Tag: sports

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    On Thursday, four football teams from Romania will play in the second leg of the third preliminary round of the European Conference League. The Romanian champions, CFR Cluj, will meet Shakhtior Soligorsk, from Belarus, on home ground, from 8 p.m. Romanian time. The first leg of the double-header took place last week in Turkey and ended in a draw, 0-0. If it passes Shakhtior Soligorsk, CFR Cluj will play, in the Conference League group stage, with the team that loses the match pitting Maribor, from Slovenia, against Helsingin Jalkapalloklubi, from Finland, from the Europa League preliminaries. In the first match, on Thursday, the Finnish players won 2-0, away from home.

    The winner of Romania’s Cup, Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe, will also play from 8 p.m. Coach Cristiano Bergodis trainees will meet, away from home, the Swedish team Djurgården, that defeated them, last week, at home, 3 – 1. Romania’s team stands slim chances of qualification, but, if they move forward, Sepsi will play against the winner of the match between the Cypriot team APOEL Nicosia and FC Kîzîljar Petropavlovsk, from Kazakhstan. On Thursday, the Cypriots won 1-0 at home.

    From 8:30 p.m., Bucharest’s National Arena will host the match pitting FCSB, the Romanian vice-champions, against the Slovak team Dunajska Streda. In last Wednesday’s match away from home FCSB won 1-0. If they eliminate the Slovak team, FCSB will play in the play-offs against Viking Stavanger, from Norway, or Sligo Rovers, from Ireland. In the first match Viking won, at home, 5-1.

    Also from 8:30 p.m., Universitatea Craiova meets the Ukrainian team Zaria Lugansk on home ground. The first match, held in Poland, ended with the victory of the Ukrainians, 1-0. As of Tuesday, Universitatea Craiova has a new coach, Mirel Rădoi, a former selector of the Romanian national team. If they go further, Universitatea Craiova will meet, in the play-offs, the winner of the match between the Swiss team FC Lugano and the Israeli team Hapoel Beer-Sheva. In the first match, in Switzerland, the Israeli team won 2-0. (LS)

  • 29.07.2022


    Visite – La présidente de la République de Moldova entame aujourd’hui une visite officielle en Roumanie à l’invitation de son homologue Klaus Iohannis. Au cours de la conférence de presse qui a suivi les rencontres tête à tête et les réunions officielles, le chef de l’Etat roumain a caractérisé les entretiens de très consistantes, avec un accent particulier sur plusieurs thèmes d’intérêt bilatéral, vu les liens solides et sincères qui existent entre les deux Etats. Il a félicité Maia Sandu pour l’obtention par la République de Moldova du statut de pays candidat à l’adhésion à l’UE à l’occasion du Conseil européen de juin. C’est une réussite historique, un véritable moment décisif pour l’avenir de cet Etat, a affirmé Klaus Iohannis, qui a ajouté que la Roumanie n’abandonnera pas la République de Moldova et continuera à la soutenir par tous les leviers à sa disposition. Il a ajouté avoir décidé avec son homologue de Chisinau d’entreprendre plusieurs pas décisifs en ce qui concerne l’interconnexion des réseaux d’électricité des deux pays. Les deux hommes ont également évoqué le potentiel du gazoduc Iasi – Ungheni – Chisinau en tant qu’élément essentiel dans l’architecture de sécurité énergétique de la République de Moldova. Pour sa part, la présidente Maia Sandu a affirmé que le long des années, Bucarest s’est retrouvé aux côtés de Chisinau, soulignant que la voix de la Roumanie « a fortement résonné » à Bruxelles dans les efforts de soutenir l’ex République soviétique dans l’obtention du statut d’Etat candidat à l’adhésion à l’UE. Maia Sandu est également confiante que le partenariat moldo-roumain aidera à dépasser les difficultés provoquées par la guerre en Ukraine.

    national –
    La Roumanie célèbre aujourd’hui son hymne national. Conformément au
    ministère de la Défense, des cérémonies militaires se déroulent à travers le
    pays. A Bucarest, une messe a eu lieu devant le Palais du Cercle militaire
    national, suivi par un concert de l’orchestre de l’armée. A Râmnicu Vâlcea
    également, les autorités organisent en cette fin de semaine des événements
    consacrés à la chanson « Desteapta-te, române », « Eveille-toi
    Roumain », qui a été chantée pour la première fois dans un cadre officiel
    dans cette ville du sud de la Roumanie, il y a 174 ans. Aujourd’hui le conseil local de la ville se
    réunit dans le cadre d’une réunion festive, alors qu’une parade est prévue sur
    un itinéraire symbolique de l’histoire de la ville. La fête de l’hymne
    nationale a été proclamée par le Parlement roumain en
    1998. « Eveille-toi Roumain ! » a été composé par Antonn
    Pan et les paroles ont été écrites par la poète Andrei Muresanu. Le message de
    l’hymne national de la Roumanie a un fort impact et évoque l’unité nationale,
    le courage, la dignité et la responsabilité, affirme dans un communiqué le
    président du pays, Klaus Iohannis. Et au premier ministre roumain, Nicolae
    Ciuca d’ajouter que l’hymne, le drapeau et les armoiries définissent l’identité
    du peuple roumain et constituent le lien entre le passé, le présent et

    Football – Toutes les équipes roumaines de foot présentes dans la compétition européenne de la Conférence Ligue se sont qualifiés au troisième tour des préliminaires. Jeudi, Universitatea Craiova, dans le sud, a battu à domicile sur le score de 3 à 0 les Albanais de Vllaznia, après une égalité 1 partout dans le match aller. Au troisième tour des préliminaires, Craiova affrontera les ukrainiens de Zaria Lugansk. A Bucarest, sur l’Arène nationale, le FCSB a disposé sur le score de 4 buts à 2 des géorgiens de Saburtalo, équipe vaincue dans le match aller sur le score de 1 but à 0. Ce qui plus est, le FCSB rencontrera les Slovaques de Dunajská Streda. La mission la plus difficile a été celle de la gagnante de la Coupe de Roumanie Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe dans le centre. Elle a été battue 2 buts à 0 par les Slovènes d’Olimpija Ljubljana, après une victoire 3 buts à 1 à domicile. Aux tirs aux buts, les Slovènes ont raté à deux reprises et c’est ainsi que Sepsi s’est qualifié pour rencontrer ensuite les suédois de Djurgården. Enfin, mercredi le CFR Cluj (nord-ouest) a terminé à égalité le match contre l’Inter Club d’Escaldes, d’Andorre – 1 partout – après une victoire 3 buts à 0 durant au match aller. Le CFR Cluj rencontrera ensuite le champion de la Biélorussie Șahtior Soligorsk.

    Sports – Les sportifs roumains ont remporté quatre médailles, dont deux d’argent et deux de bronze jeudi à la 16e édition d’été du Festival olympique de la Jeunesse européenne, à Banska Bystrica, en Slovaquie. Deux médailles ont été décrochées à l’athlétisme : Ştefania Alexandra Uţă et Denisa Capotă . Une autre médaille d’argent a été remportée en natation alors qu’au Judo, Rareş Ştefan Arsenie a terminé troisième dans sa catégorie des 90 kilos. A l’issue de quatre jours de compétition, la Roumanie a terminé 19e au classement des médailles avec une médaille d’or, quatre d’argent et trois de bronze.

    Sighisoara – C’est à Sighisoara, dans le centre de la Roumanie que se déroule ce weekend la 28e édition du premier festival médiéval de Roumanie. La cité de Sighisoara sera particulièrement animée avec toute sorte de spectacles de théâtre de rue, d’improvisation, de musique et de danse, le tout tournant autour de l’art médiéval. Si durant l’édition précédente le festival a réuni 11 000 visiteurs, les organisateurs s’attendent actuellement à recevoir quelque 16 000 visiteurs. Des feux d’artifices sont prévus dimanche soir à Sighisoara, l’unique cité médiévale habitée dans le sud-est de l’Europe.

    Météo – L’administration nationale de météorologie a émis une nouvelle alerte code jaune à la canicule qui vise 12 départements de Roumanie et la capitale Bucarest ces vendredi et samedi. Conformément aux prévisions, sur l’ouest et le sud du pays, la vague de chaleur devrait s’intensifier. Samedi dans l’après midi, l’inconfort thermique sera élevé et l’indicateur Humidex dépassera le seuil critique des 80 unités. Les maximas iront généralement de 33 à 37 degrés. Dimanche la vague de chaleur persistera sur le sud et le sud-est. Une alerte code jaune à l’instabilité est également valable jusqu’à dimanche dans la soirée sur plus de trois quarts du territoire. Les pluies à verse et les orages seront également au rendez-vous.

  • Le prodige David Popovici

    Le prodige David Popovici

    Le tapis
    rouge, des officiels et des admirateurs présents sur place, beaucoup de sourires,
    des mains serrées et des discours, le tout pour un accueil chaleureux réservé
    dimanche soir, à l’équipe roumaine ayant participé aux Championnats du Monde de
    natation. Tous les regards ont été posés sur David Popovici, le jeune de 17 ans
    qui, par ses performances, a écrit une
    nouvelle page dans l’histoire de la natation mondiale. Débutant au tableau des Mondiaux de
    natation pour séniors, le prodige roumain est le premier sportif à réaliser le
    doublé 100-200 m depuis 1973. Popovici a également établi deux nouveaux records
    du monde juniors. Quant à son compatriote, Robert Glinţă, celui-ci s’est classé
    cinquième dans l’épreuve du 50 mètres dos et huitième des 100 mètres dos.

    De retour en Roumanie, David Popovici a remercié le
    public de l’avoir encouragé et a avoué que par ces performances, il espère
    inspirer le plus de monde possible à faire du sport.

    « Je voudrais remercier tous ceux ayant cru en moi,
    tous ceux qui m’ont soutenu et qui continuent à le faire et je voudrais
    remercier les Roumains qui sont restés collés à leurs écrans pour voir ma
    course ou encore ceux qui étaient venus sur place, spécialement pour me voir. L’expérience
    de Budapest fut magnifique et je pense qu’ils sont nombreux ceux qui voudraient
    être à ma place, ne serai-ce que pour voir à quel point les autres les
    soutiennent. Je suis honoré de représenter mon beau pays et franchement, je me
    réjouis de vous savoir à mes côtés. »

    Pour ses performances, le jeune nageur s’est vu offrir
    une enveloppe de 200.000 euros de la part du gouvernement roumain. A son tour,
    le chef de l’Etat, Klaus Iohannis, a décidé de faire Popovici chevalier de
    l’Ordre national de « L’Etoile de la Roumanie et son entraîneur, Adrian
    Radulescu, chevalier de l’Ordre national du Mérite. « David c’est un
    modèle qui inspirera tout le pays. Nous, on est obligé de faire construire des
    bassins et de soutenir la natation pour pouvoir produire des champions » a
    déclaré pour sa part, le ministre du Sport, Eduard Novak. « Il y a plein
    de choses dont le sport roumain aurait besoin et les Mondiaux de Budapest
    devraient encourager le gouvernement à investir dans l’infrastructure
    sportive » a affirmé pour sa part, la présidente de la Fédération roumaine
    de natation et de pentathlon, Camelia Potec. Par ces propos, elle a renchéri
    les propos des ceux ayant critiqué à plusieurs reprises le faible financement
    du sport qui se reflète dans les performances de plus en plus décevantes
    enregistrées par la Roumanie dans des domaines qui jadis faisaient sa
    gloire : le football, la gymnastique, l’aviron.

    A qui donc, le jeune David
    Popovici doit-il ses records ? A son talent, bien évidemment, à ses
    efforts, à ses parents et à son coach. « J’espère que cette vague de
    succès que je suis arrivé à produire et que j’espère continuer à produire
    aidera le sport à faire des progrès, car il est sûr et certain que le sport a
    besoin d’une ressuscitation » a avoué le jeune champion mondial. Son nom
    figurera au tableau des principales compétitions de natation de cet été : le
    Championnat d’Europe junior de natation de Roumanie, puis le Championnat
    d’Europe de Rome et le Championnat du monde junior de Lima au Pérou.

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    The Romanian tennis player Irina Bara was defeated by China’s Qinwen Zheng, 4-6, 6-3, 6-0, on Thursday in the Round of 16 of the WTA tournament in Valencia, which has total prizes worth 115,000 dollars. In the doubles, Bara and Ekaterine Gorgodze from Georgia, who are the contests top seeds, will play in the semifinals on Saturday against the Spanish pair made up of Aliona Bolsova and Rebeka Masarova.

    Seven Romanian tennis players are on the main table of the Wimbledon Grand Slam tournament, which will start on June 27, namely Simona Halep, Sorana Cîrstea, Gabriela Ruse, Irina Begu, Ana Bogdan, Irina Bara and Mihaela Buzărnescu. Another four tennis players from Romania will play in the qualifiers, namely Gabriela-Talabă Lee, Alexandra Cadanțu-Ignatik, Laura Ioana Paar and Cristina Dinu. This year, the winners of the singles contests, both in the men’s and women’s competitions, will get record prizes of £2 million. The total prizes for this year’s edition amount to over £40 million, 11% more than in last years edition.

    Now news from football. Romania’s national football team will meet on Saturday, in Bucharest, the team of Finland, in the third match of the current edition of the Nations League. The Scandinavian team leads in the group 3 League B standings with four points out of two matches. The Romanian footballers are ranked last after losing 0-2 to Montenegro last Saturday, then 0-1 on Tuesday in the match with Bosnia-Herzegovina. After the match against Finland, the Romanian team will meet, also in Bucharest, on Tuesday, the team of Montenegro and they need victories in both matches to still hope for a place in the top 2 ranking in the group.

    We now move on to volleyball. Romanias mens team will face, on Sunday, in Galaţi, the Albanian team, in the last game of group B of the Silver League competition. The Romanians are on first position in the group and are already qualified to the final four tournament of the competition, which will take place in Hungary, on 18 and 19 June. (LS)

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    The Romanian tennis player Irina Bara was defeated by China’s Qinwen Zheng, 4-6, 6-3, 6-0, on Thursday in the Round of 16 of the WTA tournament in Valencia, which has total prizes worth 115,000 dollars. In the doubles, Bara and Ekaterine Gorgodze from Georgia, who are the contests top seeds, will play in the semifinals on Saturday against the Spanish pair made up of Aliona Bolsova and Rebeka Masarova.

    Seven Romanian tennis players are on the main table of the Wimbledon Grand Slam tournament, which will start on June 27, namely Simona Halep, Sorana Cîrstea, Gabriela Ruse, Irina Begu, Ana Bogdan, Irina Bara and Mihaela Buzărnescu. Another four tennis players from Romania will play in the qualifiers, namely Gabriela-Talabă Lee, Alexandra Cadanțu-Ignatik, Laura Ioana Paar and Cristina Dinu. This year, the winners of the singles contests, both in the men’s and women’s competitions, will get record prizes of £2 million. The total prizes for this year’s edition amount to over £40 million, 11% more than in last years edition.

    Now news from football. Romania’s national football team will meet on Saturday, in Bucharest, the team of Finland, in the third match of the current edition of the Nations League. The Scandinavian team leads in the group 3 League B standings with four points out of two matches. The Romanian footballers are ranked last after losing 0-2 to Montenegro last Saturday, then 0-1 on Tuesday in the match with Bosnia-Herzegovina. After the match against Finland, the Romanian team will meet, also in Bucharest, on Tuesday, the team of Montenegro and they need victories in both matches to still hope for a place in the top 2 ranking in the group.

    We now move on to volleyball. Romanias mens team will face, on Sunday, in Galaţi, the Albanian team, in the last game of group B of the Silver League competition. The Romanians are on first position in the group and are already qualified to the final four tournament of the competition, which will take place in Hungary, on 18 and 19 June. (LS)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    We start with tennis. The Romanian – American pair Monica Niculescu/Caroline Dolehide qualified on Wednesday to the quarterfinals of the doubles event of the WTA 250 tennis tournament in Nottingham, which total prizes worth 239,477 dollars. Seeded 4th, Niculescu and Dolehide performed well in the Round of 16 defeating 6-1, 6-1 the pair made up of Ukrainian Nadia Kicenok and Australian Arina Rodionova.

    We go to Valencia, which hosts a WTA 125 tournament which has prizes up for grabs worth 115,000 dollars. In this competition, the Romanian-Georgian pair Irina Begu / Ekaterine Gorgodze qualified on Wednesday to the semifinals of the doubles event after being beaten 6-0, 6-4 by the pair Diane Parry (France)/, Qinwen Zheng (China). Bara and Gorgodze are the top seeds of the competition.

    On Wednesday, in Alexandria, Romania’s national womens volleyball team defeated Hungary 3-0. This score makes the Romanian volleyball players winners of Group C of the Golden League competition and ensures their qualification to the semi-finals. In the group, Romania recorded three victories and is followed by Ukraine, with two wins, and Hungary, with only one victory. This year, the Golden League no longer organizes a Final Four tournament, so, in the semifinals, Romania will be up against another winner in thegroup. The semi-final matches will take place on June 16.

    In Skopje, Romania’s national mens volleyball team was defeated, on Wednesday, by Northern Macedonia, with the score 3-1, in a group B match of the Silver League competition. The Romanian volleyball players lost their first match after four consecutive victories, which still places them on top position in the group standings. Next comes Albania, with 3 wins, Northern Macedonia, with two wins and Bosnia-Herzegovina, with only one victory. The last matches will take place at the end of this week. On 11 June, the Bosnia-Herzegovina team will meet Northern Macedonia, then, on 12 June, Romania will face Albania. The Romanian team is already qualified to the Final Four tournament of the competition, which will take place in Hungary on June 18 and 19.

    Now news from football. Romanias football champions CFR Cluj announced on Wednesday the transfer of Croatian midfielder Karlo Muhar, currently playing for the Polish side Lech Poznan. He also played in Turkey, for Kayserispor, and in Bulgaria, for CSKA Sofia. CFR Cluj have also brought to the team, so far, the German Christopher Braun, from FC Botoşani, and Karlo Brucic, a Croatian player from the Slovenian team FC Koper. (LS)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    We start with tennis. The Romanian – American pair Monica Niculescu/Caroline Dolehide qualified on Wednesday to the quarterfinals of the doubles event of the WTA 250 tennis tournament in Nottingham, which total prizes worth 239,477 dollars. Seeded 4th, Niculescu and Dolehide performed well in the Round of 16 defeating 6-1, 6-1 the pair made up of Ukrainian Nadia Kicenok and Australian Arina Rodionova.

    We go to Valencia, which hosts a WTA 125 tournament which has prizes up for grabs worth 115,000 dollars. In this competition, the Romanian-Georgian pair Irina Begu / Ekaterine Gorgodze qualified on Wednesday to the semifinals of the doubles event after being beaten 6-0, 6-4 by the pair Diane Parry (France)/, Qinwen Zheng (China). Bara and Gorgodze are the top seeds of the competition.

    On Wednesday, in Alexandria, Romania’s national womens volleyball team defeated Hungary 3-0. This score makes the Romanian volleyball players winners of Group C of the Golden League competition and ensures their qualification to the semi-finals. In the group, Romania recorded three victories and is followed by Ukraine, with two wins, and Hungary, with only one victory. This year, the Golden League no longer organizes a Final Four tournament, so, in the semifinals, Romania will be up against another winner in thegroup. The semi-final matches will take place on June 16.

    In Skopje, Romania’s national mens volleyball team was defeated, on Wednesday, by Northern Macedonia, with the score 3-1, in a group B match of the Silver League competition. The Romanian volleyball players lost their first match after four consecutive victories, which still places them on top position in the group standings. Next comes Albania, with 3 wins, Northern Macedonia, with two wins and Bosnia-Herzegovina, with only one victory. The last matches will take place at the end of this week. On 11 June, the Bosnia-Herzegovina team will meet Northern Macedonia, then, on 12 June, Romania will face Albania. The Romanian team is already qualified to the Final Four tournament of the competition, which will take place in Hungary on June 18 and 19.

    Now news from football. Romanias football champions CFR Cluj announced on Wednesday the transfer of Croatian midfielder Karlo Muhar, currently playing for the Polish side Lech Poznan. He also played in Turkey, for Kayserispor, and in Bulgaria, for CSKA Sofia. CFR Cluj have also brought to the team, so far, the German Christopher Braun, from FC Botoşani, and Karlo Brucic, a Croatian player from the Slovenian team FC Koper. (LS)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The Romanian boxer Lăcrămioara Perijoc qualified on Wednesday to the final of the 54 kg category of the World Womens Boxing Championships in Istanbul. In the semifinal, the Romanian defeated Dina Jolaman, from Kazakhstan, score 4-1 on points. Perijoc can thus equal the performance of her coach, Mihaela Cijevschi Lăcătuş, who won Romanias first world title in womens boxing in 2005, in Podolsk, Russia. In the final scheduled for Friday, Lăcrămioara Perijoc will be up against Hatice Akbas, from Turkey. This years European youth champion in the 52 kg category, the Turkish athlete defeated Thai Preedakamon Tintabthai 5-0 in the semifinals.

    Romania lined up a team of five athletes at the start of the competition, but Steluţa Duţă, in the 48 kg category, Eugenia Anghel, in the 50 kg category Claudia Nechita, in the 57 kg category, and Alexandra Petcu, in the 81 kg category have already left the tournament. The womens world championships in Istanbul have prizes up for grabs worth 2.4 million dollars, with the gold medalist receiving 100,000 dollars, the silver medalist 50,000 dollars and the bronze medalist 25,000 dollars.

    We stay in the field of boxing and remind you that Romania will be represented by three athletes in the 2022 edition of the European Championships for seniors, which start on Monday in the Armenian capital, Yerevan. Andrei Paul Arădoaie will compete in the 86 kg category, Răzvan Cristian Filip in the 92 kg category, and Constantin Emanuel Mican in the + 92 kg category. All three come from Dinamo Bucharest and go to the European championship together with coach Dumitru Dorobanţu. The competition ends on May 31.

    Now news from tennis. In the quarterfinals of the doubles competition of the WTA 250 tennis tournament in Strasbourg, with total prizes of 200 thousand Euros, the Romanian-Ukrainian pair Raluca Olaru/Nadia Kicenok was defeated by the Czech-Indian couple Lucie Hradecka/Sania Mirza 6-3, 7-6. Also on Wednesday, Irina Bara and Mihaela Buzărnescu managed to advance to the last round of the qualifications on the main singles table of the Roland Garros Grand Slam tournament. Bara defeated 5-7, 6-4, 6-3 the French player Selena Janicijevic, and Buzărnescu defeated Swiss Susan Bandecchi, 6-3, 6-3.

    Next, news from chess. Warsaw, Poland, is hosting these days the second stage of the Grand Chess Tour 2022: Superbet Rapid & Blitz Poland. The competition has prizes worth 175 thousand dollars. Romania will be represented by the young international master David Gavrilescu, aged 17. The winner of the first prize will receive 40 thousand dollars. (LS)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The Romanian boxer Lăcrămioara Perijoc qualified on Wednesday to the final of the 54 kg category of the World Womens Boxing Championships in Istanbul. In the semifinal, the Romanian defeated Dina Jolaman, from Kazakhstan, score 4-1 on points. Perijoc can thus equal the performance of her coach, Mihaela Cijevschi Lăcătuş, who won Romanias first world title in womens boxing in 2005, in Podolsk, Russia. In the final scheduled for Friday, Lăcrămioara Perijoc will be up against Hatice Akbas, from Turkey. This years European youth champion in the 52 kg category, the Turkish athlete defeated Thai Preedakamon Tintabthai 5-0 in the semifinals.

    Romania lined up a team of five athletes at the start of the competition, but Steluţa Duţă, in the 48 kg category, Eugenia Anghel, in the 50 kg category Claudia Nechita, in the 57 kg category, and Alexandra Petcu, in the 81 kg category have already left the tournament. The womens world championships in Istanbul have prizes up for grabs worth 2.4 million dollars, with the gold medalist receiving 100,000 dollars, the silver medalist 50,000 dollars and the bronze medalist 25,000 dollars.

    We stay in the field of boxing and remind you that Romania will be represented by three athletes in the 2022 edition of the European Championships for seniors, which start on Monday in the Armenian capital, Yerevan. Andrei Paul Arădoaie will compete in the 86 kg category, Răzvan Cristian Filip in the 92 kg category, and Constantin Emanuel Mican in the + 92 kg category. All three come from Dinamo Bucharest and go to the European championship together with coach Dumitru Dorobanţu. The competition ends on May 31.

    Now news from tennis. In the quarterfinals of the doubles competition of the WTA 250 tennis tournament in Strasbourg, with total prizes of 200 thousand Euros, the Romanian-Ukrainian pair Raluca Olaru/Nadia Kicenok was defeated by the Czech-Indian couple Lucie Hradecka/Sania Mirza 6-3, 7-6. Also on Wednesday, Irina Bara and Mihaela Buzărnescu managed to advance to the last round of the qualifications on the main singles table of the Roland Garros Grand Slam tournament. Bara defeated 5-7, 6-4, 6-3 the French player Selena Janicijevic, and Buzărnescu defeated Swiss Susan Bandecchi, 6-3, 6-3.

    Next, news from chess. Warsaw, Poland, is hosting these days the second stage of the Grand Chess Tour 2022: Superbet Rapid & Blitz Poland. The competition has prizes worth 175 thousand dollars. Romania will be represented by the young international master David Gavrilescu, aged 17. The winner of the first prize will receive 40 thousand dollars. (LS)

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    Romania’s national women’s handball team has qualified for the European Championship. Cristina Neagu and her colleagues ranked on second position in the 2nd Preliminary Group, behind Denmark, but ahead of Austria and the Faroe Islands. The Romanian handballers were very nervous all the way through to the last match in the group qualifiers. One stage before the end of the preliminaries, the Romanian hanballers were level on points with Austria, a team with which they had ended in a draw, score 33 all, the first direct confrontation, in October last year. Then came a double defeat by Denmark, the best team in the group. Under these conditions, the handballers trained by coach Adrian Vasile could only boast, until last week, the two victories obtained in the matches with the Faroe Islands.

    In the decisive match with Austria, held on Sunday in Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania led the match from the very beginning. At the break, the Romanians had an advance of six goals on the table, score 19-13. After the break, the difference reached ten goals, respectively 33-23 and 37-27, with the final score being 38 to 29. Cristina Neagu was the best scorer of the Romanian team, with 12 goals. The goalkeeper Daciana Hosu also made a good impression, as she saved 10 throws, proving a 33% efficiency. Cristina Neagu was designated the best player of the last two stages of the European Championship qualifiers, according to the competition’s Facebook page. Romania has two players in the ideal team of these two stages, Cristina Neagu and the pivotwoman Crina Pintea.

    Romania has qualified to the European Women’s Handball Championship for the 13th time. So far, the Romanian handballers have missed only one edition, that of 2006. The competition will take place in November in Slovenia, Northern Macedonia and Montenegro. Romania has been assigned to pot 4 at the draw to be held on Thursday at Ljubljana Castle in the Slovenian capital. (LS)

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    Romania’s national women’s handball team has qualified for the European Championship. Cristina Neagu and her colleagues ranked on second position in the 2nd Preliminary Group, behind Denmark, but ahead of Austria and the Faroe Islands. The Romanian handballers were very nervous all the way through to the last match in the group qualifiers. One stage before the end of the preliminaries, the Romanian hanballers were level on points with Austria, a team with which they had ended in a draw, score 33 all, the first direct confrontation, in October last year. Then came a double defeat by Denmark, the best team in the group. Under these conditions, the handballers trained by coach Adrian Vasile could only boast, until last week, the two victories obtained in the matches with the Faroe Islands.

    In the decisive match with Austria, held on Sunday in Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania led the match from the very beginning. At the break, the Romanians had an advance of six goals on the table, score 19-13. After the break, the difference reached ten goals, respectively 33-23 and 37-27, with the final score being 38 to 29. Cristina Neagu was the best scorer of the Romanian team, with 12 goals. The goalkeeper Daciana Hosu also made a good impression, as she saved 10 throws, proving a 33% efficiency. Cristina Neagu was designated the best player of the last two stages of the European Championship qualifiers, according to the competition’s Facebook page. Romania has two players in the ideal team of these two stages, Cristina Neagu and the pivotwoman Crina Pintea.

    Romania has qualified to the European Women’s Handball Championship for the 13th time. So far, the Romanian handballers have missed only one edition, that of 2006. The competition will take place in November in Slovenia, Northern Macedonia and Montenegro. Romania has been assigned to pot 4 at the draw to be held on Thursday at Ljubljana Castle in the Slovenian capital. (LS)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    The championship of the first Romanian football league has been relaunched, following Sunday’s victory, with the score 1-0, of the FCSB team, in an away match against the leading team CFR Cluj. The 2nd ranked Bucharest football team is separated by only 2 points from CFR Cluj at halfway through the play-off stage of the championship. Ranking 3rd is Universitatea Craiova, 4 points behind FCSB. Also in the play-off, on Saturday, FC Argeş beat FC Voluntari 1-0 in Piteşti, and Universitatea Craiova defeated Farul Constanţa 3-0 in Ovidiu. There are 5 stages left in the playoffs.

    The fifth round also took place in the play-out. On Friday, FC Botoşani beat Chindia Târgovişte 2-1 in Ploieşti, and CS Mioveni won 2-0 at home against Dinamo Bucharest. On Saturday, in Sfântu Gheorghe, Sepsi defeated UTA Arad 1-0, and on Sunday, FC U Craiova defeated Academica of Clinceni 4-0, at home. On Monday, the last game will pit Rapid Bucharest against Gaz Metan Mediaş. In the bottom ranking of the championship, Sepsi leads with 33 points, followed by Rapid and FC Botoşani with 32 points each. On the last two places, with no chance to avoid direct relegation, are Gaz Metan, with minus 25 points, and Academica, with one point. Both teams have recently lost points for unpaid debts. Dinamo, with 13 points, can no longer avoid the playoff match for remaining in the first league. Chindia, with 22 points, CS Mioveni, with 25 points, and UTA, with 26 points, are fighting to avoid the playoff match.

    Now we pass on to tennis. Poland defeated Romania 4-0 on Saturday in Radom, in the qualifiers of the women’s team competition Billie Jean King Cup. In the first two singles matches, on Friday, Magda Linette beat Irina Begu 6-1, 4-6, 6-2, and Iga Świątek defeated Mihaela Buzărnescu 6-1, 6-0. Then, on Saturday, Iga Świątek defeated Andreea Prisăcariu 6-0, 6-0, and in the doubles, the pair Magdalena Fręch / Alicja Rosolska beat the pair Mihaela Buzărnescu / Andreea Mitu 5-7, 6-3, 10-5. Poland has qualified for the final tournament of the competition, and Romania will have a playoff match to remain in the World Group.

    We end with athletics. Kenyan-born Romanian runner Joan Chelimo won the Seoul International Marathon on Sunday, with total prizes worth about 2.4 million dollars. With a time of 2 hours, 18 minutes and 4 seconds, she broke Romania’s record in the marathon competition, held by Constantina Diţă since 2005. Joan Chelimo received Romanian citizenship on May 13, 2021 and she is a member of the Steaua Bucharest Army Sports Club. (LS)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    The championship of the first Romanian football league has been relaunched, following Sunday’s victory, with the score 1-0, of the FCSB team, in an away match against the leading team CFR Cluj. The 2nd ranked Bucharest football team is separated by only 2 points from CFR Cluj at halfway through the play-off stage of the championship. Ranking 3rd is Universitatea Craiova, 4 points behind FCSB. Also in the play-off, on Saturday, FC Argeş beat FC Voluntari 1-0 in Piteşti, and Universitatea Craiova defeated Farul Constanţa 3-0 in Ovidiu. There are 5 stages left in the playoffs.

    The fifth round also took place in the play-out. On Friday, FC Botoşani beat Chindia Târgovişte 2-1 in Ploieşti, and CS Mioveni won 2-0 at home against Dinamo Bucharest. On Saturday, in Sfântu Gheorghe, Sepsi defeated UTA Arad 1-0, and on Sunday, FC U Craiova defeated Academica of Clinceni 4-0, at home. On Monday, the last game will pit Rapid Bucharest against Gaz Metan Mediaş. In the bottom ranking of the championship, Sepsi leads with 33 points, followed by Rapid and FC Botoşani with 32 points each. On the last two places, with no chance to avoid direct relegation, are Gaz Metan, with minus 25 points, and Academica, with one point. Both teams have recently lost points for unpaid debts. Dinamo, with 13 points, can no longer avoid the playoff match for remaining in the first league. Chindia, with 22 points, CS Mioveni, with 25 points, and UTA, with 26 points, are fighting to avoid the playoff match.

    Now we pass on to tennis. Poland defeated Romania 4-0 on Saturday in Radom, in the qualifiers of the women’s team competition Billie Jean King Cup. In the first two singles matches, on Friday, Magda Linette beat Irina Begu 6-1, 4-6, 6-2, and Iga Świątek defeated Mihaela Buzărnescu 6-1, 6-0. Then, on Saturday, Iga Świątek defeated Andreea Prisăcariu 6-0, 6-0, and in the doubles, the pair Magdalena Fręch / Alicja Rosolska beat the pair Mihaela Buzărnescu / Andreea Mitu 5-7, 6-3, 10-5. Poland has qualified for the final tournament of the competition, and Romania will have a playoff match to remain in the World Group.

    We end with athletics. Kenyan-born Romanian runner Joan Chelimo won the Seoul International Marathon on Sunday, with total prizes worth about 2.4 million dollars. With a time of 2 hours, 18 minutes and 4 seconds, she broke Romania’s record in the marathon competition, held by Constantina Diţă since 2005. Joan Chelimo received Romanian citizenship on May 13, 2021 and she is a member of the Steaua Bucharest Army Sports Club. (LS)

  • Première médaille d’or pour la Roumanie aux Championnats d’Europe de luttes

    Première médaille d’or pour la Roumanie aux Championnats d’Europe de luttes

    Andreea Beatrice Ana entre dans l’histoire du sport roumain. La jeune sportive âgée de 21 ans est devenue la première Roumaine à remporter le trophée européen suite à sa victoire dans la finale de la catégorie des 55 kilos, aux Championnats européens de lutte de Budapest. Dans une confrontation difficile pour décrocher l’or, Ana a battu l’Ukrainienne Oleksandra Homenets (18 ans). La Roumaine a terminé la première mi-temps sur le score de 1 à 0, le front ensanglanté. Mais la partie a été décidée dans la deuxième mi-temps. Andreea a dominé juste après la pause portant le score à 3 – 0, puis son adversaire est revenue portant le score à 5 – 3. Mais voilà que quelques secondes avant la fin, Ana a tout risqué et a bloqué son adversaire le dos au tapis pour remporter quatre points. A la fin de la partie, Andreea Beatrice Ana est montée sur les épaules de son coach, Mihai Stroia, qui lui a offert le drapeau tricolore pour faire un tour de la salle.

    Selon une annonce du Comité Olympique et sportif roumain, le palmarès d’Andreea Beatrice Ana est déjà riche. Ana est championne du monde et d’Europe des moins de 23 ans et elle a décroché aussi quatre médailles des juniors. L’année dernière, elle a également participé aux JO de Tokyo. Née à Mangalia, ville du sud-est de la Roumanie, où elle a commencé à pratiquer ce sport, Andreea est actuellement inscrite au club sportif CSA Steaua et compte parmi les sportives qui rêvent d’évoluer aux JO de Paris en 2024.

    Par ailleurs, la médaille d’or qu’Andrea Ana vient de remporter n’est pas l’unique réussite de la Roumanie aux Championnats d’Europe de luttes à Budapest. Notre compatriote Alina Vuc (28 ans) a décroché le bronze à la catégorie des 50 kilos. La Roumaine a vite oublié la déception vécue en demi-finale pour affronter son adversaire, Lisa Ersel, avec beaucoup de courage, l’ayant vaincu en moins de 2 minutes sur le score de 4 – 0. Alina rentre de Budapest après être montée de nouveau sur le podium européen. C’est la quatrième médaille européenne de sa carrière, le deuxième bronze, après celui de Novi Sad, en Serbie, en 2017 et les médailles d’argent de 2016 et 2018.

    Précisons aussi que plusieurs sportifs roumains ont remporté des médailles aux championnats d’Europe de luttes libres ces derniers temps. Il y a deux semaines, aux championnats des moins de 23 ans, à Plovdiv, en Bulgarie, la délégation de Roumanie a remporté cinq médailles dont une d’or, trois d’argent et une de bronze. « Ces médailles constituent une excellente motivation pour les petits, les juniors et les cadets, mais aussi pour les séniors. Un trophée continental oblige les autres à essayer de faire de leur mieux dans toute autre compétition », a dit le président de la Fédération roumaine de luttes, Răzvan Pîrcălabu. Selon lui, ces résultats marquent un nouveau début pour les luttes libres en Roumanie. (Mihai)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    We start with football. Coach Edward Iordănescu started with a defeat at the helm of the Romanian national football team. On Friday, in Bucharest, the Romanian footballers were defeated 1 – 0 by the Greek national team, in a friendly match. The only goal of the match was scored by Andreas Bouchalakis, in the 39th minute. Playing for the first time for the national eleven were Octavian Popescu, from FCSB, and Radu Drăguşin, who is under a contract with Juventus Turin and was borrowed by Salernitana.

    The campaign to prepare for the League of Nations matches continues on Tuesday, with a friendly match with the Israeli team, scheduled for Netanya. Two of the main members of the Romanian team, Alexandru Maxim and Mario Camora, will miss this game, as announced on Sunday by the Romanian Football Federation. Maxim was severely affected by a respiratory virus infection, and Camora suffered from muscle problems. The two join four other footballers, namely Răzvan Marin, Alexandru Mitriţă, Deian Sorescu and Florin Tănase, who left the training program and isolated themselves, after having tested positive for Covid-19 the day following the match with Greece.

    Now news from tennis. Romania was left without representatives at the WTA 1000 tennis tournament in Miami, with prizes up for grabs worth 8,300,000 dollars. The last Romanian in the competition, Irina Begu, was defeated, in the third round, by the Belarusian Aleksandra Sasnovici, with 7-5, 6-7, 6-4, on Saturday, after three hours of play. In the second round, Begu had passed the main favorite of the tournament, Arina Sabalenka, also from Belarus.

    Let’s move on to women’s handball. Minaur Baia Mare has taken a big step towards the semifinals of the European League. On Saturday, the Maramures team defeated, at home, in the first round of the quarterfinals, the Norwegian team Sola, 40 to 32. The second round will be played on Sunday, in Stavanger. In the previous edition, Minaur hosted the tournament, which included the semifinals and the final of the competition, ranking 3rd. In another game from the first leg of the quarterfinals, played on Sunday, SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea was defeated, at home, by the Danish team Herning – Ikaast with the score 39-33. The return game will take place on Saturday in Denmark.

    Romania’s national rally champion, Simone Tempestini, was ranked 4th on Sunday in the Azores Rally, the second stage of the European Rally Championship. According to the Romanian Motor Sports Federation, Tempestini achieved Romania’s best result in the modern era of the European Rally Championship. (LS)

    And that was all from Sports roundup, you can also find this sports item on the Internet, on RRIs webpage and Facebook profile.