Tag: Sorin Grindeanu

  • January 2, 2017

    January 2, 2017

    IRAQ – French President Francois Hollande said Monday during a visit to Iraq that “supporting military operations against the Islamic State group is key to preventing terror attacks at home”. Hollande made this statement as part of a speech he delivered at a base of Iraqs elite Counter-Terrorism Service near Baghdad. Around 500 French soldiers are part of the international coalition fighting against Islamic State. In another development, at least 30 people have been killed today is an attack committed in a crowded area in Baghdad.

    TAX CUTS – In Romania, the price of petrol and Diesel oil have decreased as of January 1st, 2017, following a cut in the VAT, which was set at 19%, and in other taxes. Under the new Fiscal Code, which entered into force on Sunday, the tax on special constructions was also ditched. 2017 is the year when the liberalisation of the price of natural gas and electricity for household consumers is to be completed, resulting in smaller bills for Romanians. Moreover, the gross minimum salary is likely to be increased by the new government, to the approximate level of 320 euros, starting February 1st. Also at the beginning of February, pensioners will no longer have to pay health insurance contributions pensions smaller than 440 euros will be exempted from taxation. Salaries in the public administration will also be increased and the price of medicines will go down by 35%.

    ISTANBUL – Turkish police are further looking for the man who committed an attack in Istanbul on New Year’s Eve. Some 39 people were killed, of whom 15 foreign nationals, and another 60 wounded in a bloody shooting at a nightclub in the Turkish capital city. Islamic State claimed the attack. The Romanian Foreign Ministry condemned the attack and reiterated Romania’s participation in the fight against terrorism, reaffirming the need for enhanced international efforts to put an end to this plague. Presidential advisor for foreign policy, Bogdan Aurescu, has condemned the attack in Istanbul and conveyed condolences to the victims’ families. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the attack was aimed at destabilizing the country and creating chaos, adding that Turkey will fight terrorism to the end in an effort to destroy its root causes.

    GOVERNMENT – The Romanian Parliament will initiate procedures on Tuesday with a view to installing the Cabinet led by the new PM Sorin Grindeanu. The new government will be sworn in on Wednesday. Sorin Grindeanu is the second proposal for prime minister made by the Social-Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, which hold the majority in Parliament, after the first nominee, Sevil Shhaideh, was not endorsed. Sorin Grindeanu, aged 43, is the president of Timis County Council and was Minister of Communication in the Ponta cabinet.

    EXPULSION – The plane carrying thirty-five Russian diplomats expelled from the United States by President Barack Obama has landed in Moscow. The plane had taken off from Washington DC on Sunday with all the affected personnel and their families aboard. On December 29th President Barack Obama ordered the expulsion in response to alleged hacking of some American political institutions.

    TENNIS Romanian tennis player Simona Halep number four in the world, has today defeated Jelena Jankovic of Serbia (54 WTA), 6-1, 3-6, 6-3 in the first round of the WTA tournament in Shenzhen, China, totalling over 600,000 dollars in prize money. Halep will next play against the winner of the game between Shuai Peng of China and Katerina Siniakova of the Czech Republic. Romanian Monica Niculescu (38 WTA) on Sunday qualified to the round of 16 of the after defeating Kai-Lin Zhang of China (134 WTA). Also on Sunday, another Romanian player, Sorana Carstea (79 WTA) defeated Kristina Kucova of Slovakia (81 WTA) and advanced to the next stage.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Mesaje de Anul Nou 2017

    Mesaje de Anul Nou 2017

    Mesajul de Anul Nou al premierului Dacian Cioloș

    Premierul Dacian Cioloș le transmite românilor de pretutindeni, în mesajul de Anul Nou, mai mult zâmbet, mai multe bucurii, mai multă încredere. “Mâine anul se înnoiește și tragem brazdă adâncă pentru un an 2017 prosper și bun. Doresc românilor de pretutindeni, doresc fiecăruia dintre noi, mai mult zâmbet, mai multe bucurii, mai multă încredere și forța de a recunoaște că prosperitatea ne împlinește atunci când este construită cu onestitate și muncă cinstită, că schimbarea care ne face mai buni vine din convingere și că numai împreună putem împlini sentimentul de acasă”, afirmă Cioloș, în mesajul publicat pe Facebook.

    “România este după chipul și asemănarea noastră”. “Dacă ne-o dorim mai bună, mai prosperă, mai curată, mai respectată, vă urez tuturor să aveți încredere că putem, fiecare dintre noi și toți împreună, să fim astfel. La Mulți Ani cu sănătate și dragoste în mijlocul familiei și alături de cei dragi!”, mai afirmă Cioloș.

    Mesajul de Anul Nou al premierului desemnat Sorin Grindeanu

    Premierul desemnat Sorin Grindeanu și-a exprimat speranța că Noul An va aduce românilor “liniște, progres și zile mai bune”, dând asigurări că viitorul Guvern va lua măsuri pentru “a crește calitatea vieții românilor”.

    “Anul care tocmai se încheie a fost unul complicat, cu multe încercări. Țara a cunoscut o perioadă plină de incertitudini care încep să se risipească și cu toții sperăm că Noul An ne va aduce liniște, progres și zile mai bune. Vă asigur că viitorul Guvern va lua de urgență măsurile necesare pentru a crește calitatea vieții românilor. Încrederea pe care dumneavoastră ați avut-o în programul nostru de guvernare ne obligă și ne responsabilizează. Pe această cale, în numele colegilor mei, vă mulțumesc! Îmi doresc ca 2017 să ne aducă tuturor sănătate, încredere și prosperitate”, a scris Grindeanu pe contul său de Facebook.

    Mesajul de Anul Nou al președintelui PSD, Liviu Dragnea

    La rândul său președintele Camerei Deputaților, liderul PSD Liviu Dragnea, își dorește ca 2017 să fie un an al reconstrucției și al creșterii economice. “Îmi doresc ca 2017 să fie un an al reconstrucției, un an al creșterii economice care să se simtă în buzunarele românilor, un an în care cetățeanul să simtă mai mult respect din partea statului! La mulți ani, români! Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze România!”, a scris Dragnea pe pagina sa de Facebook.

    El menționează că 2016 a fost “un an agitat, cu multă muncă”. “Un an greu, în care tot ce am urmărit a fost interesul nostru, al românilor, de a avea stabilitate politică și economică, de a avea un guvern legitim, care să înceapă să pună în practică ce am promis în campanie, sub sloganul “Îndrăznește să crezi în România!”. Am făcut tot ce a depins de mine pentru ca țara să nu fie aruncată într-o criză politică. Cu greu, în final, am reușit!”, a mai scris Liviu Dragnea.

  • Nachrichten 31.12.2016

    Nachrichten 31.12.2016

    Bukarest: Die neue Regierung in Bukarest, gebildet von dem sozialdemokratischen Premierminister Sorin Grindeanu soll am 4. Januar im Parlament investiert werden, so der Chef der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Liviu Dragnea. Er fügte hinzu, die Vertreter der Koalition gebildet aus der PSD und ALDE, werden am Dienstag zusammenkommen, um die Liste mit den Namen der zukünftigen Minister und das Regierungsprogramm zu genehmigen. Der ALDE Kovorsitzender Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu erklärte, die erste Aufgabe der zukünftigen Regierung sei die Herausarbeitung des Haushaltes für das Jahr 2017, über dem im Parlament Ende Januar debattiert wird. Der Demokratische Ungarnverband hat bekanntgegeben, er werde die von Sorin Grindeanu geleitete Regierung votieren. Die Nationalliberale Partei, in der Opposition, äußerte ihre Hoffnung, dass die vorgeschlagenen Minister kompetent seien. Die Union Rettet Rumänien, in der Opposition, erklärte, sie werde gegen das Grindeanu-Kabinett stimmen, weil es eigentlich von dem sozialdemokratischen Parteichef Liviu Dragnea geleitet werde. Die Partei der Volksbewegung, in der Opposition, hat sich noch nicht geäußert.

    Bukarest: Mehr als 12 Tausend Polizisten sichern die Ordnung und Sicherheit bei den Veranstaltungen, die während der Silvesternacht organisiert werden. Laut einer Mitteilung der Rumänischen Polizei finden 147 Veranstaltungen statt, an denen rund 300 Tausend Personen erwartet werden. In Bukarest organisiert die Stadtverwaltung eine Freilicht- Party. Das Feuerwerk zu Mitternacht dauert 11 Minuten. Das Thema der bukarester Silvesterparty 2017 ist Selfie in Bukarest. Die von den Bukarestern geschossenen Fotos werden auf einen Riesenbildschirm auf George Enescu Platz laufen.

    Bukarest: 48 Iraker, darunter 17 Minderjährige, sind von den rumänischen Grenzpolizisten in Giurgiu an der bulgarischen Grenze entdeckt worden. Diese waren in der Warenabteilung eines Lkws, der Schokolade transportierte und von einem bulgarischen Fahrer gesteuert war, versteckt. Die Migranten erklärten, sie wollten nach Ungarn und dass der Lkw-Fahrer davon keine Ahnung hatte. Die rumänischen Polizisten haben die Iraker und den Fahrer den bulgarischen Polizisten übergeben.

    Peking: Die rumänische Tennisspielerin Ana Bogdan (130 WTA) hat am Samstag die chinesische Spielerin Qianhui Tang (972 WTA), in der ersten Runde des Shenzhen Opens (China) besiegt. Die Geldpreise beziffern sich auf 600 Tausend Dollar. Ebenfalls am Samstag ist Patricia Tig (108 WTA) von der serbischen Tennisspielerin Nina Jovanovic (140 WTA) eliminiert worden. Die Namen dreier rumänischen Spielerinnen Simona Halep (4 WTA), die zweite Favoritin des Turniers, Monica Niculescu (38 WTA) und Sorana Cîrstea (79 WTA), stehen auf der Haupttabelle. Am Sonntag werden in der ersten Runde des Turniers Niculescu gegen Kai-Lin Zhang (China, 134 WTA) und Sorana Cirstea gegen Kristina Kucova (Slovacia, 81 WTA) treten. Halep wird in der Eröffnungsrunde Jelena Jankovic (54 WTA) treffen. 2015 hat Simona Halep den Titel gewonnen.

  • December 31, 2016 UPDATE

    December 31, 2016 UPDATE

    GOVERNMENT – The new Government led by Prime Minister designate Sorin Grindeanu might be sworn in on January 4, Social-Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea has announced, adding that representatives of the Social-Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, currently holding the majority in Parliament, will meet on Tuesday to vote the list of Ministers and the governing program. In turn, the co-leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said the first task of the new Government is adopting the state budget for 2017, to be debated in Parliament in late January. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians said it will vote in favour of the Government. The National Liberal Party in opposition expressed hope the list of nominations would include professionals with a clean slate. The Save Romania Union, also in opposition, will vote against the Grindeanu Cabinet, arguing that the Government will be de facto led by Social-Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea. The Peoples Movement Party has not yet announced how it would vote.

    TERRORISM – German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the most difficult challenge Germany must yet face is dealing with Islamic terrorism. In her traditional New Years address, Merkel promised she would do everything in her power to enhance security following the bloody attack in Berlin on December 19, when a Tunisian asylum-seeker ploughed into a crowd at a Christmas market. The German official said she would not compromise on democratic values.

    MIGRANTS – 48 Iraqi nationals, of whom 17 children, were caught by the Romanian border police on the Bulgarian border in Giurgiu, southern Romania. The people were hiding in a loading compartment of a lorry delivering chocolate. The driver was a Bulgarian national. The migrants said they wanted to get to Hungary, and the driver said he didnt know about the people he was carrying. The Romanian police have handed the driver over to the Bulgarian authorities, as well as the Iraqi citizens with a view to launching an investigation.

    INVESTIGATION –The High Court of Cassation and Justice in Bucharest will debate a request to place former deputy Sebastian Ghita in arrest in absentia, filed by anti-corruption prosecutors. Ghita is being investigated for bribe-giving, influence peddling, money laundering and blackmail. Ghita is missing for several days, failed to report at the National Anticorruption Directorate headquarters and a BOLO has been issued in his name at border crossing checkpoints. Ghita was won an MP seat in 2012 for the Social Democrats. This year he ran for the United Romania Party, but the party did not meet the minimum threshold to enter Parliament.

    SYRIA – Over 50,000 people were killed in 2016 in the conflict in Syria, the Syrian Observer for Human Rights announced on Saturday. Of these, over 13,500 are civilians, 3,000 of which children. Some 3,000 members of the Islamic State terrorist organizations were also killed. Over 300,000 people have lost their lives since the beginning of the conflict in 2011.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Ana Bogdan (130 WTA) on Saturday defeated Quanhui Tang of China (972 WTA) in the preliminary round of the Shenzhen tournament in China, totaling over 600,000 dollars in prize money. Also today, Patricia Tig (108 WTA) was knocked out by Nina Jovanovic of Serbia (140 WTA). Romania has another three tennis players already qualified to the main draw: Simona Halep, WTA no. 4, who is also the competitions second seed, Monica Niculescu (38 WTA) and Sorana Carstea (79 WTA). On Sunday, Niculescu will play Kai-Lin Zhang of China (134 WTA) while Carstea will go up against Kristina Kucova of Slovakia (81 WTA). Halep will play in the opening round against Jelena Jankovic (54 WTA). We recall that Simona Halep won the Shenzhen tournament in 2015. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • December 31, 2016

    December 31, 2016

    GOVERNMENT – The new Government led by Prime Minister designate Sorin Grindeanu might be sworn in on January 4, Social-Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea has announced, adding that representatives of the Social-Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, currently holding the majority in Parliament, will meet on Tuesday to vote the list of Ministers and the governing program. In turn, the co-leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said the first task of the new Government is adopting the state budget for 2017, to be debated in Parliament in late January. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians said it will vote in favour of the Government. The National Liberal Party in opposition expressed hope the list of nominations would include professionals with a clean slate. The Save Romania Union, also in opposition, will vote against the Grindeanu Cabinet, arguing that the Government will be de facto led by Social-Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea. The Peoples Movement Party has not yet announced how it would vote.

    NEW YEARS EVE PARTY – An additional 12,000 law-enforcement officers will be deployed on Saturday night to oversee public events devoted to the New Years Eve across Romania. According to a Romanian Police release, some 147 large-scale public events are held, including concerts and winter customs shows, to be attended by some 300,000 people. In Bucharest, the City Hall is organizing an open-air party. Historical buildings downtown will be lit up, while a fireworks show will be held at midnight. The New Years Eve party in Bucharest also has a name – Bucharest Selfie. All pictures sent in by Bucharesters will be screened in the George Enescu square.

    2017 – The first to welcome the New Year were the inhabitants of Christmas Island and Samoa, two islands in the Pacific, as well as the Chatham Islands in New Zealand. European countries are getting ready to celebrate the New Year against the backdrop of increased security measures, in the wake of the Berlin attack two weeks ago, which killed 12 people. Thousands of additional police officers will be deployed to cope with potential terrorist threats in London, Berlin, Brussels or Sydney. In an attempt to prevent lorry attacks, authorities in Paris, Madrid and New York will use concrete bollards to block traffic from crowds celebrating New Years Eve.

    TERRORISM – German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the most difficult challenge Germany must yet face is dealing with Islamic terrorism. In her traditional New Years address, Merkel promised she would do everything in her power to enhance security following the bloody attack in Berlin on December 19, when a Tunisian asylum-seeker ploughed into a crowd at a Christmas market. The German official said she would not compromise on democratic values.

    MIGRANTS – 48 Iraqi nationals, of whom 17 children, were caught by the Romanian border police on the Bulgarian border in Giurgiu, southern Romania. The people were hiding in a loading compartment of a lorry delivering chocolate. The driver was a Bulgarian national. The migrants said they wanted to get to Hungary, and the driver said he didnt know about the people he was carrying. The Romanian police have handed the driver over to the Bulgarian authorities, as well as the Iraqi citizens with a view to launching an investigation.

    SYRIA – The UN Security Council is today meeting to discuss a Russian resolution for supporting the ceasefire in Syria, which came into force on Friday. The document provides for quick access of humanitarian aid missions to this country, supporting a political process for putting an end to the conflict and launching negotiations between the Government in Damascus and the opposition. Chaired by Russia and Turkey, the talks might be scheduled to take place next month in Kazakhstan.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis players Ana Bogdan and Patricia Tig are today starting the new tennis season. The two are playing in the preliminaries of the Shenzhen tournament in China, totaling over 600,000 dollars in prize money. In the first round, Ana Bogdan, 130 WTA, will take on Quanhui Tang, 972 WTA, while Patricia Tig, 108 WTA will go up against Nina Jovanovic, 140 WTA. Romania has another three tennis players already qualified to the main draw: Simona Halep, WTA no. 4, who is also the competitions second seed, Monica Niculescu, 38 WTA and Sorana Carstea, 79 WTA. We recall that Simona Halep won the Shenzhen tournament in 2015. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • December 30, 2016 UPDATE

    December 30, 2016 UPDATE

    PRIME MINISTER – Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Friday signed the decree designating Social-Democrat Sorin Grindeanu, for the position of Prime Minister. This is the second proposal made by the newly elected ruling coalition, made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, after the first nominee, Sevil Shhaideh, was not endorsed. Sorin Grindeanu, 43, is the president of Timis County Council and was Minister of Communication in the Ponta cabinet. Grindeanu has ten days to form his cabinet, which will be sworn in after a vote in Parliament.

    UNEMPLOYMENT – The unemployment rate in 2017 is expected to go down from 4.8% to 4.6%, as announced by the National Prognosis Commission. It is expected for the south-western region of Oltenia to have the highest unemployment rate, 7.7%. The capital Bucharest and its surrounding county will have the lowest unemployment rate, 1.6%, down from 1.7% in 2016. The Commission also announced the unemployment rate is expected to drop in the following years, with figures like 4.4% in 2018, and 4.3% in 2019.

    REIMBURSEMENT – Romania has to pay over 1.26 billion Euro in 2017 for loans contracted with the EU and the World Bank as part of the stand-by agreement drawn in 2009, as announced by the Finance Ministry. This year, Romania paid 113 million Euro back to the EU and the World Bank. Bucharest has over 4.7 billion Euro to pay back to the two institutions by 2023.

    MIGRANTS – Almost 300 foreign nationals found to be illegally in Romania have been identified by the police in December. According to the General Inspectorate for Migration, 60 of them have been notified to leave the country, while 115 have applied for one form or another of international protection. Also in December, 27 people have been escorted off Romanian territory. Several companies have been fined for violating employment legislation applying to foreign workers.

    US-RUSSIAN RELATIONS – The United States has decided to expel 35 Russian diplomats in response to cyber attacks intended to interfere in presidential elections, as well as harassment of American diplomats in Moscow. Access was blocked for Russian diplomats at two of their locations in New York and Maryland. At the same time, a Kremlin spokesperson said that Russia will have a response, bearing in mind that the decision was made by President Obama and not by Donald Trump, who takes office in three weeks. Trump said that the claims that Russia interfered in the US elections were ridiculous.

    TURKEY – The Constitutional Committee with the Turkish
    Parliament on Friday passed a bill to change the fundamental law of the
    country, granting enhanced powers to the president, Reuters, quotes the Anadolu
    Turkish news agency as saying. The legislature has to pass the bill, which then
    goes to a referendum to be held no later than spring next year.

    TIGHTENED SECURITY– The European countries ramp up security for New Year, after the Berlin terror attack, which left 12 people dead and scores of injured. In Brussels, additional riot police forces will be deployed, but the New Year fireworks show will not be cancelled, in spite of a terror alert. In Madrid, a driving ban has been imposed for heavy trucks and coaches. In Italy, the authorities have taken special measures, particularly in the crowded areas which attract a large number of tourists, against the backdrop of warnings that several foreign fighters have arrived or will soon arrive in the Peninsula to carry out attacks. In Berlin, the police closed the square in front of the Brandenburg Gate and prepared to deploy additional armed officers, with armoured vehicles likely to flank concrete barriers blocking off the area. In Paris, heavily armed soldiers will patrol the city centre and popular Paris tourist sites such as the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre Museum, as well as Champs Elysee, where hundreds of thousands are expected to the traditional midnight fireworks show. (Translated by D. Vijeu)

  • Sorin Grindeanu, desemnat premier

    Sorin Grindeanu, desemnat premier

    Sorin Grindeanu, desemnat premier

    Președintele Klaus Iohannis a semnat decretul privind desemnarea lui Sorin Grindeanu în funcția de premier.

    Grindeanu, 43 de ani, a fost propus ca prim-ministru de către coaliţia PSD-ALDE. Premierul desemnat are la dispoziţie 10 zile pentru a prezenta Guvernul şi programul de guvernare, pentru a obţine apoi votul de învestitură în Parlamentul României.

    Cine este Sorin Grideanu

    Sorin Grindeanu este actualul preşedinte al Consiliului Judeţean Timiş şi a fost Ministru pentru Soeictatea Informaţională în 2014-2015.

  • December 29, 2016

    December 29, 2016

    RESPONSE – Romanias President Klaus Iohannis is expected to make a decision regarding the second nomination made by the Social-Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, which hold the majority in Parliament, for the position of Prime Minister. The first nomination, Sevil Shhaideh, was turned down. Sorin Grindeanu is the second nomination. Aged 43, Grindeanu is currently the president of the Timis County Council and has been a member of the Social-Democratic Party for 20 years. He was Minister of Transports in the Government led by Victor Ponta. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania, which has a cooperation protocol with the Social-Democrats and the Liberals and Democrats, has not yet expressed its support for the nomination. Opposition parties on the other hand say they will not vote for a Cabinet led by Sorin Grindeanu, although the nomination seems more reasonable than the first.

    CURRENCY – Romanias national currency, the Leu, has hit the lowest value over the last three years against the top hard currencies. Specialists however say the tendency gives no reasons to worry, as Romanian economy is currently stable. They expect the Leu to go up, especially against the Euro, once the domestic political turmoil settles down, a new Government is sworn in and the budget for 2017 is adopted. In turn, the US dollar has gone up against the surging optimism in American society, which in a few weeks is due to have a new president and administration. This tendency might continue over the first months of 2017, experts say. In Romania, the Leu-dollar exchange rate has determined a hike not only in fuel prices, but also in the price for house appliances made in Asia, vegetable and fruit imports from Turkey, as well as raw materials imported from other continents.

    TOURISM – The number of foreign tourists who visited Romania in 2016 stands at some 1.3 million, which marks a 20% increase as compared to the previous year. Most tourists came from Germany, France, the UK, Italy and Spain. Representatives of the travel industry say this good figure is the result of the favourable position Romania enjoys at European level, as our country was one of the safest countries in the region this year. 2016 was also the best year for the Romanian seacoast, where the number of tourists went up by as much as 15%. 11% more Romanians visited the seacoast this year, while the number of foreign tourists also increased by 10% as compared to 2015, standing at around 50,000 people. Ranking at the top of tourists preferences was the resort of Mamaia.

    INVESTIGATION – Former Romanian deputy, Social-Democrat Sebastian Ghita, indicted in a corruption case and currently under judicial control, failed to report to the Police headquarters today, as the court had required him. Thus the former MP violated the legal restrictions he was subjected to pending trial. Police representatives said that, according to procedure, they will refer this matter to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, which is expected to issue a ruling. Sebastian Ghita is also being investigated for bribe-giving, influence peddling, money laundering and blackmail. Last Wednesday, Ghita was also subpoenaed by anti-corruption prosecutors in a case where he is charged with money laundering. Sebastian Ghita failed to show and a BOLO has been issued in his name at border-crossing checkpoints. Ghita won an MP seat for the Social-Democratic Party in 2012. This year he launched his candidacy for a new MP term for the United Romania Party, but the party did not meet the election threshold required to enter Parliament.

    NATO – Dutch Minister of Defense Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert has announced the Netherlands will contribute two chiefs of general staff to the Multinational NATO Brigade in 2017, which will be rendered operational in Craiova, southern Romania, the Romanian Defense Ministry reports. At the same time, the Dutch Minister spoke of the possibility of Dutch troops taking part in other multi-purpose military drills which the brigade is to carry out. We recall that the Rovine 2nd Infantry Division, stationed in Craiova, southern Romania, will become a NATO Multinational Brigade, a decision taken as part of a series of measures adopted at the NATO Summit of Warsaw this summer. The announcement follows the commitments of other states to contribute to the NATO brigade. Germany will deploy chiefs of general staffs, Bulgaria will contribute 400 military, while Poland will deploy some 250 military. Romania will in turn deploy some 250 military to the brigade to be hosted by Poland. The brigade will also be cooperating with a military unit from the United States.

    CRASH – The crash of the Russian military plane in the Black Sea was caused by a technical malfunction, the Russian Transport Minister Maxime Sokolov said today. Preliminary data decoded from the aircrafts two black boxes suggest the pilots lost control over the plane due to the faulty wing flaps, which put the plane at a critical angle. The 154 Tupolev aircraft was headed to Latakia, Syria and was carrying 92 people on board, of whom 83 were passengers, most of them members of the Russian Army Choir. They were scheduled to hold a holiday concert at the Syrian base in Khmeimim.

    REACTION – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned and labeled as “biased the speech delivered by US Secretary of State John Kerry, whose mandate is coming to a close. In his speech, Kerry was advocating the Obama administrations decision to allow the UN Security Council last week to adopt a resolution whereby all Israeli colonies were declared illegal. John Kerry has warned that these Israeli settlements endanger the two-state peace solution. Netanyahu says Kerrys speech focused “obsessively on Israeli settlements, making reference to Palestinian violence very briefly. The Israeli Prime Minister said the Palestinians refusal to recognize Israels right to exist remains the crux of the problem.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Nachrichten 28.12.2016

    Nachrichten 28.12.2016

    Bukarest: Sorin Grindeanu ist der neue Vorschlag der Koalition aus Sozialdemokraten und ALDAE für das Amt des Premierministers, so der Chef der Sozialdemokraten Liviu Dragnea nach der Sitzung des Exekutivbüros der Sozialdemokratischen Partei. Der 43-jährige Sorin Grindeanu war Minister für Kommunikation in der Ponta-Regierung und ist der amtierende Vorsitzender des Kreisrates Timis. Die Nominierung von Sorin Grindeanu kommt ein Tag nach dem der rumänische Staatschef die Nominierung von Sevil Shhaideh abgelehnt hatte. Liviu Dragnea erklärte, unter den erwägten Möglichkeiten sei auch ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Staatspräsident Iohannis gewesen. Die Sozialdemokraten haben sich aber für einen neuen Vorschlag entschieden, um das Land nicht in eine Krise zu führen.

    Bukarest: Die Rahmenbedingungsn für Unternehmer in Rumänien werden sich im kommenden Jahr verschlechtern und die Landeswährung Leu gegen den Euro abwerten. Das ist die Schlussfolgerung einer aktuellen Umfrage des Verbandes zertifizierter Finanzanalysten. Die Haushaltskonsolidierung werde sich auf die Investitionen auswirken. Die Maßnahme war nach den Gehaltserhöhungen, Steuersenkungen und der Herabsetzung der Umsatzsteuer notwendig geworden, heißt es in dem Bericht weiter. Ferner werde Rumänien 2017 nicht die selbe Wachstumsrate erreichen, da das Land den Höhepunkt eines ökonomischen Zyklus hinter sich gelassen habe. Da Rumänien zusätzlich eine kleine und offene Wirtschaft aufweise, werde es von der erwarteten Verschlechterung der Volkswirtschaften weltweit betroffen sein.

    Bukarest: In Rumänien hat sich in der Nacht zu Mittwoch ein Erdbeben ereignet. Geologen gaben zunächst eine Stärke von 5,4 bis 6,0 an. Diese Werte werden allerdings oft später korrigiert. Das Beben ereignete sich um 0:20 Uhr MEZ etwa 150 Kilometer nördlich der Hauptstadt Bukarest. Berichte über Schäden oder Opfer lagen zunächst nicht vor. Beben dieser Stärke können bei anfälligen Gebäuden ernste Schäden anrichten. Bei robusten Gebäuden gibt es meist nur leichte oder gar keine Schäden.

    Bukarest: Die Abgeordnetenkammer hat die letzte Hürde für die Verabschiedung eines Gesetzes beseitigt, das gut 100 Gebühren abschafft, darunter auch die Rundfunkgebühren. Die Kammer lehnte den Antrag von Präsident Iohannis zur Neuprüfung des Gesetzentwurfes ab. Am Dienstag hatte auch der Senat den Antrag abgelehnt. Der rumänische Staatschef hatte am 23. Dezember das Parlament aufgefordert, das Gesetz neu zu prüfen und die Auswirkungen auf die Bürger in Betracht zu ziehen. Die Abschaffung der Fernseh- und Radiogebühr wurde von Nichtregierungsorganisationen der Medien aus dem In- und Ausland kritisiert, weil sie die Autonomie der zwei öffentlichen Institutionen in der Programmgestaltung beeinflusse.

  • December 28, 2016 UPDATE

    December 28, 2016 UPDATE

    NOMINATION – Sorin Grindeanu is the new nomination for the position of Prime Minister made by the coalition of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, which hold the majority in Parliament. The announcement was made on Wednesday by the Social-Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea, at the end of the meeting of the partys Executive Bureau. Aged 43, Sorin Grindeanu is a former Minister of Communications in the Government led by Victor Ponta and is the current president of the Timis County Council. The Social-Democrats proposal follows one day after President Klaus Iohannis rejected the nomination of Sevil Shhaideh for the office of Prime Minister. Liviu Dragnea said one of the options on the table is launching proceedings to have the president suspended, but the Social Democrats decided to make a new proposal for the position of Prime Minister in order to avert a political crisis. The interim president of the National Liberal Party in opposition, Raluca Turcan, sees the latest nomination as a last-resort, temporary solution.

    BUSINESS – The business environment will be worsening in Romania in the next 12 months, with the national currency, the Leu, dropping in value against the Euro. This is the conclusion of the latest poll run by the Romanian Association of internationally certified financial analysts. Tax consolidation, needed after salary hikes, tax cuts and the drop in the VAT, as well as the fact that Romania will no longer have the same economic growth, given that the peak of the economic cycle has already been reached, will have an effect on investment, the poll shows. At the same time, Romania is a small and open economy, affected by the macroeconomic worsening of conditions globally. At the same time, it is expected that the Leu will drop against the Euro in the next 12 months. The Association shows that the increase in interest rates in the US has caused a rearrangement of exchange rates in all emerging countries, depreciating the local currency. The Associations Romania Macroeconomic Confidence Indicator was launched in May 2011, representing the forecasts of financial analysts in terms of Romanian economic activity for a year.

    EARTHQUAKE – Romania has not sustained damage from the 5.3 magnitude earthquake that occurred on Wednesday night in the Vrancea seismic region, at a depth of around 100 km. The National Earth Physics Institute revised twice the magnitude after the quake, which was also felt in the south east of Romania, the Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, and the west of Turkey. The last tremor of this size occurred on September 24, felt all across the country, as well as in the Republic of Moldova. According to the National Earth Physics Institute, the strongest earthquake in the last few years occurred on the 22nd of November, 2014, with a magnitude of 5.7 on the Richter scale.

    CRASH – The second black box of the Tupolev 154 Russian aircraft that crashed in the Black Sea has been found, the Russian Defense Ministry reports. The most likely cause of the crash was a fault in the flaps, the Russian press quotes investigators as saying. The Russian security services said there were no indications to support the possibility of a terrorist act. The aircraft had landed on Sunday at Sochi for refueling, after taking off from Shkalovski airport near Moscow, heading for Latakia, Syria. It vanished off radar screens after 20 minutes. 92 people were on board, 83 of them passengers, most of them members of the military orchestra Aleksandrov, along with a number of journalists. They were scheduled to hold a holiday show on the Syrian base at Khmeimim. There were no survivors.

    ARREST – The German authorities on Wednesday placed under pre-trial arrest a 40-year-old Tunisian national, suspected of having ties with Anis Amri, the alleged perpetrator of the December 19 attack in the German capital, which killed 12 people and wounded 50. According to the Federal Prosecutors Office, the attacker had the Tunisians phone number saved in his phone, which was telling of his involvement. Anis Amri was shot dead on December 23 by the Italian Police, in a train station in Milan. Sources close to the investigation say the alleged attacker drove to Milan via the Netherlands and France. We recall that a lorry ploughed into a crowd at a Christmas Market in Berlin, an attack claimed by the Islamic State terrorist organization.

    (Translated by C. Cotoiu and V. Palcu)

  • Nachrichten 14.12.2014

    Nachrichten 14.12.2014

    Bukarest: Die Vorsitzenden der Regierungskoalition haben sich am Sonntag über die neue Regierungsbildung geeinigt. Die Regierungskoalition wird aktuell aus der sozial-demokratischen Partei, der Union zum Fortschritt Rumäniens und der konservativen Partei gebildet, nachdem der demokratische Ungarnverband seinen offiziellen Austritt aus dem Bündnis bekanntgab. Die liberale Reformpartei des Senatsvorsitzenden Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu hat sich am Sonntag der Regierungskoalition angeschlossen. Die neuen Minister sollen demnächst vom nationalen Exekutivkomitee der Sozialdemokraten validiert werden. Am Montag soll Ministerpräsident Victor Ponta die Liste seines neuen Kabinetts vorlegen, das nach dem jüngsten Beschluss einen einzigen Vize-Premierminister haben soll.

    Darius Vâlcov soll im neuen Ponta-Kabinett das Amt des Finanzministers bekleiden und für das Umweltministerium wurde Graţiela Gavrilescu von der liberalen Reformpartei vorgeschlagen. Das Wirtschaftsministerium soll vom Sozialdemokraten Mihai Tudose geleitet werden, während Andrei Gerea, von der liberalen Reformpartei das Amt des Energieministers bekleiden wird. Das Energieministerium wurde mit dem Ministerium der Klein-und Mittelunternehmen zusammengesetzt. Der Vorschlag für die Führung des Kulturministeriums ist der Sozialdemokrate Ionuţ Vulpescu, während das Kommunikationsministerium vom Sozialdemokraten Sorin Grindeanu geleitet werden soll. Das Diasporaministerium bleibt auch im neuen Kabinett und soll von Adrian Anghel geleitet werden. Das Amt des Ministers für sozialen Dialog soll im neuen Kabinett vom Sozialdemokraten Liviu Pop bekleidet werden.

    Bukarest: Die rumänischen Abgeordneten können bis Montag mögliche Änderungen am Haushaltsentwurf 2015 vorstellen. Die im Laufe der Woche angenommene Haushaltsvorlage sieht ein Haushaltsdefizit von 1,8% des BIP und eine Inflationsrate von 2,2% vor. Der Haushaltsentwurf 2015 sieht zudem ein Wirtschaftswachstum um 2,5% voraus. Keine neue Abgaben und Gebühren seien im neuen Haushalt vorgesehen, sondern lediglich die bereits verkündeten wirtschaftlichen und Sozialma‎ßnahmen, mehr Geld sollen die neuen Investitionen zugeteilt bekommen, bekräftigte erneut Ministerpräsident Victor Ponta. Am Mittwoch soll die Vorlage des Haushaltsgesetzes den Haushalts-und Finanzausschüssen vorgelegt werden, am Freitag soll das Parlament darüber beraten und die engültige Stimme sei anschlie‎ßend am 21.Dezember zu erwarten. Zu diesem Datum wird zudem eine feierliche Parlamentssitzung geplant. Dabei soll der gewählte Präsident Klaus Iohannis den Eid ablegen.

    Bukarest: Der US-Raketenabwehrschild im südwestrumänischen Deveselu sei ausschlie‎ßlich zu defensiven Zwecken installiert worden und nicht gegen Russland gerichtet, erklärte am Sonntag in Bukarest der rumänische Au‎ßenminister Bogdan Aurescu. Die Erklärung erfolgte am Rande des Treffens mit einer Delegation des US-Kongresses, geleitet von dem Republikaner Michael Rogers. Laut dem Bukarester Au‎ßenministerium, soll das Raketenabwehrsystem, das im kommenden Jahr funktionsfähig werden soll, die von au‎ßerhalb des euroatlantischen Raumes ausgehenden Raketenbedrohungen neutralisieren. Somit bringe das System einen erheblichen Beitrag zur Sicherheit der Territorien, der Völker und der Europa-Verbündeten.

    Die Reaktion der rumänischen Seite erfolgte nachdem Michael Rogers seine Unzufriedenheit über die US-Strategie gegen Russland äu‎ßerte und von erforderlichen Änderungen angesichts der US-Raketenabwehr sprach. Die US-Delegation kam in Bukarest mit dem rumänischen Verteidigungsminister Mircea Duşa zu Gesprächen zusammen. Duşa bekräftigte dabei die Bedeutung der US-Initiative zur Rückversicherung Europas, mit der die USA ihre Truppen in Osteuropa verstärken wollen.

    Rom: US-Au‎ßenminister John Kerry wird am Montag in Rom mit dem israelischen Premierminister Benjamin Netanyahu über aktuelle Streitfragen im Nahen Osten beraten. Vor ein paar Tagen ist ein palästinensischer Minister bei einer Konfrontation mit israelischen Soldaten ums Leben gekommen. Der Zwischenfall löste erneut Spannungen in Westjordanland und Israel aus. Ferner soll Kerry in der italienischen Hauptstadt mit seinem russischen Gegenüber Serghei Lavrov über den Ukrainekonflikt beraten. Am Freitag hatte das US-Abgeordnetenhaus ein umstrittenes Gesetz verabschiedet, das in der Ukrainekrise neue Sanktionen gegen Russland vorsieht und die Lieferung tödlicher Waffen an die Ukraine autorisiert. Der russische Vize-Au‎ßenminister Serghei Riabkov warnte folglich die USA vor Konsequenzen.

    Riga: Die polnische Produktion “Ida”, in der Regie von Pawel Pawlikowski ist als bester europäischer Film des Jahres ausgezeichnet worden. Mit dem schwarz-wei‎ß-Drama holte der polnische Regisseur beim 27. Europäischen Filmpreis in Riga fünf Trophäen, darunter den Preis für den besten Spielfilm. Für die polnisch-dänische Koproduktion erhielt der Filmemacher auch die Preise für den besten europäischen Regisseur und das beste Drehbuch. Den letzteren teilt er mit der Drehbuchautorin Rebecca Lenkiewicz. Das polnische Drama wurde zudem mit dem Publikumspreis geehrt.

    Sport: Rumäniens Handball-Damen hat Samstag Abend in der ersten Gruppe der EM gegen Ungarn mit 20:19 verloren. Die Europäische Meisterschaft findet in Ungarn und Kroatien statt. Am Montag wird die rumänische Mannschaft gegen Spanien antreten und am Mittwoch gegen Polen, ihre Chancen ins Viertelfinale einzuziehen bleiben dennoch gering. Bei der EM 2012 belegte Rumänien den zehnten Platz. Bei EM 2010 gewannen die Rumäninnen die Bronzemedaille.