Tag: Valeriu Zgonea

  • Nachrichten 03.02.2020

    Nachrichten 03.02.2020

    Der Präsident des rumänischen Senats Teodor Melescanu ist am Montag zurückgetreten. Die Entscheidung wurde getroffen, nachdem das rumänische Verfassungsgericht am 22. Januar zugegeben hatte, dass seine Wahl gegen das Grundgesetz verstieß. Die Verfassungsrichter haben das Urteil in diesem Fall sechs Mal verschoben. Die Beschwerde wurde im September 2019 von den Abgeordneten ALDE, PNL, PMP, UDMR und nicht angeschlossenen Senatoren eingereicht.

    Der Misstrauensantrag der oppositionellen Sozialdemokratischen Partei (PSD) gegen die liberale Regierung in Bukarest wurde am Montag im Parlament verlesen. Auslöser ist die Entscheidung des Kabinetts Orban, ein halbes Jahr vor den Kommunalwahlen, die Vertrauensfrage für einen Gesetzentwurf zur Wiedereinführung der Wahlen in zwei Durchgängen für die Bürgermeister zu stellen. Der Text des Antrags mit dem Titel Die Orban-/Nationalliberale Regierung – die Privatisierung der rumänischen Demokratie“ besagt, dass die Regierung nicht nur deshalb gehen muss, weil der Versuch, das Wahlsystem unmittelbar vor der Wahl zu ändern, gegen europäische Standards verstößt, sondern auch, weil diese Änderungen einseitig, ohne parlamentarische Konsultation und Debatte, durchgeführt wurden. Die Liberalen argumentieren jedoch, dass das neue Wahlsystem die Vertretung und Legitimität der Kandidaten verbessern werde. Ludovic Orban erklärte am Montag, die liberalen Abgeordneten werden offen gegen den Misstrauensantrag stimmen. Er sagte ferner, der Antrag werde nicht die erforderlichen Stimmen auf sich vereinen. Um die Regierung abzusetzen sind Ja-Stimmen 233 erforderlich.

    Der frühere Präsident der Abgeordnetenkammer Valeriu Zgonea wurde am Montag von den Richtern des Bukarester Gerichts zu drei Jahren Haft in einem Fall der Vorteilsgewährung verurteilt. Die Verteidiger behaupten, dass es keine Beweise für die Schuld von Valeriu Zgonea gebe. Das Urteil des Gerichts ist nicht endgültig und kann beim Bukarester Berufungsgericht angefochten werden. Der Fall von Valeriu Zgonea kam auf den Richtertisch im Januar 2018.

    Der Verhandlungsführer der EU Michel Barnier hat am Montag den Entwurf des Verhandlungsmandats der Europäischen Kommission für die Gespräche über das Handelsabkommen mit Großbritannien vorgestellt. In einer Rede sagte Barnier heute, die EU sei bereit, ein sehr ehrgeiziges Handelsabkommen als zentralen Pfeiler dieser Partnerschaft“ anzubieten, das Null-Zölle und Null-Kontingente umfasse, berichtet die BBC. Voraussetzung sei jedoch, so Barnier, dass Großbritannien spezifische und wirksame Garantien zur Gewährleistung gleicher Wettbewerbsbedingungen zustimme, um sicherzustellen, dass der Wettbewerb offen und fair ist und bleibt“. Michel Barnier sagte, dass alle Waren, die in die EU kommen, ihren Gesundheits- oder anderen Normen entsprechen müssen, und dass folglich alle Waren, die in die Union kommen, einer behördlichen Kontrolle unterzogen werden“.

    Zehn Tage nach dem die chinesische Stadt Wuhan abgeriegelt wurde, meldet Peking 361 Todesopfer, von denen allein am Sonntag 57 Menschen starben. Das Virus infizierte über 17.000 Menschen in China und über 170 im Ausland. Der erste Todesfall außerhalb Chinas wurde in den Philippinen gemeldet. Mit Ausnahme von Hongkong und Macao hat das Virus mehr Menschen getötet als das Schwere Akute Atemwegssyndrom (bekannt als SARS), an dem im Zeitraum 2002–2003 349 Menschen starben. Rumänien hat zusätzliche Maßnahmen ergriffen, um die Ausbreitung des Virus zu überwachen und zu verhindern. Die Ankündigung erfolgte am Ende einer von Innenminister Marcel Vela einberufenen Krisensitzung. Die Regierung hat einen Entwurf für eine Notverordnung ausgearbeitet, mit der die Reaktionsfähigkeit des Landes im Falle eines Coronavirus-Ausbruchs in Europa gestärkt werden soll. Die Regierung wird spezielle Schutzanzüge- und Isolierungsausrüstung kaufen und die Zahl des medizinischen Personals auf internationalen Flughäfen zu erhöhen. Der internationale Flughafen Henri Coanda in Otopeni hat bereits spezielle Abfertigungsverfahren für Ankünfte aus China eingeführt. Zusätzliches medizinisches Personal wird an den Grenzübergängen eingesetzt werden.

    Die Zahl der an der saisonalen Grippe gestorbenen Menschen ist in Rumänien auf 14 angestiegen. Dies teilte das Landeszentrum für Überwachung und Kontrolle der übertragbaren Krankheiten mit. Das letzte Opfer ist einen 90-jährige Frau aus dem zentral rumänischen Landkreis Mures, nicht geimpft war. In Folge der Grippe ist in Bukarest und anderen Ortschaft der Unterricht teilweise ausgesetzt worden, einige Kindergärten blieben geschlossen. Das Gesundheitsministerium teilte mit, es werde 35 Tausend zusätzliche Grippeimpfungen für Risikogruppen kaufen.

    Arbeitsministerin Violeta Alexandru teilte mit in der Bäckerei in Ditrău werden Kontrollen durchgeführt. Zahlreiche Einwohner der zentral rumänischen Gemeinde haben gegen die Einstellung von zwei Arbeitern aus Sri Lanka protestiert. Die Ministerin fügte hinzu, jeder Arbeitgeber ist frei seine Arbeit nach belieben zu planen, sie sei jedoch von der Reaktion der lokalen Gemeinschaft gegenüber den zwei ausländischen Angestellten überrascht. Die Polizei hat eine Akte für Anstiftung zum Hass und Diskriminierung eröffnet. Die Einwohner der betreffenden Gemeinde erklärten, sie befürchten, dass auch andere Einwanderer kommen, die ihnen ihre Kultur aufzwingen und die Sicherheit in Gefahr bringen.

    Der Himmel ist größtenteils bewölkt, die Temperaturen sinken in den folgenden 24 Stunden. Vom Westen breiten sich Niederschläge im ganzen Land aus, in den Ebenen in Form von Regen, im Gebirge Schnee. Die Tageshöchstwerte liegen zwischen 4 – 13 Grade liegen, die Tiefstwerte zwischen minus 2 – 7 grade C.

  • January 3, 2018 UPDATE

    January 3, 2018 UPDATE

    Prosecution — Anti-corruption prosecutors on Wednesday placed former Chamber of Deputies Speaker, Valeriu Zgonea, under judicial control, in a case in which he is prosecuted for influence peddling. According to prosecutors, between July 2012 and April 2013, while Zgonea was Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and vice-president of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), another defendant, Dumitru Dobrica, promised him, and Zgonea accepted, undue benefits in exchange for using his influence upon some public servants, in order to appoint one of Dobrica’s relatives in an important public position. Investigators say that Zgonea received undue benefits of around 15 thousand euros. Also, Felicia Pop, office manager of the Minister for the Relation with Parliament, Viorel Ilie, was indicted by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate for using directly or indirectly information that is not intended for public disclosure, or for allowing unauthorized access to such information, in a case regarding the organisation of a contest to hire civil servants on contractual positions.

    Resignation – The Romanian Minister of Waters and Forests, the Social Democrat Doina Pana, resigned on Wednesday, for medical reasons. Doina Pana will preserve, however, her position as Parliament member. She is Vice-President of the Parliament’s Committee for Environment and Ecological Balance and a member of the Romanian Parliament’s Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean. Doina Pana became a minister in June 2017, a position she also held in 2014.

    Budget — The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday promulgated the state budget and the social security budget laws for 2018. However, he pointed to the laws’ vulnerabilities and to the challenges posed by the current fiscal and budget framework, given that Romania needs a credible and balanced budget that should consistently observe the fundamental objectives of macroeconomic stability, predictability and fiscal and budgetary sustainability. The 2018 budget is based on a 5.5% economic growth rate, an average annual inflation rate of 3.1%, an average currency exchange rate of 4.55 lei for one Euro and an average net monthly salary of 565 Euros. The budget deficit is estimated at 2.97% of the GDP, in keeping with the under 3% target. Also on Wednesday, Klaus Iohannis promulgated the Law on the revision of the Government’s emergency decree regarding the organisation and functioning of the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE).

    Chisinau — In the Republic of Moldova, the speaker of Parliament, with pro-western views, Adrian Candu, will take over the interim presidency from the pro-Russian president Igor Dodon, to sign the decree for appointing 7 new ministers. The announcement was made by the Parliament’s press office, after the Constitutional Court decided that the pro-Russian president Igor Dodon could be suspended again, following his repeated refusal to promulgate the government reshuffles. Radio Romania’s correspondents to Chisinau say this measure was already applied last October in the case of the appointment of the defense minister, Eugen Sturza. Prime Minister Pavel Filip announced the change of seven of the thirteen members of the government with the avowed purpose of boosting reforms. Among the nominees are also two former prime ministers, Iurie Leancă, proposed as deputy prime minister for European integration and Chiril Gaburici, who is to take over the Economy portfolio.

    Tennis — World no. 1, Simona Halep, on Wednesday defeated the Chinese Ying-Ying Duan (91 WTA), 3-6, 6-1, 6-2 and made it to the quarterfinals of the WTA tournament held in Shenzen, China, with almost 630 thousand dollars up for grabs. Thus Simona Halep keeps the 1st place in the WTA ranking. Another Romanian, Irina Begu (no. 43 WTA) also qualified to the quarterfinals after defeating Russian Ekaterina Alexandrova (96 WTA), 4-6, 6-1, 6-2. Also on Wednesday, Romania’s 3rd representative in the tournament, Ana Bogdan (105 WTA) lost to the Czech player Kristyna Pliskova, 4-6, 6-7, in an eighth finals match. In the doubles, the pair made up of Irina Begu and Simona Halep on Tuesday qualified to the semifinals after a dramatic match against another Romanian pair made up of Mihaela Buzarnescu and Irina Bara. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • 03.01.2018 (mise à jour)

    03.01.2018 (mise à jour)

    Démission – La
    ministre roumaine des eaux et des forêts, Doina Pana, a démissionné ce
    mercredi, pour des raisons de santé. Elle avait assumé ce portefeuille
    ministériel en juin dernier, après s’être déjà trouvée à la tête du même
    ministère en 2014. Doina Pana maintient son mandat de député ; elle est
    vice-présidente de la Commission pour l’environnement et l’équilibre écologique
    de la Chambre basse ainsi que membre de la Délégation du Parlement de la
    Roumanie à l’Assemblée parlementaire de l’Union pour la Méditerranée.

    Budget – Le
    président roumain Klaus Iohannis a promulgué ce mercredi la Loi du budget de
    l’Etat et celle du budget de la sécurité sociale pour 2018. Il a pourtant mis
    en garde contre les vulnérabilités de ces actes et les difficultés du cadre
    fiscal et budgétaire, dans le contexte où la Roumanie a besoin d’un budget
    crédible et équilibré, qui vise avec persévérance à maintenir les objectifs
    fondamentaux de stabilité macro-économique, de prédictibilité et de durabilité
    fiscale et budgétaire. Rappelons-le, le budget de l’Etat 2018 table sur une
    croissance économique de 5,5%, un taux moyen d’inflation annuelle de 3,1%, un
    taux de change moyen de 4,55 lei pour 1 euro et un revenu salarial moyen net de
    2614 lei (565 euros) par mois. Le déficit budgétaire a été estimé à 2,97% du
    PIB. Ce mercredi également, le chef de l’Etat roumain a promulgué la loi qui
    modifie et complète le décret gouvernemental d’urgence concernant la structure
    et le fonctionnement de l’Autorité nationale de réglementation dans le domaine
    de l’énergie (ANRE).

    Justice – Les
    procureurs de la Direction nationale anti-corruption (DNA) de Bucarest ont décidé de la mise en
    examen, sous contrôle judiciaire, de l’ancien président de la Chambre des
    députés, Valeriu Zgonea, accusé de trafic d’influence. Selon le réquisitoire du
    parquet, entre juillet 2012 et avril 2013, M. Zgonea, à l’époque chef des députés et
    vice-président du Parti social-démocrate, aurait accepté d’user de son
    influence pour faciliter la nomination d’une certaine personne dans une fonction publique importante, en contrepartie d’un montant de 62.143 lei (environ 15.000
    euros). Par ailleurs, Felicia Pop, directrice du cabinet du ministre pour la
    relation avec le parlement, Viorel Ilie, a été mise en examen par le Parquet
    anti-corruption pour avoir utilisé, directement ou indirectement, des
    informations sans caractère public ou d’avoir permis l’accès de personnes
    non-autorisées à ces informations. En octobre dernier, le Sénat de la Roumanie
    avait rejeté la demande du Parquet anti-corruption de déclencher la procédure
    de poursuite pénale sous les mêmes accusations à l’encontre du ministre Viorel

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii  1.05- 7.05.2016

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 1.05- 7.05.2016

    În România a început campania electorală pentru
    alegerile locale

    În România, pe 6 mai s-a dat startul campaniei pentru
    alegerile locale din 5 iunie – primul test electoral din acest an pentru
    formaţiunile politice. Campania se va încheia pe 4 iunie, iar primarii vor fi
    aleşi într-un singur tur. Sunt în competiţie formaţiunile politice consacrate,
    PSD, PNL, UDMR, ALDE, UNPR, PMP, dar şi multe partide nou-înfiinţate, în
    condiţiile în care, conform legii partidelor, începând din 2015 se pot înfiinţa
    partide cu cel puţin 3 membri. Este a treia oară în istoria
    post-decembristă când un guvern tehnocrat organizează alegerile in România,
    după cel condus de Theodor Stolojan, în perioada 1991-1992, şi cel condus de
    Mugur Isărescu, în 1999-2000. Pentru scrutinul de luna viitoare sunt organizate
    peste 18.000 de secţii de votare. Ministrul de interne, Petre Tobă, dă
    asigurări că acţiunile de pregătire a alegerilor se desfăşoară conform

    Sănătatea din România, în atenţia autorităţilor

    Dacian Cioloş a cerut ministrului sănătăţii, Patriciu Achimaş Cadariu, să
    găsească în cel mai scurt timp posibil soluţia pentru acreditarea unui
    laborator care să verifice substanţele utilizate pentru dezinfectarea în
    spitale, a anunţat purtătorul de cuvânt al guvernului, Dan Suciu. El a precizat
    că este de datoria ministerului şi implicit, a executivului să confirme
    funcţionarea în termeni decenţi a sistemului de sănătate din România.
    Declaraţiile survin după controalele efectuate în spitale din România ca urmare
    a unei investigaţii jurnalistice care a dezvăluit faptul că substanţele principalului producător şi furnizor de dezinfectanţi
    pentru spitalele româneşti ar avea o concentraţie mult mai scăzută decât
    cea de pe etichetă. Verificările autorităţilor în 300 de spitale din România au arătat, însă, că
    în 95 la sută din cazuri dezinfectanţii folosiţi de medici şi asistente sunt
    eficienţi, iar ministrul sănătăţii, Patriciu Achimaş-Cadariu, dă asigurări că
    pacienţii sunt în siguranţă în acest moment. Într-un raport întocmit în 2014 de Centrul European
    de Prevenireşi Control al Bolilor, România se afla pe
    primul în clasamentul rezistenţei bacteriilor intraspitaliceşti la orice

    Nou ministru al Culturii

    Rezolvarea situaţiei de la Opera din Bucureşti şi
    protecţia patrimoniului naţional – sunt câteva dintre priorităţile noului
    ministrul român al culturii. Corina Şuteu spune că va continua în mandatul său
    dialogul cu sectorul independent şi cu societatea civilă şi îşi propune să
    acorde atenţie instituţiilor publice de cultură şi ameliorării legislaţiei. La
    ceremonia de învestitură, preşedintele Klaus Iohannis i-a spus noului ministru
    că preia portofoliul culturii într-o perioadă dificilă în care aşteptările sunt
    foarte mari. Numirea
    Corinei Şuteu vine după ce premierul Dacian Cioloş l-a revocat pe predecesorul
    acesteia, Vlad Alexandrescu, criticat pentru modul în care a gestionat scandalul
    de la Opera Naţională din Bucureşti, unde într-o singură lună au fost schimbaţi
    trei directori. Corina Şuteu a fost secretar de stat în Ministerul Culturii şi
    director al Institutului Cultural Român din New York.

    Decizii în PSD

    lui Valeriu Zgonea din funcţia de preşedinte al Camerei Deputaţilor a fost
    amânată, urmând să fie luată în discuţie în şedinţa următoare. Zgonea susţine
    că revocarea sa este ilegală şi îi acuză pe social-democraţi că îşi doresc
    acest post pentru interese personale şi de grup. Valeriu Zgonea a fost exclus
    anterior din PSD, la scurt timp după criticile pe care i le-a adus liderului
    social-democrat, Liviu Dragnea, care a
    refuzat să îşi dea demisia din partid deşi a fost condamnat definitiv la doi
    ani de închisoare cu suspendare pentru fraudă electorală în dosarul
    privind referendumul din 2012 de demitere a preşedintelui de atunci, Traian

    Legea dării în plată va intra în vigoare pe 13 mai

    Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a promulgat legea dării în
    plată, trimisă anterior spre reexaminare în Parlament. Astfel, cei care au
    credite ipotecare mai mici de 250.000 de euro şi dovedesc că nu mai au cum să
    îşi plătească ratele pot cere băncii să preia casa şi creanţa lor să fie
    ştearsă. Zeci de mii de români au restanţe la creditul pentru casă şi mulţi
    dintre ei sunt deja în executare silită. Lor li se adaugă şi cei care au luat
    credite de nevoi personale pentru care au garantat cu o locuinţă. Ultimele date
    ale Băncii Naţionale arată că sunt 300.000 de familii care au semnat un credit
    ipotecar cu una dintre băncile din România. Legea dării în plată nu se aplică
    şi celor care şi-au cumpărat case prin programul Prima Casă. Mai multe bănci au
    anunţat deja majorarea avansului pentru creditele ipotecare.

    Vizita comisarului european Corina Creţu

    într-o vizită în România în aceste zile, comisarul european pentru politică
    regională, Corina Creţu, avertizează că Bucureştiul trebuie să accelereze
    ritmul absorbţiei fondurilor europene, în condiţiile în care nu a cheltuit
    niciun euro din banii alocaţi pentru perioada 2014-2020. Oficialul european a
    atras atenţia şi în ceea ce priveşte folosirea fondurilor de coeziune acordate
    oraşelor din România şi pentru care a fost prelungit termenul până în iunie.
    Este pentru prima dată în istoria UE când o parte din buget va fi gestionat
    direct de oraşe, a precizat Corina Creţu. Potrivit vicepremierului Vasile Dâncu,
    guvernul lucrează la simplificarea procedurilor pentru absorbţia fondurilor
    comunitare, iar în anii următori România ar putea înregistra o explozie în atragerea
    de bani europeni.

  • Romanian Social Democrats take radical decision

    Romanian Social Democrats take radical decision

    The Executive Committee of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the largest left-wing party in Romania, on Wednesday took the surprising decision to expel its executive president, Valeriu Zgonea, from the party. Zgonea was the one who strongly contested the party leader Lviu Dragnea, who has refused to resign his party position in spite of the fact that he received a suspended sentence of two years in prison for election fraud in the “Referendum” case.

    Prosecutors say that in 2012, as acting Secretary General of the Social-Democratic Party, Liviu Dragnea coordinated a complex network aimed at swinging the vote of the referendum held on the suspension of the then right-wing president Traian Basescu. The Court also found that Dragnea used all the means at his disposal to persuade local Social-Democratic officials to illegally take people to voting polls so that the referendum might pass. The referendum did not pass due to lack of quorum, and Traian Basescu remained in power until the end of his mandate in 2014.

    However, in spite of the fact that he no longer is a PSD member, Valeriu Zgonea will keep his position as Chamber of Deputise speaker, for as long as the social democrats allow him to.

    Liviu Dragnea, on the other hand, has said he regrets his colleagues’ decision to expel Zgonea. Liviu Dragnea: “Before the meeting of the party’s National Executive Committee I talked to most of its members and urged them to find a middle of the road solution. Nevertheless, their position has been firm and has not been generated by the personal opinions of the Executive Committee’s members, but by the talks held these past few days with party members and supporters, whose opinion has been very firm.”

    After being expelled from the party, Valeriu Zgonea has said the decision is unfair and that it is for the first time when speaking his mind is considered a crime.

    Valeriu Zgonea: “I have not understood, from the Integrity Committee’s report, where exactly in the statute of this political party, in the 2016 Romania, is stipulated that voicing one’s opinion is a punishable crime. I have complied with my colleagues’ decision. I will always be faithful to the Social Democratic values, I believe in the Social Democratic Party and I believe this party can be reformed. Unfortunately, coordinated efforts against the decisions of the judiciary, seem to be more important than anything else.”

    According to Liviu Dragnea, Valeriu Zgonea will continue to be the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies until after Easter, when the party decides on who takes his place.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Decizii radicale în Partidul Social Democrat

    Decizii radicale în Partidul Social Democrat

    executiv al PSD, cel mai
    mare, de stânga, din România, Valeriu Zgonea, a fost exclus, miercuri, din
    această formaţiune
    politică în urma unei decizii a Comitetului Executiv. Zgonea a fost cel
    mai puternic contestatar al liderului social-democraţilor, Liviu Dragnea, care
    a refuzat să îşi dea demisia din partid deşi a fost condamnat definitiv la doi
    ani de închisoare cu suspendare pentru fraudă electorală în cazul

    Potrivit procurorilor, în 2012,
    în calitate de secretar general al PSD, Liviu Dragnea
    s-a folosit de toate mijloacele pe care le-a avut la dispoziţie pentru a-i
    determina pe reprezentanţii din teritoriu ai formaţiunii să scoată ilegal
    oamenii la vot pentru ca referendumul care viza demiterea fostului preşedinte
    de dreapta, Traian Băsescu, să fie validat. Referendumul a eşuat, însă, din lipsă de cvorum. Deşi exclus
    din partid, Zgonea îşi va păstra postul de preşedinte al Camerei Deputaţilor,
    până când social-democraţii vor solicita revocarea sa.

    Liviu Dragnea a regretat
    decizia şi a precizat că a recomandat colegilor o
    atitudine moderată. Liviu Dragnea: Înainte de şedinţa
    Comitetului Executiv Naţional, am avut discuţie cu o mare parte din membri
    îndemnându-i la o soluţie moderată care să fie adoptată. Poziţia a fost destul
    de tranşantă şi nu a fost generată de păreri personale ale colegilor din
    Comitetul Executiv, ci de discuţiile pe care le-au avut, în aceste zile, atât
    cu membrii de partid, militanţii partidului, cât şi cu cetăţenii, iar poziţia
    lor a fost foarte tranşantă.

    excludere, Valeriu Zgonea a susţinut că decizia este una nedreaptă şi
    că este pentru prima oară când exprimarea unei opinii este considerată un
    delict. Valeriu Zgonea: Nu am
    înţeles, din raportul Comisiei de Integritate, unde avem într-un statut de
    partid politic în România în 2016 sancţionarea delictului de opinie, dar m-am
    supus deciziei colegilor mei. Voi rămâne întotdeauna ataşat valorilor
    social-democrate, cred în Partidul Social Democrat, cred că acest partid se
    poate reforma. Din păcate, în acest moment, a face scut împotriva deciziilor
    justiţiei este mai important decât orice altceva.

    Spre deliciul multora, Zgonea
    a comparat situaţia din PSD cu un
    documentar pe care l-a vizionat despre antilopele gnu care au sărit toate după
    masculul alfa fără să gândească, într-un râu plin de crocodili.

    Şeful PSD, Liviu
    Dragnea, a anunţat că, în perioada următoare, postul ocupat de Valeriu Zgonea
    la Camera Deputaţilor se va elibera şi că viitorul Birou Permanent Naţional,
    care va avea loc după Paşte, va stabili următoarele acţiuni parlamentare ale

    Potrivit Regulamentului Camerei, cererea de revocare din
    funcţie poate veni din partea grupului parlamentar care l-a propus, adică a
    PSD, sau a cel puţin unei treimi din numărul total al deputaţilor.

  • Nachrichten 13.03.2016

    Nachrichten 13.03.2016

    BERLIN: Der Vorsitzende der Bukarester Abgeordnetenkammer, Valeriu Zgonea, hat sich am Sonntag in Berlin an einer internationalen Parlamentstagung zur Bekämpfung des Antisemitismus beteiligt. Er leitete die Plenarsitzung zum Thema Offizielle Antworten und Antworten von der Regieung auf den Antisemitismus“. An dem Treffen beteiligten sich auch der Erstvizepräsident der Europäischen Kommission Frans Timmermans, die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert und UNESCO-Generlaleiterin Irina Bokova. Zu den Themen der Konferenz zählte auch die antisemitistische Rede im Internet und Beispiele zur Bekämpfung des Antisemitismus in den Moslemgemeinden.

    BUKAREST: Eine neue rumänische Mannschaft ist den Patrouillemissionen im Mittelmeer zur Bekämpfung der illegalen Migration beigetreten. Laut dem Innenministerium wird sich ein Eurocopter Hubschrauber des Generalinspektorats für Luftfahrt mit 4 Piloten an dem gemeinsamen Einsatz Poseidon Rapid Intervention“ der europäischen Agentur FRONTEX gemeinsam mit weiteren Boden-, See- und Lufteinsatzkräften aus 26 Ländern beteiligen. Die rumänische Mannschaft wird in den nächsten zwei Wochen auf der griechischen Insel Samos im Einsatz sein. Rumänien leistet einen beträchtlichen Beitrag zu den FRONTEX Einsätzen zur Sicherung der EU-Grenzen. Es beteiligt sich an Missionen zur Bekämpfung der Illegalen Einwanderung im maritimen Bereich Italiens und Griechenlands sowie an der Grenze zwischen Serbien und Mazedonien.

    BUKAREST: Der ungarische Spielfilm Son of Saul“, in dem der rumänische Schauspieler ungarischer Abstammung Levente Molnár mitspielt und der einen Oscar für den besten ausländischen Film erhalten hat, hatte an diesem Wochenende seine rumänische Premiere. Der Debutfilm des jungen Regisseurs László Nemes gewann zahlreiche internationale Preise und stellt die Geschichte eines iudischen Gefangenen aus Ungarn, der im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz von den Nazis zur Arbeit gezwungen wurde. Der Schauspieler des Ungarischen Staatstheaters in Klausenburg, Levente Molnár hat eine Schlüsselrolle in diesem Film, wo er Sauls besten Freund darstellt.

  • 13.03.2016


    Conférence — Le président de la Chambre des députés du Parlement de Bucarest, Valeriu Zgonea, participe à Berlin à une conférence internationale consacrée à la lutte contre l’antisémitisme. M. Zgonea préside la session intitulée « Réponses officielles et gouvernementales à l’antisémitisme ». Les participants à la conférence, dont le premier vice-président de la Commission européenne Frans Timmermans, la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel, le président du Bundestag Norbert Lammert et la directrice générale de l’Unesco Irina Bokova, se penchent sur des sujets tels le discours antisémite disséminé sur Internet ou encore pratiques de lutte contre l’antisémitisme dans les communautés musulmanes.

    Migration — Un nouvel équipage roumain s’est joint aux missions de patrouille en mer Méditerranée, dans la lutte contre la migration illégale. Le ministère de l’Intérieur de Bucarest informe qu’un hélicoptère de type Eurocopter appartenant à l’Inspection générale de l’aviation, et un équipage de quatre pilotes, prendront part à l’opération conjointe « Poseidon Rapid Intervention », mise en place par l’Agence européenne FRONTEX, aux côtés d’autres équipages aériens, maritimes et terrestres, de 26 pays. Les Roumains seront présents sur l’île grecque de Samos, pour une période de deux semaines. La Roumanie a une contribution importante aux actions de sécurisation des frontières de l’UE organisées par FRONTEX ; elle prend part aux missions contre l’immigration illégale dans les eaux territoriales italiennes et hellènes et à la frontière entre la Serbie et l’ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine.

    Elections — Environ 13 millions d’Allemands sont appelés ce dimanche aux urnes, pour des élections régionales dans les Etats régionaux de Bade-Wurtemberg, Rhénanie-Palatinat et Saxe-Anhalt. Ce sont des élections test, à 18 mois des législatives, qui pourraient marquer l’ascension de la droite populiste, aux dépens des partis traditionnels, notamment des conservateurs de la chancelière Angela Merkel. Plus d’un million d’immigrants sont entrés en Allemagne en 2015 ; la crise des réfugiés a bouleversé la scène politique, mettant en danger la position de leader incontestable détenue par Mme Merkel depuis dix ans. Les Allemands sont de plus en plus nombreux à se tourner vers la droite populiste, qui demande principalement la fermeture des frontières. Créée il y a seulement trois ans pour contester leuro, lAlternative pour lAllemagne (AFD) est pressentie comme la grande gagnante de ces scrutins, créditée dentre 9% et 19% des intentions de vote selon la région.

    Palais — Des centaines de personnes ont visité samedi le Palais Primăverii de Bucarest — ancienne résidence de la famille du dictateur Nicolae Ceauşescu, ouvert au public à partir de ce week-end, 26 ans après la chute du communisme en Roumanie. Le Palais Primăverii, construit entre 1964 et 1965, dispose de plus de 80 chambres, d’une salle de cinéma et d’une piscine. La réouverture du palais s’inscrit dans la campagne « Votre droit de savoir », coordonnée par le vice premier ministre Vasile Dîncu, avec l’appui du Secrétariat général du gouvernement et de la Régie du protocole d’Etat.

    Film — Le film hongrois « Le fils de Saul », dans lequel joue aussi l’acteur roumano-hongrois Levente Molnár et récemment récompensé de l’Oscar du meilleur film étranger, vient de sortir en salle en Roumanie aussi. Le film raconte l’histoire de Saul, un prisonnier juif de Hongrie, forcé par les nazis de nettoyer les chambres à gaz d’Auschwitz, en 1944. Dans le film, Saul fait tout pour soustraire le corps dun adolescent, qu’il soupçonne être son fils afin de lui offrir une sépulture décente. L’acteur Levente Molnár, de la troupe du Théâtre magyar d’Etat de Cluj-Napoca, y joue le rôle du meilleur ami de Saul.

    Handball — L’équipe nationale de handball féminin de Roumanie rencontre aujourd’hui en déplacement la sélection de Norvège, championne européenne, mondiale et olympique en titre, dans le match retour comptant pour le Groupe 1 de qualification au Championnat d’Europe de décembre prochain. Le match aller a été remporté par les Roumaines sur le score final de 25 à 20. Les tricolores, entraînées par le Suédois Tomas Ryde, occupent actuellement la première place dans leur groupe, suivies par les Norvégiennes, les Bélarusses et les Lituaniennes, et sont très proches de la qualification au tournoi européen final. La nationale de handball féminin de Roumanie participera aussi au tournoi préolympique d’Aarhus, au Danemark, aux côtés du pays hôte, de l’Uruguay et du Monténégro. Les équipes qui occuperont les deux premières places, se qualifieront aux Jeux Olympiques de Rio du mois d’août.

    Tennis — Les joueuses de tennis roumaines Simona Halep et Monica Niculescu se sont qualifiées au troisième tour du tournoi d’Indian Wells, aux Etats Unis. Lundi, elles affronteront la Russe Ekaterina Makarova, pour Simona Halep, et la Polonaise Agnieszka Radwanska, pour Monica Niculescu.

    Météo — En Roumanie, le ciel est couvert au-dessus de l’est, du sud et du sud-ouest où des pluies éparses sont signalées. Les températures de la mi-journée vont de 6 à 15°. 8°, à Bucarest, à midi. Une vigilance orange aux inondations sur le Danube est en vigueur jusqu’au 18 mars.

  • 12.03.2016 (mise à jour)

    12.03.2016 (mise à jour)

    Conférence — Le président de la Chambre des députés du Parlement de Bucarest, Valeriu Zgonea, participe à Berlin à une conférence internationale consacrée à la lutte contre l’antisémitisme. M. Zgonea préside la session intitulée « Réponses officielles et gouvernementales à l’antisémitisme ». Les participants à la conférence, dont le premier vice-président de la Commission européenne, Frans Timmermans, la chancelière allemande, Angela Merkel, le président du Bundestag, Norbert Lammert, et la directrice générale de l’Unesco, Irina Bokova, se penchent sur des sujets tels le discours antisémite disséminé sur Internet ou encore pratiques de lutte contre l’antisémitisme dans les communautés musulmanes.

    Tennis — Les joueuses de tennis roumaines Simona Halep et Monica Niculescu se sont qualifiées au troisième tour du tournoi d’Indian Wells, aux Etats Unis. Simona Halep, tête de série n° 5, a remporté une victoire facile devant l’Américaine Vania King, 6-1 6-1. Monica Niculescu a eu besoin de trois sets pour vaincre la Britannique Heather Watson, 6-4 2-6 6-2. Au troisième tour, les adversaires des Roumaines seront Ekaterina Makarova, pour Simona Halep, et Agnieszka Radwanska pour Monica Niculescu.

    Rugby — La sélection de rugby de Roumanie a eu raison de la nationale d’Allemagne, 61 à 7, dans un match disputé à Iasi (est de la Roumanie) et comptant pour la Coupe européenne des nations — deuxième échelon continental après le Tournoi des six nations. Antérieurement, les tricolores avaient aussi vaincu le Portugal (39 à 14), la Russie (30 à 0) et l’Espagne (21 à 18). La semaine prochaine, les rugbymen roumains se déplaceront à Tbilissi, où ils affronteront la Géorgie, dans le match derby de la compétition.

    Météo — Le ciel sera couvert sur l’est, le sud et le sud-ouest de la Roumanie où des pluies faibles seront signalées dans les prochaines 24h. Dimanche à la mi-journée les températures se situeront entre 6 et 15 degrés. Une vigilance orange aux inondations est en vigueur sur le Danube.

  • Noi opinii despre situaţia TVR şi a Radioului public

    Noi opinii despre situaţia TVR şi a Radioului public

    Situaţia în care se află Televiziunea Română reclamă măsuri urgente de redresare economică şi organizatorică, afirmă preşedintele Camerei Deputaţilor, social-democratul Valeriu Zgonea. El susţine că este nevoie de o regândire a legislaţiei care să separe conducerile administrative şi executive ale Televiziunii şi Radioului public:

    Eu cred că Consiliul de Administraţie al Televiziunii publice şi al Radioului trebuie să fie depolitizat, astfel încât să propunem omeni capabili să găsească soluţii în managementul acestor instituţii, păstrând fundamentul şi raţiunile pe care cele două instituţii le-au avut. Este dificil să spun care sunt soluţiile. Eu cred că Guvernul trebuie să ia nişte decizii, pentru că sunt foarte multe datorii care sunt istorice şi care trebuie să fie într-un fel eliminate, asta pe termen scurt, cu un plan de management. Înseamnă până la urmă şi un ajutor de stat”.

    Pe de altă parte, senatorul ALDE Dumitru Pelican consideră că proiectul de modificare a legii de funcţionare a SRR şi SRTV propus de social-democratul Georgică Severin este alcătuit în pripă şi fără o dezbatere reală. Dumitru Pelican a atras atenţia că un astfel de proiect de lege nu este binevenit într-un an electoral:

    Probabil că se caută acum o soluţie rapidă, este şi an electoral şi este o greşală incomensurabilă, iar în momentul în care desparţi funcţia de preşedinte de cea de director general şi acest director general este repede demis de Consiliul de Administraţie înseamnă că nu-l vrei decât o păpuşă pe care îl pui acolo să asculte tot, până la urma urmei, de politic. Nu! Nu trebuie făcut aşa ceva. Este doar o iniţiativă, repet, de fugă care nu schimbă cu nimic datele problemei”.

    Dumitru Pelican a mai arătat că situaţia financiară dificilă în care se află Televiziunea Română a fost provocată de un management defectuos.

    Proiectul de modificare a legii de funcţionare a Societăţilor Române de Radiodifuziune şi de Televiziune, propus de social-democratul Georgică Severin, nu rezolvă situaţia în care se află televiziunea publică, afirmă deputatul liberal şi preşedinte al comisiei de cultură din Camera Inferioară a Parlamentului, Gigel Ştirbu. El a atras atenţia că propunerea legislativă nu face decât să creeze o nouă funcţie de conducere la cele două instituţii:

    Un articol din această proiecţie legislativă spune faptul că preşedintele Consiliului de Administraţie al Societăţii Române de Televiziune nu mai deţine funcţia şi de director general, ceea ce mă poate duce cu gândul că directorul unei instituţii de media poate fi schimbat de către consiliul de administraţie, care are o mare componentă politică, o dată la două luni. Păi, un om care este schimbat din două în două luni nu mai poate face performanţă”.

  • EU-Kommissionsbericht über Rumänien bestätigt Fortschritte

    EU-Kommissionsbericht über Rumänien bestätigt Fortschritte

    Rumänien ist am 1. Januar 2007 der EU beigetreten. Damals hatte es seine Partner im Westeuropa nicht überzeugt, dass es die gemeinschaftlichen Standards im Bereich Justiz erfülle. Deshalb wurde für Rumänien und das benachbarte Bulgarien das sogenannte Kooperations- und Überprüfungsmechanismus (CVM) eingeführt. Es geht um ein Monitoring-Prozess der Fortschritte der beiden südosteuropäischen Staaten im Bereich Justiz und der Bekämpfung der Korruption und des organisierten Verbrechens. Laut der Exekutive sei dieser dritte positive Fortschritts-Jahresbericht in Folge ein Beweis für die Dauerhaftigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit der Reformen in der Justiz und des Kampfes gegen die Korruption. Die Nationale Antikorruptionsbehörde DNA hat erklärt, die Zahl der Verständigungen sei gestiegen, was das Vertrauen der Bevölkerung in der Institution wiederspiegele, was ebenfalls von den Meinungsumfragen bestätigt wird. Die öffentliche Unterstützung für die Bekämpfung der Korruption ist als ein bedeutender Faktor der Protestaktionen, die zum Rücktritt des sozialdemokratischen Ministerpräsidenten Victor Ponta im Novoember vergangenen Jahres geführt haben. Die Nationale Antikorruptionsbehörde hat im vergangenen Jahr über 1.250 Angeklagte vors Gericht geschickt, darunter Victor Ponta, ehemalige Minister, Parlamentarier, Bürgermeister, Vorsitzende von Kreisräten, Richter, Staatsanwälte, Staatsbeamten, so der Bericht.

    Die Europäische Kommission kritisiert das Parlament in Bukarest. Dieses habe mehrmals unbegründet Anträge der Justiz abgelehnt. Die EU-Kommission erwartet, dass 2016 sich die Bemühungen der Behörden intensivieren und auch auf die Prävention der Korruption abzielen. Darüber hinaus sollen den Richtern angemessene Arbeitsbedingungen geschaffen werden. Verlangt wird ebenfalls, dass die Integrität der Kandidaten für die Kommunal- und Parlamentswahlen 2016 überprüft werde. Auch Präsident Klaus Iohannis schätzte, dass Rumänien auf einem positiven Weg sei, die Ziele der Monitorisierung zu erfüllen. Das Engagement zugunsten von Rechtsstaat und Unabhängigkeit der Justiz sei unumkehrbar, sagte er.

    Die rumänische Justizministerin Raluca Prună schätzt, die Bewertung erlaube Bukarest in der nahen Zukunft die Beendung der Monitorisierung zu erwarten. Senatsvorsitzender Călin Popescu Tăriceanu erklärte im Namen des Senats, die Art und Weise in der die Europäische Kommission vorgehe, sei nicht korrekt. Valeriu Zgonea, Vorsitzender der Abgeordnetenkammer behauptete, der Justiz-Fortschrittsbericht solle ein Alarmzeichen für die Parlamentarier sein, für die Art in der sie Themen, die für die Fortschritte im Bereich Justiz bedeutend waren behandelt haben. Valeriu Zgnonea sagte, um dem Wunsch der Bevölkerung entgegenzukommen, ein Parlament zu haben, das ihre Interessen vertretet, benötige man einen größeren politischen Willen.

  • November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    25,000 protesters marched in downtown Bucharest on Tuesday night, according to estimates by the Romanian Gendarmerie. The march started in University Square, continued in Victory Square, the Interior Ministry, the Constitution Square and Bucharest’s District 4 City Hall. The protest was organized on social networks, in the wake of Friday night’s tragedy at Colectiv Club.

    Chanting slogans like Resignation, resignation, Solidarity and toting signs reading Corruption kills or We are the generation that changes history, the protesters called for the resignations of Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea and Cristian Popescu-Piedone, the mayor of Bucharest’s fourth district, where Colectiv Club is located.

    The day was also marked by protests against the government and the political class in general, floral tributes, prayers and religious masses in several big cities across Romania: Braila, Ramnicu Valcea, Sibiu, Miercurea Ciuc, Cluj Napoca, Alba-Iulia, Brasov.

    Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis posted a message on his Facebook page writing that it is a street movement, emerging from people’s wish to see their human condition and dignity respected. I understood that they rightfully call for and expect that someone assumes political responsibility. The next step should be taken by politicians, who can’t ignore such a feeling of revolt. In
    turn, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies,

    Valeriu Zgonea, wrote on Facebook: I understand the people who took to
    the streets tonight. I understand their fury. I think it is high time the whole
    political class understood that half-measures are no longer acceptable. (…) The
    memory of the young people who died in Colectiv club doesn’t need monuments,
    but justice!

    On Friday night, the club Colectiv was devastated by a deadly fire, which killed at least 32 people and injured 140 others. According to prosecutors, the blaze was caused by a pyrotechnical show during a rock concert in the aforementioned overcrowded club. Doctors believe the death toll could go up as many of the participants have inhaled a toxic smoke. The club’s three owners have been accused of manslaughter and placed under pre-trial arrest. The government has endorsed a decision under which the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations can close down clubs, which aren’t observing fire prevention measures.

    Pope Francis has conveyed a message to Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis expressing his profound regret for the tragedy in Bucharest on Friday night. The Pontiff has assured the victims’ families, the authorities and the entire Romanian nation of his spiritual support. Many high-ranking officials and foreign ambassadors have paid homage to the fire victims in recent days. Books of condolence have been opened at Romania’s foreign embassies abroad.

    The heart of Queen Maria of Romania was placed on Tuesday in the Golden Chamber of the Pelisor Castle in the mountain resort of Sinaia. The royal family, representatives of the government, the church and the army participated in the ceremony held at the castle which was built upon her plans, and where her heart beat for the last time, back in 1938. Born in 1875, Maria Alexandra Victoria of Saxa Coburg-Gotha was a princess of Great Britain and Ireland, granddaughter of Queen Victoria of Britain. She became Romania’s second queen as wife of king Ferdinand. During their reign, at the end of WWI, the Romanian nation state was founded after the provinces with a majority Romanian-speaking population of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania had joined the Kingdom of Romania. The queen’s presence on the frontline, where she acted as a nurse in military hospitals, as well as her commitment to the Great Union turned her into the most beloved female personality in the history of the Romanians.

    On Wednesday Romania’s capital Bucharest will be playing host to a high level summit of the Central and East European countries. The summit, co-presided by the Romanian and Polish heads of state, Klaus Iohannis and Andrzej Duda, respectively, will be attended by their counterparts from Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Hungary. They will also be joined by the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic and NATO Deputy Secretary General, Alexander Vershbow. Present in our country as of Tuesday, president Duda has said that Romania is Poland’s strategic partner in the region and that NATO presence in this part of Europe must be increased.

    A traditional folk dance from Transylvania, the so-called Lads’ Dance, has been included in the UNESCO’s immaterial world heritage list. This specific dance, which has kept its continuity in the Romanian folklore, is a harmonious blend of rhythm and movement. Talks about the inclusion of the Lads’ Dance on the UNESCO heritage list commenced two years ago, upon the initiative of Romanian researcher Zamfir Dejeu, member in the National Committee for Salvaging the National Immaterial Cultural Heritage.

    The Democratic Party in the Republic of Moldova, a former Soviet country with a Romanian-speaking majority on Tuesday expressed its readiness to forge a coalition including with the pro-Russia communists if this leads to political stability. Democratic Party leaders have announced they are no longer willing to wait until the Liberal-Democrats of former Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet make a decision to join the talks for a new ruling coalition. The Strelet cabinet, made up of Liberal-Democrats, Democrats and Liberals was dismissed last week following a no-confidence vote tabled by the Socialists and the Communists and backed by the Democrats. President Nicolae Timofti has designated the Liberal Deputy Prime Minister Gheorghe Brega for the position of interim Prime Minister.

  • November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    November 3, 2015 UPDATE

    25,000 protesters marched in downtown Bucharest on Tuesday night, according to estimates by the Romanian Gendarmerie. The march started in University Square, continued in Victory Square, the Interior Ministry, the Constitution Square and Bucharest’s District 4 City Hall. The protest was organized on social networks, in the wake of Friday night’s tragedy at Colectiv Club.

    Chanting slogans like Resignation, resignation, Solidarity and toting signs reading Corruption kills or We are the generation that changes history, the protesters called for the resignations of Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea and Cristian Popescu-Piedone, the mayor of Bucharest’s fourth district, where Colectiv Club is located.

    The day was also marked by protests against the government and the political class in general, floral tributes, prayers and religious masses in several big cities across Romania: Braila, Ramnicu Valcea, Sibiu, Miercurea Ciuc, Cluj Napoca, Alba-Iulia, Brasov.

    Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis posted a message on his Facebook page writing that it is a street movement, emerging from people’s wish to see their human condition and dignity respected. I understood that they rightfully call for and expect that someone assumes political responsibility. The next step should be taken by politicians, who can’t ignore such a feeling of revolt. In
    turn, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies,

    Valeriu Zgonea, wrote on Facebook: I understand the people who took to
    the streets tonight. I understand their fury. I think it is high time the whole
    political class understood that half-measures are no longer acceptable. (…) The
    memory of the young people who died in Colectiv club doesn’t need monuments,
    but justice!

    On Friday night, the club Colectiv was devastated by a deadly fire, which killed at least 32 people and injured 140 others. According to prosecutors, the blaze was caused by a pyrotechnical show during a rock concert in the aforementioned overcrowded club. Doctors believe the death toll could go up as many of the participants have inhaled a toxic smoke. The club’s three owners have been accused of manslaughter and placed under pre-trial arrest. The government has endorsed a decision under which the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations can close down clubs, which aren’t observing fire prevention measures.

    Pope Francis has conveyed a message to Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis expressing his profound regret for the tragedy in Bucharest on Friday night. The Pontiff has assured the victims’ families, the authorities and the entire Romanian nation of his spiritual support. Many high-ranking officials and foreign ambassadors have paid homage to the fire victims in recent days. Books of condolence have been opened at Romania’s foreign embassies abroad.

    The heart of Queen Maria of Romania was placed on Tuesday in the Golden Chamber of the Pelisor Castle in the mountain resort of Sinaia. The royal family, representatives of the government, the church and the army participated in the ceremony held at the castle which was built upon her plans, and where her heart beat for the last time, back in 1938. Born in 1875, Maria Alexandra Victoria of Saxa Coburg-Gotha was a princess of Great Britain and Ireland, granddaughter of Queen Victoria of Britain. She became Romania’s second queen as wife of king Ferdinand. During their reign, at the end of WWI, the Romanian nation state was founded after the provinces with a majority Romanian-speaking population of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania had joined the Kingdom of Romania. The queen’s presence on the frontline, where she acted as a nurse in military hospitals, as well as her commitment to the Great Union turned her into the most beloved female personality in the history of the Romanians.

    On Wednesday Romania’s capital Bucharest will be playing host to a high level summit of the Central and East European countries. The summit, co-presided by the Romanian and Polish heads of state, Klaus Iohannis and Andrzej Duda, respectively, will be attended by their counterparts from Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Hungary. They will also be joined by the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic and NATO Deputy Secretary General, Alexander Vershbow. Present in our country as of Tuesday, president Duda has said that Romania is Poland’s strategic partner in the region and that NATO presence in this part of Europe must be increased.

    A traditional folk dance from Transylvania, the so-called Lads’ Dance, has been included in the UNESCO’s immaterial world heritage list. This specific dance, which has kept its continuity in the Romanian folklore, is a harmonious blend of rhythm and movement. Talks about the inclusion of the Lads’ Dance on the UNESCO heritage list commenced two years ago, upon the initiative of Romanian researcher Zamfir Dejeu, member in the National Committee for Salvaging the National Immaterial Cultural Heritage.

    The Democratic Party in the Republic of Moldova, a former Soviet country with a Romanian-speaking majority on Tuesday expressed its readiness to forge a coalition including with the pro-Russia communists if this leads to political stability. Democratic Party leaders have announced they are no longer willing to wait until the Liberal-Democrats of former Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet make a decision to join the talks for a new ruling coalition. The Strelet cabinet, made up of Liberal-Democrats, Democrats and Liberals was dismissed last week following a no-confidence vote tabled by the Socialists and the Communists and backed by the Democrats. President Nicolae Timofti has designated the Liberal Deputy Prime Minister Gheorghe Brega for the position of interim Prime Minister.

  • Proteste în centrul Capitalei după tragedia din Club Colectiv

    Proteste în centrul Capitalei după tragedia din Club Colectiv

    Aproximativ 25.000 de persoane, conform Jandarmeriei, au protestat împotriva corupţiei marţi seară, în centrul Bucureştiului (Piaţa Universităţii, Piaţa Victoriei, Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Piaţa Constituţiiei, Primăria sectorului 4). Protestul a fost organizat pe reţelele sociale, în urma tragediei de la Club Colectiv.

    Protestatarii au cerut demisia primarului sectorului 4, Cristian Popescu-Piedone, dar și pe cele ale premierului Victor Ponta și a vicepremierului Gabriel Oprea.

    S-a scandat Demisia, demisia, Solidaritate, Piedone nu uita, a venit şi ziua ta!. Unii dintre manifestaţi purtau pancarte pe care se putea citi Noi suntem generaţia care schimbă istoria!, Corupţia ucide!. Proteste antiguvernamentale şi împotriva clasei politic eîn general, rugăciuni şi slujbe de pomenire pentru victime s-au desfăşurat în mai mult eoraşe din România: Brăila, Râmnicu Vâlcea, Sibiu, Miercurea Ciuc, Cluj-Napoca, Alba Iulia, Braşov, Constanţa.

    Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a declarat pe Facebook că “este o mișcare de stradă, care vine din dorința oamenilor de a le fi respectate condiția și demnitatea. Am înțeles că se cere și se așteaptă, pe bună dreptate, ca cineva să-și asume răspunderea politică. Următorul pas trebuie să fie al politicienilor, care nu pot ignora acest sentiment de revoltă”. La rândul său, preşedintele Camerei Deputaţilor, Valeriu Zgonea, a scris pe Facebook: “Îi înțeleg pe oamenii care au ieșit în seara aceasta în stradă. Le înțeleg furia. Cred că a venit momentul ca întreaga clasă politică să înțeleagă că nu mai merge cu jumătăți de măsură. (…) Memoria tinerilor morți in ”Colectiv” nu are nevoie de monumente, ci de dreptate!”

  • October 29, 2015

    October 29, 2015

    TALKS – Romanias Prime Minister Victor Ponta is today holding talks with the President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto, who is also the Prime Minister of this country. Attending an international meeting on open governance yesterday, the Prime Minister said that while Romania was a young democracy and a new member of the European Union, Bucharest authorities were trying to meet international standards in terms of democracy and governance. He called for a transparent governing process and for effective public services. Victor Pontas visit to Mexico is the first in the last 25 years, marking 80 years since Romanian-Mexican diplomatic relations were established.

    VISIT – The Chamber of Deputies Speaker Valeriu Zgonea is today meeting with representatives of the Romanian community and leaders of the Jewish-born American organizations as part of his two-day visit to Washington. Zgonea is attending the third edition of the Parliamentary Intelligence – Security Forum. In yesterdays discussion panel, Zgonea said that intensifying the Strategic Partnership with the US represented a key priority for Romanias foreign policy. On the sideline of the event, Zgonea met with US officials to address bilateral economic relations and cooperation in the field of security and defence. The Romanian official referred to Romanias advantages for the business sector, as a key partner of the United States in the Balkans and the Black Sea region. At the same time Zgonea said Romania has fulfilled all legal requirements to join the Visa Waiver Programme.

    VOTE – The Moldovan Parliament is debating and voting today a no-confidence motion filed by the pro-Russian Socialist and Communist Parties in opposition against the pro-European Government made up of the Liberal-Democratic Party, the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party. The opposition is accusing Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet of incompetence and corruption, while the Prime Minister says that left-wing parties are trying to destabilize the country and block its European integration efforts. To pass the motion needs 51 out of the total of 101 possible votes, with the two opposition parties holding only 44 seats. Analysts say however the Governments fate is sealed, after the Democrats too have insisted Strelet should step down. Romanias Prime Minister Victor Ponta has warned Bucharest will continue to support Moldova as long as a pro-Western coalition is at the helm of the Government. This month Romania has given a 150-million-euro loan to Moldova.

    EXERCISE – Over 1,800 Romanian military and another 300 US military are today taking part in the joint military exercise “Justice Sword in Galati County, eastern Romania. According to the Romanian Defence Ministry, some 500 weapon systems are being field-tested, including Abrams battle tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles. NATO warfare tactics and military procedures will be tested during the exercise.

    TAXATION – Romania reported significant progress in terms of taxation and the reform of the National Agency for Tax Administration, although it still faces tax collection issues, says Carmen Marcus, an economic policy analyst with the European Commission Representation Office in Romania. Carmen Marcus says Romania has one of the highest VAT collection deficits at EU level. The Commission recommends Romania fulfilled and maintained medium-term budget targets and implemented the strategy aimed at observing fiscal obligations and consolidating control mechanisms for combating undeclared work, Carmen Marcus also pointed out.

    MEETING – German Chancellor Angela Merkel today called for an urgent diplomatic solution to the Syrian crisis, as part of her meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang in Beijing. In turn, the Chinese official said the diplomatic resolution of the Syrian conflict was the responsibility of the United Nations. The agenda for talks also included the EU-China investment treaty, which news agencies suggest might pave the way for a free trade agreement between the EU and China. Follow the meeting the two officials signed a deal whereby Chinese airlines purchased 130 Airbus jets worth 17 billion dollars.

    TENNIS – Romania tennis player Simona Halep, the worlds no. 2 player, failed to qualify to the semi-final of the WTA Finals in Singapore, a tournament totalling 7 million dollars in prize money. In her third and last match in the Red Group, Halep lost 6-7, 1-6 to Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland. Ahead of the game, Halep had one win after defeating Flavia Penneta of Italy and losing to Maria Sharapova of Russia.