• Le club de football Rapid de Bucarest

    Le club de football Rapid de Bucarest

    Rapid Bucarest est sans doute le
    club de football de première division qui peut se targuer d’une existence aussi longue
    que riche. Fondé il y a cent ans, en 1923, le club a longtemps joui d’une notoriété
    sans pareil, due autant à ses origines populaires, ouvrières, qu’au fait d’avoir
    survécu à l’arrivée des communistes au pouvoir, en 1945, lorsque bon nombre de
    clubs de tradition sont passés à la trappe. Mieux encore,
    cette équipe populaire a peu bénéficié des faveurs du régime honni, la famille
    Ceausescu et les caciques du régime privilégiant plus volontiers les clubs de Steaua
    ou de Dinamo de Bucarest, les deux fondés après 1945, et qui se trouvaient dans
    le giron du ministère de la Défense, respectivement de l’Intérieur. Pourtant,
    dans ses cent années d’existence, le Club de foot Rapid de Bucarest est malgré
    tout, parvenu à remporter à 3 reprises le championnat, 13 fois la Coupe de
    Roumanie, et 4 fois le Trophée des champions. Au plan international, il est arrivé dans les quarts de finale de la coupe UEFA de la saison 2005-2006,
    remportant à 2 reprises la Coupe des Balkans des clubs.

    du club démarre en 1923, lorsque les cheminots bucarestois des Ateliers Grivita
    parviennent à convaincre le patronat de subventionner la création d’une équipe
    de foot. L’historien Pompiliu Constantin, auteur de l’ouvrage « Rapid și
    rapidismul », soit « Le club de foot Rapid et ses supporters » en traduction
    française, parle de cette double naissance du club : le 11 et le 25 juin 1923,
    selon les sources. Quoi qu’il en soit, le mois de juin de l’année 1923 allait
    voir la naissance de CFR Bucarest, un club de foot qui sera aimé, adoré, porté
    aux nues par des générations d’habitants du quartier populaire de Giulești, par
    des générations de cheminots, avec leurs gosses. Au milieu des années 1930, le CFR
    Bucarest change de titulature pour devenir le club de foot Rapid, qui adopte
    du coup sa bannière blanc-bordeaux. Le club établit d’abord ses quartiers en
    louant le stade d’ONEF, avant d’avoir, à partir de 1936 son propre stade, érigé
    dans son quartier d’élection, le quartier Giulesti, de Bucarest. Sous la
    pression des communistes, le club change à nouveau de nom en 1944, pour
    redevenir « le CFR club », ensuite « La Locomotive », avant
    de recouvrir la titulature qui l’avait consacrée, FC Rapid, en 1958.

    club de tradition certes, mais aussi un club extrêmement populaire. Sur les
    raisons de cet amour qui a défié le temps se penche l’historien Pompiliu
    Constantin :

    « La
    fin des années 30 marque la fin de certains club nés dans la période de l’entre deux guerres
    : Carmen, Macabi, Venus. Dans
    ce contexte, bon nombre de leurs supporters deviennent des inconditionnels du
    FC Rapid. Et la popularité du club ne fait que monter. Des articles sportifs des
    années 50 estimaient à près d’un million le nombre de ses supporters. Pourtant,
    dans la période de l’entre-deux-guerres, d’autres équipes, telles Venus et
    Ripensia étaient plébiscitées par les amateurs du ballon rond. Mais les choses
    changent avec la guerre et avec l’arrivée des communistes au pouvoi
    r ».

    après 1945 le FC Rapid devient la coqueluche des classes populaires amatrice du
    jeu au ballon rond. Pompiliu Constantin :

    « A
    ce moment, le FC Rapid devient le chouchou incontesté du public, sans aucun
    doute. Le régime communiste avait besoin de cette vitrine du sport de masses, issue
    du monde ouvrier, de cet ouvrier vaillant, sportif, optimiste et efficace.
    Certains caciques du régime communiste des années 50 soutiennent ouvertement le
    club. Bien que cheminot à l’origine, le secrétaire-général du parti, Gheorghe
    Gheorghiu-Dej, s’était tenu à l’écart des passions du stade. Mais d’autres
    pontes du régime, tel Gheorghe Apostol, deviennent des inconditionnels de l’équipe
    de Giulesti, jusqu’à essayer de contourner le règlement, et tenter de maintenir
    l’équipe lorsqu’elle rétrograde en seconde division parce que… trop populaire.
    Le piston politique ne suffira pas pour lui faire éviter la déchéance, une
    déchéance brève pourtant, car elle revient la saison suivante en Ligue 1. »

    Les rivaux
    d’autrefois, tels les clubs de foot le Venus et le Progrès de Bucarest, le Ripensia
    de Timișoara, ou encore le FC Petrolul de Ploiești se débattaient dans l’anonymat.
    Les nouvelles étoiles montantes du régime, la Steaua de Bucarest et le Dinamo
    de la même ville, finissent pourtant par avoir raison de la vieille dame du
    quartier Giulesti. Ces nouvelles venues, fer de lance de l’identité répressive
    du régime, car porte-drapeaux sportifs des ministères communistes de la Défense
    et de l’Intérieur, peinent à faire l’unanimité au sein des amoureux du ballon
    rond. Les tribunes du stade de Giulesti tonnent parfois, au grand dam de la
    Securitate, la police politique du régime, des slogans anti-communistes. Pompiliu
    Constantin croit pourtant qu’il ne s’agissait pas tant d’un anti-communisme viscéral
    des supporters rapidistes, mais plutôt des manifestations de joie ou de dépit
    conjoncturelles, au gré des victoires et des défaites de FC Rapid contre les
    équipes de Steaua ou de Dinamo. Pompiliu Constantin :

    « Cette
    période est marquée par l’apparition d’un esprit de corps des tifosis de Rapid,
    agencés autour du rejet du système. Les performances de l’équipe n’étaient plus
    au rendez-vous, elle était souvent reléguée dans les bas-fonds du classement en
    Ligue 1, parfois en National 2. Les tifosis mettent la mauvaise performance de
    leurs préférés sur le compte des magouilles dirigées dans les sphères raréfiées
    du pouvoir communiste. Et en réalité, ce n’est pas tout à fait faux. Beaucoup
    de matchs sont décidés par les caciques du régime, par la famille Ceausescu,
    derrière les portes fermées. Cela, les supporters l’apprennent d’une manière ou
    d’une autre. Et de là jusqu’aux slogans anticommunistes que l’on pouvait
    entendre de manière récurrente dans les tribunes du stade dans les années 80, notamment
    lors des matchs contre les équipes de Steaua ou de Dinamo, il n’y avait qu’un
    . »

    cent ans depuis sa création, le football club Rapid de Bucarest caracole encore
    vers le podium de la première division et semble regarder l’avenir avec sérénité. (Trad
    Ionut Jugureanu)

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    The ninth leg of Romanias National ice hockey championship on Friday will see the matches pitching SC Miercurea Ciuc against Háromszéki Ágyúsok and Sportul studențesc against ACSH Gheorgheni. The return games are due on Saturday. CSM Galati ranks first in the standings with 19 points followed by Háromszéki with 15, Gheorgheni with 14 points and SC Miercurea Ciuc with 9 points.

    Romanias national rugby side will be playing a test match against Uruguay in Bucharest on Sunday. A week ago, the Romanian fifteen obtained a 30-23 win against Chile on the same stadium in Bucharest. Romania relies on a line-up of 33 rugby players coached by English Andy Robinson. They come from four sides in the domestic championships such as Steaua and Dinamo Bucharest, SCM Timisoara, CSM Baia Mare and from five French sides and an Italian one.

    Romania played its last two matches against Uruguay in Montevideo in July 2022. Our players won the first match 30-22, but lost the second 26-20. On Saturday, on the same Triumphal Arch stadium in Bucharest, the national side of Tonga will be up against Chile, in a game part of their European tour.

    On Friday in the 18th leg of the Romanian football Championships, OSK Sfântu Gheorghe takes on Petrolul Ploiești. On Saturday, Chindia Târgoviște plays Farul Constanța while Rapid Bucharest is up against CS Universitatea Craiova. Three games have been scheduled for Sunday, when UTA Arad plays FC Voluntari, CS Mioveni takes on CFR Cluj and FC Universitatea Craiova is up against FCSB. On Monday Universitatea Cluj plays FC Argeș and FC Botoșani takes on FC Hermannstadt. Farul Constanța ranks first in the standings with 40 points followed by Rapid București with 32 and CFR Cluj with 31.


  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    The ninth leg of Romanias National ice hockey championship on Friday will see the matches pitching SC Miercurea Ciuc against Háromszéki Ágyúsok and Sportul studențesc against ACSH Gheorgheni. The return games are due on Saturday. CSM Galati ranks first in the standings with 19 points followed by Háromszéki with 15, Gheorgheni with 14 points and SC Miercurea Ciuc with 9 points.

    Romanias national rugby side will be playing a test match against Uruguay in Bucharest on Sunday. A week ago, the Romanian fifteen obtained a 30-23 win against Chile on the same stadium in Bucharest. Romania relies on a line-up of 33 rugby players coached by English Andy Robinson. They come from four sides in the domestic championships such as Steaua and Dinamo Bucharest, SCM Timisoara, CSM Baia Mare and from five French sides and an Italian one.

    Romania played its last two matches against Uruguay in Montevideo in July 2022. Our players won the first match 30-22, but lost the second 26-20. On Saturday, on the same Triumphal Arch stadium in Bucharest, the national side of Tonga will be up against Chile, in a game part of their European tour.

    On Friday in the 18th leg of the Romanian football Championships, OSK Sfântu Gheorghe takes on Petrolul Ploiești. On Saturday, Chindia Târgoviște plays Farul Constanța while Rapid Bucharest is up against CS Universitatea Craiova. Three games have been scheduled for Sunday, when UTA Arad plays FC Voluntari, CS Mioveni takes on CFR Cluj and FC Universitatea Craiova is up against FCSB. On Monday Universitatea Cluj plays FC Argeș and FC Botoșani takes on FC Hermannstadt. Farul Constanța ranks first in the standings with 40 points followed by Rapid București with 32 and CFR Cluj with 31.


  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The odds-on favourite Romanian tennis player Sorana Cirstea has been surprisingly elimnated in the first round of the Tiriac Foundation Trophy in Bucharest. The Romanian conceded defeat to Simona Waltert of Switzerland, who obtained a 6-3, 6-3 win in one hour and 29 minutes.

    Ţiriac Foundation Trophy is a WTA 125 tournament staged by the Romanian Tennis Federation with support from the Ţiriac Foundation. The organizers are offering total prizes of 115,000 dolars and 160 WTA points to the winner.

    The 11th leg of the First Romanian Football League had its last two games on Monday.

    On their own turf, CS Mioveni lost nil-one to Universitatea Cluj, while FCSB drew their game one-all against FC Voluntari. Farul takes the lead in the standings with 21 points followed by Rapid Bucharest also with 21 and FC Hermannstadt with 19 points.

    The second-league game pitching Dinamo Bucharest against Steaua, which was considered Romanias derby ended 2-1 to Steaua.

    On Saturday night, during the Ivan Patzaichin Festival, Romanian canoe champion Cătălin Chirilă was designated honorary citizen of the city of Tulcea. In August, Chirila became world champion in Darthmouth, Canada, and European champion in Munich, in the 1000 meter single canoe race.

    Chirilă has dedicated the title he won to the multiple Olympic champion Ivan Patzaichin motivating: “I remember the emotions I felt while rowing with him on the same canal. I felt like I was going back in time as the canal was unchanged so I felt that this medal should be dedicated to him. “


  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The odds-on favourite Romanian tennis player Sorana Cirstea has been surprisingly elimnated in the first round of the Tiriac Foundation Trophy in Bucharest. The Romanian conceded defeat to Simona Waltert of Switzerland, who obtained a 6-3, 6-3 win in one hour and 29 minutes.

    Ţiriac Foundation Trophy is a WTA 125 tournament staged by the Romanian Tennis Federation with support from the Ţiriac Foundation. The organizers are offering total prizes of 115,000 dolars and 160 WTA points to the winner.

    The 11th leg of the First Romanian Football League had its last two games on Monday.

    On their own turf, CS Mioveni lost nil-one to Universitatea Cluj, while FCSB drew their game one-all against FC Voluntari. Farul takes the lead in the standings with 21 points followed by Rapid Bucharest also with 21 and FC Hermannstadt with 19 points.

    The second-league game pitching Dinamo Bucharest against Steaua, which was considered Romanias derby ended 2-1 to Steaua.

    On Saturday night, during the Ivan Patzaichin Festival, Romanian canoe champion Cătălin Chirilă was designated honorary citizen of the city of Tulcea. In August, Chirila became world champion in Darthmouth, Canada, and European champion in Munich, in the 1000 meter single canoe race.

    Chirilă has dedicated the title he won to the multiple Olympic champion Ivan Patzaichin motivating: “I remember the emotions I felt while rowing with him on the same canal. I felt like I was going back in time as the canal was unchanged so I felt that this medal should be dedicated to him. “


  • Sport: u.a. – CFR feiert fünften Meistertitel in Folge

    Sport: u.a. – CFR feiert fünften Meistertitel in Folge

    Die Fußballmannschaft des CFR Klausenburg ist zum fünften Mal in Folge und zum achten Mal in der Vereinsgeschichte rumänischer Meister geworden. Einen Spieltag vor Saisonende sicherte sich das Team den Titel, nach dem 2:1-Sieg im Playoff zu Hause gegen Universitatea Craiova. Klausenburgs größter Rivale, der FCSB aus Bukarest, leistete sich am Samstag beim 2:2 gegen den FC Voluntari den entscheidenden Fehltritt. Ebenfalls in den Play-offs schlug Farul Constanța am Samstag in Ovidiu den FC Argeș mit 1:0.

    Im Play-Out fand am vergangenen Wochenende indes der letzte Spieltag statt. Am Freitag gewann Chindia Târgoviște in Ploiești mit 3:0 gegen Gaz Metan Mediasch, während in Bukarest Dinamo und UTA Arad sich 1:1 trennten. Montag werden die letzten drei Begegnungen ausgetragen: FC U Craiova gegen Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe, Academica Clinceni gegen den FC Botoșani und CS Mioveni gegen Rapid Bukarest. Die beiden Schlusslichter, Gaz Metan (16. Platz) und Academica (15. Platz), sind bereits direkt in die zweite Liga abgestiegen. Ihre Plätze werden ab dem Herbst von Petrolul Ploiești und dem FC Hermannstadt eingenommen.

    Die Mannschaften auf den Plätzen 14. und 13., Dinamo und Chindia, werden in Relegationsspielen um den Verbleib in der ersten Liga kämpfen. Die Mannschaft aus Bukarest trifft dabei auf Universitatea Klausenburg, den Drittplatzierten der zweiten Liga, und Chindia auf Concordia Chiajna, den Fünftplatzierten. Die Mannschaft aus Târgoviște hätte gegen den CSA Steaua Bukarest, den Viertplatzierten, antreten müssen – aber die Bukarester Mannschaft, die der Armee angehört, ist nicht berechtigt, in der ersten Liga zu spielen, da sie nicht den gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Profistatus hat.

    Der französische Schachspieler Maxime Vachier-Lagrave hat am Samstag die diesjährige Ausgabe des Superbet Chess Classic Romania gewonnen. Das Turnier war die erste Etappe der Grand Chess Tour 2022 und wurde in Bukarest bestritten. Vachier-Lagrave belegte mit 5,5 Punkten den ersten Platz in der Endwertung und wurde für seinen Sieg mit einem Scheck über gut 77.000 Dollar belohnt. Auf das Siegertreppchen stiegen ferner zwei US-Amerikaner, Wesley So und Levon Aronian, mit ebenfalls 5,5 Punkten. Der derzeit beste rumänische Schachspieler, Bogdan Deac, der an 59. Stelle der Weltrangliste steht, belegte mit 4,5 Punkten den vierten Platz, punktgleich mit den Amerikanern Fabiano Caruana und Leinier Dominguez Perez.

    Weiter geht es mit Handball. Das Frauenteam von Minaur Baia Mare hat beim Finalturnier der EHF European League in Viborg, Dänemark, den 4. und damit letzten Platz belegt. Die deutsche Mannschaft aus Bietigheim gewann das Finale mit 31:20 gegen den Gastgeber aus Viborg. Im kleinen Finale unterlag Minaur dem dänischen Team Herning-Ikast mit 28:29 nach 7-Meter-Werfen. In den ersten Spielen am Samstag hatte Minaur gegen Viborg mit 24:28 den Kürzeren gezogen und Bietigheim hatte sich mit 34:33 gegen Herning-Ikast durchgesetzt.

    Im Männerhandball hat Dinamo Bukarest den rumänischen Pokal auf dramatische Weise gewonnen, nachdem es seinen großen Rivalen Steaua Bukarest am Sonntag im Finale in Constanța mit 24:23 besiegt hatte. Dinamo gewann den siebten Pokal der Vereinsgeschichte und den dritten in Folge. In der vergangenen Woche hatte das Team von Xavi Pascual außerdem den Gewinn seines 18. Meistertitels. feiern dürfen.

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The Romanian forward Denis Drăguş scored for his team, Standard Liège, in the 24th leg of Belgiums top football league. His club defeated Eupen 2-0 away from home on Wednesday night. In the current season, in the 17 matches played for the Walloon side, Drăguş has scored 5 times.

    The football side Dinamo Bucharest was defeated on Wednesday in a friendly match by 3rd-leaguer CS Popeşti-Leordeni, 2-1. The game was played on Dinamos turf. This is also where this coming Sunday Dinamo will play the derby match of the Romanian football championship against FCSB, formerly Steaua Bucharest. According to mass media, this will be the last derby match on Dinamo stadium, which is scheduled to be bulldozed this spring to be replaced by a modern arena. Dinamo stadium was built in 1951 and is owned by the Romanian Interior Ministry.

    In another derby, in mens volleyball this time, Steaua won with flying colours, 3-0, against Dinamo Bucharest in the 14th leg of the national Division A1. Defending champions Arcada Galaţi scored an equally clear victory, 3-0, against Rapid Bucharest. Arcada top the current standings with 39 points, followed by Steaua, with 35. SCM U Craiova went up to the 3rd place with 34 points after beating U Cluj 3-0, and 4th come Dinamo, with 33 points.

    The Romanian tennis player Ana Bogdan qualified in the round of 16 of the ITF tournament in Andrezieux-Boutheon, France, with 60,000 USD in total prize money. In the first round, on Wednesday, she defeated Leolia Jeanjean of France, 6-3, 6-3. Bogdan, 116 WTA and seed no 3, needed 1 hour and 33 minutes to defeat an opponent ranking 373 in the world standings. Last year in the Andrezieux-Boutheon tournament, the Romanian player Jaqueline Cristian reached the final. (A.M.P.)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The Romanian forward Denis Drăguş scored for his team, Standard Liège, in the 24th leg of Belgiums top football league. His club defeated Eupen 2-0 away from home on Wednesday night. In the current season, in the 17 matches played for the Walloon side, Drăguş has scored 5 times.

    The football side Dinamo Bucharest was defeated on Wednesday in a friendly match by 3rd-leaguer CS Popeşti-Leordeni, 2-1. The game was played on Dinamos turf. This is also where this coming Sunday Dinamo will play the derby match of the Romanian football championship against FCSB, formerly Steaua Bucharest. According to mass media, this will be the last derby match on Dinamo stadium, which is scheduled to be bulldozed this spring to be replaced by a modern arena. Dinamo stadium was built in 1951 and is owned by the Romanian Interior Ministry.

    In another derby, in mens volleyball this time, Steaua won with flying colours, 3-0, against Dinamo Bucharest in the 14th leg of the national Division A1. Defending champions Arcada Galaţi scored an equally clear victory, 3-0, against Rapid Bucharest. Arcada top the current standings with 39 points, followed by Steaua, with 35. SCM U Craiova went up to the 3rd place with 34 points after beating U Cluj 3-0, and 4th come Dinamo, with 33 points.

    The Romanian tennis player Ana Bogdan qualified in the round of 16 of the ITF tournament in Andrezieux-Boutheon, France, with 60,000 USD in total prize money. In the first round, on Wednesday, she defeated Leolia Jeanjean of France, 6-3, 6-3. Bogdan, 116 WTA and seed no 3, needed 1 hour and 33 minutes to defeat an opponent ranking 373 in the world standings. Last year in the Andrezieux-Boutheon tournament, the Romanian player Jaqueline Cristian reached the final. (A.M.P.)

  • Olympia-Perspektiven: Kanurennsport

    Olympia-Perspektiven: Kanurennsport

    Der Wassersport hat den rumänischen Olympia-Teilnehmern im Laufe der Jahre wichtige Erfolge gebracht. Über die Siege im Rudern haben wir in unseren letzten Sendungen umfassend gesprochen. Heute werfen wir einen Blick auf die rumänischen Olympia-Aussichten im Kanurennsport.

    Bei den Olympischen Spielen gewannen die rumänischen Vertreter in den Kanuwettbewerben insgesamt 10 Gold-, 10 Silber- und 14 Bronzemedaillen. Die meisten Siege errangen die Canadier-Zweier-Mannschaften über 1000 Meter mit 5 Goldmedaillen. Im Jahr 1956 in Melbourne hießen die Sieger Dumitru Alexe und Simion Ismailciuc. Zwölf Jahre später, in Mexiko, triumphierten Ivan Patzaichin und Serghei Covaliov. Patzaichin gewann auch 1980 in Moskau und 1984 in Los Angeles mit Toma Simionov Gold im Zweier-Canadier. Der letzte Olympiasieg einer rumänischen Mannschaft stammt aus dem Jahr 2000 in Sydney, als Florin Popescu und Mitică Pricop gewannen.

    Die Canadier-Zweier über die 1000 Meter-Distanz ist derzeit das einzige rumänische Boot, das sich für die Olympischen Spiele in Tokio qualifiziert hat. Die Kanuten, die die Qualifikation geschafft haben, sind Cătălin Chirilă und Victor Mihalachi, nach ihrem fünften Platz im Finale der Weltmeisterschaft 2019 in Stuttgart. Obwohl ihnen ein Platz im Boot, das in Japan an den Start gehen wird, nicht garantiert ist und sie je nach aktueller sportlicher Form ausgewechselt werden können, sind Chirilă und Mihalachi die Hauptfavoriten für die Auswahl.

    Victor Mihalachi ist derzeit der erfahrenste Sportler in Rumäniens Kanurennsport-Kader. Er stammt aus der benachbarten Moldau. Mihalachi wurde am 24. Februar 1989 in Florițoaia Veche geboren und absolvierte seine ersten internationalen Auftritte als Junior für die Republik Moldau. Im Jahr 2007 wurde er in Brünn an der Seite von Hariton Ivanov Juniorenweltmeister auf der 500 Meter-Strecke. Im Jahr 2009 erhielt er die rumänische Staatsbürgerschaft. Seitdem hat Mihalachi vier Welt- und vier Europameistertitel gewonnen, dazu viele weitere Medaillen bei den Top-Rennen im Canadier-Zweier, auf den Distanzen 500 Meter und 1000 Meter. Er ist Vereinsmitglied von Dinamo Bukarest.

    Cătălin Chirilă ist Mitglied bei Steaua Bukarest. Er wurde am 11. Mai 1998 in Tulcea geboren. Die erste große Leistung seiner Karriere bei den Senioren erzielte er bei den Europaspielen 2019 in Minsk, wo er ebenfalls mit Victor Mihalachi Gold im Canadier-Zweier über 1.000 Meter holte.

  • May 7, 2020

    May 7, 2020

    COVID-19 Another 12 people died in Romania from the novel coronavirus, taking the death toll to 876, the Strategic Communication Group announced on Thursday. One of the victims is a Bulgarian truck driver, the first foreign citizen to die from COVID-19 in Romania. The total number of confirmed cases is drawing close to 14,500, of whom over 6,100 have recovered. Another 2,419 Romanian citizens living abroad have tested positive for the virus, most of them in Italy and Spain. Since the start of the pandemic, 96 Romanians living abroad have died, many of them in the UK. Meanwhile, the Romanian interior minister Marcel Vela announced, in a video posted on social media, that after May 15, when the state of emergency ends, people will be allowed to travel outside their home locality or county. Prosecutor General Gabriela Scutea said the Romanian justice system will be facing a huge wave of complaints filed by the people who received fines for breaching the military orders issued in the context of the pandemic. On Wednesday the Constitutional Court ruled that the fines were unconstitutional. As many as 300,000 people received fines totalling around 120 million euros.

    PANDEMIC We are running the risk of returning to lockdowns if restrictions are lifted too soon, warned the head of the World Health Organisation, Tedros Ghebreyesus, insisting that the lifting should be gradual, special attention should be paid to serious cases and that the healthcare system must be prepared. At present the total number of COVID-19 cases worldwide is nearing 3.8 million, with the death toll exceeding 265,000, and with 1.3 million patients having recovered, according to Worldometer. The worst hit country in the world is the USA, where over 2,000 deaths were once again reported in 24 hours, taking the total number of deaths to 75,000. The US president Donald Trump said the coronavirus has been a worse attack on the US than Pearl Harbour and 9/11. In Europe, the UK reports over 30,000 deaths and is the worst hit country on the continent, followed by Italy, Spain and France. Spains parliament extended the state of emergency by another 2 weeks, starting on Sunday.

    AID Today, a convoy of 20 trucks full of medical equipment as part of aid provided by Romania to the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, to help it fight the Covid-19 epidemic, is reaching its destination. The convoy is accompanied by an official delegation including the health minister Nelu Tătaru, the head of the Emergency Situations Department Raed Arafat, and the secretary of state on relations with the Republic of Moldova Ana Guţu. Last week, the government in Bucharest decided to grant Moldova humanitarian aid worth 16.5 million lei in the form of medical equipment and medicines. Romania has also sent a team of 52 doctors and nurses who will be working in hospitals in Moldova treating patients infected with the novel coronavirus.

    EU – Western Balkans The EU is experiencing a crisis, but it will not forsake its strategic goals and its closest partners, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis attending a video conference of EU and Western Balkans leaders. According to the Presidency, Iohannis welcomed the strategic decisions taken by the EU in March 2020 with respect to furthering the enlargement process, by initiating accession negotiations with Albania and the Republic of North Macedonia. The Romanian official also pleaded for a strengthened partnership with the Western Balkans, as the best response to the ongoing crisis, and as a means of consolidating fundamental values and democratic principles. Participants in the summit adopted the Zagreb Declaration, concerning, among others, an economic aid package granted by the EU to support Western Balkans states in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic and in post-crisis recovery. This includes immediate aid in the healthcare sector, particularly through delivering medical equipment, as well as a 750 million euro package of Macro-Financial Assistance and a 1.7 billion euro package of assistance from the European Investment Bank.

    SPORTS Romanian football celebrates today 34 years since the Bucharest club Steaua won the European Cup final. On May 7, 1986, in Seville, Spain, the team comprising Romanian footballers exclusively defeated the famous FC Barcelona in the final, in a penalty shoot-out. Steauas goalkeeper, Helmuth Duckadam, saved all the 4 spot-kicks by the Spanish opponents. In February 1987, in Monte Carlo, Steaua also won the European Super Cup, outplaying the Soviet side Dinamo Kyiv 1-0. Two of the participants in this unique performance in Romanian football, midfielder Lucian Bălan and defender Ilie Bărbulescu, died in recent years.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • The Year 2019 in Sports  (I)

    The Year 2019 in Sports (I)

    2019 was a pre-Olympic year marked by
    competitions meant to ensure tickets for the Olympic Games in Japan. Although
    2019 wasn’t a good year in term of performances obtained by the Romanian
    athletes, there were several performances, which are worth mentioning. Let’s
    have a look at the main sporting events of the first half of 2019.

    The month of January saw a fresh
    edition of Australian Open where the best Romanian player in the competition, Simona
    Halep, was eliminated by Serena Williams in the round of 16. The US challenger
    won the match 6-1, 4-6, 6-4.

    At the European Fencing Cup in
    Italy Romania was represented by the team of the Army’s Sports Club Steaua
    Bucharest made up of Ana-Maria Popescu, Alexandra Predescu, Greta Veres and
    Raluca Sbarcia, who obtained the bronze medals.

    In February, a pair made up of
    Irina Begu and Monica Niculescu won the doubles of the WTA tennis tournament in
    Hua Hin, Thailand, a competition with 250 thousand dollars in prize money. The
    Romanians outperformed in the finals the Russian-Chinese pair Ana Blinkova /
    Yafan Wang 2-6, 6-1 and 12-10 in super tie-break. That was the second WTA title
    won by Begu and Niculescu after the one in Hobart in 2012. In February Simona
    Helep made it to the finals of the tennis tournament in Doha where she lost to
    Belgian challenger Elise Mertens in three sets 3-6, 6-4, 6-3.

    Alina Rotaru obtained the best
    result for the Romanian delegation at the European indoor athletics
    championship held in Glasgow, the fifth position in the ranking of the long
    jump event with 6 meters and 64 centimeters.

    Ana Maria Popescu won the Epee
    Grand Prix in Budapest after defeating Young Mi Kang of South Korea in the

    Shooters from Romania obtained two
    medals at the European Championship 10 m held in Croatia. Laura Coman reaped
    gold in the rifle event and the Romanian women’s team came third in the same
    event of the aforementioned competition.

    Weight-lifters from Romania
    obtained excellent results in the European Weightlifting Championship held in
    Batumi, Georgia. Athletes from our country walked away with 14 medals out of
    which 6 were gold. The gold medalists were Elena Andries and Loredana Toma in
    the 49 and 64 kilograms categories.

    At the European Wrestling
    Championships in Bucharest, Romania obtained four medals. In the women’s
    contest, Kriszta Incze won silver in the 65 kilogram category while Andreea
    Beatrice Ana obtained bronze in the 55 kilograms. In the men’s contest, the
    Greco-Roman style, FlorinTita of Romania walked away with silver in the 55
    kilogram category while Alin Alexuc Ciurariu reaped bronze in the 130

    The Romanian delegation walked away
    with no medals from the European Gymnastics Championships held in the Polish
    city of Szczecin in April.

    The Romanian women’s tennis side
    lost to France in Rouen 2-3. Halep scored for Romania in the matches against Kristina
    Mladenovic and Caroline Garcia. The decisive match was the doubles when Halep
    and Niculescu lost to Garcia and Mladenovic.

    Horia Tecau and Jean Julien Rojer won
    the double contest of the ATP Masters 1000 in Madrid. The Romanian-Dutch pair
    defeated Argentinean Diego Schwartzman and Austrian Dominic Thiem, 6-4, 6-3. In
    the single contest, Simona Halep of Romania made it to the finals where she conceded
    defeat to Kiki Bertens of the Netherlands 6-4, 6-4. Romania’s handball side CSM Bucharest won the
    Challenge Cup in May after a 22-all away draw and 26-20 home win.

    CFR Cluj won the domestic football
    championship while Viitorul Constanta walked away with Romania’s Cup after a
    2-1 win against Astra Giurgiu in the finals.

    Rowers from Romania walked away
    with 6 medals from the European Rowing Championships in Lucerne, Switzerland.
    Romania’s teams of eight ended on the first position and kept their continental
    title while silver went to our men’s, women’s pairs and our women’s four.
    Romania came third in the men’s double sculls.

    Minsk in Belarus hosted the
    European Games where Romania obtained two gold medals, three silver and five
    bronze. The gold medalists were Laura Georgeta Coman in the ten meter rifle,
    and the Romanian pair made up of Catalin Chirila and Victor Mihalachi in the
    1000 meter race. Dacian Barna and Andreea Bogati reaped silver in the aerobic
    gymnastics mixed event and so did Ovidiu Ionescu and Bernadette Szocs in the
    mixed doubles of the table tennis contest.

    A Romanian women’s team made up of
    Bernadette Szocs, Elisabeta Samara and Daniela Dodean walked away with silver
    from the team’s contest. Sambo wrestlers Daniela Poroineanu, Anda Mihaela
    Valvoi, Alina Petronela Paunescu ended on the third position in the standings.
    Also bronze went to Romania’s aerobic gymnasts in the group contest. Krista
    Incze won bronze in the wrestling contest of the 62 kilogram category

    (translated by bill)

  • 02.08.019


    Der Verdächtige im Fall der beiden vermissten Mädchen aus Caracal, Südrumänien, ist am Donnerstag abend etwa 9 Stunden lang in der Zentrale der Direktion zur Untersuchung von organisierter Kriminalität und Terrorismus DIICOT in Bukarest verhört worden. Er bestätigte seine erste Aussage, dass er die beiden Jugendlichen ermordet habe. Am Freitag war der der Verdächtige Gheorghe Dincă bei den Durchsuchungen in seinem Haus in Caracal anwesend. Der Fall wird ab sofort von Generalstaatsanwalt Felix Bănilă von DIICOT-Bukareast koordiniert. Bănilă erklärte, dass die Übertragung auf das DIICOT-Büro in Bukarest auf die Komplexität des Falles, die umfangreiche Berichterstattung in den Medien und auch auf die technischen Ausstattungen und Personalressourcen zurückzuführen sei, die erforderlich seien, um die Wahrheit zu finden. Ebenfalls am Freitag wurden die ersten Ergebnisse der gerichtsmedizinischen Untersuchungen an den Knochenfragmenten, die am Wohnort des Verdächtigen gefunden wurden, bekanntgegeben. Gemä‎ß der ersten anthropologischen Untersuchungen handelt es sich um verbrannte Knochenreste eines Mädchens im Alter von 12 bis 17 Jahren. In der Zwischenzeit wurde der Staatsanwalt, der ursprünglich den Fall Caracal bearbeitet hat, suspendiert. Vor einer Woche hatte er die Polizei nicht ermächtigt, das Haus des Verdächtigen vor 6 Uhr morgens zu durchsuchen. Gegen die Direktion zur Untersuchung von organisierter Kriminalität und Terrorismus DIICOT Craiova wird nun wegen grober Fahrlässigkeit von Justizinspektoren ermittelt, die sagen, dass sie auch prüfen werden, wie Untersuchungen im vergangenen Jahr durchgeführt wurden. Die Unzufriedenheit der Menschen mit der Art und Weise, wie die Behörden mit dem Fall umgegangen sind, wächst jedoch. Sie geben dem Sondertranmissionsdienst, der für den Betrieb der Notrufnummer 112 zuständig ist, sowie der Polizei und der Staatsanwaltschaft die Schuld. Die inakzeptable Abfolge von Fehlschlägen in dieser Hinsicht hat bereits zu mehreren Entlassungen und Rücktritten geführt. Gheorghe Dincă, ein 60-jähriger Mechaniker, gestand, zwei Mädchen im Alter von 15 und 18 Jahren ermordet zu haben, nachdem er sie zu Zwecken der sexuellen Ausbeutung entführt, festgenommen und vergewaltigt hatte. Die Leichen wurden noch nicht gefunden.

    Die rumänische Bildungsministerin Ecaterina Andronescu ist am Freitag von Premierministerin Viorica Dăncilă wegen Aussagen im Fall Caracal aus ihrem Amt entlassen worden. Dies gab Premierministerin Dancila auf Facebook bekannt. Dancila schrieb, dass sie beschlossen habe, die Bildungsministerin Ecaterina Andronescu wegen der zutiefst falschen Aussagen, die sie kürzlich in einer Fernsehsendung gemacht hatte, zu entlassen. Nach Ansicht der Premierministerin handele es sich Aussagen, die mangelndes Mitgefühl und Verständnis insbesondere für den Fall Caracal und generell dafür zeigen, wie Kinder vor Entführungen, Aggressionen, Missbrauch und Menschenhandel geschützt werden sollten. Ecaterina Andronescu sagte während der Fernsehshow, dass sie von zu Hause aus gelernt habe, nicht mit einem Fremden in dessen Auto einzusteigen. Am Freitag erklärte die entlassene Bildungsministerin, sie hätte nicht die Absicht gehabt, eines der beiden vermissten Mädchen in Caracal oder ihre Eltern der Nutzung illegaler Transportmittel zu beschuldigen. Sie wollte nur die Schüler vor Kriminellen schützen, so Ecaterina Andronescu. Zum Interimsunterrichtsminister wurde Kultusminister, Daniel Breaz ernannt.

    Der rumänische Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis hat am Freitag, dem Tag des Gedenkens an den Roma-Völkermord, eine Botschaft übermittelt, in der er betonte, dass das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung der Bekämpfung von Rassismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Antisemitismus ständig wachsen müsse. An diesem Tag gedenken wir den fast einer halben Million Roma-Kinder, -Frauen und -Männer, die während des Zweiten Weltkriegs Opfer des Völkermords wurden, so die Botschaft des Präsidenten. Rumänien sah sich mit einigen der grausamsten Formen von Hass und Intoleranz konfrontiert, als 25.000 Roma, deren Eltern im Ersten Weltkrieg für die nationale Einheit des Landes gekämpft hatten, gewaltsam als “gefährlich und unerwünscht” nach Transnistrien geschickt wurden. Die rumänische Regierung gedenkt auch den Opfern des Roma-Völkermords in Rumänien. Es ist wichtig, dass die Generationen von heute und morgen die Wahrheit über den Völkermord gegen die Roma erfahren, ebenso wie über die Fortschritte, die Rumänien bei der Bewahrung dieser Wahrheit und bei der Förderung kohärenter Rechtsvorschriften zur Bekämpfung von Diskriminierung, Antisemitismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit gegen die Roma gemacht hat, steht in einer Pressemitteilung der Regierung.

    INF Russland und die USA haben am Freitag die Beendigung des Vertrages über nukleare Zwischenkapazitäten (INF) angekündigt. Washington kündigte an, sich am 2. Februar aus dem INF zurückzuziehen, und Moskau reagierte sofort mit einem ähnlichen Schritt. Der US-Au‎ßenminister Mike Pompeo warf Russland vor, “in erheblichem Ma‎ße gegen den Vertrag zu versto‎ßen”, obwohl Moskau die Vorwürfe wiederholt zurückgewiesen hat. Der 1987 von den USA und der Sowjetunion unterzeichnete INF-Pakt verbot Raketen mit Reichweiten zwischen 500 und 5.500 km.

    Im Ferienort Mamaia an der rumänischen Schwarzmeerküste findet diese Tage die 11. Auflage der Gaudeamus-Buchmesse statt, die vom Radio Rumänien veranstaltet wird. Mehr als 30 Verlage nehmen daran teil. Laut dem Präsidenten der Rumänischen Rundfunkgesellschaft Georgică Severin ist Gaudeamus eine Gro‎ßveranstaltung zur Förderung einer der wichtigsten rumänischen Massenmedienmarken, Radio Romania. Die Buchmesse Gaudeamus Seaside 2019 endet am 5. August.

    Mehr als 200 Künstler werden auf 10 Bühnen beim UNTOLD, dem grö‎ßten Festival für elektronische Musik in Rumänien, auftreten. Es findet vom 1. bis 4. August in Cluj statt. Eine der grö‎ßten Bühnen Europas wurde im Stadion der Cluj Arena aufgebaut. Sie ist 90 m breit und 30 m hoch, mit LED-Bildschirmen auf einer Fläche von 1.500 Quadratmetern. Einer der am meisten erwarteten Gäste ist der britische Pop-Star Robbie Williams, der am Sonntag auftreten wird. Besondere Leistungen werden auch von Armin van Buuren, David Guetta und 3 Are Legend geboten. Die Organisatoren erwarten rund 350.000 Menschen aus 100 Ländern.

    Der rumänische Fu‎ßballvizemeister FCSB (ehemals Steaua Bukarest) qualifizierte sich am Donnerstag für die dritte Vorrunde der Europa League, verlor aber zu Hause gegen die armenische Mannschaft Alashkert FC mit 3:2. FCSB gewann das Hinspiel der Runde in Eriwan mit 3:0. Ebenfalls am Donnerstagabend stieg die CSU Craiova in die dritte Vorrunde der Europa League ein, nachdem sie die Honved Budapest in den Schie‎ßereien mit 3:1 besiegt hatte. Der rumänische Pokalsieger Viitorul Constanta hingegen wurde trotz seines 2:1-Sieges gegen den Belgier KAA Gent aus dem europäischen Wettbewerb ausgeschlossen.

    Das Wetter wird in der westlichen Landeshälfte von Freitag Abend bis Sonnabend Morgen unbeständig. Unbeständig ist das Wetter am Sonnabend auch im Norden, in der Landesmitte, Südosten und vereinzelt im Gebrige. Die Tageshöchsttemperaturen werden am Sonnabend zwischen 19 und 27 Grad Celsius liegen.

  • The Week in Review   8-14.07.2019

    The Week in Review 8-14.07.2019

    The pension law has been promulgated by the Romanian President Klaus

    President Klaus Iohannis has promulgated
    a new pension law which provides, among other things, for a pensions’ increase
    and the recalculation of millions of pensions that are now in payment process.
    The bill was voted by Parliament in June after the first version had been
    returned to the legislative by the Constitutional Court. The law stipulates the
    increase in the pension point, which will be implemented gradually as of
    September 2019 until 2022.

    Also, under the new law, all
    remuneration rights for which contributions to the state budget have been paid,
    such as benefits, 13th salary, overtime, bonuses, etc will be
    capitalized on. Under the law, women who have completed the minimum
    contribution period of 15 years and have given birth to 3 children whom they
    have raised up to the age of 16 will benefit from a reduction of the retirement
    age by 6 years. Starting with the 4th child, one year will be added
    for each child at the initial 6 years. The survivors’ benefits are maintained
    with a new amendment: aid for the surviving spouse amounting to 25% of the
    pension of the deceased spouse. The standard retirement age for men is 65 and
    for women 63. The minimum contribution period is 15 years for both women and
    men while the complete contribution period is 35 years.

    GRECO will continue to monitor Romania

    The latest GRECO report on Romania
    published by Brussels officials is a new red card for the PSD-ALDE ruling, says
    Romanian president Klaus Iohannis who has also called for dismantling the
    special section for the investigation of offences in the judiciary through a
    government initiative. Iohannis has also called on the executive to come up
    quickly with a draft law in order to bring justice legislation back in line
    with the will of the people and the recommendations from European institutions.

    GRECO, the Council of Europe
    anti-corruption body, believes Romania has made very little progress in putting in place measures to prevent
    corruption among parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors and to address the
    concerns raised by its controversial reform of the judicial system. Greco is
    particularly critical of the lack of action to address the need for objective
    selection criteria when appointing and dismissing prosecutors, which is posing
    serious threats to the independence of the judiciary. GRECO decided to continue
    evaluating Romania’s compliance with the pending recommendations contained in
    the two reports and has requested that the Romanian authorities report back on
    progress achieved by 30th June 2020.

    Former MEP,
    Social-Democrat Ioan Mircea Pascu has been designated interim European
    commissioner without portfolio

    Social Democrat Ioan Mircea Pascu, a former MEP proposed by the PSD-ALDE
    government in Bucharest for the position of interim European Commissioner for
    Regional Policy, has been designated member of the community executive but
    without portfolio. In the same situation is the Estonian candidate Kadri
    Simson. The decision has been made by the president of the European Commission
    Jean Claude Juncker who didn’t bestow specific portfolios on the two candidates
    due to their short mandate, which is due to end on October 31st,
    when a fresh European Commission is expected to begin its mandate.

    They will participate
    in the Commission’s activities and in the team project. Under the regulations,
    the European Commission president has interviewed the two candidates and
    confirmed their competences. Ioan Mircea Pascu and Kadri Simson are to be
    interviewed on Wednesday by commission presidents in the European Parliament and
    the MEPs are to cast their votes on the two candidates in Strasbourg on

    A veteran left-wing politician, Pascu, 70, got involved in politics
    shortly after the anti-communist revolution of 1989. He was the country’s
    Defence Minister in 2004 when Romania entered NATO and an MEP since the country
    joined the European Union in 2007 until this year. Before 2014 and 2019 he was
    one of the 14 vice-presidents of the European Parliament.

    According to data
    provided by the National Institute for Statistics, Romania’s inflation rate
    went down to 3.4%

    Romania’s economic growth of 4%
    last year remained robust though being mainly based on consumption and less on
    investment, the country’s central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said during the
    presentation of the institution’s annual report. However, Romania is among the
    countries with the lowest public debt, 35% of its GDP, Isarescu went on to say.
    Referring to the 3.84% inflation rate, the governor explained that inflation
    went down because of the slight drops in food and non-food prices.

    In mid-May the central bank revised
    its inflation forecast up to 4.2% this year, and a 3.3% inflation rate for 2020.
    Also in May, the European Commission estimated that Romania’s inflation rate
    would stay around 3.6% in 2019 and 3% in 2020. Mugur Isarescu, who has been
    governor of Romania’s central bank since 1990, has again been confirmed by
    Parliament for a fresh mandate.

    Four Romanian football sides are playing in the European cups

    Romania’s vice-champions FCSB,
    formerly known as Steaua Bucharest, on Thursday secured a 2-0 win against
    Milsami Orhei from the neighboring Republic of Moldova in the first round of
    the Europa League’s first preliminary stage. Also on Thursday, CSU Craiova,
    from south-western Romania clinched a 3-2 away win against FK Sabail of

    On Tuesday, Romania’s champions CFR
    Cluj conceded a 0-1 defeat in an away game against Kazakh side FC Astana in the
    Champions League. The return games will be taking place next week. Romanian Cup
    holder, Viitorul Constanta will play directly in the competition’s second
    preliminary round against Belgian side FC Anvers, coached by former Romanian
    international Ladislau Boloni.

    (translated by bill)

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    33 years ago,
    Steaua Bucharest obtained the greatest achievement in the history of Romanian football by
    winning the European Cup final. They defeated in Seville the Spanish champions
    FC Barcelona after penalty shoot-outs. Steaua scored twice, with Marius Lacatus
    and Gabi Balint. The hero of the penalty shoot-out and of the match was however
    Steaua’s goalkeeper Helmuth Duckadam, who defended all of Seville’s four
    penalty kicks. The European Cup trophy thus ended up in Bucharest.

    On April 1st,
    Helmuth Duckadam turned 60. He was born in western Romania, more precisely in
    the village of Semlac, in Arad county, a place mentioned in historical records
    as far back as 1256. He first played for his village team Semlacana, then he
    joined the Gloria Arad Sports School. He made his debut at senior level in 1977
    as a goalkeeper for Constructorul Arad, in the third-tier Division C. He played
    his first Division A match for UTA Arad in September 1978 against CS
    Targoviste, a match his team lost 0-2. He stayed with UTA Arad for four years
    before being transferred to Steaua Bucharest, where he was part of the best
    generation of players in Romanian football. He won the national championship
    title with Steaua twice, in 1985 and 1986.

    After the
    European Cup win he was forced to retire with an injury, having undergone
    surgery on his left arm because of an aneurism. He came back in 1989, playing
    this time for the Division B side Vagonul Arad, but only for two seasons. After
    retiring from football definitively, he worked for a while for the border
    police. He then emigrated to the United States, but returned after a year. Back
    in Romania, he reentered the world of sports. He is currently the honorary
    president of FCSB, formerly Steaua Bucharest.

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    33 years ago,
    Steaua Bucharest obtained the greatest achievement in the history of Romanian football by
    winning the European Cup final. They defeated in Seville the Spanish champions
    FC Barcelona after penalty shoot-outs. Steaua scored twice, with Marius Lacatus
    and Gabi Balint. The hero of the penalty shoot-out and of the match was however
    Steaua’s goalkeeper Helmuth Duckadam, who defended all of Seville’s four
    penalty kicks. The European Cup trophy thus ended up in Bucharest.

    On April 1st,
    Helmuth Duckadam turned 60. He was born in western Romania, more precisely in
    the village of Semlac, in Arad county, a place mentioned in historical records
    as far back as 1256. He first played for his village team Semlacana, then he
    joined the Gloria Arad Sports School. He made his debut at senior level in 1977
    as a goalkeeper for Constructorul Arad, in the third-tier Division C. He played
    his first Division A match for UTA Arad in September 1978 against CS
    Targoviste, a match his team lost 0-2. He stayed with UTA Arad for four years
    before being transferred to Steaua Bucharest, where he was part of the best
    generation of players in Romanian football. He won the national championship
    title with Steaua twice, in 1985 and 1986.

    After the
    European Cup win he was forced to retire with an injury, having undergone
    surgery on his left arm because of an aneurism. He came back in 1989, playing
    this time for the Division B side Vagonul Arad, but only for two seasons. After
    retiring from football definitively, he worked for a while for the border
    police. He then emigrated to the United States, but returned after a year. Back
    in Romania, he reentered the world of sports. He is currently the honorary
    president of FCSB, formerly Steaua Bucharest.