Tag: polo

  • Olympic Update

    Olympic Update

    Three Romanian rowing crews on Tuesday qualified to the finals of the Olympic Games in Paris. In lightweight women’s pair defending Olympic champions Ancuţa Bodnar and Simona Radiş won the second semi-finals and secured a nail-biting position in the finals.

    After three quarters of the race Bodnar and Radis were fourth placed, but their finish was extraordinary. Andrei Cornea and Marian Enache qualified to the men’s pair final, having come in 3rd in the first semi-final. The men’s quadruple sculls crew made of Ştefan Berariu, Sergiu Bejan, Andrei Mândrilă and Ciprian Tudosă secured their position in the finals, having come in 2nd in the repechage.

    Also qualifying to the final were women’s coxless quadruple sculls and the coxed eight crews.

    Romania’s women’s gymnastics team came in 7th in the nations’ competition final held on Tuesday. The winner was the team of the United States, followed by Italy and Brazil. For the Romanians, it was the first Olympic final since 2012 when, at the London Olympics, the team stepped onto the third step of the podium. Stepping out of the line in the Romanian team was Ana Barbosu who got 13.933 points in the vault event. Also, Sabrina Voinea got 13.900 points in the floor event and 13.800 points in the beam event.

    Romania’s national water polo team has also lost its second game as part of the Olympics, On Tuesday Romania sustained a 8-14 defeat by the United States. Romania’s scorers were Vlad Georgescu and Silvian Colodrovschi, with three goals each, and Andrei Neamţu and Matei Luţescu. Bogdan Rath’s trainees had a bracing start, leading in the first half, 1-nil, 2-1 and 3-2. Yet the US were quick to level the score. Then a dismal period followed, with Romania receiving seven goals in a row and the scoreboard displaying a 9-3 advantage for the United States, from a meagre 3-2 advantage for Romania. The Americans succeeded to maintain their six-goal advantage to the end, although the game became more balanced. We recall Romania previously sustained a 7-14 defeat by vice-Olympic champions Greece.

  • Les poloïstes roumains se sont qualifiés aux JO de Paris

    Les poloïstes roumains se sont qualifiés aux JO de Paris

    La sélection de Roumanie de water-polo a
    obtenu son ticket pour Paris, après que l’équipe sud-africaine, au sommet du
    classement africain, a déclaré forfait. La sélection roumaine de water-polo a
    terminé les Championnats du monde déroulés en février, à Doha, en dixième
    position. Or, pour obtenir la qualification pour Paris, il aurait fallu se
    situer parmi les 8 premières équipes. Mais, par sa décision, l’Afrique du sud a
    fait un cadeau inespéré à l’équipe roumaine, soit la mieux située dans le
    classement des équipes non qualifiées. Suite au tirage aux sorts pour les JO,
    la Roumanie fera partie du groupe A, tout comme la Croatie, l’Italie, la Grèce,
    les Etats-Unis et le Monténégro. Le water-polo devient donc le seul sport
    d’équipe auquel la Roumanie participera aux JO de Paris, douze ans après sa
    participation aux Jeux olympiques de Londres, de 2012.

    Dans le bassin de Doha, au Qatar, les
    poloïstes roumains se sont inclinés devant les sportifs hongrois, 15 à 8,
    devant l’Italie aussi, 16 à 10 avant de remporter une victoire contre le
    Kazakhstan, 25 à 3. Malheureusement, la Roumanie a perdu aussi le match de
    barrage contre le Monténégro du premier tour de la Coupe du monde et a raté sa
    qualification pour les quarts de finale. La sélection roumaine a réussi à avoir
    raison de la Chine lors d’un match de qualification, mais a perdu face aux
    Etats-Unis. Le sélectionneur Bogdan Rath considère que la participation aux JO
    de Paris n’est pas le fruit de l’hasard. « C’est une qualification très
    importante pour le sport roumain. J’ai déjà dit avant notre départ à Doha que
    la Roumanie avait des chances et voilà qu’elle est arrivée à les mettre à
    profité ».

    A ses dires, suite au tirage au sort du tour
    préliminaire qui a lieu samedi, 17 février, la Roumanie a rejoint un groupe
    d’enfer, puisqu’elle sera censée d’affronter des adversaires redoutables. Des
    propos que le capitaine de l’équipe, le gardien de but, Marius Ţic, a renchéri, tout en affirmant qu’en ce
    moment, la Roumanie devrait tout simplement se réjouir de sa participation aux
    JO, quels que soient les résultats finals. Et lui de préciser que le ticket
    pour Paris représente le moment le plus important de sa carrière et de celle de
    ses coéquipiers. Certains d’entre eux ont fondu en larmes de joie au moment où
    ils ont appris la nouvelle. La Roumanie a terminé 8ème les
    Championnats d’Europe organisés en janvier, en Croatie, après avoir perdu
    devant la Serbie le dernier match de qualification. Dans un premier temps, les
    poloïstes tricolores rouge jaune bleu avaient enchaîné les victoires et
    remporté tous les matchs disputés au sein de leur groupe. Par la suite, ils ont
    perdu dans les huitièmes de finale face à l’Espagne et ils se sont inclinés
    devant le Monténégro lors d’un match de barrage. « Mais, à Paris, il est
    sur et certain que nous pourrions battre les Monténégrins, même si nous ne
    sommes pas si bien notés qu’eux. J’espère que nous pourrions faire belle figure
    en France et surprendre tout le monde » a déclaré le poloïste Tudor Fulea.

  • February 17, 2024 UPDATE

    February 17, 2024 UPDATE

    Navalny – On Friday evening, hundreds of people gathered in Europe and the USA, in front of the Russian embassies, to pay tribute to Alexei Navalny, the number one opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Moscow announced, on the same day, the death of Navalny, at the age of 47, in a penitentiary colony in the Arctic, where he was serving a 19-year prison sentence. In Russia, a human rights organization said that more than 100 people were detained at rallies in memory of the Russian dissident. Most of those arrested are from St. Petersburg, Putin’s hometown. At political level, dignitaries from all over the world, including Romania, expressed their sadness and concern over the death of Alexei Navalny. The international community has lost a brave fighter for freedom and rights, said the Romanian president, Klaus Iohannis, who asked Russia for a transparent and comprehensive investigation. The Romanian Foreign Ministry condemned the repeated violations of international law by the Russian regime and reiterated the importance of observing fundamental human rights and freedoms without delay.


    Elections – The leaders of the governing coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party – PSD and the National Liberal Party – PNL resume, on Sunday, the negotiations regarding the possible merging of the elections that are scheduled this year in Romania. If an agreement is not reached, the elections will be organized on time, said the social-democratic PM Marcel Ciolacu. The liberals insist on holding the elections for the European Parliament together with the ones for the local public administration, on June 9. The arguments put forward are the reduction of expenses and a greater voter turnout. The social democrats demand a clear calendar for the entire electoral year and propose, in addition, to merge the parliamentary elections with the second round of the presidential election. The opposition claims that the discussions on the issue of merging the elections do nothing but distract the attention of Romanians from the real problems of the coalition government.


    Polo – Romania’s national men’s polo team is going to the Olympic Games in Paris, the international specialized federation, World Aquatics, announced on Saturday. Romania ended this month’s World Championships in Doha, Qatar, on 10th position, and only the presence among the top eight would have ensured its qualification to the Olympic Games. South Africa, which was qualified as the best team on its continent, has withdrawn from the Paris Olympics. Thus, Romania, the best-ranked team among the unqualified teams, climbed the Olympic table. Polo is the only team sport with Romanian participation in the Olympics. At the World Cup, the Romanian national team was defeated in the group by Hungary, score 15-8, by Italy score 16-10 and won against Kazakhstan score 25-3. It then lost in the quarter-final playoff 9-12 to Montenegro, and in the qualifying matches it defeated China 9-7 and lost to the USA 13-9. Last month, Romania finished 8th in the European Championships in Croatia.


    BUCHAREST – Romania’s national rugby team was defeated by the Portuguese team, 49-24, on Saturday, in Bucharest, in their last match in Group B of the Rugby Europe Championship, the second continental competition, after the famous Six Nations Tournament. In the first two matches, Romania defeated Poland 20-8 (away from home) and Belgium 33-18 (at home). In the semifinals (March 2-3), Romania will play away from home against Georgia, the winner of Group A, while Portugal will play Spain on home ground.


    Munich – The G7 countries’ foreign ministers discussed on Saturday, under the Italian presidency, the international crises: the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the situation in the Red Sea and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the continuation of the support given by the G7 countries to Kyiv. The meeting is organized as part of the Munich Security Conference (February 16-18). The Romanian Defense Minister, Angel Tîlvăr, is also attending the conference in southern Germany. Romania and Estonia share common values ​​and similar concerns regarding regional security, said Minister Tîlvăr, who met, on the sidelines of the Conference, with his Estonian counterpart, Hanno Pevkur. He also had a meeting with James Mattis, former American Secretary of Defense, an opportunity for the two to reiterate the need to continue bilateral efforts in order to strengthen Euro-Atlantic security and deepen the Romania-US Strategic Partnership. In Munich, on Friday, the Romanian Foreign Minister, Ms. Luminiţa Odobescu, pleaded, in turn, for maintaining the multidimensional international support granted to Ukraine.


    Paris – The Ukrainian and French presidents Volodymyr Zelensky and Emmanuel Macron signed, on Friday evening, a security agreement between their countries, which also provides for the supply of ammunition. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Paris, France will support Ukraine not only to defend itself, but also in the fight against external interference, in the protection of civil infrastructures, in counterintelligence and espionage, in cyber security and in the fight against organized crime. In the press conference held after the signing of the agreement, President Macron stated that the future accession of Ukraine to the European Union and NATO will mean a useful contribution to the peace and security of the continent. For his part, President Zelensky expressed hope that the security agreements signed with France and, earlier on the same day, with Germany, after the one with Great Britain last month, will also give an impetus to the United States to continue providing aid to Ukraine. (LS)

  • February 13, 2024 UPDATE

    February 13, 2024 UPDATE

    VISIT The PM
    of Romania, Marcel Ciolacu, will be on an official visit to Rome on February
    14-15, and will take part in the 3rd joint government meeting of Romania and
    Italy, held 13 years after the previous inter-governmental summit. PM Ciolacu
    will have meetings with the PM of Italy, Georgia Meloni, and will attend a
    meeting of the 2 official delegations and the signing of bilateral documents. His
    agenda also includes talks with the Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, and a
    meeting with the Romanian community in Italy. Italy is one of Romania’s most
    important economic partners, and the Economic Forum focusing on areas such as IT&C,
    energy, the processing industry, infrastructure and the agri-food industry is
    another excellent opportunity to improve our economic cooperation, PM Marcel
    Ciolacu said. Marcel Ciolacu will also be received by His Holiness Pope Francis
    at the Vatican.

    National Bank of Romania Tuesday decided to keep the monetary policy interest
    rate at 7% per year, the institution announced. The central bank will also keep
    the credit facility interest rate at 8% per year and the deposit facility
    interest rate at 6% per year, and also maintain the current levels of the
    compulsory minimum reserve rates for banks’ national and foreign currency
    liabilities. The key interest rate has not been changed since last January, when
    the National Bank decided to raise it from 6.75% to 7% per year. A balanced mix
    of macroeconomic policies and structural reforms, including the use of EU
    funding to encourage the country’s growth potential in the long run, are vital
    to maintaining macroeconomic stability and to strengthening the Romanian
    economy’s capacity to withstand negative developments, the institution said. An
    updated forecast by the central bank reconfirms the prospects of an increase of
    the annual inflation rate in the first months of this year, following the
    increase of existing indirect taxes and the introduction of new ones, and of a
    subsequent downward trend, at a slower pace than in 2023 and than originally

    CYBERSECURITY On Tuesday 4 more hospitals in
    Bucharest and elsewhere in the country were added to the list of 21 public and
    private healthcare units affected since last weekend by a large-scale cyber
    security incident, the National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) announced. A crypto
    currency ransom demand has been received, amounting to approx. EUR 157,000, but
    the attackers only provided an email address, without disclosing the name of
    the group claiming the attack. Both the DNSC and other cyber security
    authorities involved urge the victims not to contact the perpetrators and not
    to pay the ransom. The healthcare minister, Alexandru Rafila, has told Radio
    Romania that some of the hospitals have managed to fix the problems, and the
    authorities will come up with a new technical standard designed to prevent such
    actions. Other public institutions in Romania have been targeted by cyber-attacks
    in the past.

    Tuesday the European Commission officially endorsed a regulation which grants a
    partial exemption for farmers from the rule binding them to keep 4% of their
    arable land fallow. In exchange, they are required to grow nitrogen fixing
    crops such as lentils or peas. The measure comes after large-scale farmer
    protests across the EU, including in Romania. Member States who wish to apply
    the derogation at national level need to notify the Commission within 15 days
    of entry into force of the Regulation so that farmers can be informed as soon
    as possible.

    WRD World Radio Day was celebrated on Tuesday, and this year’s theme
    was A century of information, entertainment and education. To mark this
    celebration, Radio Romania’s stations broadcast interviews with journalists,
    media experts, teachers, public figures and listeners, and their programmes
    featured debates on the future of radio and broadcasts from the European
    Broadcasting Union. The UNESCO declaration on World Radio Day, entitled Radio,
    the Trusted Guide in a Changing World, can be found on the websites of all
    Radio Romania’s stations.

    Romanian athlete Denis Florin Mihai won the bronze in the Greco-Roman style 55
    kilo category of the European Wrestling Championship in Bucharest on Tuesday, after
    defeating Georgia’s Nugzari Tsurtsumia. Mihai ranks 4th in the world
    standings and was the bronze winner in last year’s European Championships. Romania
    takes part in the event in Bucharest with 30 athletes, 10 in each style.

    POLO Romania’s men’s water polo team will play for the 9th
    place at the World Championships in Doha, Qatar, after defeating China 9-7 on Tuesday. In
    the match for the 9th and 10th places, scheduled on
    February 15, Romania takes on the USA. Romania finished 8th last
    month in the European Championships held in Croatia, and the team’s best performance
    to date at a World Championship is a 5th place in 1975. (AMP)

  • February 9, 2024 UPDATE

    February 9, 2024 UPDATE

    FARMERS The government of Romania has approved a support package for
    farmers, including loans with lower interest rates and electricity subsidies.
    On the other hand, the European Commission Friday approved a EUR 241 mln aid
    scheme, requested by Romania to support farmers in the context of Russia’s war
    against Ukraine. The aid will be provided as direct grants not exceeding EUR
    280,000 per beneficiary. Romania also benefits from EUR 34 mln from the EU’s Solidarity
    Fund, in support for the damages suffered as a result of the drought of 2022.
    The money was already transferred in December of last year, and Romania has one
    and a half years to implement the scheme.

    ELECTIONS Merging European Parliament elections and local elections
    on June 9 is on the agenda of the ruling coalition in Bucharest. According to
    some political sources, the Social Democrats also proposed combining the
    elections for the national Parliament with the first or second round of the
    presidential elections, which would complement the first scenario. The opposition
    is firmly against these initiatives. Save Romania Union has announced it has
    started proceedings to ask the Venice Commission for a point of view on merging
    European Parliament and local elections less than six months before the
    election date. This year all four types of elections are scheduled in Romania -
    parliamentary, European, local and presidential.

    EXPORTS Romania’s
    exports last year exceeded EUR 93 bln, 1.3% more than in 2022, according to the
    National Statistics Institute. Imports on the other hand reached EUR 122 bln, 3.2%
    below 2022. The trade balance deficit amounted to roughly EUR 29 bln, more than
    EUR 5.1 bln less than in 2022. The automotive industry and transport equipment
    sector accounted for important shares in the structure of both imports and

    WASTE Romania is the country generating the smallest amount of waste
    in the EU, the Eurostat announced. According to data released by the EU
    statistics office, 513kg of municipal waste were generated in average by each
    EU inhabitant in 2022, which is 19kg less than in the previous year. The
    largest amounts are generated in Austria (827kg per capita), followed by
    Denmark and Luxemburg (over 700kg). At the opposite pole, Romania generates 300kg
    per capita. Although it generates the smallest amounts of municipal waste,
    Romania also recycles the least in the EU-around 36kg out of the 300kg per capita,
    as against the EU average of 249kg per capita. Malta, Greece and Cyprus also
    recycle less than 100kg per capita, as compared to Austria, where the average
    is 510kg per capita.

    UKRAINE President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has appointed General
    Oleksandr Syrskyi as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,
    replacing General Valery Zaluzhny. Ukraine’s head of state said it was time for
    changes, and explained that the dismissed general should remain in his team.
    After the failure of the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the summer, Zaluzhny
    warned that the war had reached a stalemate, turning into a war of attrition,
    and that in order to win his country needed technologically superior weapons to
    the Russian ones and more troops. International media note that Valery Zaluzhny
    is more popular among Ukrainians than Zelensky. In another move, the Russian
    president, Vladimir Putin, has threatened the United States with a global war, which
    would bring the whole of humanity to the brink of extinction, if
    Washington sends troops to Ukraine. In an interview to the controversial
    American journalist Tucker Carlson, Putin claimed Russia will fight to
    the end to defend its interests.

    POLO Romania’s national water polo team was defeated by Italy, 16-10,
    in its last match in Group D of the World Championship in Doha, Qatar. In the
    first two matches, the Romanians lost to Hungary and outclassed Kazakhstan
    25-3. Romania ranks third in the group, after Hungary and Italy. Group winners move
    straight into the quarter-finals, while the second and third-ranking teams are
    in for a play-off for the quarters. Last month, Romania finished in the 8th
    place at the European Championship in Croatia. (AMP)

  • Sports flash

    Romanias national water polo team on Wednesday grabbed a 25-3 win against Kazakhstan, in a confrontation counting towards the World Swimming Championship in Qatar. Having been defeated by Hungary in their debut game, 8-15, as part of Group D, the Romanian national team has only one pending game, this coming Fridays match against Italy. The Romanians have already booked the 3rd place according to the group table, also securing their participation to the quarterfinals play-offs. Group winners play straight in the quarterfinals, 2nd and 3rd-placed teams compete in the quarterfinals play-offs, while bottom of the table teams play for the 13-16 positions.

    Romanian tennis player Sorana Cîrstea has advanced to the quarterfinals as part of the WTA 500 tournament in Abu Dhabi, an event with 922, 573 USD in prize money. In the tournaments round of 16 this past Wednesday, Cirstea defeated Greek challenger Maria Sakkari, 6-1, 6-1. Sorana has thus secured 24,910 USD and was granted 108 WTA points. In the quarterfinals, Cirstea goes against Russian opponent Daria Kasatkina.

    In news from mens tennis, The Romanian-Austrian pair made of Victor Vlad Cornea and Philipp Oswald has advanced to the mens doubles quarterfinals as part of the ATP 25O tournament hosted by Cordoba, in Argentina, an event with 562, 345 USD in prize money. This past Wednesday, Cornea and Oswald secured a 7-6, 7-5 win against the all-Argentinean pair made of Guido Andreozzi and Guillermo Duran.

    Romanian mens basketball team U-BT Cluj Napoca have advanced to the EuroCups quarterfinals. With 26 points, U-BT Cluj Napoca are 2nd placed according to Group Bs final rankings. French team Bourg-en-Bresse are at the top of the table, while 3rd-placed are Spanish team Gran Canaria, the winner of the EuroCup in 2023. In the last fixture as part of the group stage, U-BT Cluj Napoca sustained an 87-92 defeat by Lithuanian opponents Panevezys Lietkabelis.

    In news from womens handball, Rapid Bucharest have won the Womens National Handball Leagues derby as on Wednesday, Rapid grabbed a 30-28 win against CSM Bucharest. For the latter team, it was the first defeat in the ongoing edition of the domestic championship. Rapids most efficient scorer was the French Orlane Kanor, with 7 goals scored, while for CSM Cristina Neagu scored 6 goals. CSM Bucharest are still at the top of the as-it-stands table, being 6 points clear of runner up team Rapid and 3rd-placed Gloria Bistrita.

  • 07.02.2024 (mise à jour)

    07.02.2024 (mise à jour)

    Iohannis – « L’unité de l’Union européenne est mise
    à l’épreuve » – a déclaré le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, dans le
    discours qu’il a prononcé ce mercredi depuis la tribune du Parlement européen,
    dans le cadre du débat « C’est l’Europe ». Selon le chef de l’Etat,
    l’instabilité a atteint des niveaux inquiétants dans l’UE. « L’Union
    européenne doit rendre plus efficace sa capacité de prendre des décisions et la
    Roumanie est pleinement engagée dans cet exercice » – a précisé le
    président roumain. Au sujet de la guerre
    en Ukraine, Klaus Iohannis a dit que les Européens devraient être aux côtés de
    ce pays et de son peuple. Pour ce qui est de l’Espace Schengen de libre
    circulation européenne, l’élimination en ce mois de mars des contrôles aux
    frontières aériennes et maritimes devrait être suivie par l’élimination des
    contrôles aux frontières terrestres de la Roumanie. Et ce fut aussi de l’accès
    à Schengen que le président roumain a parlé à la présidente du Parlement
    européen, Roberta Metsola. L’adhésion complète de la Roumanie à l’espace
    Schengen, au plus vite, renforcera considérablement l’Union et la sécurité de
    l’Union et facilitera la cohésion et la coopération entre nous tous, a déclaré
    le président roumain. L’Europe sera plus forte lorsque la Roumanie sera membre
    de la zone euro et lorsqu’elle occupera la place qu’elle mérite dans l’espace
    Schengen, a déclare Mme Metsola, qui a également exhorté les Roumains à voter
    dans le cadre des élections européennes du mois de juin.

    Ouvriers – Le droit de séjour temporaire des travailleurs étrangers en Roumanie peut être prolongé jusqu’à deux ans et respectivement jusqu’à trois ans dans le cas des travailleurs à haute qualification, aux termes des nouvelles règles adoptées ce mercredi par le Parlement de Bucarest. Le document prévoit aussi que les demandeurs de carte bleue de l’Union européenne devraient produire un contrat de travail valable ou une offre ferme d’embauche pour une période d’au moins 6 mois, des documents qui leur attestent les qualifications professionnelles, des documents de voyage valables et un visa si nécessaire ainsi que la preuve d’avoir demandé une assurance maladie, au cas où celle-ci n’est pas prévue dans le contrat. Aux termes de la loi, l’Inspection générale des immigrations aura le droit de vérifier la légalité des contrats et des conditions de travail. L’acte normatif transpose dans la législation roumaine plusieurs normes européennes concernant les personnes extracommunautaires.

    Fermiers – La présidente de la Commission européenne Ursula von der Leyen a annoncé ce mardi son intention de proposer le retrait d’un projet de loi visant à réduire de moitié l’usage des pesticides dans l’Union européenne. Cette mesure semble être une concession faite aux fermiers qui protestent à travers l’Europe. Par ailleurs, la Commission européenne a proposé la semaine dernière une dérogation partielle aux obligations de jachères imposées par la Politique agricole commune (PAC), parallèlement à une limitation des importations ukrainiennes.

    Moldavie – La République de Moldova se fait une priorité de la poursuite et du renforcement des relations stratégiques avec la Roumanie voisine, a affirmé le nouveau chef de la diplomatie moldave, Mihai Popsoi, en visite à Bucarest. Il a rencontré son homologue de Bucarest, Luminita Odobescu et le premier ministre, Marcel Ciolacu, qui a souligné l’intérêt des deux pays de mettre en place des projets communs. La Roumanie continuera à soutenir la République de Moldova dans ses efforts d’intégrer l’UE, a encore ajouté le chef du gouvernement roumain.

    Chantiers navals – Les chantiers navals roumains de Damen ont été chargés par la marine portugaise de construire un navire polyvalent embarquant des drones, qui pourra effectuer un large éventail de missions. Proche en apparence d’un porte-hélicoptères amphibie (PHA) mais d’un gabarit inférieur avec une longueur de 107 mètres, ce navire sera capable de remplir des missions variées. Outre sa vocation militaire, il pourra ainsi servir à la recherche océanique ou à des opérations de recherche et de sauvetage. Le projet a été remporté par les chantiers navals de Damen suite à un appel d’offre européen. Il est financé par l’intermédiaire du PNRR.

    Polo – En polo, la sélection nationale de Roumanie a disposé du Kazakhstan sur le score de 25 à 3, mercredi dans le Groupe D de la Coupe du monde de polo messieurs à Doha au Qatar. Auparavant, la Roumanie avait été battue par la Hongrie sur le score de 8 à 15. Le groupe inclut aussi l’Italie. Les équipes qui remportent les groupes se qualifient directement aux quarts de finale, alors que les équipes en deuxième et troisième position jouent le barrage pour les quarts de finale. Enfin, les dernières équipes du groupe sont en course pour les 13e à 16e places.

    Tennis – Qualification spectaculaire de la joueuse roumaine de tennis, Sorana Cîrstea, dans les quarts de finale du tournoi WTA 500 à Abu Dhabi (aux Emirats Arabes Unis). Elle s’est imposée mercredi face à Maria Sakkari de Grèce 6-2, 6-1. C’est la deuxième victoire de l’année pour Cîrstea (33 ans, 26e WTA) qui affrontera dans les quarts de finale Daria Kasatkina (26 ans, 14e WTA).

  • Info Sport

    Info Sport

    În competiţia masculină de baschet EuroCup, formaţia română U-BT Cluj-Napoca a reuşit miercuri o victorie istorică în faţa echipei spaniole Dreamland Gran Canaria, în deplasare, cu scorul de 113-111, după prelungiri. Echipa română s-a impus dramatic în faţa formaţiei câştigătoare a ediţiei de anul trecut a competiţiei, graţie unui coş marcat de Emanuel Căţe în penultima secundă a prelungirilor. Jocul a fost marcat de multe răsturnări de scor, clujenii fiind conduşi la un moment dat la o diferenţă de 19 puncte. Cu victoria din Insulele Canare, campioana României a urcat pe locul al doilea în Grupa B şi va juca ultimul meci al fazei grupelor pe 7 februarie, în deplasare la echipa lituaniană Lietkabelis Panevezys. Dacă va câştiga, U-BT se va califica direct în sferturile de finală ale competiţiei.

    Jucătoarea română de tenis Jaqueline Cristian a fost învinsă de britanica Jodie Burrage cu 6-3, 7-6, miercuri, în optimile de finală ale turneului WTA 500 de la Linz, dotat cu premii totale de 802.237 de euro. Cristian, numărul 89 mondial, jucătoare care, săptămâna viitoare, va evolua la turneul WTA 250 Transylvania Open de la Cluj, s-a ales cu un cec de 11.823 de euro şi 73 de puncte WTA.

    Trecem la handbal. George Buricea este noul antrenor al echipei naţionale masculine a României, după ce l-a înlocuit pe spaniolul Xavier Pascual. El va avea drept prim obiectiv calificarea echipei la Campionatul Mondial din 2025, care se va decide după o dublă de baraj cu Naţionala Cehiei, în luna mai. Noul tehnician al Naţionalei va continua să antreneze în paralel şi echipa de club CSM Constanţa.

    Vineri încep, la Doha, în Qatar, Campionatele Mondiale de nataţie. România va fi reprezentată de echipa masculină de polo, de cinci înotători şi trei săritori în apă. Cu cele mai mari şanse la medalii vor concura Constantin Popovici, campion mondial en titre la sărituri de la mare înălţime, şi Cătălin Preda, vicecampionul mondial. Din probele de înot va lipsi recordmanul mondial al probei de 100 de metri liber, David Popovici.

    Vor concura Vlad Stancu, Robert Badea, Patrick Dinu, Denis Popescu şi Andrei Anghel. Vlad Stancu a obţinut deja calificarea la Jocurile Olimpice de la Paris în probele de 800 şi 1.500 de metri liber. Reprezentativa de polo se poate califica la întrecerea olimpică dacă se clasează între primele opt echipe ale competiţiei.

  • January 16, 2024 UPDATE

    January 16, 2024 UPDATE

    Protests – Further talks took place on Tuesday afternoon at the headquarters of the Romanian Transport Ministry, attended by the representatives of the main professional associations, but not of those who are protesting across the country. Employers say that they reached a consensus with minister Sorin Grindeanu and a protocol with very clear deadlines was signed, which benefits the transport of people and goods, even for those who are protesting. The president of the COTAR confederation, Vasile Ştefănescu, says that immediate measures have been established to streamline traffic in customs points, and in relation to the legislative changes that he considers necessary, including the elimination of unfair competition and unauthorized activities, the setting-up of working groups has been agreed. Discussions were also held with the professional associations at the Agriculture Ministry. The authorities promised a constant dialogue with the farmers representatives and to make decisions following consultations within working groups. Minister Florin Barbu says that at this moment the claims presented by farmers have all been solved.

    Schengen – Romania and Bulgaria have made considerable efforts to meet the criteria for Schengen accession – says the Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, whose country currently holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. He is convinced that the partial accession of the two countries with maritime and air borders, as of March 1, is a first step and a good sign. De Croo made the statements in Strasbourg, where he went on Tuesday to present his countrys priorities to the members of the European Parliament. 2024 will be a crucial year, because much is at stake for Europe; the stake is very high for the West, it will be a year in which our democracies and freedoms will be put to the test – says the Belgian Prime Minister, referring to the elections for the European Parliament, as well as the presidential election in the US.

    Videoconference – The Romanian Defense Minister, Angel Tîlvăr, had a video conference call with his counterpart from neighboring Ukraine, Rustem Umerov, on Tuesday. According to a Romanian Foreign Ministry communiqué, the two ministers discussed the evolution of the Russian Federations war of aggression against Ukraine, almost two years after the start of the conflict. “I told Minister Umerov that Romania condemns in the harshest terms the Russian aggression, the attacks on the Ukrainian population and civil infrastructure, actions that have intensified in recent weeks, and I assured him that Romania continues to support Ukraine, alongside allies and partners” said the defense minister Tîlvăr. The two officials also discussed concrete measures to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the field of defense, with emphasis on the importance of training Romanian and Ukrainian pilots at the European F-16 Training Center in Romania.

    Polo – Romanias mens polo team finished 8th in the European Championship in Croatia, after being defeated by Serbia 18-7 in the last match on Tuesday. Romania had won all matches in Group D, 12-8 against the Netherlands, 13-5 against Slovenia and 8-7 against Slovakia, and in the play-off it defeated Georgia 18-11. In the round of 16, the Romanians were outclassed by Spain 7-24, and in the first match for the 5th to 8th places they lost to Montenegro 11-18. At the last edition of the championship final, from 2022, Romania ranked 10th. The best European ranking was 4th place, in 1993 and 2006. Next the Romanian national team will participate in the World Championship in Doha, in Qatar, where it will play in group D, against Hungary (on February 5), Kazakhstan (on February 7) and Italy (on February 9).

    Gaza – Israeli army tanks have returned to the north of the Gaza Strip, from where they left last week – residents of the area told international media on Tuesday. Violent explosions were reported there, after two weeks of relative calm. At the time, Israel had announced the withdrawal of its forces from the north as part of a transition to smaller, targeted operations against the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas. The army claims that, overnight, it killed dozens of Hamas fighters in the clashes in Beit Lahiya, also in the north of Gaza Strip. The health authorities in Gaza say, in turn, that in the last 24 hours, Israeli bombings have killed 158 people in the enclave, raising the death toll of the war to 24,285 people. (LS)

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    Romania’s men’s water polo team has qualified
    to the quarterfinals as part of the European Championship in Croatia. On Thursday
    in Zagreb, in the quarterfinal’s playoffs Romania outclassed Georgia, 18 to 11. The team’s
    top scorer was Vlad Georgescu, with five goals. Silvian Colodrovschi scored four goals while Andrei
    Neamţu, three. Gaining accession among the championship’s first eight teams
    also meant the direct qualification, for Romania, to the World Championship scheduled
    in February in Dubai. Romanian also secured its ticket for the Olympic Games in
    Paris, this coming summer.

    The European Men’s Handball Championship is
    underway in Germany. In Group B on Friday, Romania faces Austria. On Sunday, Romania
    takes on Spain, while on Tuesday, our national team plays Croatia. Following a
    28-year gap, Romania has returned to the European championship. In 1996, when
    Spain was the host country of the European championship, Romania was 9th-placed.

    In women’s handball, matches are scheduled, counting
    towards the European Cups. In the Champions League, Rapid and CSM play their
    games this coming Sunday. In Group B, Rapid plays a home fixture against French
    opponents Metz. Romanian vice-champions Rapid are 7th-placed according
    to Group B tables, with 7 points. Metz are second-placed with 14. In group A, CSM Bucharest play an
    away fixture against another French team, Brest Bretagne. At present, holders CSM
    are 3rd-placed, with 11 points, while Brest Bretagne are 5th-placed,
    with 9 points on their record sheet.

    Three Romanian teams play in the EHF European
    League. In Group B on Saturday, Dunărea Brăila play an away fixture against German
    opponents Thuringer. Germania, cu Thüringer. Also on Saturday, Gloria Bistriţa plays
    an away Group C game against Bensheim / Auerbach, also in Germany. In Group D on
    Sunday, CSM Târgu-Jiu plays a home match against Spanish team Costa del Sol, of

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    Echipa masculină de polo pe apă a României s-a
    calificat în sferturile de finală ale Campionatului European din Croaţia. Joi,
    la Zagreb, în barajul pentru sferturi, tricolorii au trecut cu 18 la 11 de
    Georgia. Cele mai multe goluri ale echipei române, cinci, au fost înscrise de Vlad
    Georgescu. S-au mai remarcat Silvian Colodrovschi, cu patru reuşite, şi Andrei
    Neamţu, cu trei. Intrarea între primele opt echipe ale competiţiei le aduce şi calificarea directă la Mondialele programate
    în februarie, în Dubai, deci şi şansa de a ajunge la Jocurile Olimpice din
    vară, de la Paris.

    În Germania se desfăşoară întrecerile
    Campionatului European de handbal masculin. În Grupa B, vineri, România -
    Austria. Urmează, duminică, jocul cu Spania, apoi, marţi, cel împotriva
    Croaţiei. România revine la Europene după o absenţă de 28 de ani. La ultima
    participare, în 1996, când competiţia s-a desfăşurat în Spania, tricolorii au
    ocupat locul 9.

    În handbalul feminin au loc jocuri contând pentru
    Cupele Europene. În Liga Campionilor, ambele echipe române joacă duminică. În
    Grupa B, Rapid primeşte, la Bucureşti, vizita echipei franceze Metz. În
    clasament, vicecampioana română ocupă locul 7, penultimul, cu 7 puncte. Metz se
    află pe locul secund, cu 14 puncte. În Grupa A, CSM Bucureşti joacă tot cu o
    echipă franceză, Brest Bretagne, dar în deplasare. În acest moment, campioana
    României ocupă locul 3, cu 11 puncte, iar Brest, locul 5, la două puncte în
    urma echipei române.

    În EHF European League evoluează trei echipe care
    reprezintă România. Sâmbătă, în Grupa B, Dunărea Brăila va juca în Germania, cu
    Thüringer. Tot sâmbătă, şi tot în Germania, Gloria Bistriţa se va confrunta cu
    Bensheim / Auerbach, în Grupa C. Duminică, CSM Târgu-Jiu va juca, pe teren
    propriu, cu echipa spaniolă Costa del Sol, din Malaga, în Grupa D.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Echipa masculină de polo pe apă a României a obţinut cea de-a doua sa
    victorie la Campionatul European din Croaţia. Tricolorii au trecut, duminică,
    la Dubrovnik, de Slovenia, cu 13 la 5, după ce, în primul joc, câştigaseră cu
    12 la 8 în faţa echipei Ţărilor de Jos. România ocupă primul loc în clasamentul
    grupei D, cu 6 puncte, urmată de Slovacia şi Ţările de Jos, ambele cu câte trei
    puncte. În ultimul joc din grupă, românii vor întâlni, marţi, echipa Slovaciei.
    Primele două clasate se califică în play-off-ul pentru sferturile de finală.

    În weekend au avut loc jocuri în Cupele Europene la handbal feminin. În
    Liga Campionilor, sâmbătă, Rapid Bucureşti a pierdut, în Slovenia, la Krim
    Ljubljana, cu 24 la 25. În grupa B, Rapid ocupă locul 7, penultimul, cu 7
    puncte. În grupa A, duminică, CSM Bucureşti a trecut, acasă, cu 44 la 26, de
    echipa muntenegreană Buducnost Podgorica. Campioana României ocupă locul 3 în
    clasamentul grupei.

    În EHF European League, a doua competiţie continentală a handbalului
    feminin, au evoluat, în weekend, trei echipe din România. Sâmbătă, în grupa C,
    Gloria Bistriţa a dispus, acasă, de formaţia poloneză Lublin, cu 26 la 23. În
    grupa D, CSM Târgu Jiu a fost învinsă în deplasare de echipa maghiară
    Mosonmagyaróvár cu scorul de 33 la 27. Duminică, la Buzău, în grupa B, Dunărea
    Brăila a câştigat cu 27 la 21 în faţa echipei franceze Chambray Touraine.

    Tot din handbal, să notăm ca saptămâna aceasta debutează, în Germania,
    Campionatul European masculin, la care România s-a calificat după o pauză
    de 28 de ani. La ultima prezenţă la
    Europene, în 1996, când competiţia s-a desfăşurat în Spania, România a ocupat
    locul 9, după ce a câştigat doar două partide, cu Danemarca şi Ungaria. Acum,
    în Germania, handbaliştii tricolori vor evolua în Grupa B, alături de Spania,
    Austria şi Croaţia. Primul joc al României este programat vineri, la Mannheim,
    cu Austria.

    Încheiem cu tenis. Jucătoarele române din calificările pentru Openul
    Australiei, primul mare turneu de Mare Şlem al anului, şi-au aflat primele
    adversare. Conform tragerii la sorți, Irina Bara va juca în primul tur al
    calificărilor cu Yuliya Hatouka, din Belarus. Miriam Bulgaru va lupta cu Ye-Xin
    Ma, din China, iar Andreea Mitu o va înfrunta pe Talia Gibson, din Australia.
    Pe tabloul principal au fost acceptate direct Sorana Cîrstea, Ana Bogdan şi
    Jaqueline Cristian.

  • Weekend sportiv

    În ultima zi a turneului internaţional de polo pe apă de la Budapesta,
    Naţionala masculină a României a fost învinsă de Germania cu scorul de 12-10,
    după loviturile de departajare. România a pierdut anterior şi celelalte trei
    meciuri jucate în capitala maghiară, respectiv cu Serbia, Ungaria şi Spania.
    Aceasta a fost ultima etapă a pregătirii echipei naţionale înaintea
    Campionatului European, programat în perioada 4 – 16 ianuarie, în Croaţia, la
    Dubrovnik şi Zagreb. România se află în Grupa D, alături de Slovacia, Olanda şi

    Trecem la volei. În Liga Campionilor, Grupa E, echipa masculină Arcada
    Galaţi a fost învinsă în deplasare de formaţia belgiană Greenyard Maaseik, cu
    scorul de 3-1. În celălalt meci al grupei, echipa italiană Civitanova a dispus
    de gruiparea cehă Lvi Praga cu 3-0. Primul loc în grupă este ocupat de
    Civitanova, cu patru victorii. Urmează Greenyard Maaseik, cu două partide
    câştigate, apoi Lvi Praga şi Arcada, cu câte o victorie. Pe 9 ianuarie, în
    penultima etapă, campioana României va juca la Galaţi, cu Civitanova, iar pe 11
    ianuarie, Lvi Praga întâlneşte, acasă, formaţia Greenyard Masseik.

    La sfârşitul acestei săptămâni începe vacanţa de iarnă în Superliga română
    de fotbal. Vineri – ultimele două jocuri ale etapei cu numărul 21: Oţelul
    Galaţi cu FC Botoşani şi Dinamo Bucureşti cu FC Voluntari. Etapa a început
    marţi când, la Craiova, FC U
    1948 a trecut de Petrolul Ploieşti cu 2-0, iar la Iaşi, FCSB a dispus, cu 3-1,
    de Poli. Miercuri, ambele jocuri disputate s-au încheiat la egalitate: UTA Arad
    cu Universitatea Craiova – 2 la 2 şi Farul Constanţa cu Rapid Bucureşti – 0 la
    0. Joi, la Sibiu, Hermannstadt şi Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe au terminat nedecis, 1
    la 1, apoi, în derby-ul Clujului, CFR a trecut cu 4-0 de Universitatea. În
    clasament, pe primul loc se află FCSB, cu 44 de puncte. Urmează CFR Cluj, cu
    36, şi Universitatea Craiova, cu 34. Campionatul Superligii se va relua pe 19

  • Info Sport

    Echipa feminină de baschet Sepsi
    Sfântu Gheorghe a obţinut, miercuri, a doua şi cea mai clară victorie a sa în
    Euroligă. Campioana României a învins cu 88-58 formaţia poloneză Lublin, pe
    teren propriu, în Grupa A a competiţiei. Sportiva americană Morgan Green a fost
    cea mai bună jucătoare a echipei din Covasna, cu 19 puncte, 5 recuperări şi 9
    pase decisive. Sepsi a părăsit astfel ultima poziţie a clasamentului grupei,
    urcând pe locul 7. Următorul meci din Euroligă al echipei din Sfântu Gheorghe
    este programat pe 10 ianuarie, tot acasă, cu Valencia Basket Club.

    La masculin, în Eurocup, Grupa B,
    U-BT Cluj-Napoca a fost învinsă de echipa franceză Bourg-en-Bresse cu scorul de
    98-89. Cu opt victorii până acum, ardelenii ocupă locul 3 între cele 10
    formaţii din grupă, după Dreamland Gran Canaria şi Bourg-en Bresse, care au
    câte 10 jocuri câştigate. U-BT va mai juca un meci în acest an, pe 27
    decembrie, în deplasare, cu Buducnost Podgorica.

    La Budapesta are loc un turneu internaţional de polo pe apă. Miercuri, Naţionala
    masculină a României a fost învinsă de echipa Spaniei cu scorul de 15-7. Tricolorii
    au suferit astfel al treilea eşec consecutiv, după 5 la 15 cu Serbia şi 8 la 15
    cu Ungaria.

    În Superliga română de fotbal au fost programate, săptămâna aceasta,
    jocurile etapei cu numărul 21, ultima din acest an. Marţi, la Craiova, FC U
    1948 a trecut de Petrolul Ploieşti cu 2-0, iar la Iaşi, FCSB a dispus, cu 3-1,
    de Poli. Miercuri, ambele jocuri disputate s-au încheiat la egalitate: UTA Arad
    cu Universitatea Craiova 2 la 2 şi Farul Constanţa cu Rapid Bucureşti 0 la 0.
    Joi, alte două partide: Hermannstadt cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe şi derby-ul
    Clujului, dintre CFR şi Universitatea. Ultimele două meciuri, vineri: Oţelul
    Galaţi cu FC Botoşani şi Dinamo Bucureşti cu FC Voluntari. În clasament, pe
    primul loc se află FCSB, cu 44 de puncte. Urmează Universitatea Craiova, cu 34.
    Campionatul Superligii se va relua pe 19 ianuarie.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    La Cracovia s-au
    încheiat, duminică, Jocurile Europene. România a obţinut, în total, 17 medalii,
    dintre care 6 de aur, 6 de argint şi 5 de bronz. Au fost medaliaţi cu aur Vlad
    Dascălu la mountain bike, atleta Claudia Bobocea la 1.500 de metri, apoi, în
    concursurile individuale de teqball, Kinga Barabasi la feminin şi Apor
    Gyorgydeak la masculin, iar la tenis de masă, Bernadette Szőcs, la simplu
    feminin, şi selecţionata feminină în concursul echipelor.

    Echipa masculină
    de polo pe apă a României s-a clasat pe locul 6 la Cupa Mondială de la Los
    Angeles. În jocurile pentru locurile 5-8, tricolorii au trecut întâi cu 17 – 14
    de Serbia, campioana olimpică, apoi au pierdut cu 8 la 11 în faţa Greciei. Vă
    amintim că echipa României a mai reuşit o performanţă de valoare cu doar o
    săptămână în urmă, calificându-se la turneul final al Campionatului European
    din 2024.

    Trecem la tenis. Monica Niculescu şi Eri Hozumi au pierdut finala de dublu
    a turneului WTA 250 de la Bad Homburg, dotat cu premii de 260 de mii de dolari.
    Perechea româno-japoneză a fost învinsă de cuplul format din bielorusa Lidia
    Morozova şi brazilianca Ingrid Gamarra Martins cu 6-0, 7-6. Pentru performanţa
    din Germania, Niculescu şi Hozumi s-au ales cu un cec de 6.090 de dolari şi cu
    180 de puncte WTA la dublu.

    Europenele de fotbal pentru jucători sub 21 de ani, găzduite de Georgia şi
    România, au ajuns în faza semifinalelor, în care s-au calificat Israelul,
    Spania, Anglia şi Ucraina. În sferturile de finală, sâmbătă, la Bucureşti,
    Spania a trecut cu 2-1 de Elveţia, după prelungiri, iar la Tbilisi, Israelul a
    învins Georgia cu 4-3 după executarea loviturilor de departajare. Duminică, la
    Cluj, Ucraina a dispus cu 3-1 de Franţa, iar la Kutaisi, în Georgia, Anglia a
    câştigat cu 1-0 în faţa Portugaliei. Miercuri au loc semifinalele. La Batumi,
    echipa Israelului întâlneşte Anglia, iar la Bucureşti, pe stadionul Steaua,
    Spania se confruntă cu Ucraina.