Opposition tables no-confidence motion against Dancila Government

The National
Liberal Party (PNL), the Save Romania Union (USR) and the People’s Movement
Party (PMP) are again trying to oust the left-of-center government headed by Viorica
Dancila. The no-confidence motion initiated by the rightist parties, enjoying
the support of MPs who were previously PSD members, was signed by 163 MPs. Nevertheless,
given that it takes 233 votes to dismiss the Cabinet, pundits have serious
doubts that the motion will pass. Dubbed Enough! The Dancila-Dragnea Government
is the shame of Romania, the motion was read before Parliament’s plenary
sitting by the Liberal MP Pavel Popescu, who criticized the absence from the
meeting of the Government members and of the Social Democrat leader Liviu
Dragnea. The puppet government of the criminally convicted Liviu Dragnea must
leave today! This is not a request of the Opposition, but a national
emergency!, the text of the motion says. The organized crime group headed by
Liviu Dragnea, who took over power in Romania, has weakened the state in order
to subordinate it, at a time when we need to be strong, more than ever before.
We firmly and responsibly state that national interest is at risk if the
country is further ruled by this crime group that destroys the rule of law and
dynamites Romania’s political and economic stability, the motion also reads.

The document’s
signatories are warning the MPs of the parties in power and of the Democratic
Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania (UDMR), who has a collaboration protocol
with the ruling coalition, that, if they again try to save Liviu Dragnea they will
bear a historical responsibility on their shoulders, for choosing the PSD
leader to Romania’s detriment. Predictable enough, the motion’s main target is
Liviu Dragnea, the mastermind behind PSD, who has received a final sentence and
is under investigation in several other criminal cases, who is regarded as the
coordinator of efforts to subordinate justice and of deviations from the rule
of law. The Opposition, however, is harshly criticizing PM Viorica Dancila and
her Cabinet members as well, who they blame of being incompetent and of
postponing until after 2021 all commitments taken under their governing

To vote Yes -
the Opposition says in the text of the motion – is to vote for Romania, for
rescuing the country from the claws of the thieves and the incompetent, who
drain its resources and make its people poor. Prove that you want liars and
impostors out of Romanian politics. Prove that you want Romania to be
represented next year, at the EU Council, by a government of ministers that we
are not ashamed of, that you want to see the country safe from a predictable
economic disaster.

No Government
representative was present in Parliament to react to the statements of the
Opposition. The MPs representing the ruling coalition have not yet decided if
they should come in Parliament and not cast their vote or if they should come
and vote against the motion. Last week PM Dancila said she trusts the ruling
parties so she is not worried about the outcome of the vote. UDMR, the party
that could tip the balance of power, seems not to support the motion in the
absence of a clearly defined political alternative and of a proposal for prime

(Translated by E. Enache)