A new school year in Romania

A new school
year has started in Romania, this year observing special health safety measures
generated by the coronacrisis. Shifting to online classes this spring was a
temporary solution, allowing for a continuation of the school year. Everyone
understood, at the time, that the system is not a long-term solution. The
authorities had months at their disposal to come up with an optimal one, adapted
to the epidemiological context. This resulted in three scenarios. Each
schooling unit could opt for one scenario, red, yellow or green, depending on
the extent it has been affected by the pandemic. Accordingly, over 12,000
schools have opened their gates in the green scenario, where school and
pre-school children must observe full daily attendance in class. In some 5,000
schools the yellow scenario has taken effect, which means pupils in the
elementary cycle and in the eighth grade will come to school, while pupils in the
secondary and high-school cycles will attend classes on a rotation basis. The
red-code scenario has been introduced in some 250 schools, where classes will
be held exclusively online. Special measures have been taken in nursery schools
as well, so that pre-school children should be kept safe. The start of the new
school year will be ridden with challenges, pupils, teachers and parents have
agreed. In a message conveyed on this occasion, President Klaus Iohannis
expressed hope everyone would successfully overcome this difficult period:

Until we
overcome this virus that has changed everyone’s lives, you will have to observe
special measures in schools, designed to safeguard your health and that of your
loved ones. Each of you will have to opportunity to be a superhero, if you wash
your hands, wear masks and follow the directions of the teaching staff. This is
how you can protect your parents and grandparents, the latter being the most
exposed to the risk of getting sick. Dear teachers, we are all in uncharted
territory here, which is why the task ahead requires patience, flexibility and
energy. You need to tap into your inner resources and often adapt to unforeseen
situations. I am confident you will succeed in guiding our children in their
quest for knowledge, whether it will be in classrooms or online. I wish you all
the best for the school year ahead and I’m grateful for your contribution.

In turn,
Education Minister Monica Anisie said that, depending on local developments,
the three scenarios might undergo changes. The Education Minister claims there
are currently no known issues pertaining to children’s access to electronic
devices or to the Internet.

(Translated by
V. Palcu)