The Pitesti-Sibiu motorway

The project to build the
Sibiu-Pitesti motorway will continue, and the Romanian authorities will submit
all clarifications requested by the European Commission in due time, so that
the funding request should unfold within normal parameters, Transport Minister
Lucian Bode has said. The Romanian Minister said this is the biggest road
infrastructure project in Romania funded with EU funds. The total value of the
project stands at 1.3 billion euros, of which 85% is due to be disbursed by the
European Commission. Representatives of several government institutions on
Monday convened for a joint session at the Transport Ministry to draft a
response to questions from the European Commission over the impact of the
Sibiu-Pitesti motorway on the environment, which is a prerequisite to the
non-reimbursable financial assistance from the EU.

The Commission demanded
clarifications over the impact the motorway might have on some protected
natural areas to be crossed by the motorway. The timetable for the completion
of the motorway will also be presented, in addition to the implementation of
the management plans at national level and the establishment of goals to
preserve wildlife species in the protected areas in question. At least 11
protected natural areas located over the course of the motorway need concrete
preservation measures that Romania hasn’t adopted yet, the Commission recently

Former Social-Democrat Transport Minister Razvan Cuc recently published
a conversation between the Transport Ministry in Bucharest and the European
Commission, showing that Romania has not taken concrete preservation measures
for several protected natural areas, especially concerning a bug species listed
as endangered. Under these circumstances, the Commission could suspend its

In turn, current Minister Lucian Bode accused the previous Government of
not submitting an explanation to the European officials in due time, saying the
funding cannot be suspended as the sum hasn’t been disbursed yet. Minister Bode
said an environment permit for the construction of the motorway was released in
2018, adding that 1 in five segments of the motorway, linking Sibiu to Boita,
has a signed contract, with construction works due to start in spring. Segments
4 and 5 are in the evaluation or challenge phase, while segments 2 and 3 have a
more complex status, considering they are in the mountainous area and are due
to be taken up for auction. Lucian Bode pointed out Romania is not the only
country the Commission has asked for clarifications over large infrastructure
goals, Poland and Bulgaria having received similar requests.

(Translated by V. Palcu)