Tag: Transgaz

  • September 19, 2023 UPDATE

    September 19, 2023 UPDATE

    UN The Romanian president Klaus Iohannis
    takes part in the UN General Assembly in New York. On Wednesday Iohannis is
    expected to have a national intervention within the session’s general debates. On
    Tuesday, Romania’s Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu participated in the third
    meeting of the trilateral format EU – Saudi Arabia – the Arab League staged
    jointly with Egypt and Jordan on the sidelines of the 78th session
    of the UN General Assembly. According to a communiqué of the Foreign Ministry
    in Bucharest, the format’s main objective is to reignite the Middle East peace
    process and to protect the two-state solution, Israel and Palestine. The head
    of the Romanian diplomacy has voiced her full support for this trilateral
    format and underlined the need for the creation of a credible political horizon
    and the implementation of measures aimed at increasing trust, which could lead
    to overcoming the deadlock in the negotiations. The Romanian Foreign Minister
    has underlined the importance of maintaining the status quo of the Holy Places
    in Jerusalem with the special role of custodian played by Jordan.

    GAS A branch
    of the Romanian company Transgaz has started operating the gas transport system
    in the neighboring Republic of Moldova, including in Transdniester. Analysts in
    Chisinau say this translates as reducing the energy dependency on the Russian
    Federation. The local company Moldovagaz, controlled by the Russian giant
    Gazprom, so far had the monopoly over gas deliveries and transportation in that
    country and had opposed the separation of these two services, as stipulated by the
    Moldovan and European legislation. Transgaz director Ion Sterian has told Radio
    Chisinau that this became possible after Romania had invested 430 million euros
    in the gas transport network. Sterian has given assurances that in the
    following five years new investments will be made in streamlining the gas
    networks and in connecting the households, which do not have access to the
    aforementioned network at present.

    FESTIVAL The George Enescu International Music Festival
    in Bucharest has reached its final week. Until Sunday, the public are invited
    to attend free of charge classical music concerts held in the Festival Square
    near the Romanian Athenaeum, where celebrated orchestras from Romania and the
    Republic of Moldova will accompany famous soloists and instrumentalists. The
    Radio Romania Big Band conducted by Simona Strungaru, will give a concert on
    Friday. On Sunday, the last performance in the Festival will be given by the
    Camerata Regală orchestra with the percussionist Zoli Toth.

    GRAINS Bulgarian
    farmers carry on protests against resuming the imports of Ukrainian grains,
    accepted by the Bulgarian government after the European Commission decided not
    to extend the ban on such imports. In turn, Bucharest continues to allow the
    transit of Ukrainian grains, but has introduced a one-month import restrictions
    until Kyiv comes up with a plan for its exports. The measure persuaded Romanian
    farmers to give up their protests. Poland, Slovakia and Hungary unilaterally
    banned imports of Ukrainian grain, prompting Kyiv to complain against them at
    the World Trade Organisation.


  • Erdgas: Neue Gaspipeline soll Anschluss an BRUA-Korridor erleichtern

    Erdgas: Neue Gaspipeline soll Anschluss an BRUA-Korridor erleichtern

    Das teils staatliche rumänische Erdgasförderungsunternehmen Transgaz hat mit dem türkischen Unternehmen Kalyon Insaat einen Vertrag über die Ausführung der Arbeiten für eine neue Gasleitung zwischen den Ortschaften Tuzla und Podișor in der Dobrudscha unterzeichnet. Laut einer Pressemitteilung an die Bukarester Börse umfasst das Projekt im Wert von rund 500 Mio. EUR den Bau einer 308,3 km langen Erdgasleitung, die die im Perimeter Neptun Deep im Schwarzen Meer ausgebeuteten Ressourcen mit dem so genannten BRUA-Korridor verbinden wird, der vier EU-Mitgliedstaaten miteinander verbindet: Bulgarien, Rumänien, Ungarn und Österreich.

    Der Vorstandsvorsitzende von Transgaz, Ion Sterian, erklärte in diesem Zusammenhang, dass die Gasleitung Tuzla-Podișor nach der bereits bestehenden BRUA-Gasleitung und jener vom Grenzort Ungheni bis Chișinău zwischen Rumänien und der Moldaurepublik das wichtigste Gasinfrastrukturprojekt sei, das das Unternehmen in Auftrag gibt. Laut Sterian handelt es sich um ein strategisches Projekt, das für die Energiesicherheit von entscheidender Bedeutung ist und auf der Liste der Projekte von gemeinsamem Interesse der Europäischen Union steht. Es wird die Kreise Constanța, Călărași und Giurgiu im Süden des Landes durchqueren und laut Transgaz dazu beitragen, den notwendigen Erdgasverbrauch für die Wirtschaft und die Bevölkerung zu sichern, die Voraussetzungen für die Förderung privater Investitionen in der Region zu schaffen und die Ortschaften im Projektgebiet zu versorgen, d.h. rund 185 Tausend Einwohner und über 500 öffentliche Einrichtungen (Schulen, Rathäuser, Krankenstationen, Kultureinrichtungen, Arztpraxen u.a.m.).

    Auch der neue stellvertretende Ministerpräsident der Bukarester Regierung, Marian Neacșu, ist zuversichtlich, dass die künftige Pipeline ferner ermöglichen werde, die 15 Milliarden Kubikmeter Erdgas, die aus dem Kaspischen Meer über Terminals in der Türkei und Griechenland nach Rumänien gepumpt werden, weiter zu befördern. Diese neuen Verbindungen, fügt der Vorstandschef von Transgaz, Ion Sterian, hinzu, werde dazu beitragen, dass Rumänien sich bis 2027 zu einer wichtigen regionalen Drehscheibe in der Gasbeförderung etabliert. Rumänien, sagt auch der neue Energieminister Sebastian Burduja, sei ein Land mit bedeutenden Erdgasressourcen, ein strategischer Transitpunkt und ein wichtiger regionaler Akteur, der dank seiner funktionierenden Transportinfrastruktur zu einer verbesserten regionalen Sicherheit beitragen könne.

    Die Statistiken bestätigen die Aussagen der Politiker. Rumäniens Gasimporte haben in den ersten vier Monaten des Jahres um 45,6 % gegenüber dem gleichen Zeitraum im Jahr 2022 abgenommen — das zeigen die vom Nationalen Institut für Statistik erhobenen Daten. Die heimische Gasförderung hingegen stieg im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum um fast sieben Prozent. Die Nationale Strategie- und Prognosekommission schätzt, dass die Gasproduktion im Jahr 2023 um zwei Prozent steigen und die Importe um 6,2 Prozent pro Jahr sinken werden.

  • Le gazoduc Tuzla-Podişor

    Le gazoduc Tuzla-Podişor

    La Société nationale pour le Transport du gaz
    naturel Transgaz et l’entreprise turque Kalyon Insaat ont signé un contrat de
    500 millions d’euros pour démarrer des travaux de construction du gazoduc
    Tuzla-Podişor. D’une longueur de 308,3 kilomètres, le pipeline est censé
    acheminer les ressources exploitées dans le périmètre Neptun Deep, en mer Noire,
    vers le corridor BRUA qui relie la Bulgarie, la Roumanie, la Hongrie et

    Le Directeur Général de la Transgaz, Ion
    Sterian, a déclaré qu’après les gazoducs BRUA et Ungheni-Chişinău, entre la
    Roumanie et la République de Moldavie, Tuzla-Podişor est le projet d’infrastructure
    gazière le plus important que son entreprise construit. Selon lui, il s’agit
    d’un projet stratégique, vital pour la sécurité énergétique et qui se trouve,
    d’ailleurs, sur la liste des projets d’intérêt communs de l’Union européenne.

    Le nouveau gazoduc traversera les départements
    de Constanţa, Călăraşi, Giurgiu, dans le sud du pays et contribuera à alimenter
    en gaz naturel aussi bien les agents économiques, que la population. Il
    stimulera aussi les investissements privés dans la région et desservira presque
    185 milles consommateurs privés et plus de 500 institutions publiques (écoles,
    mairies, cliniques, institutions culturelles, cabinets médicaux etc).

    Selon le nouveau vice-premier ministre du
    Gouvernement de Bucarest, Marian Neacşu, le nouveau gazoduc permettra le
    transport depuis la Mer Caspienne, via les terminaux placés en Turquie et en
    Grèce, de 15 milliards de mètres cubes de gaz vers la Roumanie.

    Le Directeur Général de la Transgaz, Ion
    Sterian, a expliqué aussi que toutes ces connexions permettront à la Roumanie de
    devenir un important centre régional en 2027.

    Selon le nouveau ministre de l’Energie, Sebastian
    Burduja, la Roumanie dispose de ressources significatives de gaz naturel, qui
    la transforme en un centre de transition stratégique et en un acteur important
    dans la région. L’infrastructure opérationnelle de transport permettra à la Roumanie
    de consolider aussi sa sécurité régionale.

    Les données statistiques confirment les
    déclarations des politiciens. Selon l’Institut National de la Statistique, durant
    les quatre premiers mois de l’année en cours, les importations de gaz ont baissé
    de 45,6 %, par rapport à la même période de 2022. Parallèlement, la production
    interne a connu une augmentation de presque 7 % par rapport à la même période
    de l’année dernière.

    La Commission nationale pour la stratégie et les
    prévissions table sur une hausse de la production de 2 % et sur une baisse des
    importations de 6,2 % d’une année à l’autre.

  • Un nău gazoductu tru România

    Un nău gazoductu tru România

    Societatea Naţională di Transport al Gazelor Naturale Transgaz simnă contractul di execuţie a lucrărlor tră un nău gazoduct, Tuzla-Podişor, cu societatea Kalyon Insaat, ditu Turchia. Simfunu cu un comunicat pitricutu ti Bursa di Valori Bucureşti, proiectul, tru valoare di aproximativ 500 milioane euro, nsimneadză adrarea a unăllei kiunge di transport gaze naturale tru lundzime di 308,3 km, cari va s’facă ligătura anamisa di resursele exploatate tru perimetrul Neptun Deep, ditu Amarea Lae, şi aşi-număsitul coridor BRUA, ţi leagă patru state membre ale Uniunii Europene: Vărgăria, România, Ungaria şi Austria.

    Directorlu general ali Transgaz, Ion Sterian declară că, după gazoductili BRUA şi Ungheni-Chişinău, anamisa di România şi Republica Moldova, Tuzla-Podişor easti nai ma important proiectu di infrastructură gazieră pi cari-lu adară firma cumăndusită di el. E, spune Sterian, un proiectu strategic, di mari simasie tră securitatea energetică şi hiptu, neise, pi lista di proiecte di interes comun ale Uniunii Europene. Aestu va s;treacă pritu giudeţili Constanţa, Călăraşi, Giurgiu, ditu sudlu a văsiliillei, şi uidisitu cu Transgaz, va s’agiută ti asiguripsearea a ananghillei di consum di gaze naturale tră economie şi populaţie, la căftarea a premiselor tră stimularea a investiţiilor private tru zonă, la alimentarea a localităţlor ditu zona proiectului, respectiv a unui numir di aproapea 185 di ñilli di bănători şi ti cama di 500 di instituţii publice (şcoli, primării, dispensare, cămine culturale, cabinete medicale, etc).

    Năulu viţepremier tru Guvernul di Bucureşti Marian Neacşu spuni că yinitorul gazoduct va s’poată s’poartă şi ateali 15 di miliardi di metri cubi di gaze naturale cari va s’agiungă tu văsilie ditu zona ali Amarea Caspică, pritu terminalele ţi suntu tru Turchie şi Gărţie.

    Aesti conexiuni, adavgă directorul Sterian, va u agiută România s’agiungă un importantu hub regional tru anlu 2027.

    România, spuni şi năulu ministru ali Energie, Sebastian Burduja, easti ună văsilie cu resursi semnificative di gaze naturale, un punctu strategic di tranzit şi un importantu agiucător regional, putânda s’aibă contributu, haristusită ali infrastructură opearaţională di transport pi cari u ari, la ună securitate regională anvărtuşită.

    Declaraţiile a politicienilor suntu confirmate şi di isăkili seţ. Importurile di gaze fapti di România tru proţlli patru meşi a anlui scădzură cu 45,6% andicra di idyiulu interval ditu 2022 – spunu datili centralizate di Institutul Naţional di Statistică. Criscu, alliumtrea, producţia internă, cu aproapea şapti proţente andicra di idyea perioadă a anlui tricut. Comisia naţională di strategie şi prognoză yini cu ună isapi tră 2023 dimi cu ună producţie di gaze tru creastire cu dauă proţente şi ună scădeari a importurilor cu 6,2% pi an.

    Autoru: Bogdan Matei

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • Un nou gazoduct în România

    Un nou gazoduct în România

    Societatea Naţională de Transport al Gazelor Naturale
    Transgaz a semnat contractul de execuţie a lucrărilor pentru un nou gazoduct,
    Tuzla-Podişor, cu societatea Kalyon Insaat, din Turcia. Conform unui comunicat
    remis Bursei de Valori Bucureşti, proiectul, în valoare de aproximativ 500
    milioane euro, constă în construirea unei conducte de transport gaze naturale
    în lungime de 308,3 km, care va face legătura între resursele exploatate în
    perimetrul Neptun Deep, din Marea Neagră, şi aşa-numitul coridor BRUA, ce leagă
    patru state membre ale Uniunii Europene: Bulgaria, România, Ungaria şi Austria.

    Directorul general al Transgaz, Ion Sterian a declarat că, după gazoductele
    BRUA şi Ungheni-Chişinău, dintre România şi Republica Moldova, Tuzla-Podişor
    este cel mai important proiect de infrastructură gazieră pe care-l construieşte
    firma condusă de el. E, spune Sterian, un proiect strategic, vital pentru
    securitatea energetică şi inclus, de altfel, pe lista de proiecte de interes
    comun ale Uniunii Europene. Acesta va traversa judeţele Constanţa, Călăraşi,
    Giurgiu, din sudul ţării, şi potrivit Transgaz, va contribui la asigurarea
    necesarului de consum de gaze naturale pentru economie şi populaţie, la crearea
    premiselor pentru stimularea investiţiilor private în zonă, la alimentarea
    localităţilor din zona proiectului, respectiv a unui număr de circa 185 de mii
    de locuitori şi a peste 500 de instituţii publice (şcoli, primării, dispensare,
    cămine culturale, cabinete medicale, etc).

    Noul vicepremier în Guvernul de la
    Bucureşti Marian Neacşu spune că viitorul gazoduct va putea transporta şi cele
    15 miliarde de metri cubi de gaze naturale care vor ajunge în ţară din zona
    Mării Caspice, prin terminalele aflate în Turcia şi Grecia.

    Aceste conexiuni,
    completează directorul Sterian, vor permite României să devină un important hub
    regional în anul 2027.

    România, afirmă şi noul ministru al Energiei, Sebastian Burduja, este o
    ţară cu resurse semnificative de gaze naturale, un punct strategic de tranzit
    şi un important jucător regional, putând contribui, graţie infrastructurii
    operaţionale de transport pe care o are, la o securitate regională consolidată.

    Declaraţiile politicienilor sunt confirmate şi de statisticile seci. Importurile
    de gaze făcute de România în primele patru luni ale anului au scăzut cu 45,6%
    faţă de acelaşi interval din 2022 – arată datele centralizate de Institutul
    Naţional de Statistică. A crescut, în schimb, producţia internă, cu aproape
    şapte procente faţă de perioada similară a anului trecut. Comisia naţională de
    strategie şi prognoză a estimat pentru 2023 o producţie de gaze în creştere cu
    două procente şi o scădere a importurilor cu 6,2% pe an.

  • Another step towards exploiting the Black Sea gas

    Another step towards exploiting the Black Sea gas

    A new important step for Romanias exploitation of the natural gas in the Neptun Deep perimeter, in the Black Sea, was taken on Thursday, with the signing of a declaration by Transgaz, OMV-Petrom and Romgaz regarding the conclusion of the natural gas conveyance contracts, announced the Energy Minister, Virgil Popescu.

    The contract represents the firm commitment for the development of a gas pipeline between Tuzla and Podişor, the Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă also showed: “The document that has just been initialed envisages the construction of a natural gas transport pipeline on the Tuzla- Podişor route, which has a length of over 300 km. Estimated at 500 million Euros, this investment will make it possible for the gas from the Black Sea to enter the national transport system in the technological hub of Podişor and thus reach economic operators and households in the localities connected to the system.”

    The Prime Minister also said that another benefit of this project is the connection between the new sources of natural gas in the Trans-Balkan corridor and the vertical corridor which the BRUA pipeline is a part of, which connects the entire region of Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria. According to a Transgaz press release, the creation of a transport infrastructure to connect the natural gas available on the Black Sea shores and the BRUA corridor is a project of particular importance for Romania in terms of energy security, and the signing of these contracts is the main condition for the development of this infrastructure.

    “We are experiencing a historic moment for the region’s and Romania’s energy security. After the successful completion of the BRUA-phase 1 gas pipeline, after the successful completion of the Ungheni- Chişinău gas pipeline, after the completion of the works that allow the international transport of natural gas in the reverse-flow technology at all interconnection points and after the start of gas exploitation from the Black Sea shallow water perimeters, now we are at the start of the construction of the Tuzla-Podişor gas pipeline that will allow the natural gas exploited by OMV Petrom and Romgaz from the Black Sea to reach the National Transport System and, implicitly, each locality from Romania that has access to the natural gas network”, said the general director of Transgaz, Ion Sterian.

    Romgaz emphasized that “signing the contract is one of the necessary conditions for the implementation of offshore investments and of those aimed at the development of the transport infrastructure necessary for taking over the gas from the Neptun Deep perimeter”. “We believe that the Black Sea has a significant potential for natural gas production, and Neptun Deep is a strategic project for OMV Petrom and for Romania. It is at the center of our 2030 Strategy and will have an essential role for Romanias energy security. We are planning the final investment decision for the middle of 2023, with production to start in 2027”, the OMV Petrom officials stated. (LS)

  • Ein weiterer Schritt zur Erschließung von Gas aus dem Schwarzen Meer

    Ein weiterer Schritt zur Erschließung von Gas aus dem Schwarzen Meer

    Mit der Unterzeichnung der feierlichen Erklärung von Transgaz, OMV-Petrom und Romgaz über den Abschluss von Erdgastransportverträgen wurde am Donnerstag ein weiterer wichtiger Schritt in Richtung der rumänischen Erdgasförderung im Schwarzen Meer getan. Der Vertrag sei eine feste Zusage für den Bau einer Gaspipeline zwischen Tuzla und Podișor, sagte Premierminister Nicolae Ciucă. Das soeben paraphierte Dokument sieht den Bau einer Erdgastransportleitung auf der Strecke Tuzla-Podișor vor, die eine Länge von über 300 km haben wird. Eine Investition von 500 Millionen Euro wird es ermöglichen, dass das Gas aus dem Schwarzen Meer am Technologieknotenpunkt Podișor in das nationale Transportsystem einflie‎ßt und so die Wirtschaft und Haushalte in den an das System angeschlossenen Orten erreicht.“

    Ein weiterer Vorteil dieses Projekts ist die Verbindung zwischen den neuen Erdgasquellen im transbalkanischen Korridor und dem vertikalen Korridor, zu dem die BRUA-Pipeline gehört und der die gesamte Region Bulgarien, Rumänien, Ungarn und Österreich miteinander verbindet. Laut einer Pressemitteilung der Transgaz ist die Schaffung einer Transportinfrastruktur, die das an der Schwarzmeerküste verfügbare Erdgas mit dem BRUA-Korridor verbindet, von besonderer Bedeutung für die Energiesicherheit Rumäniens. Die Unterzeichnung dieser Verträge ist die wichtigste Voraussetzung für die Entwicklung dieser Infrastruktur.

    Dieser Moment ist von historischer Bedeutung für die regionale und rumänische Energiesicherheit. Nach der erfolgreichen Fertigstellung der Gaspipeline BRUA-Phase 1, nach der erfolgreichen Fertigstellung der Gaspipeline Ungheni-Chisinau, nach der Fertigstellung der Arbeiten, die den internationalen Transport von Erdgas im Reverse-Flow-Verfahren an allen Verbindungspunkten ermöglichen, und nach dem Beginn der Förderung von Gas aus dem Schwarzen Meer in flachen Perimetern, befinden wir uns nun an der Startlinie der Tuzla-Podișor-Pipeline, die es ermöglichen wird, dass das von OMV Petrom und Romgaz aus dem Schwarzen Meer geförderte Erdgas das nationale Fernleitungsnetz und damit jeden Ort in Rumänien erreicht, der Zugang zum Erdgasnetz hat“, so Ion Sterian, CEO von Transgaz.

    Der Vertrag ist eine der notwendigen Voraussetzungen für die Durchführung von Offshore-Investitionen und für die Entwicklung der Transportinfrastruktur, die für die Entnahme von Gas aus dem Neptun Deep-Perimeter notwendig ist, betonte Romgaz. ÖMV erklärte: Wir glauben, dass das Schwarze Meer ein erhebliches Potenzial für die Erdgasförderung bietet. Neptun Deep ist ein strategisches Projekt für OMV Petrom und Rumänien. Die Energieversorgung Rumäniens ist ein zentrales Element unserer Strategie 2030. Die endgültige Investitionsentscheidung wird Mitte 2023 getroffen und die Produktion soll 2027 beginnen.“

  • La Roumanie avance dans l’exploitation du gaz naturel en mer Noire

    La Roumanie avance dans l’exploitation du gaz naturel en mer Noire

    Roumanie se rapproche de l’extraction du gaz de la mer Noire. Acteur clé du
    système énergétique roumain, la compagnie Transgaz a signé jeudi avec les
    sociétés OMV-Petrom et Romgaz une déclaration portant sur la signature des
    contrats d’acheminement du gaz naturel. L’annonce a été faite par le ministre
    de l’Energie, Virgil Popescu. Le contrat témoigne de l’engagement ferme de
    Bucarest quant à la mise en place d’un gazoduc reliant les localités de Tuzla
    et de Podişor, a expliqué le premier ministre, Nicolae Ciuca.

    document que nous venons de signer prévoit la construction d’un nouveau gazoduc
    d’une longueur de 300 km, entre les localités de Tuzla et Podisor. D’un montant
    estimé à 500 millions d’euros, le nouvel investissement permettra aux gaz
    extraits de la Mer Noire d’entrer dans le réseau de transport existant, pour
    alimenter par la suite les opérateurs économiques et les foyers des localités
    raccordées au système.

    dires de Nicolae Ciuca, le nouveau gazoduc aura également l’avantage de
    raccorder les gisements roumains de gaz naturel situés au large du littoral de
    la mer Noire au réseau de transport de gaz national et au corridor de transport
    Bulgarie-Roumanie-Hongrie-Autriche (BRUA), reliant ainsi les réseaux de
    transport de gaz d’Europe du Sud-Est et d’Europe centrale et occidentale. La mise
    en place d’une telle infrastructure de transport reliant les gaz naturels
    extraits de la Mer Noire au corridor de transport BRUA s’avère extremement
    importante pour la sécurité énergétique de la Roumanie, a fait savoir la
    Transgaz dans un communiqué. Et elle d’ajouter que la signature du contrat
    représentait le premier pas à faire dans la mise en place d’une telle

    voilà arrivés face à un moment historique pour la sécurité énergétique
    régionale et pour celle de la Roumanie. Après la finalisation à succès de la
    première étape du gazoduc BRUA, après la finalisation à succès du gazoduc
    Ungheni- Chisinau, après la finalisation des travaux censés permettre le
    transport international des gaz naturels en régime intermittent vers tous les
    points d’interconnexion et après le début des travaux d’exploitation du gaz en
    Mer Noire à faible profondeur, nous voilà arrivés au point de départ d’un
    nouveau gazoduc Tuzla-Podişor, censé permettre au gaz extrait en mer Noire par
    OMV Petrom et Romgaz d’entrer dans le Réseau national de Transport et par la
    suite dans les foyers des localités raccordées au système
    a fait savoir le PDG
    de la Transgaz, Ion Sterian.

    sa part, la société Romgaz a souligné que la signature du contrat représente l’une
    des conditions nécessaires pour la mise en place aussi bine des investissements
    offshore que des ceux visant le développement d’une infrastructure censée
    assurer le transport du gaz extrait dans le périmètre Neptun Deep
    . La Mer
    Noire a un riche potentiel pour la production des gaz naturels et le projet mis
    en place dans le périmètre Neptun Deep s’avère stratégique pour nous et pour la
    , a déclaré le représentant de l’OMV Petrom. Et lui d’ajouter Ce
    projet est au coeur de notre stratégie 2030 et il jouera un rôle essentiel pour
    la sécurité énergétique du pays. La décision finale d’investissement est prévue
    vers la moitié de l’année en cours et la production devrait être lancée en 2027.

  • November 6, 2022 UPDATE

    November 6, 2022 UPDATE

    According to data released by the national company Transgaz, on Monday morning
    Romania will rely on 3 billion cubic meters of stored gas, which is tantamount
    to a storage degree of 97.7% of its total capacity. Romania has exceeded the
    quantity of stored gas in the same period last year by 701 million cubic meters.
    The minimum threshold of 80% approved for Romania in the new European
    Commission regulation was attained on September 17.

    REFUGEES According to the Romanian border police, roughly 187 thousand
    people crossed Romania’s borders either to enter or to leave the country on
    Saturday. They were Romanian and foreign citizens who used over 50,500 vehicles.
    Out of them 9,158 were Ukrainian nationals, 16.81% more than the previous day.
    According to a press release, since February 10th, two weeks before
    the Russian invasion, 2.7 million Ukrainian citizens have entered Romania. Most
    of them transited the country for other destinations and over 86,500 decided to
    stay in Romania.

    SUPPORT Authorities in Bucharest are presently
    considering a series of alternatives to ease the access of population to firewood, after
    the initial cap of 80 Euros per cubic meter has led to a market crisis. One of
    the options could be the idea of granting vouchers to the needy. According to
    the country’s Environment Minister Tanczos Barna, the ordinance on capping
    firewood prices will be amended next week so that it may truly protect those
    who use firewood for heating in winter. He explains that the law, formerly
    endorsed by the Senate, will be amended in the Chamber of Deputies so that
    firewood may become available on the market again. A couple of days ago, the
    country’s Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca admitted the initial capping measures
    had failed to yield the desired result. The opposition USR has drawn attention
    to the fact that the law has already caused irregularities on the firewood

    THEATRE The National Theatre Festival (NTF)
    continues in Romania until November 13. Theatre performances during this event
    will have in-person attendance, after two years of pandemic with online
    performances. The NTF includes over 60 theatre shows that have been mounted by
    state and independent theatre troupes from Romania and abroad. The festival,
    which this year unfolds under a suggestive motto, ‘Fragile borders. Fluid
    histories’ also boasts an on-air section including a series of exquisite radio

    ENERGY Romania is presently covering over 90% of
    the neighboring Republic of Moldova’s need for electricity, Romanian Foreign
    Minister Bogdan Aurescu has told a TV channel. According to him, the situation has
    become severe in the neighboring country, which relies 100% on foreign supplies
    of gas and electricity. Aurescu has also mentioned Romania’s support for the
    neighboring country consisting in firewood and oil fuel. Romania has also called on the international community to give
    grants to the Republic of Moldova so that the country may buy energy on the
    free market. After the Russian invasion, Ukraine became unable to export energy
    to the Republic of Moldova. At the same time, Russian giant Gazprom announced
    in October its intention to diminish gas supplies to the Republic of Moldova due to
    the alleged disputes over the payment and the refusal of the Ukrainian pipeline
    operator to provide an all-out service for the transport of the Russian gas.
    According to Moldovan president Maia Sandu her country is presently seeing the
    severest energy crisis in its history.


  • Romania has sufficient natural gas reserves

    Romania has sufficient natural gas reserves

    Consistent with the objective of ending its dependence on Moscow’s fossil fuels, established in the context of the situation generated by Russia’s invasion of neighboring Ukraine, the European Union continues to apply the necessary measures decided in Brussels. These relate, among other things, to the establishment of common gas storage sites. And the process, launched a few months ago, is progressing well, at a better pace than the one envisaged. The common European gas storage sites have already been filled to 84% of their capacity, which means more than the set objective, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced in September. Our friends in the Baltics have worked hard to end their dependency on Russia. They have invested in renewable energy, in LNG terminals, and in interconnectors. This costs a lot. But dependency on Russian fossil fuels comes at a much higher price. We have to get rid of this dependency all over Europe Ursula von der Leyen said.

    At the time of the announcement, gas storage sites in Romania had reached the minimum filling threshold of 80%, provided for in the new regulation of the European Commission as part of the preparation measures for the cold season. And in the month that has passed since then, the filling level increased by another 11%. On Sunday, Romania had more than 2.8 billion cubic meters of natural gas in storage, which means almost 91% of the country’s storage capacity, announced Transgaz, which stated that gas storage would continue until October 30. Meanwhile, Romania’s gas imports fell by over 20% in the first eight months of 2022, compared to the same period of last year. And the National Strategy and Forecast Commission estimates that the trend will be maintained for the entire year.

    In addition, domestic natural gas production, which in the first eight months was by 4.6% lower as compared to the same period of 2021, will increase by almost 2% as against last year. The figures published by the National Institute of Statistics show, on the other hand, a decrease in electricity consumption in Romania by 5.3% in the first eight months of this year, as compared to the same period of 2021. This reduction led to an increase of electricity export by almost 85 million kWh. The figures also reveal that, while public lighting registered an increase of almost 4%, population consumption decreased by 7.7%. The data announced on Friday showed that Romania exported 1,100 MW, mainly due to the high production obtained by the wind farms. The total energy production was 6,300 MW, and the consumption of approximately 5,200 MW. (LS)

  • May 25, 2022 UPDATE

    May 25, 2022 UPDATE

    Withdrawal. The Romanian Government has approved the bills on Romanias withdrawal from two banks with Russian capital: the International Bank for Economic Cooperation and the International Investment Bank, the Finance Minister Adrian Caciu has announced. He has also stated that the withdrawal negotiations will start soon, in parallel with Parliaments debates on the two bills. Both banks were set up in Moscow in 1963 and 1970, respectively, through international conventions, at a time when Romania, turned by force into a communist country after WW2, was one of the Soviet Unions satellites. Other former USSR satellites, such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria, who are now part of the EU and NATO, will also withdraw from the International Bank for Economic Cooperation.

    Aid. The Bucharest Government on Wednesday endorsed a draft order on granting the neighboring Moldova free humanitarian aid for a smooth running of its energy system. The aid consists in petrol, diesel and fuel oil worth around 4 million euros. Romania will also grant Ukraine humanitarian aid consisting in food and basic products, petrol and diesel fuel worth 2 million euros and will cover the cost of the transport.

    Agreement. The National Gas Transmission Company Transgaz has signed a roadmap agreement with the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund, a dedicated commercial fund targeting infrastructure investments in Central and Eastern Europe, to collaborate on the construction of planned greenfield gas infrastructure in Romania. According to a release by Transgaz, the roadmap agreement acknowledges the strategic and economic importance of investment in Romanias natural gas pipeline infrastructure, which is expected to drive economic development in the region, while also supporting European energy security and the energy transition in the Three Seas region.

    Visit. The heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, was received on Wednesday in Bucharest by President Klaus Iohannis. The talks focused, among other things, on bilateral relations and the Romanian-British Strategic Partnership, Romanias assistance to Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees, as well as solutions to limit the effects of climate change and to preserve biodiversity. The British guest also met with Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca and the custodian of the Romanian Crown, Princess Margaret. He also visited a Ukrainian refugee center. Prince Charles has been visiting Romania for over 20 years now and is a great promoter of the unique heritage and biodiversity of its rural areas. He has also developed support programs for small farmers and a special program in support of wounded Romanian soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is the Prince of Wales s first visit to Romania in three years due to the pandemic.

    Protest. Three representative trade unions in education protested in Bucharest on Wednesday because the government has not yet enforced the payroll law, two years after the legally stipulated deadline. The unionists say that many schools are facing an acute shortage of non-teaching staff. Moreover, some teachers and union members say, this category of staff still does not benefit from the bonuses for working conditions. Also, despite working overtime due to the lack of staff, teachers are not paid for these extra hours. Employees from school clubs also took part in the protest. They are dissatisfied with the intention of the Ministry of Education to place these institutions, including the human resources, under the management of the local authorities.(MI)

  • Comisia acceptă angajamentele Transgaz pentru exporturile de gaze din România

    Comisia acceptă angajamentele Transgaz pentru exporturile de gaze din România

    Transgaz este unicul administrator și operator al rețelei de transport al gazelor naturale din România, care include toate punctele de interconectare cu țările vecine.

    România este al doilea producător de gaze naturale din Uniune şi dispune de rezerve importante de gaze naturale.

    În iunie 2017, Comisia a anunțat lansarea unei proceduri de investigare pentru a evalua dacă Transgaz a încălcat normele antitrust ale Uniunii Europene prin restricționarea exporturilor de gaze naturale din România. Anume, existau suspiciuni potrivit cărora Transgaz a elaborat o strategie de restricţionare a exporturilor în alte state membre, care ar fi putut menține sau crea bariere în calea circulației transfrontaliere a fluxurilor de gaze naturale către Ungaria și Bulgaria, contrar obiectivului unei uniuni integrate a energiei.

    În urma iniţierii procedurii de investigare şi a testului de piață, Transgaz s-a angajat:

    – să pună la dispoziție capacități minime de export de 1,75 miliarde de metri cubi pe an la punctul de interconectare dintre România și Ungaria. Această capacitate este echivalentă cu aproximativ o șesime din consumul anual de gaze naturale al Ungariei;

    – să pună la dispoziție capacități minime de export la un nivel total de 3,7 miliarde de metri cubi pe an în două puncte de interconectare dintre România și Bulgaria (anume Giurgiu/Ruse și Negru Vodă I/Kardam). Această capacitate acoperă mai mult de jumătate din consumul anual de gaze naturale al Bulgariei și al Greciei;

    – să se asigure că tarifele pe care le va propune Autorității Române de reglementare în domeniul energiei nu se vor diferenția între piața de export și cea internă, evitându-se astfel tarifele de interconectare care fac exporturile neviabile din punct de vedere comercial;

    – de asemenea, Transgaz s-a angajat să se abțină de la utilizarea oricăror alte mijloace de obstrucționare a exporturilor.

    Angajamentele rămân în vigoare până la 31 decembrie 2026. Un administrator-supraveghetor va fi însărcinat cu monitorizarea aplicării și respectării acestor angajamente.

    Dacă Transgaz le va încălca, Comisia îi poate impune o amendă de până la 10% din cifra sa de afaceri la nivel mondial.

  • October 11, 2019

    October 11, 2019

    CONSULTATIONS In Bucharest, President Klaus Iohannis has a first round of consultations with the parliamentary parties today, after Mrs Dancilas Social Democratic Cabinet was dismissed through a no-confidence vote in Parliament. The first to talk to the President were the Liberals. After the discussions, the Liberal leader Ludovic Orban said the National Liberal Party would prefer early elections, but that they are prepared to take over power. Save Romania Union, the next party invited to the Presidency, said they wanted early elections, which according to the party would put an end to the political crisis. The head of the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians, Kelemen Hunor, nominated a PM from his own party, and offered the alternatives of an independent prime minister from the financial sector or of a government headed by the Liberal leader. The head of the Peoples Movement Party Eugen Tomac voiced lack of confidence in the early election scenario and urged the President to consider the nomination of a prime minister from PMP. The Social Democrats, scheduled to be the last to see Iohannis today, announced they did not accept the invitation. The President said he wanted a Cabinet with a clearly defined mission, to ensure responsible and efficient governing until the forthcoming parliamentary elections, irrespective of their date.

    ELECTION In Romania, the campaign for Novembers presidential election officially starts on Saturday, with 14 candidates in the race, including the incumbent President Klaus Iohannis, backed by the Liberals in opposition, the incumbent PM Viorica Dăncilă, backed by the Social Democratic Party, Dan Barna, backed by the USR-PLUS Alliance, Theodor Paleologu (Peoples Movement Party), Mircea Diaconu, supported by ALDE and Pro Romania, and Kelemen Hunor from the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania. Cătălin Ivan, Ninel Peia, Sebastian-Constantin Popescu, John-Ion Banu, Ramona-Ioana Bruynseels and Viorel Cataramă represent political parties from outside Parliament, whereas Bogdan Stanoevici and Alexandru Cumpănaşu run as unaffiliated candidates. The first round of the presidential election is due on November 10th, and the second on the 24th. Under a government order, the Romanians living abroad will be able to vote between November 8th and 10th in the first round, and again for 3 days, November 22nd to 24th, in the second round.

    NATURAL GAS The ‘Transgaz’ SA National Gas Transport Company and Russias ‘Gazprom Export’ have agreed to extend their natural gas transport contract by another 3 months, until December 31. According to Transgaz, this extension ensures the continuity of natural gas transport from Russia to Turkey, Greece and other south-east European countries. Transgaz SA is the technical operator of the National Transport System for natural gas, and ensures the efficient, transparent, safe, fair and competitive implementation of the national strategy regarding the domestic and international natural gas transport, as well as research and design in the natural gas sector.

    NOBEL Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, “for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and in particular for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea. Ethiopia and Eritrea, involved in a war over disputed border territory between 1998 and 2000, resumed official relations in July 2018, after years of hostility. On Thursday, the 2018 Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk, after the postponement triggered by the sex assault scandal at the Swedish Academy, and the 2019 Prize went to Austrian Peter Handke. The last Nobel Prize this year is the one for economics, to be awarded on Monday.

    FOOTBALL Romanias youth national team defeated Ukraine, 3-0 at home on Thursday night, in a match in Group 8 of the Euro 2021 qualifiers. On Monday the Romanians are to take on Northern Ireland, also on home turf. Last month, Romania lost its first qualifier game, 1-2 away from home against Denmark. The group also includes Finland and Malta. In June, Romanias Under 21 team qualified for the first time into the semi-finals of the continental tournament in Italy and San Marino, securing their tickets for next years Tokyo Olympics. Meanwhile, the national team plays on Saturday against the Faroe Islands away from home, and on Tuesday against Norway at home, in Group F of next years European Championship. The group draw for Euro 2020 takes place in Bucharest on November 30. The Romanian capital city will also host 4 matches in the final tournament, 3 in the group stage and one in the round of 16.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • A la Une de la presse 22.05.2019

    A la Une de la presse 22.05.2019

    Adevărul.ro reproduit « le
    témoignage bouleversant du Roumain, diplômé en droit, injustement arrêté en Autriche » et publie des détails importants sur le braquage d’un distributeur de billets à Bucarest. Le site d’infos Hotnews.ro s’intéresse aux projets de développement de la compagnie Transgaz, tandis qu’un autre site, G4Media, se penche sur le secteur des télécommunications. Et puis Evenimentulzilei.ro annonce un important événement pour les amateurs d’opéra de Bucarest et de Timisoara.

  • 27.04.2019 (mise à jour)

    27.04.2019 (mise à jour)

    Pâques — Les orthodoxes et les gréco-catholiques de Roumanie célébreront Pâques le dimanche 28 avril. Le patriarche de l’Eglise orthodoxe roumaine, Daniel, a exhorté les fidèles à apporter, par la parole et les bons actes, la joie et la lumière dans l’âme des orphelins, des malades, des personnes âgées, pauvres, endeuillée et seules. « N’oublions pas non plus les Roumains vivant à l’étranger. Prions donc pour leur santé et leur salut » a encore écrit dans sa lettre pastorale pour Pâques le patriarche de l’Eglise orthodoxe roumaine, Daniel. A son tour, l’évêque de l’Eparchie gréco-catholique de Cluj-Gherla (nord-ouest de la Roumanie), Florentin Crihălmeanu, a rappelé la prochaine visite en Roumanie du pape François, pendant laquelle le Saint -Père va béatifier sept évêques martyrs sous le communisme.

    Mini-vacances — En Roumanie, plus de 22.000 agents de police, sapeurs-pompiers, gendarmes, policiers aux frontières et personnels du SMURD sont mobilisés pour assurer la sécurité de la circulation et sur les lieux où se dérouleront des événements pour de larges groupes de personnes, pendant les mini-vacances de Pâques et du 1-er Mai, a informé le ministère de l’intérieur. Plus de 900 événements publics, auxquels sont attendues plus d’un million de personnes au total, sont prévus durant la prochaine période. Par ailleurs, les autorités roumaines coopèrent avec leurs homologues de Hongrie et de Bulgarie voisines aux points de passage frontalier les plus fréquentés. Dans le département de Constanta (sud-est de la Roumanie), près de 17.500 passagers et quelque 5.000 véhicules ont transité ces 24 dernières heures via les points de passage, le flux le plus important ayant été enregistré à Vama Veche, à la frontière avec la Bulgarie.

    Elections — La campagne pour les élections européennes du 26 mai a démarré en Roumanie, ce samedi, le 27 avril, pour prendre fin le 25 mai, à la veille des élections. Les candidats en lice figurent sur les listes de 13 formations politiques : le Parti social démocrate et l’Alliance des démocrates et des libéraux, membres de la coalition au pouvoir, l’Union démocratiques des Magyars de Roumanie, liée au pouvoir par un protocole de coopération parlementaire, le Parti national libéral, l’Alliance Union Sauvez la Roumanie-PLUS, le Parti du Mouvement populaire, le parti Pro Romania (formé de dissidents du PSD), tous d’opposition. S’y ajoutent les partis extraparlementaires l’Union nationale pour le progrès de la Roumanie, le bloc de l’Unité nationale et les partis Romania Unita, PRODEMO, Socialiste Roumain et Social démocrate indépendant. Il y a aussi trois candidatures indépendantes. Si le Royaume-Uni quitte l’Union européenne, Bucarest enverra au Parlement européen 33 eurodéputés, un eurodéputé de plus par rapport à la législature actuelle. 441 bureaux de vote seront ouverts à l’intention des Roumains de l’étranger, la plupart en Italie, Espagne et en République de Moldova voisine. Le 26 mai, jour des élections européennes, est également prévu le référendum sur la Justice convoqué par le président du pays, Klaus Iohannis.

    Gaz — « Transgaz », la compagnie nationale roumaine de transport de gaz, a signé les contrats nécessaires à la construction du gazoduc Ungheni-Chişinău, en République de Moldova voisine. Le ministère roumain de l’Economie informe que l’ordre portant démarrage des travaux sera émis le 2 mai. La réalisation de ce projet, déclaré d’intérêt national en République de Moldova, suppose la construction d’un pipeline de 120 km reliant les villes moldaves d’Ungheni et Chisinau. Cette infrastructure devrait s’ajoutera à la liaison déjà existante entre la ville roumaine de Iasi et Ungheni et permettra de réduire la dépendance de l’Etat moldave à l’égard du gaz russe.

    Tennis de table — Le Roumain Ovidiu Ionescu et l’Espagnol Alvaro Robles sont les médaillés d’argent en double messieurs des Championnats du monde de tennis de table individuels accueillis par la Hongrie. Ils ont été vaincus en finale par la paire chinoise Long Ma /Chuqin Wang. Le Conseil directeur de la Fédération continentale de tennis de table a décidé que l’édition 2021 des Championnats du monde par équipes soit organisée en Roumanie. Notons que la Roumanie a accueilli en 2018 les Championnats d’Europe Jeunes de tennis de table, soit les catégories Cadets et Juniors.

    Météo — Les météorologues roumains ont émis une alerte jaune à l’instabilité atmosphérique accentuée et aux fortes pluies, valable alerte jusqu’à dimanche matin et qui concerne le sud-ouest, le centre et le nord-ouest du pays. On attend des pluies orageuses et des chutes de grêle. Plusieurs rivières de ces mêmes régions sont placées jusqu’à dimanche soir en vigilance crues de niveau jaune. Les températures maximales iront de 12° à 25°.