Author: Călin Coțoiu



    Romanian presidential election calendar

    The PSD-PNL-UDMR coalition government in Bucharest has adopted the presidential election calendar. According to the document, the first round of voting will take place on May 4, and the second – on May 18. Candidacies are submitted to the Central Electoral Bureau by March 15. The electoral campaign will begin on April 4 and end on May 3, at 7:00. While the actual voting on Romanian territory will begin on May 4, at 7:00, and end at 9:00 p.m., voting abroad will take place for three days, starting on May 2, at 7:00 a.m. local time. On the third day, voting will end at 21:00, Romanian time, but, as within the country, there is the possibility of extending this interval until 23:59, Romanian time, if there are still voters in the polling station or waiting in line. The second round of voting will begin in the country on May 18, while voting abroad will also last three days, and will begin on May 16, following the same rules as in the first round. We recall that, on December 6 last year, after validating the first round, and the second round was already underway in polling stations abroad, the Constitutional Court of Romania annulled the presidential elections, citing interference by a state actor. The CCR then decided that the electoral process should be resumed in its entirety.

    The Venice Commission and the Romanian elections

    The Venice Commission published its report on Monday on the annulment of the Romanian presidential elections by the Constitutional Court. The recommendations that were made state that such a decision should not be based exclusively on classified information, which does not guarantee the necessary transparency, but should precisely indicate the violations and evidence. In addition, the power of the Constitutional Court to invalidate the elections should be limited to exceptional circumstances and clearly regulated. Independent constitutional law experts also argue that proving violations of the law through online campaigns and social media is particularly difficult. Finally, the Venice Commission declines its competence to rule on the decision of the Romanian Constitutional Court to annul the presidential elections. In Bucharest, political parties in opposition today, namely the pro-European USR and the sovereignist AUR and the Young People’s Party, reacted immediately, emphasizing that, in effect, the consultative body of the Council of Europe confirmed that the Constitutional Court’s decision was illegal and abusive. Former Justice Minister Tudorel Toader explained, however, that this commission issued opinions, not a decision, and that the suggestions made are not binding.

    Romania’s draft state budget for this year has been finalized

    Romania’s draft state budget for 2025 is going through the final stages before the Government sends the document for debate in Parliament, where Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu expects to receive the final vote next week. The executive promises a frugal budget, based on realistic estimates of revenues and better collection of taxes and duties by the tax authorities, with sizable allocations for investments. The budget is built taking into account an economic growth of 2.5% in 2025, and an average inflation of 4.4%, with the deficit being set at 7% of the Gross Domestic Product. The funds allocated to the Presidential Administration, the Senate, and the Chamber of Deputies will decrease, and the budgets of some ministries, such as environment, health, education, or transport, will increase. The largest increases are observed, according to a draft of the project, at the ministries of education, health, environment, and transport, but, by far, the most significant increase will be at the Ministry of Energy, with 153%.

    Three suspects arrested in the case of the theft of the Romanian Dacian treasure from the Netherlands

    Three people suspected of stealing the Romanian Dacian treasure from the Drents Museum in Assen were arrested by the Dutch police in the city of Heerhugowaard, in the province of North Holland. The information was confirmed by representatives of the Romanian Ministry of the Interior, who specified that all three are Dutch citizens. However, there is no information about the location of the stolen artifacts. These are the golden helmet from Coţofeneşti and three Dacian bracelets from Sarmizegetusa Regia – heritage objects, but also essential parts of the history and identity of the Romanian people, an invaluable cultural heritage not only for Romania, but for the entire world, specifies the Minister of Culture in Bucharest, Natalia Intotero. The minister dismissed the director of the National Museum of History of Romania, whom he criticized for the way he communicated publicly and institutionally in the case of the theft of the treasure items. We recall that the History Museum is the one that sent the artifacts to the exhibition in the Netherlands. In the meantime, several investigations are underway in the country regarding the way the exhibition in the Netherlands was organized, and whether all legal provisions were complied with.

    Romanian football champion FCSB will play in the Europa League play-off

    Romanian football champion FCSB was defeated by the English team Manchester United with a score of 2-0, Thursday evening, at the National Arena in Bucharest, in the eighth and final round of the Europa League football competition. The Bucharest team will play in the play-offs for the round of 16. The Romanian champion ranked 11th. The top eight qualified directly for the round of 16.

  • Into the wild

    Into the wild

    Forest – pădure

    bear – urs

    wolf – lup

    deer – cerb

    squirrels – veverițe

    acorn – ghindă

    boars – porci mistreți

    wild animals – animale sălbatice

    game – vânat

    protected area – zonă protejată

    And now for some simple sentences:

    We live next to the forest.

    Trăim lângă pădure.

    You should never approach a bear.

    Niciodată să nu te apropii de un urs.

    There goes a deer.

    Uite un cerb.

    We should see squirrels here.

    Ar trebui să vedem veverițe aici.

    There is a lot of acorn here.

    Aici se găsește multă ghindă.

    Boars are very dangerous.

    Porcii mistreți sunt foarte periculoși.

    This area has a lot of game.

    Această zonă are mult vânat.

    Don’t go in there, it is a protected area.

    Nu intra acolo, este zonă protejată.

  • The vegetable garden

    The vegetable garden

    onion – ceapă

    carrot – morcov

    celery – țelină

    cabbage – varză

    lettuce – salată verde

    cucumber – castravete

    tomato – roșie

    radishes – ridichi

    chili pepper – ardei iute

    garlic – usturoi

    Now let’s make some simple sentences:

    Onion makes your eyes tear.

    Ceapa te face să lăcrimezi.

    Carrots are good for your eyesight.

    Morcovii fac bine la vedere.

    You cannot make stew without celery.

    Nu poți să faci tocană fără țelina.

    Cabbage is best pickled.

    Varza e cea mai buna murată.

    Lettuce is full of vitamins.

    Salata verde e plină de vitamine.

    The word cucumber in Romanian comes from Bulgarian.

    Cuvântul castravete în română vine din bulgară.

    A tomato tastes better with salt.

    Roșia are gust mai bun cu sare.

    A salad is better with radishes.

    Salata e mai bună cu ridichi.

    This chili pepper is too hot.

    Acest ardei iute e prea iute.

    There’s never too much garlic.

    Niciodată nu e prea mult usturoi.

  • Today let’s talk cars

    Today let’s talk cars

    – car = maşină
    – fuel = combustibil
    – wheel = roată
    – tire = anvelopă
    – steering wheel = volan
    – winshield= parbriz
    – windshield wiper = ştergător de parbriz
    – turning signal= semnalizator
    – safety belt = centură de siguranţă
    – parking brake = frână de mână

    Now, let’s use these words in sentences.
    I have bought a new car.
    Mi-am cumpărat maşină nouă.

    Fuel is getting expensive.
    Combustibilul se scumpeşte.

    I need a new wheel.
    Îmi trebuie o roată nouă.

    I need to change the tire.
    Trebuie să schimb anvelopa.

    Grasp the steering wheel well.
    Apucă bine volanul.

    The windshield needs cleaning.
    Parbrizul trebuie curăţat.

    I have new windshield wipers.
    Am ştergătoare noi.

    The turning signal is still on.
    Semnalizatorul e încă pornit.

    You have to put on your safety belt.
    Trebuie să-ţi pui centura de siguranţă.

    Make sure your parking brake is not set.
    Asigură-te că frâna de mână nu e pusă.

  • MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017

    MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017

    The central Romanian resort of Sinaia is host to the 3rd Asia-Pacific — Europe Media Dialogue conference. The event is organized jointly by Radio Romania and ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union), and brings together experts from all over the world in an effort to respond to current challenges in a rapidly changing media landscape.

    According to the organizers, Media2020 is a meeting place for radio, TV and other media broadcasters on the 21st Century information highway between Europe and the Asia-Pacific. It will be a place to learn and share, to network and benefit from each other’s experience. The 2017 edition of the conference will be held in conjunction with Public Broadcasting International in Bucharest.

    The first day of the event began with the keynote speech, delivered by the interim director general of the Romanian Broadcasting Corporation, Georgică Severin. He underlined the fact that the general topic of the conference is the growing power of the media in a fast changing world, and that accuracy of information is paramount. In his opening speech, Minister of Culture Lucian Romașcanu spoke about the role of public broadcasters in providing information and education, pointing out that such events build bridges between Asian and European cultures.

  • Political terms

    Political terms

    Here are some useful terms relating to politics and elections in the Romanian language.


    -candidate= candidat



    -right to vote=drept de vot

    -polling station= cabina de vot


    -turnout=participare la vot

    -party= partid

    -independent= independent



    -opposition= opozitie


    -to vote=a vota

    -to run in the elections=a candida la alegeri



    -low=redus, scazut,

    Now, lets use these words in sentences:

    -Citizens with the right to vote are called to the polls.

    -Cetatenii cu drept de vot sunt chemati la urne.

    -Many independent candidates are running in the local elections.

    -Multi independenti candideaza in alegerile locale.

    -The turnout was low.

    -Participarea la vot a fost scazuta.

    -The power and the opposition candidates stand equal chances.

    -Candidatii puterii si ai opozitiei au sanse egale.

    -Social policies should be an integral part of economic policies.

    -Politicile sociale trebuie sa se regaseasa in politicile economice.

  • 7 March, 2015

    7 March, 2015

    Today’s edition is about tools and fixing things around the home.

    Lets begin with some new words and notions:

    – tools = unelte

    – workshop = atelier

    – work bench = banc de lucru

    to fix = a repara

    hammer = ciocan

    screw = surub

    nail = cui

    – wood = lemn

    – pliers = patent

    – wire = sirma

    Now, let’s use these words in sentences.

    I got new tools.

    Mi-am luat unelte noi.

    I have a workshop in the attic.

    Am atelier in pod.

    I have a new job on my work bench.

    Am o lucrare noua pe bancul de lucru.

    I fix things around the house myself.

    Repar lucuri in casa de unul singur.

    Hand me that hammer, please.

    Da-mi ciocanul acela, te rog.

    I cannot find the right screw.

    Nu gasesc surubul potrivit.

    Take out that nail.

    Scoate cuiul acela.

    I prefer to work with wood, not plastic.

    Prefer sa lucrez cu lemn, nu cu plastic.

    For this job I need the pliers.

    Pentru lucrarea asta imi trebuie patentul.

    You need the copper wire.

    Iti trebuie sirma de cupru.