Measures against failure to observe anti-COVID-19 restrictions

The Romanian Government is looking for solutions to impose stricter compliance with the rules for preventing and combating the spread of COVID -19. Therefore, the Prime Minister Florin Cîţu has announced that a law will be drafted, which provides for the suspension of the activity, for a determined period, of the companies that do not observe the measures adopted during the state of alert, which is in force in Romania at present. The proposal was made by the National Committee for Emergency Situations, during discussions with government members. The conclusion of the talks was that many companies do not take into account the restrictions in place. The Prime Minister says that the law will target only companies, further explaining that fines will not be increased, because the move has no effect whatsoever. He says that offending companies’ activity might be initially suspended for at least 2 weeks, with the period of suspension being gradually increased for those that still do not comply with the restrictions.

The authorities’ announcement comes shortly after images on social media networks showed that hundreds of young people from Bucharest were queuing in front of a fast-food restaurant that offered free burgers, in full pandemic. The owners did not observe the anti-epidemic rules, therefore the fast-food restaurant was fined. Moreover, a high-ranking officer within the Bucharest Police, several prosecutors and other people were seen attending an event in a central restaurant that should normally have been closed. The Interior Minister announced a preliminary investigation to be conducted in the officer’s case, in order to establish his guilt or the existence or non-existence of a disciplinary offense, given that the respective officer had been appointed to coordinate the actions aimed at preventing and combating the effects of the pandemic in Bucharest. The Interior Minister also expressed his appreciation for the work of the vast majority of the ministry’s employees who did their best, during this period, to limit the spread of the virus.

On the other hand, it is a well-known fact that, in the mountain resorts on Prahova Valley (center), hundreds of people are crowding at the cable transport facilities to get at the top of ski slopes, which are open in Romania. Despite the presence of gendarmes, the distancing measures are not respected, given that people are crowding. It remains to be seen to what extent the new punitive measures envisaged by the government will be enforceable, if we take into account that, last year, the Constitutional Court rejected a law that imposed severe fines on citizens for non-compliance with restrictions during the emergency period. The increase in fines at that time was challenged at the Constitutional Court by the Ombudsman, who won the case. (tr. L. Simion)