Adverbial usage in Romanian

Word order and adverbial usage are still a stumbling block for a non-native speaker of English. Things are the same with a foreign speaker of ROMANIAN, so our lesson, as an absolute first in our series, offers you the basics about adverbs and how to use them in Romanian.

Here are some words and expressions:

Barbateste= manly/manfully/like a man

Frateste= brotherly/ fraternally



Copilareste= childishly

Ruseste= Russian


Please note that most of the Romanian adverbs above have a suffix -este, which is being added to nouns denominating human beings or human attributes.

Now let us use some of the words in meaningful, communicative patterns:

Bunicul meu a fost in stare sa suporte greutatile vietii barbateste.

My grandfather was able to endure the hardships of life like a man.

Iubirea fratesca nu prea este apreciata in societatea globala a zilelor noastre.

Brotherly love is not much appreciated in todays global society.

Potrivit Conventiei de la Geneva, prizonierii de razboi trebuie tratati omeneste.

According to the Geneva Convention, prisoners of war must be treated humanely.

Barbatii indragostiti se poarta adeseori copilareste.

Men in love quite often behave childishly.

Cind eram elev de liceu, stiam sa vorbesc ruseste destul de bine.

When I was a high-school student, I could speak Russian quite well.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!