Insurance Guarantee Fund. They will
    no longer have to wait for a court to declare the company bankrupt. When its
    license was cancelled, City Insurance had 3 million civil liability policies
    issued to car owners. The Prosecutor General’s Office Thursday had documents
    seized from the company headquarters, as part of a criminal investigation
    following a complaint filed by the Financial Supervising Authority.

    INFRINGEMENT The European Commission Thursday sent Romania and Poland letters of
    formal notice for not correctly incorporating certain aspects of the Offshore
    Safety Directive into their legal systems. These letters of formal notice are
    actually the official start of the infringement procedure. Romania and Poland
    have two months to address the shortcomings, otherwise the Commission may decide to
    send a reasoned opinion. Also on Thursday, the
    Commission took measures against 19 member states, Romania included, for
    failing to take the necessary steps to ensure their citizens benefit from the
    EU audio-visual mass media and telecoms legislation. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Ehemaliger Premierminister der Korruption beschuldigt

    Ehemaliger Premierminister der Korruption beschuldigt

    Am Montag forderte die Nationale Direktion für Korruptionsbekämpfung die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft auf, den rumänischen Präsidenten Klaus Iohannis zu benachrichtigen, um im Namen eines ehemaligen Premierministers – Călin Popescu Tăriceanu – strafrechtliche Ermittlungen einzuleiten. Die Staatsanwaltschaft beschuldigte diesen, in den Jahren 2007 und 2008, dem letzten Teil seiner Amtszeit, Bestechungsgelder angenommen zu haben. Tariceanu erhielt angeblich, indirekt, von den Vertretern eines österreichischen Unternehmens, das Microsoft-Lizenzen in Rumänien vergibt, unangemessene materielle Vorteile in Höhe von 800.000 US-Dollar in Form von Vergeltung für Beratungsdienste, so die Staatsanwaltschaft. Im Gegenzug hätte er von seinem Einfluss als Ministerpräsident Gebrauch gemacht, um eine Reihe von Regierungsentscheidungen zugunsten des Unternehmens zu bewirken, erklärt die Nationale Direktion für Korruptionsbekämpfung. Nach Angaben der Ermittler handelt es sich bei dem Betrag um eine Provision aus der Zahlung des rumänischen Staates an das Unternehmen. Tariceanu soll das Geld, das auf der Grundlage fiktiver Verträge mit mehreren Offshore-Unternehmen überwiesen wurde, zur Deckung der Wahlkampfkosten verwendet haben.

    Dieser Fall ging 2018 aus der Wiedervereinigung von drei Strafakten hervor, von denen eine, auf Ersuchen österreichischer Kollegen, von der Nationalen Direktion für Korruptionsbekämpfung übernommen wurde, wie ein Journalist des nationalen Radiosenders recherchierte. Im November 2018 ersuchte die Nationalen Direktion für Korruptionsbekämpfung den Senat, die strafrechtliche Ermittlung Tariceanuns, der damals Senator war, wegen Bestechlichkeit zu genehmigen. Der Antrag wurde jedoch abgelehnt. Die Staatsanwälte sagen nun, dass zusätzliche Beweise vorliegen. Der frühere Premierminister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu wies die Anschuldigungen der Nationalen Direktion für Korruptionsbekämpfung zurück und erklärte, dass während seiner Regierungsführung keine Zahlungen an Microsoft geleistet wurden und dass er kein Geld erhalten habe. In einem TV-Gespräch sagte er, dass während seiner Amtszeit vier Regierungsentscheidungen getroffen wurden, von denen eine vom damaligen Generalstaatsanwalt ins Visier genommen wurde, jedoch nur, um Microsoft-Lizenzen zu inventarisieren.

    Binnen kurzer Zeit ist dieser der zweite Korruptionsfall in dem ein hochrangiger Politiker beteiligt ist. Zuvor wurde der ehemalige Umweltminister, Costel Alexe, von der Nationalen Direktion für Korruptionsbekämpfung beschuldigt, Bestechungsgelder angenommen und zur Unterschlagung angestiftet zu haben. Die Staatsanwaltschaft stellte fest, dass er im Jahr 2020 angeblich von einem Vertreter eines Stahlwerks Zinnprodukte im Wert von etwa 20.000 Euro für die Erfüllung seiner Dienstpflicht verlangt und erhalten zu habe. Es handelt sich um die Zuteilung von Treibhausgasemissionszertifikaten und die Überwachung der von dieser Anlage ergriffenen Ma‎ßnahmen zur Schlie‎ßung einer nicht konformen Deponie. Auch dieser ehemalige Minister erklärte, er sei unschuldig, ferner wünsche er sich, dass die Ermittlungen in diesem Fall “so bald wie möglich” abgeschlossen werden.

  • Stimularea sectorului energiei din surse regenerabile offshore

    Stimularea sectorului energiei din surse regenerabile offshore

    Europeană şi-a stabilit că până în 2050, să îşi atingă obiectivul neutralității
    climatice. Astfel, Comisia Europeană a prezentat în a doua jumătate a lunii
    noiembrie, strategia UE privind energia din surse regenerabile offshore.
    Strategia propune sporirea capacității eoliene offshore a Europei de la nivelul
    actual de 12 GW la un nivel de cel puțin 60 GW până în 2030 și de 300 GW până
    în 2050. Comisia își propune ca, până în 2050, să completeze această capacitate
    cu 40 GW provenind din energie oceanică, dar și cu energie produsă utilizând
    alte tehnologii emergente, de exemplu turbine eoliene și panouri solare

    Tim McPhie,
    purtător de cuvânt al Comisiei
    Europene, pe probleme de acţiune climatică şi energie ne-a explicat:

    Comisia Europeană a creat o nouă strategie,
    care doreşte creşterea energiei produse offshore, de la Marea Nordului, la
    Atlantic şi, desigur, Marea Neagră. UE îşi propune să devină neutră din punct
    de vedere climatic, până în 2050, adică să reducă emisiile de gaze. Şi ceea ce
    dorim să facem este să dăm un stimul puternic energiei offshore, aşa că ne
    propunem să creştem producţia până în 2050.

    creștere ambițioasă va crea noi oportunități pentru industrie, va genera locuri
    de muncă verzi pe întregul continent și va consolida poziția de lider mondial a
    UE în domeniul tehnologiilor energetice offshore. De asemenea, va asigura
    protecția mediului, a biodiversității și a pescăriilor din UE.

    Tim McPhie,
    purtător de cuvânt al Comisiei
    Europene, pe probleme de acţiune climatică şi energie, a adaugat:

    Ceea ce face acum Comisia (n.r.
    Europeană) este să creeze politici individuale, astfel încât să ne putem
    ambiţiile în proiecte concrete. Acestea se concentrează pe energia produsă
    offshore, şi preved tot ceea ce trebuie făcut pentru creşterea producţiei de
    energie, prin schimbarea regulamentelor în vigoare, să facem mai uşor pentru
    investitori să conecteze sursele de energie, să încurajeze finanţarea, aşa că
    estimăm că în jur de 800 miliarde de euro din finanţare publică şi privată să fie
    investiţi în următorii 30 de ani. Şi desigur, este vorba şi despre planificare.
    Aceste proiecte sunt unele pe termen lung şi există o cerere continuă de .sustenabilitate,
    aşa că am implicat sisteme cu diferite interese: pescuit, turism, iar autorităţile
    naţionale trebuie să facă un plan prin care să vadă cum pot fi aceste ramuri

    Strategia subliniază oportunitățile pentru toate
    bazinele maritime ale UE – Marea Nordului, Marea Baltică, Marea Neagră, Marea
    Mediterană și Oceanul Atlantic – și pentru anumite comunități costiere și
    insulare, însă beneficiile acestor tehnologii nu se limitează doar la regiunile
    costiere. Strategia evidențiază o gamă largă de zone interioare în care
    sectorul producției și al cercetării sprijină deja dezvoltarea sectorului
    energetic offshore.

  • 24.10.2018


    Consultations – Les partis parlementaires de Roumanie ont été invités aujourd’hui aux consultations par le président Klaus Iohannis au sujet des récentes modifications opérées dans les lois de la justice par la coalition au pouvoir, formée du Parti Social-Démocrate (PSD) et l’Alliance des Libéraux et des Démocrates (ALDE). Tous les partis ont confirmé leur participation, y compris le PSD, le principal parti de la coalition au pouvoir et en conflit avec le chef de l’Etat. Son partenaire, l’ALDE, a également confirmé sa présence, affirmant son désir que les réformes dans le domaine de la Justice se poursuivent, de manière que les citoyens et leurs droits soient au centre de l’intérêt. L’ALDE est également favorable à un éventuel accord politique dans le domaine de la justice, mais elle souhaite d’abord connaître son contenu. Depuis l’opposition, le Parti National Libéral (PNL) a fait savoir qu’il profiterait de ces consultations avec le président Iohannis pour insister que les récentes recommandations de la Commission de Venise soient introduites dans la législation nationale, car, en cas contraire, la Roumanie courant le risque d’entrer en collision avec l’UE. Enfin, l’Union Sauvez la Roumanie (USR, toujours d’opposition) estime que, dans leur forme actuelle, les lois ne font que saboter et bloquer l’acte de justice en Roumanie. Pour rappel, la semaine dernière, la Commission de Venise, organisme européen consultatif dans le domaine judiciaire, a constaté dans un rapport qu’en Roumanie la modification des lois de la Justice et des Codes Pénaux étaient à même d’affaiblir la lutte contre la corruption et le crime organisé.

    Justice – Ce mercredi, la Cour Constitutionnelle de Roumanie se penche elle aussi sur les modifications des lois de la justice, notamment sur le Code Pénal et la Loi portant sur les faits de corruption. Les textes sont contestés par le président Klaus Iohannis, par la Haute Cour de Cassation et de Justice et par trois partis de l’opposition – le PNL, l’USR et le Parti du mouvement populaire (PMP). L’opposition estime que, dans leur nouvelle forme, ces lois favorisent les actes de corruption de haut niveau. Pour sa part, la Haute Cour de Cassation et de Justice dénonce le fait que, pour ce qui est de l’abus de fonction, la sphère des personnes qui peuvent être incriminées a été réduite considérablement.

    Défense – Pour la 2e année consécutive, le gouvernement alloue 2% du PIB au ministère de la Défense nationale ; un niveau qu’il souhaite maintenir au moins d’ici l’année 2026. C’est ce qu’a déclaré ce mercredi le ministre roumain de la Défense, Mihai Fifor, lors de la cérémonie de prestation de serment des étudiants inscrits aux institutions militaires d’enseignement supérieur, une cérémonie accueillie par l’Académie technique militaire Ferdinand Ier. Cet argent permettra de dérouler un des processus de modernisation et de développement les plus solides sur le flanc est de l’OTAN, a encore précisé le ministre.

    Loi offshore – Le nouveau projet de la loi offshore a été avalisé aujourd’hui par le plénum de la Chambre des Députés de Bucarest. Ce document qui réglemente l’exploitation du gaz naturel en Mer Noire a été renvoyé au Parlement pour ré-examen par le président Klaus Iohannis. L’enjeu en est notamment le profit qu’obtiendra l’Etat roumain depuis l’exploitation des gisements de gaz. La semaine passée, la coalition au pouvoir est arrivée à un consensus quant aux modifications à apporter au projet législatif. Il a ainsi été convenu d’une part, que 50% de la production gazière de la mer Noire soit mise sur le marché interne des matières premières ; de l’autre que les investissements consentis par les opérateurs privés soient déduits à hauteur de 30% de leur impôt supplémentaire. L’opposition considère en revanche que la loi est encore une fois promue en l’absence de données claires et d’une véritable analyse d’impact.

    Motion – La Chambre de députés de Bucarest doit voter aujourd’hui la motion simple déposée contre le ministre des Eaux et des Forêts, le social-démocrate Ioan Deneș, par le PNL, d’opposition. Les Libéraux reprochent au ministre Deneș la manière dont il a géré les forêts et l’approvisionnement de la population en bois de chauffage. En même temps, les inondations restent un des plus graves problèmes auxquels le ministère n’a pas encore trouvé de solution, accuse encore le PNL. Pour sa part, Ioan Deneș considère ces accusations comme non fondées. Mardi, lors du débat de la motion il a bénéficié du soutien des députés de la coalition au pouvoir formée du PSD et de l’ALDE. De l’avis de ceux-ci, le seul but du PNL est de bloquer, par ses nombreuses motions, l’activité législative du Parlement.

    Salaires – Le gouvernement de Bucarest pourrait décider aujourd’hui de l’augmentation du salaire minimum. Suite à des pourparlers avec les patronats, il a été constaté qu’une telle majoration était nécessaire. Le sujet a été d’abord débattu au sein du Conseil économique et social, puis avec les représentants des syndicats et des patronats. Selon le gouvernement, l’augmentation du salaire minimum brut de 1900 à 2080 lei (l’équivalent de 445 euros) aurait un impact positif sur la croissance économique du pays sur le long terme, en stimulant la consommation et la demande, alors que son l’impact sur l’inflation serait minime. Le gouvernement envisage également d’introduire un salaire minimum différencié de 2350 lei (505 euros) pour les employés ayant fait des études supérieures et pour ceux qui ont au moins 15 ans d’ancienneté au travail.

    Météo – Les températures sont à la baisse en Roumanie, notamment dans le nord du pays. Le vent est assez fort sur l’ensemble du territoire, avec des rafales atteignant les 90 km/h dans le sud et le sud-ouest, voire plus en montagne. D’ailleurs, une alerte jaune au vent fort et à la neige concerne les montagnes, et une alerte orange au vent très fort est en vigueur jusqu’à ce soir dans 6 départements du sud du pays. Il pleut sur la plupart des régions. Les températures maximales de la journée iront de 7 à 17 degrés. 13 degrés, un ciel couvert et du vent en ce moment à Bucarest.

  • October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    REFERENDUM – Nearly 19 million Romanian voters are invited this weekend to vote on a proposed redefinition of the concept of family in the Constitution. The initiators aim to define “family as an institution based on the marriage of a man and a woman, rather than the marriage of spouses, as it is at present. According to data released by the Central Electoral Bureau 5.72% of the total number of eligible voters cast their ballots on Saturday, many of them in urban communities. Polls will reopen in the country on Sunday morning. By 21:00 local time, when polls closed in Romania, some 46,000 Romanians had also voted abroad. The Romanians living abroad can vote in 378 polls hosted by diplomatic missions, consular offices, cultural institutes and other locations. The largest number of polls abroad are in Italy, Spain, the Republic of Moldova, the USA, UK, France and Germany. The voting process abroad will conclude on the US West Coast and in Canada on Monday morning, according to Romanian time. The vote in the diaspora started on Friday night in Auckland, New Zealand. On the whole, the vote abroad will take 58 hours. Parliament has passed a bill rephrasing the Constitutional definition of marriage, based on a citizen initiative signed by 3 million people. The referendum will be validated provided that a 30% turnout rate is met and 25% of the eligible voters cast valid votes.

    LAW – The Speaker of the Senate of Romania Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu said on Saturday that he wants a consensus of all parliamentary parties with respect to the Offshore Bill. In the next 2 weeks, when the bill is to be once again discussed, we will have enough time to find the best solutions, Tariceanu also said. The so-called Offshore Bill, which sets out the rules for natural gas extraction in the Black Sea, was discussed on Wednesday in the Chamber of Deputies, which decided to send the text back to the specialised committees. The bill was originally passed in the previous parliamentary session, but President Klaus Iohannis returned it to Parliament for a review.

    EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – The European Parliament has approved a report proposing new rules for freezing and confiscating the proceeds of crimes. The new regulation will allow for quicker and more efficient implementation of confiscation and asset freeze orders, as well as tighter deadlines for authorities and standard certificates for all EU member states. Experts estimate that offenders keep 98% of the proceeds of criminal activities. The EP report estimates that criminal activities generate around 110 billion euros per year. A 2016 EUROPOL report shows that only 2.2% of the money generated by criminal activities has been frozen or confiscated. At present, regulations on cross-border asset confiscation within the EU contain major loopholes that criminals and terrorists take advantage of.

    SOPRANO – World-famous Spanish soprano Montserrat Caballé died on Saturday at the age of 85, in a hospital in Barcelona where she had been admitted a month ago, the BBC reports. With a career spanning 50 years, Montserrat Caballé performed on some of the worlds greatest stages, alongside such personalities as Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo. Together with Freddie Mercury she sang the hit Barcelona, which was the anthem of the 1992 Olympics hosted by the Spanish city.

    FINANCIAL – The Romanian Ministry for Finances has recently drawn 1.75 billion euros, through a Eurobond issue in international financial markets. The largest part of the bonds, amounting to 1.15 billion euros, has a 10-year maturity, and the remaining have 20-year maturity. According to Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici, the issue clearly reflects the positive international perception of the Romanian economys medium and long-term prospects. The strong demand and the quality of the investors confirm Romanias strengths, namely the sound macroeconomic foundation, coherent fiscal discipline and economic-financial stability. Teodorovici added that the Eurobond issue is designed to strengthen the State Treasurys foreign currency reserve and to minimise long term borrowing costs.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian side AHC Dobrogea Sud Constanţa Saturday defeated at home the Czech side Talent Robstav MAT Plzen, 28-21, in the first leg of the second preliminary round of the EHF Cup in mens handball. The second leg will be played in Constanta as well, on Sunday. On Friday, Romanias womens handball champions, CSM Bucharest, defeated at home, 36-31, the Hungarian team FTC Rail Cargo, in Group D of the new Champions League season. It is for the 4th consecutive time that CSM takes part in the leading continental competition. The first time, in 2016, the Romanian handballers won the Champions League trophy, and in the following editions they came out 3rd in the Final Four

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    REFERENDUM – Nearly 19 million Romanian voters are invited this weekend to vote on a proposed redefinition of the concept of family in the Constitution. The initiators aim to define “family as an institution based on the marriage of a man and a woman, rather than the marriage of spouses, as it is at present. According to data released by the Central Electoral Bureau 5.72% of the total number of eligible voters cast their ballots on Saturday, many of them in urban communities. Polls will reopen in the country on Sunday morning. By 21:00 local time, when polls closed in Romania, some 46,000 Romanians had also voted abroad. The Romanians living abroad can vote in 378 polls hosted by diplomatic missions, consular offices, cultural institutes and other locations. The largest number of polls abroad are in Italy, Spain, the Republic of Moldova, the USA, UK, France and Germany. The voting process abroad will conclude on the US West Coast and in Canada on Monday morning, according to Romanian time. The vote in the diaspora started on Friday night in Auckland, New Zealand. On the whole, the vote abroad will take 58 hours. Parliament has passed a bill rephrasing the Constitutional definition of marriage, based on a citizen initiative signed by 3 million people. The referendum will be validated provided that a 30% turnout rate is met and 25% of the eligible voters cast valid votes.

    LAW – The Speaker of the Senate of Romania Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu said on Saturday that he wants a consensus of all parliamentary parties with respect to the Offshore Bill. In the next 2 weeks, when the bill is to be once again discussed, we will have enough time to find the best solutions, Tariceanu also said. The so-called Offshore Bill, which sets out the rules for natural gas extraction in the Black Sea, was discussed on Wednesday in the Chamber of Deputies, which decided to send the text back to the specialised committees. The bill was originally passed in the previous parliamentary session, but President Klaus Iohannis returned it to Parliament for a review.

    EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – The European Parliament has approved a report proposing new rules for freezing and confiscating the proceeds of crimes. The new regulation will allow for quicker and more efficient implementation of confiscation and asset freeze orders, as well as tighter deadlines for authorities and standard certificates for all EU member states. Experts estimate that offenders keep 98% of the proceeds of criminal activities. The EP report estimates that criminal activities generate around 110 billion euros per year. A 2016 EUROPOL report shows that only 2.2% of the money generated by criminal activities has been frozen or confiscated. At present, regulations on cross-border asset confiscation within the EU contain major loopholes that criminals and terrorists take advantage of.

    SOPRANO – World-famous Spanish soprano Montserrat Caballé died on Saturday at the age of 85, in a hospital in Barcelona where she had been admitted a month ago, the BBC reports. With a career spanning 50 years, Montserrat Caballé performed on some of the worlds greatest stages, alongside such personalities as Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo. Together with Freddie Mercury she sang the hit Barcelona, which was the anthem of the 1992 Olympics hosted by the Spanish city.

    FINANCIAL – The Romanian Ministry for Finances has recently drawn 1.75 billion euros, through a Eurobond issue in international financial markets. The largest part of the bonds, amounting to 1.15 billion euros, has a 10-year maturity, and the remaining have 20-year maturity. According to Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici, the issue clearly reflects the positive international perception of the Romanian economys medium and long-term prospects. The strong demand and the quality of the investors confirm Romanias strengths, namely the sound macroeconomic foundation, coherent fiscal discipline and economic-financial stability. Teodorovici added that the Eurobond issue is designed to strengthen the State Treasurys foreign currency reserve and to minimise long term borrowing costs.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian side AHC Dobrogea Sud Constanţa Saturday defeated at home the Czech side Talent Robstav MAT Plzen, 28-21, in the first leg of the second preliminary round of the EHF Cup in mens handball. The second leg will be played in Constanta as well, on Sunday. On Friday, Romanias womens handball champions, CSM Bucharest, defeated at home, 36-31, the Hungarian team FTC Rail Cargo, in Group D of the new Champions League season. It is for the 4th consecutive time that CSM takes part in the leading continental competition. The first time, in 2016, the Romanian handballers won the Champions League trophy, and in the following editions they came out 3rd in the Final Four

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    REFERENDUM – Nearly 19 million Romanian voters are invited on Saturday and Sunday to vote on a proposed redefinition of the concept of family in the Constitution. The initiators aim to define “family as an institution based on the marriage of a man and a woman, rather than the marriage of spouses, as it is at present. According to data released by the Central Electoral Bureau, by 19:00, local time, 5.15% of the total number of eligible voters had cast their ballots, many of them in urban communities. By the same hour, some 37,000 Romanians living abroad had voted. The Romanians living abroad can vote in 378 polls hosted by diplomatic missions, consular offices, cultural institutes and other locations. The largest number of polls abroad will be in Italy, Spain, the Republic of Moldova, the USA, UK, France and Germany. The voting process abroad will conclude on the US West Coast and in Canada on Monday morning, according to Romanian time. The vote in the diaspora started on Friday night in Auckland, New Zealand. On the whole, the vote abroad will take 58 hours. Parliament has passed a bill rephrasing the Constitutional definition of marriage, based on a citizen initiative signed by 3 million people. The referendum will be validated provided that a 30% turnout rate is met and 25% of the eligible voters cast valid votes.

    LAW – The Speaker of the Senate of Romania Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu said on Saturday that he wants a consensus of all parliamentary parties with respect to the Offshore Bill. In the next 2 weeks, when the bill is to be once again discussed, we will have enough time to find the best solutions, Tariceanu also said. The so-called Offshore Bill, which sets out the rules for natural gas extraction in the Black Sea, was discussed on Wednesday in the Chamber of Deputies, which decided to send the text back to the specialised committees. The bill was originally passed in the previous parliamentary session, but President Klaus Iohannis returned it to Parliament for a review.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    October 6, 2018 UPDATE

    REFERENDUM – Nearly 19 million Romanian voters are invited on Saturday and Sunday to vote on a proposed redefinition of the concept of family in the Constitution. The initiators aim to define “family as an institution based on the marriage of a man and a woman, rather than the marriage of spouses, as it is at present. According to data released by the Central Electoral Bureau, by 19:00, local time, 5.15% of the total number of eligible voters had cast their ballots, many of them in urban communities. By the same hour, some 37,000 Romanians living abroad had voted. The Romanians living abroad can vote in 378 polls hosted by diplomatic missions, consular offices, cultural institutes and other locations. The largest number of polls abroad will be in Italy, Spain, the Republic of Moldova, the USA, UK, France and Germany. The voting process abroad will conclude on the US West Coast and in Canada on Monday morning, according to Romanian time. The vote in the diaspora started on Friday night in Auckland, New Zealand. On the whole, the vote abroad will take 58 hours. Parliament has passed a bill rephrasing the Constitutional definition of marriage, based on a citizen initiative signed by 3 million people. The referendum will be validated provided that a 30% turnout rate is met and 25% of the eligible voters cast valid votes.

    LAW – The Speaker of the Senate of Romania Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu said on Saturday that he wants a consensus of all parliamentary parties with respect to the Offshore Bill. In the next 2 weeks, when the bill is to be once again discussed, we will have enough time to find the best solutions, Tariceanu also said. The so-called Offshore Bill, which sets out the rules for natural gas extraction in the Black Sea, was discussed on Wednesday in the Chamber of Deputies, which decided to send the text back to the specialised committees. The bill was originally passed in the previous parliamentary session, but President Klaus Iohannis returned it to Parliament for a review.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 03.10.2018 (mise à jour)

    03.10.2018 (mise à jour)

    Rencontre — Des experts de la Commission européenne ont eu, ce mercredi, à Bucarest, une rencontre avec une délégation du ministère public, dirigée par le procureur général de la Roumanie, Augustin Lazăr. La rencontre s’inscrit dans les missions régulières d’information sur le Mécanisme de coopération et de vérification (MCV). Un communiqué du Parquet général précise que les échanges ont porté principalement sur la création de la section d’investigation des infractions de la justice et les modifications opérées dans le Code pénal, le Code de procédure pénale et les lois de la justice. Rappelons que la Commission européenne suit les évolutions dans le domaine de la justice en Roumanie, à travers le MCV, depuis l’adhésion du pays à l’Union européenne en 2007.

    Offshore — La loi offshore, qui établit les règles d’exploitation des gisements de gaz naturels de la mer Noire, a fait l’objet du débat des députés de Bucarest, qui ont décidé de renvoyer le texte aux commissions spécialisées. Adopté au cours de la précédente session parlementaire et renvoyé au parlement pour réexamen par le président Klaus Iohannis, l’acte normatif avait subi des modifications substantielles. Mardi, les commmissions spécialisées avait produit un rapport final assorti d’amendements, dont la plupart avaient été proposés par le groupe parlementaire du Parti social-démocrate (PSD), principale composante de la coalition gouvernementale. Selon un de ces amendements, un investisseur pourrait déduire 30% maximum de l’impôt sur les revenus supplémentaires, alors que les sénateurs avaient adopté le chiffre de 60%. Les élus de l’Alliance des libéraux et des démocrates, partenaire de coalition avec le PSD, ont fait savoir qu’ils allaient demander le renvoi de la loi aux commissions parlementaires.

    Motion — La Chambre des Députés de Roumanie a rejeté la motion simple déposée par le Parti National Libéral (PNL), d’opposition, contre le ministre des finances, Eugen Teodorovici. De l’avis des Libéraux le ministre est coupable pour l’échec de la stratégie fiscale et budgétaire ; ils demandent donc que l’accise supplémentaire sur les carburants soit supprimée, que des projets majeurs d’investissements soient démarrer et que la totalité des impôts sur les revenus soit versée à l’administration locale à compter de l’année prochaine. Rappelons aussi que mardi, le Sénat de Bucarest a rejeté la motion simple contre le ministre des Transports, Lucian Sova, déposée par le PNL et par l’USR, qui lui reprochaient la manière dont il avait géré le secteur routier et ferroviaire de Roumanie.

    Conférence — La Roumanie et l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) organiseront une conférence sur l’entrepreneuriat, dans la ville suisse de Genève, au premier semestre de l’année prochaine, a annoncé le ministère roumain pour le milieu des affaires, le commerce et l’entrepreneuriat, ce mercredi. La décision d’organiser cet événement a été prise lors de l’entretien, à Genève, du titulaire du portefeuille ministériel de Bucarest, Ştefan-Radu Oprea, avec le directeur général de l’OMC, Roberto Carvalho de Azevędo. La conférence sera placée sous l’égide de la présidence roumaine du Conseil de l’Union européenne.

    Météo — Il fera frais en Roumanie et même froid dans le nord et le centre du pays dans les prochaines 24 heures. Jeudi, en milieu de journée, les températures ne dépasseront pas les 22°.

  • April 28, 2016 UPDATE

    April 28, 2016 UPDATE

    Orthodox and Greek-Catholic believers the world over, including Romania, which has an Orthodox majority, on Good Friday in the Passion Week, are commemorating the death of Jesus Christ and his burial. Some believers go without food taking part in religious services devoted to this event. On Maundy Thursday believers marked the last Supper and Jesus’ arrest following the betrayal of Judas. On Saturday night Greek Catholic and Orthodox believers will be celebrating Easter — Christ’s resurrection.

    Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos will have to nominate another person for the position of Minister of Culture, after Vlad Alexandrescu has announced his resignation. Alexandrescu said he was proud of his accomplishments during the mandate and recalled he started a lot of reforms in spite of facing opposition from various interest groups. Alexandrescu announced on his Facebook page that he steps down amid a row presently underway at the National Opera in Bucharest. Three performances have been cancelled in the past days against the disgruntlement of Opera employees about the successive nominations for the position of director general and about the gap between the salaries of the Romanian ballet dancers and of their foreign counterparts. The Prime Minister’s control committee has commenced an investigation at the Romanian Opera, checking on how people in leading positions have been hired.

    The European Commission has called on Germany and Romania to include in the legislation a directive on the safety of offshore oil and gas operations. The directive is aimed at reducing major accidents that might occur in offshore oil and gas exploitation. Under the directive, when granting the license, member countries must get assurances the companies are well-funded and have the right technical expertise. In Romania, these companies are operating off the Black Sea shores.

    A series of military and religious ceremonies dedicated to war veterans was staged by the Romanian Defence Ministry in major army units across the country an also at monuments in the Czech Republic, in the Republic of Moldova, a former soviet country with a Romanian-speaking population, Russia, Slovakia and Hungary. The ‘War Veteran’ title was for the first time recognized on April 29th 1902. Back then the soldiers who had fought in the Independence War were declared veterans and besides the statute they received a series of bonuses for a decent living. 15 thousand WWII veterans are living in Romania at present.

  • Panama, exotismul afacerilor

    Panama, exotismul afacerilor

    Deşi sună îngrozitor,
    paradisul poate fi şi fiscal. La fel de nepotrivit este să asociem exoticul cu
    potlogăriile financiare. Şi, totuşi, este deja un domeniu consacrat, acesta al
    manipulării banilor în locuri superbe din lume, asociate mai ales cu turismul
    şi petrecerea timpului în moduri foarte plăcute. Exotismul a migrat astfel din
    peisaj şi turism în teoria economică şi în practica afacerilor. Colţurile de
    lume care atrag prin taxe şi legislaţie extrem de permisive au apărut încă din
    secolul al XlX-lea. În secolul XX s-au
    înmulţit rapid, stimulate de soare şi peisajul exotic.

    Cel mai recent nume
    venit în această galerie este Panama, ţara, canalul, colţul din America
    Centrală, unde activează firma germano-panameză Mossack Fonseca. Partea germană
    a fost creată în 1977 iar în 1986 a intrat în afacere şi Ramon Fonseca, avocat
    şi scriitor. La fix 40 de ani de existenţă comună, germano-panameză, firma a
    fost făcută celebră de o publicaţie germană care i-a publicat listele de
    clienţi şi foarte multe alte documente secrete. Sediul principal al firmei este
    în Panama dar birourile şi afacerile ei se desfăşoară în întreaga lume, în cele
    mai neaşteptate locuri şi niveluri. Pe listă, aşadar, găsim persoane cunoscute
    sau de-a dreptul celebre, din toată lumea şi din toate domeniile. Dar şi mai
    multe sunt companiile de tip offshore, nume asociat aproape unanim cu
    încercarea de evaziune fiscală sau de ieşire de sub rigoarea unor legi stricte,
    cum sunt cele care funcţionează prin ţările cu performanţă economică reală.

    un an, fiscul german, care ancheta ceva speţe de spălare de bani şi evaziune
    fiscală la o mare bancă gemană, ajunge şi la Mossack Fonseca. Se pare că atunci
    s-a produs şi scurgerea masivă de informaţii care a dus la afacerea Dosarelor
    Panama de astăzi. Oricum, publicaţia germană recunoaşte că deţine aceste
    informaţii de un an. Informaţiile publicate sunt extrem de diverse, cum diverse
    sunt şi situaţiile prezentate şi punctele de vedere asupra faptelor revelate.
    Firma în cauză spune că nu este nimic ilegal în ce a făcut, că şi-a făcut
    datoria profesională de a ajuta clienţii să îşi minimizeze pierderile fiscale
    şi să-şi maximizeze profitul. Pentru unii, însă, această intenţie dă foarte rău
    la locul de muncă. Mai ales când în discuţie sunt oameni politici şi mai şi
    exercită funcţii în care au fost aleşi de cei care nu au folosit serviciile
    unei firme de paradis fiscal pentru a avea mai mulţi bani în buzunar şi a plăti
    mai puţine taxe şi impozite ţărilor lor.

    Premierul islandez şi-a dat, deja,
    demisia, premierul britanic a trebuit să dea explicaţii, iar preşedintele rus,
    fost şi el premier, pentru un mandat, a oferit acuzaţii. Miniştri şi alţi
    oficiali îşi dau, la rândul lor, demisia sau se retrag mai spre umbră,
    încercând să dispară din atenţia iscată de dosarele din Panama. Efectele asupra
    vieţii politicienilor sunt imediate, rapide şi vizibile, dar s-ar putea să fie
    singurele. Se fac anchete şi reproşuri dar nu sunt aşteptate inculpări sau
    măsuri juridice mai serioase. Desigur, anchetele naţionale ar putea evidenţia
    situaţii de neacceptat pentru un stat sau altul, fiecare ţară şi-a evidenţiat
    propriii cetăţeni sau chiar lideri pe listele din Panama şi îi priveşte, acum,
    cu alţi ochi.

    Şi totuşi, mai avem un alt efect cert, ba chiar de anvergură şi
    de perspectivă, este vorba de punerea în discuţie a fenomenului offshore. Dacă
    până acum acest tip de companii era acceptat şi utilizat, după Panama va exista
    mereu o prezumpţie de vinovăţie faţă de companiile offshore. S-a produs o clară
    şi radicală schimbare de percepţie şi nu este exclus ca ţările mai hotărâte să
    ia chiar măsuri legislative împotriva acestui tip de afaceri, cu spaţii ample
    şi nevăzute, sinonime cu ilegalitatea.

  • Românii şi avocaţii din Panama

    Românii şi avocaţii din Panama

    Premierul Islandei a devenit, marţi, primul om politic european victimă a dezvăluirilor care au arătat cum şefi de state, politicieni de rang înalt, miliardari, celebrităţi, sportivi, dar şi reţele criminale s-au folosit de zeci de paradisuri fiscale pentru a-şi ascunde banii de sistemul de taxe din ţările lor. Ancheta jurnalistică este efectuată în comun de peste 100 de instituţii media care au reuşit să intre în posesia unor documente din Arhivele Secrete ale Societăţii de consultanţă Mossack Fonseca, a patra casă la nivel mondial de avocatură offshore, cu sediul în Panama, de unde şi denumirea generică a acestor documente – Panama Papers.

    Documentele de arhivă relevă că, începând din 1977 până în 2015, Societatea Mossack Fonseca a creat sau administrat peste 214.000 de entităţi offshore în 21 de paradisuri fiscale pentru clienţi proveniţi din peste 200 de ţări şi teritorii, inclusiv din România. Rise Project, o comunitate de jurnalişti care investighează crima organizată şi corupţia din România, a avut acces la date. Directorul executiv, Paul Radu, a promis dezvăluiri despre oameni importanţi din ţară: « Avem în lucru peste 100 de nume care au folosit firme offshore, atât în afaceri din ţară, cât şi, să spunem, pentru deschiderea unor conturi bancare în alte părţi ale lumii.

    Lucrăm la asta, vom avea foarte multe materiale pe Rise Project toată luna aceasta şi probabil şi luna viitoare. Sunt oameni din toate domeniile, dar nu pot să vă dau acum detalii. O să vă spun că este vorba şi de oameni de afaceri, avocaţi, oameni din diverse industrii, cum este industria petrolului, mineritului… sunt o grămadă de industrii, sunt unii dintre cei mai puternici afacerişti din ţară, sunt multe nume la care noi lucrăm şi, pe măsură ce aflăm despre cine este vorba, facem investigaţia, facem ancheta şi, evident, le vom publica pe Rise. »

    Fiscul din România a anunţat, deja, că un grup de lucru format din inspectori antifraudă, inspectori fiscali şi inspectori specializaţi în verificarea veniturilor persoanelor fizice, gestionarea informaţiilor fiscale şi executări silite începe să verifice informaţiile apărute în urma investigaţiilor Panama Papers. Direcţia de Investigare a Infracţiunilor de Criminalitate Organizată şi Terorism (DIICOT) va analiza, şi ea, aceste informaţii, pentru a se stabili dacă în dosarele actuale sau cele deja soluţionate există date care pot confirma detaliile apărute în urma anchetei.

    Nu în ultimul rând, comisia de Buget-Finanţe din Camera Deputaţilor a informat că trimite invitaţii reprezentanţilor Fiscului şi Oficiului Naţional de Prevenire şi Combatere a Spălării Banilor pentru discuţii pe marginea Documentelor Panama. Miza tuturor acestor demersuri este extrem de importantă, în condiţiile în care autorităţile române încearcă din răsputeri, de câţiva ani, să juguleze fenomenul corupţiei, al furtului din bani publici sau al clădirii de averi prin devalizare de bunuri.