Ever since the first days of the year, a number of
professional and social categories in Romania took to the streets to voice
their discontent with the way the center-right coalition Government has been
managing some of the hot topics on the public agenda. Protesters are asking for
decent wages, fair pensions, quality public services, fair taxes and the
rightful application of the legislation. Amidst heated political debates
regarding the 2021 state budget law, trade unions with the Sanitas Federation
on Monday staged a rally in front of the Finance Ministry building. They are
disgruntled with the low budget allocated to healthcare this year, which is
unfair not just due to the ongoing COVID pandemic, but it is also an immoral
act against Romanian citizens. Trade unions say healthcare should get 9% of the
GDP, as all Romanians need a public health system that can save them from
SARS-CoV-2, treat their chronic illnesses and ensure emergency health
eservices. One of the protesters explained what prompted him to come to
Bucharest all the way from Cluj.
We are unhappy with the inequities stipulated in
the Government’s budget by slashing bonuses or freezing salaries for various
categories of workers. At the start of its mandate, the Government promised
they wouldn’t touch the salaries of health workers or their bonuses.
Equally discontented are workers in the hospitality
sector. Employers in this field have called on the Government to pay the compensations
they were promised last year, considering this sector reported a 70% drop in
its activity. They also ask the Government not to scrap holiday vouchers for
public sector employees. Dragos Anastasiu, the coordinator of the Coalition for
Romania’s Development:
The industry is suffering right now, and we need
the support of the number one stakeholder in every company, namely the Romanian
state. We find it unacceptable to make firm promises, including by introducing
legislation, without keeping them.
Finally, trade unionists with the Cartel Alfa
National Confederation have joined the chorus of protests against the
Government’s current economic and social policies. The unionists have been
staging protests since January 14. Cartel Alfa representatives say the burden
of austerity measures will weigh heavy on workers and pensioners, with
considerable effects on vulnerable population categories with lower incomes.
(V. Palcu)