Tag: RRI

  • World Radio Day 2023 on RRI

    World Radio Day 2023 on RRI

    World Radio Day everyone!

    February 13, RRI joins the community of international broadcasters in
    celebrating World Radio Day.

    history of this day takes us back to 1946, when the first edition of World
    Radio Day marked the creation of the UN headquarters-based United Nations
    Radio. Since then, the objectives of WRD have remained unchanged through
    history: to raise awareness among the public and the media regarding the
    importance of radio as well as to encourage decision makers to establish and
    provide access to information through radio as well as to enhance networking
    and international cooperation among broadcasters.

    2023, UNESCO picked Radio and Peace as the central theme to WRD. According to
    UNESCO’s website, radio can indeed fuel conflict but in reality, professional
    radio moderates conflict and/or tensions, preventing their escalation or
    bringing about reconciliation and reconstruction talks. In contexts of distant
    or immediate tension, relevant programmes and independent news reporting
    provide the foundation for sustainable democracy and good governance by
    gathering evidence about what is happening, informing citizens about it in
    impartial and fact-based terms, explaining what is at stake and brokering
    dialogue among different groups in society.

    this very special occasion, we invite all our listeners to discover a series of
    historic audio files released by UNESCO, which can be accessed free of charge
    and redistributed without copyright restriction. These include interviews and statements
    of former world leaders, UNESCO officials or representatives of international
    organizations. The full list is available here:


    mark WRD 2023, RRI has devoted a special program to the celebration of UNESCO’s
    theme, Radio and Peace, relying exclusively on contributions sent by
    listeners of RRI’s language departments.

    At the
    English Service, our Listeners’ Letterbox segment aired last weekend included a
    selection of such contributions. You can listen to the programme here:


    thank everyone who sent their greetings on this occasion or shared with us
    their thoughts and ideas about this year’s theme. A big thank you thus goes to
    Art Wormald (Canada), Pawel Nikodym (Poland), Timothy Brockett (USA), Roseanna
    Lakeland (USA), Christer Brunström (Sweden), Artur Fernandez Llorella (Spain),
    Tarun Sethi (India), Bidhan Chandra Sanyal (India), Hans Verner Lollike
    (Denmark), Paul Jamet (France), Najim Uddin (India), Maria Khanam Moure (Bangladesh), Faria Khanam
    Mumu (Bangladesh), Saif Ahmed Utsha (Bangladesh), Prothama Prome (Bangladesh),
    Tanima Tanne (Bangladesh), Anika Anne (Bangladesh), Wasif Ahmed (Bangladesh),
    Salina Akter (Bangladesh), Yaara Ahmed (Bangladesh), Eti Mone (Bangladesh),
    Renita Rini (Bangladesh), Upoma Khatun (Bangladesh), Besakha Akter
    (Bangladesh), Juli Sarmile (Bangladesh), H.M. Tarek (Bangladesh), R.S. Vijay
    Kumar (India), Anand Mohan Bian (India), Ratan Kumar Paul (India), Malik Allah
    Bachaya (Pakistan), Teruhiko Kachi (Japan), Nasir Aziz (Pakistan), Jayanta
    Chakrabarty (India), James O’Brien (United Kingdom).

    thanks to everyone sending us feedback, reports and comments on our broadcasts.
    We are happy to have you part of the community of RRI listeners.

  • 06.02.2023


    Motion – Les députés roumains doivent débattre aujourd’hui de la motion simple déposée par l’Union Sauvez la Roumanie et par la Force de la Droite, deux formations d’opposition à l’encontre du ministre libéral de l’intérieur, Lucian Bode sur la toile de fond des accusations de plagiat qui le visent. Les signataires du document affirment que l’objectif est d’attirer l’attention sur le fait que le responsable roumain refuse tout simplement de démissionner et qu’il occupe une fonction qu’il ne mérite pas, tout comme il ne mérite pas son titre académique et les respect des citoyens qui travaillent honnêtement en Roumanie. L’USR et la Force de la Droite critiquent le ministre Bode aussi pour l’échec humiliant souffert par la Roumanie dans sa tentative d’adhérer à l’espace Schengen de libre circulation européenne. Les élus de l’opposition accusent aussi M Bode d’avoir truqué des appels d’offres portant sur l’achat de voitures pour la police roumaine favorisant ainsi des personnes proches de l’arc gouvernemental. La motion sera votée mercredi.

    Séisme – Le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis a transmis les condoléances de la Roumanie aux familles des victimes du tremblement de terre qui a frappé la Turquie et la Syrie. « La Roumanie est solidaire avec les personnes touchées par cette tragédie », a twitté le chef de l’Etat. Le gouvernement roumain a décidé d’envoyer une équipe spécialisée d’intervention en Turquie, pays fortement touchée par le séisme qui a eu lieu la nuit dernière. Ce soutien sera accordé en vertu de la demande d’assistance internationale formulée par le gouvernement turc par le biais du Mécanisme européen de protection civile. Par ailleurs, le ministère des Affaires Etrangères annonce que l’ambassade de Roumanie à Ankara avait été contactée par un groupe de 10 ressortissants roumain – un enseignant et 9 étudiants Erasmus – qui se trouvaient dans une localité frappée par le séisme. Ils ont sollicité l’assistance consulaire et l’appui au rapatriement et transmis qu’ils étaient en toute sécurité. Un séisme d’une magnitude de 7,8 sur l’échelle de Richter s’est produit ce matin en Turquie et en Syrie, provoquant la mort de centaines personnes et faisant plusieurs de blessés. L’épicentre du tremblement de terre est la ville turque de Gaziantep, pas loin de la frontière avec la Syrie. Des dégâts majeurs avaient été enregistrés dans le sud de la Turquie et le nord de la Syrie, cette région étant déjà dévastée par la guerre.

    Energie – Le ministre de l’Energie, Virgil Popescu a affirmé que la Roumanie avait des stocks de gaz naturel suffisants pour passer l’hiver. Il a déclaré qu’environ 780 millions de mètres cubes de gaz naturel de plus que l’année dernière à la même époque se trouvaient dans les dépôts. Le ministre a précisé avoir discuté avec tous les grands importateurs de produits pétroliers du marché et ceux-ci l’ont assuré avoir diversifié leurs sources d’approvisionnement afin d’éviter les ruptures de stock. Il a également rappelé que pour l’hiver prochain, la Roumanie aurait à sa disposition un milliard de mètres cubes de gaz d’Azerbaïdjan, grâce à un contrat tout juste signé avec Bakou. Plus de détails après le journal.
    Protestation – En Roumanie, la Fédération syndicale Sanitas a annoncé de nouvelles manifestations dans la capitale dans les trois prochains jours à compter d’aujourd’hui. Les syndicats réclament une hausse des salaires du secteur d’au moins 15%, des discussions sur la loi encadrant les salaires de la fonction publique ainsi que l’assurance d’un financement correcte et suffisant des institutions médicales. Les manifestants vont se rassembler devant le siège du gouvernement d’où partira le cortège qui s’arrêtera de manière symbolique devant plusieurs hôpitaux de Bucarest.

    Météo – Températures à la baisse en Romanie, glaciales même sur le relief, sur le centre, le nord-ouest, le sud-ouest et même sur les autres régions du pays. Les chutes de neige sont assez isolées et limitées au nord-est, le sud-est et sur le centre. Les maxima vont de -6 à 2 degrés. Des alertes code jaune au vent fort et aux tempêtes de neigfe sont valables aujourd’hui sur la zone de montagne, l’est et le sud-est de la Roumanie. Toutes les régions font jusqu’à vendredi l’objet d’une vague de froid.

    Handball – Le club de handball féminin vice-champion de Roumanie, CSM Bucarest a terminé à égalité 30 partout le match de dimanche contre le club français Brest Bretagne, dans l’avant-dernier match du groupe A de la Ligue des Champions. Le CSM mène son groupe et a un point de plus que les championnes européenne de Vipers Kristiansand (Norvège). Dans le groupe B de la Ligue des Champions, Rapid Bucarest s’est inclinée face à Metz en France sur le score de 34-36.

  • Jurnalişti Radio România Internaţional, în topul emisiunilor externe în limba spaniolă

    Jurnalişti Radio România Internaţional, în topul emisiunilor externe în limba spaniolă

    Valeriu Radulian, realizator, şi Victoria Sepciu, redactor la Secţia Spaniolă Radio România Internaţional, au fost desemnaţi de către Clubul Radioamatorilor din Brazilia (DX Clube Sem Fronteiras), cei mai buni realizatori de programe (categoriile masculin şi feminin) ai posturilor internaţionale care emit în limba spaniolă pe unde scurte.

    Valeriu Radulian a obţinut locul 1 şi la categoria Cel mai bun program realizat pe teme diverse, pentru programul Vale la pena visitar Rumanía (Merită să vizitați România), iar Victoria Sepciu şi la categoria Cel mai bun program program DX (program specializat pentru radioamatori), pentru Rincón Diexista (Club DX).

    Radio România Internațional a obţinut locul 2 la categoria Cel mai bun post internaţional pe unde scurte în limba spaniolă în anul 2022, iar Victoria Sepciu a obţinut locul 2 la categoria Cel mai bun program de dialog cu ascultătorii pentru Club de Oyentes (Poșta Ascultătorilor).

    Clubul Radioamatorilor din Brazilia a publicat rezultatele sondajului anual de popularitate, realizat în perioada 01.09 – 31.10.2022. Obiectivul sondajului a fost să desemneze cel mai bun post de radio internațional care transmite pe unde scurte în limbile spaniolă şi portugheză, cel mai bun program de dialog cu ascultătorii, cel mai bun program realizat pe teme diverse, cel mai bun realizator de programe, cea mai bună realizatoare de programe și cel mai bun program DX (program specializat pentru radioamatori) .

  • La Personnalité de l’Année 2022

    La Personnalité de l’Année 2022

    Chers amis, RRI a continué cette année aussi, son sondage d’opinion
    traditionnel parmi les auditeurs et les Internautes afin de décider le nom de
    la personnalité qui a le plus impacté notre monde, d’une manière positive, en

    Eh bien, c’est le président ukrainien, Volodymyr Zelensky qui a été sacrée
    la Personnalité de l’année 2022, avec un nombre important de voix.

    auditeur italien Raffaele Ponticelli l’a choisi pour « son héroïsme prouvé
    aussi bien par lui, que par son peuple, dans la lutte contre l’invasion
    russe ».

    Selon M. Miodrag Ristic, de Serbie, Zelensky mérite le titre de
    Personnalité de 2022 pour « son courage, sa sagesse et sa
    détermination ».

    « J’ai choisi le président ukrainien pour sa force
    d’inspirer son peuple dans la lutte contre l’invasion russe » a affirmé
    pour sa part Christer Brunström,
    de Suède.

    Zelensky a tellement bien défendu et dirigé son pays pendant cette
    triste guerre contre l’envahisseur russe qui détruit l’Ukraine d’une manière
    injustifiée. Espérons que cette guerre prendra fin bientôt, a écrit, pour sa
    part, Miguel Ramon Bauset d’Espagne.

    Personnalité charismatique et
    résiliente, Volodymyr Zelensky est un véritable symbole de la résistance
    ukrainienne face aux envahisseurs, de ses aspirations à la démocratie, à
    lindépendance et à la paix. Il est le symbôle du renouvellement politique
    opine Maguy Roy de France.

    Le président
    Zelensky dirige son pays sans se laisser intimidé par l’actuelle situation,
    peut-être la plus difficile que l’Europe traverse depuis la fin de la Seconde
    Guerre mondiale considère Carsten Fenske, d’Allemagne.

    A part Volodymir Zelenski, d’autres propositions pour la Personnalité de
    l’année ont été le peuple ukrainien dans son ensemble, le commandant de l’Armée
    ukrainienne, le général Valeryi
    Zaluzhny, les bénévoles qui sont venus en aide aux Ukrainiens, les
    journalistes, notamment ceux d’Ukraine qui couvrent en temps réels les
    événements sur le terrain, les médias qui militent dans le monde entier contre
    la guerre en Ukraine, mais aussi le peuple iranien, notamment les femmes
    iraniennes qui s’opposent au régime téocratique. La liste de vos propositions
    s’est complétée par d’autres noms de leaders mondiaux tels le Pape François I,
    le roi Charles III de la Grande Bretagne, la feue reine Elisabeth II, le
    président chinois, Xi Jinping, l’ancien premier ministre italien, Mario Draghi,
    le président russe, Vladimir Poutine ou encore son homologue turc Recep Tayyip

    Certains d’autres vous ont proposé comme la plus importante personnalité de
    2022 l’enfant prodige de la natation mondiale, le nageur roumain David
    Popovici, le star du football argentin, Lionel Messi ou encore la NASA, pour le
    projet Artemis dont l’objectif est d’amener un équipage sur le sol lunaire.

  • December 13, 2022

    December 13, 2022

    Budget — The Romanian Parliament has today resumed debates on the state budget in the committees, and the debate on the state insurance budget for 2023 is also scheduled. Yesterday, after a day of marathon debates, a large part of the budget allocations at the proposed level were approved by the government. Among others, the Ministry of Transport, the Presidential Administration, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, The Intelligence Service – SRI, the Foreign Intelligence Service- SIE and the Protection and Guard Service – SPP received approval. Defense will benefit from record sums, 2.5% of the GDP, which will allow the continuation of the programs to equip the Army with Patriot and HIMARS systems. The government estimates that the Gross Domestic Product will increase next year by almost 3%, to over 1,550 billion lei, although economic growth will slow down. However, they count on a better collection of taxes, on the decrease of inflation and unemployment. So the deficit should also decrease to 4.4 % of the GDP.

    Schengen – The European Parliament will debate, today, the situation created by the vote against Romanias accession to the Schengen area given by Austria in the JHA Council, a topic added to the agenda on Monday by the vote of the largest political groups in the EP. On Monday, the Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu met in Brussels with Austria’s Federal Minister for European and International Affairs, Alexander Schallenberg, at the request of the Austrian side. On the occasion, minister Aurescu stated that Bucharest would use all available ways to unblock the situation and added that it was necessary to find a constructive solution. The Romanian minister showed, once again, that the information from the Austrian side regarding a possible involvement of Romania in the flow of illegal migration to Austria did not correspond in any way to the statistics compiled by the European agencies dealing with the borders. The Austrian side mentioned that it approved the work plan proposed by the European Commission regarding the management of migration, which it considers a first step. In Bucharest, President Klaus Iohannis stated, on Monday evening, during his first public appearance after Romania was denied Schengen accession, that the negative vote given by Vienna was undeserved and incomprehensible.

    Conference – In Paris, today, two events are taking place in support of Ukraine: an international conference with the participation of official representatives from Kyiv and friendly countries and an economic forum of French companies that want to get involved in the reconstruction of Ukraine. The two conferences, organized at the initiative of President Emmanuel Macron, have distinct objectives. The first, entitled “Solidarity with the Ukrainian people”, wants to respond to the urgent needs of the population this winter: restoring electricity, heat and water supply, food supply and access to health care, after much of the civil infrastructure of the country was destroyed or heavily damaged by the Russian bombings. Officials from 50 countries, as well as the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, have confirmed their presence. Ukraine will be represented by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, and President Volodymyr Zelenskiy will via video connection. The second conference will bring together the heads of nearly five hundred French companies interested in investing in the long term and contributing to the reconstruction of Ukraine after the end of the war.

    Survey – Romanians currently have three main reasons for concern – inflation, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the cost of medical services – according to a survey conducted last month by a management consulting company. In addition, most Romanians expect the prices of basic products to increase throughout the next year. Compared to other European countries, only the British are more worried than the Romanians about the price increases. The citizens of Italy, Spain, France and Germany are less worried about this aspect, the survey shows.

    Football – The first semi-final at the World Cup in Qatar will be played this evening by Argentina and Croatia. The French national team, the defending world champion, will face the Moroccan team in the semifinals of the World Cup 2022, on Wednesday, at the Al Bayt stadium in Al Khor.

    Meeting – The President of the Swiss Confederation, Ignazio Cassis, declared in Bucharest that Romania must be part of the Schengen Area, but he also mentioned that Austria is subject to great migratory pressures, which affects the citizens of this country. This migratory pressure does not occur because of Romania, however, the Swiss official stated, during a press conference held alongside the president Klaus Iohannis. The evolution of the war in Ukraine, humanitarian aid measures for the Ukrainian population and refugees, the consequence of the conflict in terms of energy, as well as in terms of global food security, were on the agenda of the discussions between the two officials. Switzerland calls for strict compliance with the Geneva Convention and supports the efforts of the international community to document and punish war crimes, Ignazio Cassis emphasized on this occasion. Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă also had a meeting with the president of the Swiss Confederation, together with whom he evaluated the security situation on the eastern front, the support for Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, the economic cooperation with an emphasis on stimulating investments and identifying new areas of collaboration. Nicolae Ciucă conveyed congratulations to the Swiss official and assured him of Romanias support for the Swiss Confederation when it will first hold the mandate of non-permanent member in the UN Security Council for the period 2023-2024. The Romanian-Swiss Framework Agreement was also signed in Bucharest, which will operationalize the second Swiss financial contribution to reduce economic and social disparities in the EU. President Ignazio Cassis was also the guest of Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown. The visit was attended by representatives of the federal authorities from Bern and the Swiss ambassador, HE Mr. Arthur Mattli. After the meeting of her Majesty Margareta and the Prince Consort with President Ignazio Cassis, the distinguished guest signed the Golden Book of the Elisabeta Palace, opened in 1937.

    Boycott – The companies subordinated to the Romanian Transport Ministry announced their intention to move their money from the accounts at BCR, owned by the Austrian group Erste. Minister Sorin Gindeanu claims that the numerous companies under his command have found better conditions at CEC Bank. The start was given by the National Road Infrastructure Administration Company, which had account activity at BCR worth at least 12 billion lei (the equivalent of about 2.5 billion Euros) annually. Other companies, such as the Romanian Railways, the Port of Constanţa (south-east, on the Black Sea) or the Bucharest Airport Company will do the same. “I think its a good move, with better conditions,” Grindeanu said, adding that he doesnt have accounts in Austrian banks. After Austria opposed Romanias accession to the Schengen Area, the National Federation of Trade Unions in the Food Industry, Sindalimenta, also decided to close the bank account at BCR. Farmers, unions and businessmen have announced that they will boycott Austrian companies, including OMV Petrom gas stations. (LS)

  • Fête de la radio roumaine

    Fête de la radio roumaine

    Ce fut le 1er
    novembre 1928 qu’a été diffusée la première émission de la Société de diffusion
    radiotéléphonique, comme s’appelait à l’époque le service publique de radiodiffusion. Transformé ensuite en
    service public autonome d’intérêt national et indépendant, la radio a diffusé
    dès la fin des années ’20 la première émission de théâtre radiophonique, la
    première émission pour les enfants, la première transmission en direct depuis
    l’Opéra roumain, ainsi que la première transmission sportive. A présent la Société Roumaine de
    Radiodiffusion compte trois chaines nationales : Radio Roumanie
    Actualités, Radio Roumanie Culture et l’Antenne des villages. S’y ajoutent Radio
    Roumanie International 1 en langue roumaine et dialecte aroumain et Radio
    Roumanie Internationale 2 (qui émet en 11 langues étrangères).

    Au niveau
    régional, la radio roumaine compte plusieurs antennes locales: București FM,
    Brașov FM, Radio Cluj, Radio Constanța, Radio Craiova, Radio Iași, Radio
    Reșița, Radio Timișoara et Radio Târgu Mureș mais aussi une chaine dédiée
    exclusivement à la musique classique Radio Roumanie Musique. Mentionnons aussi
    la chaine Radio3Net, dont les émissions sont disponibles sur Internet.

    La SRR
    dispose aussi de sa propre agence de presse – RADOR, de sa maison d’éditions – Casa
    Radio, et organise les salons du livre Gaudeamus. Egalement au portefeuille de
    la radio roumaine figurent aussi ses orchestres : l’Orchestre National de la
    Radio, la Chorale de la Radio, la Chorale d’enfants de la Radio, l’Orchestre de
    Chambre Radio, le Big Band, l’Orchestre de musique traditionnelle roumaine et
    le quartette « Voces ». Afin de reconnaitre l’important rôle de la
    radio roumaine, le Parlement de Roumanie a déclaré en 2019 le 1er
    novembre journée national de la radio célébrée cette année aussi par des
    événements et des programmes spéciaux.

  • Ziua Ascultătorului 2022

    Ziua Ascultătorului 2022

    Dragi prieteni, pe 6 noiembrie 2022, în prima duminică de după ziua Radioului românesc, pe care o sărbătorim an de an la 1 noiembrie, vă aşteptăm la “Ziua Ascultătorului” la Radio România Internaţional.

    2022 va rămâne în cărțile de istorie și în memoria colectivă, deopotrivă, dar nu ca anul ieșirii din pandemie, cum ne-am fi așteptat mulți dintre noi.

    În dimineața zilei de 24 februarie, bătrânul continent a fost zguduit de un conflict armat, după aproape 80 de ani de pace. În registrul confruntării au intrat și ample campanii de propagandă și dezinformare, menite să creeze haos și confuzie.

    Războiul informațional nu este o realitate nouă, dar efectele sale au devenit mai vizibile ca oricând în contextul războiului din Ucraina, pentru că acesta a adus o adevărată explozie a ştirilor false și a dezinformărilor.

    În ediţia 2022 a “Zilei Ascultătorului” la RRI vă întrebăm din ce surse vă informați cel mai mult despre războiul din Ucraina, cum reuşiţi să selectaţi ştirile adevărate de cele false, dar și cât de vulnerabili vă considerați la dezinformare? Aţi scos din lista dvs. de surse de informaţii sursele dovedite că propagă ştiri false şi dezinformează ? Care este rolul radioului public, și, mai ales, al unui post de radio internaţional, în viaţa dvs. în această perioadă?

    Aşteptăm cu interes răspunsurile dvs. pentru a le include în programele RRI din 6 noiembrie 2022! Ele pot fi trimise prin e-mail, pe Facebook sau direct ca un comentariu la articolul de pe pe site-ul RRI, www.rri.ro. Dacă doriţi, puteţi să trimiteţi răspunsuri audio preînregistrate pe WhatsApp, la +40744312650, sau ne puteţi trimite numărul dvs. de telefon şi vă vom suna din studio pentru a înregistra audio mesajul dvs. Mulţumim!

  • Les jeunesses légionnaires, ou les confréries de Croix

    Les jeunesses légionnaires, ou les confréries de Croix

    Le XXe siècle a fait le lit de ces deux formes terribles de totalitarisme qu’ont été le communisme et le fascisme. Ce fut le siècle qui a mis la démocratie à rude épreuve, alors que les totalitarismes florissaient, et se voyaient embrassées par des foules enthousiastes. La Roumanie n’avait pas été épargnée par la tendance totalitaire qui n’allait pas tarder d’embraser le monde. Le mouvement légionnaire roumain, d’extrême droite, et son bras politique, la Garde de Fer, se sont rangés parmi les courants idéologiques et politiques les plus radicaux dans leur genre. Les confréries de Croix firent leur apparition dès 1923, à l’initiative de Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, futur leader de la Garde de Fer, sous la forme d’associations de jeunesse regroupant les jeunes nationalistes. Ces organisations devinrent très vite le creuset du fanatisme totalitaire, version extrême droite.

    Le Centre d’histoire orale de la Radiodiffusion roumaine a récolté après 1990 plusieurs témoignages d’anciens membres de ces organisations. Aussi, en 1997, Alexandru Băncescu, originaire de la ville de Câmpulung Moldovenesc, se rappelait, avec une certaine nostalgie, du sentiment de solidarité qui unissait les membres de son mouvement :« L’idéologie légionnaire constituait notre lient. Nous priions souvent ensemble, et puis il y avait ce que l’on appelait « la minute de l’amitié », une sorte de confession publique, de thérapie de groupe. C’était le moment où chacun regardait en soi, et confessait ses défauts, ses travers, et il se faisait aider par ses camarades pour s’en affranchir. Et puis il y avait aussi les camps, organisés par nos confréries dans des régions montagneuses, à Rarău, à Moara Dracului, le Moulin du Diable en français, où nous nous réunissions pour vivre ce sentiment de fraternité, de partage, de communion, et en profiter pour nous raffermir le corps et l’esprit. On se réunissait, et on parlait de notre nation, de notre histoire, on chantait, et on communiait ensemble ».

    C’est en 1999 que Mircea Dumitrescu, originaire de Bucarest, racontait son initiation, à 13 ans, dans les Jeunesses légionnaires : « J’avais approché le mouvement par la lecture, et grâce aux échanges que j’avais avec des collègues d’école et des copains. J’avais lu le manifeste intitulé « Aux membres de la Légion », écrit par Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. Et aussi, la « Confrérie de Croix », de Gheorghe Istrate, et « Foi de ma génération » d’Ion Mota, ou encore « Du monde légionnaire », et bien d’autres fascicules encore. Ces livres paraissaient souvent en samizdat, et étaient distribués en douce. Je connaissais certains de leurs éditeurs. L’un d’entre eux a été tué par la police du roi Carol II en 1939. Je le connaissais bien, je connaissais son père aussi. Il y avait aussi les frères Stan, détenteurs d’un doctorat en économie. Je les avais rencontrés grâce à mon père, par l’intermédiaire de ses amis ».

    Ces fratries devinrent bien vite le creuset de la spiritualité légionnaire, le creuset de cette homme nouveau, pur et héroïque, vanté par la propagande légionnaire. Mircea Dumitrescu :« Pour y parvenir, il fallait tout d’abord embrasser intensément la pratique religieuse orthodoxe. Il fallait dédier à Dieu une quarantième de sa journée. Sur 24 heures, cela fait 36 minutes. Il fallait donc dédier ces minutes à sa relation avec Dieu. Lire le Nouveau Testament, par exemple ; Repasser en revue sa journée, les actions accomplies, et les jauger à l’aune des Saintes Ecritures, pour comprendre ses errements, ses erreurs, ses péchés éventuels. Puis, l’on nous disait que l’on ne pouvait nouer une véritable relation avec Dieu, à moins de nouer d’abord une relation de confiance, de sincérité et de partage avec notre prochain. Alors, une quarantaine de nos dépenses, il fallait les réserver pour aider son prochain. Prenez, si l’on a mangé une glace qui avait coûté 40 francs, il fallait mettre de côté 1 franc pour celui qui se trouve dans le besoin. Et c’est ce qu’on faisait. Parce qu’il y avait des contrôles, cela ne rigolait pas. Il fallait noter dans un calepin ses dépenses, son emploi de temps. Et ce calpin, on l’appelait « notre carnet » ».

    L’éducation chrétienne instillée dans le chef de cette jeune génération, sous-tendue d’une exigence éthique permanente, était vouée à forger la nouvelle élite du pays. Dans son interview de 1994, le prêtre Ilie Ținta, ancien membre de la fratrie, détaillait la manière dont le processus de sélection et d’embrigadement se déroulait : « En règle générale, l’on ne sélectionnait que les bons élèves, au comportement exemplaire. Des cancres, on n’avait que faire. À la suite de la répression des années 38, 39, nos rangs s’étaient quelque peu clairsemés. La Sûreté de l’Etat nous avait à l’œil, et nous prenait en chasse. Mais le mouvement était parvenu à survivre. Et puis, en 1940, le mouvement a pris le pouvoir, pour un bref laps de temps, à l’occasion de la constitution du gouvernement national-légionnaire, dirigé par le général Antonescu. A l’époque, je dirigeais l’organisation de la Fratrie de Croix du Séminaire Nifon, de Bucarest ».

    Le fascisme, défait en 1945, laissara la place au communisme. Un totalitarisme chassa l’autre. La plupart des survivants des Jeunesses légionnaires passèrent de longues années dans les geôles communistes. Malgré tout, certains parvinrent toutefois à constituer l’une des branches les plus combatives de la résistance anticommuniste de l’après-guerre. (Trad. Ionut Jugureanu)

  • Impresii despre un curs de anduranță

    Impresii despre un curs de anduranță

    În perioada 16 – 23 iulie, la Mangalia, în Unitatea Militară a Forțelor Navale pentru Operații Speciale, Divizion 164, s-a desfășurat cea de-a 18-a ediție a cursului pentru jurnaliști care transmit din zone de conflict. Printre cei 16 cursanți m-am aflat și eu, eleva din Pauza Mare care vă vorbește despre biciclete și mașini. Impresionată de evenimente, de sentimente, de tot ceea ce am trăit la acest curs, am așternut pe hâtie câteva gânduri:

    Când eram adolescentă voiam să fac armata, dar cum să plece mândrețe de
    fată de acasă. N-am insistat și am rămas printre civili dar și cu un mare
    regret peste timp. Însă pe militarii de carieră am continuat să îi admir.

    Apoi a venit un comunicat MApN și m-am înscris la cursul de anduranță
    psihică și fizică. Altfel spus, Cursul pentru Jurnaliști care Transmit din Zone
    de Conflict.

    Așa am ajuns să fac parte din cea mai frumoasă echipă a acestui proiect
    desfășurat deja de ani buni (cu pauza obligatorie din pandemie) ajungând acum
    la majorat.

    Au fost șapte zile de foc! Zile lungi și deloc ușoare dar foarte
    incitante și mereu surprinzătoare.

    Am avut lângă mine o echipă frumoasă de jurnaliști tineri dornici să
    învețe dar și puși mereu pe șotii

    În fond, ce te poate ține cel mai bine pe linia de plutire dacă nu un
    psihic bun. Iar fără glume mintea ar lua-o razna pe insule pustii (unde nu știi
    niciodată ce scaieți rouz găsești).

    Să vă spun însă că după o săptămână de instrucție, la comanda de salut
    milităresc Pentru onor la stânga, ne-am întors cu toții într-un sincron
    perfect fără ca mesajul să fi fost pentru noi ci doar pentru instructorii
    militari care ne-au făcut săptămâna de foc! Concluzia: am
    fost serioși și bine integrați în situatie. De acum oricare dintre noi
    se poate considera soldat!

    11 fete și 5 băieți!!!

    Baza e în fete! Sunt curajoase și puternice chiar dacă aveau în rucsac
    și câte un strugurel de buze sau o sticluță de parfum! Și pe deasupra și

    Băieții au avut o dublă misiune, deși puțini la număr, să se instruiască
    și să aibă grijă de noi! Acum nu mai știu care pe care am protejat dar am fost
    o echipă!

    Cât despre instructori, nu prea-mi găsesc superlativele la care să scriu
    despre ei. Sunt niște Eroi! Sunt atât de bine instruiți, au o condiție fizică
    atât de bună, sunt polivalenți încât aș spune că sunt extratereștri. Și sunt
    totuși oameni ca și noi, cu familii care îi așteaptă acasă cu muuult dor, și
    care își trăiesc fericirea numărând zile sau minute.

    De la ei am învățat topografie militară și tehnici de supraviețuire,
    relația dintre jurnaliști și militari pe timpul operațiilor militare, reguli de
    bază și măsuri de siguranță pentru executarea tragerilor, cunoașterea
    armamentului, instrucție de scufundare și nu în
    ultimul rând instrucție medicală. Și sigur am omis ceva. Într-o săptămână plină
    de evenimente surpriză. Am zburat pe mare cu bărcile de asalt și puțin mai
    calm cu Puitorul de mine, apoi pe cer cu Spartanul și Puma 330, am atins cerul
    cu gânduri de pace și bucuria de a mai fi trăit o experiență!

    Vă mulțumesc tuturor celor implicați, și n-au fost puțini, dar pentru că
    nu îi pot cuprinde pe toți aș aminti aici pe cei patru corifei din Direcția de
    Informare și Relații Publice, organizatori ai taberei de pregătire a
    sufletului. Nu cred că pot să dau nume complete așa încât voi scrie simplu,
    Monica, Mirela, Renato și Iulian. Mă

    Dacă voi ajunge pe front îmi doresc să folosesc doar arma mea cea mai de
    preț, inima mea! Acum însă mă simt mult mai pregătită și mai puternică decât
    eram în urmă cu o săptămână!

    Vă salut regulamentar!

    Un mic soldat din cea mai bună echipă CJTZC! Ever!

    Și încă ceva!

    Armata României merită tot respectul și aprecierea noastră! Este formată
    din oameni ca și noi dar cu multă determinare și putere de a-si depăși limitele
    fără a se plânge vreodată! Sunteți incredibili, Eroilor!

  • July 2, 2022

    July 2, 2022

    Weather — The plain areas of western, southern and eastern Romania will see another scorching day today. In these regions, a yellow code alert for heat and high thermal discomfort is in place, the maximum temperatures ranging from 33 and 36 degrees Celsius. The noon reading in Bucharest was 32 degrees C. Meteorologists also issued a code orange alert for unstable weather, with heavy storms and heavy rains being expected in the mountainous areas, in the north, center, south and locally east of Romania, valid until this evening. While the authorities in the counties most affected by the heat have set up tents, doctors point out that the elderly, those with various health conditions and children are the most exposed to fainting and sunstroke. In the fields of constructions and agriculture, which involves long-term activities in the scorching sun, people have a hard time coping with hot temperatures.

    July 4 – The United States remains Romanias closest military ally, just as NATO remains the main guarantor of peace and security for all its members, the Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă said on Friday evening. Attending the Party organized by the US Embassy in Bucharest on the occasion of the Independence Day, the Romanian PM welcomed the decision made by President Joe Biden to boost the presence of American troops in Romania. On the other hand, PM Ciucă said that the Romanian Government would continue to work with officials in Washington so that Romanias accession to the Visa Waiver program becomes possible as soon as possible. In his turn, the charge daffaires of the US Embassy in Bucharest, David Muniz, said that Romania leaves a positive mark on the world, recalling, among other things, the readiness of ordinary Romanians and of the authorities to provide humanitarian aid to neighboring Ukraine. David Muniz added that Romania was one of the strongest partners of the United States.

    Theater — Six personalities from the performing arts world receive, this evening, a star on the Star Alley – Aleea Celebrităţilor, as part of the International Theater Festival in Sibiu (center). The merit of two Romanians will be recognized: namely Ion Caramitru, one of the most important and appreciated theater and film actors in Romania, who passed away in September last year, and the cellist Götz Teutsch. Sasha Waltz, Claus Peymann, Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt and Krzysztof Warlikowski will also receive a star on the Star Alley. Sasha Waltz is one of the most respected choreographers of the moment, a dancer and director, a member of the Berlin Academy of Arts. The German Claus Peymann has directed numerous shows based on plays from the classical and contemporary repertoire, and Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt is a French-Belgian playwright, prose writer, novelist, screenwriter and director. His books are translated into 48 languages, and his plays are staged in over 50 countries. The Polish Krzysztof Warlikowski is the artistic director of the Nowy Theater in Warsaw. In 2021, he received the Golden Lion lifetime achievement award at the Venice Biennale.

    Tennis — Romania has only one representative left in the third round of the Grand Slam tournament at Wimbledon: Simona Halep (30 WTA), who meets, today, the Polish Magdalena Frech (92 WTA). In the doubles, the Romanian-Ukrainian pair Raluca Olaru / Nadia Kicenok qualified, on Friday, to the eighth finals, after defeating 3-6, 6-4, 7-6 the pair made up of the British Alicia Barnett and Olivia Nicholls.

    Via Transilvanica – The section of the Via Transilvanica road located in Hunedoara county, in the center of Romania, is open, today, to the public. A project initiated in 2018 by the Tășuleasa Social Association, Via Transilvanica is a tourist and pilgrimage route of over 1,000 kilometers that starts from Putna, in the northeast of the country, crosses Transylvania and ends up in Drobeta-Turnu Severin, in the southwest. Nature and sports enthusiasts can walk it partially or completely, with their backpacks on, or they can go by bike or on horseback, on country paths and roads. Via Transilvanica crosses 10 counties, highlighting the cultural, ethnic, historical and natural riches of Romania. (LS)

  • June 28, 2022

    June 28, 2022

    NATO — Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, participates in the NATO summit in Madrid until Thursday. The war in Ukraine and the security crisis in the Black Sea region are the main topics on the agenda of the summit. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will deliver a video speech in the first part of the meeting. According to the Romanian Presidential Administration, during the summit, the Romanian president will welcome the fact that the current security situation was reflected in the Alliance’s new strategic concept, starting from the recognition of Russia as the main threat to NATO, and the fact that the strategic importance of the Black Sea region for Euro-Atlantic security was mentioned for the first time. Klaus Iohannis will emphasize Romanias significant contribution to supporting Ukraine at humanitarian level, as well as the most vulnerable partners, especially those in the eastern neighborhood, mainly the Republic of Moldova (an ex-Soviet country with a majority Romanian-speaking population) and Georgia. Klaus Iohannis will reiterate Romanias firm support for NATOs “open door” policy, including the accession of Finland and Sweden to the North Atlantic Alliance.

    Partnership — The two Chambers of Romania’s Parliament have today adopted, in a joint session, a Declaration on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the US. The two countries, the document states, share common values ​​and interests, a deep commitment to democracy and a lasting strategic relationship. We particularly hail the important progress made in the cooperation between the two countries in the field of security, in order to strengthen NATOs eastern flank, including in the Black Sea region — shows the document adopted with a majority of votes by the Romanian senators and deputies. They welcome the intensification of the dialogue to meet the conditions for Romanias inclusion in the Visa Waiver program, a program that would allow Romanian citizens to travel to the US for tourism or business purposes for up to 90 days, without the need to obtain a travel visa. During the speeches, both the ruling coalition and the opposition representatives underlined the importance of the Strategic Partnership between the two countries.

    Tennis — On Monday evening the Romanian tennis player Irina Begu qualified to the second round of the Wimbledon Grand Slam tournament, after defeating the Georgian Ekaterine Gorgodze 6-4, 6-1. Sorana Cîrstea also qualified to the second round, after defeating 7-6, 7-6 the Serbian player Aleksandra Krunic. Five other Romanians are playing today in the first round: Simona Halep (against the Czech Karolina Muchova), Gabriela Ruse (against the American Cori Gauff), Mihaela Buzărnescu (against the German Nastasja Schunk), Irina Bara (against the French Chloé Paquet) and Ana Bogdan ( against Ukrainian Daiana Iastremska).

    Moldova — The Republic of Moldova is today marking 82 years since the occupation of Bessarabia by the Soviet Union on June 28, 1940. Back then, the Soviet troops annexed Bessarabia, northern Bukovina and Herța land, regions with a majority Romanian-speaking population, following an ultimatum to Bucharest. Radio Chişinău recalls that the annexation led to the establishment of a totalitarian communist regime, which meant forced collectivization, the replacement of the Latin alphabet with the Cyrillic one and Russification, political oppression and deportations. Tens of thousands of people were deported to Kazakhstan and Siberia, many of them dying on the way to or in the USSR camps. Historian Ion Varta said that under the Soviet regime forcefully established on the left bank of the Prut River, ‘about 400,000 people were victims of organized famine’, ‘626,000 people were subject to forced labor’, and between 120,000 and 130,000 people were deported. “It was a true genocide,” the historian concluded. The territories annexed in 1940 now belong to the former Soviet republics of Moldova and Ukraine, that gained their independence from Moscow in August 1991, after the failure of the neo-Bolshevik coup against the last Soviet leader, the reformer Mikhail Gorbachev. (LS)