• Румунські парамедики допомагають Україні

    Румунські парамедики допомагають Україні

    Минулого тижня у Києві завершився перший етап навчань тренерів-парамедиків
    в рамках програми НАТО «Наука заради миру та безпеки».
    Це були кількаденні навчання, в яких
    взяли участь 5 кращих парамедиків, котрі були відібрані
    з декількох сотень осіб з усіх регіонів
    України. За результатами цих навчань тренерами з Румунії було відібрано групу з
    десяти парамедиків, які продовжать своє навчання протягом трьох місяців за інтенсивною
    програмою в спеціальному навчальному центрі Румунії. Це будуть не просто курси тренування рятівників, а тренування майбутніх
    тренерів, які стануть основою унікального тренінгового центру для
    тренерів рятівників і парамедиків в Україні в рамках проекту НАТО і за
    підтримки Румунії.

    Докладніше про цей проект розповів директор Офісу зв’язку НАТО в Україні Олександр Вінніков. «Цей проект є складовою
    більш ширшого проекту, що охоплює телемедицину і парамедицину. Окрім Румунії,
    його підтримують також Сполучені Штати, Фінляндія та Молдова. Це
    багаторічний флагманський проект програми Наука заради миру і
    безпеки, що допомагає телемедицині перетинати національні кордони і
    залучати медичних фахівців до подолання наслідків значних катастроф або
    інцидентів. Коли проект буде повністю розгорнуто він матиме подвійне
    використання як у цивільній сфері, так і у військовій
    . Цей проект є одним з численних, що НАТО
    впроваджує в Україні. З 2014 по 2019 роки загальна сума проектів, що
    впроваджуються в Україні, кількість яких сягає 49, становить 15 млн. євро.
    Програма Наука заради миру і безпеки, є однією з тих програм, які
    НАТО впровадила в Україні з початку російської агресії і, фактично, вона є частиною комплексного пакету допомоги, що був ухвалений країнами НАТО на
    нещодавньому саміті альянсу у Варшаві.»

    Інструктори з парамедицини, які провели
    навчання в столиці України представляють Мобільну службу швидкої медичної
    допомоги, реанімації та вивільнення (SMURD). Ця унікальна структура була
    заснована як пілотний-проект в 1991 році в місті Тиргу-Муреш з ініціативи
    румунського лікаря палестинського походження Раєда Арафата. З часом вона
    продемонструвала свою ефективність і мало-помалу розширилася, ставши службою
    національного і навіть стратегічного значення. Тепер SMURD має потужну команду
    парамедиків по всій країні, а також машини швидкої допомоги, гелікоптери та літаки, оснащені
    сучасним медичним та навігаційним обладнанням, які щодня рятують людські життя.

    Говорить Посол Румунії в Україні
    Крістіан-Леон Цуркану: «Я хочу підкреслити, що Румунія була і залишається
    однією з тих, країн які надають Україні найбільшу підтримку, особливо в останні
    два роки. Румунія рішуче підтримує суверенітет, незалежність і територіальну
    цілісність України як на міжнародному рівні, так і на багатосторонньому та
    двосторонньому планах. Упродовж останніх двох років ми чимало разів запропонували свою допомогу нашим
    українським друзям у різних галузях, таких як військова і безпекова сфери,
    співпраця на рівні секретних служб, реформа системи правосуддя, боротьба з
    корупцією і, невостаннє, подолання наслідків криз. Усім добре відомо, що в
    будь-якій країні, в будь-якій ситуації швидке реагування на кризову ситуацію є
    вкрай важливим, але це тим більш важливо в умовах війни. Тому я пишаюсь тим, що
    саме наші фахівці були обрані для проведення цього навчання в рамках цієї
    надзвичайно важливої програми НАТО, особливо тому, що вони представляють дуже
    оригінальну румунську концепцію, розвинуту в результаті докладання великих
    зусиль та особливої відданості. 25 років тому ми не мали такої системи.
    Знадобилися багато безсонних ночей, несамовита відданість, багато часу,
    відірваного нерідко від власної сім’ї для втілення в життя цієї дуже ефективної
    системи реагування на кризові ситуації. Тепер вона стала прикладом успішного
    проекту, впровадженого в Румунії.»

    Народний депутат України, голова Комітету
    з питань охорони здоров’я та громадський діяч Ольга Богомолець подякувала
    румунським парамедикам за підтримку у впровадженні цього дуже важливого для
    України проекту. «У рамках робочої
    групи НАТО заради миру, безпеки і телемедицини, саме Румунія була обрана як та
    країна, яка максимально відповідає сьогоднішній позиції України. Румунія
    пройшла той самий шлях, який зараз ми маємо пройти, збудувавши практично з нуля
    службу, яка сьогодні не має одного підпорядкування якомусь міністерству. Ця
    служба підпорядкована і Міністерству охорони здоров’я, і Міністерству
    внутрішніх справ та координується міжвідомчим центром. SMURD
    є тією службою, яка на сьогодні має найбільший рівень суспільної довіри в
    Румунії. Й оскільки в Румунії є ще закон, який дозволяє людям частину свого
    податку передавати туди, куди вони хочуть передавати і власне фінансувати в
    державі ту службу, якій вони довіряють, то SMURD, в тому числі, напряму
    фінансується прямими внесками громадян, які вони віддають від свого податку.»

    Докладніше про результати першого етапу
    навчань українських тренерів-парамедиків, який щойно завершився у Києві та про
    подальші кроки розповів інструктор з парамедицини Памфіл-Алін Молдован. «Наша
    роль тут полягала в підготовці 35 осіб та відборі 10 кращих із них, які приїдуть
    до Румунії, щоб пройти тримісячну тренерську підготовку, з тим щоб потім, після
    повернення в Україну, навчати у свою чергу, майбутніх парамедиків. Я вважаю, що
    наша місія завершилася успішно і ми сподіваємося, що ті десятеро наших колег, коли повернуться з Румунії докладуть максимум
    зусиль для підготовки, у свою чергу, майбутніх парамедиків в Україні. Звичайно,
    наша місія не закінчується на цьому, після завершення курсів у Румунії ми
    повернемось в Україну, щоб простежити, як українські інструктори-парамедики
    проведуть перші курси.»

    Серед тих, хто пройшов перший відбір в
    Україні і, котрі розвиватимуть службу парамедицини і рятування в Україні
    налічується і Роман Бабич, який зізнався, що за кілька днів навчань румунські
    інструктори перевернули його відношення до того яким повинен бути тренер, якою
    повинна бути людина, котра надає допомогу людям, які цього потребують в мирний
    час. «У мене
    до війни був досвід роботи на швидкій допомозі, на війні був досвід надання
    допомоги пораненим та евакуації загиблих наших побратимів, але те відношення до
    справи, яке серцем і екстраполюванням до аудиторії показали наші вчителі, наші
    тренери з Румунії, це дуже сильно затягує, дуже сильно мотивує. Зі своєї
    сторони та від імені нашої групи я не тільки обіцяю, я хотів би сказати, що як
    ви нас вчили ніколи не говорити, що можеш це зробити на 100%, але я хочу
    сказати, що ми зробимо все можливе, щоб колись, протягом найближчих п’яти, може
    десяти років, ви приїдете до нас і ми ваших колег теж чомусь навчимо. Тому що я
    вважаю, що найкращий вчитель це той, чий учень його перевершив у чомусь. Тому я
    хочу вірити в те, що та група, яка буде зараз, ті групи, які будуть потім, вони
    зроблять все можливе, щоб у нас була своя система і колись ви приїдете до нас і
    ми теж чомусь новому вас навчимо. Я думаю, що це буде для нас приємно, що ви
    оціните, і вам буде приємно як нашим першим вчителям, тому що ми перші ваші
    ластівки, які ви відпустили у політ.»

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii 31.07 – 06.08

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 31.07 – 06.08

    Moartea Reginei Ana

    1 august 2016 va rămâne o zi tristă
    în istoria îndelung zbuciumată a poporului, dar şi a Casei Regale din România!
    Ana, soţia Regelui Mihai I, s-a stins din viaţă într-un spital din Elveţia, la vârsta de
    92 de ani. Dacă în 1948 societatea românească nu ar fi trăit tragedia
    sovietizării, căsătoria sa cu suveranul român ar fi avut loc la Bucureşti şi ar
    fi fost celebrată cu bucurie de întreaga naţiune. Abdicarea forţată a Regelui
    şi exilul ulterior au făcut, însă, ca nunta să aibă loc în Grecia. Din cei
    aproape 70 de ani de căsnicie a celor doi, peste 40 au fost petrecuţi departe
    de ţară. În România, familia regală a revenit – nu fără turbulenţe – după
    Revoluţia anticomunistă din 1989. Cu precizări, istoricul Adrian Niculescu: Rolul Reginei Ana a fost acela de a fi soţia unui rege în exil, de a-i
    împărtăşi soarta, în primul rând, de a-i crea o familie. A avut un rol
    instituţional, dar a fost o persoană care a avut o înrâurire fundamentală de
    susţinere morală a Regelui Mihai.
    Marţi, 9 august,
    trupul neînsufleţit al Reginei Ana va fi repatriat din Elveţia. Va rămâne
    pentru totdeauna la Mânăstirea Curtea de Argeş, necropolă a capetelor
    încoronate ale ţării, Regina urmând să fie înmormântată acolo sâmbătă, 13
    august. În ziua
    funeraliilor, în România va fi doliu naţional. Românii deplâng trecerea în
    nefiinţă a Reginei Ana, cea mai longevivă soţie de suveran din istoria
    României. A fost unul dintre cele mai importante simboluri de înţelepciune,
    demnitate şi reper de conduită – a afirmat preşedintele Klaus Iohannis. Iar
    premierul Dacian Cioloş spune că Regina rămâne un simbol al nobleţii,
    discreţiei şi demnităţii. Mesaje de condoleanţe au transmis şi Patriarhul
    Daniel al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, lideri ai clasei politice sau ai vieţii

    Măsuri sociale pentru
    bugetarii români

    Salariile a peste 650 de mii de bugetari români au crescut, din prima
    zi a acestei luni, cu 10%, potrivit unei ordonanţe de urgenţă a Guvernului,
    care vizează eliminarea inechităţilor din sistem. Vor primi bani mai mulţi
    angajaţii din sănătate, profesorii, funcţionarii din ministere şi din Apărare.
    Cuantumul salariilor diferă în funcţie de specializare, grad şi vechime şi este
    completat de diferite sporuri. Tot de la 1 august au intrat în plată noile
    indemnizaţii neplafonate pentru creşterea copilului. Limita minimă este de
    1.063 de lei (echivalentul a aproximativ 250 de euro), iar cea maximă a fost
    eliminată. Pot beneficia de această indemnizaţie părinţii care stau acasă cu
    bebeluşul, cu condiţia să fi avut venituri impozabile timp de minimum 12 luni
    în ultimii doi ani. Ei vor primi 85% din media veniturilor nete realizate în
    aceste 12 luni.

    Transportatori români nemulţumiţi

    Transportatorii români ameninţă cu proteste
    la nivel naţional la jumătatea lunii viitoare, dacă nu se rezolvă problema
    creşterii tarifelor la poliţele RCA. Ei au solicitat, săptămâna aceasta,
    Guvernului să îngheţe preţurile acestor poliţe la valorile din vara anului
    trecut. Constantin Isac, vicepreşedinte al Uniunii Naţionale a
    Transportatorilor Rutieri, explică: Au fost promisiuni, au trecut lunile. Ce
    constatăm? Faţă de luna iunie a anului trecut, creşterea medie a fost de 80%,
    iar vârfurile s-au dus între 300-400 şi chiar 500%. La un TIR, aşa cum cunoaşte
    toată lumea, în urmă cu 12-15 luni, plăteam poliţa RCA cu 4.000-4.500 de lei -
    1.000 de euro. Acum, ofertele de la asiguratori şi poliţele sunt cumpărate la
    preţ de 5.000 de euro pe poliţă. Diferenţa trebuie să o transferăm în tarif.
    Tarifele în acest moment nu suportă această creştere. Nesuportând această
    creştere, transportatorii români sunt scoşi din piaţă.
    O nouă rundă de
    negocieri este programată la Guvern peste două săptămâni.

    Dispecerat unic pentru ambulanţă, pompieri şi SMURD

    Şeful Departamentului pentru
    Situaţii de Urgenţă din România, doctorul Raed Arafat, a anunţat, joi, că se
    lucrează la construirea unui dispecerat unic pentru Ambulanţă, pompieri şi
    serviciul de salvare de urgenţă SMURD, dar şi la crearea unui ‘registru’ al
    ONG-urilor care ar putea oferi asistenţă în cazul unui incident cu victime
    multiple. Totodată, Raed Arafat a amintit că proprietarii construcţiilor şi
    amenajărilor fără autorizaţie de securitate la incendiu sunt obligaţi să intre
    în legalitate până cel târziu pe 31 decembrie 2016. Până atunci răspunderea le
    revine exclusiv beneficiarilor investiţiilor. De la 1 ianuarie 2017
    sancţiuniile pentru funcţionarea fără autorizaţie de securitate la incendiu vor
    fi cuprinse între 20.000 şi 50.000 de lei (echivalentul a 4.500 până la 11 mii
    de euro). Măsurile se impun după incendiul din toamna trecută, dintr-un club
    bucureştean, soldat cu zeci de morţi.

    Unităţile de transfuzii sanguine sub lupa Ministerului sănătăţii

    Ministerul Sănătăţii de la Bucureşti a
    identificat, la nivelul ţării, 142 de unităţi de transfuzii sanguine
    neautorizate, majoritatea chiar în spitalele din sistemul public. Potrivit unui
    comunicat, în următoarea perioadă vor fi investigate cauzele şi vor fi
    stabilite planuri de rezolvare a problemelor. Dacă până la 1 noiembrie situaţia
    se menţine, unităţile respective nu vor mai primi sânge şi produse sanguine de
    la Institutul Naţional de hematologie. Recent, o femeie a murit şi o alta s-a
    aflat în stare gravă din cauza unor transfuzii greşite efectuate în astfel de

    A 31-a ediţie a Jocurilor Olimpice, la Rio de Janeiro, în Brazilia

    Peste 100 de sportivi reprezintă
    România, în perioada 5-21 august, la a 31-a ediţie a Jocurilor Olimpice de vară
    de la Rio de Janeiro – primul oraş sud-american care găzduieşte un astfel de
    eveniment. În total, 10.000 de sportivi din peste 200 ţări se vor
    lupta pentru medaliile puse în joc. Pentru întâia dată în istorie Kosovo şi
    Sudanul de Sud participă la întrecerile olimpice. Şi tot în premieră, o echipă
    a refugiaţilor concurează sub steagul olimpic. Jocurile de vară nu sunt lipsite
    de probleme şi controverse atât la nivel naţional în Brazilia, cât şi la nivel
    mondial. Ţara sud-americană se confruntă cu mari probleme de ordin politic,
    financiar şi economic. Totodată, Jocurile Olimpice pornesc la drum după cel mai
    mare scandal de dopaj din istorie. O altă chestiune sensibilă a acestei ediţii este
    virusul Zika.

  • 04.06.2016 (mise à jour)

    04.06.2016 (mise à jour)

    Diplomatie – Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis effectuera lundi et mardi une visite officielle à Luxembourg à l’invitation du grand-duc Henri. Le chef de l’Etat roumain doit rencontrer également d’autres responsables luxembourgeois, dont le premier ministre, le président de la Chambre des Députés et le ministre des AE. Les débats porteront entre autres sur les manières à renforcer les relations politiques et sectorielles entre la Roumanie et Le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, avec un accent mis sur l’élargissement de la coopération économique, sans oublier la recherche, le développement et l’innovation industrielle. A l’agenda des pourparlers figurent également les préparatifs du sommet de l’OTAN de Varsovie, prévu en juillet. En marge de cette visite, les gouvernements roumains et luxembourgeois signeront le Programme d’échanges dans les domaines de la science et de la technologie, de l’éducation, de la culture et du sport, pour la période 2016 – 2021.

    SMURD – Le président roumain Klaus Iohannis a signé samedi les décrets de décoration à titre posthume des sauveteurs du Service Mobile d’Urgences, Réanimation et Désincarcération (SMURD) qui ont perdu la vie jeudi dans un accident d’hélicoptère en République de Moldova voisine. Ils ont été décorés « pour leur haut professionnalisme, l’humanisme et l’esprit de sacrifice dont ils ont fait preuve lors de nombreuses opérations de sauvetage de vies humaines dans les cadre du SMURD Iasi ». Les décorations ont été faites suite à une proposition du ministre roumain de la Santé, Vlad Voiculescu, et du ministre de l’Intérieur, Petre Toba. Rappelons-le, un hélicoptère du SMUR roumain s’est écrasé jeudi, lors d’une mission, à une vingtaine de km de la capitale moldave.

    Inondations – En Roumanie, une centaine de personnes ont été évacuées de manière préventive, bien qu’il n’y ait plus eu de situations à risque majeur pour la population, a fait savoir samedi le ministère de l’Intérieur de Bucarest. La plupart de ces personnes sont en train de rentrer chez elles. Il n’y a pas de localités isolées, mais les précipitations abondantes ont mis en difficulté la circulation routière dans plusieurs régions du pays. Ces derniers jours, les inondations ont causé la mort de deux personnes et ont touché environ 90 localités de 7 départements. Dans les 24 prochaines heures, le temps reste donc instable en Roumanie, notamment dans l’ouest, le sud-ouest et en montagne, où l’on attend des pluies à verse et des orages. Les températures maximales ne dépasseront pas les 25 degrés.

  • Nachrichten 03.06.2016

    Nachrichten 03.06.2016

    BUKAREST: Nach einem Schluss-Spurt im Wahlkampf haben die Parteien am Samstag einen Ruhetag vor der Kommunalwahl am Sonntag. Mehr als 250.000 Kandidaten kämpfen um die Ämter der Bürgermeister, Lokalratsvorsitzenden und Kreisratsvorsitzenden. Eine Premiere für Rumänien ist dieses Jahr die Kommunalwahl in einem einzigen Urnengang und die Verwendung einer Software zur Vermeidung von mehrfachen Stimmabgaben in den Wahllokalen. Präsident Klaus Iohannis rief die Stimmberechtigten auf seinem Facebook-Profil auf, am Sonntag wählen zu gehen und die richtigen Kandidaten zu wählen“.

    BUKAREST: Die norwegischen Justizbehörden haben der rumänisch-norwegischen Familie Bodnariu das Sorgerecht für ihre fünf Kinder zurückerteilt. Im November waren die Kinder in staatliche Fürsorge gekommen, nachdem die zwei Töchter der Familie in der Schule angeblich über physischen Missbrauch zu Hause berichtet hatten. Der Fall Bodnariu hatte hitzige Debatten und Kontroversen, sowie Protestaktionen weltweit ausgelöst. Die rumänischen Behörden hatten einen Dialog mit ihren norwegischen Kollegen im Parlament, der Regierung und in den diplomatischen Vertretungen gestartet.

    BUKAREST: Infolge der starken Überschwemmungen der letzten Tage sind in Rumänien zwei Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Fast 300 Menschen wurden evakuiert. 90 Ortschaften in 7 Landkreisen im Osten und in der Mitte Rumäniens sind von Überschwemmungen schwer betroffen. Mehr als 7.000 Polizisten, Gendarmen und Feuerwehrleute sind im Einsatz. Mehrere Ortschaften sind ohne Strom geblieben und in einigen Regionen verläuft der Straßen- und Schienenverkehr mit Mühe. In 9 Landkreisen gilt bis Samstagnachmittag eine Wetterwarnung Stufe Rot wegen Hochwassergefahr. In mehreren Landkreisen im Süden, Westen, Nordwesten und in der Mitte Rumäniens gelten bis Samstagabend Wetterwarnungen der Stufen Orange und Gelb wegen starken Regenfällen und Hochwassergefahr.

    CHISINAU: In der Moldau ist am Freitag ein Trauertag für die vier verstorbenen Rettungshelfer aus Rumänien angeordnet worden. Vier Mitglieder des rumänischen Rettungsdienstes SMURD waren am Donnerstag bei einem Hubschrauberabsturz in der benachbarten Republik Moldau ums Leben gekommen. Der SMURD-Hubschrauber aus Iasi (im Osten Rumäniens) ist in aus unbekannten Ursachen abgestürzt und befand sich im Rettungseinsatz. Das Team sollte einen Kranken aus der moldauischen Stadt Cahul übernehmen und in ein Krankenhaus in der Hauptstadt Chisinau bringen. Das rumänische Innenministeroum hat eine Krisenzelle einberufen und angekündigt, sämtliche Hubschrauber vom gleichen Typ wie die abgestürzte Maschine am Boden zu halten. Rumänische und moldauische Experten ermitteln den Vorfall.

  • Rumänischer SMURD-Rettungshubschrauber stürzt in Moldawien ab

    Rumänischer SMURD-Rettungshubschrauber stürzt in Moldawien ab

    Vier Mitglieder des rumänischen Rettungsdienstes haben am Donnerstag beim Absturz eines SMURD-Hubschraubers aus Iaşi im Landkreis Cantemir der Rep. Moldawien ihr Leben verloren. Die Rettungsmannschaft bestand aus dem Piloten, dem Copiloten, dem Rettungsarzt und dem Rettungsassistent. Es war die letzte Mission der Rettungsmannschaft, die einen Patienten, der einen Hirnschlag erlitten hatte, nach Chişinău bringen sollte.

    Die Augenzeugen berichten, der Hubschrauber stürzte beim schlechten Wetter und geringer Sichtweite und ging nach dem Absturz sofort in Flammen auf. Keiner der Innsassen hatte eine Chance, am Leben zu bleiben. Kurz darauf wurden die Reste des SMURD-Hubschraubers in der Nähe eines Waldes lokalisiert. Die Flugmaschine wurde 2014 hergestellt und wurde technisch überprüft. Die letzte technische Inspektion fand Februar 2016 statt. Der Pilot hatte über 4.000 Flugstunden. Die Sprecherin des Innenministeriums Monica Dajbog erklärte:

    Es geht um einen erfahrenen Piloten mit 4.181 Flugstunden. Der Copilot hatte 1.480 Flugstunden. Der Rettungsarzt hatte eine fünfjährige Erfahrung, während der Rettungsassistent seit 11 Jahren in diesem Bereich tätig war.

    Die Militärstaatsanwaltschaft in Bukarest hat nach dem Hubschrauberabsturz das Strafverfahren eröffnet. Eine Kommission gebildet aus rumänischen und moldawischen Fachleuten untersuchen die Unfallursache. Die zwei Staaten haben ein Zusammenarbeitsabkommen im Bereich Notfall, das gemeinsame Missionen mit SMURD-Hubschraubern vorsieht. Das Protokoll wurde im Februar 2014 im Rahmen eines weiteren Zusammenarbeitsabkommen zwischen Rumänien, der Rep. Moldawien und der Ukraine unterzeichnet.

    2014 wurde in Bălti ein SMURD-Zentrum eröffnet, das vom rumänischen Staat mit Rettungswagen ausgestattet wurde. Die Rettungshubschrauber von Iasi und Galati haben 19 Missionen in der Rep. Moldawien erfüllt. In den letzten Jahren haben mehrere Flugunfälle stattgefunden, in denen SMURD Flugmaschinen impliziert waren. Vor anderhalb Jahren stürzte ein SMURD Hubschrauber in den Siutghiol See im Südosten des Landes. Ein anderer Unfall fand im Januar 2014 statt im Apuseni-Gebirge, wo zwei Personen ums Leben kamen und weitere fünf verletzt wurden. Das Ambulanzflugzeug flog aus Bukarest nach Oradea, um eine Leber von einem Spender zu entnehmen.

  • Elicopter SMURD, prăbuşit în Republica Moldova

    Elicopter SMURD, prăbuşit în Republica Moldova

    Patru salvatori români au murit, după ce un elicopter SMURD de la Iaşi(nord-est) s-a prăbuşit, joi, în raionul Cantemir din statul vecin, Republica Moldova, în apropiere de graniţa cu România. Cei patru sunt pilotul, copilotul, un medic şi un asistent. A fost ultima misiune pentru salvatorii care plecaseră să preia un pacient care suferise un accident vascular pentru a-l transporta la Chişinău.

    Martorii oculari au declarat că aparatul s-a prăbuşit pe o vreme rea, cu vizibilitate foarte redusă. Aeronava a luat foc la impactul cu solul şi niciunul din cei aflati la bord nu a avut vreo şansă de supravieţuire. La scurtă vreme, epava a fost localizată lângă o pădure. Fabricat în august 2014, elicopterul avea toate inspecţiile efectuate la termen, cea mai recentă fiind în februarie 2016, iar pilotul avea peste 4.000 de ore de zbor.

    Purtătorul de cuvânt al Ministerului de Interne, Monica Dajbog a precizat: “Pilotul avea o vastă experienţă, având pe elicopter 4.181 de ore de zbor, iar copilotul de 1.480 de ore de zbor. Medicul avea o experienţă de 5 ani pe elicopterul SMURD, iar asistentul medical, de 11 ani.”

    Procurorii militari de la Bucureşti au deschis un dosar penal în acest caz, iar o comisie mixta de specialişti din România şi Republica Moldova cercetează împrejurările prăbuşirii elicopterului SMURD. Cele două state au un acord de colaborare în domeniul situatiilor de urgentă, care prevede si misiuni comune cu elicoptere SMURD. Protocolul a fost semnat în februarie 2014, în cadrul unui acord mai larg de colaborare transfrontalieră între România, Republica Moldova si Ucraina.

    Astfel, la Bălti, a fost deschis în 2014 un centru SMURD, dotat cu ambulante oferite de statul român, iar elicoptere de la Iasi si Galati au efectuat, până acum, 19 misiuni în Republica Moldova. In ultimii ani, s-au produs mai multe accidente aviatice în care au fost implicate aeronave având la bord cadre medicale aflate în misiune. Ultimul accident de acest fel a avut loc în urmă cu un an şi jumătate, când un elicopter SMURD, având la bord pilotul, copilotul, un medic şi un asistent medical, s-a prăbuşit în Lacul Siutghiol din sud-estul ţării.

    O altă tragedie aviatică a îndoliat medicina de urgenţă în ianuarie 2014, când două persoane au murit şi cinci au fost rănite în urma unei aterizări forţate în Munţii Apuseni, la o altitudine de 1400 de metri. Acestea mergeau de la Bucureşti la Oradea pentru a preleva un ficat de la un donator care suferise un accident vascular.

  • SMURD helicopter crashes in the Republic of Moldova

    SMURD helicopter crashes in the Republic of Moldova

    A pilot, a co-pilot, a doctor and a nurse died on Thursday after a SMURD helicopter flying them to Moldovas Cantemir County crashed close to the Romanian border. It was the last mission for the rescue team flying to help transfer, to a hospital in Chisinau, a patient who had just suffered a heart-attack.

    According to eyewitness reports, the aircraft crashed due to the bad weather, as visibility was very low. The aircraft caught fire upon hitting the ground, leaving the four people onboard no chances of survival. Shortly after impact, the site of the crash was located, nearby a local forest. Built in August 2014, the helicopter had passed all safety inspections, the most recent one in February 2016. The pilot had over 4,000 hours of fly time.

    Monica Dajbog, spokesperson for the Romanian Interior Ministry, gave us more details: The pilot had a rich experience. He had 4,181 hours of fly time, while the co-pilot had 1,480 hours of fly time. The doctor had been going on SMURD helicopter missions for 5 years, while the nurse had been flying on similar operations for 11 years.

    Military prosecutors in Bucharest have started a criminal investigation into this case, while a mixed committee of specialists from Romania and the Republic of Moldova are conducing inquiries into the circumstances of the crash. The two countries have an ongoing cooperation agreement in the field of emergency situations, which also covers joint rescue missions involving helicopters of the SMURD emergency service.

    The protocol was signed in February 2014 and is part of a wider agreement on cross-border cooperation between Romania, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. A SMURD center was opened in Balti, equipped with ambulances provided by the Romanian state. Helicopters from Iasi and Galati have already been on 19 rescue missions in the Republic of Moldova. The last several years have seen several air crashes involving medical personnel.

    The last such incident was over a year and a half ago, when a SMURD helicopter, carrying the pilot, the co-pilot, a doctor and a nurse, crashed in the Siutghiol Lake in south-eastern Romania. Another tragedy that shook Romanias emergency medical system occurred in January 2014, when two people were killed and another five were injured after their plane crash-landed in the Apuseni Mountains, at an altitude of 1,400 meters. The team was flying from Bucharest to Oradea to collect the liver of a donor who had just died of a stroke.

  • 02.06.2016 (mise à jour)

    02.06.2016 (mise à jour)

    Accident – 4 employés du Service Mobile d’Urgence, Réanimation et Désincarcération de Roumanie (SMURD) ont perdu la vie jeudi lorsque l’hélicoptère dans lequel ils se trouvaient s’est écrasé dans un village du sud-ouest de la République de Moldova voisine. L’hélicoptère appartenait au Service de Iasi (ville de l’est de la Roumanie). Il se déplaçait vers la ville moldave de Cahul vers un patient qui allait être transporté à un hôpital de Chisinau, la capitale moldave. Une cellule de crise a été mise en place au Ministère roumain de l’Intérieur, qui a fait savoir que tous les hélicoptères du même type que celui qui s’est écrasé resteraient au sol. Des experts roumains se trouvent déjà en République de Moldova pour participer aux investigations de l’accident.

    Hexi Pharma – Dans le scandale des désinfectants dilués découverts dans une grande partie des hôpitaux roumaine, la directrice générale de la société productrice de ces substances, Flori Dinu, a été auditionnée par les procureurs anticorruption et mise en examen jeudi pour complicité de dilapidation. Elle était chargée entre autres de la coordination du département des ventes de la société Hexi Pharma. Elle faisait déjà l’objet d’une enquête pénale et avait été assignée à résidence par les procureurs du Parquet Général pour escroquerie et participation à l’infraction d’entrave à la lutte contre les maladies.

    Football – La sélection nationale de football de la Roumanie rencontre vendredi à Bucarest celle de la Géorgie, dans le dernier match amicale avant l’Euro 2016 de France. La semaine dernière, la Roumanie a fait match nul, 1-1 avec le Congo et a perdu 3 buts à 4 face à l’Ukraine. A l’Euro 2016, la Roumanie joue avec la France, le 10 juin. La Suisse et l’Albanie font partie du même groupe.

    Météo – Le temps reste instable en Roumanie dans les 24 prochaines heures. Le ciel sera couvert et l’on attend de la pluie à verse et du vent fort dans l’est, le sud-est et en montagne. Une vigilance orange aux pluies abondantes est en vigueur dans plusieurs départements de l’est du pays jusqu’à vendredi soir. Les températures maximales ne dépasseront pas les 26 degrés.

  • Petite ville roumaine, cherche médecin

    Petite ville roumaine, cherche médecin

    L’incendie meurtrier survenu, le 30 octobre, dans une discothèque bucarestoise a braqué les projecteurs des médias roumains sur l’action des urgences médicales ainsi que sur les soins accordés aux grands brûlés, dans la capitale Bucarest et, par extension, dans les grandes villes du pays. Tandis que le système médical roumain se voit constamment reprocher les lacunes à nombre de niveaux, nous avons voulu savoir quelle était la situation à l’extérieur des grandes agglomérations urbaines roumaines. Comment y fait-on de la médecine, y compris d’urgence ? Quels problèmes, mais aussi quels avantages il y en a ? Comment la migration médicale complique-t-elle la vie des praticiens qui restent ? Nous allons en débattre avec des médecins de deux villes moyennes roumaines, Sibiu et Târgu Mureș, la dernière étant le lieu d’origine du SAMU-SMUR roumain, à savoir le Service mobile d’urgences, réanimation et décarcération SMURD.

    Nos invités — dr. Gabriela Madaras, médecin endocrinologue (Targu Mures), dr. Bogdan Csillag, médecin urgentiste, inspecteur du SMURD pour la région du centre de la Roumanie (Targu Mures) et dr. Ciprian Rociu, neurologue (Sibiu).

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) – Another nine people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 41. Another 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone has been detained, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the clubs functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The clubs three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) – Another nine people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 41. Another 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone has been detained, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the clubs functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The clubs three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) – Another eight people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 40. Another 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone has been detained, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the clubs functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The clubs three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) – Another eight people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 40. Another 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone has been detained, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the clubs functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The clubs three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) – Another seven people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 39. Another 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone has been detained, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the clubs functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The clubs three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

    PROTESTS – For the fifth consecutive day Romanians took to the streets in Bucharest and other large cities, calling for a top-down sweeping reform of the Romanian political class. Protesters chanted slogans against corrupt politicians, whom they see as responsible for the tragedy. Following this weeks protests Prime Minister Victor Ponta has stepped down. President Klaus Iohannis had the first round of consultations with parliamentary factions and with representatives of the civil society to appoint the new Prime Minister. The president is expected to make a nomination by the end of next week.

    GROWTH – The European Commission estimates that Romanias economy will continue to grow at an accelerating pace to 3.5% this year and to 4.1% in 2016. The growth will be the result of fiscal relaxation measures, boosting internal demand on the one hand and deepening the budget deficit on the other. This estimate might even be surpassed if Romania absorbs EU funds beyond its expectations. At the same time, the Commission has upgraded its forecast for the budget deficit, to 1.2% this year and to 2.8% next year, as against the spring forecast of 1.6% for 2015 and of 3.5% for 2016. Against the backdrop of waning unemployment and the 4% slash in VAT, private consumption will hit an all-time high in 2016, but will be balanced out in 2017, reads the European Commission forecast. In turn, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development also expects an economic growth in Romania of 3.5% this year and of 3.7% in 2016.

    CALL – The British air-defence destroyer HMS DUNCAN is making a call in the port of Constanta between November 8-11. Romanian and British sailors will carry out joint training drills with a view to agreeing on common operational procedures during planned exercises in the territorial waters of Romania and in international waters of the Black Sea over the coming period. HMS DUNCAN is the sixth and last Type-45 or Daring-class British destroyer fitted with state-of-the-art radar and air-defence systems. Ongoing missions in international waters of this kind of battleships are aimed at combating piracy and drug trafficking, but also at providing humanitarian aid to people affected by the national catastrophes in various regions of the world. When integrated in naval battle formations, type-45 destroyers ensure anti-submarine and anti-air support.

    MEASURES – 140 Romanian citizens in the tourism resorts of Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada in Egypt were repatriated on Saturday, the Romanian Foreign Ministry reports. The decision was taken against the escalating security context in the region and the security measures adopted by Egyptian authorities after a Russian airliner crahsed while flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to Sankt Petersburg, carrying 224 people onboard. Previously the Ministry has called on Romanians to take additional security measures to ensure the safety of travellers, their luggage and the process of loading luggage on board flights incoming from Egypt. Several countries have called off or modified the flight routes over the Sinai Peninsula. On Friday, following the recommendation of the Russian Intelligence Service (FSB), Moscow authorities decided to ground all passenger flights to Egypt. Press agencies write the measures were taken against the emergence of new evidence that confirms that a bomb onboard had caused the Russian airliner to crash.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) – Another seven people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 39. Another 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone has been detained, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the clubs functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The clubs three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

    PROTESTS – For the fifth consecutive day Romanians took to the streets in Bucharest and other large cities, calling for a top-down sweeping reform of the Romanian political class. Protesters chanted slogans against corrupt politicians, whom they see as responsible for the tragedy. Following this weeks protests Prime Minister Victor Ponta has stepped down. President Klaus Iohannis had the first round of consultations with parliamentary factions and with representatives of the civil society to appoint the new Prime Minister. The president is expected to make a nomination by the end of next week.

    GROWTH – The European Commission estimates that Romanias economy will continue to grow at an accelerating pace to 3.5% this year and to 4.1% in 2016. The growth will be the result of fiscal relaxation measures, boosting internal demand on the one hand and deepening the budget deficit on the other. This estimate might even be surpassed if Romania absorbs EU funds beyond its expectations. At the same time, the Commission has upgraded its forecast for the budget deficit, to 1.2% this year and to 2.8% next year, as against the spring forecast of 1.6% for 2015 and of 3.5% for 2016. Against the backdrop of waning unemployment and the 4% slash in VAT, private consumption will hit an all-time high in 2016, but will be balanced out in 2017, reads the European Commission forecast. In turn, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development also expects an economic growth in Romania of 3.5% this year and of 3.7% in 2016.

    CALL – The British air-defence destroyer HMS DUNCAN is making a call in the port of Constanta between November 8-11. Romanian and British sailors will carry out joint training drills with a view to agreeing on common operational procedures during planned exercises in the territorial waters of Romania and in international waters of the Black Sea over the coming period. HMS DUNCAN is the sixth and last Type-45 or Daring-class British destroyer fitted with state-of-the-art radar and air-defence systems. Ongoing missions in international waters of this kind of battleships are aimed at combating piracy and drug trafficking, but also at providing humanitarian aid to people affected by the national catastrophes in various regions of the world. When integrated in naval battle formations, type-45 destroyers ensure anti-submarine and anti-air support.

    MEASURES – 140 Romanian citizens in the tourism resorts of Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada in Egypt were repatriated on Saturday, the Romanian Foreign Ministry reports. The decision was taken against the escalating security context in the region and the security measures adopted by Egyptian authorities after a Russian airliner crahsed while flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to Sankt Petersburg, carrying 224 people onboard. Previously the Ministry has called on Romanians to take additional security measures to ensure the safety of travellers, their luggage and the process of loading luggage on board flights incoming from Egypt. Several countries have called off or modified the flight routes over the Sinai Peninsula. On Friday, following the recommendation of the Russian Intelligence Service (FSB), Moscow authorities decided to ground all passenger flights to Egypt. Press agencies write the measures were taken against the emergence of new evidence that confirms that a bomb onboard had caused the Russian airliner to crash.