The history of the mass media during communist years includes a small, somewhat honourable chapter
The history of the religious heritage of Bucharest in the 20th century was one of mortal blows inflicted by the communist regime
In 2025, the Romanian Orthodox Church marks 100 years since its elevation to the rank of Patriarchate
In 1902, the Japanese ambassador to Vienna initiated contacts with the Romanian side
After 1945, Europe was brutally divided
In the Romanian area, modern cities began to develop after the European model around the 1830s
Romania celebrated the centenary of the Romanian Chess Federation, at the beginning of 1925
The fact that, after 1945, there were two German states on Europe s map, was the effect of deep divergences between the US, Great Britain...
We often talk about big resets when a type of leader wins the elections in a country with a major global influence, as was Donald Trump's...
December is the month when, since 1989, Romanians have commemorated the fall of the communist regime
The Romanian anti-communist revolution is a defining moment in the country's recent history and still subject to discussion and historical research.
“Gazeta Matematica” is the Romanian magazine with the longest uninterrupted publication
The end of World War Two in Romania and its less well-known episodes
The Romanian political elites of 1848 were influenced by the ideas of the Italian Giuseppe Mazzini.
The end of WW1, far from clearing the air, fuelled new anger and obsessions, and extreme solutions were considered the most appropriate....