Basic discourse markers in Romanian will have to be correctly used if you want to express more complex language functions in this language, such as agreeing and disagreeing.
Here are several useful words and phrases:
In ceea ce ma priveste=as far as I’m concerned
A merita=deserve
In afara de asta=besides
Uniunea Scriitorilor= Writers’ Union
Sint perfect/intru totul de accord cu tine=I perfectly agree with you/I couldn’t agree with you more
Now let us use some of the words and phrases in meaningful, communicative patterns:
In ceea ce ma priveste, nu cred ca volumul merita premiul Uniunii Scriitorilor pe anul 2015.
As far as I’m concerned, I don’t think the book deserved the Writers’ Union Award in 2015.
Nu cred ca o calatorie cu autocarul pina la Istanbul este foarte usoara. In afara de asta, biletele de autocar s-au scumpit in ultimele luni.
I don’t think that a trip by coach to Istanbul is very easy. Besides, coach tickets have become expensive in the last couple of months.
Mi-ai spus saptamina trecuta ca viata in Romania este foarte scumpa. Sint perfect de acord cu tine.
Last week you told me life in Romania is very expensive. I perfectly agree with you/ I couldn’t agree with you more.
Pe de alta parte, a te muta intr-o tara straina nu este atit de simplu.
On the other hand, relocating to a foreign country is not so simple.
Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!