Dear friends, Radio Romania International invited you to participate, until February 28, 2019, mailing date, in a prize-winning contest entitled “Govora: Spa tourism at European level”, devoted to Baile Govora spa resort, to spa tourism as well as to the international meetings the resort is hosting during Romania’s presidency of the Council of the European Union. The contest proved quite popular with our listeners, receiving 225 correct and complete answers. Thank you for participating and we invite you back in the upcoming editions. The Grand Prizes consist in two full board, 8-night trips for one person, between June 15 and 30, 2019, sponsored by the Palace Hotel in Baile Govora spa resort, in Valcea County. The contest was organized jointly with the Valcea County Council, the City Hall of Govora, the Valcea branch of the Fine Artists Union, the Archbishopric of Ramnic and the Valcea branch of the SALROM National Salt Society.
From the RRI programmes, website of the Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn profiles you could find out the answers to the questions. The contest ended on February 28, 2019. Before telling you who the winners are, let’s take a look at the questions once again and find out what the correct answers are:
Question: Where is Romania’s largest balneal park located?
Answer: In Baile Govora.
Q: What international event is going to be held in May 2019 in Baile Govora spa resort? A: The conference “Spa Tourism – an EU strategy for trans-national
Q: In which county of Romania is Baile Govora spa resort located?
A: In Valcea county.
And now let’s see who the winners are:
Of the 10 honourable mentions went to: Biswanath Bhatta, Prithwiraj Purkayastha, Samir Mukhopadhyay, Mitul Kansal şi Shatrudhan Sharma, all five from India, Ralph Sorrentino and Carrie Hopper, both from the US, Ziyad Salem Aqil from Jordan, José Luis Corcuera of Spain and Michel Frémy, from Belgium.
The 10 3rd prizes awarded, went to the following listeners and Internet users: Wade Martyn and Richard Contone, both from the US, Obaid Alam, from Pakistan, Chaitaly Sarkar, from India, Zoran Vrucinici, of Bosnia and Herţegovina, Dilmi Tahar, of Algeria, Anatolii Klepov, of Russia, Miguel Ramón Bauset, of Spain, Joaquín Bustos Baptista, of Venezula, and Maguy Roy, from France.
The 10 2nd prizes went to: Dylan O’Dwyer, from Ireland, Emin Omerspahici, from Bosnia and Herţegovina, Olexandr Kuziominskiy, of Ukraine, Liu Fajian, of China, Anna Mahjar-Barducci, of Italy, Abdelilah Izou, from Morocco, Georg Pleschberger, of Austria, Nikolai Larin, of Russia, Javier Núñez Mon, of Spain, and Mériem Sabine Amrane, from Algeria.
Mr. Grant Skinner sent us the following message: ”I have participated in this contest because wouldn’t it be nice to win a holiday at a spa? Just think: a peaceful environment, a place of complete relaxation, a place for reflection to clear my mind, to de-stress, release tension, experience the serenity, enjoy the tranquility, feel rejuvenated, feel alive.”
The 10 1st prizes went to: Grant Skinner, from the UK, Angelina Olaru, from the Republic of Moldova, Serhii Badik, of Ukraine, Chen Wei, of the US, Francesco Paroli, of Italy, Boudoukha Mohamed, of Algeria, Carsten Fenske, of Germany, Iurii Gavrilov, of Tadjikistan, Álvaro Muñoz Yáñez, of Chile, and Amady Faye, from Senegal.
6 special prizes went to the following listeners and Internet users: Christer Brunstrom, of Sweden, Ali Benchohra, of Algeria, Dieter Langguth, of Germany, Andrei Bondarenko, of Russia, Christian Ghibaudo, of France, and Antonio Avelino da Silva, of Brazil.
Mr. Christer Brunstrom, of Sweden, sent us the following message: “I usually try to take part in all your contests. Usually I learn something new about Romania. I didnt know that Romania had such a long history where spas have been used to treat various health problems. Weve had similar spas in Sweden as well where fresh air and water were considered as excellent cures for a variety of health problems. However, I dont think that we have anything like the Baile Govora spa.”
And now, the winner of the grand prize: his name is Hans Verner Lollike, from Denmark. He won a full board, 8-night trips for two persons, between June 15 and 30, 2019, at the Palace Hotel in Baile Govora spa resort, in Valcea County. Congratulations!
Hans Verner Lollike sent us the following message: “The spa-culture is not known in Scandinavia! I have always found it a bit strange, that grown people are spending one week or more just caring for their body, but now just turned 70, but if I am going to say so, I find my self healthy, biking every day, but now I can see, that caring for your body is a good thing, and I would probably enjoy a week in a spa, especially, if nature around is giving you opportunity to have wonderful walks. So this gave me an extra motivation for this contest – even that visiting Romania is always a strong motivation enough to participate. In Danish press most reports and news if any, is the bad and problematic stories. RRI gives me all sorts of stories, both in radio and on internet, that complete the picture of Romania. On top of that you do the best to involve us, on radio days, personality of the year and contests. “
We thank all our listeners who participated in the contest. The prizes will be sent to the winners by mail, in the upcoming months. Please confirm their receival by post or email. Thank you again! We are looking forward to your participation in our next contests.