Romanian without Tears, October 26
Expressing opinion

România Internațional, 26.10.2014, 12:00
Becoming familiar with various ways of expressing opinion in Romanian gives you the inopportunity to maintain a conversation on a level where communication becomes efficient.
Here are some useful expressions and phrases:
Cred ca=I think that
Consider ca=I believe that
Personal, cred ca=I personally think that
Dupa parerea mea= In opinia mea
Mi se pare ca=It seems to me that
Înteleg=I understand
Înclin să cred că= I tend to believe that
Now let us use some of the expressions in meaningful sentences:
Asta e si convingerea mea
Thats my conviction, too.
Si eu cred la fel.
Im of the same opinion.
Sunt de aceeasi părere / opinie
Sunt de acord că
I agree that…
Sunt de acord cu tine
I agree with you (informal)
Sunt de acord cu dumneavoastră.
I agree with you (formal).
Opinia / părerea mea este că.
My opinion is that..
Nu stiu ce crezi tu, dar eu.
I dont know what you think, but I (informal)
Nu stiu ce credeti dumneavoastră, dar eu
I dont know what you think, but I (formal)
That’s all we had time for in today’s Romanian Without Tears. Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us.