Buying fruit

Romanians are obsessed with diet, and staying healthy largely depends on the amount of fruit you eat, so in this lesson you will be presented with words denominating fruit.

As usual, we start with several useful words and phrases:






visina=sour cherry






Now let us use some of the words and phrases in meaningful, communicative patterns:

Visinele sint ideale pentru prepararea unei salate de fructe racoritoare.

Sour cherries are ideal for making a refreshing fruit salad.

Bautura traditionala facuta din prune sau pere este cunoscuta drept tuica in Romana.

The traditional plum brandy made of plums or peas is known as tuica in Romanian.

You can buy the best apricot jam in the supermarket across the street.

Poti cumpara cel mai bun gem de caise in supermarketul de vizavi.

Fratelui meu ii place sa manince capsune cu zahar.

My brother likes to eat strawberries with sugar.

Ciresele sunt fructul meu preferat.

Cherries are my favourite fruit.

Ananasul este fructul ideal intr-o cura de slabire.

The pineapple is the ideal fruit in a slimming diet.

Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!