Increased fines for breach of restrictions

The Romanian citizens who do not observe the restrictions imposed through military decrees, in the context of the state of emergency required by the new coronavirus outbreak, will pay higher fines starting on Thursday. Individuals will pay fines ranging from around 410 Euros to around 4,100 Euros, while for legal entities, the fines start at almost 2,000 Euros up to some 14,500 Euros.

According to the Strategic Communication Group, the people who commute can continue to go to work on condition that they have all the documents required by law on them: a staff ID card, a certificate issued by the employer or a self declaration, which clearly mentions the persons domicile address and the address of the work place. Shopping is recommended at the shops and supermarkets near ones home and people must carry with them their ID and a self declaration. The military decree does not provide for a distance limit in relation to travelling with the purpose of taking care of ones parents, which means that people can travel to provide their older relatives from other parts of the country with food and medicines.

The decree also allows people to walk their dogs daily, while for daily physical activity or various sports, the authorities recommend the areas around ones house and not the parks, playgrounds or sports grounds. At the same time, the authorities recommend people to pay their utility bills and monthly loan installments online.

In the last 24 hours, the police have identified thousands of Romanians who have not observed the traffic restrictions imposed under the military decrees and have given fines that exceed 2 million Euros. Among the people in breach of the restrictions there are individuals who did not observe the self-isolation period or who have left the quarantine place. So far, the police have started criminal proceedings in hundreds of cases, for people thwarting the authorities effort to combat diseases. The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said Wednesday that everybody should respect the legislation on fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

Klaus Iohannis: “Since the start of the pandemic, the police have given more than 78 thousand fines, and Im telling you, the law is very clear in this regard: the law is meant to protect people and medical staff. Those who do not observe the law will pay fines. Dear Romanians, I repeat what I have always told you: observe the norms of behavior, keep the social distance, dont shake hands, dont hug other people, observe the norms imposed by the authorities.

In Romania, a state of emergency caused by the new coronavirus was declared on March 16, and, ever since, the authorities have issued 6 military decrees which impose traffic restrictions for the population. The latest decree, issued on Monday evening, quarantines the city of Suceava (in the northeast) and 8 surrounding communes, given that a quarter of the cases of COVID-19 infection in Romania are from that area. (translation by L. Simion)