At the Swimming Pool

It’s getting warmer outside, so were going to hang out at a swimming pool.

Let’s begin, as always, with a few new words.

pool – piscina

to swim – a inota

water – apa

sun – soare

sunny – insorit

bathing suit – costum de baie

umbrella – umbrela

sunglasses – ochelari de soare

towel – prosop

Now let’s make some sentences.

Let’s go to the pool.

Hai sa mergem la piscina.

But I can’t swim.

Dar nu stiu sa inot.

Don’t worry. The water isn’t very deep.

DNu-ti face griji. Apa nu este foarte adanca.

We’ve had a lot of sun this week.

Am avut parte de mult soare saptamana aceasta.

It’s a beautiful sunny day.

Este o minunata zi insorita.

Grab your bathing suit and umbrella and let’s go.

Ia-ti costumul de baie si umbrela si hai sa mergem.

You should also get your sunglasses.

Ar trebui sa-ti iei si ochelarii de soare.

Don’t forget to bring a towel.

Nu uita sa iei si un prosop.