Tag: Sorin Cimpeanu

  • Trois scénarios pour l’école

    Trois scénarios pour l’école

    A linstar de la plupart des Etats européens, la Roumanie va rouvrir les écoles à partir du 8 février. Le gouvernement de Bucarest a approuvé les trois scénarios selon lesquels les élèves iront ou non en classe au second semestre de cette année scolaire. Le lundi 8 février, plus de 2,4 millions d’élèves, sur un total denviron trois millions, se rendront à l’école, a déclaré le ministre de l’Éducation, Sorin Cîmpeanu. Les scénario vert, jaune ou rouge seront appliqués au niveau de chaque localité, en fonction du taux dincidence des cas testés positifs au Covid-19. Sorin Cîmpeanu: « Les petits dâge préscolaire qui vont à la crèche et à l’école maternelle, les élèves du primaire, les collégiens et les lycéens, tous regagneront leurs classes si le taux dincidence est inférieur ou égal à 1 pour mille habitants. Si le taux d‘incidence est inférieur ou égal à 3 pour mille, le retour en classe est envisagé pour les élèves de lenseignement préscolaire et primaire, ainsi que pour les élèves en fin de cycle scolaire. Enfin, le troisième scénario entre en vigueur là où le taux dincidence est supérieur à 3 mais sans pour autant dépasser les 6 pour mille habitants. Dans ce cas de figure, seules les crèches, les maternelles et les écoles primaires recevront leurs élèves en classe. »

    Le ministre a également précisé que lorsque le taux d’infection dépasse 6 pour mille habitants, la localité en question est placée en quarantaine et les écoles ferment, ce qui veut dire que lenseignement en ligne reprend. La nouveauté réside dans le fait que, en cas de scénario jaune, lalternative de lenseignement hybride disparaît complètement. Il sagit de la situation où la classe était divisée en deux groupes d’élèves, qui, à tour de rôle, suivaient les cours en présentiel ou à distance. Le ministre affirme que ce type denseignement n’a pas fait ses preuves. « Les expériences m’ont montré que le système hybride n’est pas efficace. L’une des raisons pour lesquelles on y renonce, cest limpossibilité pour les enseignants de prendre en charge la moitié des élèves en classe et l’autre moitié en ligne en même temps ». Cest ce que déclarait récemment le ministre Sorin Cîmpeanu sur une chaîne de télévision privée. Et lui dajouter quà partir du second semestre, les élèves seront disposés deux par pupitre et que les écrans en plexiglas seront enlevés, même dans les salles de classe qui accueillent 30 élèves. Les élèves et les enseignants doivent porter des masques et respecter les règles d’hygiène.

    La décision des autorités de rouvrir les écoles en présentiel à partir de lundi divise la classe politique. Les libéraux, majoritaires au sein de la coalition au pouvoir, estiment que la réouverture des écoles sera un test majeur tant pour les administrations locales que pour les directeurs des établissements scolaires. En ce qui la concerne, l’Union démocrate magyare de Roumanie, membre de la coalition au pouvoir, a salué cette décision, précisant quelle militait en faveur de celle-ci depuis novembre dernier. Pour sa part, le PSD, dopposition, a déclaré que les écoles roumaines nétaient pas prêtes à reprendre les cours en présentiel. A ce jour, moins de 10% des enseignants se sont fait vacciner et il n’y a pas de plan pour le dépistage de masse parmi les apprenants et des enseignants, a précisé la sénatrice Gabriela Firea. (Trad. Mariana Tudose)

  • 03.02.2021


    Education – Un arrêté conjoint des ministres de lEducation et de la Santé concernant toutes les mesures nécessaires en vue de la reprise des cours le 8 février sera donné aujourdhui, a fait savoir le ministre roumain de l’Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu. Le document comportera les règles à respecter à la reprise des cours en présentiel. La décision des autorités de Bucarest de rouvrir les écoles saligne sur celle de la plupart des pays de l’Union européenne.

    Coronavirus – 2.752
    nouveaux cas de contamination par le Sars-CoV-2 ont été enregistrés au cours
    des dernières 24 heures en Roumanie, sur plus de 33. 000 tests de dépistage
    effectués à l’échelle nationale. Selon le communiqué du Groupe de communication
    stratégique, dans le même intervalle de temps, 87 personnes sont décédées des
    suites de la maladie. Près de 8.000 patients atteints de Covid-19 sont
    hospitalisés, dont 1.006 en soins intensifs. Depuis le déclenchement de la
    pandémie, la Roumanie a recensé plus de 735.000 cas confirmés. 90% des malades
    ont guéri. Entre temps, la campagne de vaccination se poursuit en Roumanie. Le
    pays occupe la 4e place dans l’UE en termes de couverture vaccinale contre la Covid-19,
    avec un taux de 3,75%, a déclaré mardi le président du Comité national de
    coordination des activités de vaccination contre le Sars-CoV-2, le médecin
    militaire Valeriu Gheorghiţă. Il a ajouté que la moyenne de l’Union était
    d’environ 2,95%. Près de 600. 000 Roumains ont jusqu’ici été vaccinés. Du 3
    février au 14 avril, 574.544 personnes recevront leur première dose de vaccin,
    tandis que 931.331 devraient se voir administrer la seconde dose. Tout comme dans
    les autres pays européens, la livraison du vaccin est fortement retardée, mais les
    producteurs assurent qu’ils vont augmenter le nombre de doses livrées à partir
    de la mi-février .

    Gouvernement – Le gouvernement de Bucarest doit approuver ce mercredi l’octroi par la Roumanie d’une aide humanitaire d’urgence à la Croatie, pays sévèrement touché par le tremblement de terre qui a eu lieu, en décembre, près de Zagreb. La valeur de l’aide sélève à environ 130.000 euros. Le cabinet de Bucarest devrait également donner son feu vert au projet visant loctroi dune enveloppe supplémentaire à lEducation, censée récompenser leffort que les enseignants sont appelés à déployer pour rattraper les retards accumulés en raison de la pandémie. A lagenda de lExécutif figure aussi lapprobation dun amendement convenu entre le gouvernement roumain et la Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le développement, à l’accord de prêt relatif au projet de réforme du secteur de la santé et d’amélioration de la qualité et de l’efficacité du système sanitaire, signé en 2014. Le coût total du projet est estimé à 250 millions d’euros.

    Visite – La ministre espagnole des Affaires étrangères, Arancha González Laya, effectue, aujourd’hui, une visite officielle à Bucarest, à linvitation de son homologue roumain, dans le contexte de la célébration des 140 ans de relations diplomatiques entre les deux pays. Cette visite prépare aussi la première réunion conjointe des gouvernements roumain et espagnol, prévue cette année, précise le Ministère des Affaires étrangères de Bucarest. Arancha González Laya doit rencontrer le premier ministre roumain, Florin Cîţu. Elle aura aussi des entretiens avec le chef de la diplomatie de Bucarest, Bogdan Aurescu, et avec le président Klaus Iohannis. Les discussions des deux ministres des Affaires étrangères porteront sur des questions d’actualité d’intérêt commun figurant à l’agenda bilatéral, européen et international.

    Moldova – La présidente pro-occidentale de la République de Moldavie, Maia Sandu, effectue une visite officielle à Paris, ces mercredi et jeudi. Elle doit rencontrer son homologue français, Emmanuel Macron, le ministre de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères, Jean-Yves Le Drian, ainsi que d’autres hauts responsables. Selon lAdministration présidentielle de Chisinau, cette visite vise à donner un nouvel élan aux relations politiques, économiques et culturelles entre la République de Moldova et la France. Cest la troisième visite à l’étranger de Maia Sandu depuis son investissement, le 24 décembre, après celles de Kiev et de Bruxelles. A la fin de l’année dernière, Maia Sandu a reçu à Chisinau le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis. A cette occasion, les deux présidents ont signé une déclaration commune visant le renforcement du partenariat stratégique bilatéral.

    Tennis – La joueuse de tennis roumaine Simona Halep, n°2 mondiale, s’est qualifiée aujourd’hui pour les quarts de finale du tournoi Gippsland Trophy de Melbourne, en Australie, après avoir vaincu l’Allemande Laura Siegemund (51e WTA) sur le score de 6 -2, 6-4. La prochaine adversaire de Simona Halep sera la Russe Ekaterina Alexandrova (33e WTA). Dans la même compétition, la Roumaine Irina Begu (79e WTA) a battu, en trois sets, la Britannique Johanna Konta (14e WTA), cinquième favorite. Elle affrontera en quarts de finale la Japonaise Naomi Osaka (3e WTA). Le Gippsland Trophy est le tournoi préparatoire de l’Open d’Australie, qui débutera le 8 février. Toujours à Melbourne, dans un autre tournoi de préparation à l’Open d’Australie, Grampians Trophy, la Roumaine Sorana Cirstea (72e WTA) a triomphé en deux sets de la joueuse Oksana Kalashnikova de Géorgie. Aux huitièmes de finale, Cirstea affrontera Belinda Bencic, de Suisse, deuxième favorite.

    Météo – Dans la plupart des régions de la Roumanie, il fait particulièrement chaud pour cette période de lannée. Le ciel est plutôt couvert sur le l’ouest, le centre et le nord du territoire et des précipitations mixtes sont signalées en haute montagne. Le vent souffle de légèrement à modérément, avec certaines intensifications à haute altitude. Les températures maximales de la journée iront de 5° à 14°. Il faisait 4° à midi dans la capitale, Bucarest.

  • 28.01.2021


    Protestations – La Fédération syndicale « Solidarité sanitaire » a annoncé
    des mouvements de protestation aujourd’hui à Bucarest. Sa revendication principale porte sur une
    protection accrue du personnel de la Santé, alors que 93 soignants sont décédés
    des suites de la Covid-19 depuis le début de la pandémie. Le syndicat réclame l’adoption
    de diverses formes de reconnaissances des efforts et des sacrifices du
    personnel médical. Ces protestations sont dues également au refus du dialogue
    social qui caractérise l’actuel exécutif, estiment les syndicalistes. Toujours ce
    jeudi, les membres des syndicats des prisons ont protesté à Iaşi, dans le nord-est
    du pays, contre le gel des salaires. Les manifestants ont réclamé la suppression
    des inégalités salariales dans le système public, le respect de la Loi relative
    aux salaires dans la fonction publique et un salaire minimum qui évolue en lien
    avec l’augmentation des biens de consommation. Les protestations continueront à
    durée indéterminée, affirment les syndicats.

    Coronavirus – 570 000 Roumains ont été vaccinés jusqu’à présent contre la
    Covid-19, mais d’après le ministre de la Santé Vlad Voiculescu, le pays dispose
    de moins de doses que le nombre actuellement nécessaire. De son côté, le
    ministre de l’Education Sorin Cîmpeanu annonçait ce matin la création d’une
    ligne dédiée pour la vaccination anti-Covid du personnel de l’enseignement. Sorin
    Cîmpeanu souligne que le facteur central pour décider de la réouverture des
    écoles en février est le taux de contamination au nouveau coronavirus. Le nombre
    de doses de vaccin disponibles et le taux d’enseignants vaccinés sont des éléments
    importants, mais pas déterminants, a souligné le ministre. Le ministre Cîmpeanu
    a parlé de quelques 110.600 personnels de l’enseignement ayant pris rendez-vous
    pour la vaccination, dont 18.600 (environ 16%) sont déjà vaccinés. En tout, la Roumanie
    compte près de 293.000 salariés dans l’enseignement pré-universitaire, dont 45%,
    aux derniers chiffres, souhaitent être vaccinés.

    Plus de 2.900 nouvelles contaminations ont été
    annoncées jeudi. Il y a eu, en tout, 721.000 personnes contaminées depuis le
    début de la pandémie, dont plus de 18.000 sont décédées. Environ 1.000 patients
    sont actuellement en réanimation.

    Avortement – Des milliers de personnes sont descendues mercredi soir dans les
    rues en Pologne, après que le gouvernement conservateur a annoncé que l’arrêt
    du Tribunal constitutionnel interdisant pratiquement l’avortement entrerait en
    vigueur, à l’issue de sa publication le même jour au Journal officiel, relate l’AFP.
    Le Tribunal constitutionnel a proscrit en octobre l’interruption volontaire de
    grossesse en cas de malformation grave du fœtus, statuant qu’elle est « incompatible »
    avec la Constitution, ce qui aboutit à l’interdiction de toute IVG sauf en cas
    de viol ou d’inceste ou lorsque la vie de la mère est en danger. A Varsovie, les
    manifestants ont allumé des fusées éclairantes, brandi des drapeaux
    arc-en-ciel, ainsi que des pancartes avec les inscriptions « Cela signifie
    la guerre », « Libre choix, non à la terreur ». La manifestation
    a commencé devant le siège du Tribunal constitutionnel, pour que les
    manifestants se dirigent ensuite vers le siège du parti ultra-catholique Droit
    et Justice, au pouvoir. Des rassemblements similaires se sont déroulés dans
    d’autres villes polonaises, en dépit des restrictions interdisant les
    rassemblements de masse à cause de l’épidémie de Covid-19. Aujourd’hui, il y a
    moins de 2.000 avortements légaux par an en Pologne, selon les données
    officielles. Toutefois, les organisations féministes estiment qu’environ
    200.000 IVG sont réalisées illégalement ou à l’étranger chaque année.

    Environnement – Joe Biden, le nouveau président des Etats-Unis, a affirmé mercredi
    que son pays devait guider la réponse mondiale à la menace « existentielle »
    de la crise du climat. Parmi les mesures annoncées par le président démocrate,
    l’une proclame un moratoire sur l’octroi de nouvelles concessions pour des
    forages pétroliers et gaziers sur les terres et les eaux appartenant au
    gouvernement. Joe Biden, qui a nommé l’ancien secrétaire d’Etat John Kerry
    envoyé spécial pour le climat, a annoncé l’organisation par les Etats-Unis d’un
    sommet environnemental le 22 avril, le jour de la Terre. Cette date correspond
    aussi au cinquième anniversaire de la signature de l’accord de Paris, que les
    Etats-Unis ont à nouveau rejoint quelques heures après l’entrée en fonction du démocrate
    Joe Biden.

    Météo – En Roumanie, le ciel est couvert sur la plupart du pays. Il neige
    légèrement dans l’est et en montagne. Le vent est faible à modéré, avec
    quelques intensifications en altitude et localement dans le sud, le centre et l’est
    du territoire. Les maximales iront aujourd’hui de -3 à 5°C. Le sud-est de la
    Roumanie a été touché hier par un épisode neigeux avec des vents forts. Plusieurs
    routes nationales et départementales ont été fermées, avec des centaines de
    personnes bloquées dans leurs véhicules pendant plusieurs heures. Il y a eu des
    pannes de courent et des arbres tombés. Le trafique ferroviaire a également été
    affecté, avec plusieurs trains annulés. Le vent fort a obligé les ports de la
    mer Noire de suspendre leur activité. 1° et de belles éclaircies à midi à Bucarest.

  • Incertitudini privind redeschiderea şcolilor

    Incertitudini privind redeschiderea şcolilor

    Autoritățile centrale promit că o decizie privind redeschiderea, odată cu începerea semestrului al doilea, a școlilor din România va fi luată pe 2 februarie. Școli care, cu o pauză de doar circa două luni, sunt închise din martie anul trecut, iar procesul educațional se desfășoară exclusiv online, spre nemulțumirea elevilor, părinților, profesorilor sau a organizațiilor neguvernamentale din domeniu.

    La jumătatea acestei luni, însuși președintele țării, Klaus Iohannis, a ieșit la rampă și a prezentat planul avut în vedere: că majoritatea şcolilor s-ar putea redeschide din 8 februarie și că elevii ar urma să revină în clase pe baza unui scenariu în trei culori, exersat, deja, la începutul acestui an școlar, care să ţină cont de rata de infectare din fiecare localitate. Dar că o decizie definitivă va fi luată pe 2 februarie.

    Zilele acestea, premierul liberal Florin Cîțu a completat că, în luarea unei decizii, nu contează ce vreau eu, contează care este situaţia din punct de vedere al sănătăţii. Nu putem să relaxăm prea mult condiţiile şi apoi să avem o presiune pe sistemul de sănătate.

    Mulțumit, în ciuda criticilor, de felul în care decurge campania națională de vaccinare, premierul Cîțu a mai spus că, în perioada următoare, ar putea exista anumite relaxări.

    Deschiderea şcolilor nu este condiţionată de vaccinarea anti-Covid a cadrelor didactice – a precizat ministrul Educației, Sorin Cîmpeanu, ci de evoluţia epidemiologică.

    Riscul nu poate fi eliminat total nici în România, nici într-o altă ţară, dar el trebuie păstrat în limitele în care poate fi gestionat’ – a explicat ministrul Cîmpeanu, care a punctat că România s-ar putea inspira din măsurile luate în alte școli europene care nu au înregistrat creşteri ale ratei de infectare cu SARS-CoV-2.

    Prudență! – a replicat colegul de la Sănătate, Vlad Voiculescu.

    Extrem de activ cel puțin în ultima perioadă, Consiliul Naţional al Elevilor este de părere, într-un comunicat, că întoarcerea la şcoală în siguranţă este o luptă contratimp. Consiliul a salutat încă de la bun început anunțul privind o posibilă redeschidere descentralizată, din 8 februarie, a unităților şcolare, cu respectarea tuturor măsurilor de siguranţă. Elevii deplâng, însă, faptul că, la aproape două săptămâni de la acel anunţ, școlile nu au primit nici indicaţiile, nici resursele financiare necesare unei reveniri în siguranță a copiilor în bănci.

    Suntem la un pas distanţă de acelaşi haos cu care ne-am confruntat în luna septembrie (…). Solicităm ministerului Educaţiei şi ministerului Sănătăţii să acţioneze cu celeritate şi să stabilească toate detaliile necesare redeschiderii şcolilor până la data de 30 ianuarie. – cere Consiliul Naţional al Elevilor.

  • Școala reîncepe online

    Școala reîncepe online

    Vacanţa de iarnă a luat sfârșit, așa că circa trei milioane de elevi din învăţământul preuniversitar românesc au reînceput, de luni, cursurile, însă tot de acasă, aşa cum au fost nevoiți să se obișnuiască. Din martie anul trecut, cu excepția a nici două luni – în perioada septembrie-noiembrie – copiii nu mai merg la școală. Din cauza noului coronavirus, cursurile se desfășoară, în prezent, în toată țara, exclusiv online, de aceea vacanțele și perioadele de activitate școlară de acasă, din fața computerului, se succed într-un ritm devenit rutină.

    Pe de o parte, Consiliul Naţional al Elevilor solicită descentralizarea deciziei privind modalitatea de reluare a cursurilor, astfel încât prezenţa fizică în bănci a copiilor să fie posibilă în localităţile – multe în România – unde rata de infectare este sub 3 la mia de locuitori. De curând, Consiliul trăgea un semnal de alarmă, argumentând că şcoala online este obositoare, ineficientă şi complet nesustenabilă pe termen lung.

    Există numeroşi elevi, în special din mediile defavorizate, care nu au acces la educaţie, pentru că nu au computere sau tablete și nici conexiune la internet. Pentru aceștia este nevoie inclusiv de un plan de recuperare a materiei, pentru ca lacunele pe care le-au acumulat de la începutul pandemiei să nu se acutizeze, devenind imposibil de acoperit. Totodată, pentru că examenele naţionale se apropie, Consiliul Naţional al Elevilor ar dori să discute cu decidenții la nivel central și despre organizarea acestora, să fie pregătite mai multe scenarii, astfel încât probele să se poată desfăşura conform planului.

    De cealaltă parte, Ministerul Educaţiei a anunțat că va hotărî până la sfârşitul acestei luni dacă în semestrul doi, care începe pe 8 februarie, copiii vor fi prezenţi fizic la şcoală sau vor continua studiul la distanţă. Ministrul de resort, Sorin Cîmpeanu, a promis că prioritar nu este doar momentul redeschiderii fizice a unităților de învățământ, ci şi nevoia de a fi compensate pierderile suferite de sistemul de educaţie pe parcursul pandemiei.

    Sorin Cîmpeanu a mai declarat că va ţine cont de propunerile elevilor, părinţilor şi profesorilor, însă va lua o decizie cu privire la felul în care vor începe cursurile – în bănci, la școală sau de acasă, online – în funcţie de situaţia epidemiologică. “Vreau să cred că este posibilă redeschiderea şcolilor pe 8 februarie; nu putem pierde încă un semestru și o generaţie întreagă” – a punctat, recent, și vicepremierul Kelemen Hunor, care nu excludea scenariul unei deschideri etapizate și regionale a școlilor.

  • Les écoles rouvriront leurs portes à partir du 8 février ?

    Les écoles rouvriront leurs portes à partir du 8 février ?

    Les élèves roumains continueront les cours en ligne pendant les trois semaines restantes de ce premier semestre, après quoi la situation pourrait changer. Le ministre de l’Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu, s’est dit confiant quant à une possible réouverture des écoles et des maternelles à partir du 8 février, d’une manière ou d’une autre. Le sujet a dominé les discussions que le chef de l’Education nationale a eues jeudi avec les représentants des enseignants, des syndicats, des associations de parents d’élèves et d’élèves.

    A cette occasion, M Cîmpeanu a reconnu que tout dépendait de l’actuel contexte pandémique qui pourrait permettre soit la réouverture intégrale des établissements scolaires, soit une réouverture partielle, uniquement dans les régions où l’indice de contamination est faible. Sur l’ensemble des structures éducationnelles, la priorité est représentée par les écoles primaires et les maternelles où la formation à distance reste problématique. Une autre priorité, ce sont les examens nationaux – le Brevet et le Baccalauréat – que les élèves en troisième et en terminale sont censés passer.Le ministre de l’Education a précisé qu’il se ferait une priorité d’offrir à tous ces élèves la possibilité de soutenir en présentiel non seulement les examens réels, mais aussi ceux blancs pour savoir quel est le niveau réel d’informations acquises pendant tous ces mois d’école en ligne.

    Par la suite, le ministère pourrait modifier le programme scolaire, en fonction de la manière dont les élèves ont assimilé les informations que les professeurs ont transmises en ligne. Sorin Cîmpeanu s’est engagé à rendre publiques toutes ces informations d’ici le 15 février, date avant laquelle le ministère décidera aussi sous quelle forme les examens seront organisés cette année. Aux dires du ministre, les problèmes auxquels se confronte la formation à distance sont plutôt « structurels, pas circonstanciels » et tous les Etat s’y heurtent. La santé des élèves et des professeurs est très importante. Toutefois, il faut penser aussi à rattraper les retards que l’école en ligne a engendrés, surtout dans le cas des élèves censés passer des examens à la fin de cette année scolaire.

    A l’heure où l’on parle, on attend à ce que les Inspections scolaires annoncent les listes des enseignants qui souhaitent se faire vacciner contre le Covid-19. Selon les sondages, moins de 50% d’entre eux sont prêts à le faire. Les représentants des syndicats de l’Education nationale souhaitent être tenus au courant de la campagne d’immunisation, sans que celle-ci soit obligatoire. Par ailleurs, les associations de parents d’élèves ont réclamé la majoration de l’enveloppe budgétaire allouée à l’Education. Le ministre de tutelle a pour sa part exprimé son souhait de répertorier dans un registre unique tous les diplômes obtenus au niveau national, soient-ils de Baccalauréat, de Maîtrise, Master ou Doctorat. Ce serait ainsi plus facile de vérifier la véridicité de ces documents et d’écarter le soupçon de plagiat qui plane souvent sur le système de l’Education nationale. Une idée soutenue aussi bien par les représentants des étudiants qui souhaiteraient également la mise en place d’une plate-forme unique pour la gestion au niveau national de toutes les demandes d’inscription et d’admission au système universitaire. « L’Education reste la priorité pour ce gouvernement », a conclu le ministre Sorin Cîmpeanu. (Ioana Stancescu)

  • Nachrichten 05.01.2021

    Nachrichten 05.01.2021

    In Rumänien beginnt nächste Woche die zweite Impfphase, in der Arbeitnehmer in kritischen Gebieten und die gefährdete Bevölkerung geimpft werden. Die dritte Phase, die sich an die gesamte Bevölkerung richtet, beginnt im April. Die Klarstellungen wurden vom Koordinator der nationalen Impfkampagne Valeriu Gheorghita vorgenommen. Premierminister Florin Cîţu forderte die lokalen Behörden auf, die Schritte im Zusammenhang mit dem Betrieb der über 900 außerhalb der Krankenhäuser organisierten Impfstellen zu unterstützen, damit die Bevölkerung so schnell wie möglich von den erforderlichen Dosen profitieren kann.Binnen 24 Stunden wurden in Rumänien rund 4.700 neue Fälle von mit SARS-CoV-2 infizierten Personen registriert – teilte die Gruppe für Strategische Kommunikation am Dienstag mit. Im gleichen Zeitraum gab es 121 Todesfälle, die Gesamtzahl erreichte fast 16.200. Seit Ausbruch der Pandemie wurden in Rumänien fast 650.000 Personen infiziert, während 131 Auslandsrumänen gestorben sind.

    Präsident Klaus Iohannis übermittelte dem Justizminister Stelian Ion den Antrag auf Strafvefharen gegen Costel Alexe als ehemaligem Umweltminister. In einer Mitteilung der Präsidentschaft heißt es, dass die dem Hohen Gerichts-und Kassationshof angeschlossene Staatsanwaltschaft ebenfalls über die Formulierung dieses Antrags informiert wurde. DNA-Staatsanwälte beschuldigen Costel Alexe, Bestechungsgelder angenommen und Unterschlagungen angestiftet zu haben. Nach Angaben der Staatsanwaltschaft zur Korruptionsbekämpfung besteht der begründete Verdacht, dass Alexe von März bis April 2020 vom Manager eines Stahlwerks 22 Tonnen Zinn als Gegenleistung für die kostenlose Zuteilung von Treibhausgasemissionszertifikaten an das Werk verlangt hat. Der frühere Minister Costel Alexe erklärte, dass er in seiner gesamten öffentlichen Tätigkeit keine unangemessenen Leistungen beantragt und erhalten habe und dass er der Justiz vertraue.

    Mitglieder der Europäischen Union der Europäischen Polizei in Rumänien Europol behaupten, dass sie seit Beginn der Pandemie nicht dauerhaft von der vom Arbeitgeber bereitgestellten Schutzausrüstung profitiert haben. Die Daten sind in einer auf der Website der Organisation veröffentlichten Umfrage enthalten, an der fast 5.000 Polizisten aus über 30 Landkreisen teilnahmen. Über 98% der Teilnehmer gaben an, dass das Innenministerium ihnen keine Unterkunft für die Situationen zur Verfügung stellte, in denen sie sich isolieren mussten, um nicht nach Hause zurückzukehren und Familienmitglieder zu infizieren, und 95% gaben an, dass der Arbeitgeber ihnen keine kostenlosen Coronavirus-Tests zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Nur weniger als ein Fünftel der Teilnehmer sagte, nie mit infizierten Personen interagieren zu müssen, und nur 23% antworteten, dass ausreichende Maßnahmen ergriffen wurden, um eine Infektion bei der Arbeit zu verhindern. Andererseits meinen fast 95% der Polizei, dass die Regierung ohne ihre Unterstützung keine Maßnahmen gegen Pandemien umsetzen kann.

    Das Bildungsministerium in Bukarest gab bekannt, dass es diese Woche Konsultationen mit Vertretern von Schülern, Lehrern und Eltern durchführen wird, um die Szenarien zu analysieren, die zur Wiedereröffnung von Schulen im klassischen Format führen könnten. Minister Sorin Cîmpeanu erwägt die Möglichkeit, im zweiten Semester wieder in den Unterricht zurückzukehren, jedoch abhängig von der epidemiologischen Situation. Der Studentenrat schlägt Alarm und argumentiert, dass Online-Schulungen anstrengend und ineffizient sind. Viele Schüler haben keinen Zugang zu Bildung, weil sie keine Tablets oder Internetverbindung haben. Seit März letzten Jahres lernen rumänische Studenten mit einer kurzen Pause ausschließlich online.

    Eine Abteilung bestehend aus MQ-9 Reaper-Flugzeugen und etwa 90 Soldaten der US-Luftwaffe wird für die nächsten Monate auf der 71. Luftwaffenstützpunkt ‘General Emanoil Ionescu’ in Câmpia Turzii (Nordwesten) eingesetzt. Das US-Militär wird Geheimdienst-, Überwachungs- und Forschungsmissionen zur Unterstützung der NATO-Operationen durchführen. Die rumänische Luftwaffe wird die technische, operative und logistische Unterstützung leisten, die für den Einsatz von Missionen erforderlich ist. Laut einer Mitteilung des Verteidigungsministeriums aus Bukarest trägt die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und Rumänien zur Stärkung der kollektiven Verteidigungskapazität und zur Erhöhung der regionalen Sicherheit bei.

  • Educaţia, încotro?

    Educaţia, încotro?

    În România post-comunistă, în afara sistemului sanitar, n-a existat domeniu
    de activitate supus mai multor reforme eşuate decât Educaţia.

    politic sau independenţi, de dreapta sau de stânga, din interiorul sistemului
    sau din afară, aproape toţi miniştrii au încercat să schimbe regulile. Şi, după
    toate aceste transformări care n-au produs, an după an, decât confuzie printre
    elevi şi profesori, chiar unul dintre foştii titulari ai portofoliului,
    actualul senator Liviu Pop, definea, recent, Bacalaureatul drept un etern

    Marţi, a fost rândul unui alt fost ministru, preşedinte al Consiliului
    Naţional al Rectorilor din România, Sorin Cîmpeanu, să anticipeze ceea ce a
    numit o premieră nedorită pentru ultimii 26 de ani: numărul absolvenţilor de
    liceu cu diplomă de Bacalaureat va fi, în 2016, sub 100 de mii.

    Participant, la
    Galaţi, la Forumul Organizaţiilor Studenţeşti din România, Câmpeanu a
    spus că scăderea accentuată a numărului absolvenţilor de liceu se reflectă în
    dificultăţile pe care le au universităţile în a-şi ocupa locurile scoase la
    admitere. Pe termen lung, acest fenomen ar putea conduce la neîndeplinirea
    procentelor asumate de România privind numărul absolvenţilor de învăţământ
    superior, număr oricum inferior celui stabilit de Uniunea Europeană.

    El însuşi
    profesor de formaţie, preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a participat la deschiderea
    Forumului de la Galaţi, unde a afirmat că sistemul superior de învăţământ
    trebuie să fie deasupra oricăror îndoieli privind calitatea şi integritatea. Lucrările de licenţă şi tezele de masterat trebuie să respecte o serie de
    norme clare, aplicate în mod consecvent în practica din mediul universitar
    – a
    avertizat preşedintele. Astfel, am putea preveni cultura plagiatului încă din
    primii ani –
    a apreciat Iohannis, după ce, în ultima vreme, verdictele de
    plagiat în cazul unor teze de doctorat au ţinut prima pagină a ziarelor.
    Acestea sunt doar vârful aisbergului,
    susţine preşedintele.

    Dar tocmai numele
    împricinaţilor, exponenţi ai pseudo-elitelor politice şi academice de la
    Bucureşti, fac deliciul ziarelor şi televiziunilor de ştiri. Lunga telenovelă a
    doctoratului în Drept al fostului premier social-democrat Victor Ponta s-a
    încheiat, recent, după verdictul implacabil de plagiat, cu retragerea titlului
    de doctor. Acum, Ponta riscă şi excluderea din Barou, unde a fost admis tocmai
    pe baza tezei contrafăcute. Fostul vicepremier şi lider UNPR Gabriel Oprea a
    fost şi coordonator de doctorate, deşi propria-i teză a fost diagnosticată de
    experţi drept plagiat.

    În siajul celor doi, politicieni de mai mică anvergură
    figurează pe lista falşilor doctori. Dovediţi ca plagiatori, unii au cerut din
    proprie iniţiativă retragerea titlului. Cu standarde joase nu doar academic, ci
    şi moral, cei mai mulţi nu iau, însă, în calcul, remarcă analiştii, şi
    retragerea din viaţa publică.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) — Another nine people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 41. 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD) transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment. Several other patients were transferred to hospitals in the Netherlands, Belgium and Israel.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone on Saturday was placed under 30-day pre-trial arrest, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the club’s functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The club’s three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

    PROTESTS — For the fifth consecutive day Romanians took to the streets in Bucharest and other large cities, calling for a top-down sweeping reform of the Romanian political class. Protesters chanted slogans against corrupt politicians, whom they see as responsible for the tragedy. Following this week’s protests Prime Minister Victor Ponta has stepped down. President Klaus Iohannis had the first round of consultations with parliamentary factions and with representatives of the civil society to appoint the new Prime Minister. The president is expected to make a nomination by the end of next week.

    MEASURES — 140 Romanian citizens in the tourism resorts of Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada in Egypt were repatriated on Saturday, the Romanian Foreign Ministry reports. The decision was taken against the escalating security context in the region and the security measures adopted by Egyptian authorities after a Russian airliner crashed while flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to Sankt Petersburg, carrying 224 people onboard. Previously the Ministry has called on Romanians to take additional security measures to ensure the safety of travellers, their luggage and the process of loading luggage on board flights incoming from Egypt. Several countries have called off or modified the flight routes over the Sinai Peninsula. On Friday, following the recommendation of the Russian Intelligence Service (FSB), Moscow authorities decided to ground all passenger flights to Egypt. Press agencies write the measures were taken against the emergence of new evidence that confirms that a bomb onboard had caused the Russian airliner to crash.

    GROWTH — The European Commission estimates that Romania’s economy will continue to grow at an accelerating pace to 3.5% this year and to 4.1% in 2016. The growth will be the result of fiscal relaxation measures, boosting internal demand on the one hand and deepening the budget deficit on the other. This estimate might even be surpassed if Romania absorbs EU funds beyond its expectations. At the same time, the Commission has upgraded its forecast for the budget deficit, to 1.2% this year and to 2.8% next year, as against the spring forecast of 1.6% for 2015 and of 3.5% for 2016. Against the backdrop of waning unemployment and the 4% slash in VAT, private consumption will hit an all-time high in 2016, but will be balanced out in 2017, reads the European Commission forecast. In turn, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development also expects an economic growth in Romania of 3.5% this year and of 3.7% in 2016.

    CALL — The British air-defence destroyer HMS DUNCAN is making a call in the port of Constanta between November 8-11. Romanian and British sailors will carry out joint training drills with a view to agreeing on common operational procedures during planned exercises in the territorial waters of Romania and in international waters of the Black Sea over the coming period. HMS DUNCAN is the sixth and last Type-45 or Daring-class British destroyer fitted with state-of-the-art radar and air-defence systems. Ongoing missions in international waters of this kind of battleships are aimed at combating piracy and drug trafficking, but also at providing humanitarian aid to people affected by the national catastrophes in various regions of the world. When integrated in naval battle formations, type-45 destroyers ensure anti-submarine and anti-air support.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) — Another nine people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 41. 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD) transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment. Several other patients were transferred to hospitals in the Netherlands, Belgium and Israel.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone on Saturday was placed under 30-day pre-trial arrest, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the club’s functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The club’s three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

    PROTESTS — For the fifth consecutive day Romanians took to the streets in Bucharest and other large cities, calling for a top-down sweeping reform of the Romanian political class. Protesters chanted slogans against corrupt politicians, whom they see as responsible for the tragedy. Following this week’s protests Prime Minister Victor Ponta has stepped down. President Klaus Iohannis had the first round of consultations with parliamentary factions and with representatives of the civil society to appoint the new Prime Minister. The president is expected to make a nomination by the end of next week.

    MEASURES — 140 Romanian citizens in the tourism resorts of Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada in Egypt were repatriated on Saturday, the Romanian Foreign Ministry reports. The decision was taken against the escalating security context in the region and the security measures adopted by Egyptian authorities after a Russian airliner crashed while flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to Sankt Petersburg, carrying 224 people onboard. Previously the Ministry has called on Romanians to take additional security measures to ensure the safety of travellers, their luggage and the process of loading luggage on board flights incoming from Egypt. Several countries have called off or modified the flight routes over the Sinai Peninsula. On Friday, following the recommendation of the Russian Intelligence Service (FSB), Moscow authorities decided to ground all passenger flights to Egypt. Press agencies write the measures were taken against the emergence of new evidence that confirms that a bomb onboard had caused the Russian airliner to crash.

    GROWTH — The European Commission estimates that Romania’s economy will continue to grow at an accelerating pace to 3.5% this year and to 4.1% in 2016. The growth will be the result of fiscal relaxation measures, boosting internal demand on the one hand and deepening the budget deficit on the other. This estimate might even be surpassed if Romania absorbs EU funds beyond its expectations. At the same time, the Commission has upgraded its forecast for the budget deficit, to 1.2% this year and to 2.8% next year, as against the spring forecast of 1.6% for 2015 and of 3.5% for 2016. Against the backdrop of waning unemployment and the 4% slash in VAT, private consumption will hit an all-time high in 2016, but will be balanced out in 2017, reads the European Commission forecast. In turn, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development also expects an economic growth in Romania of 3.5% this year and of 3.7% in 2016.

    CALL — The British air-defence destroyer HMS DUNCAN is making a call in the port of Constanta between November 8-11. Romanian and British sailors will carry out joint training drills with a view to agreeing on common operational procedures during planned exercises in the territorial waters of Romania and in international waters of the Black Sea over the coming period. HMS DUNCAN is the sixth and last Type-45 or Daring-class British destroyer fitted with state-of-the-art radar and air-defence systems. Ongoing missions in international waters of this kind of battleships are aimed at combating piracy and drug trafficking, but also at providing humanitarian aid to people affected by the national catastrophes in various regions of the world. When integrated in naval battle formations, type-45 destroyers ensure anti-submarine and anti-air support.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) – Another nine people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 41. Another 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone has been detained, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the clubs functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The clubs three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) – Another nine people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 41. Another 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone has been detained, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the clubs functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The clubs three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) – Another eight people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 40. Another 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone has been detained, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the clubs functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The clubs three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) – Another eight people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 40. Another 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone has been detained, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the clubs functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The clubs three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

  • November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    November 7, 2015 UPDATE

    COLECTIV (UPDATE) – Another seven people who sustained injuries and burns in the Colectiv nightclub fire passed away on Saturday, raising the death toll to 39. Another 48 people are in critical condition. So far several skin-grafting surgeries have been made, while in some cases doctors were forced to operate to clear the patients airways. Two planes of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), transported two patients in critical condition to Vienna, Austria, where they will receive specialised treatment.

    Interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said that several countries in Europe have offered to help Romania, by either taking in patients or sending medical teams to Bucharest. The Romanian official added the Government would cover the costs of transporting and hospitalising patients and a member for each family abroad.

    In another move, the former mayor of Bucharest District 4, where the tragedy occurred, Cristian Popescu-Piedone has been detained, being charged with abuse of office and forgery. He is being accused of having issued operation permits for the clubs functioning in spite of the fact that its owners did not get the approval of the Department for Emergency Situations beforehand.

    The clubs three owners have been taken into pre-trial custody on suspicion of aggravated manslaughter and involuntary bodily harm. The firm contracted to ensure the pyrotechnics show at Colectiv on the night of the tragedy is also being investigated, its owners having been arrested.

    Also on Saturday, interim Prime Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said only 7% of schools in Romania have been greenlighted for functioning by the Department for Emergency Situations.

    PROTESTS – For the fifth consecutive day Romanians took to the streets in Bucharest and other large cities, calling for a top-down sweeping reform of the Romanian political class. Protesters chanted slogans against corrupt politicians, whom they see as responsible for the tragedy. Following this weeks protests Prime Minister Victor Ponta has stepped down. President Klaus Iohannis had the first round of consultations with parliamentary factions and with representatives of the civil society to appoint the new Prime Minister. The president is expected to make a nomination by the end of next week.

    GROWTH – The European Commission estimates that Romanias economy will continue to grow at an accelerating pace to 3.5% this year and to 4.1% in 2016. The growth will be the result of fiscal relaxation measures, boosting internal demand on the one hand and deepening the budget deficit on the other. This estimate might even be surpassed if Romania absorbs EU funds beyond its expectations. At the same time, the Commission has upgraded its forecast for the budget deficit, to 1.2% this year and to 2.8% next year, as against the spring forecast of 1.6% for 2015 and of 3.5% for 2016. Against the backdrop of waning unemployment and the 4% slash in VAT, private consumption will hit an all-time high in 2016, but will be balanced out in 2017, reads the European Commission forecast. In turn, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development also expects an economic growth in Romania of 3.5% this year and of 3.7% in 2016.

    CALL – The British air-defence destroyer HMS DUNCAN is making a call in the port of Constanta between November 8-11. Romanian and British sailors will carry out joint training drills with a view to agreeing on common operational procedures during planned exercises in the territorial waters of Romania and in international waters of the Black Sea over the coming period. HMS DUNCAN is the sixth and last Type-45 or Daring-class British destroyer fitted with state-of-the-art radar and air-defence systems. Ongoing missions in international waters of this kind of battleships are aimed at combating piracy and drug trafficking, but also at providing humanitarian aid to people affected by the national catastrophes in various regions of the world. When integrated in naval battle formations, type-45 destroyers ensure anti-submarine and anti-air support.

    MEASURES – 140 Romanian citizens in the tourism resorts of Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada in Egypt were repatriated on Saturday, the Romanian Foreign Ministry reports. The decision was taken against the escalating security context in the region and the security measures adopted by Egyptian authorities after a Russian airliner crahsed while flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to Sankt Petersburg, carrying 224 people onboard. Previously the Ministry has called on Romanians to take additional security measures to ensure the safety of travellers, their luggage and the process of loading luggage on board flights incoming from Egypt. Several countries have called off or modified the flight routes over the Sinai Peninsula. On Friday, following the recommendation of the Russian Intelligence Service (FSB), Moscow authorities decided to ground all passenger flights to Egypt. Press agencies write the measures were taken against the emergence of new evidence that confirms that a bomb onboard had caused the Russian airliner to crash.