Tag: wta

  • 12.10.2020 (mise à jour)

    12.10.2020 (mise à jour)

    Coronavirus – La Roumanie a rapporté lundi
    2.069 nouveaux cas d’infection par le nouveau coronavirus dépistés en 24
    heures, 56 nouveaux décès à cause de la Covid-19 et 628 malades hospitalisés en
    soins intensifs. Le bilan national depuis le début de la pandémie dépasse les
    157.000 personnes contaminées, dont 5.467 sont décédées. Dans plusieurs
    localités de Roumanie, le taux d’incidence de la Covid-19 a dépassé 1,5 cas pour
    mille habitants, ce qui entraîne automatiquement des mesures de restriction de
    certaines activités. Pour sa part, la capitale Bucarest approche un taux
    d’incidence de 3 cas pour mille habitants. Le ministre de la Santé, Nelu Tătaru,
    a annoncé que les malades asymptomatiques et qui ne souffrent pas d’autres
    maladies seront examinés à domicile. Cela permettrait de réduire la pression
    mise sur le système de santé, notamment sur les services des Urgences, a
    précisé le ministre. Dans le monde, le bilan des cas de contamination
    au SARS-CoV-2 a dépassé 37 millions 800 milles cas et un million de décès. Les
    Etats-Unis continuent d’être le pays le plus touché par la pandémie, avec
    environ 8 millions de personnes infectées et près de 220.000 morts.

    Réunion – Présent, lundi, à la réunion des ministres des
    affaires étrangères de l’Union européenne de Luxembourg, le chef de la
    diplomatie roumaine, Bogdan Aurescu, a parlé du besoin d’élaborer une stratégie réelle pour
    les relations entre l’UE et la Russie. Selon
    un communiqué de presse du MAE de Bucarest, le ministre roumain a mis en
    exergue l’importance d’un débat approfondi sur ces relations, à la lumière des
    dernières évolutions, dont l’empoisonnement de l’opposant russe Alexeï Navalny.
    Cette déclaration survient dans le contexte om l’Organisation pour
    l’interdiction des armes chimiques a publié un rapport qui confirme
    l’empoisonnement de Navalny par un agent neurotoxique appartenant à la famille
    du Novitchok. Bogdan Aurescu a soutenu la nécessité d’une adoption rapide de
    sanctions supplémentaires contre ceux impliqués dans la tentative d’assassinat.
    Par ailleurs, il a exprimé l’inquiétude de la Roumanie concernant l’escalade du
    conflit armé dans la région du Haut-Karabakh. Le ministre Aurescu a souligné le
    fait qu’il existe un véritable arc d’instabilité dans la zone de la mer Noire.
    Pour ce qui est du Bélarus, le chef de la diplomatie roumaine a exprimé la
    préoccupation de Bucarest face à la dégradation de la situation interne de ce
    pays, compte tenu du fait que les autorités de Minsk ne se montrent pas
    intéressées de dialoguer avec la population et la société civile pour trouver
    une solution de la crise. Rappelons que Bucarest a rappelé pour consultations
    son ambassadeur au Bélarus.

    Prix – Le chef de l’Etat
    roumain, Klaus Iohannis, se verra remettre mercredi, à Magdebourg, en Allemagne,
    le Kaiser Otto Prix 2020 pour « des services remarquables rendus au
    processus d’unification européenne». Selon l’Administration présidentielle
    de Bucarest, c’est le ministre allemand des
    Affaires Etrangères, Heiko Maas, qui prononcera la laudatio. Le Kaiser Otto Prix est décerné tous
    les deux ans aux personnalités et organisations ayant une contribution
    importante au processus d’unification européenne. Parmi les personnalités ayant
    déjà reçu cette distinction mentionnons la chancelière Angela Merkel ou encore l’ancienne Haute représentante de l’UE pour les Affaires étrangères et la
    politique de sécurité, Federica Mogherini.

    Elections – Des élections locales partielles ont eu lieu dimanche dans
    trois communes de Roumanie, où les deux premiers candidats au fauteuil de maire
    ont reçu le même nombre de suffrages au scrutin du 27 septembre. La présence
    aux urnes a été de plus de 50%. Dans la ville de Moldova Nouă (sud-ouest), le
    Bureau électoral central avait invalidé le candidat sorti en tête du processus
    de vote en septembre et le scrutin aurait dû être refait, mais la justice a
    suspendu l’invalidation et le scrutin n’a pas eu lieu.

    Strasbourg – Dans
    un rapport rendu public lundi, le Conseil de l’Europe recommande à la Bulgarie,
    d’encourager l’enseignement dans les langues des minorités ethniques, dès la
    maternelle. Le Conseil avait constaté auparavant que Sofia n’assurait pas
    l’enseignement de la langue maternelle de plusieurs minorités, dont celle roumaine.
    Un comité du Conseil de l’Europe note avec regret la suspension des classes de
    roumain dans les établissements scolaires de la ville bulgare de Vidin. Le
    roumain est actuellement enseigné uniquement comme langue étrangère au Lycée « Mihai
    Eminescu » de Sofia. Le rapport déplore aussi le fait les classes de
    roumain ou en langue roumaine n’existent pas non plus dans les établissements
    scolaires des régions habitées par une population roumanophone nombreuse, écrit
    l’agence de presse roumaine Agerpres. Le Conseil de l’Europe fait aussi savoir
    que la Bulgarie d’a pas de cadre juridique qui accorde des droits spécifiques
    aux minorités dans des domaines tels la culture, les médias, l’utilisation de
    la langue maternelle dans la relation avec les autorités ou encore la vie

    Tennis – La Roumaine Simona Halep continue d’occuper la 2-e place au
    classement mondial des joueuses de tennis (WTA), rendu public lundi. C’est l’Australienne
    Ashleigh Barty qui est en tête du classement, tandis que la Japonaise Naomi
    Osaka est troisième. Quatre autres joueuses de Roumanie se retrouvent au Top
    100: Patricia Ţig (57-e), Irina Begu (76-e), Sorana Cîrstea (88-e), et
    Ana Bogdan (92-e). Au classement de double, Raluca Olaru occupe la 41-e
    place, Monica Niculescu la 53-e, et Andreea Mitu la 91-e.

    Météo – Le temps se refroidit en
    dans l’ouest, le sud-ouest et le centre de la Roumanie dans les prochaines 24
    heures. La pluie sera présente sur la plupart du territoire. Les températures
    de la mi-journée se situeront entre 11° et 26°.

  • Tennis: Halep gewinnt WTA-Turnier in Rom

    Tennis: Halep gewinnt WTA-Turnier in Rom

    Die Weltranglisten-Zweite Simona Halep hat das Tennis-Turnier in Rom gewonnen. Die Rumänin profitierte von der verletzungsbedingten Aufgabe von Titelverteidigerin Karolina Pliskova. Die Weltranglisten-Vierte aus Tschechien fiel im Finale des Masters-1000-Events beim Stand von 6:0, 2:1 für Halep wegen Rückenproblemen aus. Für Halep war es der zweite Titelgewinn seit dem Neu-Start nach der Corona-Pause. Zuvor hatte die 28-Jährige bereits das WTA-Turnier in Prag gewonnen. Auf eine Teilnahme an den US Open in New York hatte sie danach verzichtet. Der Turniersieg in Rom gelang Halep im dritten Anlauf: Die Finalspiele 2017 und 2018 hatte sie jeweils gegen die Ukrainerin Elina Svitolina verloren. Bei den am Sonntag beginnenden French Open geht sie nun als eine der Favoritinnen an den Start.

  • September 19, 2020 UPDATE

    September 19, 2020 UPDATE

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities have reported another 1,333 coronavirus infections out of over 23,000 tests, as well as 42 new deaths. The number of patients in intensive care is 461. Since the start of the pandemic, the total number of cases in Romania is 111,550. Of them, 89,119 have recovered, and 4,402 died. The European Commission recommends extensive testing to identify COVID-19 cases as quickly as possible, and suggests a common strategy across the EU. Brussels has included Romania in a list of 6 countries where testing is based on a priority system because of inadequate testing capabilities. 18 member states use a compulsory testing system, whereas other countries encourage voluntary testing.

    PROTEST A protest was held in Bucharest on Saturday, against the protection measures introduced in schools in the new academic year. The participants oppose all healthcare recommendations, including face masks and physical distancing, and dismiss the studies that prove the efficiency of these measures and even the risks posed by the COVID-19. Gendarmes warned the protesters that they were breaking the rule banning outdoor events attended by more than 100 people during the state of alert, and reminded them of the obligation to wear face coverings and maintain physical distance from each other.

    ELECTIONS The Central Electoral Bureau has made a number of decisions to be implemented in next Sundays local elections in Romania. Among other things, a ballot will be considered valid even if the stamp exceeds the margins of a specific rubric in the form, provided that the voters choice is clear. Also, a person may vote even if the electronic monitoring system warns that the person in question has already voted. However, the person must sign a form acknowledging that if found guilty of voting fraud, the sentence is prison or a fine. In the September 27th ballot, Romania will elect 41 county council presidents, some 3,200 mayors, over 1,300 county councilors and over 40,000 local councillors. The local election, originally scheduled for June, was postponed over the COVID-19 pandemic, and local elected officials had their terms extended by half a year. Special voting rules in be in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The next election in Romania is the parliamentary election scheduled for December 6.

    CLIMATE Romanian farmers must adapt quickly to the effects of climate change. A new farming season has started this month, following a long drought, and weather experts warn that such periods will be increasingly frequent. In a statement for Radio Romania, the head of the National Meteorology Agency, Elena Mateescu, said farmers should replace sowing technologies, focus on plant species that are resistant to higher temperatures and have shorter growth periods. Also, Elena Mateescu argues, the farming calendar should be delayed. According to official data, around 1 million hectares of crops have been destroyed by drought this year.

    MARATHON Around 1,500 people, both children and adults, are taking part in the 5th edition of a marathon entitled Black Sea 24-hours Autism, held in Romania this weekend. The race started at the same time in around 100 locations in the country. The competing teams are running for a humanitarian cause in their local community. The routes—beachers, forests, parks—are monitored by judges and the data are centralized by the organizer of the competition, the Black Sea Psychology Centre in Constanţa (south-eastern Romania). The minimum requirement is to complete 100 km, with each km rewarded with a specific amount of money. This year the money will go not only to children with autism spectrum disorders, but also to other causes, such as building a home for a single mother of 6, supporting day care centres and buying school books for children with disabilities.

    TENNIS The Romanian Simona Halep, number 2 in the world, Saturday qualified into the semi-finals of the WTA tournament in Rome, after the Kazakh Yulia Putintseva (30 WTA) retired. Also on Saturday, Raluca Olaru (Romania) and Anna-Lena Friedsam (Germany) moved up into doubles final, having outplayed the Japanese Shuko Aoyama / Ena Shibahara. The tournament in Rome is held without a live audience, and competitors have to observe strict rules to prevent coronavirus infections.

    ATHLETICS The Balkan Association of Athletics Federations, jointly with the Romanian Athletics Federation, organise this weekend in Cluj-Napoca (north-west), the 73rd Balkan Outdoor Athletics Championships. Taking part are Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Turkey, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine. Romania is represented by 64 athletes. (translated by: A.M. Popescu)

  • September 19, 2020

    September 19, 2020

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities have reported another 1,527 coronavirus infections out of over 25,000 tests, as well as 48 new deaths. The number of patients in intensive care has dropped to 447. Since the start of the pandemic, the total number of cases in Romania is 110,217. Of them, 88,235 have recovered, and 4,360 died. The European Commission recommends extensive testing to identify COVID-19 cases as quickly as possible, and suggests a common strategy across the EU. Brussels has included Romania in a list of 6 countries where testing is based on a priority system because of inadequate testing capabilities. 18 member states use a compulsory testing system, whereas other countries encourage voluntary testing.

    ELECTIONS The Central Electoral Bureau has made a number of decisions to be implemented in next Sundays local elections in Romania. Among other things, a ballot will be considered valid even if the stamp exceeds the margins of a specific rubric in the form, provided that the voters choice is clear. Also, a person may vote even if the electronic monitoring system warns that the person in question has already voted. However, the person must sign a form acknowledging that if found guilty of voting fraud, the sentence is prison or a fine. In the September 27th ballot, Romania will elect 41 county council presidents, some 3,200 mayors, over 1,300 county councilors and over 40,000 local councillors. The local election, originally scheduled for June, was postponed over the COVID-19 pandemic, and local elected officials had their terms extended by half a year. Special voting rules in be in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The next election in Romania is the parliamentary election scheduled for December 6.

    CLIMATE Romanian farmers must adapt quickly to the effects of climate change. A new farming season has started this month, following a long drought, and weather experts warn that such periods will be increasingly frequent. In a statement for Radio Romania, the head of the National Meteorology Agency, Elena Mateescu, said farmers should replace sowing technologies, focus on plant species that are resistant to higher temperatures and have shorter growth periods. Also, Elena Mateescu argues, the farming calendar should be delayed. According to official data, around 1 million hectares of crops have been destroyed by drought this year.

    MARATHON Around 1,500 people, both children and adults, are taking part in the 5th edition of a marathon entitled Black Sea 24-hours Autism, held in Romania this weekend. The race started at the same time in around 100 locations in the country. The competing teams are running for a humanitarian cause in their local community. The routes—beachers, forests, parks—are monitored by judges and the data are centralized by the organizer of the competition, the Black Sea Psychology Centre in Constanţa (south-eastern Romania). The minimum requirement is to complete 100 km, with each km rewarded with a specific amount of money. This year the money will go not only to children with autism spectrum disorders, but also to other causes, such as building a home for a single mother of 6, supporting day care centres and buying school books for children with disabilities.

    TENNIS The Romanian Simona Halep, number 2 in the world, plays today in the quarter-finals of the WTA tournament in Rome against the Kazakh Yulia Putintseva (30 WTA). Also today, in the semi-finals of the doubles tournament, Raluca Olaru (Romania) and Anna-Lena Friedsam (Germany) are facing the Japanese Shuko Aoyama / Ena Shibahara. The tournament in Rome is held without a live audience, and competitors have to observe strict rules to prevent coronavirus infections. (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • September 16, 2020

    September 16, 2020

    COVID-19 Romania reports over 107,000 confirmed Covid-19 cases since the start of the pandemic in late February. 471 patients are in intensive care, out of nearly 6,900 hospitalised across the country. So far the death toll stands at 4,285. Meanwhile, 2 days after the start of a new school year, several schools in the country went into the so-called red scenario, with all classes held online, after teaching staff tested positive for Covid-19. In Romania the green scenario involves in-person classes, and the yellow scenario is a blend of online and face-to-face teaching. In other news, the Health Ministry announced purchasing double the amount of flu vaccines compared to last year. Three million vaccine doses will be given for free, especially to people over 65, to chronic patients, particularly those with respiratory and heart conditions, to institutionalised children and elderly, to healthcare personnel and pregnant women.

    PANDEMIC Across the world, over 29 million coronavirus infection cases have been reported so far, with the death toll nearing 930,000. The US is the worst hit, with over 6.5 million cases and 194,000 deaths, followed by India, with close to 5 million cases. The situation worsens in Europe as well, with the number of cases on the rise in Hungary and in France, where containment measures are getting stricter. Denmark is also reintroducing restrictions in the capital city Copenhagen.

    BUDGET A bill amending Romanias state budget law is discussed as of today in the budget and finances committees of Parliament. The Social Democrats, in opposition but holding a majority of seats in Parliament, want to schedule the final vote for next week. They have tabled a number of amendments, including the scrapping of a provision that raises public pensions by 14% and the reintroduction of a 40% pension increase as of September 1, as stipulated in the original draft of the Pensions Act. Other amendments concern the doubling of child care allowances and increasing teacher salaries this year instead of 2021 as suggested by the government. The Liberals in power argue that these initiatives would put substantial pressure on the already oversized public spending.

    ELECTIONS President Klaus Iohannis Wednesday signed into law a bill enabling Romanians in the diaspora to vote for 2 days in the parliamentary elections due this December. Other changes to the electoral legislation include an extension of voting hours to midnight for the people already queuing at polling stations at 9 PM. The Romanian foreign ministry urges Romanian citizens living abroad to choose to vote by post, which is a safe and simple option to exercise ones right to vote, especially in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. The foreign ministry warns that many states would not allow the opening of polling stations in this context.

    EU The president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has today given her first state of the European Union address in the European Parliament in Brussels. The coronavirus pandemic and the uncertainties it has triggered are not over, and Europeans “are still suffering and experiencing a period of profound anxiety, Ursula von der Leyen pointed out. She thanked doctors and nurses as well as other COVID-19 frontline workers. Ursula von der Leyen announced the EU will set up its own biomedical research agency, and will hold a global summit on health next year in Italy. We must tear down the barriers of the Single Market, we must cut red tape, she also said, and added that the EC will come up with a new strategy on the future of the Schengen space and update its strategy on industry. All these will enable Europe to recover, and to prepare for tomorrow, Ursula von der Leyen argued. Every September the president of the EC delivers a State of the EU address before the European Parliament, reviewing the accomplishments of the past year and presenting the Commissions priorities for the near future and its solutions to the most pressing challenges facing the EU.

    TENNIS The Romanian player Simona Halep (no 2 WTA), today takes on the Italian Jasmine Paolini (99 WTA) in the 2nd round of the WTA tournament in Rome. Another Romanian, Irina Begu (77 WTA) plays on Thursday against Britains Johanna Konta (13 WTA), in the same tournament. In the doubles, Raluca Olaru (Romania) and Anna-Lena Friedsam (Germany), play today against Miyu Kato (Japan) and Sabrina Santamari (USA). Also in the doubles, the Romanians Simona Halep and Monica Niculescu are playing the eighth-finals on Thursday against the Japanese Shuko Aoyama and Ena Shibahara. (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Athlete of the Week – Tennis player Patricia Ţig

    Athlete of the Week – Tennis player Patricia Ţig

    Last week the
    city of Istanbul in Turkey played host to a WTA tournament, where total prizes
    stood at $225,000. Several players in the WTA top 100 were enrolled, including
    top seeds Svetlana Kuznetsova of Russia, Polona Hercog of Slovenia and Caroline
    Garcia of France. Romanian Patricia Ţig, number 88 in WTA standings, won the

    In the first
    round Patricia Ţig ousted Olga Danilovic of Serbia, 6-3, 7-5. In the second
    round she knocked out the number 8th seed, Misaki Doi of Japan, 6-2,
    6-0. In the quarterfinals she took on Rebecca Peterson of Sweden, seeded 2nd
    in the competition, whom she defeated easily, 6-3, 6-1. In the semi-finals she
    went up against Tereza Martincova of the Czech Republic, whom she also defeated
    in straight sets, 6-3, 6-3. In the final she played Eugénie Bouchard of Canada,
    and the match was quite dramatic. The Romanian lost the first set 6-2, but won
    the second one 6-1. In the decisive set the two players reached the tiebreak,
    where Patricia Ţig won 7-4. For her win in Istanbul, Patricia was awarded a
    $25,000-check and 280 WTA points. This achievement has also earned her the
    title of Athlete of the Week on RRI.

    Patricia Ţig was
    born July 27, 1994 in Caransebeş. In 2009 she played in her first ITF
    tournament. In 2012 she won her first ITF tournaments, and in 2015 she played
    her first WTA final in Baku, where she lost at the end of three sets to
    Margarita Gasparyan of Russia. She took a break in 2017 to give birth to a little
    girl. She returned to the tennis court in 2019, playing a new WTA final, at the
    BRD Bucharest Open, losing to Elena Rybakina of Kazakhstan. In August 2019 she
    won the tournament in Karlsruhe, Germany, climbing to the 140th
    position in WTA standings. This week she also went up another 30 spots, now
    ranking 58th.

    (Translated by
    V. Palcu)

  • Sportivul săptămânii: Jucătoarea de tenis Patricia Ţig

    Sportivul săptămânii: Jucătoarea de tenis Patricia Ţig

    Au luat parte multe
    jucătoare din prima sută a clasamentului mondial, iar printre favorite s-au
    aflat rusoaica Svetlana Kuzneţova, slovena Polona Hercog şi jucătoarea franceză
    Caroline Garcia. A câştigat însă o româncă – Patricia Ţig, numărul 88 mondial
    înaintea turneului.

    Patricia a trecut în primul tur de Olga Danilovic, din
    Serbia, cu 6-3, 7-5. În runda secundă a surclasat-o pe favorita numărul 8,
    Misaki Doi, din Japonia, cu 6-2, 6-0. În sferturile de finală s-a confruntat cu
    suedeza Rebecca Peterson, cap de serie numărul 2, de care a trecut clar, cu
    6-3, 6-1. În semifinale a avut o adversară venită din calificări, cehoaica
    Tereza Martincova, pe care a învins-o tot în două seturi: 6-3, 6-3. Finala cu
    jucătoarea canadiană Eugénie Bouchard a fost dramatică. Românca a pierdut primul
    set cu 2 la 6, l-a câştigat pe al doilea cu 6-1, iar în setul trei s-a ajuns la
    tiebreak, unde Ţig s-a impus cu 7-4. Pentru victoria de la Istanbul, Patricia a primit un cec de 25.000 de
    dolari şi 280 de puncte WTA, iar Radio România Internaţional a desemnat-o
    Sportivul Săptămânii.

    Patricia Ţig s-a
    născut la 27 iulie 1994, la Caransebeş. În 2009 a disputat, la Craiova, primul
    său turneu ITF. În 2012 a câştigat primele sale turnee ITF, iar in 2015 a
    disputat prima sa finală de turneu WTA, la Baku, unde a pierdut în 3 seturi în
    fața rusoaicei Margarita Gasparyan. În 2017 s-a retras, temporar, pentru a da
    naştere unei fetiţe. A revenit în 2019 şi a disputat o nouă finală WTA, la BRD
    Bucharest Open, unde a fost învinsă de Elena Rybakina, din Kazahstan. În luna
    august a anului trecut a câştigat, la Karlsruhe, în Germania, un turneu din
    seria celor cu premii de 125 de mii de dolari, victorie în urma căreia a
    avansat, în clasamentul mondial, de pe locul 223 pe poziţia 140. Săptămâna
    aceasta a făcut un salt de 30 de locuri, iar acum ocupă locul 58 în ierarhia

  • Sportivul săptămânii: Jucătoarea de tenis Patricia Ţig

    Sportivul săptămânii: Jucătoarea de tenis Patricia Ţig

    Au luat parte multe
    jucătoare din prima sută a clasamentului mondial, iar printre favorite s-au
    aflat rusoaica Svetlana Kuzneţova, slovena Polona Hercog şi jucătoarea franceză
    Caroline Garcia. A câştigat însă o româncă – Patricia Ţig, numărul 88 mondial
    înaintea turneului.

    Patricia a trecut în primul tur de Olga Danilovic, din
    Serbia, cu 6-3, 7-5. În runda secundă a surclasat-o pe favorita numărul 8,
    Misaki Doi, din Japonia, cu 6-2, 6-0. În sferturile de finală s-a confruntat cu
    suedeza Rebecca Peterson, cap de serie numărul 2, de care a trecut clar, cu
    6-3, 6-1. În semifinale a avut o adversară venită din calificări, cehoaica
    Tereza Martincova, pe care a învins-o tot în două seturi: 6-3, 6-3. Finala cu
    jucătoarea canadiană Eugénie Bouchard a fost dramatică. Românca a pierdut primul
    set cu 2 la 6, l-a câştigat pe al doilea cu 6-1, iar în setul trei s-a ajuns la
    tiebreak, unde Ţig s-a impus cu 7-4. Pentru victoria de la Istanbul, Patricia a primit un cec de 25.000 de
    dolari şi 280 de puncte WTA, iar Radio România Internaţional a desemnat-o
    Sportivul Săptămânii.

    Patricia Ţig s-a
    născut la 27 iulie 1994, la Caransebeş. În 2009 a disputat, la Craiova, primul
    său turneu ITF. În 2012 a câştigat primele sale turnee ITF, iar in 2015 a
    disputat prima sa finală de turneu WTA, la Baku, unde a pierdut în 3 seturi în
    fața rusoaicei Margarita Gasparyan. În 2017 s-a retras, temporar, pentru a da
    naştere unei fetiţe. A revenit în 2019 şi a disputat o nouă finală WTA, la BRD
    Bucharest Open, unde a fost învinsă de Elena Rybakina, din Kazahstan. În luna
    august a anului trecut a câştigat, la Karlsruhe, în Germania, un turneu din
    seria celor cu premii de 125 de mii de dolari, victorie în urma căreia a
    avansat, în clasamentul mondial, de pe locul 223 pe poziţia 140. Săptămâna
    aceasta a făcut un salt de 30 de locuri, iar acum ocupă locul 58 în ierarhia

  • September 14,2020 UPDATE

    September 14,2020 UPDATE

    ALERT The government in Bucharest has for the fourth time extended the
    state of alert against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic, upon a proposal
    by the National Committee for Emergency Situations. The Romanian government has
    also been considering fresh measures to safely hold the local election on
    September 27th. Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has said that he has
    been considering the use of larger rooms and outdoor spaces allowing people to
    keep a physical distance. Voters will have to wear facemasks and demonstrations
    of up to 100 people are allowed with the observance of the rules also valid in
    case of election meetings. The first state of alert was instated on May 15th
    after Romania had been on the state of emergency for two months. The total
    number of infections with the novel coronavirus, almost seven months since the
    first case was reported in Romania has exceeded 104 thousand and the death toll
    stands at 4185.

    TENNIS Romanian tennis player Patricia Tig reaped her first WTA title in
    Istanbul on Sunday after a 2-6, 6-1, 7-6 win against Eugenie Bouchard of
    Canada. This has been the third WTA finals for Tig after those in Baku (2015)
    and Bucharest (2019). Her prize closet also includes a WTA 125 K title, which
    she won in Karlsruhe. In Italy, another Romanian, Irina Begu, has qualified for
    the main draw after a 6-1, 6-1 win against Ana Lena Friedsam of Germany in the
    qualifiers. The Romanian will be taking on Elisabetta Cocciaretto of Italy who
    benefitted from a wild card. Top-seed Romanian challenger Simona Halep will be
    playing in the competition’s second round against Italian Jasmine Paolini.

    SCHOOLS An atypical school year began in
    Romania on Monday with special coronavirus protection measures in place.
    Education is a vital prerequisite for a civilised society, and children are
    returning to schools with one more lesson to learn-how to take care of one’s
    health and of the health of others, said PM Ludovic Orban in a message on this
    occasion. He warned that the danger posed by the disease is not over and that
    the new school year is a challenge for children, their families, teachers and

    DIPLOMACY The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan
    Aurescu had telephone talks with his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi,
    following the political consultations held during his visit to Israel this
    month. According to the Foreign Ministry, the 2 officials reviewed the
    preparations for a new joint government meeting due next year. They also looked
    at the arrangements for the set up of a new expert group preparing the meeting,
    which will focus on mutually relevant topics like agriculture, water
    management, IT, cyber security and AI. The talk also occasioned an exchange of
    opinions on the Middle East peace process. Romania supports the resolution of
    this problem based on international law and on the 2-state solution, Israel and
    Palestine, living next to each other in peace and prosperity, the Romanian
    foreign minister said. On September 2-3, minister Aurescu discussed with
    high-level political officials both in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, and in Ramallah.

    PANDEMIC Many countries are reintroducing
    lockdowns in the context of a so-called second wave of the COVID 19 pandemic.
    The World Health Organisation Sunday reported nearly 308,000 new infections for
    the last 24 hours, a new global record, Reuters reports. The most significant
    increases were in India, the USA and Brazil. The total number of cases
    worldwide is nearing 29.2 million, and the number of COVID-related deaths is
    928,000. Israel reintroduced a 3-week lockdown in a move to contain the new
    wave. Strict restrictions regarding groups larger than 6 people have come into
    force in the UK today. And also as of Monday, face masks, already compulsory in
    supermarkets and public transportation, must be worn in all public buildings
    and shops in Austria.

    (tr bill)

  • September 14, 2020

    September 14, 2020

    COVID-19 The Government of Romania is to extend today for the 4th time the state of alert triggered by the COVID 19 pandemic. The National Committee for Emergency Situations is due to make final proposals on the measures to be implemented. The relevant government order will include measures concerning the local elections due on September 27. PM Ludovic Orban said authorities were considering bigger locations for polling stations and outdoor waiting areas, in order to comply with physical distancing requirements. Meanwhile, the Government is looking at easing some restrictions in the forthcoming period. The state of alert was introduced on May 15, after a 2-month state of emergency. The total number of coronavirus infections in Romania is over 104,000, with the death toll standing at 4,185.

    SCHOOLS An atypical school year has begun in Romania today, with special coronavirus protection measures in place. Education is a vital prerequisite for a civilised society, and children are returning to schools with one more lesson to learn—how to take care of ones health and of the health of others, said PM Ludovic Orban in a message on this occasion. He warned that the danger posed by the disease is not over and that the new school year is a challenge for children, their families, teachers and authorities.

    DIPLOMACY The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu had telephone talks with his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, following the political consultations held during his visit to Israel this month. According to the Foreign Ministry, the 2 officials reviewed the preparations for a new joint government meeting due next year. They also looked at the arrangements for the set up of a new expert group preparing the meeting, which will focus on mutually relevant topics like agriculture, water management, IT, cyber security and AI. The talk also occasioned an exchange of opinions on the Middle East peace process. “Romania supports the resolution of this problem based on international law and on the 2-state solution, Israel and Palestine, living next to each other in peace and prosperity, the Romanian foreign minister said. On September 2-3, minister Aurescu discussed with high-level political officials both in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, and in Ramallah.

    PANDEMIC Many countries are reintroducing lockdowns in the context of a so-called “second wave of the COVID 19 pandemic. The World Health Organisation Sunday reported nearly 308,000 new infections for the last 24 hours, a new global record, Reuters reports. The most significant increases were in India, the USA and Brazil. The total number of cases worldwide is nearing 29.2 million, and the number of COVID-related deaths is 928,000. Israel reintroduced a 3-week lockdown in a move to contain the new wave. Strict restrictions regarding groups larger than 6 people have come into force in the UK today. And also as of Monday, face masks, already compulsory in supermarkets and public transportation, must be worn in all public buildings and shops in Austria.

    BELARUS The president of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has a meeting in Russia today with his counterpart Vladimir Putin. This is the first meeting of the 2 officials since the start of large-scale anti-presidential protests in Minsk. Russia sent troops to Belarus to take part in joint military exercises. Scheduled to last until September 25, the drills take place amid extensive protests in Belarus following the August presidential election. The ballot was won by Lukashenko, but the opposition claims the election was rigged. Western countries have asked for a new election. On Sunday, tens of thousands took to the streets once again, across the country, asking for the resignation of Belaruss strongman of 26 years, largely seen as the last dictator in Europe.

    TENNIS The Romanian player Patricia Ţig won the first WTA title in her career on Sunday, in the tournament in Istanbul. She defeated Canadas Eugenie Bouchard, 2-6, 6-1, 7-6 (7-4) in the final, after a dramatic match. For Ţig (26, no 88 WTA), this was the 3rd WTA final, after the ones in Baku (2015) and Bucharest (2019). The Romanian player has also won the 2019 tournament in Karlsruhe. Meanwhile, the Romanian Irina Begu has qualified into the main group of the Rome tournament. She beat the German Anna-Lena Friedsam, 6-1, 6-1 in the qualifying round 2. Simona Halep is also seed no 1 in this tournament. She is to take on the winner of the match pitting Latvian Anastasija Sevastova against the Italian Jasmine Paolini. The Rome tournament begins today.

    (translated by: A.M. Popescu)

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Ea a învins-o în finală pe
    sportiva canadiană Eugénie Bouchard, cu 2-6, 6-1, 7-6. Românca a primit un cec
    de 25.000 de dolari şi 280 de puncte WTA.

    Trecem la handbal feminin. CSM Bucureşti a debutat cu o
    victorie în Grupa A a Ligii Campionilor. Tigroaicele au trecut duminică, pe
    teren propriu, cu 31-26, de echipa franceză Metz. Cristina Neagu a fost cea mai
    bună jucătoare a meciului, cu 12 goluri. În celelalte partide din grupă,
    formaţia daneză Team Esbjerg a învins în deplasare echipa germană Bietigheim cu
    33-26, gruparea rusă Rostov-Don a câştigat la Budapesta, la Ferencvaros, cu
    26-25, iar echipa norvegiană Vipers Kristiansand s-a impus cu 27-26, în
    Slovenia, la Ljubljana, cu Krim Mercator. CSM Bucureşti va disputa următorul
    joc pe 20 septembrie, în deplasare, cu Team Esbjerg.

    În grupa B a Ligii Campionilor, sâmbătă, formaţia SCM
    Râmnicu Vâlcea a fost învinsă în deplasare de echipa franceză Brest Bretagne,
    cu scorul de 28-21. Tot în grupa B, Odense Handbold din Danemarca a învins
    formaţia germană Borussia Dortmund cu 32-27, echipa rusă ŢSKA Moscova a remizat
    cu campioana Győr, din Ungaria,
    scor 27-27, iar formaţia croată Podravka Koprivnica a învins muntenegrencele de
    la Buducnost Podgorica cu 29 la 26. SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea va juca următorul meci
    pe 19 septembrie, acasă, cu Odense.

    În weekend au
    avut loc partide contând pentru etapa a treia a campionatului primei ligi
    române de fotbal. Vineri, ambele jocuri disputate s-au încheiat cu scorul de 1
    la 1. Este vorba de întâlnirea de la Piteşti, dintre nou-promovatele FC Argeş
    şi UTA Arad, şi de partida de la Bucureşti, dintre Dinamo şi FC Botoşani.
    Sâmbătă s-au desfăşurat trei jocuri. Primul, cel de la Clinceni, dintre
    Academica şi Chindia Târgovişte, s-a încheiat egal: 0 la 0. Apoi, la Iaşi, Gaz
    Metan Mediaş s-a impus categoric în faţa Politehnicii, cu 4 la 1. În ultima
    confruntare a zilei, FC Voluntari a trecut cu 2 la 1, acasă, de FCSB. Duminică,
    la Giurgiu, Astra a încheiat la egalitate, 2 la 2, cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe,
    iar la Cluj, CFR a trecut cu 1-0 de FC Hermannstadt. Ultimul joc al etapei -
    luni: Viitorul Constanţa – Universitatea Craiova. În clasament conduc FC
    Botoşani, FC Voluntari şi CFR Cluj, toate cu câte 7 puncte.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Ea a învins-o în finală pe
    sportiva canadiană Eugénie Bouchard, cu 2-6, 6-1, 7-6. Românca a primit un cec
    de 25.000 de dolari şi 280 de puncte WTA.

    Trecem la handbal feminin. CSM Bucureşti a debutat cu o
    victorie în Grupa A a Ligii Campionilor. Tigroaicele au trecut duminică, pe
    teren propriu, cu 31-26, de echipa franceză Metz. Cristina Neagu a fost cea mai
    bună jucătoare a meciului, cu 12 goluri. În celelalte partide din grupă,
    formaţia daneză Team Esbjerg a învins în deplasare echipa germană Bietigheim cu
    33-26, gruparea rusă Rostov-Don a câştigat la Budapesta, la Ferencvaros, cu
    26-25, iar echipa norvegiană Vipers Kristiansand s-a impus cu 27-26, în
    Slovenia, la Ljubljana, cu Krim Mercator. CSM Bucureşti va disputa următorul
    joc pe 20 septembrie, în deplasare, cu Team Esbjerg.

    În grupa B a Ligii Campionilor, sâmbătă, formaţia SCM
    Râmnicu Vâlcea a fost învinsă în deplasare de echipa franceză Brest Bretagne,
    cu scorul de 28-21. Tot în grupa B, Odense Handbold din Danemarca a învins
    formaţia germană Borussia Dortmund cu 32-27, echipa rusă ŢSKA Moscova a remizat
    cu campioana Győr, din Ungaria,
    scor 27-27, iar formaţia croată Podravka Koprivnica a învins muntenegrencele de
    la Buducnost Podgorica cu 29 la 26. SCM Râmnicu Vâlcea va juca următorul meci
    pe 19 septembrie, acasă, cu Odense.

    În weekend au
    avut loc partide contând pentru etapa a treia a campionatului primei ligi
    române de fotbal. Vineri, ambele jocuri disputate s-au încheiat cu scorul de 1
    la 1. Este vorba de întâlnirea de la Piteşti, dintre nou-promovatele FC Argeş
    şi UTA Arad, şi de partida de la Bucureşti, dintre Dinamo şi FC Botoşani.
    Sâmbătă s-au desfăşurat trei jocuri. Primul, cel de la Clinceni, dintre
    Academica şi Chindia Târgovişte, s-a încheiat egal: 0 la 0. Apoi, la Iaşi, Gaz
    Metan Mediaş s-a impus categoric în faţa Politehnicii, cu 4 la 1. În ultima
    confruntare a zilei, FC Voluntari a trecut cu 2 la 1, acasă, de FCSB. Duminică,
    la Giurgiu, Astra a încheiat la egalitate, 2 la 2, cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe,
    iar la Cluj, CFR a trecut cu 1-0 de FC Hermannstadt. Ultimul joc al etapei -
    luni: Viitorul Constanţa – Universitatea Craiova. În clasament conduc FC
    Botoşani, FC Voluntari şi CFR Cluj, toate cu câte 7 puncte.

  • September 10, 2020

    September 10, 2020

    COVID-19 Another 1,380 coronavirus infection cases were reported in Romania on Thursday, taking the total number up to 99,684, according to the Strategic Communication Group. Since the start of the pandemic, 41,002 patients have recovered. Also, 47 deaths have been reported, which takes the toll so far to 4,065. 459 patients are currently in intensive care. The Romanian health minister, Nelu Tătaru, announced on Thursday that he would propose a new 30-day extension of the state of alert, which was due to end on September 16. He added he had ordered the managers of COVID-19 support hospitals to review the situation and prepare a scenario for non-COVID patients. This can be done by either treating SARS-CoV-2 patients in separate buildings, or by transferring them to other hospitals, if possible, Nelu Tătaru explained.

    SCHOOLS Today is the deadline for the authorities to decide and announce how classes are to be held in each school in Romania in the new academic year. School boards will present relevant scenarios to local emergency committees, public health directorates and school inspectorates. According to the National Public Health Inspectorate, over 2,700 localities have so far reported relatively low coronavirus infection figures—under 1 case in 1,000 people, meaning that they are in the so-called “green zone where all students may attend face-to-face classes. The “yellow zone comprises around 400 towns and villages, where pre-schoolers, elementary school and senior students are supposed to attend face-to-face classes and the others are included in blended, online and face-to-face programmes. Finally, over 40 localities are in the “red zone, with students exclusively attending online classes. Bucharest is in the yellow zone. In a press conference held last night, president Klaus Iohannis once again encouraged parents to send their children to school. He explained that if hygiene rules are observed, the problems can be overcome.

    GUIDE The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu announced, on the last day of the Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomats, that a crisis response and management guide has been completed. The document will be sent to all Romanian diplomatic offices. “This guide showcases what we have learnt these past months, with the substantial consular activity conducted in safeguarding the rights and interests of Romanian citizens, Aurescu said. He emphasised that 12,500 Romanian citizens were repatriated since the start of the pandemic until July, when flights were resumed to most European countries. The foreign ministry also helped in the repatriation of over 1,100 foreign nationals, through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

    INFLATION In Romania, the year-on-year inflation rate dropped from 2.8% in July to 2.7% in August, although the prices of foods, non-foods and services went up, according to data released on Thursday by the National Statistics Institute. The annual inflation rates forecast for the end of this year and for 2021 are 2.7% and 2.5% respectively, according to the Inflation Report made public by the National Bank. According to Eurostat data, in July Romania had one of the highest inflation rates in the EU, alongside Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic.

    BREXIT An emergency meeting takes place in London today between the EU and the UK regarding Britains bill overriding some provisions in the Withdrawal Agreement, especially related to Northern Ireland. On Wednesday the British government made public this bill which proposes changes to the Brexit deal, which further complicates the already difficult negotiations between the EU and Britain. The Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, said there would be no trade agreement between the UK and the USA if London jeopardises the Northern Ireland peace process. In order to protect free movement of goods in Ireland, the Brexit agreement stipulates that Northern Ireland will comply with elements of the EU customs code.

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Patricia Ţig today takes on Japans Misaki Doi, seeded 8th, in the eighth-finals of the WTA tournament in Istanbul. In the doubles, Romanian Andreea Mitu and Belarusian Lidia Morozova, winners of the Prague tournament this weekend, were defeated by top seeds Alexa Guarachi (Chile) / Desirae Krawczyk (USA).

    (translated by: A.M. Popescu)

  • Sportevents: u.a.: Tennisprofi Mitu gewinnt Challenger-Turnier in Prag

    Sportevents: u.a.: Tennisprofi Mitu gewinnt Challenger-Turnier in Prag

    Die rumänische Tennisspielerin Andreea Mitu hat das WTA-Challenger- Turnier in Prag, im Damen-Doppel, gewonnen. Mitu und ihre Partnerin, die Weißrussin Lidia Morozova, besiegten im Finale das Paar Giulia Gatto-Monticone aus Italien und Nadia Podoroska aus Argentinien mit 6:4 und 6:4. Mitu und Morozova teilen sich ein Preisgeld von 37.000 US-Dollar, außerdem erhält jede Spielerin 160 Ranglistenpunkte im Doppel.

    Rumäniens Tennisprofi Sorana Cîrstea unterlag in der 3. Runde der US Open in Flushing Meadows der tschechischen Spielerin Karolina Muchova. Nach einem umkämpften Spiel gewann Muchova mit 6:3, 2:6 und 7:6. Die Rumänin vergab dabei drei Matchbälle im Tiebreak des dritten Satzes. Mit dem Erreichen der dritten Runde glich die 30-jährige Cîrstea ihre Bestleistungen bei den US Open von 2009 und 2019 aus.

    Im selben Turnier, bei den US Open, qualifizierte sich das Duo Horia Tecău aus Rumänien und der Niederländer Jean-Julien Rojer für das Viertelfinale der Herren. Gegen die Hauptfavoriten des Turniers, die Kolumbianer Juan-Sebastian Cabal und Robert Farah, setzten sich Tecău und Rojer in 3 Sätzen mit 4:6, 6:3 und 6:4 durch. In der Runde der letzten Acht treffen die beiden auf Rohan Bopanna aus Indien und Denis Shapovalov aus Kanada.

    Und nun zum Handball: Die Herrenmannschaft von Potaissa Turda ist nach der Begegnung mit dem kroatischen Team HRK Gorica in die zweite Qualifikationsrunde des EHF-Cups vorgerückt. Das Rückspiel gewann Potaissa auswärts mit 32:27 und sicherte sich somit das Weiterkommen, zuvor hatten die Westrumänen das Hinspiel zu Hause mit 24:26 verloren.

    Der CSM Știința Baia Mare und der SCM Timișoara bestreiten das Finale der rumänischen Rugby-Superliga. Im ersten Halbfinale schlug Știința Baia Mare Dinamo Bukarest mit 76:19. Im zweiten Halbfinale in Bukarest besiegte der SCM Timișoara Steaua Bukarest knapp mit 21:20. Im Spiel um die Plätze 5-6 gewann Tomitanii Constanța das Match gegen Universitatea Klausenburg mit 29:23.

    Und nun Fußball und die UEFA-Nationenliga. Die rumänische Fußballnationalmannschaft trennte sich im ersten Spiel zu Hause mit einem 1:1-Unentschieden von der Auswahl Nordirlans in Gruppe 1 der Liga B. Die Tore erzielten George Pușcaș in der 25. Minute für Rumänien und Gavin Whyte in der 86. Minute für Nordirland. In derselben Gruppe bezwang Österreich die norwegische Mannschaft auswärts mit 2:1. Österreich und Rumänien treffen im nächsten Spiel am heutigen Montagabend im österreichischen Klagenfurt aufeinander.

    Der Gegner Rumäniens im Playoff um die Qualifikation für die Europameisterschaft 2021, Island, verlor das Heimspiel gegen England in der Liga A mit 0:1.

    Und schließlich Rudern und die U23-Europameisterschaft im deutschen Duisburg. Rumäniens Sportler gewannen insgesamt 10 Medaillen, 5 Gold-, 3 Silber- und 2 Bronzemedaillen. Mit diesem Ergebnis belegte Rumänien den ersten Platz in der Länderrangliste.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    Jucătoarea română de tenis
    Andreea Mitu a câștigat turneul de tenis WTA de la Praga în proba de dublu
    feminin. Andreea Mitu și belarusa Lidia Morozova au învins în finală cuplul
    format din italianca Giulia Gatto-Monticone și argentinianca Nadia Podoroska cu
    6-4, 6-4.

    Jucătoarea română de tenis Sorana Cârstea a fost învinsă
    de jucătoarea cehă Karolina Muchova în turul al 3-lea al turneului US Open de
    la Flushing Meadows. După un meci disputat, Muchova a câștigat cu 6-3, 2-6,
    7-6. Cu acest rezultat, Cîrstea, în vârstă de 30 de ani, și-a egalat
    performanța de la US Open din 2009 și 2019.

    cadrul aceluiași turneu de la US Open, perechea de dublu masculin formată din
    românul Horia Tecău și olandezul Jean-Julien Rojer s-a calificat în sferturile
    de finală. Jucând împotriva principalilor favoriți, columbienii Juan-Sebastian
    Cabal și Robert Farah, Tecău și Rojer s-au impus în 3 seturi, scor 4-6, 6-3,

    română de handbal masculin Potaissa Turda s-a calificat în turul al doilea
    preliminar al Cupei EHF în fața echipei croate HRK Gorica. În manșa a doua disputată în deplasare,
    Potaissa a câștigat cu 32-27 și s-a calificat mai departe după ce fusese
    învinsă în prima manșă pe teren propriu cu 26-24.

    CSM Știința
    Baia Mare și SCM Timișoara vor juca finala superligii române la rugby. În prima
    semifinală, jucând pe teren propriu, Știința Baia Mare a trecut de Dinamo
    București cu 76-19. În a doua semifinală dipsutată la București, SCM Timișoara
    a trecut la limită de Steaua București, scor 21-20. Pentru locurile 5-6,
    Tomitanii Constanța a câștigat meciul cu Universitatea Cluj cu 29-23.

    Fotbal acum. Jucând pe teren propriu, naționala de fotbal
    a României a terminat la egalitate, scor 1-1, cu echipa Irlandei de Nord în
    grupa 1 a Ligii Națiunilor. Golurile au fost marcate de George Pușcaș în
    minutul 25 pentru România, și de Gavin Whyte în minutul 86 pentru Irlanda de
    Nord. În aceeași grupă, în deplasare, Austria a învins cu scorul de 2-1 echipa
    Norvegiei. Austria și România se vor întâlni în următorul joc la Klagenfurt, în

    Islandei, pe care România o va întâlni în barajul de calificare la Euro 2020, a
    fost învinsă pe teren propriu în grupa A de Anglia cu 1-0.

    a cucerit 10 medalii, 5 de aur, 3 de argint și 2 de bronz la campionatele
    europene de canotaj Under-23 desfășurate la Dusibug în Germania. Cu acest bilanț, România a ocupat
    primul loc în clasamentul pe națiuni.