New coronavirus outbreaks are reported in Romania, along with an increase in the number of daily infections. Authorities say the health-care system runs the risk of no longer being able to cope with the situation. There are hundreds of Covid-19 outbreaks in Romania, most of them in care centers for the elderly or children. There are also many in hospitals, public institutions, schools and sport clubs. Following the latest developments, authorities have put measures in place, hoping to curb the spread of the coronavirus and thus diminish the number of infections, which in turn would mean less outbreaks.
The schools, high schools and kindergartens in the counties where the threshold of 3 infections per thousand inhabitants was exceeded have been closed and they only hold courses via the internet. Most major cities in the country, including the capital, are now in the red scenario. In addition to exclusively online courses for at least 14 days, the red scenario entails the mandatory wearing of a mask on the street, as in any other public space outdoors or inside a building, but also the closure of restaurants and cafes inside. Gambling halls, cinemas or theaters are to stay closed too. We should also mention that in Romania there are hundreds of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 who are in a serious condition in intensive care units, dozens of people die every day due to infections and thousands of new cases are registered every day.
Eight months have passed since the confirmation of the first case of COVID-19 in Romania. In recent weeks, the infection rate has risen across the country, while almost all beds for COVID patients are already occupied. Bucharest keeps topping the rankings, with the largest figures reported daily.According to the authorities, with regard to infection, big numbers are also reported in Timiş (west), Cluj (northwest) and Iaşi (northeast), where there are also the most numerous outbreaks. The coefficient of infections accumulated within 14 days per thousand inhabitants is maintained at over 3 in the capital, as well as in the counties of Alba (center), Cluj and Harghita (center-north). Big cities like Sibiu (center), Timisoara (west) and Arad (west) have also registered numerous outbreaks of Covid-19.
In the European context, Romania is one of the 23 European countries where the evolution of the pandemic raises concerns at EU level, both due to the daily number of infections among the elderly population in the past 14 days, and regarding the fatality rate. Actually, Romania ranks second in Europe in terms of mortality caused by the new coronavirus. According to the World Health Organization, Europe needs to speed up the implementation of the necessary measures, as its lagging way behind in the fight against the coronavirus. The WHO also warns that greater efforts must be made to protect the medical staff. The organization urges national health authorities to curb the spread of Covid-19, even in places where many outbreaks are reported, stressing that states cannot and must not give up the fight. (M. Ignatescu)