Tag: reform

  • The Romanian Prime Minister’s meeting with the Romanians in the USA

    The Romanian Prime Minister’s meeting with the Romanians in the USA

    The Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu started his official visit to the USA at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, where he commemorated the victims of the genocide of the Second World War. Later, he met with representatives of the Romanian community from the Washington – Virginia – Maryland area. Romania needs to develop partnerships with companies from developed democratic countries, the prime minister told the Romanians in the area, especially in an exceptional security context, stating that Romania has the longest border with Ukraine.

    Marcel Ciolacu: Without our great achievements after the Revolution, namely membership to the EU, NATO and the strategic partnership with the US, today we would not have been talking about a consolidated democracy in Romania, about stability and we would not have slept peacefully in Romania if this partnership had not existed.

    Romanians can only be kept in the country by developing public services and infrastructure, he added, and Romania is on the right track. There are major investments in infrastructure, and next year, although it is an electoral year, reforms will be made in the budget system.

    Marcel Ciolacu: If we don’t do this, starting next year Romania risks losing important sums from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – PNRR as well as European funds. From my point of view, it is Romania’s last train to catch. If we lose the projects and reforms from the PNRR and the accession to the OECD in the next period, Romania will no longer catch such a favorable train.

    Marcel Ciolacu stated that he hoped that the USA would become the most important direct investor in Romania in all fields and the most important non-EU commercial partner of Romania. In this way, he said, the diaspora will find the way to communicate better with the home country. During the discussions with the representatives of the Romanian community, Marcel Ciolacu also referred to the efforts to include Romania in the Visa Waiver program. He said that the visa waiver will become a reality as of 2025. The US Ambassador to Romania, Kathleen Kavalec, attending the reception in Washington D.C., confirmed that there is progress regarding the inclusion of Romania in the program, which would allow Romanians to enter the US without a visa for up to 90 days.

    According to US laws, the citizens of a country can benefit from Visa Waiver if the visa rejection rate is below 3%. This rate for Romania in 2020-2021 was 17%. The visa waiver would mean that thousands of Romanians will no longer wait weeks or even months for visa processing, will no longer risk having it rejected and will no longer pay the 185-dollar- fee. Currently, the only EU countries that are not part of the Visa Waiver program are Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus. (LS)

  • Rückblick auf die Ereignisse vom 28.08. bis zum 01.09.2023

    Rückblick auf die Ereignisse vom 28.08. bis zum 01.09.2023

    Ein neues Drama in Rumänien

    Am 26. August wurde die Gemeinde Crevedia in der Nähe von Bukarest in die Liste der rumänischen Tragödien aufgenommen, die hätten vermieden werden können. Bei verheerenden Explosionen in einer Flüssiggas-Tankstelle in dem Ort gab es Tote und Dutzende von Verletzten, die meisten von ihnen Feuerwehrleute, die nach der ersten Explosion eingriffen. Trotz unterschiedlicher Opferzahlen ist der Vergleich mit der Tragödie im Club Colectiv in Bukarest, bei der mehr als 60 junge Menschen ums Leben kamen, gerechtfertigt, insbesondere, wenn die Untersuchungen Missbrauch und Illegalität bestätigen, die den Betrieb der Tankstelle seit 2020 ermöglichten. Die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft untersucht die Explosionen, die Militärstaatsanwaltschaft untersucht das Verhalten der Tankstellenbetreiber. Die Direktion für Korruptionsbekämpfung untersucht ihrerseits mögliches Fehlverhalten von Beamten, die die Genehmigung der LPG-Tankstelle kontrollieren sollten. Wie immer in solchen Fällen werden Behörden mobilisiert und führen landesweit umfangreiche Kontrollen durch. Dabei wurden weitere Unregelmä‎ßigkeiten an Tankstellen in Rumänien festgestellt. Die Presse hat erfahren, dass einer der Anteilseigner des Unternehmens, dem die Flüssiggas-Tankstelle gehört, der Sohn eines PSD-Bürgermeisters ist, der auch ein gro‎ßzügiger Parteisponsor ist. In zehn Jahren soll der Umsatz des Unternehmens, das zahlreiche Verträge mit dem Staat abgeschlossen hat, um fast das Fünffache gestiegen sein.

    Die rumänische Polizei wird umstrukturiert

    Nach einem tragischen Verkehrsunfall in der Schwarzmeer-Hafenstadt Constanța, der von einem jungen Drogenabhängigen verursacht wurde, forderten die Polizeichefs ihre Entlassung. Minister Cătălin Predoiu kündigte eine umfassende Neugestaltung des gesamten Ermittlungssystems im Innenministerium an, beginnend mit der Polizeiinspektion Constanța. Ein 19-jähriger Fahrer, der unter Drogeneinfluss in der Nähe der Gemeinde 2 Mai unterwegs war, hat zwei junge Menschen getötet und drei weitere verletzt. Vor dem Unfall wurde er von Polizeibeamten angehalten und zur Wache gebracht, wo er nach einem Alkoholtest, der negativ ausfiel, wieder entlassen wurde. Predoiu teilte mit, dass gegen mehrere Beamte, die an der mangelhaften Bearbeitung des Falles beteiligt waren, eine Voruntersuchung wegen Fahrlässigkeit eingeleitet wurde. Er kündigte an, dass er alle Bildungseinrichtungen des Innenministeriums militarisieren und die Nationale Drogenbekämpfungsbehörde angesichts der Entwicklung des Drogenkonsums in Rumänien überarbeiten werde. Justizministerin Alina Gorghiu erklärte, dass der Kampf gegen Drogen gemeinsame Anstrengungen erfordere und die Anzahl der Staatsanwälte, die sich derzeit mit solchen Fällen befassen, sehr klein sei. In Rumänien haben wir in diesem Jahr fast 4.700 Fälle von Drogen aufgeklärt. Aber nur 14 Staatsanwälte arbeiten in der Abteilung für den Kampf gegen Drogen.

    Das Treffen der rumänischen Diplomatie

    Das diesjährige rumänische Diplomatentreffen, das traditionell rund um den Tag der Diplomatie am 1. September organisiert wird, widmet sich der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen im Schwarzmeerraum und der Maximierung der Chancen. Präsident Klaus Iohannis sagte, Rumänien wird die Ukraine weiterhin unterstützen. Der Präsident versicherte, dass Rumänien der Republik Moldau mit finanzieller Unterstützung, Fachwissen und politischer Unterstützung zur Seite stehen wird, um einen unumkehrbaren europäischen Weg einzuschlagen. Weiterhin ist es Rumäniens Pflicht, weiterhin ein echter Garant für Sicherheit in der Region zu sein, damit das Schwarze Meer zu einer Region wird, in der Frieden und Wohlstand nicht mehr bedroht sind, sagte der Präsident. Der Beitritt Rumäniens zum Schengen-Raum ist für die kommende Zeit eine Priorität, versprach Iohannis. Das Diplomatentreffen bietet die Gelegenheit, die Prioritäten vor dem Hintergrund des russischen Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine zu aktualisieren, der eine beispiellose Bedrohung für den Frieden, die Sicherheit und die auf Regeln basierende internationale Ordnung darstellt, sagte Au‎ßenministerin Luminița Odobescu. Man werde die Anstrengungen verstärken, um das Profil Rumäniens in der Europäischen Union, der NATO und auf internationaler Ebene zu stärken.

    Das Enescu Festival präsentiert sich in seiner 26. Ausgabe

    Seit dem 27. August und bis zum 24. September ist Bukarest die musikalische Hauptstadt Europas. 3 500 Künstler treten bei der 26. Ausgabe des Internationalen George-Enescu-Festivals auf, das unter dem Motto Gro‎ßzügigkeit durch Musik“ steht. Der Ausgabe 2023 steht ein neuer künstlerischer Leiter, Cristian Măcelaru, vor. Die Wiener Philharmoniker, das Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam, das französische Nationalorchester, das Tonhalle-Orchester in Zürich, das London Symphony Orchestra und die Tschechische Philharmonie sind an der diesjährigen Ausgabe beteiligt. Es werden international bekannte Dirigenten auf der Bühne stehen: Cristian Măcelaru, Zubin Mehta, Sir Simon Rattle, Wilson Hermanto, Delyana Lazarova, Lawrence Foster und Vladimir Jurowski.

  • Fiscal measures to reduce the budget deficit

    Fiscal measures to reduce the budget deficit

    A state budget deficit significantly above the target has prompted the Romanian authorities to take steps to address the situation.

    The finance minister Marcel Boloș announced on Thursday that this set of tax-related measures must be endorsed in September, first of all in order to ensure that EU funding is not suspended.

    “Not implementing these measures or implementing them too late would lead to a budget deficit of around 7% of GDP,” Marcel Boloș explained, and warned that this is a turning point for Romania.

    The set of changes announced by the finance minister includes measures targeting multinational corporations and a 10-fold increase in fines in order to curb tax evasion. Adding to these are increased royalties, even 1000 times, for mineral resources and hydrocarbons, and an extensive reorganization plan for the national tax administration agency in order to improve revenue collection.

    Marcel Boloş: “It is unfair for companies that develop mineral resources and have billions in turnover and huge profits to pay minimal, even insulting royalties to the state budget. These will be rearranged, and some royalty categories will be even 1,000 times higher. It is only reasonable. These are royalties for the exploitation of mineral resources and hydrocarbons as well as for the land itself, and it is ridiculous and absurd for the state budget to receive RON 2.5 million for 300,000 hectares.ˮ

    As for the measures targeting the public sector, Marcel Boloş mentioned decentralization and the regionalisation of public services, so as to eliminate what he called the “splurge” of public money.

    “We need a lot less bureaucracy, a lot more thoughtfulness in spending public money,ˮ Marcel Boloș pointed out. According to him, these measures are expected to have a combined impact of 2% of GDP.

    Meanwhile, the news from the Fiscal Council is not encouraging. The institution made an upward adjustment of its budget deficit forecast, and says the deficit will be over 6% of GDP unless correction measures are implemented. According to the Councils annual report, the budget deficit for the first half of the year, standing at 2.3% of GDP, is around 0.63% higher than in the corresponding period of last year. The reasons have to do with the slower dynamics of certain categories of revenues and an increase in spending above the levels in the budget law. The Council reiterated the importance of introducing immediate corrections and of substantially increasing tax revenues. (AMP)

  • The special pension reform continues

    The special pension reform continues

    The last week of the current parliamentary
    session was devoted to bills which target sensitive areas and which, precisely
    for this reason, had been long postponed. On Monday, in an almost unprecedented
    political effort, Romania’s Senators and Deputies scrapped the special pensions
    granted to MPs. The piece of legislation under which Romanian MPs give up what
    the media and the public have long regarded as an immoral right, has already
    been signed into law by President Iohannis.

    On Wednesday, 2 other overdue bills were
    endorsed. One of them no longer allows individuals to receive both public
    sector salaries and retirement benefits, and the other is aimed at reforming
    the special pension system, which relies only in part on contributions during
    the employment period, and which benefits magistrates, military personnel,
    diplomats, parliamentary and court staff as well as aeronautical personnel.

    In the first case, exemptions from the
    restriction concerning public sector salaries and pension benefits paid to the
    same individual at the same time triggered fiery criticism, primarily because
    these exemptions cover local elected officials and MPs, alongside other
    categories, such as teaching staff, healthcare professionals, specialist carers
    and employees of the Romanian Academy, the National Bank of Romania, the
    National Energy Regulatory Authority and the Communications Regulatory

    A final favourable vote was also cast on the special
    pension reform bill, but the draft submitted by the Government was
    significantly amended. In this final version, the implementation of the reform
    is basically postponed 5 years and extended until 2043. Until 2028, prosecutors,
    judges and military personnel may retire under the same conditions as before. The
    retirement age will be increased in several stages from 60 to 65, and minimum
    25-year relevant seniority will be a requirement for retiring magistrates.

    Pension benefits in excess of the national
    average net salary will be subject to taxation, but the rate will be 15%
    instead of the 30% originally suggested. All these provisions have been
    discussed with EU experts, the PM Marcel Ciolacu said.

    The reform of the special pension system is a
    milestone in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. USR party in Opposition,
    which would have liked special pensions to be scrapped altogether, voted
    against the bill, arguing that it still leaves Romania with the same number of 210,000
    special pension beneficiaries as before.

    The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in
    Romania, no longer a partner in the ruling coalition since the government
    rotation, said a long time would pass until the system may rely exclusively on
    lifetime contributions to pension funds. Even this version of the law, which according
    to analysts saw its most radical provisions amputated, annoyed the Higher
    Council of Magistrates. They disapprove of the amendments and claim Parliament
    overlooked constitutional principles and endorsed measures that cause irreparable
    damages to the independence of the judiciary and of magistrates. (AMP)

  • No more special pensions for the Romanian MPs

    No more special pensions for the Romanian MPs

    This is the last week of the present session of the Legislature in Bucharest, which decided not to go on holiday before finalizing some of the most sensitive bills – that on the elimination of the MPs special pensions and the reform of the public service pensions. The elimination of the special pensions for the MPs was endorsed on Monday with a landslide majority in a joint sitting of the two chambers, a sitting marked by speeches abounding in quotations from classical literature, ironies, cries, booing and bell ringing sounds. The aforementioned voting has a special significance for the entire political class, says the Liberals president, Nicolae Ciuca, while the interim president of the Chamber of Deputies, the Social-Democrat Alfred Simonis has described it as a first step towards the reform of all special pensions, which is also an objective in the countrys National Plan of Recovery and Resilience (PNRR).

    Alfred Simonis: “We begin today with the first serious pension reform, the pensions of the MPs, which we dont tax, we dont cut, but we simply eliminate. We eliminate those, which are presently paid as well as those about to be paid in the absence of such a law. The special pensions, the accumulation of the pension and salary, unmet objectives in the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience, are priorities.”

    Although the oppositions backed the bill, there were voices who cautioned the document could be declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court; Parliament had endorsed the same law two years ago, but former MPs notified the Constitutional Court, which ruled it as unconstitutional. Furthermore, USR leader, Cătălin Drulă, has recalled that…

    Catalin Drula: “We are speaking about 700 beneficiaries of special pensions, the other 210 thousand special pensions remain untouched.”

    We recall that Romania has several occupational categories, whose pensions arent exclusively based on the contributions of these employees to the state social insurances before retirement, like the rest of the citizens.

    And for this reason, most of the Romanians believe that MPs, magistrates, servicemen, policemen, diplomats or pilots belong to an intangible privileged cast. For now the draft bill on the reform of the entire special pension system, among other things, provides for a gradual increase in the retirement age, at least 25 years of service for the magistrates, in order to be able to benefit from a public service pension or a 15% tax levied on sums above the medium gross salary.

    The provisions are actually amendments proposed by the ruling MPs after the latest talks with representatives of the European Commission in order to comply with the PNRR commitments so that the country may not lose the related funds. The political groups in the ruling coalition have hailed the amendments, whereas the opposition says they do not actually reform the special pension system.


  • Romania’s magistrates are protesting

    Romania’s magistrates are protesting

    Magistrates with several courts and
    prosecutor’s offices in Romania on Wednesday ceased work as the imminent amendments
    to the pension legislation could affect the independence of the judiciary.

    Under these circumstances, only the
    urgent criminal cases such as international kidnapping, placement and
    investment, adoptions, public custody, protection orders will be judged. The Superior
    Council of the Magistrates (CSM) has announced it has been notified and
    unconditionally supports the position expressed by the magistrates, as this
    situation of severe gravity is fundamentally bearing on the independence of the
    judiciary and the statute of the magistrates with direct consequences upon the
    act of justice.

    The highest representatives of the legal
    system, CSM recalls, had a meeting with the representatives of the executive
    and legislative power whom they briefed upon the impact of the legislative
    amendments over the justice system, which is already being confronted with an
    acute shortage of personnel against the ongoing uncertainty regarding the
    statute of the professionals in the field.

    On the other hand, the CSM says it
    does not stand against the pension reform and is concerned with finding the
    best normative solutions aimed at streamlining this process.

    The country’s new Justice Minister, Alina
    Gorghiu, has reacted to the radical measure the magistrates resorted to, saying
    that she respects their right to free speech. She also said that dialogue is
    the solution to any problem facing the legal system not the protest.

    The principle according to which no
    pension can exceed the salary is a moral one and the Romanian society has been
    waiting for this pension reform to be implemented, Alina Gorghiu says. The
    pension reform, which is only to a small extent based on the contribution made
    during the period of activity, and which the magistrates mainly benefit as well
    as other professional categories, is a landmark in the country’s Plan of Recovery
    and Resilience. Romania’s failure to comply with the provisions of the
    aforementioned plan, would be tantamount to losing 3 billion Euros.

    The PSD – PNL ruling coalition wants
    to gradually increase the retirement age for prosecutors and justices up to 65
    years and the pensions to be calculated based on the incomes along the years
    not in the last year of activity. The reform in the field would also mean higher
    taxes for the pensions above a certain level as well as the elimination of the public
    service pensions for a series of auxiliary categories such as the specialized personnel
    around the judges and prosecutors, the personnel with specific executive
    positions within the diplomatic missions as well as the personnel around the
    public Parliament servants.

    The number of the beneficiaries of
    public service pensions in May this year exceeded 10 thousand, half of them
    being magistrates. And in their case, the average pension exceeds 4,000 Euros, the
    largest part of which being funded from the state budget.


  • Government to save more money

    Government to save more money

    With revenue receipts in the first part of the year lower than the estimates, the Romanian government finds itself in the situation of resorting to more spending cuts in an attempt to maintain the budget deficit within its admitted limits. After having assessed the budget structure, experts cautioned over the possibility of overrated budgeted revenues and underrated expenses, as early as last year.

    The coalition government in Bucharest is expected to officially make public the reform package aimed at saving billions of euros by the end of the year. The aforementioned measures have been listed in a draft bill to be approved in the first government sitting. The countrys Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca has again given assurances the measures arent going to affect salaries, jobs or investment as they arent austerity measures but aimed at streamlining the economy.

    Nicolae Ciuca: “Through these fiscal measures, we are going to approve after having made a decision within the coalition, we want to make sure we are going to meet the deficit target. And we are not speaking here of austerity measures because we have seen in the past years that not only the Romanian economy, but any other economy cannot develop and function within its normal parameters based on austerity measures. However, we can definitely speak about improvement measures and the appropriate management of public money.”

    In turn, Finance Minister, Adrian Câciu, explains that it all comes down to streamlining public spending so that it may create the needed fiscal room for support measures for the economy and people. Various publications in Romania have already made public the aforementioned bill aimed at curbing expenditures, which also provides for freezing state employment in 2023 and canceling any pay rise. So personnel expenses in public institutions arent going to exceed those in 2022.

    The bill also provides for procurement and bans any purchase, hire or lease takeovers of cars or office equipment. Only the newly-established public authorities and institutions as well as investment objectives are exempted from this decision. The ordinance also bans the pension-salary accumulation for a state employee except for those working as teachers in various education institutions as well as the specialized personnel in medical units. The measure also targets pensioners from the armed forces, including the incumbent Prime Minister, who is a career serviceman. According to political sources, the document hasnt been endorsed by the coalition yet.

    Against the background of the latest debates on the appropriate public spending, pundits are asking a legitimate question: why temperance and discipline in spending public money are being considered only at times of budget deficit?


  • „Bildungsstandort Rumänien“: Was  bringen die neuen Bildungsgesetze?

    „Bildungsstandort Rumänien“: Was bringen die neuen Bildungsgesetze?

    Seit fünf Jahren koordiniert die derzeitige Bildungsministerin Ligia Deca das Projekt Bildungsstandort Rumänien“, das vom Staatspräsidenten Klaus Johannis ins Leben gerufen wurde und während seiner beiden Amtszeiten immer wieder für Schlagzeilen aufgrund der Verzögerung seiner Umsetzung sorgte. Das Projekt, das nun in Form der neuen Bildungsgesetze in die Praxis umgesetzt wird, soll eine Lösung für die schwerwiegenden Probleme im rumänischen Bildungssystem liefern.

    Die Missstände im rumänischen Bildungssektor sind gravierend und sie haben sich festgesetzt. Die Gesetze in diesem Bereich sind seit der antikommunistischen Revolution von 1989 unzählige Male abgeändert worden, und die zahlreichen Minister und Ministerinnen unterschiedlicher politischer Couleur, die sich an der Spitze des Bildungswesens die Klinke in Hand gaben, hatten kein klares Konzept, wie die Mängel zu beheben sind, auf die Lehrer, Schüler und Eltern immer wieder hingewiesen haben.

    Nach einer ersten Phase von Konsultationen in den Jahren 2016–2017 wurde das Projekt Bildungsstandort Rumänien“ 2018 zur öffentlichen Debatte gestellt. Als Beraterin des Präsidenten für Bildung koordinierte Ligia Deca das Projekt direkt, nahm an den Debatten teil und verantwortete den Abschlussbericht, der im Sommer 2021 veröffentlicht wurde. Mehr als 60 Bildungseinrichtungen und fast 13 Tausend direkt Betroffene und Experten waren an der Ausarbeitung des Abschlussberichts beteiligt.

    Im vergangenen Herbst ernannte Präsident Klaus Johannis Ligia Deca schlie‎ßlich zur Bildungsministerin und übte Druck auf den Politikbetrieb aus, damit das Programm Bildungsstandort Rumänien“ möglichst schnell per Gesetz verwirklicht wird. Genauer gesagt sind nach langem Hickhack zwei Gesetze daraus geworden. Das Gesetz über die voruniversitäre Bildung zielt unter anderem darauf ab, die Zahl der Schulabbrecher zu verringern, und mit dem Gesetz über die Hochschulbildung soll die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Universitäten in Rumänien und europäischen Partneruniversitäten gefördert werden. Die Professionalisierung der beruflichen Laufbahn der Lehrkräfte, die Verbesserung des Zugangs zur Früherziehung, die Verringerung des funktionalen Analphabetismus, die Anpassung der Lehrpläne an den Arbeitsmarkt, die Modernisierung der Test- und Bewertungsmethoden und die verstärkte Unterstützung von Kindern aus benachteiligten Verhältnissen sind weitere, ebenso wichtige Ziele.

    Die meisten Eltern und Schüler sind jedoch daran interessiert, was sich kraft der neuen Bildungsgesetze in der sogenannten Nationalen Bewertung (der Aufnahmeprüfung für die Oberschule) und dem Abitur ändern wird. Bekannt ist, dass das Abitur einen zusätzlichen Test beinhalten wird, der die Grundkenntnisse der Schüler abfragt, und dass zusätzlich ein sogenanntes technisches Abitur eingeführt wird. Ministerin Ligia Deca erläuterte kürzlich im rumänischen Rundfunk, wie die Aufnahmeprüfung für die Oberschule künftig gestaltet werden soll:

    Im Wesentlichen handelt es sich dabei um die Nationale Bewertung, wie wir sie jetzt kennen, die aus den Prüfungen in Rumänisch und Mathematik besteht sowie — im Falle der anerkannten nationalen Minderheiten — der Prüfung in der jeweiligen Muttersprache. Danach folgt eine potenzielle Prüfung für die Zulassung zum Gymnasium — allerdings nur für die Profile, bei denen es einen Wettbewerb gibt. Hier sprechen wir von 60 % der Ausbildungsplätze, die durch diese Aufnahmeprüfung vergeben werden können; die restlichen 40 % der werden auf der Grundlage einer computergestützten Verteilung der erfolgreichen Kandidaten auf die jeweiligen Gymnasien vergeben und auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Nationalen Prüfung ermittelt. Schüler und Eltern sollten sich darüber im Klaren sein, dass diese Änderungen nicht zeitgleich mit dem Gesetz in Kraft treten werden, also nicht nächstes Jahr oder in zwei Jahren. Wir wollen Vorhersehbarkeit, und deshalb werden erst die Kinder, die im ersten Schuljahr nach der Verabschiedung des Gesetzes in die fünfte Klasse kommen, die Nationale Prüfung ablegen und nach der neuen Formel auf dem Gymnasium aufgenommen. Konkret wird die Aufnahmeprüfung fürs Gymnasium frühestens ab 2027 gelten, und die neue Abiturprüfung entweder 2028 oder 2029 zum Zuge kommen, je nachdem, wie schnell wir die Lehrplanreform abschlie‎ßen.“

    Mit den neuen Bildungsgesetzen sollen die Schüler in den Mittelpunkt gerückt und das Potenzial eines jeden Kindes gefördert werden. Wie soll dies erreicht werden? Ministerin Ligia Deca erläutert weiter:

    Wir sprechen hier von einem Paradigmenwechsel. Es geht nicht mehr um Lehrpläne nach Vorstellungen der Schule, sondern um Lehrpläne, die an die individuellen Bedürfnisse der einzelnen Schüler angepasst sind, d.h., die die Schüler werden aus dem Angebot der Schule wählen dürfen. Wir wollen, dass diese Wahlmöglichkeit verstärkt wird und dem Potenzial der Kinder besser entspricht. Gleichzeitig wird es ein Schülerportfolio geben, in dem im Grunde alle Informationen über den Bildungsweg eines Kindes gesammelt werden, so dass wir bei Problemen viel früher eingreifen können, als dies jetzt möglich ist. Für jeden Bildungszyklus gibt es gesetzliche Bestimmungen, die den Schulberater, den Schulleiter, die Familie und die anderen Lehrer besser miteinander vernetzen, so dass für jeden Schüler ein individueller Plan erstellt werden kann. Au‎ßerdem werden wir durch das nationale Programm zur Verringerung des funktionalen Analphabetismus über standardisierte, jährliche Tests verfügen, die es uns ermöglichen, festzustellen, wo Nachholbedarf besteht und wo wir ein höheres Ma‎ß an Komplexität anbieten können, damit Kinder, die zu hohen Leistungen fähig sind, entsprechend gefördert werden. Wir sprechen also über Gesetze, die viel stärker auf die Bedürfnisse der Schüler ausgerichtet sind.“

    Wie ist es jedoch um die Lehrkräfte bestellt? Ändert sich etwas in der Entlohnung und der Bewertung ihrer Aktivität? Bildungsministerin Ligia Deca kommt erneut zu Wort:

    Das Bildungsministerium hat in den letzten Monaten gemeinsam mit den wichtigsten Gewerkschaftsverbänden an den Gehaltstabellen im Rahmen des neuen Entlohnungsgesetzes gearbeitet. Seit Februar haben wir unsere Vorschläge an das Arbeitsministerium gesandt, um zum Entwurf für das neue Besoldungsgesetz beizutragen. Es gab auch direkte Gespräche mit den Gewerkschaften, aber auch zwischen den Gewerkschaften und Vertretern der Parteien der Regierungskoalition. Was die Bewertung der Arbeit der Lehrkräfte betrifft, so haben wir vereinbart, gemeinsam zu prüfen, wie wir die bereits vorhandenen Instrumente wie die Leistungsvergütung anpassen können, aber auch, wie wir neue Anreize einführen können, z.B. die Regelung, dass 2 % des Gehaltsfonds dem Schulleiter zur Verfügung gestellt werden, um Lehrkräfte zu motivieren, die sich stärker in Schulprojekte einbringen.“

    Die bisherigen Zahlen sprechen jedoch eine andere Sprache: Der Schulabbruch ist immer noch eines der grö‎ßten Probleme an rumänischen Schulen, wobei Rumänien laut Eurostat den höchsten Prozentsatz an Schulabbrechern in Europa aufweist. Die Schulabbrecherquote ist in den ländlichen Gebieten am stärksten ausgeprägt. Hinzu kommt der funktionale Analphabetismus, der in den PISA-Tests unter 15-jährigen rumänischen Schülern gemessen wird. Auch hier liegt Rumänien weit über dem europäischen Durchschnitt. Mit anderen Worten: Eine beträchtliche Anzahl rumänischer 15-Jähriger versteht die Inhalte gelesener Texte nicht. Der Mangel an Lehrern und qualifiziertem Schulpersonal ist ein weiteres Problem, das seit Jahren ungelöst ist. Die niedrigen Erfolgsquoten bei den Lehramtsprüfungen der letzten Jahre sind besorgniserregend. Nicht zu vernachlässigen sind auch die Gewalt an den Schulen und der Drogenkonsum unter Schülern, Phänomene, in in letzter Zeit dramatisch zugenommen haben.

    Kritiker des Projekts Bildungsstandort Rumänien“ bemängeln, dass die Initiative des Präsidenten nicht von den bestehenden konkreten Problemen ausginge, sondern nur eine Sammlung von Allgemeinplätzen sei. Daher werden die neuen Bildungsgesetze — trotz der Änderungen, die sie mit sich bringen — die derzeitigen Probleme nicht lösen können, sondern eher mehr Verwirrung mit sich bringen, so die Kritik.

    Für die Umsetzung der in den neuen Gesetzen vorgesehenen Reformen werden mehr als 3 Milliarden Euro aus dem in Brüssel genehmigten Nationalen Aufbau- und Resilienzplan (PNRR) bereitgestellt.

  • The Education Laws in the focus of the deputies

    The Education Laws in the focus of the deputies

    The reform of the education system has been discussed, in an applied or propagandistic manner, for over three decades. Several changes have been made indeed, but most of the projects started were short-lived, due to repeated changes at the top of the education ministry. The reform lacked a unitary vision, to be accepted by the main political forces. Now there is a chance that, a large coalition, such as the one in power, which includes the main leftwing and rightwing forces, the Social Democratic Party – PSD and the National Liberal Party – PNL, may agree on a long-term, valid reform program. Recently approved by the government, the new draft education laws reached the Chamber of Deputies. They are based on the “Educated Romania” project, initiated by President Klaus Iohannis, and for the implementation of the reforms included in these laws, more than 3 billion Euros will be allocated from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

    The coordinator of the presidential project, Ligia Deca, is the current education minister and she claims that the education system will be centered on the students and on stimulating their potential. The higher education law is meant to combat university education dropout and to support European cooperation of universities in Romania.

    The pre-university education law mainly aims to reduce school dropout and functional illiteracy, which are chronic problems of the Romanian education system. The bill regarding pre-university education proposes the introduction of new mandatory assessments at the end of the 2nd, 4th and 6th grades in such subjects as Language and Communication and Mathematics and Sciences. High schools will be able to organize their own admission contest, with specific tests, for 60% of the places, besides the National Assessment, and the baccalaureate exam will have more tests. The higher education bill also provides for increasing the length of university doctoral studies to 4 years, as compared to 3 years at present. The coalition leaders promise to adopt the new laws by the end of the current parliamentary session.

    On the other hand, Romanian schools are facing a serious problem: a rising number of incidents. That is why the education ministry has announced that it has started consultations to find the best solutions to counter violence of any nature in schools. Minister Deca emphasized that the safety of every person in the education units is a priority for the education ministry. Her reaction came after two events that horrified the public opinion: a few days ago, a student from a college in Bucharest injured a teacher with a knife during class, and at a school in Prahova county (south), 13 year old students sexually harassed a teacher, also during class, and filmed the incident. In the first case, the aggressor student was arrested, on the grounds that he represented a public danger, and was placed in a special center for minors. In the second case, the Prahova School Inspectorate took disciplinary measures, and the police opened an investigation. (LS)

  • The National Recovery and Resilience Plan, an extraordinary chance

    The National Recovery and Resilience Plan, an extraordinary chance

    The Romanian government admits the existence of a hole in the budget of 20 billion lei, the equivalent of 4 billion euros, and is looking for solutions to cover it. The target is to maintain the deficit at 4.4% of the GDP. The Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă has given assurances that salaries or other types of income will not be cut. Among the solutions considered are the inclusion of salary increases and the reduction of certain allowances, in parallel with measures to reduce tax evasion. When the budget was adopted, there were experts who warned that some revenues were overestimated and some expenses underestimated, and this overlap, once confirmed, could only lead to an increase in the deficit.

    Eugen Rădulescu, the director of the Financial Stability Directorate of the National Bank of Romania – BNR, believes that the main cause of the external deficit is the public deficit. Present at a conference, the National Bank expert spoke about the great risks posed by the twin deficits. The current account deficit has exceeded 9% of the GDP and is the highest, including as compared to the countries in the area, and the budget deficit, although it has decreased, remains at a high value. The excessive budget deficit had pushed Romania, before the pandemic, close to the start of an infringement procedure, the BNR expert recalls.

    The National Recovery and Resilience Plan therefore represents a real breath of fresh air, Eugen Rădulescu believes: “We are talking about some astonishingly large amounts of money, which could be attracted into the national economic circuit, and we are also talking about measures that are provided in this program, which are meant to restore the macroeconomic balances that don’t look good at all. A lot of political will is needed, as the measures that have to be adopted are neither popular nor easy to adopt”.

    On the other hand, Romania benefits from two better developments than initially anticipated, economic growth and relative stability of the exchange rate, which are the result of the natural movement of the market and not of the interventions of the Central Bank, says Eugen Rădulescu, the director of the Financial Stability Directorate of the BNR. In relation to inflation, although the annual rate will accelerate its decline in the coming months and it will most likely fall below 10% in the 3rd quarter of the year, we should not expect key interest rate cuts anytime soon, says Cristian Popa, a member of the Board of Directors of the BNR.

    According to him, there are many factors that put pressure on inflation. These include war, protectionism, the green economy, which is more expensive. The erosion of liberalism is also inflationary, the Central Bank official adds, because, when the authorities get too involved in companies, in the private economy, they create regulatory costs, rules and bureaucracy, and these can push prices up. (LS)

  • February 1, 2023 UPDATE

    February 1, 2023 UPDATE

    SESSION The Senate and Chamber of
    Deputies in Bucharest on Wednesday went on their first Parliamentary session
    this year. Draft laws on complying with the terms assumed through the National
    Plan of Recovery and Resilience are high on the agenda. Leaders of the main
    ruling parties, the Social Democratic and the National Liberal Party, have also
    announced among their legislative priorities, several projects on education and
    the special pensions reform. The Liberals want to raise the ceiling for pension
    taxation and the local and Parliamentary election of 2024 to merge. The
    Social-Democrats have announced they are working on a new ruling programme and
    the Social-Democratic president Marcel Ciolacu who is going to take over the position
    of Prime Minister, has announced the idea of cutting labour taxes and
    increasing the taxation level for the companies with huge profits. The
    opposition USR and Force of the Right have tabled a simple motion against
    Interior Minister Lucian Bode entitled Romania deserves better than thieves on
    public jobs, amid forgery allegation concerning his PhD thesis. The Senate has
    endorsed a declaration reiterating its commitment to strengthening legislative
    efforts to commemorate the Holocaust victims and underlines the need for the
    involvement of all state institutions and citizens so that human rights may be

    PROTEST Roughly one thousand employees from Romania’s education
    system took to the streets on Wednesday to protest the low salaries in their
    line of work. According to the protesters, the nonteaching staff makes the only
    category of state employees who hasn’t yet reached the pay level stipulated by
    the 2022 law. Salaries for nonteaching employees are ranging between 366 and
    468 euros and trade unions in the country’s education system have called on the
    government to endorse a law allowing the nonteaching personnel to get proper

    UKRAINE The Russian invasion forces are making small progress on
    the front in eastern Ukraine – international news agencies report. Their main
    target remains the city of Bakhmut, which they have been trying to seize for
    months without success. Both Bakhmut and the neighboring villages of Kliškiivka
    and Kurdiumivka, located south of the city, came under new Russian fire.
    According to the Ukrainian military, though, the Russians allegedly got stuck
    near the town of Avdiivka, the second focal point of their attacks in the
    disputed Donetsk region. Troop movements are also registered in Lyman, a city
    recaptured by the Ukrainians in October. In an unusually detailed intelligence
    update, British Ministry of Defense experts, who are constantly monitoring the
    situation on the front, note that Russian forces have advanced several hundred
    meters across a river towards the town of Vuhledar, and recorded made small wins.
    Specialists say that Moscow’s troops would like to attract the Ukrainian forces
    defending Bakhmut to Vuhledar.

    VISIT The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, will be paying
    a formal visit to Baku, Azerbaijan, on February 2-3, at the invitation of his
    counterpart, Ilham Aliyev. The two presidents will open the Ministerial Meeting
    of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council.
    The visit by the Romanian president comes in continuation of the very
    good talks held with the Azerbaijani president, in Bucharest, in December 2022,
    on the occasion of their participation in the signing ceremony of the Agreement
    between the Governments of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania and
    Hungary regarding the Strategic Partnership in the field of green energy
    development and transport. In Baku, the state of implementation of regional
    interconnection projects such as the submarine electricity transmission cable
    will be assessed and the initiation of similar projects in the digital field
    will be addressed. Azerbaijan is the first country in the South Caucasus region
    with which Romania raised bilateral relations to the level of Strategic
    Partnership in 2009.


  • Romania’s troubled history in the early 19th century

    Romania’s troubled history in the early 19th century

    Revolution led by Tudor Vladimirescu was held in the first part of the year
    1821, actually over February and May. It led up to the end of the Phanariot
    reigns in Wallachia and Moldavia. Its leader, later on, gained the status of a
    mythical character, thanks to the revolution he led. Tudor Vladmirescu is
    oftentimes mentioned in history textbooks; he has been immortalized through
    statues and paintings. However, the real character is less well-known by the
    lay public, at once being an interesting, even controversial character. The
    Revolution led by Tudor Vladimirescu in Wallachia was intertwined with the
    Greek revolution of liberation from the Ottoman Empire. Vladimirescu’s
    connection to the Eteria, the secret society that actually started the Greek
    revolution, eventually led to his assassination. Born into a family of freeholders, mosneni,
    in Romanian, in Gorj County, through his skill and adaptation capacity, Tudor
    Vladmirescu gained the status of an estate agent; in turn, he was a merchant
    and a purveyor of the Tsarist army, a rank similar to that of officer, a rank he
    gained during the Russian occupation of 1806 and 1812. The reasons underlying
    the outbreak of the unrest also included personal ambitions as well as the need
    of several political changes. His activity depended on the collaboration with
    the Eteria, but also on the hope of a military assistance provided by the Russians, which,
    even though it had not been promised, it was also expected by the Greeks. The
    historian Tudor Dinu, in his recently launched work titled The Greek
    revolution of 1821 on the territory of Moldavia and Wallachia, provided a
    detailed account of the personality of Vladimirescu and of the underlying
    reason of his collaboration with the Eteria revolutionaries led by Alexandru Ypsilanti. Also, the book highlights the purpose for which Tudor Vladimirescu
    started his revolt.

    Here is the historian Tudor Dinu himself, with details on
    all that.

    Tudor played a key part in the Eteria fighters’ plans. As early as 1820,
    when the Eteria revolutionary warriors convened in the town of Ismail to set up
    the general plan of the revolution, they said that in Wallachia, the revolution
    was to be started by a one Tudor Vladmirescu, whom they deemed as the
    commander of the armed men in Craiova.

    Eteria revolutionaries sponsored Tudor Vladimirescu and thought he could be a
    manageable tool in their hands. But they couldn’t have been more wrong, just as
    the great boyars got it all wrong, who wanted to wind him round their little
    finger. He could be, in my opinion, the most impressive example of a self-made
    man in our history: a commoner, who believed in his star, trying to overcome
    his condition in a brilliant manner, going at all lengths for his career, first
    worming himself into the boyars’ favor, then going into trading very
    successfully, first, on behalf of this and that boyar, later, for himself,
    getting a position in administration, all that culminating with a military
    career. Gaining acceptance to the Russian consul’s entourage, collaborating
    with the Eteria, he went as far as hoping to obtain the reign in a new system,
    he even hoped for the toppling of the social order in the Principalities, which
    could have been made possible though the liberation brought by the Russians.
    The Greek sources provide many new things, in this respect, stating that the
    Eteria revolutionaries promised Tudor they would get him seated on Decebalus’ s

    irrespective of the reasons, Tudor Vladimirescu and his army succeeded to
    destabilize the Phanariot order, also gaining the support of a relevant part of
    the domestic boyars’ class, reaching as far as the princely court in Bucharest.
    Meanwhile, the Eteria revolutionary warriors led by Alexandru Ypsilanti had
    penetrated Moldavia. There they were trying to muster an army made of locals,
    hoping the population in the Romanian principalities would rise up, on a large
    scale, against the Ottomans. Part from the political changes did the
    revolutionaries consider social changes as well?

    Historian Tudor Dinu:

    The most radical, to that effect, socially but also
    politically, was Alexandru Ypsilanti. In his political program, Alexandru
    Ypsilanti stipulated, for instance, the existence of indigenous rulers, but
    also some sort of constitutional monarchy, with the rulers’ incomes being
    checked by an early parliament of the Romanian Principalities. As for Tudor, he
    also had important proposal in the social field meant to improve the lives of
    commoners, yet they were not as radical as they were presented to us. For instance,
    he proposed, among other things, that certain taxes be reintroduced. It goes
    without saying he also had some very interesting suggestions. The most
    important one, for the development of commerce, was the dismantling of domestic
    customs, by means of which products brought from another city were very
    expensive. Also, Tudor proposed the equal decrease in revenues for bakers and
    butchers, so that bread, but also meat, could be affordable. There also was
    another proposal, perhaps the most radical one, but impossible to implement:
    the merit-based ascription of high-office dignities, something that could not
    be implemented, and as for the system of corruption, it could not disappear,
    given that Tudor himself pleaded for the income reduction in the case of
    high-office dignitaries.

    the long-term intentions, the situation on the ground was not a happy one. The
    Eteria Army’s crossing of the Romanian territories wreaked havoc and meant
    plundering and unrest carried by the local population. Moreover, the looming Ottoman
    invasion ran the risk of yet again turning the Principalities into a war
    theater, what with the fact that the eagerly-awaited Russian assistance failed
    to appear. Under the circumstances, Tudor Vladimirescu initiated a risky
    diplomatic action, meant to protect the country, but also his past success; he
    tried to negotiate with the Sublime Porte in Istanbul. However, Alexandru Ypsilanti
    learned about those attempts and considered Tudor a traitor.

    Tudor Dinu:

    Maybe the most important
    accusation count is a letter Tudor sent and which fell into the Sultan’s hands.
    In that letter he expressed his wish to wage war against Ypsilanti the
    traitor, provided the High Porte gave him some assistance. But that was not
    possible. The High Porte could not offer military assistance to a mutinous
    Christian. It may very well be that Tudor was extremely clever, in his bid to
    maintain good relations with the Turks, refraining from going against
    Ypsilanti. Also, Tudor kept a last-ditch hope alive that the Russian army might
    come. He
    had been given assurance, via numerous channels, that is why he was slowing things
    down a little bit. But from the viewpoint of the Eteria revolutionaries, that
    was treason.

    of treason, Tudor Vladimirescu stood trial according to Eteria’s Criminal Code.
    He was sentenced on the grounds that he went against Eteria’s motherland,
    Greece, even though Tudor’s motherland was definitely Wallachia. That is why
    his trial and subsequent execution are, even to this day, rated as inequities,
    by the Romanian historical research and public opinion. For the Romanian Principalities,
    the revolution would come to an end once with Tudor Vladimirescu’s death on May
    28, 1821. As for the Eteria revolutionaries, they would continue their fight
    against the Ottomans on the territory of Wallachia, until their defeat in
    Dragasani in early June. Here is historian Tudor Dinu once again, this time
    speaking about the effects of the 1821 revolutionary year on Wallachia and

    Tudor Dinu:

    For the Romanian Principalities, the Greek revolution was catastrophic, because, in the wake of the
    Greek revolution, the Romanian principalities were completely devastated. The
    Romanians’ sacrifice was an exemplary one. One or two decades were needed for
    the Romanian Principalities to recover from such a devastation. Then a
    Russian-Turkish war followed. In another move, the role the 1821 Revolution
    played was fundamental, since it marked the Romanian principalities
    definitively falling within the West’s orbit, even though the process had begun
    in 1812. It took shape and was to be completed at the level of the elites, and
    not at the level of the Romanian peasant, who, in the 19th century,
    still lived according to ancestral rhythms. Such a sacrifice was necessary, so that Romania could find its place on
    the map pf Europe, and not on that of the Ottoman Empire. (EN)

  • Bildungswesen: drei Jahrzehnte Chaos

    Bildungswesen: drei Jahrzehnte Chaos

    Nun soll das Bildungsgesetz erneut überarbeitet werden — zum Leidwesen aller Betroffenen: Lehrer, Schüler und Eltern. Die politische Instabilität in Rumänien hat zudem dazu geführt, dass an der Spitze des Bildungsressorts umstrittene bis streitbare Minister und Ministerinnen sich die Klinke im Jahrestakt oder öfters in die Hand gaben. Jeder Ressortinhaber gab sich geschäftstüchtig und voller Tatendrang, das Wort Reform“ war in aller Munde, doch im Grunde hatte keiner der Minister eine klare Vision; stattdessen wurden die halbherzigen Reformschritte der jeweiligen Vorgänger entweder rückgängig gemacht oder durch neue Änderungen ersetzt.

    Nach drei Jahrzehnten des Ruckelns und Wirrwarrs ist die Unzufriedenheit auf allen Seiten gro‎ß. Schüler und ihre Eltern haben die Nase voll davon, dass die Spielregeln während des Spiels immer wieder geändert werden. Immer mehr Eltern, die es sich leisten können, schicken ihren Nachwuchs auf renommierte ausländische Unis, die Spitzenabsolventen der heimischen Unis entscheiden sich oft für eine Karriere im Ausland oder werden direkt abgeworben. Die technischen Hochschulen bilden immer weniger gut qualifizierte Fachkräfte aus, so dass es hierzulande immer schwieriger wird, beispielsweise einen kompetenten Klempner oder Automechaniker zu finden. Aufgrund von Stress und Unterbezahlung wird auch der ehrbare Beruf des Lehrers immer unattraktiver — auf dem Lande und in Kleinstädten müssen viele Schulen nur noch mit Aushilfs- oder Ersatz-Lehrkräften zurecht kommen. Auch wenn die einschlägigen Studien umstritten und auslegungsbedürftig sind, sprechen die Zahlen eine deutliche Sprache — in Rumänien gibt es unter Schulabgängern einen hohen Anteil an sogenannten funktionalen Analphabeten.

    Mitten in dieser desolaten Lage kündigt Bildungsminister Sorin Cîmpeanu (PNL) neue Änderungen im Ressort an, die seiner Ansicht nach eine Verbesserung der derzeitigen Zustände bringen sollen. Gemä‎ß seinem liberalen Credo geht es in erster Linie um eine Förderung der Elite-Gymnasien, die in Rumänien als Nationalkollegs bezeichnet werden. Konkret sollen diese Gymnasien mit zumeist theoretischer Ausrichtung und Klassen mit Schwerpunkt Real- oder Humanwissenschaften ihre Aufnahmeprüfungen künftig selbst erarbeiten und organisieren dürfen. Dies gilt für 90 % der Anwärter auf den begehrten Status des Schülers eines Elite-Gymnasiums, auf die restlichen10 % der Ausbildungsplätze haben Grundschulabgänger (also Absolventen der 8. Klasse) einen Anspruch, die eine ausreichende Benotung bei der nationalen Abschlussprüfung erhalten haben. Zudem soll ab 2024 die Durchschnittsnote, die Achtklässler in der Grundschule erlangt haben, nicht mehr bei der Aufnahmeprüfung fürs Gymnasium mitberechnet werden — dem Minister zufolge habe der Lernerfolg in den Grundschuljahren seine Relevanz verloren.

    Auch den Abitur-Prüfungen stehen Veränderungen bevor. Die je nach Profil des Gymnasiums fakultative schriftliche Fachprüfung soll nicht mehr ins Gewicht fallen — eine Benotung dieser mit Genügend“ ist keine Bedingung mehr für die Gesamtbewertung der Abschlussprüfungen. Der Einstieg in den Lehrerberuf soll ebenfalls komplett umgestaltet werden. Angehende Lehrkräfte sollen zu Beginn ihrer Laufbahn für ein Jahr auf Probe eingestellt werden — unter Aufsicht und in Begleitung eines sogenannten Mentors, also eines erfahrenen Kollegen. Au‎ßerdem sollen auch die Regeln für die Qualifikationsprüfung zur Erlangung einer Stelle als ordentlicher Lehrer erneut geändert werden.

    Die Vorschläge zu erneuten Änderung des Bildungsgesetzes sollen bis zum 17. August, also mehr als einen Monat lang zur öffentlichen Debatte stehen. Doch wie so oft bei Gesetzes- oder Novellierungsinitiativen seitens der Regierung wird es zahlreiche Einwände von der Opposition und der Zivilgesellschaft geben, so dass es letztendlich nicht klar ist, was von den geplanten Änderungen schlie‎ßlich umgesetzt werden wird.

  • “Educated Romania” project, taken on by the government

    “Educated Romania” project, taken on by the government

    Launched by president Klaus Iohannis, the “Educated Romania initiative has just turned into a governmental project. The Cabinet will come up with a legislative package containing reforms in the education sector and funding for the relevant goals. The legislation is to be finalised by 1 October, and the financial resources will come from the state budget and from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

    The project targets the improvement of school infrastructure, of teacher training and of the education process. A developed country, with a sound democratic system, requires educated and informed citizens, said president Iohannis, himself a teacher, and a politician whose presidential terms in office focused on education.

    Klaus Iohannis: “We cannot go on with such high dropout and functional and scientific illiteracy rates. For these problems, Educated Romania comes up with concrete solutions, with ambitious yet realistic goals, measures and targets. Specific targets include cutting the early dropout rate, the functional illiteracy rate, ensuring basic digital skills for both teachers and students, developing vocational education and increasing the number of higher education graduates.

    According to PM Florin Cîţu, the government aims to cut functional illiteracy from 50 to 20% by 2030, and to reduce school dropout. By 1 August, an inter-ministry group will be set up, which will be monitoring the project. The group will be chaired by the PM, with the education minister Sorin Cîmpeanu as deputy chairman. Cîmpeanu emphasised that a new political agreement is necessary, so as to prevent changes in the relevant legislation in case other parties come to power.

    Sorin Cîmpeanu: “The first task for the inter-ministry group to be set up by 1 August will be to decide whether to amend the current education law, or to draw up separate laws on undergraduate and graduate education, whether academic research will be integrated in the graduate education system, and whether the law will incorporate regulations on the teaching profession. This is the first task on which this group will have to focus, and its political composition will be important because ultimately the bill will go to Parliament for endorsement. We need consultations to identify a common denominator acceptable for all political parties, so that we may ensure predictability in the education system.

    After Romanias NATO and EU accession, the overhauling of the countrys failing education system might be the most important national project, transcending political differences. Its success would be vital for the future generations ability to thrive in a constantly changing world. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • Ressortminister Ion: Reform der Justiz kann nicht länger warten

    Ressortminister Ion: Reform der Justiz kann nicht länger warten

    Der Tag der Justiz wurde 1994 in Rumänien eingeführt und wird jedes Jahr am ersten Sonntag im Juli begangen, um die Rolle und den Beitrag der Justiz, der Partner des Justizsystems zur Stärkung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit hervorzuheben. “Wir sind jetzt ein EU- und NATO-Mitglied, wir sind mit den Werten der europäischen Demokratien verbunden und wir sind dabei, einen massiven Prozess des wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und politischen Wandels zu durchlaufen”, hei‎ßt es in einer Botschaft, die der rumänische Ministerpräsident Florin Cîțu zu diesem Anlass geschickt hat. “Vor diesem Hintergrund ist die Reform des Justizsystems ein Prozess, der von der Koalition der pro-europäischen Kräfte, die jetzt Rumänien führt, bereits begonnen wurde. Es wird nicht einfach sein. Es gibt immer noch viele, die wollen, dass die Justiz ineffizient und vulnerabel bleibt. Aber gemeinsam mit unseren institutionellen Partnern auf europäischer Ebene sind wir dabei, die Justiz von dem Schaden zu heilen, der ihr in den vergangenen Jahren zugefügt wurde”, betonte der Ministerpräsident weiter.

    “Die Reform der Justiz kann nicht länger warten”, hat auch der Ressortminister Stelian Ion erklärt. Ion betonte, dass das Justizministerium daran arbeitet, das Tempo der Digitalisierung zu erhöhen, die Institutionen, die für verwandte Tätigkeitsbereiche zuständig sind, miteinander zu verbinden, Materialien und Logistik für die gute Entwicklung der Justiztätigkeit sowie für die Kohärenz der Gesetzgebung im Bereich der Justiz zu schaffen. Der Minister sprach auch über die Ziele Rumäniens auf EU-Ebene, nämlich “die Aufhebung des europäischen Kontroll-und Überprüfungsmechanismus und die weitere Überwachung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit durch den Mechanismus zur Wahrung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit sowie die Modernisierung des Justizsystems in Rumänien.”

    In ihrer Botschaft zeigt die Führung der Nationalen Antikorruptionsbehörde DNA, dass die Korruption weiterhin in vielen Bereichen der Gesellschaft präsent ist, so dass die Bekämpfung dieser Gei‎ßel ein Ziel bleiben muss, das Energie, politischen Willen, menschliche Ressourcen und Logistik zusammenbringt. Und damit die Anti-Korruptions-Staatsanwälte in ihrer Arbeit effektiv sein können, müssen die Garantien der Unabhängigkeit beibehalten und neu gefestigt werden. Der Präsident des Obersten Magistraturrates (SCM) Mihai-Bogdan Mateescu spricht in seiner Botschaft zum Tag der Justiz von der Notwendigkeit der Einigkeit innerhalb des Justizsystems. Er sagt, dass die Justiz weitermachen wird, mit ehrlichen, guten Fachleuten, mit Respekt für die Gesellschaft und durch ehrliche Übernahme der Verantwortung für alle internen Schwachstellen, aber einen wahren Fortschritt kann nur in einer Gesellschaft erreicht werden, die den Platz, die Rolle und die wirkliche Bedeutung des Justizsystems versteht, jenseits von Slogans und Vorurteilen.

    Die Generalstaatsanwältin Gabriela Scutea sagte in ihrer Botschaft zum Tag der Justiz, dass es in Bezug auf andere staatliche Behörden starke Argumente gibt, dass einige Richtungen der Modernisierung in diesem Bereich eine Änderung des Gesetzes mit sich bringen. Und die Präsidentin des Obersten Kassations- und Gerichtshofs Corina-Alina Corbu ist der Meinung, dass das Justizsystem heute mehr denn je Ausgewogenheit braucht und fordert die Mitglieder der Justiz auf, die Gesellschaft über die gemeinsamen Ziele zu informieren, trotz der unvermeidbaren Uneinigkeiten in Bezug auf einige Themen.