September 28, 2022


ECONOMY The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has
upgraded its estimates on Romania’s economic performance in 2022 and 2023, but warns that a significant slow-down is expected next year,
according to a report made public on Wednesday. According to the new forecasts,
Romania’s economy is expected to grow by 5.4% this year and 1.9% next year, a
significant improvement from the 2.9% for 2022 and negative 1.1% for 2023,
estimated in May. EBRD is a major institutional investor in Romania, running
nearly 500 projects with a combined budget of close to EUR 10 billion.

exchanges between Romania and the US reached USD 5.4 billion last year, as
against USD 2.4 billion in 2011, according to a report released by the American
Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Romania, AmCham, as part of the U.S. -
Romania Economic Forum on Wednesday. Direct and indirect US investment in
Romania went up from USD 6.5 billion in 2019, to USD 7.5 billion in 2020. The
US is Romania’s 5th-largest trade partner, accounting for 6.8% of the country’s
international trade, and the largest outside the EU. The biggest US investments
in Romania by turnover are in manufacturing, agriculture and healthcare. As
many as 900 companies in Romania are running on US capital, ranking 3rd after
Hungary and the Czech Republic.

PLAGIARISM The University of
Bucharest says the plagiarism accusations against the education minister Sorin
Cîmpeanu must be analysed thoroughly, outside any type of pressure, by the
relevant bodies in the university in question and other public institutions. The
University condemns any measure that breaches academic ethics and integrity. In
turn, the National School of Political and Administrative Studies condemns all
forms of plagiarism and highlights that the education minister’s decision to
dismantle the National Council Attesting
University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates is not constructive and does not
contribute to a true reform of the education sector. On the other hand, USR and Force of the Right MPs, in
opposition in Romania, have tabled a simple motion entitled Romania
educated to steal. Sorin Cîmpeanu is a disgrace for education. Plagiarism
allegations against the education minister have been circulated in the media. Cîmpeanu
denied the allegations and argued that they are a move to undermine the
education laws.

JUDICIARY A special parliamentary committee on the justice laws today
carries on talks on the draft statute regulating the judge and prosecutor
professions. On Tuesday, the committee accepted some amendments brought by the
National Liberal Party (in power) and the Higher Council of Magistrates, but
dismissed all the amendments tabled by the opposition. USR and AUR parties
requested changes in judge and prosecutor secondment and delegation procedures,
and in the procedures for dismissing magistrates. The bill is next to be
reviewed by the Chamber of Deputies. This is the 3rd act in the
justice law package to be discussed by the committee, after the ones concerning
the Higher Council of Magistrates and the organisation of courts, which have
already been endorsed by the Chamber of Deputies. The Senate is the
decision-making parliamentary body in this respect.

UKRAINE Ukraine’s foreign ministry Wednesday called for a substantial
increase of Western military support, one day after the so-called referendums
regarding the annexation of 4 Ukrainian regions by Russia. The ballots have
been criticised by a large part of the international community, France Presse
reports. Kyiv also urged all countries and international organisations to
condemn Kremlin’s illegal actions in the territories occupied in Ukraine. The
pro-Russian authorities in the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk,
Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Tuesday announced the votes were in favour of the
annexation by Russia. In the next stage, Russia’s parliament is to vote on a
document making the integration of the 4 regions in the Russian Federation
official. The EU announced it would
never recognise the results of the referendums. (A.M.P.)