Tag: Qatar

  • April 19, 2024

    April 19, 2024

    VISIT Over April 22 and 24, Romanian president Klaus Iohannis will be paying a formal visit to the Republic of Korea, upon the invitation of his counterpart Yoon Suk Yeol. The Republic of Korea is the first country in the Asia-Pacific area with which Romania raised its relations at the level of strategic partnership in 2008. On the occasion of Iohannis’ upcoming visit to Seoul, this partnership will be consolidated through a document, which sets the cooperation directions for the next 10 years. Relevant documents are expected to be signed in the field of defence, nuclear energy, investment and foreign trade, cooperation in emergency situations and disaster management, cooperation in the field of culture, mass-media, youth and sports. In the Republic of Korea, the Romanian president will be meeting representatives of the Romanian community and business environment and will be visiting an exhibition of Romanian traditional art.


    SPORTS Lots drawn on Thursday night in Vienna have distributed Romania to Group B, together with the sides of Montenegro, the Czech Republic and Serbia at the European Women’s Handball Championship – EHF EURO 2024. The competition’s 16th edition will be hosted by Austria, Hungary and Switzerland over November 28 and December 15. Romania has participated in the aforementioned competition 14 times and obtained only one medal, bronze in 2010. In another development, Romania’s delegation at the upcoming Summer Olympics in Paris has been credited with winning 10 medals, two gold, three silver and five bronze, according to a virtual ranking drawn up by Nielsen Gracenote research company, quoted by Reuters. Romania comes 25th in the aforementioned ranking in terms of the total number of medals. 80 Romanian athletes have so far qualified for the Olympic Games in Paris.


    ATTACK The US embassy in Israel has today called on its employees and their families to limit movement around the country a couple of hours after the explosions attributed to Israel in Iran. The explosions were heard near the city of Isfahan, where military bases and elements of the Iranian nuclear programme are located. Explosions have also been reported in Syria and Iraq, countries where pro-Iranian Shia militias are being located. Iran has denied the attack whereas Israel has neither confirmed nor denied it. Earlier Israel had threatened with responses after the Iranian drone attack on April 13 launched in retaliation for the killing of several Iranian officers in an alleged Israeli bombing in Damascus. Allies have called on Israel not to respond, whereas Tehran threatened with more retaliation in case of an Israeli response. The two states have for years been involved in an indirect conflict. Israel has been behind a series of sabotages in Iran as well as the assassination of several scientists and officers involved in the country’s nuclear programme. Israel has also bombed several Iranian objectives in Syria. In turn Iran is supporting anti-Israeli militias such as Hezbollah and Palestinian groups Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.


    TOUR The Middle East tour of the Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu ends today in Abu Dhabi where he is expected to have talks with representatives of Dubai Port World. The talks he had on Thursday with officials from the United Arab Emirates focused on attracting investment in Romania’s transport, energy and agriculture infrastructure. The Romanian delegation is next visiting the Sheik Zayed Bin mosque, the largest in the Emirates. Prime Minister Ciolacu’s four days of talks in Qatar and the UAE focused on ensuring security in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The head of the Romanian Executive said that Romania remains committed together with the European Union, the United States and regional partners to contributing to the efforts aimed at deescalating the situation in the Middle East.




  • Economic cooperation between Romania and Qatar

    Economic cooperation between Romania and Qatar

    Romania can be the door to Qatar’s investment in the European Union, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said in Doha, on Wednesday, during talks with his Qatari counterpart, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani.

    The Romanian Prime Minister underlined that the two states have the capacity to build an in-depth partnership that might acquire strategic values. According to the Prime Minister, the bilateral partnership with Qatar should be extremely pragmatic and built around concrete economic projects and investments. Marcel Ciolacu explained this is the reason why he was accompanied by several ministers in his cabinet, holders of portfolios from strategic areas of mutual interest, such as transport, energy, economy, agriculture and digitalization.

    Several bilateral cooperation documents were signed during the working visit to Doha, with the  value of the projects presented by the Romanian officials exceeding 15 billion Euros.

    In their turn, the Qatari authorities stated their interest in getting Bucharest’s support to promote their priorities in relation to the European Union.

    One of the Romanian government delegation’s objectives is the Black Sea Port of Constanţa (in South-Eastern Romania), that offers multiple logistical opportunities and which will certainly play an important role when the reconstruction of Ukraine begins.

    Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu: “Our priority is the Port of Constanta, which has become the most important distribution hub at the Black Sea, for Central and Eastern Europe. We will also discuss the possibility of developing other infrastructure projects, including ways to increase the capacity of the Timisoara International Airport, to finance the construction of the Comarnic – Braşov highway and upgrade the Predeal-Braşov railway. We are talking about mature projects that can be carried out through public-private partnership”.

    In another move, the Romanian Prime Minister mentioned the opportunity created by the new natural gas exploitation works in the Black Sea and emphasized the Romanian specialists’ expertise in the field. According to Marcel Ciolacu, these are elements that can facilitate the involvement of prominent Romanian relevant companies in programs designed to develop the oil output, through advanced methods of hydrocarbon recovery from mature or hard-to-reach deposits in Qatar.

    As far as agriculture is concerned, talks focused particularly on ways to facilitate the export of Romanian produce to Qatar, under mutually beneficial terms.

    On this occasion, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the two states regarding cooperation in the field of veterinary quarantine, the import and export of living stock and poultry, not affected by epidemics and contagious diseases.

    Prime Minister Ciolacu also underlined that Romania has a competitive advantage in such fields as real estate, tourism, IT and cyber security, the defense industry and mineral waters. All these, the Prime Minister pointed out, offer opportunities for direct Qatari investments in the Romanian economy and pave the way for the development of an in-depth bilateral partnership.

  • April 17, 2024

    April 17, 2024

    MEETING Romania’s president, Klaus Iohannis is participating today and tomorrow in the special proceedings of the European Council in Brussels. According to the presidential administration in Bucharest, high on the meeting agenda there are topics such as prospects for a new European pact for competitiveness and the EU’s relation with Turkey. European leaders are also expected to tackle the latest developments in the war in Ukraine, the situation in the Middle East and the EU’s future strategic agenda. The Romanian president will also attend the reception offered by the Belgian king Philippe in honour of the EU heads of state and government.


    VISIT The Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu and six of his cabinet ministers are today continuing their visit in Qatar, a major trade partner of Romania’s in the Gulf region. On Wednesday in Doha, the Romanian Prime Minister was received by the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Qatar, Sheik Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani. High on the Romanian Prime Minister’s agenda are talks with the local officials on major investment projects in Romania as well as the consolidation of cooperation in key fields such as new technologies or energy. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent, several bilateral documents are expected to be signed during the visit. From Qatar, the Romanian delegation will travel to the United Arab Emirates.


    TALKS The United States is working with Romania regarding the security risks that appeared in the context of the war in Ukraine, said James O’Brien, Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs. The US official held talks in Bucharest with the Romanian Minister of Defence, Angel Tilvar, during which he appreciated the cooperation between Romania and Ukraine, which it described as ‘essential for the Ukrainian people’. According to him, the cooperation between Washington and Bucharest is focusing on the cyber and hybrid threats and also air, maritime and land surveillance in an attempt to detect and stop the Russian drones that may enter Romania’s territory. In turns, Angel Tilvar has highlighted the need of consolidating NATO’s presence on the entire Eastern Flank. James O’Brien is presently on a European tour, which will also take him to Bulgaria, Switzerland and Slovenia.


    RATE March was the third month in a row in which Romania had the highest inflation rate in the European Union, 6.7%. According to Eurostat, this rate dropped to 2.6% in the bloc. The member countries with the lowest inflation rates were Lithuania, 0.4%, Finland 0.6% and Denmark, 0.8%. In another development, the IMF has revised down from 3.8% to 2.8% its forecast on Romania’s economic growth this year. As for inflation, the IMF has forecast an average inflation rate of 6% and 4% next year. At the same time, the aforementioned financial institution is expecting to keep Romania’s current account deficit at 7.1% of the GDP in 2024, similar to last year.


    WEATHER The weather is generally unstable in Romania and temperatures have dropped almost in the entire territory. Rain showers have been reported in almost all regions. The wind will be stronger in the country’s south and east. Storms and hails are expected on isolated areas. The highs of the day will be between 9 and 26 degrees Celsius.


  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    The European Water Polo Championship has ended with Spain winning the continental title after their 11-10 win on Tuesday, against the host country, Croatia.

    In the third place playoffs, Italy secured a 13-7 win against Hungary.

    Romania came in the 8th place in the aforementioned contest and thus qualified for the World Championships due in Qatar, next month.

    The Romanian side started off on the right foot in the competition in Croatia and won the group D with three wins out of three games: 12-8 against the Netherlands, 13-5 against Slovenia and 8-7 in the match against Slovakia. Then they took on Georgia for a place in the quarters, a match Romania clearly won 18-11. Our athletes next played Spain for a place in the semifinals, but lost 24-7. Next they played and lost to Montenegro 11-18, then to Serbia 18-7 and eventually ended up in 8th place, a better position than their previous performance.

    The eighth position has also brought our athletes tickets for the world Championships in Qatar, after an absence of 10 years. They last played in the aforementioned competition in 2013 in Barcelona, where they occupied the 13th position. In February in Qatar, the Romanian side will be part of group D together with Italy, Hungary and Kazakhstan. They will first take on Hungary in Doha on February 5th. The first side in the group will go to the quarter finals while the sides on the second and third places will go into playoffs for a place among the worlds first 8 teams.

    The competition in Qatar will assure four places in the next edition of the Olympic Games. Out of the 16 participants in Doha, 8 have already been qualified for Paris and the Romanian side stands good chances to get tickets for France. Romania hasnt qualified for an Olympic water polo competition since the 2012 London Olympics.


  • La rétrospective des principaux événements internationaux de l’année 2022

    La rétrospective des principaux événements internationaux de l’année 2022

    La guerre en Ukraine

    Le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, n’a pas donné sa conférence de presse habituelle en fin de l’année. Depuis 2001, chaque année il avait organisé des rencontres fastueuses avec les journalistes. La seule exception a été la période 2008-2012, pendant laquelle il a été officiellement premier ministre et resté, en fait, l’homme fort de la Russie. A l’époque, au Kremlin, Dimitri Medvedev, un des plus dociles personnages de son entourage, était le chef formel de l’Etat.Entouré par des centaines de journalistes russes et étrangers, Vladimir Poutine répondait en direct à toute sorte de questions, à partir de la géopolitique jusqu’aux problèmes quotidiennes de la société russe. Ainsi les conférences s’étendaient-elles pendant plusieurs heures.La décision d’annuler cette coutume suit l’invasion de l’Ukraine voisine par la Russie, le 24 février, mais aussi une série d’échecs militaires de la Russie et le décret, pas du tout populaire, ordonné en septembre, concernant la mobilisation partielle des réservistes de l’armée, afin d’être envoyés sur le front.Tant la Russie que l’Ukraine sont soupçonnées d’avoir réduit au minimum l’ampleur officielle des pertes de vies humaines, afin de ne pas saper le moral des troupes. Le chef de l’Etat major de l’armée américaine, le général Mark Milley, a estimé que plus de 100 000 soldats russes avaient été tués ou blessés depuis le début de l’invasion et que les pertes des Ukrainiens étaient, probablement, similaires. C’est le conflit le plus violent des dernières décennies en Europe.

    Des millions de réfugiés dans une Europe de plus en plus pauvre

    L’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie a déclenché une augmentation des prix de l’énergie et des aliments dans le monde entier. L’indice des prix des produits alimentaires, calculé par l’Organisation pour l’alimentaire et l’agriculture (FAO), agence spécialisée des Nations Unies, a atteint un nouveau record en mars. Même cas de figure pour le prix du gaz sur le marché européen. Cette flambée des prix a déclenché, évidement, l’augmentation du taux d’inflation, qui est devenu le plus élevé dans la zone Euro depuis 1997 lorsque le FAO a commencé à calculer cet indice. C’est uniquement la tragédie humanitaire qui a pu éclipser la crise économique et celle de l’énergie. La guerre en Ukraine a provoqué un afflux de réfugiés sans précédent depuis la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale : ils étaient plus de six millions dans les pays voisins et huit millions de personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de l’Ukraine. C’étaient les nombres estimés au mois de mai par le Haut Commissaire pour les Réfugiés. Plus de trois millions d’ukrainiens ont fuit la guerre via la Roumanie voisine. Au niveau mondial, le nombre des personnes déracinées par la guerre a dépassé, pour la première fois, les 100 millions.

    Des élections en Europe et aux Etats Unis

    En avril, le président français, Emmanuel Macron, a remporté un nouveau mandat de chef de l’Etat, suite au deuxième tour de scrutin, où il avait affronté la cheffe de la droite radicale, Marine Le Pen. La victoire d’Emmanuel Macron garantit que l’Europe peut compter sur la France pendant les cinq années à venir. C’est pourquoi le président du Conseil Européen, le belge Charles Michel, a jubilé à l’unisson avec beaucoup de leaders politiques du Conseil Européen.Par contre, en juin, la coalition pro-présidentielle avait gagné moins de la moitié des mandats à l’Assemblée Nationale. Grâce à un score historique aux élections, l’extrême droite de Marine Le Pen peux compter sur 89 députés. Dans un pays voisin de la France, la cheffe du parti postfasciste Frères d’Italie, Giorgia Meloni, s’est installée à la tête du gouvernement de Rome le plus à droite de l’après guerre. Son parti avait gagné les élections législatives en septembre. Ancienne journaliste, Giorgia Meloni est la première femme cheffe du gouvernement dans l’histoire de l’Italie. Sa devise est « Dieu, patrie, famille. ». En ce qui concerne son idéologie, elle se dit proche du premier ministre conservateur hongrois Viktor Orbán. Même si l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie l’avait mis en une mauvaise lumière, à cause de ses relations étroites avec Vladimir Poutine, Viktor Orbán, premier ministre depuis 2010, a lui-aussi remporté les élections législatives de son pays d’une manière décisive. Son parti, FIDESZ, s’est imposé face à un cartel électoral de l’Opposition, composé de l’ancienne extrême droite, Jobbik (redéfini comme parti de centre-droit) et des socialistes, successeurs de l’ancien parti communiste unique. Aux Etats Unis, à l’occasion des élections de mi-mandat présidentiel, les démocrates de Joe Biden ont gardé un contrôle fragile du Sénat. Toutefois, ils ont perdu la Chambre des Représentants face à la droite républicaine.

    Le souverain du Royaume Uni, l’ami de la Roumanie

    C’est un pan de l’histoire britannique qui s’est achevé avec la disparition de la reine Elizabeth II de la Grande Bretagne, qui est décédée en septembre, à l’âge de 96 ans. Son règne de plus de sept décennies, le plus long de l’histoire de l’Angleterre, a marqué le destin de plusieurs générations de sujets et se confond avec le destin de la planète depuis le milieu du siècle précédent jusqu’à récemment. Une monarque constitutionnelle, qui a régné sans gouverner, la reine a travaillé avec 15 premiers ministres britanniques, à partir du légendaire Winston Churchill, jusqu’à l’éphémère Liz Truss. Pendent cette période, les Etats Unis, le partenaire stratégique le plus important de la Grande Bretagne, ont eu 14 présidents, à partir de Harry Truman jusqu’à Joe Biden. Le fils aîné de la souveraine est devenu roi à l’âge de 73 ans, sous le nom de Charles III. La presse de Bucarest le considère un grand ami de la Roumanie, qu’il avait visitée régulièrement ces deux dernières décennies. Fasciné par les traditions de la Transylvanie (dans le centre de la Roumanie), le nouveau monarque britannique a contribué d’une manière constante à leur conservation et popularisation. Il contribue aussi au budget local, en tant que propriétaire de plusieurs maisons et terrains en Roumanie.

    Football au Qatar, corruption à Bruxelles

    La Coupe du Monde de foot au Qatar, le premier événement de ce genre organisé dans un pays arabe en automne-hiver, s’est achevée par la victoire (d’ailleurs anticipée depuis longtemps) de l’Argentine. C’était la dernière coupe du monde réunissant 32 équipes. A partir de l’édition que les Etats Unis, le Canada et le Mexique organiseront en 2026, elles seront 48. Depuis 2010, lorsqu’il a été chargé d’organiser de la Coupe du Monde, le Qatar a été la cible de nombreux accusations de corruption ou d’avoir offert des conditions déshumanisantes de travail aux migrants, d’avoir transgressé les droits des femmes et des communautés LGBTQ+. Les critiques ont été rejetées tant par les autorités de l’Emirat, que par le président de FIFA, qui patronne la Coupe du Monde, le suisse Gianni Infantino, qui avait désavoué ce qu’il avait nommé les leçons de morale de l’Occident, les caractérisant comme hypocrites. En plein tournoi final, l’eurodéputée socialiste Eva Kaili, un des vice-présidents du Parlement Européen, a été arrêtée à Bruxelles, dans le cadre d’une enquête concernant des soupçons de corruption impliquant le Qatar, qui lui aurait donné des centaines de milliers d’euros.

    Une planète souffrante pour 8 milliards d’êtres humains

    L’année dernière a été marqué par des nouveaux records climatiques. L’été 2022 avait été le plus chaud relevé en Europe et les zones brûlées par les incendies ont été les plus vastes. A l’échelle mondiale, le taux des émissions de CO2 d’origine fossile n’avait jamais été aussi élevé. La population de la Terre à dépassé le seuil des 8 milliards a à la mi-novembre, selon l’Organisation des Nations Unies. En 1950, sur la Terre il y avait seulement 2 milliards et demi d’êtres humains. (trad. Andra Juganaru)

  • December 13, 2022

    December 13, 2022

    Budget — The Romanian Parliament has today resumed debates on the state budget in the committees, and the debate on the state insurance budget for 2023 is also scheduled. Yesterday, after a day of marathon debates, a large part of the budget allocations at the proposed level were approved by the government. Among others, the Ministry of Transport, the Presidential Administration, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, The Intelligence Service – SRI, the Foreign Intelligence Service- SIE and the Protection and Guard Service – SPP received approval. Defense will benefit from record sums, 2.5% of the GDP, which will allow the continuation of the programs to equip the Army with Patriot and HIMARS systems. The government estimates that the Gross Domestic Product will increase next year by almost 3%, to over 1,550 billion lei, although economic growth will slow down. However, they count on a better collection of taxes, on the decrease of inflation and unemployment. So the deficit should also decrease to 4.4 % of the GDP.

    Schengen – The European Parliament will debate, today, the situation created by the vote against Romanias accession to the Schengen area given by Austria in the JHA Council, a topic added to the agenda on Monday by the vote of the largest political groups in the EP. On Monday, the Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu met in Brussels with Austria’s Federal Minister for European and International Affairs, Alexander Schallenberg, at the request of the Austrian side. On the occasion, minister Aurescu stated that Bucharest would use all available ways to unblock the situation and added that it was necessary to find a constructive solution. The Romanian minister showed, once again, that the information from the Austrian side regarding a possible involvement of Romania in the flow of illegal migration to Austria did not correspond in any way to the statistics compiled by the European agencies dealing with the borders. The Austrian side mentioned that it approved the work plan proposed by the European Commission regarding the management of migration, which it considers a first step. In Bucharest, President Klaus Iohannis stated, on Monday evening, during his first public appearance after Romania was denied Schengen accession, that the negative vote given by Vienna was undeserved and incomprehensible.

    Conference – In Paris, today, two events are taking place in support of Ukraine: an international conference with the participation of official representatives from Kyiv and friendly countries and an economic forum of French companies that want to get involved in the reconstruction of Ukraine. The two conferences, organized at the initiative of President Emmanuel Macron, have distinct objectives. The first, entitled “Solidarity with the Ukrainian people”, wants to respond to the urgent needs of the population this winter: restoring electricity, heat and water supply, food supply and access to health care, after much of the civil infrastructure of the country was destroyed or heavily damaged by the Russian bombings. Officials from 50 countries, as well as the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, have confirmed their presence. Ukraine will be represented by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, and President Volodymyr Zelenskiy will via video connection. The second conference will bring together the heads of nearly five hundred French companies interested in investing in the long term and contributing to the reconstruction of Ukraine after the end of the war.

    Survey – Romanians currently have three main reasons for concern – inflation, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the cost of medical services – according to a survey conducted last month by a management consulting company. In addition, most Romanians expect the prices of basic products to increase throughout the next year. Compared to other European countries, only the British are more worried than the Romanians about the price increases. The citizens of Italy, Spain, France and Germany are less worried about this aspect, the survey shows.

    Football – The first semi-final at the World Cup in Qatar will be played this evening by Argentina and Croatia. The French national team, the defending world champion, will face the Moroccan team in the semifinals of the World Cup 2022, on Wednesday, at the Al Bayt stadium in Al Khor.

    Meeting – The President of the Swiss Confederation, Ignazio Cassis, declared in Bucharest that Romania must be part of the Schengen Area, but he also mentioned that Austria is subject to great migratory pressures, which affects the citizens of this country. This migratory pressure does not occur because of Romania, however, the Swiss official stated, during a press conference held alongside the president Klaus Iohannis. The evolution of the war in Ukraine, humanitarian aid measures for the Ukrainian population and refugees, the consequence of the conflict in terms of energy, as well as in terms of global food security, were on the agenda of the discussions between the two officials. Switzerland calls for strict compliance with the Geneva Convention and supports the efforts of the international community to document and punish war crimes, Ignazio Cassis emphasized on this occasion. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă also had a meeting with the president of the Swiss Confederation, together with whom he evaluated the security situation on the eastern front, the support for Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, the economic cooperation with an emphasis on stimulating investments and identifying new areas of collaboration. Nicolae Ciucă conveyed congratulations to the Swiss official and assured him of Romanias support for the Swiss Confederation when it will first hold the mandate of non-permanent member in the UN Security Council for the period 2023-2024. The Romanian-Swiss Framework Agreement was also signed in Bucharest, which will operationalize the second Swiss financial contribution to reduce economic and social disparities in the EU. President Ignazio Cassis was also the guest of Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown. The visit was attended by representatives of the federal authorities from Bern and the Swiss ambassador, HE Mr. Arthur Mattli. After the meeting of her Majesty Margareta and the Prince Consort with President Ignazio Cassis, the distinguished guest signed the Golden Book of the Elisabeta Palace, opened in 1937.

    Boycott – The companies subordinated to the Romanian Transport Ministry announced their intention to move their money from the accounts at BCR, owned by the Austrian group Erste. Minister Sorin Gindeanu claims that the numerous companies under his command have found better conditions at CEC Bank. The start was given by the National Road Infrastructure Administration Company, which had account activity at BCR worth at least 12 billion lei (the equivalent of about 2.5 billion Euros) annually. Other companies, such as the Romanian Railways, the Port of Constanţa (south-east, on the Black Sea) or the Bucharest Airport Company will do the same. “I think its a good move, with better conditions,” Grindeanu said, adding that he doesnt have accounts in Austrian banks. After Austria opposed Romanias accession to the Schengen Area, the National Federation of Trade Unions in the Food Industry, Sindalimenta, also decided to close the bank account at BCR. Farmers, unions and businessmen have announced that they will boycott Austrian companies, including OMV Petrom gas stations. (LS)

  • December 12, 2022 UPDATE

    December 12, 2022 UPDATE

    TALKS The vote in the JHA
    Council is very problematic for all of us in Romania. I was disappointed and
    upset following this vote, the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis said on
    Monday, after receiving the president of the Swiss
    Confederation Ignazio Cassis in Bucharest. The Romanian president added that he
    would most certainly raise the issue of Romania’s denied Schengen bid at the
    meeting of the European Council due on December 15. Romania should be a part of
    Schengen, the Swiss president said in his turn. The 2
    officials discussed bilateral relations and economic cooperation, with an emphasis
    on boosting investments and identifying new areas of cooperation, and exchanged
    views on the latest international developments, including the war in Ukraine
    and its implications for the energy market and global security.

    FUNDING Romania’s PM Nicolae Ciucă Monday requested all ministries
    and coordinating institutions to give maximum priority to completing the 51 benchmarks
    and targets in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan related to the second
    payment request, amounting to EUR 2.8 bln, which Romania is scheduled to submit
    to the European Commission this month. This amount adds to the EUR 3.7 bln pre-financing
    amount and to a first EUR 2.6 bln instalment already cashed in by Romania. We
    cannot afford to deviate from our commitments, because a lot of elements
    related to reform processes, investments and even economic stability depend on
    us accessing this money, the PM said at a meeting of the inter-ministry
    Committee Coordinating the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The Committee
    also reviewed the progress with respect to the 55 targets and benchmarks due
    for the 3rd and 4th quarters of this year, related to the
    3rd payment request that Romania is scheduled to submit to the EC
    this spring.

    BUDGET In Bucharest, Parliament’s specialist committees Monday approved
    the draft budgets of several ministries. The education, transport, development
    and defence ministries will have higher budgets next year, while the energy,
    justice and healthcare ministries will receive less money in 2023. The ruling
    coalition said the budget bill is based on record high investments and accounts
    for 7.2% of GDP. It takes into account an economic growth rate of 2.8% of GDP,
    an annual inflation rate of 8%, a growing number of people in employment and a
    lower unemployment rate of 2.7%. The opposition has criticised the budget bill.
    Both the power and the opposition have submitted amendments. The final vote is
    due on Thursday.

    MOTION Save Romania Union in
    opposition Monday tabled a simple motion against the interior minister Lucian
    Bode, whom they see as responsible for Romania’s failure to join the Schengen free-movement
    area. According to the party, Bode shares this responsibility with the
    president Klaus Iohannis, with the parliamentary majority and the diplomacy in Bucharest.
    USR also invited the foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu to give Parliament
    explanations on this topic. Several EU member states voiced their
    disappointment with the denial of Romania’s and Bulgaria’s Schengen accession bids.
    Moreover, the EU commissioner for home affairs, Ylva Johansson, said this would
    be a priority of her term in office.

    EU European democracy is under attack, the head of the European
    Parliament Roberta Metsola said on Monday, voicing her outrage and sadness following
    allegations of corruption in the European Parliament in relation to Qatar. In
    turn, the president of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, Monday
    called for EU institutions to be governed by the highest standards of
    independence and integrity. The EU high representative for foreign affairs Josep
    Borrell described the EP corruption allegations as being of the utmost
    concern. Eva Kaili, a vice-president of the European parliament from Greece, and
    3 other individuals were detained and charged in Belgium in an international corruption
    investigation related to Qatar. The 4 were charged with participation in a criminal
    organisation, money laundering and corruption.

    FOREIGN AFFAIRS The Romanian diplomacy chief Bogdan Aurescu took part on Monday in Brussels in an informal meeting concerning the future of the Eastern
    Partnership, organised at the initiative of Minister Aurescu and his counterparts
    from Czechia, Sweden and Poland, and in a meeting of the Eastern Partnership
    foreign ministers
    . In
    his addresses, Bogdan Aurescu pleaded for revitalising the Eastern Partnership
    and for adapting it to the new regional context, and reiterated Romania’s firm
    and continuing support for it. He argued that the Eastern Partnership can make
    a significant contribution to strengthening the stability, security and
    prosperity in the Eastern Neighbourhood, by consolidating regional cooperation,
    the security and resilience of partners and through an adequate joint response to
    the challenges facing the region. Mr. Aurescu also emphasised that in the new
    context generated by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, a more robust
    and more efficient security dimension of the Eastern Partnership is necessary.

    MEETING The Romanian justice minister, Cătălin
    Predoiu, had a meeting on Monday in Luxembourg with the head of the European
    Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), Laura Codruţa Kovesi. According to the
    Romanian justice ministry, the 2 officials discussed the protection of the EU’s
    financial interests, the EPPO human resources issue and the broadening of the
    Office’s powers to include the prosecution of breaches of EU sanctions. I am
    confidence that an in-depth dialogue with the EPPO may lead to ideas and
    solutions to make the cooperation between national and EPPO prosecutors more
    efficient. After all, they all fight crime, which affects both the interests of
    the EU and the national interests of member states, Catalin Predoiu said. (AMP)

  • November 23, 2022 – UPDATE

    November 23, 2022 – UPDATE

    JUDICIARY The Romanian
    President Klaus Iohannis has hailed the conclusions of a European Commission report saying that the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism in Romania’s judicial
    sector would be lifted. A stage has
    ended, but further efforts must be made as reforms are vital, Iohannis said. In
    turn, PM Nicolae Ciuca said the European Commission’s report encourages the government
    to stay on the path of supporting the independence of the judiciary and the
    fight against corruption to the benefit of the Romanian society.

    VISIT The joint
    effort to support Ukraine and the strength of the Romanian-Latvian cooperation
    were highlighted in Riga by the Romanian president Klaus Iohannis, in a joint
    press conference with his Latvian counterpart, Egils Levits. The Romanian
    official’s visit to Riga takes place in the context of the celebration of 100
    years of diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. The two presidents also
    discussed Romania’s Schengen accession. Klaus Iohannis emphasised that Romania
    has never been and will never be a country that allows uncontrolled migration
    through illegal border crossing. The president of Latvia highlighted the common
    approach of the two countries with respect to the future of the EU and welcomed
    Romania’s participation in the NATO air policing mission in the Baltic states
    in 2023. On Thursday, Klaus Iohannis will be on an official visit to Lithuania,
    in Vilnius, while on Friday he will take part, jointly with his counterparts
    from Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, in a summit devoted to strengthening NATO’s
    eastern flank and to supporting Ukraine and the R. of Moldova.

    COOPERATION Romania and Spain are pleading for a more capable and
    responsible European Union, one which is able to provide support and play a
    relevant role in implementing the Strategic Compass, fully complementary to
    NATO and avoiding redundancies, including in the current security context,
    marked by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, reads a joint statement
    signed on Wednesday in Castellón de
    la Plana, Spain, by the heads of the Romanian and Spanish governments. Bucharest and
    Madrid have also reiterated their commitment to a strong NATO, focusing on the
    full implementation of the Strategic Concept adopted in Madrid, with special
    emphasis on consolidating defence and deterrence on the eastern flank. The PM
    of Romania, Nicolae Ciucă, was received with military honours in Castellon de
    la Plana by the head of Spain’s government, Pedro Sanchez. According to Ciucă, bilateral relations are even stronger
    thanks to the nearly one-million strong, highly integrated and active Romanian
    community contributing to the development of Spain’s economy and society.

    NATO – A meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers will be held in Bucharest on November 29-30, 2022. The
    meeting will be chaired by the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg.
    Attending will also be the foreign ministers of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and
    Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as the foreign ministers of Finland and Sweden.

    DRILL NATO troops
    Wednesday conducted a military exercise to test the air and missile defence in
    Romania, one week after a stray missile crashed in Poland and revealed
    weaknesses in the Alliance’s air shield, Reuters reports. The French air defence
    system deployed to Romania repelled a simulated attack by Allied fighter jets,
    NATO’s Allied Air Command in Ramstein, Germany said. Taking part in the
    exercise were Turkish F-16 fighter jets, Spanish Eurofighters, US growler
    aircraft designed for electronic warfare and French Rafale jets.

    FOOTBALL Japan produced the second big surprise of the Qatar football World
    Cup, after defeating 4-times Cup winners Germany 2-1, on Wednesday in Group
    E. Also on Wednesday, world vice-champions Croatia drew against Morocco,
    0-0, in Group F. Another former world champion, Spain, takes on Costa Rica, and
    Belgium plays against Canada. On Tuesday, Saudi Arabia stunned football fans
    with one of the biggest upsets in the history of the World Cup, defeating
    2-times champions Argentina 2-1. Also on Tuesday, the defending champions, France,
    defeated Australia 4-1, while Denmark and Poland drew against Tunisia and
    Mexico, respectively, 0 – 0. (AMP)

  • Sport Club RRI: Fotbal

    Sport Club RRI: Fotbal

    Întreaga lume este conectată, în aceste zile, la principalul eveniment
    sportiv al anului – Cupa Mondială de fotbal din Qatar. Au apărut deja
    suprizele, precum victoria Arabiei Saudite în fata Argentinei, precum şi
    controversele, în special cele generate de tehnologia de asistenţă a
    arbitrajului. Vorbind despre arbitraj, trebuie să menţionăm că România este
    reprezentată în Qatar de trei cavaleri ai fluierului. Istvan Kovacs şi-a făcut
    deja încălzirea, fiind al patrulea oficial al partidei de deschidere dintre
    Qatar şi Ecuador. Un alt român, Ovidiu Mihai Artene, a fost asistent de rezervă
    pentru acelaşi joc. Din lotul de arbitri români pentru Cupa Mondială mai face
    parte tuşierul Vasile Marinescu. Mai trebuie spus că ultimul român care a
    condus un joc ca arbitru de centru la turneul final al unui Cupe Mondiale a
    fost Ioan Igna, în 1986, în Mexic. Ultimul asistent de margine delegat la un
    turneu final a fost Nicolae Grigorescu, în Franţa, în anul 1998. Liderul
    prezenţelor româneşti la turneele finale rămâne Nicolae Rainea, delegat la
    competiţia din 1974, găzduită de Germania, la cea din 1978, care a avut loc în
    Argentina, şi la ediţia 1982, din Spania.

    Dacă la nivelul echipelor de seniori, reprezentativa României ratează cu
    consecvenţă prezenţa la turneele finale, la tineret lucrurile stau mult mai
    bine. În 2019, vă amintim, România a ajuns până în semifinalele Campionatului
    European pentru jucători sub 21 de ani. Anul viitor, competiţia va fi găzduită
    de România şi Georgia, astfel că tricolorii mici sunt calificaţi din oficiu.
    Zilele trecute, elevii antrenorului Emil Săndoi s-au reunit şi au disputat două
    jocuri de pregătire. Au trecut de Steaua Bucureşti, liderul ligii secunde, cu 4
    la 2, şi au încheiat la egalitate jocul cu prim-divizionara FC Argeş – scor 2
    la 2. În luna martie a anului viitor,
    Naţionala sub 21 de ani a României va disputa jocuri amicale cu
    Portugalia şi Germania. La Campionatul European de tineret de anul viitor,
    România se va afla în aceeaşi grupă cu Spania, Ucraina şi Croaţia.

  • Sport Club RRI: Fotbal

    Sport Club RRI: Fotbal

    Întreaga lume este conectată, în aceste zile, la principalul eveniment
    sportiv al anului – Cupa Mondială de fotbal din Qatar. Au apărut deja
    suprizele, precum victoria Arabiei Saudite în fata Argentinei, precum şi
    controversele, în special cele generate de tehnologia de asistenţă a
    arbitrajului. Vorbind despre arbitraj, trebuie să menţionăm că România este
    reprezentată în Qatar de trei cavaleri ai fluierului. Istvan Kovacs şi-a făcut
    deja încălzirea, fiind al patrulea oficial al partidei de deschidere dintre
    Qatar şi Ecuador. Un alt român, Ovidiu Mihai Artene, a fost asistent de rezervă
    pentru acelaşi joc. Din lotul de arbitri români pentru Cupa Mondială mai face
    parte tuşierul Vasile Marinescu. Mai trebuie spus că ultimul român care a
    condus un joc ca arbitru de centru la turneul final al unui Cupe Mondiale a
    fost Ioan Igna, în 1986, în Mexic. Ultimul asistent de margine delegat la un
    turneu final a fost Nicolae Grigorescu, în Franţa, în anul 1998. Liderul
    prezenţelor româneşti la turneele finale rămâne Nicolae Rainea, delegat la
    competiţia din 1974, găzduită de Germania, la cea din 1978, care a avut loc în
    Argentina, şi la ediţia 1982, din Spania.

    Dacă la nivelul echipelor de seniori, reprezentativa României ratează cu
    consecvenţă prezenţa la turneele finale, la tineret lucrurile stau mult mai
    bine. În 2019, vă amintim, România a ajuns până în semifinalele Campionatului
    European pentru jucători sub 21 de ani. Anul viitor, competiţia va fi găzduită
    de România şi Georgia, astfel că tricolorii mici sunt calificaţi din oficiu.
    Zilele trecute, elevii antrenorului Emil Săndoi s-au reunit şi au disputat două
    jocuri de pregătire. Au trecut de Steaua Bucureşti, liderul ligii secunde, cu 4
    la 2, şi au încheiat la egalitate jocul cu prim-divizionara FC Argeş – scor 2
    la 2. În luna martie a anului viitor,
    Naţionala sub 21 de ani a României va disputa jocuri amicale cu
    Portugalia şi Germania. La Campionatul European de tineret de anul viitor,
    România se va afla în aceeaşi grupă cu Spania, Ucraina şi Croaţia.

  • November 22, 2022

    November 22, 2022

    ruling coalition in Romania has decided to increase public pensions by 12.5%,
    as of January 1. The increase applies for all pensions, regardless of level,
    but low-income pensioners will also receive additional aid from the government,
    provided in 2 instalments. Child allowances and the allowances for war veterans
    and widows will be adjusted to inflation, while people with disabilities will
    receive a 13th allowance, the ruling coalition also decided.

    VISIT The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis will make an official visit to Latvia
    on Wednesday and to Lithuania on Thursday. On Friday, he will take part in a
    summit with his counterparts from Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, and in an
    international symposium. According to the Presidency, in Latvia Klaus Iohannis will
    have talks with his counterpart Egils Levits, with PM Krisjanis Karins, and the
    parliament speaker Edvards Smiltens. In Lithuania, the official agenda includes
    consultations with president Gitanas Nauseda and the parliament speaker,
    Viktorija Cmilyte-Nielsen.

    NATO Romania will host for the first time, on November 29th
    and 30th, a meeting of the NATO foreign ministers. The meeting will
    have 4 sessions, focusing on the implementation of the Madrid Summit decisions,
    on the war in Ukraine, on energy security and partners. Ukraine, the Republic
    of Moldova, Georgia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as Finland and Sweden, were
    invited to attend. It is for the first time that the Republic of Moldova takes
    part in a NATO ministerial meeting. In fact, in this summer’s summit in Madrid,
    NATO leaders announced measures to support Moldova, Georgia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
    in the current security context in Europe. The foreign ministers of the 3
    countries are expected to discuss in Bucharest means to strengthen their
    defence and resilience capabilities. The foreign minister of Ukraine, Dmytro
    Kuleba, is also scheduled to attend the meeting in Bucharest.

    AID Romania, France and Germany have agreed
    on a new aid instalment to help the Republic of Moldova cope with the energy
    crisis this winter. Officials of the 3 countries convened in Paris for the 3rd
    ministerial conference of the Moldova Support Platform, initiated by Bucharest,
    Berlin and Paris this spring. Moldova is to receive another EUR 100 mln in
    international support to handle the consequences of the war in
    Ukraine, including the energy crisis and the refugee inflow, and also to carry
    on the reforms initiated in order to join the EU, the president of France,
    Emmanuel Macron announced. The Romanian foreign minister said Romania intends
    to pay a first instalment of EUR 25 mln by the end of this year, intended for
    the implementation of projects in education, regional development, and public
    utility services.

    AUTOMOTIVE Romania is the EU’s six-largest car manufacturer, with an
    average of over 40,000 vehicles per month. According to the latest report by
    the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), nearly 50 million
    cars were produced worldwide in the first 9 months of this year. China comes
    first, with 16.3 million, followed by the US with 5.3 million. As many as 7.96 million
    cars were produced in the EU during the same period, up 5.8% compared to 2021.
    Germany tops the European ranking, with 2.4 million vehicles produced, which is
    considerably less than the 3.4 million cars made in 2019. In Romania, the only
    country where this year’s output was higher than in 2019, 376,000 cars were
    made, of which some 60% were Dacia and 40% Ford. Recently, the Romanian
    Carmakers Association announced that the national output went up 27.7% in the
    first 10 months of the year, compared to 2021.

    EARTHQUAKE Rescue teams in Indonesia
    continue to search for survivors of Monday’s earthquake, in which hundreds of
    people died or were injured. Many victims were school children. The 5.6 Richter
    quake occurred at a depth of 10 km, and destroyed many buildings. According to Reuters,
    Indonesia is on the so-called Pacific ring of fire, an area with many active
    volcanoes that frequently produce tremors. In 2004, a magnitude 9.1 off the
    Indonesian island of Sumatra caused a tsunami that killed 226,000 people in 14 countries,
    with almost half of the victims reported in Indonesia.

    FOOTBALL Today at
    the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, the defending champions, France, will play against
    Australia, while two-times world champions Argentina take on Saudi Arabia. The
    other matches scheduled for today are Denmark vs. Tunisia and Mexico vs.
    Poland. On Monday England defeated Iran, 6-2, and in the same group the US and
    Wales drew 1-1. Also on Monday, the Netherlands, who have played 3 world cup
    finals without winning, defeated Senegal 2-0. (AMP)

  • November 20, 2022

    November 20, 2022

    Conference — The Romanian Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, will co-chair on Monday, in Paris, the third Ministerial Conference of the Support Platform for the Republic of Moldova, a permanent support tool created at the initiative of the foreign ministers of Romania, Germany and France this spring to mobilize the financial contributions of the international community and to support the necessary reforms for EU accession. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry — MAE, Minister Aurescu will co-chair this event together with the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, Catherine Colonna, and the Foreign Minister of Germany, Annalena Baerbock. The conference will enjoy the participation of the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu. The meeting in Paris takes place in the context in which the Republic of Moldova is facing major energy, economic, humanitarian challenges and challenges to its resilience, against the background of the brutal war of aggression waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

    Summit — During the Francophonie Summit, held in Djerba, in Tunisia, Romania has emphasized the serious impact on security and stability at the regional and global level generated by Russias military aggression against Ukraine, as well as the particularly vulnerable situation of the Republic of Moldova (an ex-Soviet state with a majority Romanian-speaking population) in this context. At the Conference of Heads of State and Government from the French-speaking countries, Romania was represented by presidential adviser Sergiu Nistor, the Francophonie representative of Romanias president, Klaus Iohannis. Sergiu Nistor emphasized the need to urgently address the issues of the risk of manipulation and propagation of false information, disinformation and narratives on social networks in the French-speaking digital space. He also highlighted Romanias solid contribution to the promotion of the French language and the values ​​of the Francophonie, underlining Bucharests active commitment to international cooperation and assistance for development in the French-speaking space, by financing programs carried out in French-speaking Africa or in the member states of the International Organization of La Francophonie from Central and Eastern Europe. The representative of the President of Romania for La Francophonie also highlighted the continuation of the main emblematic programs of La Francophonie, run by Romania, such as the “Eugene Ionescu” doctoral and postdoctoral scholarship program or the course intended for officers who will operate within the UN peacekeeping operations carried out in Francophone areas.

    Football — The World Football Cup in Qatar, the first to be held in the Middle East, starts today with the match between the representative of the host country and Ecuador, in Group A. The final tournament in Qatar, with 32 teams, will have 64 matches, which will be hosted by 8 stadiums, and it will end on December 18. This final tournament will be the last with 32 participating teams — as from 2026, 48 countries will participate. The holder of the world title is France. Romania is not participating in this years tournament. Instead, three Romanians will be present on the list of referees – István Kovács, in the center, and Ovidiu Artene and Vasile Marinescu, as assistant referees. Kovacs was appointed the fourth official referee in the opening match. The press agencies note that, since Qatar was designated, at the end of 2010, for the organization of this global event, it has been the constant target of numerous criticisms regarding accusations of corruption, inhuman working conditions for migrants, criticisms related to the respect for the women’s rights and the LGBTQ+ community, as well as the impact on the environment. The accusations were categorically rejected by the authorities in Doha, who emphasized that they had reformed labor laws, as well as by the World Cup organizers, who gave assurances that members of the LGBTQ+ community would be accommodated without discrimination, despite laws that criminalize sexual relations between people of the same sex in this country.

    COP27 — COP27, the annual UN climate conference, adopted on SUnday a resolution that provides for the creation of a fund to finance climate damage already suffered by “particularly vulnerable” countries, a decision described as historic by its promoters. The decision was adopted by consensus, in the plenary assembly, at the end of the conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The resolution emphasizes the immediate need for new, additional, predictable and adequate financial resources to help developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the economic and non-economic impact of climate change. The ways of implementing the decision are to be developed by a special committee and will be adopted at COP28 at the end of 2023, in the United Arab Emirates.

    Statistics – In the last 4 years, more than half of the companies in the EU have carried out innovation activities, according to a Eurostat report. Investing in innovation means investing in the future of Europe, the EU officials say, and most companies in the community space are already implementing strategies based on technology, science and research. According to the latest Eurostat report, 73% of large companies with over 250 employees are the most interested in completely new strategies. They are followed by medium-sized companies, 60% of which have introduced new elements in their production processes. In the top of the countries with the biggest number of enterprises using new technologies are Greece, Belgium and Cyprus, and countries such as Hungary, Spain and Poland register values ​​below the European average of 53%. Romania is ranked on last position, with only 11% of companies interested in innovative activities. (LS)

  • 19.11.2022 (mise à jour)

    19.11.2022 (mise à jour)

    – Des parachutistes de la Gendarmerie roumaine déployés en République Tchèque
    ont exécuté en première des saults à 4000 mètres d’altitude, depuis un ballon à
    air chaud. La Brigade spéciale d’intervention de la Gendarmerie roumaine a
    participé cinq jours durant à des manoeuvres communes de toutes les unités
    membres du groupe ATLAS de parachutisme. Créé au niveau de l’UE, ce groupe
    réunit les structures militaires et policières les plus prestigieuses, expertes
    dans la lutte contre le terrorisme.

    UNESCO – Le spectacle multimédia intitulé L’histoire de la blouse roumaine
    consacré à l’anniversaire des 160 années de diplomatie roumaine, tout comme à
    la Fête de la Roumanie sera présenté à Paris, le 23 novembre, dans la salle
    UNESCO. Présenté par l’Opéra national de Bucarest, le spectacle aura une
    première partie orchestrale qui met en avant les valeurs musicales
    traditionnelles roumaines, suivi par un spectacle de danse sur une musique
    spécialement créée pour cette occasion. Organisé par l’Opéra national de
    Bucarest, en partenariat avec la Délégation permanente de la Roumanie auprès de
    l’UNESCO, L’histoire de la blouse roumaine représente une excellente
    opportunité pour la Roumanie de promouvoir son image et de réaffirmer son
    attachement aux valeurs et principes des Nations Unies.

    – Le Qatar accueillera à partir de dimanche la 22ème
    édition de la Coupe du monde du football. Un mois durant, le championnat, le
    premier jamais organisé dans le monde arabe, réunira 32 équipes. En raison de
    la forte chaleur estivale, l’événement a été reporté vers la fin de l’année. Dimanche
    aura lieu le match d’ouverture de la Coupe du Monde entre le Qatar et l’Équateur.
    C’est la France qui est l’actuel pays tenant du titre mondial. La Roumanie ne
    participe pas à la Coupe du monde de cette année. En revanche, trois Roumains
    figurent sur la liste des arbitres : István Kovács, Ovidiu Artene et
    Vasile Marinescu.

    – Dans les 24 prochaines heures, le temps sera morose en Roumanie, notamment
    dans le nord-est et dans la région des Carpates Orientales où des
    précipitations mixtes seront signalées. Les températures demeureront
    supérieures à la normale saisonnière dans le sud et le sud-est, où le ciel sera
    couvert et des pluies pourraient faire leur apparition. Il neigera sur les
    sommets des Carpates et le vent soufflera à 50 km/heure sur les cîmes des
    Carpates méridionales. Dimanche, les températures maximales iront de 1 à 22

  • DNSC: Recomandări de securitate a datelor pentru suporterii care călătoresc la CM din Qatar

    DNSC: Recomandări de securitate a datelor pentru suporterii care călătoresc la CM din Qatar

    Suporterii români care vor să participe la Campionatul Mondial de Fotbal din Qatar, şi îşi fac griji cu privire la confidenţialitatea datelor, să ia în considerare utilizarea a două telefoane mobile: unul gol pe care ar putea fi instalate şi utilizate cele două aplicaţii (Hayya şi Ehteraz) solicitate în această ţară şi care ridică utilizatorilor probleme de siguranţă, precum şi un telefon mobil personal, recomandă Directoratul Naţional de Securitate Cibernetică (DNSC).

    Atât Hayya, cât şi Ehteraz sunt disponibile în magazinele oficiale de aplicaţii, inclusiv în Europa. S-a zvonit intens că cei care călătoresc în această perioadă în Qatar ar putea fi obligaţi de autorităţi să descarce pe dispozitivele mobile şi să folosească cele două aplicaţii. În realitate, începând cu data de 1 noiembrie 2022 preînregistrarea obligatorie în aplicaţia Ehteraz fost revocată. În cazul aplicaţiei Hayya (…) aceasta nu este necesar a fi instalată pe dispozitiv. Suporterii care au nevoie de cardul Hayya pentru a avea acces pe stadioane pot obţine unul şi fără să utilizeze aplicaţia problematică, prin intermediul portalului web’, informează site-ul DNSC.

    DNSC transmite celor care călătoresc cu dispozitive folosite exclusiv în interes privat, fără acces la sistemele de lucru, că depinde exclusiv de ei dacă se simt confortabili cu anumite riscuri de securitate şi confidenţialitate a datelor. ‘Recomandăm să verificaţi întotdeauna setările din aplicaţie şi permisiunile oferite acesteia de dispozitiv, dacă aveţi îndoieli cu privire la faptul că aplicaţia are acces multe prea extins la datele dvs. Înainte de călătorie, este dificil să ştiţi dacă ajungeţi într-o situaţie în care vi se cere să descărcaţi vreuna dintre aplicaţii pentru a avea acces în zona dorită. De exemplu, dacă călătoriţi în Qatar şi vă faceţi griji cu privire la confidenţialitate, aţi putea lua în considerare două telefoane mobile: un telefon de împrumut, gol, pe care Ehteraz (şi Hayyat) ar putea fi instalate şi utilizate, şi telefonul mobil personal. Nu uitaţi să efectuaţi o copie de siguranţă a datelor (back-up) de pe dispozitive, înainte de plecare, în cazul în care devine absolut necesar mai târziu să restauraţi anumite date’.

    Recent, presa europeană a publicat informaţii citate dintr-o avertizate emisă de Comisarul federal pentru protecţia datelor şi libertatea de informare din Germania, referitoare la pericolul de confidenţialitate şi de securitate a datelor călătorilor care urmează să viziteze Qatarul pe perioada Campionatului Mondial. Avertizarea a fost dublată de Autoritatea pentru Protecţia Datelor din Norvegia, care şi-a exprimat oficial îngrijorarea în legătură cu aplicaţiile pe care un turist este invitat să le instaleze înainte de a intra în Qatar, care ar putea fi folosite pentru a monitoriza vizitatorii, se arată în postarea DNSC.

    Avertizările au apărut după ce suporterii care vor să participe la Campionatul Mondial din Qatar au fost rugaţi să descarce cele două aplicaţii: Hayya şi Ehteraz. Hayya este aplicaţia oficială a Cupei Mondiale şi asigură accesul la meciurile de fotbal, care se face exclusiv prin intermediul cardului Hayya. Acesta poate fi obţinut prin intermediul portalului Hayya sau al aplicaţiei. Odată obţinut, cardul Hayya oferă fanilor un permis de intrare în Qatar, intrare în incinta stadioanelor, a evenimentelor din zonele dedicate fanilor şi facilităţi, cum ar fi transport gratuit şi un card SIM gratuit Qatar Ooredoo. Fanii nu pot intra pe niciunul dintre stadioane fără un card Hayya’, spune DNSC.

    Un raport extins emis de un grup de cercetători a relevat probleme cu privire la transparenţa procesului de asigurare a securităţii datelor, politici şi măsuri pentru a protecţia informaţiilor despre utilizatori, lipsa informaţiilor cu privire la măsuri de limitare a accesului angajaţilor autorităţilor din Qatar la informaţiile colectate şi nu oferă nici o formă de validare emisă de un auditor de securitate cu privire la produsele şi serviciile oferite. În cazul celei de-a doua aplicaţii criticată la nivel european, Ehteraz, aceasta are ca scop principal de urmărire a infecţiilor COVID în Qatar. Şi această aplicaţie a primit critici puternice, pentru că ar putea fi utilizată pentru a extrage date de pe telefoanele mobile ale utilizatorilor. Pentru sfaturi suplimentare de securitate a datelor în cazul călătoriilor în străinătate, poate fi accesat site-ul dnsc.ro.

  • Jurnal Românesc – 2.11.2022

    Jurnal Românesc – 2.11.2022

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe a publicat online un ghid pentru cetăţenii români care vor să călătorească în Qatar pentru Cupa Mondială de Fotbal, programată în perioada 20 noiembrie – 18 decembrie. Documentul conţine atât o prezentare a condiţiilor de călătorie, cât şi detalii legate de cultura acestei ţări din Orientul Mijlociu, majoritar musulmană. MAE îi sfătuieşte pe cei care vor călători în Qatar să se asigure că paşaportul este valabil cel puţin şase luni după data planificată pentru întoarcere. Statul Qatar nu acceptă paşaportul temporar. Pentru a participa la Cupa Mondială de Fotbal trebuie obţinut un card Hayya, necesar pentru a putea intra în ţară în perioada turneului. Cardul oferă acces la transportul public gratuit în zilele în care au loc meciurile la care este achiziţionat bilet.

    Posesorii acestor carduri vor putea să rămână în Qatar până la 23 ianuarie 2023. Pentru ceilalţi vizitatori intrarea în Qatar între 1 noiembrie şi 22 decembrie este interzisă. De asemenea, MAE îi încurajează pe cetăţenii români să se informeze în prealabil cu privire la legislaţia şi cutumele locale şi să le respecte. Bucureştiul aminteşte că autorităţile qatareze manifestă toleranţă zero pentru deţinerea de stupefiante, pedepsele pentru consumul, traficul, contrabanda şi deţinerea unor astfel de substanţe fiind severe. Suporterii vor putea achiziţiona şi consuma anumite categorii de alcool doar în zonele special amenajate din jurul stadioanelor, cu trei ore înainte de începerea meciului şi o oră după încheierea acestuia. Vârsta legală pentru consumul de alcool în Qatar este de 21 de ani. Ghidul de călătorie la Cupa Mondială de Fotbal din Qatar este disponibil pe site-ul mae.ro.

    Numărul total de cetăţeni cu drept de vot înscrişi în Registrul Electoral la data de 31 octombrie a fost de 18.883.710, cu 15.032 mai mare decât la 30 septembrie, transmite Autoritatea Electorală Permanentă. Din totalul de alegători români care figurează în Registrul Electoral, 827.353 aveau domiciliul sau reşedinţa în străinătate şi erau deţinători de paşaport electronic. Cei mai mulţi cetăţeni români cu drept de vot din afara graniţelor ţării, înscrişi în Registrul Electoral, se află în Republica Moldova – 242.326, în Germania – 116.031, Italia – 81.608, Statele Unite ale Americii – 63.308, Spania – 54.455, Canada – 46.350, Israel – 45.866 şi Ungaria – 27.265.

    O delegaţie condusă de coordonatorul naţional al României în domeniul proprietăţii intelectuale, Sorin Costreie, s-a aflat la Washington într-o vizită de studiu organizată de Departamentele de Stat şi de Justiţie ale SUA. Protecţia drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală reprezintă o prioritate pe agenda româno-americană, contribuind direct la creşterea economică, competitivitate şi inovare, unele dintre obiectivele principale ale Parteneriatului Strategic dintre România şi SUA, a transmis Ambasada ţării noastre în capitala americană. Membrii delegaţiei române, din care au făcut parte şi trimişi ai Poliţiei Române, s-au întâlnit cu procurorul general adjunct al Diviziei Penale din cadrul Departamentului de Justiţie şi cu alţi reprezentanţi de rang înalt ai Secţiei de Criminalitate Informatică şi Proprietate Intelectuală a aceluiaşi minister, ai Oficiului de Brevete şi Mărci al SUA, ai Departamentului de Stat, ai FBI, precum şi cu judecători federali. România şi Statele Unite dezvoltă o agendă de prosperitate orientată spre viitor, care integrează progresul tehnologic, talentul intelectual, rezilienţa şi spiritul antreprenorial, a declarat ambasadorul României la Washington, Andrei Muraru. Conform estimărilor, Statele Unite pierd anual peste 40 de miliarde de dolari din cauza pirateriei online.

    Asociația Diplomație și Identitate Culturală Europeană organizează concursul de eseuri Îmi bate inima în limba română, care se adresează tinerilor elevi din Ucraina și Serbia cu vârsta maximă de 18 ani. Aceştia sunt îndemnaţi să scrie despre comunitatea și localitatea natală, iar 25 dintre cei mai talentaţi vor fi premiaţi cu câte o tabletă. Scopul acestui proiect este promovarea limbii române și consolidarea sentimentului identității naționale românești în rândul copiilor din comunitățile istorice din Ucraina și Serbia. Proiectul este finanțat de Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni și organizat în parteneriat cu Centrul Media BucPress Cernăuți, Centrul de Informare al României din Ismail, Asociația Românii Independenți din Serbia și Asociația Cadrelor Didactice din România. Eseurile pot fi trimise la adresa de email office@adice.ro până la data de 10 noiembrie. Detalii se găsesc pe site-ul adice.ro.