The State of Alert extended in Romania

Returning to the normality
prior to the pandemic has been put on hold in Romania. Upon a request from the National Committee for
Emergency Situations, the government of Romania has decided to postpone for
another 30 days the state of alert in this country. Periodically renewed, this
state has been in force since May last year, after two months of emergency caused
by the raising concern about the novel coronavirus. So, people over 5 years old
must still wear masks in indoor and outdoor spaces, in the streets, parks, offices,
shops and public transportation.

Social distancing and personal
hygiene rules remain highly recommended. Interdictions concerning meetings,
street rallies and concerts are still in place and so do the rules over staging
cultural, artistic and sporting events. People are banned from attending
sporting events while cinemas and theatres are allowed to function only at 50% of
their capacity.

Cinemas and theatre halls remain
closed if the rate of infection in a certain region exceeds three to one thousand
inhabitants in 14 days. Outdoor and indoor religious services are allowed with
the observance of prevention rules.

In the following 30 days, interdictions
regarding celebrations and parties in indoor and outdoor facilities remain in
place, and so does the night curfew limiting travels between 23 and 5 hours.

People going to jobs or to offer
assistance to the elderly and handicapped are exempted from the curfew
regulations provided they can produce a sworn statement.

After a first stage of the national
vaccination campaign destined for the medical personnel, a second stage is
expected to kick off later this week involving the elderly, people with chronic
conditions and employees in Romania’s key sectors of activity. Experts believe
that collective immunity cannot be obtained unless 60-70% of the country’s
population is immunized.