Ştiri de la Radio Ujgorod. La microfon Elvira Chelaru
Ştiri de la Radio Ujgorod. La microfon Elvira Chelaru
Economy – The Romanian economy grew by 1.8% last year, by 0.8 % less than previously estimated, shows a World Bank report. The report also revised downwards the estimates regarding the evolution of the Romanian economy in 2024 and 2025, when the growth rate of the Gross Domestic Product would be 3.3% and 3.8%, respectively. According to the World Bank, the world economy will slow down for the third consecutive year, up to 2.4%.
Partnership – The Romanian Prime Minister, Marcel Ciolacu, congratulated Gabriel Attal on his nomination to the position of Prime Minister of France. The Romanian PM states that he is ready to work together with his new counterpart to strengthen the Romanian – French strategic partnership. Attal, a former Education Minister, was appointed by President Emmanuel Macron to form the new government of France, after the former Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne resigned. At 34, Gabriel Attal, with studies in political sciences, becomes the youngest prime minister in the history of France, according to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Paris.
Free travel – Almost 2,000 young Romanians aged 18 will receive a free travel permit to explore the diversity of Europe, as part of the DiscoverEU initiative, a program funded by Erasmus+. They will travel mainly by train between March 2024 and May 2025, to learn new things about the history and cultural heritage of Europe and meet people from all over the continent. So far, over 11,600 young Romanians have benefited from such a travel permit.
Water polo — Romania’s national mens water polo team won Group D of the European Championship in Croatia, after defeating the Slovakian team, score 8-7, on Tuesday evening, in Dubrovnik. In the previous matches, the Romanians defeated the Netherlands and Slovenia. They will play a play-off match for qualification for the quarterfinals against Group B bottom-placed team, Georgia, in Zagreb, on Thursday. At the European Womens Championship, organized in the Netherlands simultaneously with the mens, Romania ranked 14thout of 16 participating teams.
Flu – At least nine people sick with the flu have died since the beginning of this cold season in Romania. The Romanian Health Ministry announces that there is currently no flu epidemic in the country, but medical units are facing an accelerated increase in the number of respiratory viruses’ cases, especially flu. The situation is also complicated by the acute lack of doctors, the expert in health policies, Emilian Imbri, told Radio Romania News and Current Affairs Channel.
Under financing – Family doctors in Romania point out that their budget allocation has been reduced by 25% in 2024, compared to 2022. They argue that the system is already underfunded and that the decrease in income will further deepen the already existing shortage of family doctors. The president of the national family doctors’ society, Dina Mergeani, states that the permanent centers operate with the doctors’ own money, they have not yet been paid for the October – December period, and the suspension of their activity would block the emergency rooms. (LS)
Meeting – The Romanian government met Thursday in the first session of 2024. The government members adopted, among other things, an initiative to optimize the process of issuing passports. The elaborated draft law, which will be sent to Parliament for debate and approval, makes concise and clear the role of the General Directorate of Passports in relation to attesting the quality of Romanian citizenship, in cooperation with other institutions. In order to optimize the process of issuing travel documents, they consider giving the General Directorate of Passports the possibility to verify the collection of the amount representing the value of simple passports, and to return the amount respectively, in situations where it was not paid properly or the related service was not provided. Another draft law adopted on Thursday stipulates that disputes resulting from contracts of mandate concluded by state companies in Romania must be settled in the country. The move transposes European Union norms into the law on international judicial cooperation in criminal and criminal procedure matters. Also on Thursday, the Government adopted a modification of the funding from the state budget of the earthquakes and landslides natural risk mapping.
Missiles – NATO has announced its decision to support a group of member countries including Germany, the Netherlands, Romania and Spain to purchase up to 1,000 Patriot anti-aircraft missiles. According to NATO, the European production will be increased to cover the growing demand, being also aimed at strengthening the European Sky Shield. The contract stands at 5.5 billion dollars and the cost of each Patriot missile is around 4 million dollars. The contract also covers the maintenance of the Patriot defense systems. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has underlined that raising the ammunition production is essential for the security of the allied countries and Ukraine.
Agreement — A person’s period of work and their rights to pension have mutually been recognized by Romania and the United States, after the law ratifying the agreement on the issue was promulgated by Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis. Under the new agreement, it will be possible to capitalize on the periods worked both in Romania and the United States, in order to open the pension right on the principle of accumulation, with the proportional granting of the pension by each state, depending on the contribution periods completed. The document also provides for the export of pensions, a major facility regarding the mobility of pensioners in the two countries and maintaining their access to the pension rights being paid. The bill also includes provisions for the posted workers who have been exempted from paying health and social security contributions to the country where they were sent to work.
Priorities – Solving the problem of resident physicians who passed the specialty exam at the end of 2023 was mentioned as a priority for the beginning of the year by Romania’s Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu. At the start of the first Government meeting in 2024, the Prime Minister recalled that there are approximately 4,500 doctors in which the Romanian state has invested hundreds of millions of Euros and stated that the government must ensure that they remain in Romania. Ciolacu asked the Ministries of Health and Development to update the lists of vacant positions and to come up with memoranda for organizing contests to fill these vacancies, and he also asked the Finance Ministry to cooperate so that this should happen as soon as possible. According to the data of the European Statistical Office, Romania had 350 active physicians per 100,000 inhabitants in 2021. The ranking was led by Greece with 629 physicians per 100,000 inhabitants, and the lowest rate was recorded in France with 318 doctors per 100,000 inhabitants. All in all, in 2021, there were 1.82 million doctors in the European Union.
Chisinau – Almost 81% of the primary and secondary school children in the Republic of Moldova are taught in Romanian, according to data recently published by the National Bureau of Statistics in Chisinau. Besides this percentage, 19% are taught in Russian and 0.1% study in English. In the 2023-2024 school year, over 1,200 general primary and secondary education institutions operate in the Republic of Moldova, of which almost 900 are in rural areas. Statistical data also show that the number of students studying in public schools decreased this school year compared to the previous one, and more and more students are studying in private schools. Also, last year, the number of secondary school graduates decreased by almost 5%, and that of high school graduates increased by 4%. (LS)
Dear friends, as of
November 25, 2023, our listeners in India can tune in to RRI’s English language
broadcasts, between 04.00 and 05.00 hours UTC, on 15,260 kHz, in the DRM
system. We wish you good reception conditions!
We are looking forward to receiving your feedback related to the quality of reception!
Thank you!
Dragi prieteni, din cauza reducerilor bugetare, Consiliul de Administraţie Radio România a decis renunţarea, temporar, de la 1 august 2023, la folosirea a două dintre cele 5 emiţătoare Radiocom pe unde scurte care asigură emisia programelor Radio România Internaţional. De la 1 august programele noastre pot fi recepţionate prin intermediul câte unui emiţător situat la Ţigăneşti, la Săftica şi Galbeni. În măsura în care bugetul Radio România va fi suplimentat, vom reveni la emisia pe 5 emiţătoare.
Sunt afectate programele RRI în limbile română, engleză, franceză, germană, spaniolă, rusă, arabă, chineză şi ebraică. Toate acestea pot fi recepţionate de la 1 august 2023 pe o singură frecvenţă, în loc de două frecvenţe. Vom anunţa în emisiuni, pe site şi pe Facebook frecvenţele pe care pot fi recepţionate programele, ca şi modificările punctuale de frecvenţe operate de Radiocom, pe baza monitorizării recepţiei şi a mesajelor primite de la dvs., privind calitatea emisiei.
Din cauza reducerilor bugetare, s-a decis şi reducerea la jumătate a puterii pe timpul nopţii la emiţătoarele de unde medii care difuzează programele interne ale Radio România Actualităţi şi ale unor posturi regionale de radio.
Vă invităm să urmăriţi programele Radio România Internaţional pe site-ul www.rri.ro (inclusiv on demand), pe SoundCloud, pe aplicaţiile pentru Android şi iOS, prin TuneIn şi via satelit. Detalii găsiţi pe site. De asemenea, puteţi urmări conţinuturile noastre pe Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn şi Spotify.
May 27 RRI was invited to feature in a special event – the annual meeting of
the Swedish DX Federation, a popular event bringing together DXers from all
over Sweden. It is a highlight event for radio amateurs from this country, which
included and number of side events, presentations and meetings.
recall that many years ago (it think it was before 1999) our heads of
department would travel and take part in such events, including in Nordic
countries. It was therefore with great joy that we accepted the invitation
extended by the DX Federation to take part in the event, albeit remotely, via
the sidelines of the DX convention held in the city of Karlsborg, Swedish DXers
got together to exchange views on the latest developments and news in their
field of interest. They attended a number of presentations, including a lecture
about Radio Botswana by one of the participating members who worked there in
the 1980s, a presentation from a former coworkers of Radio Moscow’s Swedish
section and a presentation I myself gave about Radio Romania, our work,
partnerships and projects. Many other activities were held on the sidelines,
including a visit to the radio amateurs HQ in Karlsborg, an auction and a
festive dinner celebrating the 60-year-long history of DX Friends, a support
organization helping the Swedish DX Federation with funding for some of its
felt very welcome in the midst of our Swedish friends and I hope this will be
the latest episode of our extended friendship. As always, we remain open to
suggestions and comments regarding our station’s performance, so don’t hesitate
to contact us!
שגריר מדינת ישראל בבוקרשט, ראובן אזר, העניק Răzvan-Ioan Dincă, נשיא ומנכ”ל רשות השידור הרומנית, תעודה הוקרה על מאמציו בפיתוח היחסים הבילטרליים, כאות הוקרה על התרומה המשמעותית ליחסי התרבות בין רומניה לישראל, באמצעות תוכניות בשפה העברית של רדיו רומניה הבינלאומי ופרויקטים תרבותיים משותפים. התעודה נמסרה במטה רדיו רומניה ובהזדמנות זו, שגריר ישראל ברומניה, ראובן אזר, העניק ראיון בלעדי לתחנת הרדיו שלנו.
שגריר מדינת ישראל בבוקרשט, ראובן אזר, העניק Răzvan-Ioan Dincă, נשיא ומנכ”ל רשות השידור הרומנית, תעודה הוקרה על מאמציו בפיתוח היחסים הבילטרליים, כאות הוקרה על התרומה המשמעותית ליחסי התרבות בין רומניה לישראל, באמצעות תוכניות בשפה העברית של רדיו רומניה הבינלאומי ופרויקטים תרבותיים משותפים. התעודה נמסרה במטה רדיו רומניה ובהזדמנות זו, שגריר ישראל ברומניה, ראובן אזר, העניק ראיון בלעדי לתחנת הרדיו שלנו.