Adjectival agreement in Romanian

Romanian is
an inflection-rich language, so we bring you the basics on
adjectival declension, in the hopes that getting the form of an adjective right
improves your command communicative competence in Romanian.

As usual, we begin with a series of
useful words and phrases:

Un scriitor talentat/o scriitoare
talentata a talented writer

Un prieten minunat/o prietena minunata
a wonderful friend.

In the genitive-dative, the forms are
as follows: unui scriitor talentat/unei scriitoare talentate

Unui prieten minunat/unei prietene

Now let us use some of these words and
phrases in meaningful sentences:

Un scriitor
talentat va reusi intotdeauna sa-si publice opera, oricit de greu ar fi.

A talented writer will always succeed
to get his work published, no matter how hard that might be.

Unei scriitoare talentate ii este usor
sa vorbeasca despre opera sa in public.

A talented woman writer will find it
easy to speak about her work in public.

Mihai este un
prieten minunat ; el iti va spune intodeauna unde gresesti.

Mihai is a wonderful friend. He will
always tell you when you are wrong.

Pantru baietii ei,
mama lor a reusit intotdeauna sa fie o prietena minunata.

For her boys, their mother has always
succeeded to be a wonderful friend.