April 19, 2014

Today’s topic will be the celebration of Easter and related words.

Lets begin with some new notions:

Easter = Paste

– holiday = sarbatoare

– to fast = a posti

– Lent = Postul Pastelui

Good Friday = Vinerea Mare

Palm Sunday = Florii

mass = slujba

lamb = miel

– hallowed = sfintit

– Holy Week = Saptamana Mare

Now, let’s use these words in sentences.

Easter is the most important Orthodox holiday.

Pastele este cea mai importanta sarbatoare ortodoxa.

Many people fast before Easter.

Multa lume posteste inainte de Paste.

Lent is the longest fasting period of the year.

Postul Pastelui este cel mai lung post al anului.

We will go to church on Good Friday.

Vom merge la biserica de Vinerea Mare.

People named after flowers celebrate on Palm Sunday.

Oamenii cu nume de flori sarbatoresc de Florii.

People are gathering for mass.

Lumea se aduna pentru slujba.

On Sunday we are having lamb.

Duminica mancam miel.

The faithful eat food hallowed by a priest during Holy Week.

Credinciosii mananca mancare sfintita de preot in Saptamana Mare.