October 6, 2020 UPDATE

COVID-19 IN ROMANIA – A record high number of COVID fatalities was
reported on Tuesday, in addition to the highest number of patients treated in
ICUs since the pandemic started. 73 people died in the last 24 hours, and 608
people are in intensive care. There are over 140,000 confirmed cases of
COVID-19 in Romania, while 110,000 people have recovered. Authorities have
announced new restrictions in those areas where the infection rate exceeds 1.5
per one thousand inhabitants in the last 14 days. Theatres and cinemas have
been closed down in Bucharest in addition to restaurants and bars with interior
seating. The wearing of face masks is now mandatory in the proximity of
schools. Similar measures have been imposed in other cities across Romania.

DEFENSE – The country’s Supreme Defense Council on Tuesday analyzed
and adopted a series of documents for the implementation of the National
Defense Strategy for 2020-2024, including its Implementation Plan, the
Strategic Defense Analysis and the Defense White Charter, the Presidency
reports. A strategic priority in the Implementation Plan is linked to ensuring
the adapted legal framework, including a review of all legislation related to
the organization and functioning of the main institutions with a national
security remit. The Strategic Defense Analysis introduces a new approach to the
Romanian army in terms of organization, equipment and training. The Defense
White Charter will allow the implementation of defense objectives laid out in
the governing program, by ensuring citizens’ security and defending national
territory, values and interests, the Presidency also informs. The Charter is
designed as a new strategic paradigm, with the final aim of consolidating the
country’s defense and deterrence capabilities, based on five key elements:
high-tech capabilities, highly educated and trained human resources, a robust
local defense industry, developing an organizational culture centered on
learning and innovation, and resilience.

NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS – The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics was
divided, one half awarded to Roger Penrose for the discovery that black
hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of
relativity, the other half jointly to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez
for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the center of our
galaxy. On Monday, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded
jointly to researchers Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice
for the discovery of Hepatitis C virus. The recipients of the Nobel
Prize for chemistry, literature and peace will also be announced this week. The
winner of the Nobel Prize for Economy will be made public on October 12.

ECOFIN – Romania supports the substantial funding of ecological and
digital objectives as part of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, recalling
that Member States have different particularities, development stages and
needs, Finance Minister Florin Cîţu said on the sidelines of the European Economic and Financial
Affairs (ECOFIN) Council meeting held on Tuesday in videoconference format.
According to a Ministry release, Florin Cîţu pointed out that all targets
related to climate and digitization should be adapted to the converging needs
of Member States. The Romanian official reiterated his support for rendering
the recovery mechanism operational as quickly as possible in a flexible manner.

TENNIS – The match pitting the
all-Romanian pair Andreea Mitu / Patricia Ţig against Madison Brengle of the
United States and Yana Sizikova of Russia in the women’s doubles at Roland
Garros is now being investigated by French prosecutors on suspicion of match fixing.
According to L’Equipe, an investigation has been launched looking into a
potential case of organized fraud and active and passive sports corruption
related to the match held on September 30, won by the Romanian pair. Suspicion
rose after Sizikova served a double fault in the fifth game in the second set,
which the Romanians went on to win 6-0. The French daily writes that major bets
had been placed on the Romanians’ win in this second set in several Paris-based
gambling outlets.

(Translated by V. Palcu)