Kasia Obielgo comes from Poland and as far as she can remember, history was her passion. Kasia thinks history defines us all, and fully accounts for what we are today. No wonder then that the young Polish student opted to pursue history studies at Gdansk University. In 2014, Kasia Obieglo was the recipient of a one-term Erasmus scholarship for the Faculty of History at the University of Bucharest. Actually, Kasia Obieglo wanted so much to come to Romania. What did she know about Romania before coming over to pursue her programme of study?
Kasia Obieglo: ”Most of the things I knew about Romania’s present territory had to do with its outline dating from the Middle Ages, as my main research interest was medieval history. I focused a lot studying that age. My first contact with Romania occurred via Bram Stoker’s novel “Dracula”. It was for the first time when I was fascinated with that country. I also began to study its history, later. It s’ kind of hard to explain that…Romania lies not very far from Poland, yet for us, it looks like a rather exotic country. We don’t know much about it. We hear about Romania a lot, yet there are very few people who really know something about that country. So I found it interesting to get here and see with my own eyes what Romania is like. “
Nearly two months into her study time in Romania, Kasia Obieglo has been pleasantly impressed with the fact that her discovery of new people and places had a positive impact upon herself.
Kasia Obielgo: ”I like it here a lot! People are very friendly, they help you a lot, it’s incredible! Most of the time I spent was in Bucharest and it surroundings, It’s true that I didn’t get round to visiting that much. So far I’ve only traveled to Pitesti in Curtea de Arges and in Sinaia, but I hope to go places as much as I can. It’s the landscapes I liked best. Mountains, especially, they are so beautiful! In October, when I saw them, the weather was perfect and I could enjoy some unique scenery. Bucharest is also a place to be, you can see beautiful buildings everywhere, yet most of them have not been refurbished, sadly — although it’s well worth doing that, since their architecture is so special. So I like the city a lot, I can find myself in it, which is wonderful for me. “
When she was a student in Poland, Kasia Obieglo also worked as tourist guide. She would like such a career for herself when she graduates. Kasia strongly advised us to visit Poland. She things it’s well worth visiting the cities of Gdansk, Krakow, Warsaw, but also the Polish Carpathians. How would Kasia promote Romania, tourism-wise?
Kasia Obielgo: ”I should capitalize on the landscapes you have, since I liked them so much!…Mountains, especially…I should also focus on people, on traditions, on the cities. There are so many interesting places you can visit here, monasteries, old churches, they are so beautiful…You need to discover them for yourself. There are also the medieval castles, then there’s Sinaia…There are so many things to see! Everybody should come here, since Romania has something to offer for everyone. “