Language and Culture
Culture-related words and phrases in Romanian

România Internațional, 15.03.2015, 00:00
For all its (still) dire economic condition, Romania boasts a rich cultural heritage. Our daily programs proudly provide extensive coverage of events hosted by museums across the country and especially in Bucharest, the country’s capital city. And, since learning a language can hardly be separated from learning the essentials about its customs, habits and culture, starting this unit, every so often we shall take up a culture-based approach to learning Romanian.
Here is a bunch of useful words and expressions.
Colectie bogata=rich collection
Muzeu national=national museum
Muzeul National al Taranului Roman= The National Romanian Peasant Museum
Arte populare=traditional arts
Traditii populare= traditional habits and customs
Ministerul Culturii= The Ministry of Culture.
Monument istoric= historical monument
Stil arhitectonic=architectural style
Stil neo-romanesc=neo-Romanian style
And here are some sentences, in which some of the words and phrases above have been used.
Muzeul National al Taranului Roman se inscrie in familia Europeana a Muzeelor de Arte si Traditii Populare.
The Romanian National Peasant Museum is part of the European Family of Folk Arts and Traditions.
Muzeul se mindreste cu o colectie deosebit de bogata de obiecte traditionale.
The museum boasts an extremely rich collection of traditional items.
Cladirea muzeului este monument istoric.
The building of the museum is a historical monument.
Muzeul a fost construit in stil neo-romanesc.
The museum was built in a neo-Romanian style.
In 1996, muzeul a primit un important trofeu European.
In 1996, the museum got an important European trophy, the EMYA=the European Museum of the Year Award.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!