Here are some useful terms relating to politics and elections in the Romanian language.
-candidate= candidat
-right to vote=drept de vot
-polling station= cabina de vot
-turnout=participare la vot
-party= partid
-independent= independent
-opposition= opozitie
-to vote=a vota
-to run in the elections=a candida la alegeri
-low=redus, scazut,
Now, lets use these words in sentences:
-Citizens with the right to vote are called to the polls.
-Cetatenii cu drept de vot sunt chemati la urne.
-Many independent candidates are running in the local elections.
-Multi independenti candideaza in alegerile locale.
-The turnout was low.
-Participarea la vot a fost scazuta.
-The power and the opposition candidates stand equal chances.
-Candidatii puterii si ai opozitiei au sanse egale.
-Social policies should be an integral part of economic policies.
-Politicile sociale trebuie sa se regaseasa in politicile economice.