Tag: violence

  • February 10, 2025

    February 10, 2025

    PRESIDENT A third request to impeach president Klaus Iohannis may be analysed today by the leaders of the Romanian parliament in a joint meeting of the two chambers’ standing bureaus. The request is signed by 178 MPs, most of them from the self-proclaimed sovereigntist opposition (the Young People’s Party, AUR and SOS Romania) but there are also 26 signatories from the pro-EU Save Romania Union. Under the Constitution, the president can be removed from office only with a majority of the votes of senators and deputies, and only if the president breaches the Constitution. A total of 234 votes are needed, which the opposition does not have. On the other hand, the presidential candidate of the ruling coalition, the former Liberal leader Crin Antonescu, admitted that the coalition leaders could have a meeting with president Iohannis today, concerning the opposition’s impeachment attempt. In an interview on the public television station, Antonescu said that the meeting was not announced publicly and that the president may decide to step down. Mr. Iohannis has announced twice so far that he did not intend to resign. On December 21, his second and last five-year presidential term under the Constitution came to an end, but his term was extended until a new head of state has been elected and validated by the Constitutional Court.


    BUDGET President Klaus Iohannis Monday signed into law the 2025 state budget and social security budget bills. These were endorsed last week by the joint chambers of Parliament. The budget is based on a 2.5% economic growth rate and a budget deficit of 7% of GDP. The finance minister Tanczos Barna stated in the joint parliament meeting that the 2025 state budget is ‘modest’ and is based on a prudent increase in revenues, ‘without exaggeration’. He also pointed out that the social security budget law provides ‘primarily for pension payments’.


    SUPERMARKETS PM Marcel Ciolacu said legislation should be introduced so that all products in major stores should have the same mark-ups. One day ahead of a boycott on supermarkets announced for today by the supporters of the former presidential candidate Călin Georgescu, PM Ciolacu presented in an online post the Romanian products he had bought. Roughly 800,000 Romanians work in the over 4,500 large stores in the country, and the taxes paid by such chains account for 13% of the revenues to the state budget. Moreover, according to data from the agriculture ministry, 70% of the products in retail stores in Romania are made in Romania. Early this month, customers in several Balkan countries joined a large-scale boycott on supermarkets, amid rising food prices. The protests that started in Croatia have spread to Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia.


    ECONOMY An International Monetary Fund delegation concluded its discussions in Bucharest with the main institutions in charge of Romania’s monetary and fiscal policies. It was not an assessment mission, but only fact-finding one, and PM Marcel Ciolacu assured the IMF experts of the government’s determination to comply with the budget deficit target of 7% of the GDP and to implement the reforms undertaken in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The IMF made public its latest forecasts regarding the Romanian economy last autumn, when it estimated a 7% deficit for the end of 2025, the same as predicted by the Government. However, the Fund’s estimates are more optimistic both as regards the economic growth rate and the inflation. In turn, World Bank officials welcomed the government’s reform plan and the attention paid to investments, noting that Romania is a strong and resilient partner.


    POLICE Romanian police are still searching for the attackers involved in Saturday’s violent incident in Urziceni (not far from Bucharest), in which 2 people were killed and 5 others wounded. On Sunday, police found several weapons buried in a courtyard in the town, including a hunting rifle, a pistol with non-lethal ammunition and a belt with 5 cartridges. According to initial reports, the conflict broke out between members of two clans, and the reason is said to be related to the relationship between two youngsters. Over 25 people were involved in the clash.


    KOSOVO Kosovo’s left-wing nationalist PM Albin Kurti claimed victory in Sunday’s parliamentary elections, saying he was optimistic about forming a new government. Unlike in the previous term, however, his party will not be able to form a parliamentary majority on its own. Kurti and other Kosovo party leaders have made it clear that they have no intention of working together, making it unclear how a ruling coalition could be formed in Pristina. (AMP)

  • July 21, 2024 UPDATE

    July 21, 2024 UPDATE

    Olympics – The delegation of Romania’s Olympic Team that will participate in the 2024 Olympic Games left on Sunday with a TAROM (national airline) charter flight to Paris, aboard a Boeing aircraft recently renamed ‘Nadia Comăneci’, AGERPRES reports. The aircraft was renamed specifically for this purpose, following the agreement received from the great Romanian gymnast, winner of five gold medals at the Olympic Games. Romania’s Olympic team – Team Romania is made up of 107 athletes who will compete in 18 different sports disciplines at the Olympic Games. ‘The road to the Paris Olympic Games means getting closer to the Olympic dream. Our team is ready and is looking forward to entering the Olympic arena. We are glad that we embarked on our trip together with ‘Nadia Comăneci’, a symbol of world sports, and I am convinced that this association with the TAROM aircraft will be a good omen for our athletes. In Paris, Team Romania will be Romania in front of the world”, said Mihai Covaliu, the president of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee.


    Violence – Related to the incidents produced, at the end of the week, in Leeds, the United Kingdom, the Romanian Foreign Ministry, Romania’s diplomatic mission and the Consulate General in Manchester continued communication with the family of the Romanian citizens affected by the authorities’ measures to take over their minor children and with the representatives the community and of the religious denominations, while also continuing the dialogue with the British local authorities. The latter informed, on Sunday, about the detention of nine Romanian citizens involved in the incidents of the evening of July 18. Later, eight of them were released. The Romanian Foreign Ministry explains that, at this moment, an investigation by the local police authorities is underway, and it is essential to clarify all aspects regarding the incident. The Consulate General in Manchester gives priority attention to the situation in Leeds and is prepared to continue providing consular assistance, according to the competences held, in compliance with the British legislation in force. Romanians and members of other communities in Leeds would have been involved in violent incidents, triggered by the attempt of the authorities for the protection of children in Leeds to take several Romanian minors into the care of the state, after abuses had been reported to them.


    Olympiad – Six high school students from Romania won medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad, according to an Education Ministry press release. They won one gold medal, four silver and one bronze medal. All six students are from Bucharest. The 65th edition of the Olympiad took place in Bath, Great Britain.


    Brussels – The EU foreign ministers are meeting, on Monday, in Brussels, for the first time since the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s visits to Ukraine, Russia, China and the United States, and the meeting is expected to discuss the reaction of the community block to this tour, which did not have the EU approval, EFE reported on Sunday. All EU countries, except Slovakia, and the EU institutions have condemned Orban’s meetings with the Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Chinese President Xi Jinping, and the former US President and the Republican presidential candidate in the November 5 election, Donald Trump, insisting that he has no mandate to speak on behalf of the community bloc about the war in Ukraine. The 27 members are divided on how to show their discontent: they do not agree on whether they should boycott the informal meetings held during Hungary’s six-month presidency of the EU Council, by sending to these meetings some lower-ranking officials instead of the line ministers. The EU countries’ foreign ministers will talk about military support for Ukraine, especially in terms of anti-aircraft defense, about the war in Gaza and its possible extension to the rest of the Middle East.


    Talks – The Romanian Foreign Minister, Luminiţa Odobescu, talked on the phone with her Egyptian counterpart, Badr Abdelatty, about concrete ways to further increase economic and sectoral cooperation, especially in areas of priority mutual interest, such as tourism, agriculture, trade and investments, labor and energy. According to the Foreign Ministry, the two high officials discussed the deep bilateral relations that the two countries have built over time, with over 115 years of official diplomatic interactions. The two ministers also had an exchange of opinions on security developments in the immediate vicinity of the two countries. The increasingly worrying developments in the Middle East were also reviewed. The Romanian FM expressed appreciation for Egypt’s special role in identifying solutions to the current regional crisis. (LS)


  • Les survivantes de la violence domestique

    Les survivantes de la violence domestique

    Si les marques que les coups ont laissé dans la chair des
    victimes symbolisent assez bien la violence domestique et de genre, d’autres
    traces, plus insidieuses, car moins visibles, définissent les effets psychiques
    de ce même fléau. Car, en effet, la violence psychologique fait moins souvent
    les gros titres des journaux, alors qu’elle fait pourtant l’objet d’actes normatifs
    spécifiques, et qu’elle constitue la cause principale de l’incapacité des
    victimes à demander de l’aide et à sortir d’une relation abusive. Et c’est bien
    cette violence psychologique qu’est abordée par la pièce « Restart »,
    « Nouveau départ » en traduction française, écrite et mise en scène par
    Ozana Nicolau, et jouée sur les planches du Centre éducatif Replika de Bucarest.
    Inspiré par les témoignages des victimes qui sont parvenues à se départir d’une
    relation abusive, le spectacle « Restart » constitue le fruit d’une
    collaboration entre plusieurs associations, telles Aleg, « Je choisis »,
    en français, de Sibiu, et Anaïs, de Bucarest. Mais la dramaturge Ozana Nicolau n’a
    pas hésité à puiser aussi dans ses souvenirs d’enfance, s’inspirant des
    histoires d’abus et de violence conjugale dont elle avait entendu parler ou qu’elle
    avait côtoyé à l’époque, ne cessant jamais de s’interroger sur la situation d’impunité
    manifeste de l’agresseur. Et si aujourd’hui la législation roumaine permet la
    délivrance plutôt rapide d’un ordre de protection provisoire aux victimes de
    violence domestique, et que la police se montre réactive face à ce genre de
    situations, l’abus émotionnel semble passer encore et toujours sous le radar. Or
    la pièce « Restart » entend justement mettre sous les feux des
    projecteurs ce type insidieux et méconnu de violence domestique. La dramaturge
    Ozana Nicolau détaille :

    « Vous savez, la violence physique, on la voie, elle
    est flagrante, manifeste, et punie par la loi. Mais si elle arrive à s’installer
    au sein du couple, c’est qu’elle se fonde sur un mécanisme violent bien moins
    connu, et que la loi ignore trop souvent. Et là je parle de la violence
    émotionnelle, un type de violence qu’il est difficile à cerner et à mettre sur
    les bancs des accusés. C’est de cette idée de départ que nous avons voulu
    comprendre ce qui se passe dans la tête d’une femme victime qui, alors même qu’elle
    souffre, se sente toujours coupable. Car elle se fait manipuler, pour qu’elle
    se sente coupable justement, pour qu’elle se sente seule, isolée, sans défense,
    incapable de pouvoir rompre et partir. Une femme
    prise au piège. Et il fallait démonter ce mécanisme psychologique qui rende la
    victime impuissante. Car c’est toujours en soi qu’il faut pouvoir trouver les
    ressources qui nous aident de rompre, de quitter, de se reconstruire. »

    Les deux seuls personnages de
    la pièce sont joués par les actrices Mihaela Rădescu et Nicoleta Lefter. La
    dernière nous explique ce qui l’a poussé à endosser ce rôle de victime avant de
    devenir une survivante de la violence de genre. Nicoleta Lefter :

    « Le rôle m’a semblé dès le départ très pertinent.
    Je connaissais Ozana, et je voulais pouvoir
    collaborer avec elle sur ce projet spécifique. Et puis le personnage en tant
    que tel est très complexe. Il lui fallait une voix qui lui corresponde. Il s’agit
    d’un thème peu abordé dans les théâtres publics. Et les histoires de vie que cette
    pièce raconte sont passablement émouvantes. Et puis, après avoir lu leurs
    témoignages, je les ai rencontrées, certaines de ces femmes, parce que’elles
    sont venues voir e spectacle. Savoir que ces choses sont réelles, que l’on
    raconte la vie des gens qui sont parmi nous, est une chose assez émouvante. On
    se rend compte que c’est important ce qu’on fait. En racontant leur vécu, l’on se
    investi d’une certaine responsabilité, et on ressente aussi l’énergie que
    les spectateurs nous renvoient en retour. »

    Il est certain que le
    spectacle a le don de susciter l’empathie des spectateurs, émus des
    tribulations des victimes. Et Nicoleta Lefter n’a pas été épargnée, car c’est l’émotion
    qui accompagne d’un bout à l’autre sa performance. Ecoutons-la :

    « J’ai été d’emblée émue par leurs témoignages. Par
    exemple, de cette femme qui raconte qu’après avoir quitté son mari, ce dernier
    l’aura harcelée pendant des années de procédure judiciaire en procédure
    judiciaire. Elle s’était vue happée dans ce tourbillon de plaintes déposées à
    son encontre. Mais aussi tous ceux qui l’avait aidée. Ses parents, ses amis, et
    même des policiers. C’est que la séparation n’est pas toujours la fin du
    calvaire. Et puis, le pire, c’est quand il y a des enfants. Parce que ces
    derniers ne savent pas passer outre la déchirure de la séparation de leurs parents.
    Ils ne disposent pas des moyens nécessaires pour ce faire. Et il y a des
    enfants qui seront traumatisés à vie, qui porteront en eux, dans leur vie d’adulte,
    les séquelles laissées par cette violence psychologique qu’ils ont vécue.
    Aussi, si ces choses ne sont pas traitées correctement, ces futurs adultes
    risquent d’étoffer le rang des victimes, ou celui des bourreaux »

    « Restart » n’est
    pas un coup d’essai pour Ozana Nicolau. Il y a quelques années, elle avait déjà
    monté « Foreplay », une pièce qu’elle avait écrite et fait jouer au
    même Centre éducatif Replika. Faire du théâtre militant, ancré dans le social,
    n’est sans doute pas anodin. Mais quel est l’impact ressenti par le public, mis
    devant ces questions sociétales ? Ozana Nicolau :

    « Je suis confiante.
    L’on soulève des questions. Mais, vous savez, une salle de théâtre compte
    quelques dizaines, ou quelques centaines de spectateurs. Malgré tout, les gens
    sortent de là, ils en parlent, ces thèmes de société se frayent un chemin dans
    l’esprit des gens. J’avais récemment reçu le retour d’une maman, venue avec son
    fils de 14 ans. Elle en était ravie. Son fils ne voulait pas y allait au
    départ, il connaissait le théâtre de marionnettes. Et à la fin de la représentation
    de Restart, il dit à sa maman : « mais si c’est cela le théâtre, j’en
    veux encore ». Et j’avais trouvé cela merveilleux, car ce n’est pas un
    sujet facile pour son âge. Mais je crois que les gens ont envie d’être interpellés,
    d’être secoués lorsqu’ils viennent voir une pièce de théâtre. D’être confrontés
    aux questions de société, ce dont ils rencontrent dans leur quotidien. Le
    théâtre n’est pas un livre de recettes pour mieux vivre, mais il peut poser les
    bonnes questions, montrer certains points de vue, encourager, donner de l’espoir.
    Car l’on voit les autres qui sont confrontés aux mêmes dilemmes, et l’on se
    sente moins seul. »

    Un autre message émouvant nous
    est parvenu de la part d’un autre jeune spectateur, un pré-adolescent, qui,
    après avoir assisté à la représentation de la pièce Restart, a remercié sa mère
    de l’y avoir amené, pour comprendre ce qu’il ne voudrait pas devenir : un
    mari et un père abuseur.

  • Chamber of Deputies to vote on new education legislation

    Chamber of Deputies to vote on new education legislation

    After many amendments drafted over the past two weeks
    in the relevant committee, the new bills on the education sector are these days
    reaching the Chamber of Deputies for endorsement. Once passed in the Chamber, they will be forwarded to the
    Senate, the decision-making regulator in this case.

    The bill on undergraduate
    education has seen a number of amendments aimed at preventing violence and
    strengthening discipline in schools. The changes introduced by the ruling coalition, comprising the Social
    Democratic Party, the National Liberal Party and the Democratic Union of Ethnic
    Hungarians in Romania, stipulate that a National Plan against violence in
    schools will be implemented within 6
    months of the law taking effect.

    Under the new law, the
    students and teachers who are the victims of violence benefit from free therapy
    services. The amendments also allow for CCTV surveillance in schools, conditional
    on the consent of teachers, students and parents. Specifically, cameras will
    not be installed in the classrooms where most parents disagree with the measure.

    The committee on
    education in the Chamber of Deputies also decided that schools are to introduce
    regulations concerning the access on school premises, and that reprimanding students
    in the presence of their peers is forbidden, while expulsion of students is
    restricted to very serious cases. Expelled students will be allowed to re-enrol
    in the same school the following year.

    An additional exam is
    introduced for 50% of the places available every year for high school
    admission, and religion will be an optional subject at the Baccalaureate exam, for
    the humanities majors.

    The draft law regulating
    higher education was also subject to a number of amendments. One of them
    removes the ceiling on the number of terms in office for senior university
    officers, except for university rectors, who are only allowed to hold two
    5-year terms in office.

    Another amendment introduces
    fines ranging from EUR 20,000 to 40,000 for the people who sell BA, MA, or
    Ph.D. theses online, violating intellectual property laws. The relevant
    parliamentary committee also decided that differences of opinions or data
    interpretations, as well as material citation errors do not qualify as breaches
    of ethical standards.

    The new law also provides
    for grants and free training programmes for the Romanians living abroad who
    choose to study in Romania. (AMP)

  • The EU supports the stability of the Republic of Moldova

    The EU supports the stability of the Republic of Moldova

    The head of the Romanian diplomacy, Bogdan Aurescu has
    hailed the political agreement reached by his EU counterparts for setting up a
    sanctions regime in order to counter the destabilization actions against the
    neighboring ex-soviet Romanian-speaking Republic of Moldova.

    He said that Romania is already working with the
    authorities in Chisinau on the first list of people to be sanctioned. Created
    on a part of the eastern Romanian territories annexed in 1940 by the Stalinist
    Soviet Union, the little republic, which got its independence in 1991, has been
    described by pundits as the most vulnerable neighbour of the invaded Ukraine. The threat level is on the rise. And causing violent
    events would prove a turning point in the present context, said this month Ana
    Revenco, Foreign Minister in the pro-Western government in Chisinau. According
    to her, ‘it is a certain fact that Russia has stepped up its efforts to
    destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova not without the efforts of
    the fugitive oligarchs.

    All the elements of a hybrid war such
    as false bomb alerts, cyber attacks, illegally funded protests, energy
    blackmail have proved to be a great challenge for the entire Interior Affairs
    system – she told Radio Chisinau. The pro-war propaganda, the incitement to
    hatred and misinformation are parts of the same hybrid war and are aimed at weakening
    the resistance of the citizens.

    Against this background, Foreign
    Minister Bogdan Aurescu said that any
    measure taken to bolster the security of the Republic of Moldova is also
    beneficial to Romania, and the EU’s decision to quickly put together a
    sanctions regime will be an instrument very important in the process of strengthening
    the resilience and security of the neighboring state in the context of the
    actions masterminded by Moscow.

    In turn the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy Josep
    Borrell says that the Republic is one of the most affected states by the war in
    Ukraine and Brussels has earmarked 40 million Euros to support its defence

    Also this month the Budget Commission with the
    European Parliament has endorsed the 145 million euros financial assistance for
    the Republic of Moldova. The Romanian MEP Siegfried
    Mureșan, the head of the delegation of the EU Legislature for the relations
    with Chisinau has underlined that it is necessary that the macro-financial
    assistance be endorsed without delay by the European Parliament and the money
    reach the Republic of Moldova in due time, by the end of the year.

    According to him, the Republic of
    Moldova is an EU-accession candidate and we must help it overcome all the
    challenges it is presently facing and carry on its European integration. The
    final voting on this package in the European Parliament is most likely due next


  • Of drugs and violence in the Romanian schools

    Of drugs and violence in the Romanian schools

    The consumption of psychoactive substances in schools is on the rise among the Romanian teenagers with bad consequences both for them and their families.

    Anti-drug policemen have recently annihilated a major network of consumers and traffickers of banned substances. Most of these consumers were minors and communicating via the message network Telegram.

    Early this week numerous search operations were carried out in Bucharest and other localities like Mures, in central Romania, Braila and Galati in the south-east and Dambovita in the south. Significant quantities of drugs and money have been seized on this occasion. Here is Catalin Tone, the head of the Antidrug service with the Brigade of Combating Organized Crime in Bucharest.

    Catalin Tone: “This is an atypical case, which shows us again the serious dimension of the phenomenon of drug abuse and trafficking in Romania. 11,000 people have been active on a chat group suggestively entitled Sweet Grass, where 30-40 thousand daily messages have been reported. Talks here have mainly been about drugs, distribution, consumption, cocktails and blends. Also very serious is the fact there were 15-20 hundred minors in the aforementioned group, very young and not very responsible at their age.”

    The Romanian society is in great need of initiatives for the education and information of the young people, the anti-drug expert says. Catalin Tone also believes Romania needs more clinics for the treatment of drug addiction. Another dangerous phenomenon which is gaining momentum in schools across Romania is violence and its negative impact on all those involved in the educational process.

    The Ministry of Education estimates that within two weeks it will come up with a procedure for the management of violent cases in schools, which will enable teachers and any other employee in the countrys education system to promptly and properly deal with school violence. Education Minister Ligia Deca said that together with the ministries of Justice and the Interior, they are identifying the necessary law amendments, including in the areas of fines and obligations for parents. In turn, the trade unions representatives in education have announced their intention to table a legislative initiative in Parliament aimed at discouraging violence acts in schools. The decision was made after a series of events in several Romanian schools, which involved the physical aggression and humiliation of some teachers. An initiative aimed at discouraging school violence was voted by the Chamber of Deputies in 2018 but failed to get the Senate approval.


  • Women overcome domestic violence

    Women overcome domestic violence

    Discussions about domestic or gender
    violence by and large focus on physical or body traces the partner’s blows left
    on the other’s body. However, each time, such blows come with their
    psychological aftermath as well. The psychological violence the abused women
    are subject to, on a daily basis, is less talked about. We should not forget
    domestic violence is dealt with in the legislative system and is the main cause
    of the stumbling block the victims needs to overcome if they want to drag
    themselves out of that toxic relation. Psychological violence is the main topic
    of Restart, a play written by Ozana Nicolau who also stage-directed it at the
    Replika Educational Center in Bucharest. Inspired from the stories of victims
    who succeeded to free themselves of the abusive relations, Restart is a stage
    performance that benefitted from the collaboration with such NGOs as I Choose,
    based in Sibiu and Anais, based in Bucharest. Furthermore, playwright Ozana Nicolau recalled
    episodes fin her childhood when she heard about women she knew being beaten by
    their husbands or concubines. Ozana was wondering why no adult had any reaction
    to help those women or condemn the situation. At the moment, the Romanian legislation
    stipulates, among other things, a temporary restraining order issued against the
    attacker, police intervention in the wake of a simple emergency call. As we
    speak, the victims benefit from much more help from the authorities and the NGOS,
    yet the emotional abuse still keeps the victim prisoner of the noxious relation
    for a long time. Restart is a play about how to overcome that kind of violence.

    Stage director Ozana Nicolau, dwelling on that herself:

    Physical violence is the one that is visible, it is blatant, it is punished
    by the law. Yet it is possible, as there is that kind of emotional violence
    that cannot be seen and which is not punished by the law. That is very hard to
    prove. And that’s where our idea started from: let us see what happens in the
    mind of a woman who, even though she has a lot to suffer from, she still feels
    guilty. She is often manipulated so she can feel guilty or powerless, so she
    can feel she cannot quit, she has no solutions. And I found it important to
    render the fact that sometimes our mind can play tricks on us and that sometimes
    it can be our hindrance. Of course, when we regain our strength, it is also the
    mind that helps us snap out of it, and rebuild everything from scratch.

    There are only two characters in the play, featuring
    actresses Mihaela Rădescu and Nicoleta Lefter. The latter will be telling us
    what prompted her to play the role of the victim, initially, and then the role
    of a woman who eventually overcame gender violence.

    of all, it was Ozana’s offer, I wanted so much to work with her and with
    actress Mihaela Rădescu. And the topic also attracted me,
    since it was a topic that needed to have a voice. And it is true that in state theaters
    there are not that many stage performances with such a discourse. Then the
    stories were deeply touching for me and, indeed, having read them, I also got
    to meet some of those women, since they came to the show. And yes, I find that
    very important. It seems to me it is a step that needs to be taken and
    supported. And you also take a great responsibility, knowing the stories are true,
    those women do exist and they came to see the show. You realize your gestures matter
    a lot, as we speak. When you’re on stage telling their story, you feel the
    energy coming from the audience.

    It is true the show has
    the gift of generating the spectators’ empathy for the victim’s trials and
    tribulations. And actress Nicoleta Lefter was in turn moved by some of the episodes
    rendered on stage and experienced by some of the abused women.

    was impressed by the testimonies. One is that of the woman who says that after
    the separation or the divorce occurred, for a good many years her husband harassed
    her with lawsuits he filed against her, against the friends who helped her,
    against parents and policemen. Which means everything doesn’t end in separation
    alone. That, for me, is an ordeal. And the worst thing was that it was not only
    the woman who had the trauma. When there are also children involved, I find
    that a lot more serious, as they don’t know how to get over that. You, as an
    adult, can somehow succeed to overcome the moment, but for a child, that can be
    pretty bad because it can leave scars for the rest of their lives. And,
    perhaps, if things are not discussed and solved correctly, children themselves
    can end up being aggressors or even victims.

    Restart is not Ozana Nicolau’s
    debut stage performance inspired from social realities. A few years ago she stage-directed Foreplay, a play also written by Ozana, about adolescent mothers, and also presented by Replika Educational Center. This kind of theater,
    socially anchored, comes as a modality to draw attention to some problems occurring
    quite often in the day-to-day life. Does something like that at have any impact?

    Ozana Nicolau once again:

    I think the impact does
    exist. In earnest, of course it is much less strong than we would have wanted
    it to be, as a theater hall has several dozen or even several hundred seats, if the hall is bigger. Yet the message is conveyed since people carry on and
    speak with colleagues at work, with friends, with their families. To give you
    an example, the other day I received very positive feedback from a woman spectator
    who came with her 14-year-old son who initially didn’t want to go to the theater.
    He still had the impression theater meant just theater for children or puppet theater.
    And then he came over, saw the Restart stage performance and said If that’s what
    theater means, I want more of it . And I found that extraordinary, the fact that
    he came and he liked it, even though it is a pretty difficult topic for his
    age. I think people want to see topics that are fleshed out from their
    day-to-day life. I don’t think they can find, in a theater show, the specific
    solution to their problem, but I think they may find a direction, a way of
    looking at things, or at least an encouragement, the hope things can also be done
    differently and that they need to know they’re not alone.

    Another message that
    came from a pre-teen, who was also a spectator for Restart, was to thank his
    mother for bringing him over to a theatre show where he saw something he didn’t
    want to become: and abusive husband and an abusive father.(EN)

  • Campagne contre la violence dans les écoles

    Campagne contre la violence dans les écoles

    Le ministère roumain de l’Education nationale déroule cette campagne dans le contexte d’une série d’agressions perpétrées dans les écoles roumaines. Un lycéen a tiré sur l’un de ses camarades avec un pistolet airsoft, alors qu’un autre a poignardé un de ses collègues. Ce ne sont que deux exemples de telles violences. Qui plus est, le ministère de l’Education nationale a rapporté l’année dernière près de 10 000 actes de violences dans les écoles et lycées de Roumanie, soit 2 000 de plus par rapport à il y a deux ans. Et selon un rapport World Vision réalisé d’avril à mai 2022, un enfant sur 5 avoue que la violence est présente ou très présente dans son établissement.

    L’ancien ministre de l’enseignement, Sorin Cîmpeanu, reconnaissait le phénomène et annonçait le besoin de constituer des groupes d’action anti-harcèlement dans toute les écoles du pays. « Vous n’êtes pas seuls », voilà le message que nous transmettons aux élèves victimes de violence verbale, physique et psychologique, que nous devons épauler et dont nous devons protéger les droits – annonce aussi la nouvelle ministre Ligia Deca. Dans un communiqué, le ministère a condamné tout acte de violence physique, verbale, psychologique et jugé qu’il était essentiel que les élèves ayant eu un comportement violent bénéficient de l’accompagnement approprié. Parallèlement, la famille et l’école doivent redoubler d’efforts pour que ces manifestations de violence ne se répètent pas – ont affirmé les autorités. En outre, le ministère annonce son intention de populariser par le biais des réseaux sociaux une série de notions élémentaires sur les différents types de violence et de cyber-harcèlement, sur l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux, sur les droits et obligations des élèves, sur le rôle des Centres départementaux de ressources et d’assistance éducationnelle et enfin sur le rôle de la Police.

    L’institution a déjà lancé par le biais d’un clip vidéo, une campagne d’information au sujet de tels problèmes, dans le cadre de laquelle elle affirme ne pas rester indifférente aux épisodes répétés de violence ayant eu lieu ces derniers temps dans les écoles roumaines. Ecoutons la ministre de l’Education nationale, Ligia Deca: « L’école est un espace de l’apprentissage et de la socialisation, non pas des coups. Demandez aux professeurs de discuter avec vous sur les droits et les obligations que vous avez mais aussi sur les conséquences des faits de violence. Demander de l’appui lorsque vous sentez que la furie et la peur vous envahissent. Refusez de participer à tout acte d’agression physique ou verbale, de chantage, d’intimidation et même de harcèlement informatique. Et n’oubliez pas, vous n’êtes pas seuls ! » a déclaré la ministre de l’éducation nationale Ligia Deca.

    L’institution qu’elle dirige a également annoncé l’organisation en coopération avec le ministère de l’Intérieur d’une série de sessions de travail pour décider d’un calendrier des activités de prévention sur la consommation de drogue, de prévention et de lutte contre les faits antisociaux dans les écoles primaires, et de conseil des élèves en situation à risque, parallèlement à la formation des enseignants sur ces sujets.

  • A Campaign against school violence

    A Campaign against school violence

    Ministry of Education will be running a campaign entitled ‘You are not alone.
    Together we stop school violence’ after the latest violent events in the
    Romanian schools, where a high-school student has fired an airsoft gun in
    school and another one has stabbed one of his colleagues.

    are just two of the cases but the Education Ministry last year reported over 10
    thousand cases of violence in Romanian schools, two thousand more than two
    years ago. A World Vision report over April-May this year also shows that one out
    of five children says that violence is present and very present in their schools.
    The former field Minister Sorin Campeanu has acknowledged the phenomenon and
    voiced the need of anti-bullying action groups in any Romanian school.

    are not alone is the message we convey to students who have been victims of
    verbal, physical or psychological violence, we must support them and protect
    their right, the new field minister Ligia Deca has announced. In a communiqué,
    the ministry is condemning any act of physical, verbal, psychological violence
    and considers essential that students who have shown a violent conduct, should
    benefit from specialized counseling.

    the meantime family and school must make efforts so that the violent actions
    may not repeat, the authorities say. Furthermore, the ministry announces, it
    would advertise by means of social networking a series of essential notions
    about certain types of violence, such as cyber-bullying, the use of social
    networks, the students’ rights and obligations the role of the County Centers
    of Resources and Educational Assistance and of School Safety Police.

    institution has already launched a video part of a campaign of raising people’s
    awareness regarding these issues, showing it is not indifferent to the repeated
    cases of violence, which have been seen in Romanian schools of late.

    Education Minister Ligia Deca: Schools are areas of learning and socializing
    not of hits and bruises. Call on teachers to talk to you about the rights and
    obligations that you have and also about the consequences of violent acts. Call
    for support whenever you feel that the fury and fear are getting the best of
    you and refuse to be part of any act of physical or verbal aggression such as
    blackmailing, bullying or even cyberbullying. And don’t forget, you are not

    The Education Ministry
    has announced that jointly with the Interior Ministry will be staging a series
    of working sessions to set a timetable of preventing drug use, activities for
    the prevention and combating of anti-social deeds at the level of gymnasium
    education units as well as the counseling of the students in the risk situation
    concurrently with the training of teachers.


  • June 22, 2022 UPDATE

    June 22, 2022 UPDATE

    Summits. The President of
    Romania, Klaus Iohannis, will attend, on June 23-24, in Brussels, the meeting
    of the leaders of the European Union and the Western Balkans, the European
    Council and the Euro Summit in extended format. According to the Presidency in
    Bucharest, the meeting of the leaders of the European Union and of the Western Balkans
    will be an opportunity to reaffirm, in the current geopolitical context, the EU
    leaders’ support for the European anchoring of the Western Balkans and for
    advancing and consolidating the enlargement process within the established
    framework. At the same time, the meeting will focus on an exchange of views
    with partners in the region to identify concrete ways to stimulate reform
    processes and strengthen cooperation in key areas of common interest, in order
    to enhance resilience. The agenda of the European Council meeting will include
    a strategic debate on defining the European Union’s relations with its European
    partners, the situation in Ukraine, from the perspective of security
    developments and the support provided by the European Union on multiple levels,
    and Ukraine’s, Moldova’s and Georgia’s applications for EU membership. At the
    extended Euro Summit, the participants will discuss the economic situation in
    the Union and the developments regarding the Banking Union and the capital

    Cooperation. In Abu Dhabi, Romanian
    Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu co-chaired with Ahmed bin Ali Al Sayegh,
    Minister of State for Economic and Trade Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, the
    second session of the cooperation commission of the the governments of the two
    countries. The meeting took place in the context of the visit of the Romanian
    Prime Minister, Nicolae Ciuca, to the United Arab Emirates, between June 20-21.
    Aurescu expressed a strong interest in further developing and diversifying
    cooperation in areas of major importance to the two states, namely economy,
    trade, maritime and air transport, energy, IT&C, cyber security,
    agriculture and food security, environment and aerospace research. A bilateral
    governmental agreement on military cooperation and a memorandum of
    understanding have been signed between the Romanian Ministry of Transport and
    Infrastructure and the Dubai Ports, Customs and Free Zones Authority.

    NATO. The United States said
    NATO is ready to defend Lithuania in the event of a Russian invasion. The US
    State Department emphasized that Washington firmly supports Article 5 of the
    North Atlantic Treaty stipulating that an attack on one is an attack on all.
    This is in response to Russia’s threats against Lithuania after this Baltic
    state banned the transit of EU sanctioned goods to Russia’s Kaliningrad enclave
    citing the EU ban imposed after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. According to
    Radio Romania’s correspondent in Moscow, the EU ambassador in Moscow Markus
    Edler was summoned by the Russian foreign ministry over the ban, with the
    Russian side saying it violates EU commitments and escalates tensions in the
    area. Edler, who urged Moscow to solve the issue through diplomatic means,
    emphasised Lithuania was not taking unilateral measures, but imposing EU
    sanctions, with the movement of people and of goods that are not subject to
    sanctions continuing as usual.

    Poll. Three quarters of
    Romanians are worried about a possible economic crisis that may influence their
    financial situation, according to the latest edition of a barometer on risk
    perception and insurance culture in Romania conducted by UNSAR-IRES. 68% are
    most worried about the rising inflation rate, 64% about the war, 61% about
    fires and car accidents and 57% about the pandemic and sickness.

    Violence. In Romania,
    victims of domestic violence will benefit from social housing and temporary
    accommodation, based on a bill adopted by the Chamber of Deputies. According to
    the document, the houses are made available to the abused persons only until
    the completion of the settlement, as provided by law. Almost 85% of beatings or
    violence occur at home, and one in three protection orders is violated.
    According to a report by the Network for the Prevention and Combating of
    Violence against Women, the Romanian police registered almost 20,000 cases of
    domestic violence last year.

    Swimming. On Wednesday evening,
    the 17-year-old Romanian swimmer David Popovici won the 100m freestyle final at
    the FINA World Championships in Budapest. On Monday evening, Popovici had won
    the gold in 200m free, Romania’s first world title in men’s swimming. (MI)

  • 22/06/2022 (mise à jour)

    22/06/2022 (mise à jour)

    Bruxelles — Le président de la Roumanie, Klaus Iohannis, participera, jeudi et vendredi, à Bruxelles, aux réunions des leaders de l’Union européenne et des Balkans occidentaux, du Conseil européen et du Sommet de la zone euro en format élargi. Selon la Présidence de Bucarest, la réunion des dirigeants de l’UE et des Balkans occidentaux sera une opportunité de réaffirmer le soutien des leaders communautaires pour ancrer les Balkans occidentaux en Europe et pour avancer et renforcer le processus d’élargissement en vertu des critères établis. La réunion sera également consacrée à un échange avec les partenaires de la région afin de trouver les modalités concrètes de stimuler les processus de réforme et de renforcement de la coopération dans des domaines clé d’intérêt commun, afin d’accroître la résilience. L’agenda de la réunion du Conseil européen comprendra un débat stratégique censé définir les relations de l’UE avec ses partenaires proches d’Europe, la situation d’Ukraine, sous l’angle des évolutions sécuritaires et du soutien accordé par l’Union européenne dans de nombreux domaines, les demandes d’adhésion à l’Union de l’Ukraine, de la République de Moldova et de la Géorgie. Dans le cadre du Sommet de l’eurozone en format élargi, l’ordre du jour comporte la situation économique de l’Union et les évolutions de l’Union bancaire et les marchés de capitaux.

    Abu Dhabi – Le chef de la diplomatie roumaine, Bogdan Aurescu, a co-présidé, à Abu Dhabi, aux côtés du ministre d’Etat pour les Affaires économiques et commerciales des Emirats Arabes Unis, Ahmed ben Ali Al Sayegh, la deuxième session de la Commission de coopération entre les gouvernements des deux pays. La réunion a eu lieu dans le contexte de la visite du premier ministre roumain, Nicolae Ciucă, aux Emirats Arabes Unis, les 20 et 21 juin. M Aurescu a exprimé l’intérêt ferme pour continuer à développer et à diversifier la coopération dans des domaines d’importance majeure pour les deux Etats, tels que l’économie, le commerce, les transports maritimes et aériens, l’énergie, l’informatique, la cyber sécurité, l’agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire, l’environnement ainsi que la recherche aérospatiale. Un accord gouvernemental bilatéral sur la coopération dans le domaine militaire et un mémorandum d’accord entre le ministère des Transports et de l’Infrastructure de Roumanie ont été signés avec l’Autorité des ports, des douanes et des zones franches de Dubaï.

    Baccalauréat — Ce mercredi, les lycéens roumains ont passé l’épreuve au choix du baccalauréat. Les épreuves écrites ont débuté lundi par celle de langue et de littérature roumaine, suivies mardi de l’écrit pour les disciplines obligatoires par filières, et jeudi de l’épreuve de langue et littérature en langue maternelle pour les élèves issus des minorités linguistiques du pays. Plus de 126 000 lycéens se sont inscrits au bac, le record le plus bas depuis la révolution de 1989. Par ailleurs, le parti d’opposition USR accuse le ministre de l’Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu, d’être responsable de l’état désastreux de l’enseignement en Roumanie. On lui reproche, entre autres, le taux élevé d’abandon scolaire ainsi que la réforme du système d’évaluation des élèves. Des mesures qui ont été prises sans consulter les personnes concernées. Cela a fait l’objet d’une motion au parlement, qui l’a rejetée mardi.

    Sondage — Selon un récent sondage du Baromètre UNSAR — IRES sur la perception du risque et la culture de l’assurance en Roumanie, ¾ des Roumains reconnaissent s’inquiéter d’une éventuelle crise économique qui pourrait avoir des conséquences sur leur situation financière. L’inflation galopante est la principale source d’inquiétude pour 68 % des sondés, devant la guerre (64 %), les incendies et les accidents de la route (61 %) et la pandémie (57 %).

    Violence domestique — En Roumanie, les victimes de la violence domestique bénéficieront de logements sociaux et d’hébergement temporaire, selon un projet de loi adopté par la Chambre des députés. Conformément à ce document, les logements sont mis à la disposition des personnes abusées uniquement jusqu’à la finalisation du partage des biens, par les moyens prévus par la loi. Près de 85 % des coups et blessures ont lieu à domicile, et une ordonnance de protection sur trois est transgressée. Selon un rapport du Réseau pour prévenir et lutter contre la violence faite aux femmes, la Police roumaine a enregistré l’année dernière près de 20 000 cas de violence domestique.

    Natation — Le nageur roumain David Popovici (17 ans) a conquis la médaille d’or mercredi soir à l’épreuve du 100 mètres nage libre aux Championnats du monde de natation qui se tiennent à Budapest, avec 47 secondes et 58 centièmes. Il a été suivi par le Français Maxime Grousset et par le Canadien Joshua Liendo Edwards. David Popovici avait réussi le meilleur temps tant dans les séries que dans les demi-finales, établissant un nouveau record du monde des juniors. Mercredi, notre sportif talentueux a écrit une nouvelle page d’histoire de la natation roumaine, après avoir remporté aussi la médaille d’or à l’épreuve du 200 m nage libre lundi soir, avec un temps de 1 min 43 secondes et 21 centièmes. Le sportif a ainsi établi un nouveau record du monde dans la catégorie junior, après l’avoir amélioré, dimanche, en demi-finales. C’est la première fois que David Popovici participe aux Mondiaux catégorie sénior, et aussi la première fois que la Roumanie remporte le premier titre mondial de natation masculine en piscine olympique.

  • Enhanced NATO presence on the eastern flank

    Enhanced NATO presence on the eastern flank

    The military tensions at the Russian-Ukrainian border are at the centre of talks between Western and Russian officials, in an attempt to find a peaceful solution. Russia presented the US and NATO with a list of demands related to security, but no progress has been made in this respect since the talks last week. Moscow denies planning to invade its neighboring country, but has massed almost 100,000 military close to the Ukrainian border. The Kremlin said through the voice of its spokesperson that the Americans threat to impose drastic sanctions against Russia is not helping.

    On Thursday, US President Joe Biden gave assurances that if any Russian troops enter Ukraines territory, the move would be considered an invasion, which, he said, would trigger severe and coordinated economic response. In his turn, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the Western powers are united in front of the Russian threat, a unity that gives them the force which Russia is lacking and cannot match. In his turn, French President Emmanuel Macron voiced his availability to participate with troops, as part of NATO, to defend the East European countries whose security is threatened by Russia. Macron mentioned Romania, where an enhanced presence of the NATO troops is to be decided. He said: ˮWe have shown our readiness to move forward, within NATO, to engage in new missions and to take responsibility for enhanced advanced presence missions, especially in Romania.ˮ

    The Romanian President, Klaus Iohannis, hailed the announcements of his American and French counterparts as regards their availability to participate in enhancing military presence in Romania, if the security situation deteriorates. In his turn, the Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said that the announcements of the American and French heads of state are very important and are proof of the two countries solidarity and strong commitment to Romania. Bogdan Aurescu also said these announcements are concrete results of efforts and diplomatic actions which the Romanian President, the Romanian diplomacy and other decision makers have made lately. According to Bogdan Aurescu, the American commitment is very important for the Euro-Atlantic security as a whole, which the Black Sea region is a part of. Aurescu emphasized the need to continue, in a coherent and unitary manner, the efforts to strengthen the allied deterrence and defense posture on the eastern flank. Against this background, he emphasized the fact that the unjustified threat with violence and the attempts to undermine the current parameters of European security are unacceptable. (EE)

  • La violence et d’autres démons

    La violence et d’autres démons

    Quelle que soit la forme qu’elle englobe – physique, sexuelle, culturelle, spirituelle ou cybernétique -, la violence domestique est un processus qui se répète, alimenté par le désir d’un agresseur de contrôler sa victime. Il arrive souvent que les épisodes de violence domestique débouchent sur un crime. Partout dans le monde, ce sont surtout les femmes et les enfants qui sont les principales victimes de ce jeu traumatisant qui laisse des marques, souvent à vie.

    Comment expliquer ce type d’abus d’un point de vue psychologique ? Quelles sont les étapes qu’un agresseur parcourt ? Cristina Nastase, psychothérapeute, explique : « D’un point de vue psychologique, la violence en famille, appelée aussi violence domestique, suppose une conduite agressive volontaire qui revêt la forme de contrainte physique ou émotionnelle exercée sur un membre de la famille afin de le contrôler. Il s’agit donc d’un abus. Ce type de violence apparait sous la forme d’un processus qui se répète, une série de comportements abusifs qui se succèdent et qui, une fois installés, deviennent prévisibles. C’est un comportement en boucle qui se divise en quatre étapes. La première, c’est le moment où la tension s’installe. La victime commence à s’inquiéter, elle essaie d’aplanir le conflit et du coup, elle commence à faire attention à ses gestes et à sa façon de se conduire. La deuxième étape est celle de l’agression, quand la victime se sent humiliée, triste et souffre de l’injustice de l’agresseur qui semble avoir toujours gain de cause. La troisième étape est celle de justification, pendant laquelle la victime tente de comprendre les explications de son agresseur et elle essaie de l’aider à changer. Elle commence à douter de ses propres perceptions et elle se culpabilise par rapport à la situation. Et puis, la quatrième étape est celle dite de réconciliation. Surnommée la lune de miel, cette étape est celle pendant laquelle l’agresseur se voit offrir une deuxième chance. La victime lui accorde son soutien, en espérant le voir changer de comportement. Malheureusement, la Roumanie se situe au sommet du classement européen en ce qui concerne le nombre de cas de violence domestique. Concrètement, toutes les 30 secondes, une femme roumaine est frappée, tandis que sur l’ensemble des femmes de plus de 15 ans, trois sur dix ont été déjà victimes d’une agression physique ou psychologique. Une autre statistique européenne indique qu’en Roumanie, toutes les heures, deux enfants tombent victimes de la violence domestique et 86 % des cas d’abus sur les mineurs ont lieu au sein de la famille. Seulement un parent sur 9 affirme qu’il ne frapperait jamais son enfant et sur l’ensemble des ceux qui le font, la moitié considère que c’est pour le bien des enfants. Quant aux mineurs de Roumanie, 63 % d’entre eux ont avoué avoir été frappés par leurs parents au moins une fois. »

    Malgré ce que l’on pourrait penser, les victimes des agressions répétées ne quittent pas leurs agresseurs. Manipulées par le comportement ultérieur à l’acte de violence et par les promesses de changer, les victimes finissent toujours par leur donner une deuxième chance. Et puis une troisième et ainsi de suite. Cristina Năstase : « Quand on parle de la violence domestique, il y a une étape dite de la lune de miel pendant laquelle l’agresseur change de comportement afin d’empêcher la victime de le quitter. D’ailleurs, il arrive que les agresseurs expriment des remords qui semblent authentiques, ils peuvent même prétendre de chercher de l’aide de spécialité et ils commencent à se conduire avec amour et tendresse envers la victime afin de regagner sa confiance. N’oublions pas qu’après chaque nouvel épisode d’agression, la victime est dans un état de confusion. Or, la douceur et les promesses de l’agresseur qui s’engage à ne plus jamais la frapper poussent la victime à penser que le couple pourrait être sauvé. Il est très important que les victimes comprennent que dans tout ce processus de violence, elles n’y sont pour rien. C’est important qu’elles le sachent pour pouvoir déculpabiliser, car c’est justement ce sentiment de culpabilité qui les tient prisonnières dans ce cercle vicieux. »

    Il existe différents types d’abus, avertit Cristina Năstase. « La violence domestique peut se décliner sous plusieurs formes dont l’agression physique reste la plus évidente et provoque des lésions corporelles. La violence sexuelle englobe différentes pratiques sexuelles non consenties envers différents membres de la famille, y compris envers des mineurs. Dans le cas de la violence psychique, il peut s’agir de menaces, de contraintes, de privation de liberté, de harcèlement, de chantage émotionnel, d’humiliation, de ridiculisation, d’usage de mineurs pour mettre de la pression. La violence sociale suppose l’isolement de la victime à travers l’interdiction ou la restriction de ses liens avec les autres, le reste de sa famille ou ses amis. La violence économique représente la privation de quelqu’un de son droit de travailler, de gagner de l’argent, en limitant de cette manière l’accès de la victime à l’argent, à des affaires personnelles, aux aliments, au téléphone, bref à toutes ces choses qui la rendraient autonome. On parle de violence spirituelle au moment où quelqu’un se voit interdire le droit de s’exprimer dans sa langue maternelle ou encore quand il se voit contraint d’exercer des pratiques religieuses qu’il trouve inacceptables. Dernièrement, on a à faire à un autre type d’agression, le cyber harcèlement. Il s’agit d’un type de violence via Internet, en poursuivant la victime en ligne, à travers différents dispositifs, dans un souci de contrôle et de force. »

    Le chantage émotionnel, l’évocation répétée des erreurs du passé de la victime, la manipulation ou la contrainte sont autant de pratiques de guilt tripping, cette culpabilisation qui, une fois déclenchée chez la victime, la rend facilement contrôlable par son agresseur. Cristina Năstase précise : Le guilt tripping ou la culpabilisation est une forme de violence domestique de type émotionnel qui, à la différence de la violence physique, implique un processus de longue durée que la victime ne perçoit pas et finit par le prendre comme quelque chose de normal. Il s’agit pratiquement d’une forme de communication verbale ou non-verbale dont l’agresseur se sert pour déclencher chez sa victime un sentiment de culpabilité censée lui permettre un meilleur contrôle sur cette dernière. C’est une forme évidente de manipulation psychologique et de contrainte que l’on remarque, par exemple, quand on reproche à la victime de ne pas avoir suffisamment travaillé ou de l’avoir fait pire qu’elle n’aurait dû le faire, quand on lui reproche ses erreurs du passé, quand on lui rappelle les faveurs qu’elle s’est vu offrir, quand on se conduit comme si on lui en voulait, tout en affirmant le contraire, quand on refuse de lui adresser la parole, en montrant clairement par le langage corporel qu’on désavoue sa conduite. Eh bien, à force d’induire la culpabilité chez nos partenaires, ils feront ce que nous, on attend d’eux, tout en payant le prix, à savoir devenir conscients d’être manipulés. »

    Sur l’ensemble des victimes de la violence domestique, les enfants sont les plus fragiles. Dépourvus de repères et de protection, les enfants abusés prennent la violence pour la normalité. Quelles sont les conséquences de l’abus physique, psychologique ou d’autre nature sur les mineurs? Cristina Năstase : « Les enfants restent souvent loyaux au parent ou à l’adulte abusif, car ils ont peur des conséquences qu’ils risquent de subir si l’abus est dénoncé. Parfois, un enfant victime d’une agression émotionnelle considère que les mots vexants dont il tombe victime ou le refus d’affection qu’il subit sont des aspects de vie normale. Et du coup, il n’en parle pas, car il considère que ce comportement est tout à fait acceptable. Pratiquement, les enfants abusés s’en considèrent responsables et s’ils se sentent mal-aimés, c’est de leur faute, disent-ils. Ce n’est qu’à force de se comparer avec d’autres enfants de l’école ou d’ailleurs qu’ils réalisent qu’ils vivent dans un milieu toxique dont les conséquences peuvent s’avérer sévères et perdurer jusqu’à l’âge adulte. On parle, par exemple, de toute sorte de troubles d’attachement. Ces enfants pourraient aussi être exposés à un risque accru de relations difficiles avec les collègues de classe, ils pourraient avoir des problèmes avec leur intimité, des difficultés à solutionner des conflits, des comportements antisociaux qui pourraient provoquer toute sorte de formes de délinquance, des conduites additives ou des agressions. Or, en l’absence d’une prise en charge correcte, les enfants abusés sont souvent les futurs adultes abusifs qui à leur tour, agresseront leurs propres enfants. » (Trad. Ioana Stancescu)

  • January 8, 2022 UPDATE

    January 8, 2022 UPDATE

    CORONAVIRUS — A little over 6 thousand new cases of Covid-19 were reported in Romania on Saturday and 26 related deaths. Around 400 patients are in intensive care. Almost 7.9 million people have been fully vaccinated, accounting for more than 40% of the eligible population. Face masks are again mandatory both indoors and outdoors as of Saturday, when the state of alert was extended by another 30 days and the use of textile and plastic masks was no longer permitted due to their very low efficiency. Only surgical and FFP2 masks are allowed. A 5-day quarantine is required for vaccinated people or people who had the disease in the last 180 days as well as a 10-day quarantine period for all other persons. The same rules apply to direct contacts of people who test positive to the virus. Unvaccinated persons who have not had the disease in the past six months will be quarantined for 10 days if they travel to Romania from EU countries in the red zone and from non-European areas. Vaccinated people from outside the EU who present a negative PCR test conducted 72 hours in advance will not have to quarantine.

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu will hold consultations on Monday with his Pakistani counterpart Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Hussain Qureschi during an official visit the latter will pay to Romania on January 9 and 10, the Romanian Foreign Ministry announced. The visit is held in the context of a positive dynamic in bilateral ties, and of the vital support that Pakistan granted to Romania in August and September 2021, in its effort to evacuate from Afghanistan Romanian citizens, citizens of allied countries and 156 Afghan citizens at risk. A cooperation accord will be signed between Romania’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Pakistan’s Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry as well as a framework cooperation agreement for an exchange of scholarships between the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and the University in Islamabad.

    NATO — Every country, irrespective of size or geography, has the fundamental right to decide on its path and the alliances it wants to join, NATO Deputy Secretary General, the Romanian Mircea Geoana said on Friday evening, after an extraordinary virtual meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC). The meeting, held at the level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, focused on Russia’s military build-up in and around Ukraine and on broader European security issues. Ministers stressed that any further aggression against Ukraine would have significant consequences and called on Russia to give up its aggressive rhetoric against its neighbours, withdraw its troops from Ukraine and choose the path of dialogue and peace. The meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers comes ahead of a series of diplomatic engagements next week with Russia, including a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council on January 12.

    KAZAKHSTAN – Authorities in Kazakhstan have detained Karim Massimov, the former head of the national security committee, on suspicion of treason, the security committee said on Saturday, Reuters reports. Massimov, who was fired this week as protests raged across the Central Asian country, was detained along with several other officials. The largest country in Central Asia has been shaken by protests that broke out on Sunday in the west of the territory, because of the increase in the price of liquefied gas, and spread to the economic capital Almaty, where the demonstrations turned into a riot against the Power, and protesters stormed official buildings. The head of state, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on Friday authorized security forces to fire at protesters and, supported by Russia, ruled out any negotiations with them. A military contingent from Russia and other Moscow allied countries was dispatched on Thursday in Kazakhstan to support the government and security forces. Authorities have announced that more than 4,000 people have been arrested. Tens of protesters have been killed, the BBC reports.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Simona Halep qualified on Friday for the final of the Melbourne Summer Set 1 tournament. She defeated the Chinese Qinwen Zheng (19 years old, 126 WTA), in two sets. Halep will play the final against the Russian Veronika Kudermetova, after Naomi Osaka of Japan withdrew before today’s semifinal. Halep defeated Kudermetova in both games played against her before. This is Halep’s 41st singles’ final of her career. She has won 22 finals so far. (EE)

  • January 8, 2022

    January 8, 2022

    CORONAVIRUS — A little over 6 thousand new cases of Covid-19 have been reported in the last 24 hours in Romania and 26 related deaths. Around 400 patients are in intensive care. Face masks are again mandatory both indoors and outdoors as of today. Also starting today, the state of alert has been extended by another 30 days and the use of textile and plastic masks is no longer permitted due to their very low efficiency. Only surgical and FFP2 masks are allowed. 5-day quarantine is required for vaccinated people or people who had the disease in the last 180 days as well as a 10-day quarantine period for all other persons. The same rules apply to direct contacts of people who test positive to the virus. Unvaccinated persons who have not had the disease in the past six months will be quarantined for 10 days if they come EU countries in the red zone and from non-European areas. Vaccinated people from outside the EU who present a negative PCR test conducted 72 hours before will not have to quarantine.

    NATO — Every country, irrespective of size or geography, has the fundamental right to decide on its path and the alliances it wants to join, NATO Deputy Secretary General, the Romanian Mircea Geoana said on Friday evening, after an extraordinary virtual meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC). The meeting, held at the level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, focused on Russia’s military build-up in and around Ukraine and on broader European security issues. Ministers stressed that any further aggression against Ukraine would have significant consequences and called on Russia to give up its aggressive rhetoric against its neighbours, withdraw its troops from Ukraine and choose the path of dialogue and peace. The meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers comes ahead of a series of diplomatic engagements next week with Russia, including a meeting of the NATO-Russia Council on January 12.

    KAZAKHSTAN – Authorities in Kazakhstan have detained Karim Massimov, the former head of the national security committee, on suspicion of treason, the security committee said on Saturday, Reuters reports. Massimov, who was fired this week as protests raged across the Central Asian country, was detained along with several other officials. The largest country in Central Asia has been shaken by protests that broke out on Sunday in the west of the territory, because of the increase in the price of liquefied gas, and spread to the economic capital Almaty, where the demonstrations turned into a riot against the Power, and protesters stormed official buildings. The head of state, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on Friday authorized security forces to fire at protesters and, supported by Russia, ruled out any negotiations with them. A military contingent from Russia and other Moscow allied countries was dispatched on Thursday in Kazakhstan to support the government and security forces. Authorities have announced that more than 4,000 people have been arrested. Tens of protesters have been killed, the BBC reports.

    TENNIS – Romanian tennis player Simona Halep qualified on Friday for the final of the Melbourne Summer Set 1 tournament. She defeated the Chinese Qinwen Zheng (19 years old, 126 WTA), in two sets. Halep will play the final against the Russian Veronika Kudermetova, after Naomi Osaka of Japan withdrew before today’s semi-final. Halep defeated Kudermetova in both games played against her before. This is Halep’s 41st singles’ final of her career. She has won 22 finals so far. (EE)