Srecko Trglec, Slovenian journalist, about Radio Romania

Srecko Trglec, Head of the Regional Centre Maribor of the Slovenian Radio-Television, declared its concern about the intended modification of the Romanian public Radio and Television Act, in an exclusive statement for Radio Romania Internationals Florin Orban:

“Radio Romania is the flagship of the Romanian media on European level… With a well known audience of more than 4.5 million listeners, it is one of the most important media in Europe. That is the reason for which, when it is about international projects, like, for example, Euranet Plus, where we are together since many years, since 2008, Radio Slovenia and Radio Romania, the Romanian Broadcasting Corporation is considered from many years already a valuable partner. So, if the company is working well, having a stronger and stronger audience, having balanced revenues and costs and enjoying of such good international prestige, I don’t see the reason why to change the rules of the game…”