Tag: US Open

  • August 30, 2024

    August 30, 2024

    SANCTIONS Romania supports the adoption of new sanctions against Russia. At the informal meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers with their Ukrainian counterpart Dmitro Kuleba, on Thursday, the Romanian Foreign Minister, Luminita Odobescu, said that pressure has to be kept on Moscow and so has military and energy support for Ukraine. The issue of the military support for Ukraine is presently being talked upon by Defence Ministries of the EU countries. Talks are focusing on the EU operation, already underway, to train the Ukrainian soldiers to defend their country against the Russian invasion, DPA reports. A new plan of relocating some of these training operations to Ukraine will be discussed. Some of these training sessions are presently being held in Germany and Poland and the mission kicked off in November 2022. According to data released in May, 52 thousand Ukrainian troops had benefitted from this training.


    VISIT Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis will be paying a formal visit to Chisinau at the invitation of his Moldovan counterpart, Maia Sandu. The visit comes against the background of the two countries’ celebrating the Day of the Romanian language on August 31st. Iohannis is expected to deliver a firm message of support and encouragement for the authorities and citizens of the Republic of Moldova in their efforts to modernize and democratize the country and for the irreversible implementation of the rule of law and the European roadmap – the presidential administration has announced. The president will also be making an appeal to international partners to carry on their multidimensional assistance to the Republic of Moldova mainly in the context of the aggression war Russia is presently waging on Ukraine and all the risks entailed by this situation.


    VISIT Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis will be paying a formal visit to Chisinau at the invitation of his Moldovan counterpart, Maia Sandu. The visit comes against the background of the two countries’ celebrating the Day of the Romanian language on August 31st. Iohannis is expected to deliver a firm message of support and encouragement for the authorities and citizens of the Republic of Moldova in their efforts to modernize and democratize the country and for the irreversible implementation of the rule of law and the European roadmap – the presidential administration has announced. The president will also be making an appeal to international partners to carry on their multidimensional assistance to the Republic of Moldova mainly in the context of the aggression war Russia is presently waging on Ukraine and all the risks entailed by this situation.


    FOOTBALL Romania’s football champions FCSB have qualified for the Europa League’s groups after the one-nil victory in Bucharest on Thursday against Austrian side LASK Linz. The first game ended in a draw, one-all. Unfortunately Romania’s vice-champions CFR Cluj failed to qualify for the Conference League. The Romanians were knocked out by the Cypriotes of FC Pafos, who won the decisive play-offs game 3-0. The first game went to CFR, 1-0. FCSB will today be learning their opponents in their group.


    TENNIS Romanian tennis player, Gabriela Ruse, is today playing Spanish Paula Badosa in the third round of the US Open, the year’s last Grand Slam tournament. Coming straight form the qualifiers, the Romanian caused a big surprise in the competition’s second round after securing a win against Barbora Krejcikova of Czechia, winner of this year’s edition of Wimbledon. This has been Gabriela’s first qualification for the third round of a Grand Slam tournament.


    WEATHER And now a couple of things about the weather, which is unstable with showers and thunderstorms reported in almost the entire Romanian territory and on isolated areas on the Black Sea coast. However, the weather remains warm in the country’s western regions. The highs of the ray are ranging from 24 to 34 degrees Celsius.



  • August 23, 2024 UPDATE

    August 23, 2024 UPDATE


    EU The Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu discussed, on Thursday, in Brussels, with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, about the future European commissioner from Romania, about the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, as well as about a new agreement on Romania’s budget deficit, which should extend over 7 years. Regarding the position of European commissioner, Marcel Ciolacu announced that he nominated Victor Negrescu, the current vice-president of the European Parliament. During the meeting, they tackled Romania’s accession to Schengen with its land borders, with the Prime Minister stressing that Ursula von der Leyen is the “biggest” supporter of this cause.


    DEFENCE The Chief of the defence staff, General Gheorghiţă Vlad, met on Thursday, in Bucharest, with his counterpart from the French Republic, General Thierry Burkhard, who is on an official visit to Romania. The talks between the two focused on the regional security situation, the progress in achieving full operational capacity of the NATO Battle Group in 2025, and the responsibilities of the French structures deployed to Romania in strengthening the Allied deterrence and defence posture. General Gheorghiţă Vlad emphasised that, in the last two years, the excellent cooperation between the two armies to ensure collective defence were also reflected in the increased interoperability between structures and in the development of training and quartering infrastructure. The visit also included a meeting of the two heads of defence with troops from the NATO Battle Group, at the Getica National Joint Training Center in Cincu. France is the lead nation of the NATO Battle Group.


    US ELECTION The Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris accepted her party’s nomination as a candidate for the US presidency, at the Democratic National Convention. She told her supporters that the country has a chance to overcome resentment, cynicism and division. Harris promised tax cuts for the middle class. As regards abortions, she accused her opponent, the former Republican President Donald Trump, of wanting to introduce a national ban. In terms of foreign policy, Harris said that dictators around the world support Trump, the BBC reports.


    COMMEMORATION The president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, in his message on the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism and Communism, says that populism and hate speech are once again present, under various forms. He argues that this is precisely why society as a whole must stay alert to the risk of all the values embraced by Romania being pushed into irrelevance. Iohannis also mentioned the crucial decision made by King Michael I, who acted with responsibility and dignity and changed the fateful course of WWII, saving the country from imminent disaster. In turn, PM Marcel Ciolacu reiterated the government’s firm commitment to fight all forms of extremism, and to strengthen civic engagement, by educating the youth with respect to all the landmarks in recent history.


    SCHOOLS Students in secondary schools and high schools in Romania will have more rules to observe in the new academic year. School rules stipulate, among other things, that students cannot hold mobile phones during classes and provide for penalties in case of violations. School operation rules have also been amended. Novelties include conduct grades for each module, separate tests for 9th grade admission, and a teacher in charge of EU-funded projects in each school, as well as online or hybrid classes for students in exceptional situations. On the other hand, secondary school and high school students with final grades above 9.50 will receive merits scholarships. For this academic year, the merit scholarship minimum amount is nearly EUR 90. This amount may be increased by school boards, depending on the budget earmarked by the local authorities.


    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Gabriela Ruse managed to reach the singles main draw of the US Open Grand Slam tournament, which starts on Monday in New York, after defeating Alexandra Eala from the Philippines in 3 sets. Ruse will face Julia Grabher from Austria in the inaugural round. She is the third Romanian to reach the singles main draw at the US Open, after Ana Bogdan and Jaqueline Cristian entered the singles draw thanks to ranking. Cristian will play against Russia’s Daria Kasatkina, seeded 12, while Ana Bogdan will meet the Dutch Arantxa Rus in the first round. (AMP)

  • La semaine du 4 au 10 août 2023

    La semaine du 4 au 10 août 2023

    Hypothèse : un drone russe est tombé
    sur le territoire de la Roumanie

    réaffirme sa forte solidarité avec la Roumanie, après avoir été informée de
    l’incident produit près de la frontière avec l’Ukraine, où des fragments de
    drone russe ont été identifiés. Nous continuerons à suivre de près la situation
    et resterons en contact avec notre alliée, la Roumanie – ont déclaré les
    représentants de l’OTAN dans un communiqué. Selon le secrétaire général de
    l’Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, il n’y a pas d’indication que les éventuels
    débris de drone russe trouvés en Roumanie soient le signe d’une attaque russe
    délibérée contre ce pays membre de l’Otan. Qui plus est, l’événement
    « prouve le risque d’un accident » provoqué par le conflit en
    Ukraine. Le secrétaire général a rappelé aussi des incidents similaires qui
    avaient eu lieu en Pologne. Aux dires du ministre roumain de la Défense, Angel
    Tîlvăr, les spécialistes du Ministère roumain de la Défense ont collecté des
    preuves près du village de Plauru, dans le département de Tulcea (sud-est), à seulement
    70 mètres du Danube, fleuve qui sépare la Roumanie et l’Ukraine. Selon le
    porte-parole du ministère « des mesures ont été établies pour renforcer
    les capacités techniques de surveillance et de sécurisation de l’espace
    aérien ». Selon le président roumain Klaus Iohannis, s’il s’avère que le
    drone appartenait bien à la Russie, l’incident représente une grave violation
    de la souveraineté et de l’intégrité territoriale de la Roumanie. La veille, le
    chef de l’Etat avait déclaré « qu’aucune pièce, qu’aucun drone, ni aucun
    autre dispositif n’était arrivé en Roumanie ». D’ailleurs, les russes
    ciblent fréquemment les ports fluviaux Ismail et Reni. Ces ports sont des
    points de transit importants pour les exportations ukrainiennes après qu’en
    juillet dernier, la Russie s’était retirée de l’accord concernant le transit
    des céréales de la mer Noire. Essentielles pour le transport des marchandises
    sur le Danube, Reni est situé à 13 km de la ville roumaine de Galati, tandis
    qu’Ismail est sis sur le bras de Chilia du delta du Danube, soit la frontière
    entre la Roumanie et l’Ukraine.

    Sommet régional à Bucarest

    Mercredi, Bucarest
    a accueilli le Sommet de l’Initiative des Trois Mers, réunissant les
    Etats-membres de l’UE riverains des mers Adriatique, Baltique et Noire. A cette
    occasion, la Grèce deviendra le 13ème pays participant, tandis que l’Ukraine et
    la République de Moldova, voisines de la Roumanie, recevront le statut d’États
    associés. Lors de la déclaration finale commune, les leaders des états
    participants ont réaffirmé leur appui pour l’Ukraine et ont condamné de nouveau
    l’invasion russe déclenchée il y a un an et demi. En marge du Sommet, jeudi a
    eu lieu un Forum des affaires de l’Initiative des Trois Mers, réunissant plus
    d’un millier de représentants du milieu des affaires, de la politique ainsi que
    des représentants de la société civile. Les autorités roumaines ont exprimé de
    nouveau leur intérêt de réaliser des projets censés renforces l’interconnexion
    dans la région.

    gouvernement assume sa responsabilité pour réduire le déficit fiscal

    Le chef social-démocrate du cabinet de la coalition PSD-PNL, Marcel
    Ciolacu, a annoncé mardi que jusqu’à la fin de ce mois son équipe exécutive
    devrait engager la responsabilité gouvernementale devant le Parlement pour les
    mesures censées réduire le déficit budgétaire. Sans donner trop de détails, le
    premier ministre roumain a déclaré que le paquet de mesures visera la lutte
    contre l’évasion fiscale – quasi-généralisée dans certains secteurs, selon les
    experts – des réformes dans le système administratif central et local, dont
    tous les experts affirment qu’il est surdimensionné, ainsi qu’une réforme de la
    fiscalité, qui figure parmi les jalons du Plan national de relance et de
    résilience, négocié avec les autorités de Bruxelles. Les sociaux-démocrates et
    les libéraux dominent confortablement le Parlement, et par conséquent les
    réformes promises par M Ciolacu devraient passer et le gouvernement de Bucarest
    continuera son mandat. Les deux pôles de l’opposition, l’USR et l’AUR qui se déclarent
    incompatibles du point de vue idéologique, annoncent que dans l’actuelle
    législature, ils comptent initier séparément des motions de censure contre le
    cabinet. Pourtant, selon la presse roumaine ces initiatives n’auront aucune
    chance de succès.

    Dans arrestations dans le dossier de

    propriétaires de la compagnie qui possède la station de Gaz de pétrole liquéfié
    de Crevedia (dans le sud de la Roumanie, pas loin de Bucarest), où deux
    explosions ont fait de nombreuses victimes le 26 août dernier, ont été mis en
    détention provisoire pour 30 jours. Les procureurs ont saisi plusieurs
    immeubles et comptes bancaires des deux patrons afin que l’Etat puisse dédommager
    les victimes. Selon les autorités, cinq personnes sont mortes et plus d’une cinquantaine
    ont été blessées, à la suite des explosions. Six maisons ont été entièrement
    détruites et presque 80 ont été endommagées. Les patrons sont accusés d’avoir enfreint
    systématiquement, au moins depuis 3 ans, la législation concernant le
    déroulement des opérations d’alimentation, de transport, de transfert et de
    stockage du GPL.

    Première à l’US Open

    joueuse de tennis roumaine Sorana Cîrstea s’est qualifiée en première dans les
    quarts de finale de l’US Open, le dernier tournoi du Grand Chelem de l’année.
    Pourtant elle n’est pas parvenue à se qualifier pour les demi-finales et s’est
    en effet inclinée mercredi face à la Tchèque Karolina Muchova. C’est la
    première fois que Cîrstea arrive cette année jusqu’en quarts de finale de la
    compétition new-yorkaise. Elle a joué un seul quart de finale dans un tournoi
    du Grand Chelem, en 2009 à Roland Garros, lorsqu’elle était âgée de 19
    ans. Grâce aux points remportés par
    Flushing Meadows, elle grimpera quatre places dans la hiérarchie mondiale, pour
    occuper la 26e place dès lundi. En l’absence de l’ex numéro une mondiale,
    Simona Halep, suspendue depuis une année déjà pour un dopage présumé, Sorana
    Cîrstea semble devenir déjà la leader de facto du tennis roumain, affirme la
    presse sportive roumaine.

  • Rückblick auf die Ereignisse vom 04.09.2023 bis zum 08.09.2023

    Rückblick auf die Ereignisse vom 04.09.2023 bis zum 08.09.2023

    Die Theorie: Russische Drohne in Rumänien abgestürzt

    Das Nordatlantische Bündnis bekräftigt seine Solidarität mit Rumänien, nachdem es über den Vorfall in der Nähe seiner Grenze zur Ukraine informiert wurde, bei dem möglicherweise Fragmente einer russischen Drohne gefunden wurden. Wir werden die Situation weiterhin aufmerksam beobachten und mit unserem Verbündeten Rumänien in Kontakt bleiben, wie die NATO in einer Erklärung mitteilte. NATO-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg sagte, dass es keine Informationen über einen absichtlichen russischen Angriff gebe. Der Vorfall zeige das Risiko eines Unfalls“, der durch den Krieg in der Ukraine verursacht werden kann, und erinnerte daran, dass es in Polen ähnliche Vorfälle gegeben habe. Die rumänische Armee teilte mit, dass Spezialisten des Verteidigungsministeriums in der Nähe des Dorfes Plauru Proben genommen hätten. Der Sprecher des Ministeriums teilte mit, dass Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der technischen Kapazitäten für die Überwachung und Sicherung des Luftraums ergriffen wurden. Der Staatspräsident Klaus Iohannis sagte, wenn sich bestätige, dass die Drohne Russland gehöre, wurde die Souveränität und territoriale Integrität Rumäniens verletzt. Am Vortag hatte das Staatsoberhaupt noch erklärt, dass keine Drohne und kein anderes Gerät auf rumänisches Gebiet gefallen ist. Die russischen Truppen zielen häufig auf die ukrainischen Flusshäfen von Ismail und Reni. Diese Häfen sind für ukrainische Exporte von Bedeutung, nachdem Russland sich im Juli aus dem Abkommen über den Getreidetransit über das Schwarze Meer zurückgezogen hat. Die Stadt Reni liegt etwa 13 Kilometer Luftlinie von der rumänischen Stadt Galati entfernt, während Ismail am Chilia-Arm der Donau liegt, der die Grenze zwischen Rumänien und der Ukraine bildet.

    Regionalgipfel in Bukarest

    Am Mittwoch fand in Bukarest das Gipfeltreffen der Drei-Meeres-Initiative statt, der Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union angehören, die zwischen der Ostsee, dem Schwarzen Meer und dem Adriatischen Meer liegen. Griechenland wurde das 13. Mitglied der Initiative und die Ukraine und Moldau wurden assoziierte Partner. Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der teilnehmenden Länder bekräftigten ihre Unterstützung für die Ukraine und verurteilten erneut die russische Invasion, die vor eineinhalb Jahren begann. Am Donnerstag fand das Wirtschaftsforum der Drei-Meere-Initiative statt, an dem über tausend Vertreter aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft teilnahmen. Die rumänischen Behörden bekundeten ihr Interesse an Projekten zur Verbesserung der Interkonnektivität in der Region.

    Regierung übernimmt die Verantwortung für den Abbau des Haushaltsdefizits

    Marcel Ciolacu, der sozialdemokratische Regierungschef der Koalition aus Sozialdemokraten und Liberalen, sagte am Dienstag, dass er bis Ende dieses Monats im Parlament die Verantwortung für den Haushaltsdefizitabbau übernehmen wird. Das Maßnahmenpaket umfasst die Bekämpfung der Steuerhinterziehung, die Experten zufolge in einigen Sektoren bereits generalisiert ist, Reformen im zentralen und lokalen Verwaltungssystem, das Experten zufolge ebenfalls aufgebläht ist, und eine Steuerreform, die als Meilenstein in dem mit Brüssel vereinbarten nationalen Konjunktur- und Resilienzplan enthalten ist. Da die Sozialdemokraten und die Liberalen das Parlament dominieren, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass die von Ciolacu versprochenen Reformen nach ihrer Einigung umgesetzt werden und die Regierung weiterhin im Amt bleibt. Die beiden Parteien, USR und AUR, die sich für ideologisch unvereinbar erklären, kündigten an, in der laufenden Legislaturperiode getrennte Misstrauensanträge gegen das Kabinett zu stellen.

    Verhaftungen im Fall Crevedia

    Die Eigentümer des Unternehmens, das die Flüssiggastankstelle in Crevedia besitzt, in der sich im vergangenen Monat zwei Explosionen ereigneten, die zahlreiche Opfer forderten, wurden für 30 Tage in Untersuchungshaft genommen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat mehrere Immobilien und Bankkonten beschlagnahmt, um die Entschädigung der Opfer zu gewährleisten. Laut den Behörden wurden infolge der Explosionen am 26. August fünf Menschen getötet, mehr als 50 wurden verletzt. Sechs Häuser wurden völlig und fast 80 teilweise zerstört. Die Eigentümer des Unternehmens werden beschuldigt, mindestens drei Jahre lang systematisch Verstöße gegen die gesetzlichen Vorschriften für die Lieferung, den Transport, den Transfer und die Lagerung von Flüssiggas begangen zu haben.

    Eine Premiere bei der US-Open

    Die rumänische Tennisspielerin Sorana Cîrstea hat sich erstmals für das Viertelfinale der US Open qualifiziert. Sie unterlag der Tschechin Karolina Muchova. Cîrstea erzielte bei dem Turnier in New York ihre beste Leistung. Sie hatte nur einmal ein Grand-Slam-Viertelfinale erreicht, nämlich im Jahr 2009 in Roland Garros, als sie noch 19 Jahre alt war. Dank der Punkte in Flushing Meadows rückt sie in der WTA-Rangliste auf Rang 26 vor. In Abwesenheit der ehemaligen Weltranglistenersten Simona Halep, die wegen Dopingvorwürfen für ein Jahr gesperrt wurde, scheint Sorana Cîrstea laut der Sportpresse de facto die Führung im rumänischen Tennis übernommen zu haben.

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii 03 -09.09.2023

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 03 -09.09.2023

    Ipoteză: o dronă rusească a căzut în România

    Alianţa Nord-Atlantică îşi reafirmă puternica solidaritate cu România, după ce a fost informată în legătură cu incidentul din apropierea graniţei acesteia cu Ucraina, unde au fost identificate posibile fragmente ale unei drone ruseşti. Vom continua să monitorizăm îndeaproape situaţia şi rămânem în contact cu aliatul nostru, România – afirmă NATO într-o declaraţie. Secretarul general al Alianței, Jens Stoltenberg, a declarat că nu există nici o informație care să indice un atac intenționat al Rusiei. El a mai spus că evenimentul demonstrează riscul unui accident provocat de conflictul din Ucraina și a amintit că incidente similare au mai avut loc în Polonia.

    Ministrul român al Apărării, Angel Tîlvăr, a anunţat că specialiştii MApN au ridicat probe din apropierea satului Plauru din judeţul Tulcea, la aproximativ 70 de metri de Dunăre. Purtătorul de cuvânt al ministerului a precizat că au fost stabilite măsuri de întărire a capacității tehnice de monitorizare și de securizare a spațiului aerian.

    Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a declarat că, în situația în care se confirmă că drona aparține Rusiei, incidentul reprezintă o încălcare gravă a suveranității și integrității teritoriale ale României. Cu o zi înainte, şeful statului afirmase că nu a existat nici o piesă şi nici o dronă şi nici o altă parte a vreunui dispozitiv care a ajuns în România.

    Rușii țintesc frecvent porturile fluviale Ismail și Reni, din sudul Basarabiei, teritoriu românesc răsăritean anexat de Uniunea Sovietică stalinistă în 1940, în urma unui ultimatum, și preluat de Ucraina în 1991, ca stat succesor. Aceste porturi sunt o ieşire importantă pentru exporturile ucrainene, după ce, în iulie, Rusia s-a retras din acordul privind tranzitul cerealelor prin Marea Neagră. Esențiale pentru transportul mărfurilor pe Dunăre, Reni se afla la circa 13 kilometri în linie dreaptă de orașul românesc Galați, iar Izmail e pe braţul Chilia al Deltei, devenit graniţă între România şi Ucraina.

    Summit regional la București

    Bucureștiul a găzduit, miercuri, Summitul Inițiativei celor Trei Mări, care include țările membre ale Uniunii Europene situate între mările Baltică, Neagră şi Adriatică. Cu acest prilej, Grecia a devenit cea de-a 13-a ţară membră a Iniţiativei, iar Ucraina şi Republica Moldova au obţinut calitatea de state asociate. În declaraţia finală comună, liderii statelor participante şi-au reafirmat sprijinul pentru Ucraina şi au condamnat, din nou, invazia rusească declanșată acum un an și jumătate. În marja summitului, joi, a avut loc Forumul de Afaceri al Iniţiativei celor Trei Mări, care-a reunit peste o mie de reprezentanţi ai mediului de afaceri, decidenţi politici şi reprezentanţi ai societăţii civile. Autorităţile române au repetat că sunt interesate de realizarea unor proiecte care să sporească gradul de interconectare în regiune.

    Guvernul îşi asumă răspunderea pentru reducerea deficitului fiscal

    Şeful social-democrat al Guvernului PSD-PNL, Marcel Ciolacu, a anunţat, marţi, că echipa sa executiva îşi va asuma, până la sfârşitul acestei luni, răspunderea în Parlament pentru măsurile prin care speră să reducă deficitul bugetar. Fără să intre în detalii, premierul a declarat că pachetul de măsuri va cuprinde combaterea evaziunii fiscale, despre care experţii spun că e cvasi-generalizată în unele sectoare, reforme în sistemul administrativ central şi local, despre care tot experţii spun că e gonflat, precum şi o reformă a fiscalităţii, ce figurează ca jalon în Planul Naţional de Redresare şi Rezilienţă, convenit cu Bruxellesul. Social-democrații și liberalii domină confortabil Parlamentul, așa că e foarte probabil ca, odată convenite între ei, reformele promise de Ciolacu să treacă, iar guvernul să-și continue mandatul. Cei doi poli ai opoziţiei, USR şi AUR, care se declară incompatibili ideologic, anunță că, în actuala legislatură, vor iniția, separat, moțiuni de cenzură contra Cabinetului, iar presa susține că șansele ca vreuna să fie adoptată sunt nule.

    Arestări în dosarul Crevedia

    Patronii firmei care deţine staţia GPL din Crevedi, unde luna trecută au avut loc două explozii soldate cu numeroase victime, au fost arestaţi preventiv pentru 30 de zile. Procurorii au pus sechestru pe mai multe imobile şi conturi bancare ale celor doi, pentru ca statul să poată asigura despăgubirile pentru victime. Potrivit autorităţilor, în urma exploziilor de pe 26 august au murit cinci persoane și peste 50 au fost rănite. Șase case au fost distruse în totalitate, iar aproape 80 parţial. Patronii firmei sunt acuzaţi că, de cel puţin trei ani, au promovat în mod sistematic încălcarea dispoziţiilor legale privind derularea operaţiunilor de alimentare, transport, transfer şi depozitare de combustibil GPL.

    Premieră la US Open

    Jucătoarea română de tenis Sorana Cîrstea s-a calificat, în premieră, în sferturile de finală ale turneului US Open, ultimul de Mare Şlem al anului, de unde a fost eliminată de Karolina Muchova, din Cehia. Cîrstea a reuşit cea mai mare performanţă a sa la turneul new-yorkez. Ea mai jucat un singur sfert de finală la un turneu de Mare Şlem, în 2009, la Roland Garros, când avea 19 doar ani. Grație punctelor câștigate la Flushing Meadows, ea va urca patru locuri în ierarhia mondială, urmând să se afle de luni pe locul 26 WTA. În absenţa fostului număr unu mondial, Simona Halep, suspendată de un an pentru un presupus dopaj încă neelucidat, Sorana Cîrstea pare să fi devenit, potrivit presei sportive, liderul de facto al tenisului românesc.

  • Info Sport

    În sferturile de finală ale turneului de
    tenis de la US Open, ultimul turneu de Mare Şlem al anului, jucătoarea română
    Sorana Cîrstea a fost învinsă în două seturi, 6-0, 6-3, de jucătoarea Karolina
    Muchova din Cehia. Partida a durat o oră şi 37 de minute de joc. Cîrstea, în
    vârstă de 33 de ani și care ocupă locul 30 Mondial, a intrat în posesia unui
    cec în valoare de 455.000 de dolari şi a 430 de puncte WTA.

    același turneu, perechea româno-ucraineană Gabriela Ruse-Marta Kostiuk a fost
    învinsă de cuplul american Coco Gauff-Jessica Pegula, cu 6-3, 6-1 în optimi.
    Americancele au obţinut victoria după o oră şi 16 minute. Ruse şi Kostiuk au primit
    un cec de 58.000 de dolari şi 240 de puncte WTA la dublu.

    naţională de ciclism şosea a României a câştigat 13 medalii, 7 de aur, 4 de
    argint şi 2 de bronz, la Campionatele Balcanice desfăşurate la Larissa, în
    Grecia. România a participat cu 18 sportivi însoţiţi de stafful lor. Ciclista Manuela
    Mureşan a câştigat două medalii de aur la elite, la contratimp şi fond, ciclistul
    Emil Dima a obţinut o medalie de argint la elite. Restul medaliilor au fost
    obținute la Under-23, la juniori și la cadeți.

    ultimele trei meciuri ale etapei a 8-a a superligii române la fotbal
    desfășurate luni s-au înregistrat rezultatele: Universitatea Cluj – Politehnica
    Iași 0-2, FC Botoșani – FC Hermannstadt 2-2 și Sepsi Sf. Gheorghe – UTA 1-0. În
    clasament, pe primul loc este FCSB cu 18 puncte, urmată de CFR Cluj cu 16
    puncte și Rapid București cu 14 puncte.

    În turul secund din
    liga națională română la rugby s-au înregistrat rezultatele: CSM Baia Mare -
    Bârlad 90-9, Știința Petroșani – Politehnica Iași 7-50, Universitatea Cluj -
    Municipal Galați 64-7, Steaua București – CSM Constanța 29-29, Dinamo București
    – Săgeata Năvodari 5-0 și SCM Timișoara – Grivița 5-0. Liderele celor trei
    grupe sunt CSM Baia Mare, CSM Constanța și Dinamo București.

  • Info Sport

    În sferturile de finală ale turneului de
    tenis de la US Open, ultimul turneu de Mare Şlem al anului, jucătoarea română
    Sorana Cîrstea a fost învinsă în două seturi, 6-0, 6-3, de jucătoarea Karolina
    Muchova din Cehia. Partida a durat o oră şi 37 de minute de joc. Cîrstea, în
    vârstă de 33 de ani și care ocupă locul 30 Mondial, a intrat în posesia unui
    cec în valoare de 455.000 de dolari şi a 430 de puncte WTA.

    același turneu, perechea româno-ucraineană Gabriela Ruse-Marta Kostiuk a fost
    învinsă de cuplul american Coco Gauff-Jessica Pegula, cu 6-3, 6-1 în optimi.
    Americancele au obţinut victoria după o oră şi 16 minute. Ruse şi Kostiuk au primit
    un cec de 58.000 de dolari şi 240 de puncte WTA la dublu.

    naţională de ciclism şosea a României a câştigat 13 medalii, 7 de aur, 4 de
    argint şi 2 de bronz, la Campionatele Balcanice desfăşurate la Larissa, în
    Grecia. România a participat cu 18 sportivi însoţiţi de stafful lor. Ciclista Manuela
    Mureşan a câştigat două medalii de aur la elite, la contratimp şi fond, ciclistul
    Emil Dima a obţinut o medalie de argint la elite. Restul medaliilor au fost
    obținute la Under-23, la juniori și la cadeți.

    ultimele trei meciuri ale etapei a 8-a a superligii române la fotbal
    desfășurate luni s-au înregistrat rezultatele: Universitatea Cluj – Politehnica
    Iași 0-2, FC Botoșani – FC Hermannstadt 2-2 și Sepsi Sf. Gheorghe – UTA 1-0. În
    clasament, pe primul loc este FCSB cu 18 puncte, urmată de CFR Cluj cu 16
    puncte și Rapid București cu 14 puncte.

    În turul secund din
    liga națională română la rugby s-au înregistrat rezultatele: CSM Baia Mare -
    Bârlad 90-9, Știința Petroșani – Politehnica Iași 7-50, Universitatea Cluj -
    Municipal Galați 64-7, Steaua București – CSM Constanța 29-29, Dinamo București
    – Săgeata Năvodari 5-0 și SCM Timișoara – Grivița 5-0. Liderele celor trei
    grupe sunt CSM Baia Mare, CSM Constanța și Dinamo București.

  • Athlete of the Week on RRI – Tennis player Sorana Cîrstea

    Athlete of the Week on RRI – Tennis player Sorana Cîrstea

    The US Open, the last Grand Slam tournament of the year is underway in Flushing Meadows. In 2023, Romanias best result was grabbed by Sorana Cîrstea, who entered the main draw directly due to being ranked 30 in the womens singles standings. In the first round, Cîrstea eliminated Karla Day of the USA, 6-2, 6-3. In the second round, Cîrstea ousted Anna Kalinskaya of Russia, 6-3, 6-4. In the third round, Sorana had a more difficult match against Elena Rybakina of Kazakhstan, whom she knocked out in three sets, 6-3, 6-7, 6-4. In the round of 16, Cîrstea eased past Belinda Bencic of Switzerland in straight sets, 6-3, 6-3. In the quarterfinals, Sorana is playing Karolina Muchova of the Czech Republic. So far, Cîrstea has secured a 455-thousand-dollar check and 430 WTA points. This is the second time Cîrstea qualifies to a Grand Slam quarterfinal, after the 2009 tournament in Roland Garros, when she was only 19.

    Sorana Cîrsteas feat at US Open is not a surprise. The Romanian player has upped her game and grabbed very good results of late. This year she reached the quarterfinals at Indian Wells and the semi-finals in Miami. For her remarkable performance, we have designated Sorana Cîrstea Athlete of the Week.

    Sorana Cîrstea was born on April 7, 1990 in Târgoviște. She turned pro in 2006. She has won two WTA tournaments, Tashkent in 2008 and Istanbul 13 years later. In 2013 she climbed onto the highest position in WTA standings, 21. She then sustained a number of injures that kept her away from the courts, but in recent years Sorana made a spectacular comeback. According to WTA, Sorana has so far earned 8 million USD from tennis. (VP)

  • September 5, 2023

    September 5, 2023

    VICTIM – Another patient severely injured in the explosions in Crevedia (southern Romania) has died this morning, bringing the number of deaths to 5, the Health Ministry announced. The victim was of Nepalese origin and had burns on more than 90% of his body. We remind you that powerful explosions followed by a fire took place, a week ago, at an LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) station in Crevedia, south of Bucharest, which was operating illegally.

    SUMMIT – Romania and President Klaus Iohannis are getting ready to host in Bucharest, as of Wednesday, a summit and a business forum of the Three Seas Initiative, a political platform that brings together 12 EU countries bordering the Adriatic, Baltic and Black seas. Talks will focus on the promotion of economic growth and strategic interconnections, but also on redefining the Initiatives relationship with its neighborhood, which has undergone geopolitical reconfiguration. President Klaus Iohannis has announced that at the summit in Bucharest, the Three Seas Initiative will expand with a new member, while two other countries will receive the associate status. The US reaffirmed its support for the objectives of the Three Seas Initiative and also its willingness to collaborate closely with partner countries. The US special presidential envoy for climate, John Kerry, will head the American delegation to the summit in Bucharest.

    DECISIONS – The PSD-PNL Government in Bucharest will assume responsibility in Parliament for the measures aimed at reducing the budget deficit. According to PM Marcel Ciolacu, the legislative package will cover the fight against evasion, the reforms in the local administration, and fiscal changes. The Liberals want to maintain the flat tax and do not agree with measures such as increasing the tax on dividends or reducing the ceiling for SMEs. The main opposition parties, however, criticize the Executives intention to assume responsibility and threaten with motions of no-confidence. The Government assuming responsibility for a legislative bill is a procedure that allows the bill to pass without being debated in Parliament.

    EXHIBITION — It is less than a month until the opening of the exhibition “Brâncusi: Romanian sources and universal perspectives”. The exhibition, on display between September 30, 2023 and January 28, 2024 will be hosted by the National Art Museum in Timisoara. It will bring together emblematic sculptures from the mature period of the Romanian sculptor Constantin Brâncuşi, brought from renowned museums such as the Pompidou Center or Tate Gallery, but also works from his youth, who are part of private collections. The exhibition, the largest one dedicated to Brâncusi in the last 50 years, is the peak moment of the programme Timișoara 2023 European Capital of Culture.

    MEETING — Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is today receiving the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, on the occasion of his visit to Cincu (centre), at the invitation of the Romanian side, the Presidential Administration announced. The two officials will have political consultations and will visit together the troops stationed at the Getica National Joint Training Center in Cincu. They will address the soldiers from Luxembourg who are part of the NATO battle group in Romania. President Iohannis and Prime Minister Xavier Bettel will discuss about the consolidation of the deterrence posture on NATO’s Eastern Flank, the continuation of the multidimensional support offered to Ukraine, as well as about the support for vulnerable partners in the region, with an emphasis on the Republic of Moldova, a country seriously affected by the consequences of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.

    TENNIS — Romanian tennis player Sorana Cîrstea is playing tonight against the Chech Karolina Muchova in the quarterfinals of the US Open, the last Grand Slam of the year. Cîrstea defeated the Swiss Belinda Bencic in the previous round, 6-3, 6-3. The Romanian athlete, (33 years old, 30 WTA), seed number 30, played only one quarterfinal at a Grand Slam tournament, in 2009, at Roland Garros, when she was 19 years old. (EE)

  • September 4, 2023

    September 4, 2023

    Crevedia. Another patient injured in the explosions that took place in Crevedia (south of Bucharest) died this morning, the Romanian Ministry of Health has announced. According to the source, the man had burns on 95% of his body. This is the fourth person to die after the Crevedia explosions, where tankers loaded with LPG blew up on August 26. In the latest report, the Ministry of Health had announced that two of the victims of the explosions nine days ago were admitted to hospitals in Bucharest, in critical condition; another 16 patients have been hospitalized for moderate and minor injuries. Regarding the patients abroad: one is in a critical situation in Milan, Italy, two are in a complicated situation in Austria and two others are in Germany, still intubated.

    Parliament. Today, Romanian senators and deputies have started the second ordinary parliamentary session of the year. According to the regulations in force, on the first day of the parliamentary session, in the plenary session of each Chamber, the members of the permanent Bureau are elected: the vice-presidents, secretaries and quaestors, with the exception of the president, who is elected at the beginning of the legislature. In the Chamber of Deputies, the interim Speaker is the Social Democrat Alfred Simonis, and the Speaker of the Senate is the leader of the National Liberal Party, Nicolae Ciucă. The priorities of the parliamentary session include the law on special pensions, as well as other bills necessary to fulfill the milestones established under the NRRP, for Romania to receive European money. Also, the package of fiscal measures that is being discussed by the governing coalition and for which Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has announced that he will take responsibility before Parliament is expected. The Opposition representatives also announced several projects in the fields of law, agriculture, health, fiscal facilities.

    Drones. The Romanian Ministry of Defense, through a spokesperson quoted by the media, has denied the information according to which Russian drones fell and exploded on Romanian territory, during the overnight attack on the Ukrainian port infrastructure on the Danube. Previously, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kyiv had stated that the drones would have also reached the territory of neighboring Romania, after Russia “massively” attacked, once again, the Ukrainian Odesa region. The local governor, Oleg Kiper, announced that “seventeen drones were shot down by our air defense forces”, but “in several localities of the Izmail district, warehouses and production buildings, agricultural machines and machinery of industrial enterprises were damaged”. The attack, the governor says, lasted three and a half hours and caused no casualties. The port of Izmail on the Danube, close to the border with Romania, has become an important outlet for Ukrainian exports, after Russia withdrew from the agreement on grain transit through the Black Sea in July.

    Olympiad. Romanian students won three silver and one bronze medal at the International Informatics Olympiad. The Society for Excellence and Performance in Informatics has announced that the awards ceremony of the 35th edition of the Olympiad took place in Szeged, in neighboring Hungary, attended by over 300 competitors from 90 countries. Romania remains in second place in the world ranking of awards obtained over time at the International Informatics Olympiad, with 127 medals: 33 gold, 58 silver and 36 bronze, together with Poland, after China, which ranks first.

    Tennis. The Romanian tennis player Sorana Cîrstea has qualified for the quarterfinals of the US Open tournament, the last Grand Slam of the year, after defeating the Swiss Belinda Bencic in the previous round, 6-3, 6-3. Cîrstea (33 years old, 30 WTA), seed number 30, managed her best performance at Flushing Meadows. She played only one quarterfinal at a Grand Slam tournament, in 2009, at Roland Garros, when she was 19 years old. In the quarters, Cîrstea will face the Czech player Karolina Muchova (27 years old, 10 WTA), who defeated the Chinese Xinyu Wang 6-3, 5-7, 6-1. (MI)

  • September 3, 2023

    September 3, 2023

    Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said the Government will assume responsibility
    for a law that will contain a plan for combating tax evasion, reforming local
    administration and measures to curb the budget deficit. He made the announcement
    at the end of the Social-Democratic National Political Councail held on Saturday, which set the party’s
    priorities ahead of Parliament’s autumn session due to start on Monday. The
    Social-Democrats want to finalize the new pension law, modify the legislation
    on the prevention and combating drug trafficking and abuse and introducing
    harsher sanctions for driving under the influence. The Romanian Prime Minister
    also announced an extension of the cap on foodstuffs until the end of the year.
    USR in opposition said it would call for a vote of no-confidence if the
    government assumes responsibility for the fiscal modifications. USR leader
    Cătălin Drulă said increasing taxes is not a viable solution.

    REPORT – The head of
    the Department for Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat, on Sunday made public the
    preliminary report detailing the firefighters’ intervention following last
    week’s explosions at an illegal LPG filling station in Crevedia, which killed
    three people. According to the report, the firefighters first sent intervention
    robots to cool down the gas tanks, secured the perimeter and evacuated the
    civilians, thus avoiding a larger number of casualties among both civilians and
    emergency responders. Raed Arafat complained about the disinformation and
    manipulation of media outlets regarding the coordination of the intervention.
    Three people died and 56 were injured in the wake of the blasts. Some of the
    patients in critical condition were transferred to burn clinics abroad. Some 10
    houses were completely destroyed by the blasts. The Prosecutor General’s
    Office, the Military Prosecutor’s Office and the National Anticorruption
    Directorate have launched investigations, while the authorities are inspecting
    all LPG stations across Romania.

    EUROIUDAICA – The city of
    Oradea in northwestern Romania is as of Sunday hosting the Euroiudaica
    International Festival, celebrating Jewish culture and traditions. For the next
    seven days, the festival offers theatre, dance and music performances, book
    launches, conferences and exhibitions featuring special guests from at home and
    abroad. Some of the events will be hosted by local synagogues. Jewish music is
    also celebrated in all its forms, featuring guests from Romania, Poland,
    Hungary, Slovakia and Argentina. On the sidelines of the Euroiudaica Festival,
    five theatre shows will be staged by companies from Romania, Poland and

    US OPEN -
    Romanian tennis player Sorana Cîrstea on Sunday is playing Belinda Bencic of
    Switzerland in the round of 16 at US Open. Cîrstea leads 2-1 head-to-head. We
    recall Sorana Cîrstea qualified for the first time in her career to this phase
    of the competition after ousting Elena Rybakina of Kazakhstan, world no. 4.
    Another Romanian player, Gabriela Ruse, is competing in the women’s doubles
    alongside Marta Kostyuk of Ukraine.

    WEATHER – A code yellow alert against thunderstorms is in
    place until Monday in northwestern Romania. Heavy rainfall, thunderstorms,
    strong wind and hail are expected during the interval in widespread areas.
    Thunderstorms are also expected in isolated areas in regions in the south and
    southeast. The weather remains sunny and warm in the other regions, with
    maximum temperatures ranging between 20 and 34 degrees. (VP)

  • September 1, 2023

    September 1, 2023

    SCHENGEN ‘It is in the national
    interest of Hungary that Romania join Schengen as soon as possible’ the
    country’s Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto’ said firmly asking Austria not to
    block the accession of Romania to Europe’s border-free area this autumn.
    According to the Hungarian news agency MTI, the official in Budapest said the
    decision on accession must be based on facts. According to him, Romania is
    Hungary’s third export market and an investment place very popular with the Hungarian
    investors. The Hungarian Foreign Minister has also mentioned that a minority of
    Romanians is living on the Hungarian territory while a Hungarian minority is
    living in Romania. In December last year, Austria blocked Romania and
    Bulgaria’s access to Schengen invoking that it could not support its enlargement
    as long as this area is not functional.

    VISIT The first formal
    visit, the Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has paid to Brussels since he
    took office, kicks off today with a meeting with the European Council president
    Charles Michel. Ciolacu will also have talks with the head of the European
    Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, and with the president of the European
    Parliament Roberta Metsola. ‘Romania is stable politically and economically and
    has seen the second biggest economic growth among the EU members, strongly
    supported by the direct foreign investment. We are going to preserve the
    dynamics of the Romanian economy and the investors’ trust through the reform we
    have been making in the essential fields’, the Romanian Prime Minister went on
    to say. Romania would like to be allowed a budget deficit over 5% and in order
    to convince Brussels, the Prime Minister is expected to propose a series of
    fiscal measures. These include bringing the number of VAT quotas down to only two
    and cancelling a number of facilities. Ciolacu is expected to explain that Romania
    needs a budget deficit of 5% because the country has supported the neighboring
    Ukraine affected by the war.

    Romanian diplomacy will continue to support and promote solid partnerships and
    relationships based on democratic values, respect for fundamental freedoms and
    rights, international law and order based on rules – the Romanian Foreign
    Minister Luminita Odobescu said on Friday. In her message on the Romanian
    Diplomacy Day, Mrs. Odobescu recalls that this day is being celebrated ‘in a
    difficult and complex regional context, which jointly with the accelerated
    global developments calls more than ever for a predictable foreign policy,
    coherent, adjusted, dynamic and anticipating.’ Referring to the priorities of
    the Romanian diplomacy, Mrs. Odobescu enumerated the increasing role and
    influence of Romania’s inside the EU and NATO as well as the development and
    deepening of the country’s Strategic Partnership with the USA. And neither will
    the development of the consular services for the Romanian nationals outside the
    country be neglected – the Romanian official went on to say.

    TEAM A team of the European Commission is to visit Romania on
    Friday and Saturday for talks on ways to streamline the local capabilities
    handling the Ukrainian grain exports, after Russia has left the initiative
    regarding these exports through the Black Sea and is presently threatening
    maritime civil transportation. The expert team will be visiting the ports of
    Galati, on the Danube and meet representatives of the Lower Danube
    Administration, port authorities and pilots. The team will also travel to the
    Romanian Black Sea port of Constanta for talks with the representatives of the
    operators, transporters and grain traders here, the European Commission has

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Sorana Cirstea
    will be up against fourth seeded Elena Rybakina of Kazakhstan in the third
    round of the US Open, the last Grand Slam tournament of the year. Cirstea has
    never made it through the third round of this famous competition, which she attended
    in 2009, 2019 and 2020. Last year Cirstea was eliminated in the second round.
    Another Romanian player, Patricia Tig has been eliminated today by the US
    challenger Jessica Pagula 6-3, 6-1.


  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    În turneul de tenis de la US Open, ultimul de Mare Șlem al anului 2023, în turul al doilea, românca Patricia Țig a fost învinsă de americanca Jessica Pegula cu 5-3, 6-1. O altă româncă, Sorana Cârstea, continuă turneul unde joacă împotriva kazahei Elena Râbakina. La dublu feminin, românca Gabriela Ruse și ucraineanca Marta Kostiuk merg mai departe în turul secund.

    Naţionala masculină de volei a României a fost învinsă de echipa Portugaliei cu scorul de 3-0 la Tel Aviv în grupa D a campionatului european. România va juca în weekend cu Turcia și Grecia şi luni cu Franţa. Primele patru clasate se califică în optimile de finală.

    Două echipe române de fotbal au jucat aseară pentru accederea în grupele Europe Conference League, ambele fiind eliminate. Campioana Farul Constanța a fost învinsă de formaţia finlandeză HJK Helsinki cu scorul de 2-0, după ce în tur câștigase acasă cu 2-1. Cea de-a doua, Sepsi OSK Sfântu Gheorghe, a fost învinsă de echipa norvegiană FK Bodoe/Glimt cu scorul de 3-2, după prelungiri, după ce în ambele manșe se înregistrase același scor, 2-2.

    Sâmbătă are loc turul secund din liga națională română la rugby în care se vor juca meciurile: CSM Baia Mare — Bârlad, Știința Petroșani — Politehnica Iași, Universitatea Cluj — Municipal Galați, Steaua București — CSM Constanța, Dinamo București — Săgeata Năvodari și SCM Timișoara — Grivița. Liderele celor trei grupe sunt CSM Baia Mare, CSM Constanța și Dinamo București.

    În etapa a 8-a a superligii române la fotbal, vineri au loc două meciuri, Petrolul Ploiești — Oțelul Galați și Rapid București — Dinamo București. Sâmbătă se desfășoară FC Voluntari — CFR Cluj și FCSB — CSU Craiova, iar duminică sunt programate Universitatea Cluj — Politehnica Iași și FCU Craiova — Farul Constanța. Luni, etapa se încheie cu partidele FC Botoșani — FC Hermannstadt și Sepski Sfâțntu Gheorghe — UTA. În clasament, lider este FCSB cu 15 puncte, pe locul secund este CSU Craiova cu 14 puncte și CFR Cluj cu 13 puncte. Pe ultimele două locuri, 15 și 16, sunt FC Botoșani și Politehnica Iași, ambele cu câte 3 puncte.

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    În turneul de tenis de la US Open, ultimul de Mare Șlem al anului 2023, în turul al doilea, românca Patricia Țig a fost învinsă de americanca Jessica Pegula cu 5-3, 6-1. O altă româncă, Sorana Cârstea, continuă turneul unde joacă împotriva kazahei Elena Râbakina. La dublu feminin, românca Gabriela Ruse și ucraineanca Marta Kostiuk merg mai departe în turul secund.

    Naţionala masculină de volei a României a fost învinsă de echipa Portugaliei cu scorul de 3-0 la Tel Aviv în grupa D a campionatului european. România va juca în weekend cu Turcia și Grecia şi luni cu Franţa. Primele patru clasate se califică în optimile de finală.

    Două echipe române de fotbal au jucat aseară pentru accederea în grupele Europe Conference League, ambele fiind eliminate. Campioana Farul Constanța a fost învinsă de formaţia finlandeză HJK Helsinki cu scorul de 2-0, după ce în tur câștigase acasă cu 2-1. Cea de-a doua, Sepsi OSK Sfântu Gheorghe, a fost învinsă de echipa norvegiană FK Bodoe/Glimt cu scorul de 3-2, după prelungiri, după ce în ambele manșe se înregistrase același scor, 2-2.

    Sâmbătă are loc turul secund din liga națională română la rugby în care se vor juca meciurile: CSM Baia Mare — Bârlad, Știința Petroșani — Politehnica Iași, Universitatea Cluj — Municipal Galați, Steaua București — CSM Constanța, Dinamo București — Săgeata Năvodari și SCM Timișoara — Grivița. Liderele celor trei grupe sunt CSM Baia Mare, CSM Constanța și Dinamo București.

    În etapa a 8-a a superligii române la fotbal, vineri au loc două meciuri, Petrolul Ploiești — Oțelul Galați și Rapid București — Dinamo București. Sâmbătă se desfășoară FC Voluntari — CFR Cluj și FCSB — CSU Craiova, iar duminică sunt programate Universitatea Cluj — Politehnica Iași și FCU Craiova — Farul Constanța. Luni, etapa se încheie cu partidele FC Botoșani — FC Hermannstadt și Sepski Sfâțntu Gheorghe — UTA. În clasament, lider este FCSB cu 15 puncte, pe locul secund este CSU Craiova cu 14 puncte și CFR Cluj cu 13 puncte. Pe ultimele două locuri, 15 și 16, sunt FC Botoșani și Politehnica Iași, ambele cu câte 3 puncte.

  • August 31, 2023

    August 31, 2023

    CREVEDIA – A new patient who suffered burns in last week’s explosions
    in Crevedia has died. According to the Health Ministry, the patient had
    sustained burns on 90% of his body. This is the third fatality reported in the
    wake of last week’s explosions at an LPG station in Crevedia. 5 people are
    still in critical condition: 2 are treated in Romania and 3 abroad. 22 patients
    hospitalized in Bucharest are stable while 19 were discharged. In today’s
    session, the government is expected to vote the provision of emergency
    financial aid to the families and victims of the tragic event. Several houses
    were affected by the blasts, of which 8 were destroyed. Intervention teams
    remain on-scene until the site is fully secured, whereas prosecutors have
    launched a number of criminal investigations.

    DEFICIT – Romania’s Prime Minister Marcel CIolacu is today
    discussing with European Commission representatives about Romania’s budget
    deficit for 2024. The government wants a deficit above 5%, and has prepared a
    number of fiscal measures to convince the Commission the target is feasible.
    The government thus wants to cut the number of VAT quotas to two and eliminate
    certain tax breaks. Marcel Ciolacu believes a deficit above 5% is necessary, in
    the context Romania has provided support to neighboring Ukraine. Earlier this
    week, the European Commission talked to Romanian ministers but has not yet made
    public its conclusions. According to EU sources, the Commission believes the
    Romanian government’s measures to increase taxes and cut back on public
    spending are not enough to meet the deficit target.

    ROMANIAN LANGUAGE DAY – Romanian Language Day is celebrated every
    year on August 31. Today, a series of cultural events are held on this occasion
    in Romania and neighboring Moldova. The Romanian Academy and the Moldovan
    Science Academy have organized a mixed scholarly meeting, held in both
    Bucharest and Chișinău. In the Moldovan capital-city, the meeting continued
    with the 12th edition of the World Conference on the life and works
    of Mihai Eminescu. In Bucharest, the Botanical Gardens hosted public reading
    sessions, while the city in Iași in northeastern Romania hosted a special event
    – The Great Dictation, addressing people who want to test their writing,
    grammar and spelling skills. Romanian Language Day is also marked by Romanian
    Cultural Institutes abroad by means of conferences, Romanian language, culture
    and civilization classes, book launches, concerts or exhibitions.

    ITO – The city of Timișoara
    (western Romania) is as of today hosting the 7th edition of the International
    Meeting of Orthodox Youth (ITO). Attending are clergymen from at home and
    abroad, MPs, ministers and academia. The conference will tackle a number of
    issues tied to universal history and culture, but also human trafficking and
    drug abuse. Religious services will be officiated, whereas a march will
    commemorate the young people killed in the 1989 anti-communist revolution. The
    International Meeting of the Orthodox Youth is part of the agenda of the Timișoara
    – European Capital of Culture in 2023 programme. The next meeting will be held
    in Bucharest in 2025, marking 100 years since the establishment of the Romanian
    Orthodox Patriarchate.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Sorana Cîrstea on Wednesday advanced
    to the third round of the US Open after ousting Ana Kalynskaya of Russia, 6-3,
    6-4. The Romanian player thus matched her best performance at Flushing Meadows.
    In the next round, Cîrstea will go up against Elena Rybakina, world number 4.