• Competiția pe Piaţa Internă a UE

    Competiția pe Piaţa Internă a UE

    Contrabanda cu țigări, falsificarea monedei euro, sustragerea de la plata taxelor la importurile de încălțăminte și îmbrăcăminte – toate acestea sunt exemple de activități frauduloase care înseamnă pierderi financiare importante pentru contribuabilii europeni. Recent, în Parlamentul European s-a discutat despre prevenirea fraudei în țările membre UE.

    Pentru următorul buget pe termen lung al UE pentru perioada 2021-2027, Comisia propune să se pună la dispoziţie 181 de milioane euro pentru a sprijini eforturile statelor membre în vederea luptei împotriva fraudei, a corupţiei şi a altor nereguli care afectează bugetul UE.

    Noul program al UE de combatere a fraudei va finanţa acţiuni specifice de formare şi schimbul de informaţii şi de cele mai bune practici între autorităţile responsabile cu lupta antifraudă din întreaga Europă. Acesta va oferi, de asemenea, sprijin pentru activităţile de investigare prin achiziţionarea de echipamente tehnice utilizate în detectarea şi investigarea fraudelor şi, în acelaşi timp, va facilita accesul la sisteme informatice securizate. Recent , în Parlamentul European s-a discutat despre prevenirea fraudei în țările membre UE și despre înghețarea plăților UE către statele care nu iau măsuri împotriva fraudei și a corupției.

    Iata ce a declarat în cadrul discursului susținut în plenul Parlamentului European, europarlamentarul Maria Grapini:

    Vorbim de fraudă dar frauda nu se face numai din fonduri europene și nu poate OLAF să rezolve totul.Aici avem nevoie sistemic să acționăm și ridic problema pentru că tot se amână Uniunea Vamală , tot se amână informatizarea și funcționarea sistemică a Uniunii Vamale.Avem foarte multă marfă contrafăcută, foarte multă marfă cu preț de dumping ce intră în Piața Internă și evident că este fraudă.Vorbim de cea mai mare fraudă ce s-a produs în 11 țări . de câțiva ani nu s-a rezolvat nimic.Nu știm rezultatul , este vorba de 55 miliarde euro.Vorbim de fraudă făcută în Germania , de vânzarea mașinilor în Europa de Est fără a fi evidențiate și vorbim de sume foarte mari de peste 50000 vehicule.Aici trebuie să existe măsuri noi și sigur prevenție dar cred că trebuie mult mai mult făcut și să nu se suprapună atribuțiile OLAF cu atribuțiile EPO și atribuțiile altor instituții.

  • Politica de coeziune va fi radical modernizată

    Politica de coeziune va fi radical modernizată

    Politica de coeziune a Uniunii Europene creează locuri de muncă, generează oportunităţi de dezvoltare economică şi socială, asigură accesul la servicii de educaţie şi sănătate mai bune, contribuie la promovarea incluziunii sociale şi la sprijinirea comunităţilor marginalizate, şi nu în ultimul rând susţine dezvoltarea reţelelor feroviare şi rutiere a spus comisarul European Corina Cretu.

    Corina Crețu: Am prezentat politica de coeziune am ajuns la o rată de eroare de 3% la 5,5 % cât era când am ajuns eu comisar. Numai 0,4% au reprezentat fraude. Comisia Europeană are o politică de toleranță 0 față de fraudă și știți că atunci suspendăm fondurile când OLAF- ul constată o fraudă și aplicăm corecții financiare pentru a recupera fondurile în bugetul european și apoi statele respective trebuie să recupereze fondurile respective de la companiile implicate, dar nivelul actual de fraudă e de fapt mai puțin de 0,5 %, este 0,4% dintr-un total de miliarde de euro investiți în noile țări membre.

    Politica de coeziune este garanţia creşterii calităţii vieţii pentru cetăţenii europeni, rezultatele fiind vizibile şi în România, care în perioada scursă de la aderarea la UE a beneficiat pentru propria dezvoltare de fonduri europene de peste 45 miliarde de euro.

  • Reorganizarea Eurojust

    Reorganizarea Eurojust

    European a aprobat reforma Eurojust, care este agenția Uniunii Europene
    responsabilă de cooperarea judiciară între statele membre
    . Misiunea Eurojust
    este de a spori eficacitatea autorităților naționale responsabile de
    investigarea și urmărirea penală a criminalității transfrontaliere grave și a
    crimei organizate și de a aduce vinovaţii în fața Justiției, cât mai repede posibil.
    Prezentă la discuţiile care au precedat votul din Legislativul comunitar, Vera
    Jourová, comisarul european pentru Justiție, a declarat că, anul trecut,
    agenția a participat la peste patru mii de investigații, implicând diferite
    state membre.

    Vera Jourová, cu detalii despre evoluţia criminalităţii şi
    reformarea instituţiilor europene care trebuie s-o combată: E adevarăt, criminalii nu au frontiere. De asemenea, creativitatea
    criminalilor nu are limite. Ei folosesc noi metode tehnologice, în special în
    domeniul digital. Chiar avem statistici care arată că în ţările membre
    infracţiunile cibernetice sunt în creştere. De asemenea, în privinţa reţelelor
    internaţionale de criminalitate organizată, procurorii şi politiştii din
    statele comunitare au prerogative limitate. De aceea, la nivelul Uniunii, este
    nevoie să ne reorganizam, să redistribuim competenţe, pentru a combate
    eficient aceste cazuri transfrontaliere. Fie că vorbim de Europol, Eurojust, de
    noul Parchet European sau de Oficiul European de Lupta Antifraudă (OLAF), care,
    şi el, trebuie reorganizat.

    La rându-i, prezent la votul din Legislativul
    comunitar, preşedintele Eurojust, Ladislav Hamran, a declarat că nevoia unei cooperări consolidate
    între procurori dincolo de frontierele nationale nu a fost niciodată mai mare ca
    acum. Rolul Eurojust este esențial în cazurile cu o dimensiune internațională
    a mai spus preşedintele instituţiei. Această reforma va permite Eurojust să
    coopereze cu noul Parchet European şi să se adapteze la noile norme de
    protecție a datelor personale, intrate în vigoare în mai. În plus, Legislativul
    European și parlamentele naționale vor avea mai multă influenţă în activitatea Eurojust.
    Colegiul, organismul decizional
    al Eurojust, este format din câte un procuror sau judecător din fiecare stat
    comunitar. Fiecare dintre aceștia răspunde de un birou național.

  • Die Woche 11.06.-15.06.2018 im Überblick

    Die Woche 11.06.-15.06.2018 im Überblick

    Das Verfassungsgericht hat die Begründung für die Entscheidung über die Amtsentlassung der DNA-Chefin Laura Codruta Kövesi veröffentlicht

    Das Bukarester Verfassungsgericht hat am Donnerstag die Gründe für die Entscheidung veröffentlicht, dass der Staatspräsident ein Dekret zur Amtsenthebung der Chefanklägerin der Antikorruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft DNA ausstellen muss. Laut Verfassungsgericht sei die Existenz eines Rechtskonflikts mit verfassungsrechtlichem Charakter vorhanden, der durch die Weigerung des Staatspräsidenten über die vom Justizminister vorgeschlagene Amtsenthebung zu handeln, verursacht wurde. Das Verfassungsgericht hat festgestellt, in der Verfassung sei der Justizminister benannt ist, als jener der Staatsanwälte festlegt, die unter seiner Autorität arbeiten. Nach Auffassung des Gerichts legt die Verfassung eine Entscheidungsbefugnis des Justizministers fest, die Arbeit der Staatsanwaltschaft zu regeln, was darauf hindeutet, dass der Minister in diesem Fall eine zentrale Rolle hat, die sich auf die Karriere der Staatsanwälte auswirkt. Laut dem Verfassungsgericht habe der Staatspräsident keine verfassungsrechtliche Macht, Argumente gegen die vom Justizminister vorgeschlagene Amtsenthebung vorzuführen. Wir erinnern daran, dass Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis den Vorschlag des Ministers für Justiz, Tudorel Toader, die DNA-Leiterin Laura Codruta Kövesi zu entlassen als unbegründet zurückgewiesen hatte. Die Entscheidung des Verfassungsgerichtes ist zwingend und fordert Präsident Iohannis auf, Kövesi zu entlassen. Diese Entscheidung des Verfassungsgerichts löste heftige Kritik aus der Opposition und der Zivilgesellschaft aus und führte zu Spekulationen, dass die derzeitige Zusammensetzung des Verfassungsgerichts dessen Urteile politisch beeinflusst.

    Das Oberste Gericht in Bukarest hat endgültige Urteile im Strafverfahren “Boxgala Bute” ausgesprochen

    Die frühere Tourismus- und Entwicklungsministerin Elena Udrea ist am Dienstag wegen Bestechlichkeit und Amtsmisbrauch rechtskräftig vom Obersten Gerichtshof in Bukarest zu sechs Jahren Freiheitsstrafe in einem prominenten Korruptionsfall verurteilt worden. Dabei geht es um die Veruntreuung von öffentlichen Mitteln anlässlich einer Boxgala des Profi-Boxers und Ex-Weltmeisters im Supermittelgewicht Lucian Bute. Udrea muss zudem Gerichtskosten und Entschädigungen zahlen, die sich auf insgesamt 3 Millionen Euro belaufen. Noch während des Verfahrens flüchtete sie nach Costa Rica, wo sie politisches Asyl beantragte. Der ehemalige Vorsitzende des Boxverbands, Rudel Obreja, der im besagten Korruptionsfall verwickelt worden sei, wurde zu fünf Jahren Freiheitsentzug verurteilt, während der Ex-Wirtschaftsminister Ion Ariton freigesprochen wurde. Andere Angeklagten im Strafverfahren Boxgala Bute, die ihre Taten gestanden haben, wurden zu Bewährungsstrafen verurteilt. Nachdem das Urteil ausgesprochen wurde, sagte Udrea, es gebe Staatsanwälte und Richter, die die Befehle von Generalen des Inlandsnachrichtendienstes SRI befolgen. Auch früher hatte die ehemalige Tourismus-und Entwicklungsministerin gesagt, die Beweismittel in ihrem Fall seien von SRI fabriziert“ worden. Elena Udrea ist eine ehemalige Vertraute des Ex-Präsidenten Traian Băsescu; diese Beziehung sei für sie laut Politikbeobachtern das Sprungbrett zum Amt der Tourismus-und Entwicklungministerin gewesen.

    Das Europäische Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung OLAF hat seinen Bericht für 2017 veröffentlicht

    Rumänien ist an erster Stelle in der Rangliste der Ermittlungen, die das Europäische Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung OLAF im Jahr 2017 durchgeführt hat. An den nächsten Stellen plazierten sich Ungarn, Polen und Griechenland. 11 Ermittlungsverfahren betreffen die Unterschlagung von europäischen Geldern in Rumänien. Beispielhaft sind zwei Untersuchungen zu Projekten, die aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung finanziert werden. Die beteiligten Parteien hätten eine Vielzahl von Dokumenten gefälscht, darunter das technische Stra‎ßenbauprojekt – stellte OLAF fest, das den finanziellen Schaden für den EU-Haushalt auf 21 Millionen Euro schätzt. Das Betrugsbekämpfungsamt empfahl der Generaldirektion Regionalpolitik und Stadtentwicklung der Europäischen Kommission, den gesamten Betrag zurückzufordern, und empfahl der Nationalen Antikorruptionsbehörde in Bukarest, rechtliche Schritte einzuleiten.

    Der rumänische Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis hat einen Polenbesuch unternommen

    Der rumänische Präsident Klaus Iohannis ist am Donnerstag in Warschau mit dem polnischen Präsidenten Andrzej Duda zusammengekommen. Die beiden diskutierten über die ausgezeichneten bilateralen Beziehungen, insbesondere im wirtschaftlichen und militärischen Bereich. Iohannis und Duda nahmen auch an der Eröffnung der Ausstellung “Hundertjahrefeier der Allianz. Rumänisch-Polnische Diplomatie 1918-1939” teil. Die Ausstellung wurde vom Rumänischen Kulturinstitut in Warschau in Zusammenarbeit mit der rumänischen Botschaft und mit Unterstützung der Au‎ßenministerien der beiden Länder im Rahmen der Feierlichkeiten zum 100. Jahrestag seit der Gründung des modernen Rumäniens und der Hundertjahrfeier der Unabhängigkeit Polens organisiert.

    Die Au‎ßenminister Rumäniens und Montenegros sind in Bukarest zusammengekommen

    Rumänien sieht Montenegro als befreundetes Land, engen Partner und wichtigen regionalen Verbündeten an. Das sagte der rumänische Au‎ßenminister Teodor Meleşcanu auf einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit seinem montenigrinischen Amtskollegen Srdjan Darmanovic in Bukarest. Für Rumänien und die Region sei der Beitritt Montenegros zur NATO, der intensiv von Rumänien unterstützt wurde, ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur Sicherheit und Stabilität. Darmanovic wurde am Dienstag auch von Premierministerin Viorica Dăncilă empfangen, die die Unterstützung Rumäniens für den EU-Beitritt Montenegros bekräftigte. Die Erweiterungspolitik der EU sei für Rumänien während seiner EU-Ratspräsidentschaft im ersten Semester 2019 ein wichtiges Anliegen; Rumänien wolle sich dabei als konstruktiver Ansprechspartner für die Länder am Westbalkan positionieren.

    Die Bukarester Abgeordnetenkammer hat den Gesetzentwurf zur Gründung des Souveränen Entwicklungs- und Investitionsfonds (FSDI) angenommen

    Die Bukarester Abgeordnetenkammer hat am Mittwoch den Gesetzentwurf zur Gründung des Souveränen Entwicklungs- und Investitionsfonds (FSDI) als Entscheidungsgremium angenommen. Der Fonds ist ein Finanzierungsmechanismus, der Investitionsmöglichkeiten identifiziert und verwirklicht, die sich auf die nachhaltige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und die Schaffung neuer langfristiger Arbeitsplätze auswirken. Der Entwurf wurde angenommen, nachdem der Wirtschaftspolitische Ausschuss eine Reihe von Änderungsanträgen eingebracht hatte, darunter die Anhebung des Barbeitrags auf 9 Milliarden Lei (etwa 2 Milliarden Euro) und die Aufnahme der Liste der Wirtschaftsteilnehmer. Die Opposition kündigte an, dass sie den Gesetzesentwurf beim Verfassungsgericht anfechten werde und beschuldigte die Regierung, die nationale Wirtschaft zu untergraben.

  • The Week in Review, June 4-8

    The Week in Review, June 4-8

    Constitutional Court presents its statement of reasons for the dismissal of the head of the National Anticorruption Directorate

    On Thursday the Constitutional Court made public the statement of reasons behind its decision forcing president Klaus Iohannis to dismiss Laura Codruta Kovesi, the head of the National Anticorruption Directorate. The document points to the existence of a constitutional conflict generated by the president’s refusal to dismiss Kovesi. Court judges say that, under the Constitution, the Justice Minister has decision-making power over the activity of prosecutors, saying that he plays a key role in this procedure, also impacting the career of prosecutors. Additionally, the president does not have the constitutional power to oppose the Justice Minister’s proposal to remove Kovesi from Office. The Court’s decision has stirred harsh criticism from the opposition and civil society, fueling speculations that the Court’s decisions might be politically biased.

    Final sentence in the “Bute Gala” case

    The Bucharest-based High Court of Cassation and Justice on Tuesday issued a final ruling in the so-called “Bute Gala” case. The former Minister of Regional Development Elena Udrea was sentenced to six years in prison for bribe-taking and abuse of office. Udrea will also have to pay 3 million euros in damages. In the same case, the former president of the Romanian Boxing federation, Rudel Obreja, was sentenced to five years in prison, while the former Minister of Economy, Ion Artion, was acquitted. According to the National Anticorruption Directorate, Udrea was at the top of a system through which people in her entourage received money from certain companies, to guarantee them the payment, on time, of the works funded by the ministry she headed. Currently Elena Udrea is in Costa Rica where she has applied for political asylum.

    OLAF Report on European Funds Fraud

    Romania tops the classification of the countries with the highest number of investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office – OLAF in 2017. Romania is subject to 11 such investigations, eight of which resulted in recommendations. Illustrative of the situation are 2 investigations related to projects financed through the European fund for regional development. The representatives of a city hall, which was the beneficiary, made an understanding with the company that had drafted the engineering projects for the building of a road, according to which they established restrictive criteria in the documents to be used at the tender. This gave an advantage to a certain company, which actually won the tender, with the rest of the participants in the tender being rejected from the very start of the initial assessment stage. The sides involved forged a large number of documents, including the technical project of the road, OLAF concluded. The prejudice brought to the EU budget stands at 21 million euros.

    President Iohannis travelled to Poland, while Prime Minister Dancila had official talks in Lisbon

    Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis met his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda in Warsaw. The excellent bilateral relations, in particular in the economic and military areas, were highlighted on this occasion. Also, Iohannis and Duda attended the opening of the exhibition “A centenary of the Alliance. Romanian-Polish diplomacy 1918-1939.” The exhibition was organised by the Romanian Cultural Institute in Warsaw in collaboration with the Romanian Embassy and with support from the foreign ministries of the two countries, and forms part of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of modern Romania and the centenary of Polish independence. Also this week, the Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila travelled to Portugal. During talks with President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and her counterpart Antonio Costa, Dancila proposed the creation of a roadmap as an operative working tool and means of stimulating common projects. The talks were aimed at intensifying economic relations and cooperation in the military field, as well as that of cyber security.

    Romania’s and Montenegro’s foreign ministers meet in Bucharest

    Romania views Montenegro as a friend, close partner and important ally in the region, said the foreign minister Teodor Melescanu during a joint press conference with his Montenegrin counterpart Srdan Darmanovic, who travelled to Bucharest on Tuesday. The Romanian foreign minister recalled that for Romania and the region, Montenegro’s accession to NATO, which Romania has constantly supported, contributes to a large extent to the security and stability of the area. The Montenegrin foreign minister was also received by Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, who emphasised that the enlargement policy will feature on the agenda of the Romanian presidency of the EU Council and that during its term, Romania would be an active and constructive partner for the states in the Western Balkans.

    The Sovereign Fund for Investment

    The Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest on Wednesday adopted a bill on the creation of the Sovereign Fund for Development and Investment. The Fund is a financing mechanism meant to identify investment opportunities that can lead to sustainable economic development and the creation of new jobs in the long run. The bill was adopted after the Chamber’s committee on economic policy introduced several amendments providing for an increase in the cash contribution to the equivalent of some 2 billion euros and the expansion of the list of economic operators. The Opposition says it will challenge the bill before the Constitutional Court and that it can undermine the national economy.

  • Report on European funds fraud

    Report on European funds fraud

    The European Anti-Fraud Office known as OLAF announced that in 2017 alone it conducted 197 investigations, which resulted in 309 recommendations and the recuperation of 3 billion Euros that retuned to the EU budget. A common element of the finalized investigations was the existence of a secret understanding between the winner of a tender and either a consultant or the very beneficiary of the funds.

    The conflict of interests was another common element of the investigations, involving politicians and large-scale public procurement projects. According to the European media, three countries in the east of the EU, Romania, Hungary and Poland were allegedly the countries with the most intense anti-fraud investigations. According to the acting Director General of OLAF, British Nicholas Ilet, there is no link between the number of investigations and the level of corruption in a certain country. He says that if there is a substantial investigation, it means that there is a good cooperation between OLAF representatives and a certain country or that OLAF benefits from much information about that country.

    There are 11 investigations targeting the use of European funds in Romania which is the leader in a classification of countries with anti-fraud investigations finalized in 2017. Illustrative of the situation are two investigations related to projects funded through the European fund for regional development. The representatives of a city hall, which was the beneficiary, made an understanding with the representatives of the company that had drafted the technical projects for the building of a road, according to which they established restrictive criteria in the documents to be used at the tender.

    In this way, they created an advantage for a certain company that won the tender, with the rest of the participants in the tender being rejected from the very start of the initial assessment stage. The sides involved forged a lot of documents including the technical project of the road, the OLAF representatives concluded. They calculated the financial loss from the EU budget as standing at 21 million Euros. OLAF recommended the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policies of the European Commission to recuperate the entire amount of money and forwarded judicial recommendations to the National Anti-Corruption Directorate in Bucharest to take legal action against the aforementioned entities.

    In November 2017 the prosecutors of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate indicted several high-ranking politicians for fraud in EU-funded projects, the setting up of a criminal group and abuse of office for personal gains. In order to recuperate the loss, they confiscated the assets and blocked the bank accounts of the people involved in the fraud. In a different, trans-national case, the European Anti-Fraud Office managed to stop an intricate fraud scheme through which community funds worth more than 1.4 million Euros were embezzled. The money was to be used for building emergency response hovercraft prototypes. The investigation revealed irregularities in a research and innovation project that had been won by an Italian-led European consortium with partners from France, Romania and Great Britain.

  • Rapport sur les fraudes avec des fonds européens

    Rapport sur les fraudes avec des fonds européens

    L’Office européen de lutte antifraude, OLAF annonce avoir déroulé en 2017, pas moins de 197 enquêtes qui ont conduit à 309 recommandations et à la récupération de trois milliards d’euros au budget de l’Union européenne. Une des caractéristiques communes des enquêtes menées à biens est l’entente secrète entre celui qui remporte un appel d’offre et un consultant ou bien le bénéficiaire du financement. Le conflit d’intérêts a également occupé une place importante dans les enquêtes menées à bien, impliquant parfois des politiciens et des marchés publics d’envergure. Selon les médias européens, les enquêtes et les investigations les plus complexes se seraient déroulées dans trois pays de l’Est, soit la Roumanie, la Hongrie et la Pologne.

    « Il n’existe pas nécessairement une corrélation entre le nombre des enquêtes et le niveau de corruption dans un certain pays. Si les investigations sont consistantes, cela signifie que nous bénéficions d’une bonne coopération de la part d’un certain pays et que nous disposons d’un volume consistent d’informations sur ce pays », a précisé le directeur général d’OLAF, le britannique Nicholas Ilett. 11 enquêtes visent l’utilisation des fonds européens en Roumanie, pays qui mène d’ailleurs le classement des enquêtes menées à bien en 2017. En témoignent deux enquêtes sur les projets financés par le Fond européen pour le développement régional.

    Par exemple, les représentants d’une municipalité qui bénéficiait d’un projet financé avec des fonds européens avaient mis au point une combine avec les responsables de la compagnie qui avait élaboré le projet technique d’une route afin d’établir des critères restrictives dans l’appel d’offres. Ils ont favorisé donc une certaine entreprise qui a remporté le marché public puisque toutes les autres sociétés inscrites avaient été éliminées dès la phase initiale d’évaluation des offres.

    Les parties impliquées ont falsifié un grand nombre de documents, y compris le projet technique de la route, constate OLAF, qui a estimé que le préjudice financier au budget de l’UE s’élevait rien que dans ce cas école à quelques 21 millions d’euros. L’agence a recommandé au Directorat général en charge des politiques régionales et urbaines de la Commission européenne de récupérer tout le manque à gagner et elle a transmis aussi une série de recommandations judiciaires à la Direction nationale anticorruption de Bucarest, pour qu’elle démarre des actions en justice. En 2017, les procureurs roumains anticorruption ont inculpé plusieurs hauts responsables politiques pour fraude avec des fonds européens, création d’un groupe criminel organisé et abus de fonction pour obtenir des bénéfices personnels.

    Afin d’assurer la récupération des préjudices, ils ont confisqué tout leur patrimoine et bloqué les comptes des personnes en question. Dans un autre cas, cette fois-ci transnational, l’Office antifraude a démantelé un schéma complexe de fraude par le biais duquel des fonds européens de 1,4 millions d’euros ont été détournés. L’argent était destiné initialement à la construction de plusieurs prototypes d’aéroglisseurs, utilisables par les autorités en cas de situations d’urgence. L’enquête a constaté des irrégularités commises dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche et d’innovation remporté par un consortium européen, menée par une entreprise italienne et impliquant des partenaires de France, de Roumanie et du Royaume-Uni.

  • Măsurile de combatere a fraudei

    Măsurile de combatere a fraudei

    Protejarea intereselor financiare ale Uniunii Europene
    este un element-cheie pentru consolidarea și creșterea încrederii cetățenilor
    și asigurarea faptului că banii lor sunt utilizați în mod corespunzător.

    Măsurile de combatere a fraudei luate de către
    Oficiul European de Luptă Antifraudă (OLAF)
    , s-au regăsit în raportul
    anual pe 2016 privind combaterea fraudei, aflat în analiză şi dezbatere, la începutul acestei luni, pe agenda Parlamentului European.

    arată că numărul total de nereguli de natură frauduloasă și nefrauduloasă
    raportate în 2016 a scăzut cu 15 % în comparație cu 2015, iar valoarea lor
    a scăzut cu 8 %.

    Cu toate
    acestea, corupția afectează toate statele membre, în special sub forma crimei
    organizate și, pe lângă efectele negative pe care le are asupra economiei Uniunii
    Europene, aceasta subminează, de asemenea, democrația și statul de drept în
    întreaga Europă.

    consideră că actorii de la nivel european trebuie să fie mai activi la
    nivel internațional pentru a stabili standarde de cooperare bazate preponderent
    pe principiile transparenței, bunei guvernanțe și a schimbului de informații,
    este ideea subliniata şi de eurodeputatul Siegfried Mureşan – vicepreședinte
    al comisiei pentru bugete şi membru în comisia specială privind infracțiunile
    financiare şi evaziunea fiscală: În primul
    rând, de la nivelul Parlamentului European trebuie să ne asigurăm că fondurile
    europene îşi îndeplinesc misiunea – sunt folosite în scopul pentru care ele au
    fost gândite, şi şă prevenim orice măsură de spălare a banilor. Şi Uniunea
    Europeană trebuie să se asigure că nu există nereguli, nu există corupţie, nu
    există spălare de bani. Şi-n al doilea rând, evident, trebuie să prevenim
    spălarea banilor, în general, nu când e vorba de fonduri europene; şi acolo,
    sistemele de impozitare sunt importante, transparenţa este importantă, circularea
    eficientă a informaţiei între autorităţi fiscal din state membre ale Uniunii
    Europene şi din state din vecinătate, încât să ştie, autorităţile fiscale
    dintr-un stat, dacă ai datorii într-un alt stat, dacă ai făcut afaceri în lat
    stat, dacă ţi-ai plătit impozitele acolo…; deci, ca urmare a unor măsuri luate la
    nivel European, am redus mult cheltuielile legate de transferul de bani,
    dintr-un stat membru al Uniunii Europene, în celălalt. În condiţiile în care
    circulaţia banilor între state europene este mai simplă şi mai ieftină, e clar
    că şi controlul şi circulaţia informaţiei cu privire la cine plimbă aceşti
    bani, trebuie întărit.

  • Noi instrumente privind combaterea fraudei în domeniul TVA

    Noi instrumente privind combaterea fraudei în domeniul TVA

    Frauda transfrontalieră
    în domeniul Taxei pe Valoarea Adăugată reprezintă o cauză majoră a pierderii de
    venituri pentru statele membre UE, susţin oficialii Comisiei Europene,
    pierderi, care potrivit unor estimări se ridică la circa 50 de miliarde de
    euro/an, bani care ar trebui să se îndrepte către investiţii publice în
    spitale, şcoli şi drumuri. În plus, rapoarte recente sugerează că mecanismele de
    fraudă în domeniul TVA pot fi utilizate pentru a finanţa organizaţii criminale,
    inclusiv terorismul.

    Comisia Europeană a propus, pe
    30 noiembrie, noi instrumente pentru combaterea fraudei în domeniu şi pentru eliminarea lacunelor care pot conduce la
    fraudă pe scară largă în acest sector. Noile norme ar permite statelor membre să schimbe informaţii importante
    şi să coopereze mai strâns în lupta împotriva acestor activităţi.

    pentru afaceri economice şi financiare, impozitare şi vamă, Pierre Moscovici, a
    dat detalii: În primul rând să întărim puterile a ceea ce numim
    Euro Fisc. Euro Fisc este o reţea de servicii naţionale de anchetă, compuse
    din experţi, care lucrează să găsească cele mai mari fraude transfrontaliere,
    în special a celor axate, din nou, pe vapoare,
    avioane, autoturisme. Vrem să dăm Euro Fisc posibilitatea să se bazeze
    pe schimburi rapide de informaţii, fiabile, ţintite, să coopereze în domeniul
    informaţiilor, să evalueze riscurile. Cei care fraudează, au adesea, trebuie să
    recunoaştem, un avans faţă de noi. Trebuie, deci, să putem reacţiona rapid, mai
    rapid decât astăzi, cu mijloace informatice potrivite, mai ales în
    sectoare-cheie, precum comerţul electronic. Propunem să dăm experţilor Euro
    Fisc posibilitatea de a lucra mai bine împreună şi de a realiza controale
    fiscale comune, altfel spus, de a face echipă atunci când se dovedeşte că
    frauda e de natură transfrontalieră. În al treilea rând propunem să înfiinţăm
    o cooperare operaţională între administraţiile fiscale naţionale, vămi,
    partenerii europeni, ca Europol, OLAF, noul Parchet European.

    cu organismele europene ar permite verificarea încrucişată a informaţiilor
    naţionale cu cazierele judiciare, bazele de date şi alte informaţii deţinute de
    Europol şi de OLAF, pentru a identifica adevăraţii autori ai fraudelor şi
    reţelele lor. Schimbul de informaţii între autorităţile fiscale şi cele vamale
    ar fi îmbunătăţit în continuare pentru anumite proceduri vamale care sunt în
    prezent propice fraudelor în domeniul TVA. Noile propuneri ale Comisiei vor fi transmise
    Parlamentului European pentru consultare şi Consiliului European pentru

    Amintim, că în luna octombrie, CE a propus o reforma profundă a sistemului de
    TVA din UE, cea mai amplă din ultimii 25 de ani. Această restructurare ar
    îmbunătăţi şi ar moderniza sistemul de TVA atât pentru autorităţile publice,
    cât şi pentru întreprinderi. Graţie reformei propuse se estimează că, în cazul
    pierderilor cauzate de fraudele transfrontaliere în domeniul TVA, acestea ar
    putea fi reduse cu 80%.

  • Un nou dosar penal pentru liderul PSD

    Un nou dosar penal pentru liderul PSD

    Preşedintele Camerei Deputaţilor de la Bucureşti, Liviu Dragnea, liderul celui mai puternic partid din binomul PSD — ALDE aflat la putere, trebuie să răspundă în faţa justiţiei pentru un nou dosar penal. Procurorii anticorupţie îl acuză de constituire de grup infracţional, abuz în serviciu şi infracţiuni referitoare la fraudare de fonduri europene, fapte pe care le-ar fi săvârşit la începutul anilor 2000, când era preşedinte al Consiliului Judeţean Teleorman.

    Dosarul, a precizat DNA, s-a constituit pe baza unei sesizări a Oficiului european antifraudă (OLAF) transmise în septembrie 2016, privind suspiciunea săvârşirii mai multor infracţiuni, între care obţinerea nelegală, pe bază de documente false, a unor finanţări din fonduri europene pentru lucrări de reabilitare de drumuri judeţene. Grupul infracţional pe care l-ar fi iniţiat acţionează şi în prezent şi din el au făcut şi fac parte funcţionari ai instituţiilor din administraţia publică şi persoane din mediul de afaceri, mai afirmă DNA. Prejudiciul este estimat la 21 de milioane de euro, iar banii ar trebui recuperaţi, consideră Oficiul European Antifraudă.

    Liderul PSD neagă faptele care i se impută şi spune că se bucură nu doar de susţinerea colegilor din PSD, dar şi de cea a liderului ALDE, Călin Popescu Tăriceanu. Liviu Dragnea: Resping categoric toate acuzaţiile. Ceea ce spun de ani de zile şi anume că nu am legături financiare, patrimoniale cu acea societate comercială, menţin. În rest, o să vedem în perioada următoare pe ce se bazează aceste afirmaţii. Am avut o discuţie astăzi de dimineaţă cu domnul Tăriceanu, m-a sunat după ce am ajuns la Camera Deputaţilor şi mi-a cerut, mi-a zis să rămân în continuare pe poziţie şi să ne continuăm coaliţia. Eu cred că nu este afectată. Sunt afectat eu.”

    Dar şi imaginea Parlamentului, cred PNL şi USR, de opoziţie, care îi cer lui Dragnea să demisioneze din funcţia de preşedinte ale camerei din cauza problemelor pe care le are în justiţie. Pe numele lui mai există un dosar care se judecă la Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie şi în care e acuzat de instigare la abuz în serviciu, într-un caz privind angajari fictive la o instituţie publică din fostul său fief Teleorman.

    Saga penală a liderului social-democrat a început cu celebrul dosar al referendumului din 2012 pentru demiterea preşedintelui de atunci, Traian Băsescu. Liviu Dragnea a fost condamnat, in 2016, la doi ani cu suspendare în acel dosar fiindcă i-a indemnat pe reprezentanţii PSD din teritoriu să scoată ilegal oameni la vot, pentru ca referendumul să fie validat. În pofida eforturilor sale, pe care justiţia le-a calificat ca frauduloase, tentativa de demitere a eşuat din cauza lipsei de cvorum.

    Pe de altă parte, la Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie a avut loc un nou termen în procesul liderului PNL, Ludovic Orban, achitat în primă instanţă de acuzaţia că şi-ar fi folosit influenţa pentru a obţine foloase necuvenite, mai exact 50.000 de euro de la un om de afaceri, ca sprijin pentru campania electorală de la alegerile locale. Au fost audiaţi ca martori patronii a două televiziuni, care au arătat că nu au discutat niciodată cu Orban despre sume de bani pentru finanţarea campaniei electorale.

    Liviu Dragnea nu este, aşadar, singurul lider politic cercetat pentru presupusă coliziunea cu legea. El se distinge, totuşi, prin insistenţa cu care acuză forţe oculte că îi fabrică dosare pentru a lovi în el personal, în partidul pe care îl conduce şi în guvernul pe care îl controlează politic.

  • 22.09.2016


    Sommet – La Roumanie multiplie ses efforts pour relever les défis globaux, tels la pauvreté, les changements climatiques, le terrorisme, les conflits, dans l’esprit de la solidarité internationale et de responsabilité commune. C’est ce qu’a déclaré le premier ministre roumain, Dacian Cioloş, dans son discours prononcé devant l’Assemble générale de l’ ONU, à New York. Il a précisé que la Roumanie exerce actuellement la présidence de la Commission préparatoire de l’Organisation du traité d’interdiction complète des essais nucléaires et que les forces miliaires et policières roumaines participent aux opérations de maintien de la paix. Bucarest continuera de contribuer avec des ressources politiques, diplomatiques, financières et humaines importantes aux efforts visant à maintenir la stabilité régionale et globale, a souligné le chef du gouvernement roumain.Dacian Ciolos doit d’entretenir aujourd’hui avec le secrétaire général de l’Agence onusienne pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture, ainsi qu’avec des hommes d’affaires américains qui investissent en Roumanie. Il a également rencontré des membres de la communauté roumaine de New York. Le premier ministre roumain a discuté, mardi, avec son homologue canadien, Justin Trudeau, de la libéralisation des visas pour les citoyens roumains et a pris part au sommet consacré à la crise migratoire.

    Réfugiés – Au sommet de l’ONU, à New York, consacré à la question des réfugiés, la Roumanie n’a pas pris d’engagements supplémentaires par rapport à la décision européenne relative à leur redistribution, a fait savoir le ministère des Affaires étrangères de Bucarest. Dans un communiqué de presse, il précise que la Roumanie participe à la réponse européenne commune dans ce domaine, par la mise en place des décisions adoptées en 2015 concernant la redistribution interne, ainsi que par la participation sur une base volontaire au processus de répartition externe, respectivement de soutien actif du dialogue avec les Etats d’origine et de transit des migrants, afin de combattre les causes profondes de ce phénomène.

    Avions – Les 6 premiers avions portugais F-16 acquis par la Roumanie devraient arriver le 28 septembre, a fait savoir le ministre de la Défense de Bucarest, Mihnea Motoc, à l’issue de son entrevue avec l’ambassadeur du Portugal à Bucarest, João-Bernardo Weinstein. L’officiel roumain a remercié l’ambassadeur portugais pour la contribution des spécialistes des Forces aériennes du Portugal à la formation des pilotes et du personnel technique roumains qui utiliseront ces appareils de vol. Au total, la Roumanie a acheté 12 avions F-16 portugais modernisés, compatibles avec les modèles d’aéronefs utilisés par les autres Etats membres de l’OTAN. Le contrat d’achat conclu il y a trois ans par l’Armée roumaine s’élève à 630 millions d’euros.

    OLAF – Le président de l’Office européen de lutte anti-fraude (OLAF), Giovanni Kessler, a apprécié les efforts déployés dans ce domaine par les autorités roumaines. Il a précisé que le Département de lutte antifraude de Bucarest est le principal partenaire des Européens et un modèle de réussite de la stratégie mise en place en Roumanie en vue d’une société meilleure, sans corruption. Kessler a rencontré à Albiţa (dans l’est de la Roumanie), les représentants des autorités douanières de Roumanie, d’Ukraine et de République de Moldova. Les discussions ont été ciblées sur la coopération transfrontalière, censée prévenir et combattre le trafic illicite aux frontières extérieures de l’UE.

    Epidémie – La Roumanie est confrontée à une épidémie de rougeole. Selon le ministère de la Santé, trois bébés sont morts et près de 700 ont été touchés par cette maladie, au cours des 8 premiers mois de 2016. L’année dernière, on n’avait enregistré que 7 cas de rougeole et aucun décès. Les autorités sanitaire centrales envisagent de démarrer une campagne d’information de la population sur les bénéfices de la vaccination contre cette maladie.

    Tennis – La joueuse de tennis roumaine Patricia Ţig (135e WTA) s’est qualifiée ce jeudi pour les quarts de finale du tournoi de Séoul, en Corée du Sud, après avoir vaincu la BelgeKirsten Flipkens (58e WTA), sur le score de 6-4, 6-4. Une autre Roumaine, Monica Niculescu (55e au classement WTA) a réussi le même exploit, grâce à sa victoire contre la Slovaque Anna Karolina Schmiedlova ( score 6-2, 6-2). Irina Begu (23e au classement WTA) principale favorite et détentrice du trophée de la compétition de Séoul, a été vaincue dans les huitièmes de finale par la Slovaque Jana Cepelova (102 e WTA).

  • September 22, 2016 UPDATE

    September 22, 2016 UPDATE

    CORRUPTION – Ioana Basescu, the eldest daughter of former Romanian President, Traian Basescu, is subject to legal restrictions, pending trial, being investigated for incitement to abuse of office and money laundering. Also, the former development minister in the Boc cabinet, MP Elena Udrea is subject to legal restrictions in a new case, on financing the electoral campaign for the 2009 presidential election, won by Traian Basescu. Judicial sources say Elena Udrea and Ioana Basescu are also allegedly involved in the file of former state secretary with the Development Ministry, Gheorghe Nastasia. Nastasias lawyer confirmed that the former state secretary is prosecuted by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate for bribe taking.

    UN – Romania steps up efforts to meet global challenges like poverty, climate change, terrorism and conflicts, in the spirit of international solidarity and joint responsibility, the PM of Romania, Dacian Ciolos, said in his address at the UN General Assembly session in New York. He added that at present Romania holds the presidency of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organisation, while Romanian military and police troops take part in peacekeeping missions. Romania will continue to earmark substantial political, diplomatic, financial and human resources to maintaining regional and global stability, the head of the Romanian government also said. On Thursday, PM Ciolos held talks with the Secretary General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation and with American business people who invest in Romania. He also had meetings with members of the Romanian community in New York. On Tuesday, PM Dacian Ciolos discussed with his Canadian counterpart, Justin Trudeau, the prospects for lifting visa requirements for Romanian citizens, and attended the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants.

    MIGRATION – At the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants in New York Romania did not make any relocation commitments in addition to the decision made at EU level, the Romanian Foreign Ministry says in a news release. The Ministry mentions that Romania takes part in the common European effort in this respect, by means of “implementing internal relocation decisions made in 2015 and of voluntarily participating in the foreign relocation process.

    ANTI-FRAUD – The head of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), Giovanni Kessler, hailed in Bucharest the efforts of Romanian authorities to curb fraud. He added that the Anti-Fraud Department in Romania is the Europeans main partner and a success model for Romanias anti-fraud strategy aimed at building a better, corruption-free society. At the Albiţa checkpoint in eastern Romania Kessler had a meeting with officials of customs authorities in Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. The main topic was cross-border cooperation, with a view to preventing and fighting illegal trafficking on the EU external borders.

    DEFENSE – On September 28 Romania will receive the first six F-16 planes from Portugal, the Romanian Defence Minister Mihnea Motoc has announced. He made this statement after a meeting with the ambassador of Portugal to Bucharest, João-Bernardo Weinstein, whom he thanked for the contribution of the Portuguese Air Forces to training the pilots and other personnel who will operate the aircraft. Romania has purchased from Portugal a total of 12 upgraded F-16 planes, compatible with the models used by the other NATO member states. The contract, signed 3 years ago, cost the Romanian Army some 630 million euro.

    MEASLES EPIDEMIC – Romania is currently facing a measles epidemics. According to the Healthcare Ministry, three infants have died and nearly 700 got sick in the first 8 months of the year, as opposed to seven confirmed cases and no deaths last year. The Ministry intends to run an awareness raising campaign regarding the benefits of immunisation.

    REP. OF MOLDOVA – Anti-corruption prosecutors in the Republic of Moldova have taken 15 judges and 3 court enforcement officers, involved in a huge money-laundering scandal. The mass media in Chisinau, quoted by Radio Romania correspondents, say they were reportedly involved in the laundering of a rough 18 billion USD coming from the Russian Federation. If proven guilty, the suspects risk spending 5 to 10 years behind bars. (Translated by D. Vijeu)

  • September 22, 2016

    September 22, 2016

    UN General Assembly – Romania steps up efforts to meet global challenges like poverty, climate change, terrorism and conflicts, in the spirit of international solidarity and joint responsibility, the PM of Romania, Dacian Cioloş, said in his address at the UN General Assembly session in New York. He added that at present Romania holds the presidency of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organisation, while Romanian military and police troops take part in peacekeeping missions. Romania will continue to earmark substantial political, diplomatic, financial and human resources to maintaining regional and global stability, the head of the Romanian government also said. Today, PM Ciolos is having talks with the Secretary General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation and with American business people who invest in Romania. He also had meetings with members of the Romanian community in New York. On Tuesday, PM Dacian Cioloş discussed with his Canadian counterpart, Justin Trudeau, the prospects for lifting visa requirements for Romanian citizens, and attended the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants.

    Anti-fraud – The head of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), Giovanni Kessler, hailed in Bucharest the efforts of Romanian authorities to curb fraud. He added that the Anti-Fraud Department in Romania is the Europeans main partner and a success model for Romanias anti-fraud strategy aimed at building a better, corruption-free society. At the Albiţa checkpoint in eastern Romania Kessler had a meeting with officials of customs authorities in Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. The main topic was cross-border cooperation, with a view to preventing and fighting illegal trafficking on the EU external borders.

    Refugees – At the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants in New York Romania did not make any relocation commitments in addition to the decision made at EU level, the Romanian Foreign Ministry says in a news release. The Ministry mentions that Romania takes part in the common European effort in this respect, by means of “implementing internal relocation decisions made in 2015 and of voluntarily participating in the foreign relocation process.

    Defence – On September 28 Romania will receive the first six F-16 planes from Portugal, the Romanian Defence Minister Mihnea Motoc has announced. He made this statement after a meeting with the ambassador of Portugal to Bucharest, João-Bernardo Weinstein, whom he thanked for the contribution of the Portuguese Air Forces to training the pilots and other personnel who will operate the aircraft. Romania has purchased from Portugal a total of 12 upgraded F-16 planes, compatible with the models used by the other NATO member states. The contract, signed 3 years ago, cost the Romanian Army some 630 million euro.

    Measles – Romania is currently facing a measles epidemics. According to the Healthcare Ministry, three infants have died and nearly 700 got sick in the first 8 months of the year, as opposed to seven confirmed cases and no deaths last year. The Ministry intends to run an awareness raising campaign regarding the benefits of immunisation.

    Charlotte protests – The situation seems to have got out of control in Charlotte, North Carolina, after a young African-American was shot in clashes with the police. Wednesday was the second running day of protests in this American town, where according to CNN a person was shot and a police officer wounded. The Governor of North Carolina declared a state of emergency in Charlotte and sent the National Guard to calm things down. Keith Lamont Scott (43) was shot dead on Tuesday in a parking lot, while police tried to serve a warrant for a different man. According to social media, the man was reading a book when the police officers approached him, but authorities claim he was armed and had refused repeated demands to put the gun down before the police officer, himself an African-American, shot him.

    Corruption investigation – Anti-corruption prosecutors in the Republic of Moldova have taken 15 judges and 3 court enforcement officers, involved in a huge money-laundering scandal. The mass media in Chisinau, quoted by Radio Romania correspondents, say they were reportedly involved in the laundering of a rough 18 billion USD coming from the Russian Federation. If proven guilty, the suspects risk spending 5 to 10 years behind bars.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Nachrichten 31.05.2016

    Nachrichten 31.05.2016

    Bukarest: Die neuesten Erklärungen Russlands seien unrichtig und das NATO-Raketenabwehrsystem im südostrumänischen Deveselu habe nichts mit Russland zu tun, hat Rumäniens Präsident Klaus Iohannis erklärt. Diese Drohungen ohne reale Basis bestätigen nach wie vor, dass die Position Rumäniens in der Konsolidierung der NATO-Sicherheit im Schwarzmeerraum als legtime Reaktion auf die Haltung Moskaus zu verstehen sei und ebenfalls die richtige sei, sagte Klaus Iohannis in seiner Rede bei der Eröffnung des Programms Sicherheit im Schwarzmeeraum”. Am Samstag zeigte sich das Bukarester Au‎ßenministerium seinerseits überrascht über die Aussagen des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin, laut dem Rumänien ins Fadenkreuz seines Landes geraten sei. Putin kritisierte das kürzlich neu ausgeweitete Raketenabwehrsystem der USA in Rumänien, das er als Bedrohung für die Sicherheit Russlands betrachte. Die Erklärungen des russischen Präsidenten könnten ebenfalls als Bedrohung auf die Sicherheit der Region betrachtet werden, bekräftigte anschlie‎ßend das rumänische Au‎ßenministerium.

    Sofia: Der rumänische Premierminister Dacian Cioloş beteiligt sich am Mittwoch im benachbarten Bulgarien an dem Treffen der Staats- und Regierungschefs der Mitgliedsländer des Regionalen Kooperationsrates. Das Treffen findet in Sofia statt, das den Vorsitz des Gremiums innehat. Es hat eine besondere Bedeutung, denn es werden zwei Jahrzehnte seit der Gründung des Regionalen Kooperatiionsrates verzeichnet, an dem sich 12 Länder beteiligen. Haupthemen der Diskussionsagenda sind die Enwicklungen in der Region und die europäische Perspektive der Westbalkanstaaten. Am Rande des Treffens wird der rumänische Premier mit seinem bulgarischen Amtskollegen Boyko Borissov zusammenkommen.

    Bukarest: Rumäniens Präsident Klaus Iohannis hat am Dienstag der Justizministerin Raluca Pruna den Strafantrag von vier ehemaligen Ministern geschickt, die der Bildung einer kriminellen Vereinigung beschuldigt werden. Es handelt sich um die ehemaligen Finanzminiter Mihai Tanasescu, Sebastian Vladescu, Gheorghe Pogea sowie um den ehemaligen Wirtschafts-und Handelsminister Dan Ioan Popescu. Laut der rumänischen Staatsanwaltschaft gebe es deutliche Hinweise auf Amtsmissbrauch, Mitschuld an Steuerhinterziehung und Bildung einer kriminellen Vereinigung. Sie hätten nach Absprache mit einigen Geschäftsleuten eine Eilverordung erlassen, infolge derer 2003 die Haushalt-Schulden des Unternehmens Rompetrol Rafinare in Anleihen des Finanzministeriums umgewandelt wurden. Die Schulden bezifferten sich auf 600 Millionen Dollar.

    Bukarest: Die DNA-Tests bestätigen, dass sich der Eigentümer der Firma Hexi Pharma, Dan Condrea, am 23. Mai in dem Wagen befand, der in der Nähe Bukarests auf einen Baum geprallt ist. Dies kündigte am Dienstag die Gerneralstaatsanwaltschaft an. Condrea stand im Mittelpunkt eines riesigen Skandals über die verdünnten Desinfektionsmitteln in den rumänischen Krankenhäusern. Die Staatsanwälte legten fest, dass die biologischen Beweismittel, die sie von der Karroserie des verunglückten Wagens entnommen haben, mit den von Condrea entnommenen Proben übereinstimmen. Gleichzeitig mit der Ermittlung im Fall seines Todes, setzt die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft die Ermittlungen in der Akte der verdünnten Desinfektionsmitteln fort. Die Generalleiterin der Gesellschaft, Flori Dinu, wird des Betruges und der Beteiligung an der Straftat der Hinderung von Krankheitsbekämpfung beschuldigt. Die Staatsanwälte behaupten, sie hätte das ganze Personal koordiniert, das die Hexi Pharma Produkte gefördert und Verträge mit den Krankenhäusern abgeschlossen hat, obwohl sie wusste, dass die Produkte der auf dem Etikett angegebenen Zusammensetzung nicht entsprechen. Aus kriminalpolizeilichen Quellen, die von der Presse zitiert werden, verlautet, dass Dinu eine 30-jährige Gefängnisstrafe risikiert. Auch gegen Produktionsleiter Mihai Leva wird strafrechtlich ermittelt. Der in den letzen 4 Jahren entstandene Schaden, in denen Hexi Pharma mangelhafte Desinfektionsmittel geliefert hat, wird von den Ermittlern auf über 28 Millionen Lei (umgerechnet knapp über 6 Millionen Euro) geschätzt.

    Bukarest: Rund eine Milliarde Dollar aus EU-Fonds seien im Vorjahr von verschiedenen Personen durch illegale Methoden abgerufen worden, die meisten Betrugsfälle seien in Bulgarien, Rumänien und Ungarn vorgekommen, stellt laut der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters der 2015 Bericht des Europäischen Amtes für Betrugbekämpfung OLAF heraus. Laut dem am Dienstag veröffentlichten Jahresbericht, habe Brüssel 187 Millionen Euro davon vor Gericht eingeklagt. Im Vergleich zu 2014 ging der Anteil um 10% zurück. Das Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung ist zuständig für alle Ma‎ßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Betrug, Korruption und allen anderen rechtswidrigen Handlungen, durch welche die finanziellen Interessen der EU geschädigt werden.

  • May 31, 2016

    May 31, 2016

    Anti-missile shield – The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, says the recent statements made by Moscow are inaccurate, and emphasises that the anti-missile platform in Deveselu does not target Russia. Such ungrounded threats reconfirm that Romanias approach, namely to strengthen NATO security in response to Moscows stance in the Black Sea region, is the right one, Iohannis said in Bucharest today, upon opening the Black Sea Security Programme. On Saturday, the Romanian Foreign Ministry expressed its surprise with the statements of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, who said Romania might be in the sight of Russian rockets because it hosts elements of the American missile defence system. These statements, said the Foreign Ministry, may be read as a threat to regional security.

    Corruption – The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, has today sent to the Justice Minister a request to prosecute four ministers accused of establishing an organised criminal group. They are Mihai Tanasescu, Sebastian Vladescu, Gheorghe Pogea, former finance ministers, and Dan Ioan Popescu, former Economy and Commerce Minister. According to prosecutors, there are indications and data that the four committed offences like abuse of office, aiding embezzlement and establishment of an organised criminal group. They are suspected of having colluded with several business people to promote an emergency ordinance under which the 2003 public budget debts of Rompetrol Rafinare, amounting to more than 600 million USD, were converted into bonds underwritten by the Finance Ministry.

    Justice – The Romanian Justice Minister, Raluca Prună, says the rate of recovering damages in the criminal cases where a final sentence has been passed is only 8%. She also says that recovering the proceeds of crime remains a priority, although for the time being it is a chapter that she describes as “defective. Minister Prună explained that the Justice Ministry, the Ministry for Public Finances and the National Tax Administration Agency (ANAF), with its specialised directorate, are working together to improve the damage recovery rate.

    OLAF – Nearly one billion USD worth of EU funds were paid last year to fraudulent applicants, with the highest frequency of suspected fraud cases reported for Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, reads the 2015 report of the European Anti-Fraud Office released today and quoted by Reuters. Last year, 187 million euro were recovered through judicial proceedings and returned to Brussels, which is 10% less than in 2014. OLAF has the authority to investigate corruption cases, but it cannot take the perpetrators to court.

    NATO – The NATO Parliamentary Assembly Monday called on the Allies, at the end of a three-day session in Tirana, to be prepared to respond to Russias potential threat against one of its members, France-Presse reports. The declaration, signed unanimously by the nearly 250 representatives of the 28 NATO member states, urges the Alliance to provide guarantees to its members, particularly those on the eastern flank, Romania included, that feel their security comes under threat. NATO strengthened its eastern flank further to Russias annexation of Crimea and to its support for the separatists in east Ukraine.

    DiplomacyThe Romanian Foreign Minister, Lazar Comanescu, is taking part today, in Pravetz, near Sofia, in a meeting of the 12 foreign ministers of the South-East European Cooperation Process, at the end of the one-year Bulgarian presidency of the structure. According to the Bulgarian presidency, the participants will discuss the current challenges facing South-Eastern Europe and joint actions for the future development of the region. The meeting takes place one day ahead of the Summit of the South-East European Cooperation Process due on Wednesday in Sofia, where Romania will be represented by PM Dacian Ciolos. In 2016 the initiative, aimed at promoting dialogue and regional cooperation in various fields, celebrates 20 years since its launch at Bulgarias initiative.

    Roland Garros – The Romanian player Simona Halep (seed no. 6) and the Australian Samantha Stosur (seeded 21) are to resume today their game in the eighth-finals of the Roland Garros Grand Slam, which was suspended on Sunday because of the weather. Originally rescheduled for Monday, the game, suspended at 5–3 for Halep, could not be resumed yesterday, because of the rain. In the mens doubles, Florin Mergea of Romania and the Indian Rohan Bopanna Sunday won the match against Brian Baker/Marcus Daniell (US/New Zealand), in the eighth-finals of the same tournament.