Vacancies — More than 7,600 vacancies in the healthcare system were unblocked, on Thursday, by the Romanian government and vacancy-filling contests will be organized in the medical units that have a staff shortage. Of these, 2,500 positions are for doctors. Also, 365 people can be employed in the ambulance services, said the Health Minister, Alexandru Rafila. As a result, all major hospitals that need doctors, nurses and orderlies will be able to quickly hire staff. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu stated that there will be no financial problems, especially since this year the Health Ministry has a budget higher by 40% than in 2023. The Romanian healthcare system is facing a serious shortage of specialized staff, doctors and nurses.
Ports — The European Commission approved a state aid worth 126 million Euros for investments in Romanian ports through which Ukrainian exports pass. The measure comes against the background of the increase in the transit of goods exported from Ukraine, which poses logistical problems for the activity in the Romanian ports on the Danube and the Black Sea. The financial aid for each company in these ports cannot exceed 10 million Euros or 65% of the eligible costs of the projects. The executive vice-president of the European Commission, Margrethe Vestager, says that the 126 million Euros will help Romania eliminate the blockages created in ports by the large volume of goods exported from Ukraine. Since last year, most of the Ukrainian export has been made through Romania, after Russia blocked its transit through the Black Sea.
STRIKFORNATO – Romania and Lithuania have joined the NATO Striking and Support Force (STRIKFORNATO). Romania thus became the 15th member of the most powerful NATO naval force, the Defense Ministry reports. The accession is “all the more important as this year marks two decades since Romania joined NATO”, Defense Minister Angel Tîlvăr says. Cooperation between the Romanian Naval Forces and STRIKFORNATO started over a year ago, as Romanian officers took part in activities and missions carried out by the STRIKFORNATO Command. The NATO Striking and Support Forces Command focuses on high-precision strikes, carrier battle groups, expedition units and strike groups made up of cruisers, destroyers and frigates. Its mission is to ensure security in the Black Sea region, an area of strategic importance to NATO.
MCM Black Sea — Romania, Turkey and Bulgaria signed, in Istanbul, the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the establishment of a Task Force to Counter the Sea Mines in the Black Sea, MCM Black Sea. The Romanian Defense Minister, Angel Tîlvăr, emphasized that the aggressiveness and contempt of the Russian Federation towards the norms of international law make the Black Sea not only a regional problem, but also one with global consequences. He also said that it is the responsibility of the three countries, as riparian states and NATO members, to make every effort for the safety of this sea, with the support and involvement of the allies. The establishment of a group was initiated by Turkey last year, in August. The activities are completely peaceful and are not directed against any country.
Protests — The representatives of the Romanian transporters who protested, on Wednesday, on several roads in the country, were received, on Thursday, at the Government, for discussions. Their grievances are mainly related to the prices of Liability Car Insurance policies and the increase in excise duties for fuel. The protest was not assumed by any professional organization, but the Federation of Romanian Transport Operators offered to mediate the dialogue between truck drivers and the authorities. Farmers also joined the transporters Wednesday protest. Discussions will continue next week.